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iin; ucation Trust Niversal College of Engineering o.<(- 1 APCS —BOX IRDER rl ACoulr mutt’ coulecl preaturstecl COntiete box giicler deck ftp be clei thi Crouing Thi propeicd budge cletk t ‘ | tivo ctntfnuous Apans ecuns} Som. The road widdh 35m _ with -foothaths.|.25m_ on each Ale. The box. irder_ pled lo haw 4 Celt am widt and I IRC-Class A @ || vehive leading Design. dive cetlulor bid deck Aiclopling M1 nucle Feai5 HY5D has wand high. Jieniie Cte swonde of i2 mm Nameler (0 fi it Datg :- dwo tonHnuow spans 4 sim bath. (l= 50m). Gs =2mx 2m s See With 125m foot paths on Zithor Aide of Hoadwoy o Wearing coat = somm “chick tes | ub = 300mm fo house 29K=I5 Areal net ancho (24 stuands of js7mm > in Nomm > cables ) pies 4 op and hottom slabs = 300mm Loss R = 0.8 M30 Cade concrete. Fe 4i5 - HYSD bap - High tensile strands 5.2mm Femi ro ee . Hey eas ve 50m 50m (a) Continuous bridge (1.25: 75 my £300 T T T T i i i i i H(i '] goer} tye 900 I I | [1400 iL yi I I i i tds —— i i =| 5300 fet 2 me 2 me 2 m2 mt ‘2000+! ‘ (© Cross-section of web girder T if - i 300 1 i 0 m > (b) Cross-section of deck gale Web. = =a for Aour'ing tt anal “jeu ssinet 5y0 ton + Mi = 160 +150 = 200mm || osectfon puso 5 peulirA ef symmetrical uth girders wes Or uHonal aE =A = 162m? = 0.94 m4 tt Sey yh a ZiP rs Zhai wi O.QAueNONNaM 3, a 4 3 nol gla Panel ae (Q)~ DL Cae = _1X1X0.3%24 =3.20 kNim* Bal aati 4 We = 0-08 x22 = 1-96 kN/m? || Tota Dead Wegne ag = 9. kNIm> ill. 0.\04 0.042, 0.047 0-036 I it t | *—am am, 2m 2m 2 a a a2 Z Wc. [ose / IRC - Class AA Tracked Vphicte 1.01 m—>] 2m Web of |<—~ Box Girder 116.4 KN Y [1.01 m—] PaaennetLanh”(-sieanemneme| | 300 -» universal Colteye of Engineering 03. a Zfieuive width of df pesfon of wheel dhrough Wc. — W= 085 + (2x0-08) = |-0lm w= ae + (2x0 08) I = 3J6m @ | Avg. intensity of wheet_and Impact factor 25 X 350 “ 3-46x1-01. = 11520kN]Mm*> Q = 115-20 xlol- ha = \16-4 kN OAL 0.160 Ko.n0 0.183 : c 4 4 a + am am +—F 1 Mmax @ middle of end span = 0.210 p-L (4ve) = 0.210 XN6:4X2 = 489kNm BMymax @ peur Mate Jupport = O.181@-L ae) = OMGIXNG4X2 = 48:13 kN-m ne | Overall dentin adopied = 300mm. a Mu = OR fy Astd fh = forty fuk A42xIDe = O81 X4ISXA Lxahex} x4) 1o00x 25Dx Ast = 2034 mm*> Provide 90 mm bas @ 150mm “ce as main 4p. and 12mm $ ‘bars @ Isomm Cle as distibutedt He. Wie) Check for wii made anear stwengta = = [o.i2k (Sop ck)? wd whene , K= 14 [200 2 200) W200 = 1.84. IL d " 250 land). Ast 0.02 be bw-d. = 2094 t 1o00x 25D _ = 0008 < 002 3 veac =[012%1-89 (80x 0.008 x60) °° J] * Clovox2605 141.6 x1000 N 1Q16kKN > W9-3KN Hente safe 4] pesign of web girder a Ovad load bending moment ands hear forces Me conHnuow hdx gfrclor & tucated aan anomh © —lanre of I dockins Sith web G4 funtion of mafre giudler dey nie © gone = (2x03x24) = 14.40kNIm?2 Sat weight = (1X1X92) = 1-46 kNIm2 an Woad = 1616 Sey weight &{ Slab = 14x0.3x24 = 10.08 KNIm2 “Total load on eath. T gird, “9 = (2x 1616)+10:08 = 43kNIm. r = 13438 kNm MgB =O15 gL = 0125 x43 Roe MgD = pongl? = 0. 0F1X43X 50> = 3633kNM Dead \vad shear & maximum near dhe mid dupport My 0.62qL =0.62X43X50 = 1333 KN A D 0.125 oe ee C [2 : = To eee wr emygimocr my, pate! =—=—= x ? ra - = baitder. May. 11 reaufon o b IRC Class AA Lutickec) ven{ue load Aang ed +0 have max. ecrenritity Let Cenbere{ Cathe the idle fatck 444, ie [ : :: ¥ a ie a I Rp = fwaut = 055 W. = 055X400 = AS5RKN ye * Q = 385 kN “this load a oveua lengyh of dhe 1 ae itudina ditecton ts nos Honed At she tentie ob two Apan Lon Hnwow beam. 6m, 385 KN A D. ic BO ge 1 “The 1 pending moment wopidents po nas bead Wt _ moments In” “Wo _apan con tinuoue fam niversal College of Engineering o:<(-——7-5 d.(b) Ate ( ecHfon. | Dend too] five load [Service | winnaar (Luni SE SE load. SF | load sF | (V4) (vq) vas vq) | (1-36Vq 4 5Vq) a 1 Middle: 1333 392. 105 2354 kN Section (@)_tnek for _mitimum secon modulus at sealvice Ipods At_mid support secHon MgB = 34 98 kKN-m Mae = 1986 KNW. Mas = MgB + Mop = 13438 +398) = 17419 kN-m Spr = hfe = dw. = 08x20 — 0 = 16 N)mm* ees 1 fing = Siw 4 Mg hn ape 1343 0-8X 0-44 x 109 | = 19-86 Nimm* | 73+ 8 engineering 2)" rail te. fn ath cable - 2TADR X 265 = 5424 KN vi i fini af f c P= 3x8000 = 150p0 kN A f fy cal iz H Arn of 23 Strands in each canle = 24%140 a = 3780 mm?. Ap = 8X 3480 = 11340 mm? The cables dre arranged ina poranol. concordant: ie profile 50 ¢hat dhe “ cenwofd of the Group of Cables. With @.= ton mm_ towards top £fE pre at Maid support at B dnd. @ = 350mm. tpwards. she. {i+ at mid- span section p. The cenmoid of- cables 15 Conien tric. a4 dhe. end supports A and lg | nin | al | i act & | T 7 50m p = = —— ee ‘ee i ohiel A | oi =f = Pe + Mus 9:25 -558 48.2 = 11.94 Nin! eat 2 Wh = P 4 Pe —Mg = 9.254+9:53-8:12 = 6-A\N| mm? e y iS ee At seuvite stage. rj = np -NPe +Mq + Mig, - 0:8(4.25-558)+ $12 44.54 A ie 7 2. l| = 19-626 Nimm> th — HP 4+ nfe Mg =Mg = 0-8 (4.25 45-58) - 8-12 -4-54 A Za Zz a =~ 0.826 Nimm> : Negligible) : (2) Mid support sec Hon I P= I5000kN, @= Joomm_ A= 162%10 mm* 2= 0.94 x\o® mm3 H > 08 re 13438 kN.m ig = 3981 KN.M. = Ape = 045 fox (b-bw) De fp. = 045 X60 xX (2000-900) 300 1862 i = 4445.24 mm? Apw = 11340 - 4395.24 = 3944-42mm?- i Apw Ep | 3944-42X 1862 = 0.30 i pwd fck. 3.00 X BS0 K 60 i 181443 - Table W. fon 0.85 and au = 0.568 {084 -fpu d ‘pb = 0.85 X0-84 x 1862 = 1346-94 Nimm* QU) = 0.58 x 300-=4164+-4 1275 = 464-25 mm Mu= fppAw (d= 0.4290) + 0-45 fk (b-hw) Dé Cd -0.5 De) = 1396-94 % 3944.92 (1345 -0-42 ¥167: 25) + II 0-45X60X (2000 -300) x 300 (1395 - 0.5x 300) = 2286 -4x10© Nemm = 22586.4KN-m. 216551 KN. Mm (Hence safe) Vedic fea | Ma? kaseplaa ty Pela © A but" = 300x32m002 . 2xip!'mm*: rE S Ps 300x1000 xipp0 = _150x10° mm?- 2 fey far A es = 2-64 tm IE ©_|[sp = np. 08 xisop0xio* _ 1-40 Nimmo Ac 1-62X10 6 = 4e = 4X400 te = BUTk 0-056. 50x 1000 Vede = s 264° + 1X 3:40X 2-6 Loox 10 +_0-8X 1000x107 X0:056 & = 2446x108. N = 2146 kN < 2354 kN | ¥ | ¥ v 7 300 “> 300 rf | caean SIT # 12-160 # 12-300 °7700 4 {PUL +2000 e=350 1fP 200 #12-160 #12-200 x 24 4200 AV? ‘ ‘ <. [i] = 300 = 300 \ * I i F (a) Mid-span section (b) Mid-support section

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