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Sarfraz Notes

Intermediate Part 11
Smart Syllabus
1. Life in a Big City
2. A Visit to a Historical Place
3. My Hobby
4. Pollution
5. My Favourite Personality
6. Why I Love Pakistan
7. Corona Pandemic in Pakistan
8. Technical Education
9. My Aim in Life
10. Computer: a Blessing or a Curse
11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phone
12. A Cricket Match
13. Science and Society
14. Women’s Place in Our Society
15. Education for Women
16. Corruption
17. Curbing Child Abuse
18. Importance of Muslim Unity
19. Rising Prices/Inflation
20. Drug Addiction

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

1. Life in a Big City

“God made the country, man made the town.”
The modern industrial development has given rise to big town and cities.
Nowadays the growth of cities is incredible. Most of the villagers are migrating
from villages to cities in search of jobs and other modern facilities. City life has
its own advantages as well as disadvantages. It is both a blessing and a curse.
Life in a big city is very attractive and luxurious. A large number of
facilities and luxuries are available there. The modern facilities of
communication and transportation are available in big cities. People can travel
from one place to another without the waste of time. Telephone and mobiles has
made communication very easy. There are many parks and picnic spots where
people can enjoy their leisure. It is rightly said, “A city never sleeps.”
“Day is night, night is day
It is my dear city’s way”
There are many schools and colleges in the cities. Young boys and girls
can easily get education. The students do not have to travel long distances. There
are many universities as well where the students acquire higher education.
There are many hospitals where the people are cured of dangerous diseases.
There are more job opportunities in the big cities.
Life in a big city is very busy. There is great hustle and bustle over there.
In the morning, the roads are crowded with motorcycles, cars, vans and buses
carrying people to their work places. There is a great noise of horns and engines
of vehicles. Many people who have no conveyance have to face great difficulty
to reach their offices due to rush of traffic.
“If you want to see color, festivity and gaiety, you should be a part of a
Life in a big city is very entertaining. There are many means of entertainments
in cities. There are cinema houses, theatres and gymnasiums where the people
go during spare time to enjoy themselves.
City life also has some problems. Pollution is one of them. The atmosphere
of the big cities is polluted and unhygienic. It is hazardous to health. The city
people suffer from different fatal diseases due to this pollution. Water pollution
is also increasing in the big cities. Many diseases are caused due to
contaminated water. The population of the cities is increasing day by day. Many
people don’t have their own houses. They are unable to find a house. They are
living on rent.
In short, city life has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. The
government will have to take measures to make the city life more comfortable
and peaceful. The population and growth of cities should be checked. The rush
of traffic should be controlled. The problem of pollution must be checked if we
want to make city life healthy and peaceful.

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

2. A Visit to a Historical Place

“Old and historical places have souls in them”
Historical places are a great asset of a country. They acquaint us with the
culture, customs and traditions of our ancestors. Pakistan has many historical
places which attract a lot of tourists from all parts of the world. Lahore, the heart
of Pakistan is full of historical buildings such as Lahore fort, Shalimar Garden,
Tomb of Jahangir, Bara Dari, Badshahi Mosque, Minar-e-Pakistan and many
other buildings. They are all very beautiful and attractive.
“Historical places designed with creativity and love become more
beautiful with your loved ones.”
Last Sunday, my friends and I made a program to visit the Shalimar
Garden. We hired a taxi and reached there at 9 o’ clock in the morning. It was a
very pleasant day. Cool breeze was blowing and we were much exited. The whole
garden was surrounded with a solid wall. We took tickets and entered the garden
through the main entrance. We were spellbound to see the beauty of the garden.
There were many green patches having flower beds on all sides. Many colorful
flowers were blooming all around. Their fragrance was spread everywhere.
There was a cemented footpath in the middle of the garden decorated with
beautiful tiles and having wonderful fountains. It was very refreshing to see the
clean and shinning flowing in the pools.
There were many shady trees in the Shalimar Garden. Many birds were
twittering in those trees. There was a beautiful terrace in the middle of the
garden. From there, we saw the lower patches of the garden. There was a great
pool having many fountains. The terrace was decorated with beautiful and
artistic designs. The whole garden was presenting an enchanting and a
fascinating scene. It is really a fine piece of Mughal architecture.
“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.”
We sat in the lower garden for a while. We ate some eatables and drank
cold drinks. After that we strolled for an hour and refreshed our eyes with
greenery spreading all around. Many people were sitting there and enjoying the
beauty of that wonderful garden. There were many foreigners as well. It was
getting dark now. We returned home at about 7’o clock in the evening. It was
really a wonderful trip. The memory of this visit will always remain fresh in my
“We are not makers of history. We are made by

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

3. My hobby
“All work and no play make jack a dull boy” is a famous saying. Good
students don’t keep themselves busy in their studies all the time. They adopt
some useful hobby to refresh their minds. A good hobby provides mental and
physical recreation. It provides us joy and peace of mind. It protects us from
idleness and boredom. We know that an idle brain is a devil’s workshop so we
should busy our brain in some healthy activity during our spare time. A good
hobby prevents us from many evils. It is a healthy way of spending our leisure
time. It is rightly said, “A hobby a day, keeps the doldrums away.”
There are as many hobbies as men. Everybody adopts a hobby according
to his taste. I am a student of 2nd year. I pay due attention to my studies but I
spend my free time on my hobby. My favourite hobby is gardening. I belong to a
village and farming has fascinated me since my childhood. I have reserved a
piece of land especially for that purpose. I have divided this land in different
patches. I have grown many vegetables and flowering plants there. Whenever I
get spare time, I go over there and tend these plants.
“Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.”
There are many rare and precious flower plants in my garden. I take great
care of them. I water them daily. I trim them and keep them in good form. I never
let any weed or bush grow there. Almost all the seasonal flowers can be seen in
my flower beds. They present a pleasing scene to the eye. I have planted a great
variety of roses. Yellow, white, red and pink roses are blooming everywhere in
my garden. I often talk to my beloved flowers. They provide me company in my
spare time. They are my best companions.
“He who plants a garden, plants happiness where flowers bloom so does
Gardening has provided me great knowledge about different species of
plants. I am always on the lookout for the new varieties of plants. I visit plant
nursery on Sunday in order to buy some new kinds of plants. My family
members also encourage me. They provide me every kind of support to improve
and adorn my garden.
I invite my friends to have a view of my wonderful garden. They
appreciate my skill in gardening. It fills my heart with pleasure. Following my
example, some of my friends have also started gardening. Now a competition
has started among us. Everyone is trying to give best look to his garden.
Gardening is a very useful and healthful activity. This hobby keeps me in
touch with nature. It provides me inner calm and satisfaction. I shall suggest the
other students to adopt this hobby.
“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.”

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

4. Pollution
“Be a part of the solution; not a part of the pollution.”
Pollution is one of the great problems that are being faced by humanity all
over the world. It is a great danger to the survival of life on earth. It is a world-
wide problem. Not only the Third World countries but the developed countries
are also facing this problem.
There are many causes of pollution. The smoke from factories and
vehicles is one of them. This smoke carries many poisonous gases which cause
severe harm to plants, animals and humans.
Burning of wood and charcoal for household and industrial purposes is
also a cause of pollution. Many industries and factories discharge their waste
materials into nearby streams and rivers which cause water pollution. For the
last few years, water pollution has devastated the marine life. Many fish and
other sea animals are dying rapidly.
Household garbage especially the plastic bags are a major cause of land pollution.
Many people throw their household garbage in the streets which create nuisance
in the area. The plastic bags block the sewage system and dirty water starts to
flow in the streets. The stagnant pools of dirty water are the breeding places of
In big cities, the noise pollution has destroyed the peace of mind of people. City
roads are crowded with vehicles all the time. The engines of these vehicles
create irritating noise. The use of pressure horns and tape-recorders is also a
cause of noise pollution. There are many factories whose machinery fills the
atmosphere with a teasing and unbearable noise.
These different kinds of pollution are causing many diseases among people. The
atmospheric pollution has damaged the ozone layer which saves us from the
ultraviolet rays of the sun.
“If you don’t kill pollution, it will kill you.”
There is a need to take immediate steps to minimize pollution in the world if we
want to save our future generations from its devastations. We should cut the use
of fuels such as petrol and other chemicals. More trees should be planted. The
exodus from villages to cities should be banned in order to control population of
the cities because increase in population directly increases pollution.
“Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.”
To conclude, the general public should join hands with the government to handle
the menace of pollution.
“Stopping pollution is the best solution.”

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

5. My Favourite Hero
My Favourite Personality My Favourite Poet
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
“It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your
Everyone has an ideal in life whom he wants to follow in order to achieve
greatness and dignity. The history of the world is full of many great heroes who
brought revolutionary changes in different parts of the world. Allama
Muhammad Iqbal is also one of those heroes. He is the one who gave the idea of
Pakistan in his famous address at Allahabad in 1930.
Allama Iqbal is my favourite hero and poet. He was born on 9th of November, 1877
in Sialkot and got his early education from there. He passed his Intermediate
Examination from Murray College Sialkot. He did Masters in Philosophy from
Government College Lahore. He was a great philosopher, thinker and poet.
Allama Iqbal is my favourite hero because he aroused the Muslims from their
slumber through his inspiring poetry. He wrote verses in Persian and Urdu and
inspired the youth of India to struggle for the independence of their homeland.
He united the Muslims of India under the banner of the Muslim League. He
became the President of the Muslim League because of his true devotion and
dedication. It is rightly said,
“History is determined by great men.”
Allama Iqbal was a true Muslim. He loved Islam. He revived the Islamic spirit
and traditions through his philosophy and poetry. He was an upright and
dauntless Muslim. He urged the Muslims to forget their differences and unite
together as a single Umma. Allama Iqbal wrote many books. Bal-e-Jibrael, Javed
Nama, Piam-e-Mashriq and Armughan-e-Hijaz are his famous and most
prominent collections of poems. He gave the idea of “Khudi” in his poems.
This great leader and poet died on April 21, 1938. His work will never die. It will
remain alive in the hearts of Muslims all over the world.
Happy is the one who belongs to history during one’s life time. Allama Iqbal was
also one of those people. He was given the title of “The poet of the east” for his
wonderful poetry. I really admire his efforts and devotion. I am trying my best to
act upon his ideas and dreams. He was such a great hero as can never be born
“Strong flowers decay but great names shall never fade away.”

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

6. Why I love Pakistan

“Love of one’s country is part of faith.”
Everyone loves and respects his dear homeland. The passion of patriotism is
natural to every human being. It is the nature of a man to love his country.
Patriotism means the act of loving one’s own country. It means not to hesitate
even to sacrifice one’s life for the protection of one’s homeland.
I am also a true patriot and love my country from the core of my heart. The name
of my country is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It came into being on 14th August,
1947. I love Pakistan because it is my dear homeland. It is the place where I was
born and brought up. I live in it. It provides me all the necessities of life. Our
forefathers struggled very hard to get this country for us.
I love Pakistan because it is an Islamic country. It was created in the name of
Islam. It is the dwelling place of pious people who lead their lives according to
the golden principles of Islam. They lead a simple and united life. They are very
social and hospitable. They help one another in the time of difficulty. They are
honest and peace loving people.
“He who loves not his country can love nothing.”
I love Pakistan because it is a beautiful country. It is a heaven on earth. It is full
of many beautiful and enchanting sights. The Northern Areas of Pakistan are
worth watching. People from all over the world visit these areas and appreciate
their natural beauty
I love Pakistan because of its culture, traditions and customs. Its culture is full of
diversity and variety. Many fairs and festivals are celebrated over here. It is a lot
of fun to be the part of those fairs and festival. There is a lot of entertainment in
my dear homeland. One never gets bored.
I have great love for my country because it is the land of saints and mystics.
There are many shrines and tombs of these saints in different parts of my
country which are the centers of religious devotion and teachings.
In a nutshell, Pakistan is the most beautiful and charming country in the world
so it is natural to love it. Besides it has given me everything I need. It is just like
my mother and everyone loves his mother.

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

7. Corona Pandemic in Pakistan

Corona virus is a type of virus that causes respiratory illness. It is also called
novel corona virus. The disease caused by this virus is called COVID-19. This
diseases appeared in Wuhan, the city of China, in December 2019. Gradually, it
changed into a pandemic and spread all over the world. Up till now, more than
80 million people have been infected with this virus causing almost 1.8 million
deaths. Our dear homeland, Pakistan is also badly affected by this infectious
Novel corona virus emerged in Pakistan in February 2020. On 26th February 2020,
two confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in Karachi and Islamabad. Since
then, the disease has spread gradually enveloping the whole country. On 18
March, cases had been registered in all four provinces and by 17 June, each
district in Pakistan had recorded at least one confirmed case of COVID-19. The
country was put under a nation-wide lockdown from April 1 and extended twice
until 9 May. Smart lockdown was also imposed in some areas where positive
cases were increasing rapidly.
June, 2019 saw the climax of this diseases. On 15 June, daily new confirmed
cases reached their peak, with 6,825 new cases recorded. Since then, the number
of confirmed cases have declined gradually. During the first week of July, the
number of active cases stabilized and started showing a significant decrease.
The government of Pakistan handled this situation very wisely and smartly and
controlled this viral disease in a short time.
But, the attack of this viral disease was not over. The people became relaxed and
did not continue the precautionary measures. Due to the non-serious behaviour
of the people, the second wave of COVID-19 started at the end of November, 2019.
The number of positive cases started to rise once again. All the educational
institutes have been closed since 26 November Now, Pakistan is under a heavy
attack of second wave of corona virus disease. Almost two to three thousand
positive cases are being reported on daily basis. Almost one hundred people are
dying on daily basis due to this fatal virus. Up till now, more than 4, 70,000 people
are confirmed to be infected with corona virus. Ten thousand people have died
due to this infectious disease. The Punjab and the Sindh are hard hit areas of
Pakistan. Thirty nine thousand people have died in the Punjab. Pakistan stands
at 28th position in the list of badly affected countries of the world.
There are many reasons of behind this increase in the cases of COVID-19. Low literacy
rate and general lack of awareness have created non-seriousness among the people.
They do not pay attention to social distancing and hand hygiene. The high population
density in major cities of Pakistan is also facilitating in the spread of virus. There is a
need to act upon the precautionary measures if we want to defeat COVID-19. People
should limit their social activities. They should wear mask while going out. They

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

should wash their hands on regular basis. If we adopt these simple measures, we can
easily overcome this viral disease.
“Stay home, stay safe.”

8. Technical Education

“Science is a key which unlocks for mankind a store of nature.”

Technical Education provides training of skills and information to deal with
tools and machines used in all fields of life. Its main objective is to produce
skilled workers for better performance at their job places. They are trained to set
up and use modern technology in their professions. It enhances not only
personal skills but also the job opportunities of the people. It ensures self-respect
and dignity of labor in society. Technical Education also helps to free society
from unemployment, child labor, street crime, begging and other social vices.
“Dexterity is better than philosophy.”
In the present age of science and technology, vocational and technical education
is very much important to meet the need of the time. Technical experts are
needed to run and maintain machines and tools is every sphere of life. The
economic prosperity of our country also depends upon its skilled workers. Rapid
economic growth is only possible with the use of computer technology of
modern hardware and software. It needs qualified technical experts to set up and
run modern technology in the field of trades, commerce, agriculture, and
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”
It is the age of global market. Our agricultural and industrial products do not meet
international standards of quality. It is due to outdated technology, non-technical
staff, and unskilled workers in all fields of life. Our educated people are unable to
get a good job not only in Pakistan but also abroad because they lack technical
expertise. As a result, there is great distress among educated people in the
country. Technical education is lacking in Pakistan. Our schools and colleges
produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our youth hankers after office jobs.
They dislike to work in factories and hate to learn practical skills. This is why
unemployment is on the rise in the country. Poverty in Pakistan is due to the
neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources, but
we cannot enjoy the advantages only because we are not equipped with any
technical knowledge.
Technical education also helps to solve the problem of unemployment in our
country. A comprehensive plan of vocational and technical education should be
introduced at the national level. It should be started at the higher and secondary
levels. The youngsters should be guided and motivated to understand the dignity
of labor and get vocation and technical education to meet the challenges of the

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

present time. Especially, women should be encouraged to share the economic

burden of society by getting vocational and technical education. In this way,
skilled workers will be able to get the job easily. They can also manage their own
setup and earn their bread.

9. My Aim in Life
My Ambition in life My Dream in
The Profession of My Choice
Aim is the essence of life. It is like a guiding star. It gives right direction to our
efforts and energies. Life without an aim is just like a flower without fragrance.
The people who do not have an aim in life can never rise to the height of glory. It
is rightly said,
“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”
There are as many aims or ambitions as are men. Some want to be doctors. Some
wish to become engineers. There are many who wish to be teachers and poets.
Some are keen to become army and civil officers. But the aim that suits the
nature of a man is the best for him.
“Great ambition is the passion of a great character.”
My aim in life is to become a teacher. I got this incentive from my father who is
also a teacher. I am really inspired of him. I have been dreaming to be a teacher
since my childhood. I love this profession. I believe that teaching is a noble
profession and a teacher is the builder of nation. The future of the coming
generation rests upon his shoulders. A good teacher polishes the character of the
young students under him. He develops in them the virtues of honesty,
truthfulness and sincerity.
“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is a day with a great teacher.”
I want to be a teacher because it is a worthy & respectable profession. Imparting
of education is the best job according to Allah and our beloved Prophet, Hazrat
Muhammad (SAW). An honest and devoted teacher can create a respectable
place in the society. A diligent, devoted and dutiful teacher is a happy augury for
the future of a nation.
My aim is to eradicate ignorance from my dear homeland. I want to bring
revolution in the field of education. My heart sinks when I see the deplorable
condition of education in our country. Our literacy rate is still not up to the mark.
I have great plans to reform the deteriorating education system.
Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the social and financial status of teacher is declining
day by day. Many teachers have become money-minded. They have defamed
this profession. But, I shall try my level best to bring this profession back to its
traditional glory.

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of
I know that it is not easy to aspire to one’s aim. One has to burn midnight oil to
achieve one’s ambition. I am also striving hard to become a teacher. I am
concentrating hard on my studies. My intentions are good so I am sure God will
help me to achieve my ambition.

10. Computer: A Blessing or a Curse

Computer is an electronic device. It was invented by an English
mechanical engineer and Mathematician Charles Babbage in the early 19th
century. Since then, computers have evolved very quickly. Nowadays, computer
has become a necessary device in every field of life. It is being used in industry,
agriculture, education, markets, sports and health.
Computer is a great blessing. It has eased the life of modern human beings.
It has saved them from long hours of labor and hard work. It helps you organize
your data and information. It provides a great help in storing and reproducing
large amount of data. Modern day computers have great storage capacity.
Computers have provided great help to students. Nowadays, students can
solve all kind of Mathematical problems on computer in a very short time.
Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of
homemade flash cards. The invention of internet has turned this world into
global village. The students can get information on all subjects through internet.
They can attend online lectures and seminars on computers. They can prepare
their assignments and save their lectures on computers.
“Access to computers and the internet has become the basic need for
education in our society.”
Computers are being used in banks. All kind of transactions and billing
are done on computers. Airlines and Railways use computer technology in
generating tickets for the passengers. The departure and arrival timings of
planes and trains are also updated through computer technology.
Computer is a blessing for the medical profession. Doctors use computers
to diagnose different diseases. Laboratories use computer technology to perform
various tests. Computers are also used in the treatment of diseases. They help
doctors to make research and discover new vaccines and drugs.
Computer technology is also being used in the production and
preservation of food. Now, we have a large variety of food items. We can easily
store our food for a long time. Computers have improved our communication and
transportation. Now, we can communicate with our near and dear ones anytime
and anywhere in the world. It has provided us lot of entertainment and
knowledge. It has made our life very busy. Someone rightly said,
“I had a life once. Now I have computer.”

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

In a nutshell, like every invention, computer also has some disadvantages.

But they are just like a pinch of salt in flour. We cannot call computer a curse
because it is the source of all the progress that took place in the world. If human
beings use it wisely and intelligently, it can be a source of great happiness for the

11. Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phones

Mobile phone is the greatest invention of modern times. It is no less than

a blessing for the human beings living all over the world. Almost every person
of the world is enjoying the benefits of this miraculous invention. It has some
drawbacks which are very few compared to its advantages.
There are many uses or advantages of mobile phones. It has made
communication fast and easy. In the past, it was very difficult to convey a
message from one place to another. But now we can communicate very easily
and get an immediate response. We can talk to anyone, anytime and anywhere
in the world. It is very easy to trace a person with the help of mobile phone. It has
shortened the distances among the people of different countries. We can send
short messages, pictures and funny animations through mobile phone. Mobile
phone is a portable device that can easily be carried in hands or pockets.
“As long as you have a cell phone, you are never alone.”
The invention of mobile phone has brought a revolution for the
businessmen. Now they can deal business matters quite easily. Many
transactions are done on mobile phone. We can say that mobile phones have
played a key role in the modern economic world. Mobile is also a source of
entertainment. We can play different games and watch movies and songs on the
mobile sets. We can also take pictures and record movies with its help. The
internet facility is also available on the mobile phones.
“My cell phone is my watch, camera, flashlight, calculator and so
much more.”
No doubt mobile phone is a great invention but it has some disadvantages.
Too much use of mobile phone is a source of vulgarity among the young
generation. Some boys tease and disturb the ladies without any motive. They
keep on making miss calls which irritate many people. Obnoxious and immoral
messages and ring tones are being sent from one mobile to another. Some
students take the mobile phones to school and colleges and create disturbance
in the class room. Some of them keep on playing with mobile sets and do not pay
attention to their studies. Careless use of mobile phone can cause serious
accidents. Some drivers use mobile phone while driving and cause serious

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

Many rumors and misinformation are also spread with the help of mobile
phones. It is rightly said,
“Cell phones are so convenient that they are an inconvenience.”
To sum up, every scientific invention has its uses and abuses. It depends
on us how we use it. The positive use of mobile phone makes it a great blessing
whereas its negative use makes it a curse.

12. A Cricket Match

“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.”

Cricket has become a very exciting and popular sport nowadays. One Day
Internationals provide lot of fun and entertainment. A large number of spectators
come to watch and appreciate their favourite teams and players.
A very interesting and thrilling cricket match was played last month
between India and Pakistan in the Ghaddafi Stadium Lahore. I also went there
with some of my friends to watch that close contest. When we reached, the
whole stadium was full of spectators. They were shouting and raising slogans in
favour of their favourite team. The match started at 9 o’ clock. Pakistan won the
toss and elected to bat.
Babar Azam and Fakhar Zaman opened the innings. Bhuvneshwar Kumar
bowled the first ball of the match. Fakhar Zaman hit two magnificent sixes in
the second over. He reminded me of the saying, “A gun is no more dangerous
than a cricket bat in the hands of a mad man.” Unfortunately, he was caught in
the slips in the third over. Muhammad Hafeez joined Babar and played some
brilliant shots. Both players played solidly and the runs came in slowly but
surely. M. Hafeez got run out in the 20th over when the score was 85. Shoaib Malik
came and entertained the spectators with the sensational stroke play. He hit the
bowlers all over the ground. He hit three sixes in the over of Jadeja. He was
caught in the deep after scoring brilliant half century. Babar also got out cheaply
after scoring a steady knock of 65. The next two players did not contribute much.
Shadab Khan played some superb shots down the order. The whole side was
dismissed for 264. It was now lunch time. We ate some snacks and drank some
cold drinks.
The match was resumed at 1: 30 p.m. Rohit Sharma and Agarwal opened
the innings from India. Shaheen Afridi started the first over and bowled some
brilliant deliveries. Both the batsmen could not play him confidently.
Muhammad Amir did not bowl well. Rohit Sharma hit some wonderful strokes.
He took advantage of the loose deliveries of the Pakistani bowlers. Agarwal got
out in the 7th over. Kohli joined Sharma and played steadily. They took the score
to 150. Both scored brilliant fifties. The pressure was increasing on the Pakistani
team. I remembered the words of Great Imran Khan,

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

“Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India- Pakistan

match, the pressure is doubled.”
Wahab Riaz came to bowl in this pressure situation. He bowled brilliantly and
took the wicket of Sharma. The crowd was on their feet. It was the turning
point of the match. After that no batsman was able to face the swinging
deliveries of Shaheen and Wahab. Four wickets fell in quick succession. India
needed 50 runs in ten overs but they had only two wickets. They lost the match
by only 20 runs. It was really a thrilling game. I will always remember that
splendid match.

13. Science and Society

Man is a social animal. He loves to live in a society in the company of other

human beings. Science has helped man a lot in developing a better social
environment. It has blessed man with abundant luxuries and facilities. It has
brought a revolution in the social level of modern human beings. We are enjoying
a lot of benefits of science which our forefathers would never have dreamed of.
“Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding
Modern society owes its advancement to science. Scientific method is being
used in every walk of life. Science has not only benefited the rich people but it
has also eased the life of poor people. Even a layman cannot deny the advantages
of science.
Science has benefited man in a number of ways. It has conquered time and
space. Hundreds of inventions have been made in every field of life in the last
few centuries. The greatest benefit of science is the discovery of medicines. The
discovery of vaccines and antibiotics has saved man from many fatal diseases.
Many dangerous diseases have been wiped off the world. Scientific instruments
are being used in surgery and the diagnosis of diseases. It is rightly said,
“Society lives by faith and develops by science.”
Science has eliminated our social distances. It has improved our means of
communication. It has changed the world into a global village. Now, the whole
world has turned into a single society. The invention of telephone and mobile
phone is no less than a miracle. Now, we can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere
in the world. We can also send our messages through mobile phones. The facility
of internet has brought a revolution in the life of modern man. Now we can get
any information from internet in a few seconds.
“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”
Our means of transportation have also been revolutionized by the use of
science. It has shortened distances. In the past, the means of transportation were
very slow. Traveling was done on foot, horseback, camels, carts etc. It took a long

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

time to travel from one place to another. Now the scientists have invented rapid
means of transportation. Motorcycles, automobiles, trains and aero planes have
made traveling easy, comfortable and fast.
Science has also done wonders in the field of agriculture. The use of scientific
method has improved the production and quality of foods. Different methods are
being used to produce the new varieties of foods. The invention of agricultural
machinery has saved man from strenuous work of farming.
It is true that science has brought many comforts in our life but it also has
some negative effect on the society. Science has helped man to invent new
weapons which are a great threat to human society. Industrialization is the root
cause of pollution in the world. Science can be a great blessing for our society if
we use it for the benefit of mankind, not for its destruction.

14. Women’s Place in Our Society

It is a truth universally acknowledged that women are as important for

the development and progress of a society as are men. It is a famous saying, “The
hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” The lap of mother is the first school
for a child. A child learns everything from his mother. So the role of woman in
the modern world is every important.
Before the advent of Islam, women were not given their deserving place in
the society. Most of the parents buried their daughter alive because they thought
the birth of daughter a bad omen. Islam raised the status of woman equal to that
of man. They were given a respectable place in the society. For the first time in
history women felt secured and glorified. They enjoy equal rights and benefits.
Islam is the pioneer of women rights. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) granted women a
privileged place.
The modern world has become a global village. The duties of every
individual have increased. Only men cannot handle the affairs of their families
and societies. Women make half of the world population and without their co-
operation; the world will not be able to make progress. Their role in every sphere
of life will make this world a better place.
“Women are the real architects of society.”
In the modern scientific world women are working shoulder to shoulder
with men in every field of life. They are performing their duties as doctors,
engineers, teachers, journalists, newscasters, scientists and civil officers. Even
in Pakistan, a large number of women are engaged in different important jobs.
They are free to lead their life according to their own ambition and choice. It is
true that our society is a male dominant society and men try to influence their
will on the women. But this attitude is being depreciated with the passage of

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

“A successful woman is the one who can build a firm foundation with the
bricks others have thrown at her.”
To sum up, the active participation of women in different fields of life
makes a nation strong. We have to consider the importance of women and give
them all the opportunities if we want to enjoy our rightful place in the comity of

15. Education for Women

Education is very important for everyone living in the modern society. It is only
education by which we can differentiate between animals and human beings. It
teaches us how to live in a society. Therefore, education is essential for both men
and women. Napoleon said,
“Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized,
educated nation.”
In past, women did not receive any education at all. They were not allowed to
come out of the four walls of their houses. They remained busy in their domestic
chores from dawn to dusk. But now we are living in the 21st century where there
is no difference between men and women. A society cannot prosper without the
active participation of women in every field of life. Therefore, proper facilities of
education should be provided to women so that they can play an effective role in
the society.
“Educate a woman and she will change the world.”
We know that women give birth to children and train them. An educated woman
can be a much better mother than an uneducated one. She can train and raise
her children in a better environment. It is a reality that the lap of a mother is the
first institution for a child. He learns everything from his mother. An educated
woman can solve all problems of his children and family. She lays the
foundation of an educated and civilized family. If women are educated, the whole
society will be educated. It is rightly said,
“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman,
you educate a nation.”
Women make up almost half of the population of the world. Without their
education, the world cannot be a happy and peaceful place to live in. Educated
women prove to be good daughters, loving wives and a caring mothers. They can
play all these three roles in a sensible and an effective manner. Education
enables them to make their parents, husbands and children truly happy.
Educated women are very helpful in promoting domestic and social peace.
Our religion Islam urges every individual whether man or woman to acquire
knowledge. It lays great stress on the education of women. It has given many
rights to women as daughters, wives and mothers. There is a need to pay proper

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

attention towards the education of women. They should be encouraged to get

higher education and play an active part in their society. The government should
establish separate schools, colleges and universities for women especially in the
rural areas so that they can easily and freely get education.
In short, education of women is a vital necessity in the modern world of today.
We have to take immediate steps to facilitate women so that they can get proper
education and lay the foundation of a civilized society.

16. Corruption

Corruption is a form of dishonesty undertaken by a person to get illicit

benefit. It also means the misuse of power for one’s private gain or interest. It
reflects greedy and selfish behavior. It is one of the social evils. It eats away the
roots of a society like termites.
“Corruption is the mother of all evils.”
It promotes many other social evils. Nepotism, bribery and favoritism are
the children of corruption. Whole world is facing the problem of corruption in
almost every field and at every level. Most of the people are not honest and true
in their dealings. Everyone is trying to feather his own nest. Politics is the main
victim of corruption. Most political leaders are corrupt and they are playing main
role in spreading corruption all over the world.
First of all, Bribery is the most common method of Corruption. Bribery means
to give money to some body in order to get illicit favor. Bribery has penetrated in
every department of our life. No one is ready to do anything without getting some
money. Even a watch mean takes bribe to fill his belly. Everyone from a high
official to a layman indulges in bribery. It is promoting many crimes in our
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Adulteration is also a type of corruption. It means to mix sub-standard
goods in the high standard goods. Our religion Islam forbids from this sin but we
don’t care about it. We are playing with the health of people in order to get
personal benefit. Most of the eatables are mixed with such chemicals which are
very dangerous to human health.
Another form of corruption is favouritism or nepotism. It is quite an old form
of Corruption. It is still being practiced all over the world. It refers to a person
favouring one’s own relatives and friends to jobs. This is certainly a very unfair
practice. This is because many deserving candidates fail to get jobs.
There are many reasons of corruption. Greed and selfishness urge a person
to involve in corruption. Materialism has turned man into a machine. He only cares
for himself and gets ready to do illicit acts for his personal gains. Inflation is also a
cause of corruption. Many people are unable to meet their expenses with the salary

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

they receive. They indulge in illegal practices to make both ends meet. Poverty and
unemployment also promote corruption. The poor implication of laws also helps in
the promotion of corruption.
“The worst disease in the world today is corruption. And there is a cure:
If we want to eradicate corruption from our society we will have to follow
the teachings of Islam. Every person will have to make an effort to discourage
corruption at every level. There is an urgent need of controlling inflation and
raising the salaries of the officials and workers so that they can easily meet their
expenses. Severe punishment should be given to corrupt people. The
Government and all the political parties will have to join hands in order to save
the future generation from the dangerous effects of this evil.

17. Curbing Child Abuse

Child abuse is a physical, sexual, or psychological maltreatment

or neglect of a child, especially by a parent or a caregiver or any member of a
community. Child abuse is one of major problem faced by many children around
the world. Children can be abused by different people like parents, strangeness,
and member of their families, teachers and other children at school or in the
community. Child abuse can be categorized into four types: physical abuse,
psychological abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Each type has different causes
and different effects on child life and on the community. The causes can be due
to poverty, family stress, abuse of substances and psychological problems.
Child abuse has increased to a dangerous extent during the last few years.
Small children are being maltreated in different ways all over the world. It is the
need of the hour to curb child abuse as quickly as possible because it is causing
great threat to our future generations and society. It is not an easy task. It needs
proper awareness and implication of laws.
It has been observed that many cases of physical and sexual abuse of
children are being reported every other day. In most of the cases, the children are
abused by their own relatives or neighbours. Most of the abusers are uneducated
and jobless teenagers, young adults and addicts. To curb such cases, we have to
pay proper attention to religious and social teaching of our youth. There must be
a ban on the use of drugs. Strict implication of laws is also very essential to curb
such incidents. Severe punishment must be given to the sexual abusers. They
should be hanged at public places to make them an example for others. It will
create fear among the people and stop them from indulging in such activities.
The parents and teachers can play a significant role in curbing child
abuse. The parents should pay proper attention to their children. They should
have friendly relations with their young ones. They should not let them go out

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

alone. They should advise them not to take anything from strangers. The
teachers have great responsibility in this regard. They should teach children
how to avoid abuse and remain alert.
Many children are abused physically by their employers and step parents.
Many children have been mistreated by the owners of the houses where they
work as servants. Child labour is also a cause of maltreatment of children. Many
employers beat their child employees mercilessly. The best way to curb these
incidents is to impose a ban on child labour. There should be strict laws against
the employers who mistreat their employees.
To conclude, child abuse is a great curse. It can destroy our future
generation and its values. The government has to take solid measures at all
levels to exterminate this evil from the society.

18. Importance of Muslim Unity

Islam is the religion of unity and peace. It teaches unity and discipline in
every field of life. Unfortunately, the modern Muslims are divided into different
sects and forgotten the spirit of Islam. Therefore, they have been living like
slaves in different parts of the world.
The unity of the Muslims is the need of the hour. Only unity can bring
them the glory that they enjoyed in the past. All the Muslim countries of the
world should forget their differences and unite together. It will make them
powerful and strong and help them to win their just rights. It will raise their
status in the comity of the nations.
It is a known fact the only the practice of the teachings of the Holy Quran
and our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬can develop unity and
brotherhood among the Muslims. The Muslims should be united in the religious
field. Their belief in Allah and the Holy Quran is the true basis for their unity.
They should not allow the differences of sects to affect it. The Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
“Verily, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the
other,” and the Prophet clasped his fingers together. [al-Bukhari]
This hadith highlights the importance of supporting one another during
times of need willingly and sincerely. It also involves expressing a sense of joy
and pleasure when helping one another, seeing it as an honour to be ab le
to fulfil someone else’s need.
The Muslim countries should try to make joint arrangements for their
defense. Almost all of them are surrounded by powerful enemies. They can
become a world power if they all come to have a joint defense system. The
Muslim countries should co-operate in the economic field as much as possible.
It means that they should have common industrial and trade policies. One

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

Muslim country may easily use the capital or funds of another richer country for
setting up factories and industrial plants. The raw materials of one country can
easily be used in another.
Politically, the Muslim countries should have common policies. They should
support each other in world bodies like the United Nations (UN). They should
offer full support to a country that has a any dispute with another country outside
the Muslim world.
The Muslims must strengthen their Organization of Islamic Countries(OIC). They
should make it an effective platform to discuss their problems and find out their
solutions. It will play a vital role in diminishing their difference and developing
unity and love among them. It will bring them closer in the political, economic
and cultural fields.
To develop unity, all the Muslim countries should have a common language. It
would help them to share their views and feeling with one another. There should
be a free exchange of scholars, writers, teachers, scientists and students between
them. The radio, television, films, newspapers and magazines (the mass media)
can play a useful role in bringing Muslims closer.
To conclude, the unity among the Muslims is inevitable if they want to revive
their lost glory and splendor. They will have to forget all political, sectarian,
regional and geographical differences if they want to become a strong nation.

19. Inflation

Inflation is a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular

country resulting in a fall in the value of money. In other words inflation is a
situation in which the demand for goods and services exceeds to the available
supply. According to a man in the street inflation means a general rise in the
Now-a-days inflation is a world-wide problem. The poor are suffering
everywhere due to the high prices of goods and services. It has become difficult
for them to make both ends meet. Inflation is a burning question these days and
every country of the world is trying to control it.
“Inflation is a sin; every government denounces it and every government
practices it.”
There are many causes of inflation. A sudden increase in the circulation of
money causes inflation. The supply of goods becomes less than the money in
circulation. The demand increases resulting in the shortage of goods. This
situation results in the high prices of commodities.
Natural calamities such as flood, famine and drought can cause inflation. They
have direct effect on the production of a country. Flood and lack of rain destroy
the crops and livestock. The scarcity of agricultural products gives rise to

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

inflation. War is also a cause of inflation. It always creates a situation in which

the supply of goods becomes zero resulting in high prices.
“Inflation is a sin without legislation.”
Overpopulation is another important cause of inflation. The gap between the rate
of production and that of population increase is becoming wider and wider. The
population of the world is increasing rapidly whereas the production of goods is
increasing at a much lower pace.
Another cause of inflation is the general rise in the standard of living of the
people. With an increase in their income, they create the demand of goods and
other luxuries which results in high prices of things. “Inflation makes the
wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.”
Pakistan is facing the problem of inflation since the Indo-Pakistan war in 1971.
The government of Pakistan had to devalue its currency to rebuild the economy.
Since then Pakistan has been unable to control inflation.
There is an urgent need to control inflation as early as possible. In fact all
countries should take joint steps to check inflation. The countries and nations
should work together to increase production and keep prices at a proper level.
The rise in world population should be checked. Imports should be reduced and
exports should be increased. The use of luxuries should be avoided. Inequality
between the life standards of the rich and those of the poor must be minimized.
The circulation of money should be controlled
In a nutshell, we have to minimize inflation as much as we can if we want to
save our future generation from its bad effect.

20. Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means continuous and habitual use of harmful drugs for
mental and physical pleasure. Drug addiction has become a global issue. Many
people take these drugs to feel happier and better about themselves. People
belonging to different age groups are using drugs all over the world. The
teenagers are more involved in drug addiction and this has ultimately destroyed
their life and ruined the future of the country.
“Drug addiction destroys life, tears apart families and hams society.”
Children and adults completely destroy their lives by using different drugs
without even thinking about their families and life. They spend a large amount
of money on buying drugs. They also use illegal means to get that money. They
start stealing money from their home in order to satisfy their desire of getting a
drug. This makes them shameless and out of control. They do not respect their
elders. They become immoral and valueless.
Drugs like cocaine, opium, marijuana, and heroin are some of the deadly
drugs that are consumed by a large number of people around the globe. These

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Sarfraz Notes

dangerous substances make the brain produce a chemical, called dopamine that
makes us happy. Producing large amounts of these causes the person to take the
drug consistently. Such type of drugs damages our bodies every day and makes
us weak and vulnerable to deadly diseases. Sometimes, the drug addicts lose
their patience if they don’t get the drug on time. They start crying and screaming
as they don’t have control over their senses. Their everyday behaviour is
changed completely.
“Drugs take you to hell disguised as heaven.”
There are various reasons behind this overuse of drugs. Some of which
include family and personal problems. Many people start taking drugs because
of their personal and professional problems. Joblessness, poverty and social
uselessness are also some of the reasons of drug addiction. Sometimes domestic
violence and child abuse are the major reasons behind drug addiction.
Unfortunately, drug addiction has penetrated into educational institutes. It has
destroyed the life and future of young students. They are well-aware of its ill-
effects but they cannot stop using it.
Drug addiction is life-threatening. We have to take sound steps to
eradicate this evil from the world. First of all, there should be complete ban on
the sale of dangerous drugs. The people who are involved in drug trafficking
should be given severe punishment. There should be rehabilitation centers
where drug addicts must be treated freely. Media should create awareness
among people about the harmful effects of drugs and discourage the use of drugs.
“We realize that drug addiction is a sickness but actually it is a crime.”

Prepared By:
Prof. Sarfraz Shahzad
Assistant Professor of English
Govt. Degree College for Boys, Shalimar Town, Lahore

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