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Zachay AP Environmental Grace Solberg

Atmosphere Medieval Warm Period (MWP)
Layer of gases surrounding Earth. A period of approximately 300 years from A.D.
950 to 1250 when Earth's surface was
considerably warmer than the normal that we
Barometric Pressure experience today.

Atmospheric pressure given in units that are

the height to which a column of mercury is Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
raised by that pressure. (PETM)
A period 50 million years ago when the
Climate concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide
was higher than it is today, and the Earth was
The representative or characteristic conditions free (or nearly so of polar glaciers)
of the atmosphere at places on Earth

Polar Amplification
Climate Forcing
Processes in which global warming causes
An imposed perturbation of Earth energy that grater temperature increases at polar regions.
balance major climatic forcing’s associated
with global warming.

General Circulation Models (GCMs) Atoms with unstable nuclei that undergo
radioactive decay.
Consists of a group of computer models that
focus on climate change using a series of
equations, often based on conservation of Stratosphere
mass and energy.
Overlies the troposphere and the atmosphere
from approximately 20-70 kilometers above the
Greenhouse Effect Earth.

Occurs when water vapor and several other

gases warm the Earth's atmosphere by Troposphere
trapping some of the heat radiating from the
Earth's atmospheric system. The atmospheric zine from the surface of the
Earth to an altitude of approximately 20
kilometers above the Earth
Greenhouse Gases
The suite of gases that produce a greenhouse Weather
effect, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and
water vapor. What is happening in the atmosphere over a
short time or what may be happening now in
terms of temperature, pressure, cloudiness,
precipitation, and winds?

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