Principles of Teaching EXAM

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1. Why are the multiple intelligences essential factor in teaching and learning space?

Multiple intelligences are essential factor in teaching and learning space as it helps the teachers to draw
and determine appropriate teaching approach, method and techniques or possibly, a learning
environment among its students. It embraces the uniqueness of every individual to attain a full
improvement or development from their different abilities and strengths thereby not merely confining.

2. Why Bloom's taxonomy helpful in the learner's domain?

The six levels of Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy help the learner to tap both of his familiarity and critical
thinking skills. The former is possible through the stimulation of lower-order thinking skills which are
knowledge, comprehension and application until to the desired higher-order thinking skills or those that
can be classified as analysis, synthesis and evaluation for the critical thinking skills with the help of
constructed questions by the teachers. The students can then think outside the box through the ability
of using factual information as not only a test of memory ability but also a guidance to create own
understanding, diagnosis and solutions.

3.Why is a student- centered instruction a must in learning space?

Learning space is a medium intended for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities.
Considering that they are the main target and audience, there should be a deliberate consideration to
their different learning capacities and feelings. Student-centered instruction promotes active
participation in the process of knowledge construction which mainly features their own set of
experiences. In this way, learners can develop a retention and deep understanding on a particular topic
or subject.

*Teachers are highly encouraged to translate the knowledge in the most understandable terms in such a
way that would promote instructional alignment for full comprehension.

4. Is teaching a science or an Art? Why?

-Teaching is a combination of science and art. Science obtains a role inasmuch as the educators carry
reliable information, data and facts for the learners. Such knowledge is only translated to the students
when the different techniques preferred by the teacher are established. Art comes in through the
presence of techniques which can be taken as a personal form of expression by the teachers. The
delivery and acquisition of knowledge does not solely undergo an objective pathway but more so to the
subjective sphere of both the teachers and learners. Learning is a factual discovery thereby not only
confining the learner into given facts but also encourages them to flourish these through personal
interpretation, analysis and application. Simply put, learning is cumbersome without art as it is what
makes them wonder and curious. Expertise is not only the general aim but also one’s creativity. The
absence of either one or both of the multidisciplinary subjects renders the purpose of teaching as

5. Among the teaching methods in social sciences, choose 4 that are important in developing the social
consciousness of the students/learners?




Although all of the teaching methods in social sciences are important, there are four methods to which I
personally deemed as important. Expository is one of them as it does not avoid problems and
controversial matter, but it seeks explanations and understanding the issues involved in the problem so
as to be able to figure out what may be a solution. Secondly, Conceptual connotes a mental grasp of
factual information by identification of facts and events associated with one another, by concepts such
as cause and effect and etc. Thirdly, Problematic is also as important as Expository as this method is
problem centered that it required the gathering of facts relevant to the understanding of the problem’s
causes in view of figuring our possible solutions. And lastly, the most important above all, Inquiry which
teaches the how rather the what, thereby focusing on the higher order skills of the students.

6. Compare & contrast: Approach, Method, & Technique

Approach is an enlightened viewpoint toward teaching. Axiomatic at its best, it provides sound
philosophy and orientation to the whole process of teaching. The entire spectrum of teaching is
specified most especially what the major goal of teaching is, the given priorities among the three
domains—cognitive, psycho-motor and affective. Method then serves as the plan following a procedural
concept as its aim is to achieve a major goal consisting of a series of actions arranged logically for the
smooth operation of a particular task. The way or style on how these are executed are determined by
the Technique. It is implementational by having an immediate applicability in the classroom, owning to
its specificity, feasibility, and convenience of the teacher in using it. Thus, an approach is a viewpoint of
a learning or teaching situation, method is a plan and technique is the personalized style of execution.

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