Perinatology Final

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Current Approach to Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Canines

Review Article
Daniela Benavides Granja . Diana Milena Gonzalez Torres2 . Juliana Ramírez Molina3

Mariana Peña Salguero4. Paula Andrea Rodríguez Novoa 5


In mammals, the full success of the reproductive process is achieved by the birth, at the
physiologic term of pregnancy, of alive and viable offspring, able to survive and to become
adults. The process of birth is considered a challenge for the transition of a fetus to a neonate,
and also the first hours after birth could hamper the neonatal ability to adapt to the new,
extra-uterine, life. Therefore, the perinatal period, which pertains to the period immediately
before and after birth, is considered the most critical for the offspring. For the development of
this article, an exhaustive review of the literature was necessary that allowed us to present
information of great utility for canine neonatology such as the influence of some factors in
the presence of dystocia, abortion or premature death, even the most prevalent etiologies of
both infectious and non-infectious were described with respect to the presentation of these
problems, with the above was able to determine that the monitoring of the perinatal stage in
both the mother and the newborn and the analysis of different clinical parameters in both are
the most important factors to avoid or mitigate the events described before.

Key words: perinatology, neonates, dystocia, premature, abortions, maternal-fetal.


Overall objective: Carry out a review article focused on perinatology in small animal
clinics. Topics such as neonatal care, the physiology of the fetus, the components of the
placenta, and pregnancy will be addressed. All this in order to relate the pathologies that are
seen in this area.

Specific objectives

● Establish which are the major pathologies in the area of ​perinatology in dogs, to
review their origin and management.
● Review why pregnancy failures and neonatal deaths occur, as well as diseases that
affect both the mother and the fetus.
● Determine the importance of the gestation period and maternal-fetal care, to avoid
losses and prevent neonatal diseases.


Introduction that could indicate us that the newborn

should begin to breathe. As a consequence
The care of the pregnant mother and of the previous event, the lungs should
newborn puppies is a fundamental part to begin to inflate and given the close union
reduce the presentation of maternal-fetal of respiratory processes with cardiac
diseases, abortions, and death of physiology, an event called fetal blood
newborns. Veterinary doctors must give occlusion will occur.
information to the owners about the
management of pregnant females and Recent studies have shown that
puppies, not only to the owners of kennels maternal care provides not only
since this would generate a significant physiological development, such as licking
economic loss but also to the owners of to be able to defecate and urinate but also
females that become pregnant either by behavioral and cognitive development of
carelessness or by planning the same. In the offspring. In addition to that maternal
recent years this has increased and the behavior can ensure the survival of
most worrying result is that this process puppies in the first weeks of life. That is
and the birth are carried out empirically, why it is necessary to monitor maternal
often ignoring the risks for both the mother behavior, childbirth, and breastfeeding
and the puppies. Increasing in turn the timing. As described by Lezama-García,
presentation of infectious or non-infectious K., Mariti, C., Mota-Rojas, D.,
pathologies. Martínez-Burnes, J., Barrios-García, H., &
Gazzano, A. (2019), human intervention is
As has been mentioned, the fact that the necessary in many cases since dogs have a
newborn leaves the amniotic sac to start reduced maternal behavior. That is the
his extrauterine life is a highly stressful challenge presented for veterinarians in
event. Stress due to the multisystemic terms of information to the owner and
adaptations that his body must present. early resolution of the various pathologies
Veronesi, M (2016) in his neonatal care that may arise.
study mentions that the most critical
change has to do with breathing since it As already mentioned, even with the
depends on it for its survival in the first necessary care and management, problems
weeks of life and throughout it. The above may arise at the time of delivery, what it is
means that breathing in the newborn called dystocia, or infectious diseases may
puppies is one of the most important and be generated.
significant points in the early survival of
the animal .When the mother is about to Dystocia is a problem that can occur in
give birth to the fetus, the flow of oxygen the first or second stage of labor. It is an
in the fetus blood is going to be emergency where the veterinarian must
transformed into nitric oxide. Thanks to diagnose the cause of dystocia, it may be
this, it is possible to affirm that this on the part of the mother such as uterine
transformation of gases in the blood inertia, being the principal cause of
together with the detachment of the dystocia described in bitches; or
umbilical cord, are the two basic criteria inadequate size of the birth canal, or by

factors of the fetus such as the It is because of the above that it is

accommodation of the fetus in the birth useful and necessary to share through this
canal or its size. (Haben, F., & Guesh, N. article relevant and updated information
2020), these dystocias can compromise the about the management of canine
life of both the mother and the fetus, and it perinatology and some of the alterations
is difficult to identify them since their and events that may occur around this field
symptoms are nonspecific to determine the of veterinary medicine for small species.
cause, it is necessary to take a good
anamnesis, history reproductive, complete Theoretical framework
clinical examination. In addition to being
complementary with diagnostic and Canine perinatology is a branch of
preventive aids that have evolved in recent small animal medicine, which breaks
years in the field of canine obstetrics as down many fundamental components
described (Kumara Wickramasekara when evaluating it, including the health of
Rajapakshage, B., & Dona Daphney both the fetus and the mother. Recently
Niranjala, D. S. et al. 2019), among which perinatology has been driven by the need
are ultrasound and abdominal radiography. to reduce the loss of puppies and even
This same study showed some dog breeds mothers improving their care. Due to
are more predisposed, such as ignorance about this doctrine, there is a
brachycephalic, and it is more frequent in high perinatal loss in the vet. In species
bitches between 2 and 4 years old. that give birth to several puppies, the
process can take up to 12 hours before the
In addition to dystocia, another factor to owner decides to call the doctor. That is
take into account when caring for why there is a risk of increasing the loss of
pregnancy in canines is the possible puppies.
contagion that the mother may have
against contagious diseases. There are Veronesi et. al (2017) simply mentions
teratogenic diseases, which means that in his theriogenology work that neonatal
they cross the transplacental barrier and care is not something considered
will directly affect gestated puppies. One overlooked in the canine clinic. Is
of the main infectious pathologies that recommended knowing the physiology of
generate abortions and even infertility in the fetus both to recognize healthy puppies
bitches, is Brucella canis, which causes and to differentiate those that need special
interruption of pregnancy in the last third attention and vigilance. Fetal fluids,
of gestation. The importance of this despite being understudied are useful
gram-negative bacteria is not only due to indicators when evaluating fetal growth
the affection of the bitches, but also and development, fetal wellbeing, and
because it is zoonotic, which implies helping to guarantee the most suitable
special handling for the infected individual environment for the fetus.
by both the veterinarian and the owners.
(Castrillón-Salazar, L., Giraldo-Echeverri, MC Veronesi et. al (2017) indicates
C.A., Sánchez-Jiménez, M.M and that both in human and veterinary
Olivera-Angel, M., 2013). medicine the “Apgar'' is managed, which
consists of evaluating the canine neonatal

viability at birth, at 5 min and 60 min. evaluated taking into account both
Veronesi, in his work entitled Assessment respiratory rate (rpm) and vocalization:
of canine neonatal viability-the Apgar respiratory efforts were scored as 2 when a
score. Reproduction In Domestic Animals light cry was associated with> 15 rpm,
(2016) cites himself and his co-authors in scored as 1 when a light cry was
the (2009) paper about Theriogenology associated with 6-15 rpm and it was scored
when establishing the Apgar score; using as zero when there was no cry associated
the same five parameters proposed by Dr. with <6 rpm.
Virginia Apgar in babies, but with
modifications according to the canine Score Score Score
neonatal physiology in order to give a type
of scale or score to the clinical Parame 0 1 2
commitment of the puppy in its first ter
moments of life (Oliva, Queiroz,
Albuquerque, Carreira, Souza, Ferreira, Mucus Cyanoti Pale Pink
Abimussi & Vides., 2018) (Table 1). The colour c
first step consists of checking the mucous
Heart <180 180-220 >220
membranes, the pink color (which is the
ideal in any living being) obtains a score
of 2, when they are pale it scores as 1 and
cyanotic, that is, purple due to failure in Reflex Absent Grimac Vigorou
the gaseous exchange, scores as 0. The irritabili e s
pulse is evaluated based on the HR, it was ty
established 2> 220 beats per minute (bpm),
it was scored as 1 when it was between Motility Flaccid Some Active
180 and 220 bpm, scored as 0 when it was flexions motion
<180 bpm. The facial expression that the
newborn makes when disturbed or irritated Respirat No Mild Clear
is called "grimace", this was through the ory crying / crying / crying /
gentle compression of the tip of a leg, and efforts <6 6-15 >15
the reaction: it was scored as 2 when there (vocaliz
is crying and it picks up the leg, scored 1 ation
when there is a weak reaction in the leg and
and vocalization was absent or weak, and rpm)
scored as zero when no response to the
stimulus in its entirety, that is, neither Table 1. Apgar score for canine
vocalization nor retraction. Neonatal newborn viability evaluation (Veronesi,
strength is part of the fitness assessment: it 2016 cited his own work as Veronesi et al,
was rated as 2 when force movements 2009 )
performed by the newborn spontaneously
without any effort were observed, rated as At this point it is important to know that
1 when slight movements were detected, canine females are a non-seasonal
and rated as zero for the absence of monostric species in which their gestation
neonatal movements. Respiration was lasts for 65 in some cases 66 days, this

depends mainly on luteinizing hormone However, dogs with characteristic

which can make the gestation longer or anatomical conformations such as the
shorter due to its function for follicular brachycephalic (English bulldog) and
development, in ovulation and in the small miniature breed female dogs
luteinization process (Concannon, 2011), (59.4%) have more episodes of dystocia. It
In carnivores such as bitches in this case, is well known that the
their placenta is made up of trophoblasts hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis has
and the mesoderm, resulting in a the function of secreting hormones that
chorioallantoic placenta, that is, the participate in various physiological and
allantois joins the chorion, giving an chemical processes; such as growth
important function that is the exchange hormone, sex hormones, among others. It
between mother and fetus, during gestation has been studied that birth is triggered by
in the process of development of the fetus fetal factors such as stress, once this has
implantation occurs in which the placenta ended it is followed by other changes that
creates rounded areas which are the rings are difficult for the neonate to adapt, such
formed by hematomas and these appear as starting to survive outside the placenta,
when there are areas of blood in the forcing it to undergo metabolic changes
endometrial cavity as the pregnancy and physiological to survive in the new
progresses and there is much more environment. HPA is crucial for neonatal
development of the fetus the innermost adaptation to a new extrauterine life.
layer of the trophoblast functions as an
anchor for the chorion contributing to the The etiology of puppy losses,
formation of the syncytiotrophoblast miscarriages, and embryonic death can be
which is the outermost layer of the divided into infectious and non-infectious,
trophoblast which has an important but on the other hand, a large number of
function which is the production of them have an unknown etiology, an article
antibodies for the development of the by Stefanetti, V., Compagnone, A.,
circulation thus allowing that chorionic Sordini, C., Passamonti, F., Rampacci, E.,
villi are formed producing an increase in Moscati, L., & Marenzoni, ML (2018)
the exchange of nutrients from the mother describe that even 55% of causes of
to the fetus, this being something very abortion and neonatal losses in canines
important for fetal development and the have unknown etiology. Posing that many
production of a healthy pregnancy and of these pathogens are unusual and that
without any type of alterations in both the routine studies of these should be done, in
mother and the fetus.(Aralla, M. et al, addition to carrying out studies and
2013). research on them to determine if they
cause neonatal mortality and death.
One of the most important and
determining non-infectious conditions for Among the infectious causes, bacterial
both neonates and the mother is dystocia. pathogens have been described to affect
Known they can be caused by fetal or mainly puppies in the first two weeks of
maternal factors. In a study by Bolis et. al life, and that causes the interruption of
(2017), this condition was mentioned to pregnancy in bitches, these are
represent 5% of deliveries in dogs. Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.,

Escherichia coli, Brucella canis, gram-negative bacteria Brucella canis.

Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp, This disease leads directly to abortions in
Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and the last third of gestation, generally
canicola paying important attention between 45 to 55 days of pregnancy. This
because it is a zoonosis; but viral pathology must be taken into account,
pathogens have also been described that especially at the level of canine kennels,
directly affect the puppy and the mother, since the reproductive part of the affected
these are canine distemper virus, herpes female will be dysfunctional. In other
virus and canine parvovirus. (Stefanetti, et words, not only is the abortion of already
al. 2018). gestated puppies but in a subsequent
pregnancy there will be reabsorption and
Among the non-infectious pathologies therefore an embryonic death avoiding
Zheng, JS, Wang, Z., Zhang, JR, Qiu, S., future pregnancies (Ballut, J.C, Calderón,
Wei, RY, Nie, J., & Zhu, TT (2018) A. and Rodríguez, V., 2013). To avoid and
describe that ectopic pregnancy can occur prevent the contagion of the female, it is
and can be of two ways. A tubal pregnancy essential to know that the form of
common in humans where the embryo contagion of this bacterium is generally at
develops in the fallopian tubes, and an the time of mating, but it can also be due
abdominal pregnancy where the embryo to the contact that it may have with
develops outside of the uterus, fallopian infected fluids (vaginal secretions,
tubes, and ovary. Ectopic pregnancy is also placenta or urine). Likewise, caregivers,
known as extra-uterine pregnancy is one of owners, and veterinarians who have
the causes that can lead to the loss and contact with infected fluids can become
interruption of pregnancy. Despite this, infected. (Zavala, M and Morales S.,
there are not enough studies to establish 2016). (Castrillón-Salazar, L. et al, 2013).
the exact cause, nor the anatomical
location in which the pregnancy is One of the most important aspects to
established outside the uterus. The latter avoid problems both in pregnancy, as in
mentioned is considered a problem since if the birth of puppies, and pregnancy losses,
the location of the embryo implantation is the handling given to the female both in
outside the uterus is not known, it cannot the reproductive field and in the care of the
be classified whether it is a primary or pregnancy. The first point to take into
secondary extra-uterine gestation. One of account is to know the exact date of
the possible causes or etiologies that this ovulation of the female and the mount
pathology may have is the rupture of the (whether it has been planned or not) to
mother's uterus. (Oviedo, C. A. and establish the possible date of delivery. By
Molina, V. M., 2013). having this exact date, there could be a
quick reaction to possible dystocia and if it
As mentioned in the introduction, is necessary to schedule or perform a
infectious diseases that can course with cesarean section. At the time of delivery,
abortions and termination of pregnancy on many occasions, the death of the
must also be taken into account. One of the gestated puppies is evidenced due to
most important in the veterinary field is hypoxia. This can be generated both by an
canine brucellosis caused by the abrupt and early separation of the placenta

or directly by the lack of oxygenation at or analogs thereof, especially

the time of dystocia. This can be prostaglandin F2 alpha (luteolytic) is
accompanied by the ingestion of the recommended to interrupt a pregnancy in
amniotic sac generating a the second third. It is necessary to
bronchoaspiration. This last cause is emphasize that the bitch will present
evidenced especially in puppies that are specific symptoms after the interruption of
stuck in the birth canal (Somoza, R. and pregnancy, which includes vomiting,
Cusatti, A.C., 2019). diarrhea, and even tachycardia, so owners
should be warned. Regarding this point,
Dystocia can have two origins, they can that is, the interruption of pregnancy
be of maternal or fetal origin and there should also take into account ethical
have even been cases in which there is a aspects. Is fundamental that pregnancies
relationship between the two. It should be should not be interrupted by unplanned
noted that there are some breeds copulations and carelessness on the part of
predisposed to this type of problem, the owners, but only in cases in which the
especially small breeds (very small birth life of the pregnant bitch is at risk.
canal) and brachycephalic breeds (very (Sánchez Riquelme, A. and Arias Ruiz, F.,
large puppy's head for the birth canal). 2018).
(Luz, M.R, Münnich, A. and Vannucchi,
C.I., 2015). Another aspect to take into However, it is pertinent to emphasize
account is the mother's nutrition during the importance of highlighting some of the
gestation since poor nutrition can lead to parameters clinically evaluated in newborn
dystocia and the birth of weak and even puppies useful for determining neonatal
dead puppies. Malnutrition or low birth mortality or the influence of these criteria
weight is considered one of the main on the different problems that may arise in
causes and one of the main risk factors for a postpartum situation. In a study realized
neonatal deaths. (Somoza, R. and Cusatti, by Mila, Grellet, Dellebarre, Mariani,
A.C., 2019). Feugier, and Maillard in 2017 about the
monitoring of the newborn dog were
If a good follow-up of the pregnancy is evaluated variables like the Apgar score,
not carried out and that there is some glucose, lactate, beta-hydroxybutyrate,
inconvenience during it that may represent body temperature, and urine specific
a danger to the bitch, measures must be gravity in an attempt to describe a model
taken to interrupt the pregnancy. It is for predicting mortality in these
essential to note that pregnancy is individuals (Table, 2). Due to the above, it
maintained thanks to the sex hormone, is presumed necessary and feasible to
progesterone produced not only at the analyze these parameters and their median
level of the ovaries but also in the values in veterinary practice as an
placenta. There are different methods of indication either to prevent or predict
termination of pregnancy fundamentally mortality in canine neonates. In relation to
based on stopping the production of the above, Vassalo, Simoes, Sudano,
progesterone, that is, an antiprogestin, anti Prestes, Lopes, Chiacchio and Lourenço
prolactin, and prostaglandin-containing (2015) in their study on the study of
drugs are used. The use of prostaglandins neonatal viability using laboratory

parameters, state that in early mortality in but also specific to place the research in a
neonates there are mainly two important clear position facing the great variety of
variables that correspond to the debatable topics. Canine perinatology,
temperature and glucose levels of the despite being a topic not dealt with very
puppy at birth. It is important to highlight frequently, is a doctrine on which the
then that according to these authors possibility of deepening becomes an
hypothermia, hypoglycemia and even opportunity to present an updated report of
dehydration are criteria that directly the inherent bibliographic variants to the
influence the fading of the animal after same. This is why it was chosen to give an
birth, which in this specific vital stage article on the current and more precise
means a clear risk of death for the puppy. approach to some of the most fundamental
anomalies in the field of perinatal
medicine in the female canine.

Regarding the development of a work

plan as a tool for the optimal development
of this review, it was chosen to initially
carry out a broad bibliographic search
related to the topic of discussion. The
determination of a starting point was
facilitated for the construction of a
theoretical framework and an introduction.
The introduction not only in addition to
raising in a general way some of the
antecedents concerning the specific topic,
Table 2: Median values of parameters contributed to the exposition of the basic
evaluated in puppies <8 h and at Day 1 of universal pre-knowledge that was made
life (Milla, H. 2017). known to contextualize the reader and
favoring the understanding of the article.
In this order, for the selection process of
For this review, it was necessary the the required texts, the different databases
previous organization of the criteria to be corresponding to indexed scientific
reflected and also the method to be publications were searched, and through a
followed to facilitate the development. All filter the options were shortened to only
that with the aforementioned guideline it those published from the year 2010 and
was possible to determine in a concrete evidently to those directly related to our
way the systematic procedure followed to topic of interest, the above was classified
achieve the proper execution of this as a helpful methodical component for the
document. Following the above, the first construction of the bibliographic
step to follow was the correct definition of framework within an updated scenario in
the topic to be considered. Taking into the small animal clinic, more specifically
account that it must be general enough to speaking of the canine species. In other
allow an extensive bibliographic review, words, to refine the search options, it was
decided to make this procedure more

efficient by using 3 main filters, infectious conditions, can be significant in

corresponding to the year of publication determining the viability of either the
(2010 onwards), the subject under pregnancy, the delivery or the newborn.
discussion (Perinatology), and the subject
species of interest (Canines). On the other hand, it is important to
know the physiology of the fetus on the
Now, once a more precise set of way and also of the mother to be able to
references had been formed with detect any early abnormality both before
exactitude, the individual analysis of them birth and in the first days of life. To detect
began, and after having understood the this state of clinical stability, we can use
information collected, proceeded to the Apgar scale, with the sole purpose of
elaborate synthesis of it in order to make it evaluating viability more efficiently by
more feasible their stipulation in the analyzing 5 fundamental items which are
present work. Finally, for the writing of the the color of the mucous membranes, the
review article, the previously established heart rate, reflex irritability. , motility and
patterns were taken into account, and respiratory efforts. However, it is also
based on them the elaboration of the useful to measure other variables such as
section was carried out with greater glycemia, lactate, body temperature, and
efficiency and accuracy, visualizing the the degree of dehydration since they serve
importance of the mandatory inclusion of as coadjuvant factors to establish a
different sections among which it diagnosis and timely treatment. It is
highlights the preparation of a summary, important and necessary that more studies
an introduction, a theoretical framework, be carried out on the incidence of
structural development of the subject abortions or premature deaths in
evaluated and finally some conclusions. It neonatology in order to find more ways to
should be clarified that in terms of avoid them.
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electronic device such as a computer or, References
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