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TUM Graduate School

Technische Universität München

Technical University Munich

Study and Research
(Image: davis – Fotolia)
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

ONE MUNICH. European Innovation Hub

Academic Network Industry Network Start-up Network

Start-ups p.a. vs. 2001

TUM Joint
Appointments 51 +450%
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

TUM at a Glance
Students Professors Departments Degree Courses
35% female
>43.000 27% internat. 594 15 173 100 Masters
~50% English

> 1.000 concluded Doctorates per year

No. 1: German Technical University I Top 4 in Europe

800+ Start Ups and Spin-Offs
Maker Space / Entrepreneurship Research Center

(Image: Andreas Heddergott / TUM)
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

TUM Research Areas

165 Degree Courses

15 Departments

7 Corporate Research Centers

• Research Neutron Source FRM II
• Nutrition and Food Research Mathematics & Engineering &
Natural Sciences Architecture
• Semiconductor Physics
• Medical Engineering
• Cancer Research
Life, Health &
• Agricultural Sciences Economics &
Sport Sciences,
• Catalysis Research

4 Integrative Research Centers

• Institute for Advanced Sudy (TUM-IAS)
• Munich School of Engineering (MSE)
• Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS)
• Munich School of Bioengineering (MSB)
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

TUMOffice for Latin America in the DWIH
São Paulo

Sören Artur Metz
Liaison Officer Latin America
TUM.São Paulo
Rua Verbo Divino, 1488, Térreo
04719-904 São Paulo – SP / Brazil

TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Doctorate in Germany – Latin America 2021

Doing your Doctorate at the Technical University of
Munich (TUM)
TUM Graduate School
Technical University of Munich
TUM Graduate School
Welcome Office
Munich, 03. March 2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

The TUM doctoral model

ü Independent research as well as

integration into the TUM research
environment and interdisciplinary

ü Combination of fixed and optional

curriculum based on the individual
needs of the candidate

ü Mentor besides doctoral supervisor

ü Supervision agreement and mid-term

feedback talk

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Application for a doctorate at TUM


• Excellent Master’s degree

- a foreign Master’s degree following a subject-related Bachelor’s degree with a time-frame of
1-2 years, completed with an examination and an independent academic thesis
- e.g. Argentina: a post-graduate degree Maestria/ Magister/ Master with a final thesis
- Licenciado only possible under specific conditions
- final decision & possible conditions by the dean’s office

• Fluency in English (German not needed but a plus; depends on the research group)

• A TUM professor who supervises the doctoral research

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Application for a doctorate at TUM

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Funding a doctorate at TUM

• No tuition fees for doctorates
• Three possibilities for funding, each with different implications

Employment at TUM: • Work closely with supervisor

Research associates are employed at a • Involves teaching and administrative

1 TUM chair/research group. Available

positions on the TUM website and/or •
Part of TUM‘ research staff with
access to staff development facilities
website of the chair/research group.

Scholarship/ Grant: • Active participation in the academic

2 Scholarship holders finance their

doctorate with funding from an external
organization. No TUM scholarships.

environment of TUM
Often more freedom in choosing the
research topic

External Doctorate: • Active participation in the academic

3 Candidates work for a company or a

external research institution while being
supervised by a TUM professor.

environment of TUM
Less integration into the daily-
business of the chair/research group

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Subject-related qualification
Scientific Training
• available at the research groups/departments
• training at the intersection of engineering,
natural sciences, health sciences, social
• possibility to take courses at international
partner institutions
• Good Scientific Practice

• peer-reviewed, international publications
• at least one scientific publication during
• proofreading service for English publications

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Transferable Skills Training

What is it about?
• Wide range of professional skills training
each semester
• Additional qualification in self-, project-
and time management
• Interdisciplinary experience & networking
• Varying semester focuses
• 50+ courses per semester

Selection of top courses:

• Surviving complex projects
• Career path in and outside academia
• Successful cooperation in internat. teams
• Collaboration and negotiation

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

TUM-GS Kick-Off Seminar

15-17 Kick-Off Seminars p.a.
80-100 doctoral candidates across all disciplines

• Interdisciplinary exchange
• Strengthening of personal network
• Get to know TUM and its resources
• Transferable skills training

Fixed program parts:

• Intro to Good Scientific Practice
• Poster session
• Science Slam, music, culture and networking
• Introduction to TUM services and entrepreneurship

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

International Research Phase

What is it about?
• Individual lab exchange and research
• Research exchange programs
• Joint supervision programs
• Joint international and interdisciplinary
summer/winter schools
• Various funding options
• Individual mobility funding up to 3.000

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Global Network


University of Alberta TUM Beijing
TUM Brussels
TUM San Francisco EPFL
Technion Beihang University
TUM Mumbai
TUM Cairo

TUM Asia
TUM Locations Worldwide
TUM São Paulo
EuroTech Universities Alliance University of Queensland
Strategic Initiatives
TUM-GS Exchange Partners

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Career support
Through coaching you can get individual support in
• dealing with professional challenges
• defining your role in new (leading) positions involving
new tasks
• finding an adequate work-life balance
• planning your further career…

Career support and talk

• Job application training
• Career paths in and outside of
• Postdoc-workshops
• Counseling for a global career

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

TUM-GS Welcome Office – Contact us!

• Information about application and funding


• Information about accommodation and

living in the Greater Munich Area

• Information about TUM-GS services,

programs, German language courses etc.

• Cultural and networking events for

international doctoral candidates

• ……and many more

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021
TUM Graduate School
Technische Universität München

Doctorate in Germany - Latin America 2021 | How to do your doctorate at TUM | 03.03.2021

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