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No matter how brilliant and invaluable your idea, it is worthless unless you can share it with

others. For this reason, effective communication is crucial at every level of an organization.
However, the ability to communicate effectively does not come easily to many people, and it
is a skill that requires practice.

We begin practicing our communication skills even before we learn to walk. A newborn child
communicates by crying, but it slowly learns to mimic its parents' speech. Eventually, the
child discovers that certain speech patterns elicit different responses; one of the joys of
parenting is trying to decipher the meaning behind certain "words." Does "baaaaaw" mean
that the baby wants his ball, his bottle, or his blanket? Slowly, through trial and error, the
child learns to manipulate sounds to get what it wants, and as the child develops, this active
oral practice leads to more nuanced and fluid conversations. In short, the child learns
effective communication.

To effectively communicate a complex idea, however, requires skills beyond elementary

conversation. There are two golden rules to remember and follow.

Golden Rule #1: Organize thoughts in your mind before sharing them with others.

One idea often prompts a torrent of others. In order to share your ideas, you must first
shape them coherently. Organization is important, because it creates a pattern for your
listener, allowing him or her to grasp the larger picture intuitively. This allows the listener to
focus on the details of your message, without struggling to understand how you went from
Point A to Point B.

As a thought experiment, imagine that a colleague has asked you for directions to the
airport. Write them down. Your directions will probably look something like:

* Drive west half a mile on Aurora.

* Take a left on Madison.

* At the third light, turn right and follow Dexter for 2-3 miles.

* Get on the interstate, heading south.

* Etc.

Now, with a pair of scissors, cut each line of instructions into a small strip of paper. Jumble
the strips up and arrange them in a completely random order, then give them to your
colleague. Even with mixed-up directions, s/he should have no trouble reaching the airport,
right? After all, your directions are complete and accurate. Not a single step is missing.

The problem, of course, is that your directions are also completely unorganized, rendering
them useless. Your colleague will find it impossible to focus on your message itself, because
he or she will struggle to follow your message's structure (or lack thereof).

Golden Rule #2: Communication is collaborative, not competitive.

Thrusting your idea on others mars the beauty and integrity of conversation.
Communication is in some ways like a dance; each partner plays off the other, basing his or
her steps on the other person's, while simultaneously maintaining a certain amount of

Communication is a two-way process involving an exchange of ideas. If you try to make it

one-way, you prevent this exchange and will eventually frustrate the other person. You may
also frustrate yourself, if you read the other person's lack of verbosity as disinterest in the
conversation, rather than an inability to get a word in.

The hallmark of effective communication is the coherent verbal projection of your ideas, so
that your listener receives the message that you intend to send. By observing these two
rules, you will reduce miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Benefits of Effective Communication in the Workplace

If a manager is able to communicate their ideas clearly, so that employees definitely know what is asked of them, the
subordinates will, consequently, perform their jobs correspondingly. On contrast, an aggressive way of managing
reports results in employees’ getting more and more frustrated, often guessing what their real faults were.

A good style of management, as well as a positive approach to communication, ensures that an employee and a
supervisor understand each other, and are more effective at the workplace.

Effective communication in the workplace provides employees with a clear understanding of what is demanded from
them, with knowledge of what to do and what to expect. For organizations, such a communication style creates
effective performance of the staff, and, consequently, increases customer loyalty and profit.

here are a multitude of problems in business that are caused by ineffective communication. Misunderstandings,
conflict, giving your company a negative image, lower productivity. Communication skill is the life blood of successful
business enterprise and it takes many forms; internal and external, in writing, on the phone and in person. 

Effective communication within a company between departments and individual colleagues is essential for a
productive working environment. Just as clear and professional communication with clients is imperative to secure
and maximise business opportunities. This article deals with the fundamental principles of effective business
communication skills. 

There are many elements that constitute effective communication. One of the primary considerations is the selection
of the most appropriate method or medium. If you are communicating something which requires traceability then an
email or letter can be best, while other conversations are much better had face-to-face and can appear impersonal
and lackadaisical if carried out in writing. 

Every small piece of communication that comes from a company speaks volumes and makes an impact, whether it is
good or bad, hence attention to detail is a major communication skill. Many organisations take for granted the ability
to communicate effectively in writing or on the phone, however many employees might not have received specialist
training in these disciplines. 

Communication skills training is essential as it provides a safe environment in which to review how a company and
individuals within that company communicate, using expert guidance to develop those skills. Communication skills
such as building a non-intrusive relationship swiftly on the phone, expressing oneself clearly and professionally in an
email, or presenting in public with confidence can be improved by applying practical techniques and strategies. 

One of the best starting points for the process of developing communication skills is to examine your existing style,
exploring how it affects others and might be improved. 

Although being direct and strong can be a good quality in some business situations it is essential to know who you
are communicating with and be able to adapt your style to match theirs, it can have a disproportionate affect on a
more sensitive member of the team or client. Equally, someone who appreciates a direct approach may not respond
well to somebody being fluffy or giving lots of detail. 

Your chances of winning new business are hugely affected by the communication skills of you and your team.
Proposal writing is an essential skill that can increase your client base and revenue if executed correctly, or lose you
new business if done incorrectly. 

The key is communicating your core values, products and services in a clear, convincing and persuasive way meets
the requirements of the potential client and is relevant to them. Similarly, a live sales pitch must be delivered with
impact, confidence and clarity while being very focused on the needs of the client and what you can do to respond to
their requirements. 

The only way to uncover a potential clients requirements is to establish a strong relationship by taking a genuine
interest in their company and building rapport. You can then demonstrate more effectively how your proposal will
benefit their structure, systems and procedures. 

Communication skills need to be developed on an ongoing basis: especially in a turbulent economic climate. By
outsourcing this to an external consultancy you can build strong foundations of effective internal and external
communication that achieves lasting results.

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