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Mittal School of Business (MSOB). Faculty: POONAM

Course Code: MGN235. Section: Q1915
Date of Allotment: 25 Jan 2021


Topic - Students have to explore the online and find out latest 3 innovation happen in any of
the given area. (Product Related, Process Related, Market Related R&D)

Bachelor of Business Administration

(Information Technology)



Submitted By :

Name of student: Shivam Tripathi

Registration Number: 11900954

The word “innovation” is derived from the Latin verb innovare, which means to
renew. In essence, the word has retained its meaning up until today. Innovation
means to improve or to replace something, for example, a process, a product, or
a service. In the context of companies, however, the term needs a definition. In
the complex context of business, a definition is needed.
Innovation allows organizations to sustain growth and business improvements
over a continuous and consistent basis. Innovation may appear in the form of a
new product, feature, operational process or a business model. Many forms of
innovation depend upon the ability to execute creativity and optimize business
processes. While product innovation may appear as a popular form of
improvement, new products tend to lose their impact soon after mass adoption
in the market, which is rather fast-paced for products perceived as truly
innovative. As a result, organizations need to resort upon alternative forms of
innovation that can sustain market disruption over the long term. For instance,
business model innovation tend to solve key problems in the market for a
prolonged time period and are readily adopted among leading enterprises to
sustain growth.

Consider the
example of
AirBnB and
Uber. Both
switched the model to a crowd-sourced, platform-based service delivery model.
Fostering this form of corporate innovation allowed these startups to emerge as
global enterprises as they are today.
Latest 3 Innovation

1. Microscale 3D printing

2. Smart wind and Solar power


Microscale 3D Printing

Microfabrication is the process of fabricating miniature structures of micrometer scales and

smaller. Historically, microfabrication was first
used in the electronics industry to miniaturize the
size of devices. In fact, over the years, you might
have noticed your electronic devices have been
getting smaller and sleeker. Component sizes that
were in tens of micrometers became single-digit
micrometers, and then hundreds of nanometers,
and then went down to a few tens of nanometers,
where they stand today. As a result, what used to
be called microfabrication was rebranded as
nanofabrication, although the governing principles
have remained essentially the same. To meet the challenge of shrinking component size in the
electronics industry, new tools and techniques are continuously being developed. One of
these techniques is microscale 3D printing. So what applications are enabled by
microscale additive manufacturing? And more generally what are the benefits of micro 3D
First of all, we should note that in the world of additive manufacturing, the electronics
industry is one of the least well versed in the technology. If we consider that aerospace was
one of the first sectors to adopt and develop 3D printing, electronics is essentially the
opposite. Nevertheless, additive manufacturing can bring benefits and new capabilities to this
sector by enabling a new-level of customization for micro and nanoscale components.
In the future, possible applications include producing wearable or embedded sensors for real-
time health monitoring. Additionally, 3D printed sensors could be built into lenses to enable
augmented reality applications, whilst 3D printed embedded electronics could be seen in
objects from smartphones to cars, adding functionality whilst making them lighter. The
limitations today concern the software to develop the models for such small manufacturing,
but also expanding the materials available for this process.
To conclude, it’s pretty evident that the wider adoption of micro 3D printing will meet the
same hurdles as other additive manufacturing technologies. John Kawola, CEO of Boston
Micro Fabrication told us: “We don’t believe the challenges of wider adoption of microscale
3D printing are any different from the challenges of wider adoption of 3D printing in general.
3D printing across all sizes will continue to be valuable for engineering and design
prototyping. Microscale 3D printing brings some new tools to the engineers who previously
couldn’t effectively prototype at that scale. In addition, the production of microscale parts are
typically quite expensive, thus increasing the value of considering 3D printing for production
of end use parts.”

Smart wind and Solar power

Every few seconds, almost every one of the

hundreds of turbines records the wind speed and its
own power output. But before we get too technical
and some readers feel puzzled, I’ll briefly define
what wind turbines are and their function. In short,
a wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic
energy from the wind into electrical power. Every
five minutes they dispatch data to high-
performance computers 100 miles away at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR). There artificial-intelligence-based
software crunches the numbers, along with data
from weather satellites, weather stations, and other wind farms in the state. The result: wind
power forecasts of unprecedented accuracy that are making it possible for Colorado to use far
more renewable energy, at lower cost, than utilities ever thought possible.

The forecasts are helping power companies deal with one of the biggest challenges of wind
power: its intermittency. Using small amounts of wind power is no problem for
utilities. However, a utility that wants to use a lot of wind power needs backup power to protect
against a sudden loss of wind. These backup plants, which typically burn fossil fuels, are
expensive and very dirty. But with more accurate forecasts, utilities can cut the amount of power
that needs to be held in reserve, minimizing their role.

Before the forecasts were developed, Xcel Energy, which supplies much of Colorado’s power,
ran ads opposing a proposal that it use renewable sources for a modest 10 percent of its power. It
mailed flyers to its customers claiming that such a mandate would increase electricity costs by as
much as $1.5 billion over 20 years. But thanks in large part to the improved forecasts, Xcel, one
of the country’s largest utilities, has made an about-face.

As a result, Xcel energy has installed more wind power than any other U.S. utility and supports a
mandate for utilities to get 30 percent of their energy from renewable sources


Drones are transforming how agriculture and farming are done.

By implementing drone technology, farms
and agriculture businesses can improve
crop yields, save time, and make land
management decisions that’ll improve
long-term success.
Farmer’s today have a variety of complex
factors that influence the success of their
farms. From water access to changing
climate, wind, soil quality, the presence of
weeds and insects, variable growing
seasons, and more.
As a result, farmers are turning to high-level drone technology to help remedy
these problems, and provide fast and efficient solutions.
Agricultural drones allow farmers to obtain access to a wealth of data they can
use to make better management decisions, improve crop yields, and increase
overall profitability.
Drones can be used to collect data related to crop yields, livestock health, soil
quality, nutrient measurements, weather and rainfall results, and more. This
data can then be used to get a more accurate map of any existing issues, as
well as create solutions based upon extremely reliable data.
The agriculture industry is no stranger to embracing changing technological
trends to streamline business. The use of drones in agriculture is the next
technological wave that’ll help agricultural businesses meet the changing and
growing demands of the future.

Crop Spraying and Spot Spraying

Crops require consistent fertilization and spraying in order to maintain high
yields. Traditionally this was done manually, with vehicles, or even via airplane.
These methods are not only inefficient, and burdensome, but they can be very
costly as well.
With approval from the FAA, Drones can be equipped with large reservoirs,
which can be filled with fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. Using drones for
crop spraying is much safer and cost-effective. Drones can even be operated
completely autonomously and programmed to run on specific schedules and
For example, if there’s a fungus breakout in a certain section of the crops,
drones can be used to spot treat the issue. With the speed at which drones can
operate, you can diagnose and treat potential crop issues before they become
a widespread issue across the entire farm.
Spot spraying of crops used to be incredibly difficult. If you had an issue with
weeds or a certain crop, the entire acreage would have to be sprayed.
This is a huge waste of time and resources, as someone will have to walk the
entire acreage, plus there are the overall costs of pesticides and the associated
environmental cost of chemical usage.
With spot spraying afforded by drones, this same task can be accomplished in
less time, with fewer monetary resources, and a reduced environmental cost.

Suggestion and Recommendation

 solar energy Using solar power to help low-income consumers can be

appealing to the public, because it simultaneously helps solve social and
environmental problems. Volunteer labour can drive down the cost of
installations while providing job training and community service
opportunities. Groups like Habitat for Humanity and Grid Alternatives
have found success with this approach. It can be encouraged through
public policies, including financial and promotional support, preferential
permitting, and public recognition.

 For innovation third Agricultural drones the success of the drones is

made possible by technological advances in GPS modules, digital radios,
and small MEMS sensors. Together, these advances allow farmers to
bring greater precision to their craft in order to reap greater rewards but
we all know there is no such powerful motor which can actually carry
heavy thing in the field so we need to work on that .

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