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in the examination. The questions you will encounter may be

quite different from these but, you may expect those to be of a
similar complexity. The correct answer key in each question has
been highlighted.
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Healthcare Analytics Examination

Full Marks: 100 Time: 60 minutes

Each of the twenty multiple choice questions carries 5 marks.

Put a tick mark against the most appropriate option.

1. Which of the most important traits of human intelligence is modeled by classification

methods for incorporating artificial intelligence in decision making?
(a) learning from experience
(b) abstract thinking
(c) mathematical capability
(d) language skill

2. Higher the entropy of a system, the task of predicting the behavior of the system in
response to an input applied to the system becomes
(a) more chaotic and more difficult
(b) more chaotic but less difficult
(c) less chaotic but more difficult
(d) less chaotic and less difficult

3. In the context of decision tree, information gain with respect to an attribute, say X, refers
(a) the number of different values the attribute X can take
(b) the number of attributes which are related to the attribute X
(c) the reduction in entropy if the pattern of outcome with attribute X can be utilized
(d) the probability of the correctness of prediction with respect to X

4. In the context of classification, the term over-fitting refers to

(a) achieving high accuracy in predicting the class of records from test set
(b) achieving high accuracy in predicting the class of records of training set that also
ensures high accuracy of prediction for class of records from test set
(c) achieving high accuracy in predicting the class of records of training set that
leads to low accuracy of prediction for class of records from test set
(d) using more data records than are needed for the classification method

5. A very large number of attributes is not desirable in a classification model mainly

(a) it may reduce the accuracy in training set
(b) it may reduce accuracy in validation set
(c) it may lead to modeling the noise rather than the pattern in the data
(d) it may make the modeling very slow

6. In a prediction problem solved by using a classification method, four scenarios of the

accuracy percentages for training set, validation set, and test sets, in this order, obtained
by four different modeling methods are given below. Which of these four is most likely
to correspond to the best model?
(a) 60%, 80%, 90%
(b) 90%, 95%, 40%
(c) 55%, 50%, 48%
(d) 80%, 40%, 90%

7. The number of layers in an artificial neural network for solving the classification
problems commonly occurring in practice should preferably be in the range
(a) 2 to 10
(b) 10 to 1000
(c) 1000 to 1 million
(d) 1million to 1 billion

8. An artificial neural network classifier method tries to do the classification based on

(a) cause-effect relationship between attributes and outcome
(b) the priority of attributes to be specified by the modeler
(c) a mathematical formula where the prediction is a mathematical function of the
input attributes
(d) a complex paradigm that reconciles the observed input-outcome behavior without
attempting to establish a cause-effect relationship

9. Suppose, “INCOME”, expressed in INR, is one of the input attributes in a classification

problem which is being solved by the decision-tree method. Student X splits income into
two categories (say, HIGH and LOW) and student Y splits INCOME into five categories
(a) Information gain on INCOME is likely to be higher for X than for Y
(b) Information gain on INCOME is likely to be lower for X than for Y
(c) Model of X will certainly be better than that of Y
(d) Model of X will certainly be worse than that of Y

10. When people are given an opportunity to know the decision of other peers dealing with
the same problem, in general they tend to
(a) stick to their own decisions irrespective of the decision of peers
(b) keep their decision quite different from the decision of the majority of those peers
(c) revise their decision toward one of the extreme decisions of peers
(d) revise their decision toward the decision of the majority of the peers

11. In a two class prediction problem (say, whether the nature of cancer of a patient is benign
or malignant), suppose the historical data show that out of 1000 patients in the database,
800 had malignant cancer and 200 had benign cancer. The entropy of the system is

(a) 0.8log2 0.8 - 0.2 log2 0.2

(b) -0.8log2 0.8 + 0.2 log2 0.2
(c) - 0.8log2 0.8 - 0.2 log2 0.2
(d) 0.8log2 0.8 + 0.2 log2 0.2

12. What is the highest value of entry in a two class problem?

(a) 0.25
(b) 0.50
(c) 0.75
(d) 1.00
13. As the entropy of a system increases, its predictability
(a) increases
(b) decreases
14. In a good clustering solution, the intra-cluster cohesion should be
(a) high
(b) low
15. In a good clustering solution, the inter-cluster divergence should be
(a) high
(b) low
16. The major challenge in clustering is to get groups such that
(a) their intra-cluster cohesion is high and inter-cluster divergence is high
(b) their intra-cluster cohesion is high and inter-cluster divergence is low
(c) their intra-cluster cohesion is low and inter-cluster divergence is high
(d) their intra-cluster cohesion is low and inter-cluster divergence is low
17. In a k-means clustering method for solving usual problems encountered in practice, the
value of k should typically be in the range
(a) less than 10
(b) 10 to 25
(c) 25 to 50
(d) more than 50
18. If there are outliers in the data, then the clusters formed by k-means method is likely to be
(a) good
(b) bad
19. The number of neurons in a human brain is about
(a) ten thousand
(b) ten million
(c) ten billion
(d) ten trillion
20. Clustering methods capture the essence of
(a) learning from experience
(b) learning from observation

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