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Wind Energy

Wind Energy 2

Our group, made up of Kramer Babilla, Austin Odell, Samantha Springer,
and Scott Stockdale, is working towards completing an operational windmill.
We will produce a working energy-generating windmill. We would like our
windmill to both produce and store energy. We will attach a 12V converter so
it is able to power common household items such as a coffee maker or an iPod
charger. In addition to creating and storing usable energy, we have decided
to make it portable by giving it adjustable legs, so that it can be compact and
easily transported.
Wind Energy 3

With all of the advancements in technology, it is absurd that we still rely on
fossil fuels in our everyday lives. This is the reason why our group is focusing
on creating clean energy. Not only is our project clean energy, but portable
energy. The portability of our windmill could give it the possibility of
becoming a common household item. For example, if your family wanted to
go on a campout and but you wanted to have hot coffee in the morning, you
could bring this windmill to power a coffee maker. A portable windmill opens
up many doors for consumers.
Wind Energy 4

Our group will need to research many topics throughout the trimester. The
first of these topics is the basics of creating an efficient windmill. The next
topic is how to attach an alternator to the tower and successfully create
power. Once this is accomplished, we will research how to store the energy
and convert it to a usable format. Much of our study will be accomplished by
talking to wind energy companies in the area and via email for suggestions
and guidance.
Wind Energy 5

Our budget exceeds the allowed $100, however we are speaking with many
leading green energy companies and other possible donors in an effort to
attain all parts needed for the construction of our windmill. We are asking
for both parts and money donations.

Item Estimated Dollar Amount

Alternator $50.00
PVC Piping $15.00
Electrical Wiring $5.00

A/C Outlet $5.00

Battery $60.00
Charge Controller (Regulator) $50.00
Screws/Nails/Misc. $10.00
Total $195.00
Wind Energy 6

Week 1: November 29 – December 3

• Discuss Possible Projects

• Agree on a Project
• Build a Website
• Research what Items are Needed for Project
• Start Preparing a Project Proposal by Creating a Timeline and Budget

Week 2: December 6 – December 10

• Finalize Project Proposal and Present
• Research Construction
• Start Talking with Green Energy Companies
• Start Collecting Materials
• Search for Donations

Week 3: December 13 – December 16

• Research Construction and Efficient Designs
• Collect Materials
• Search for Donations
• Start Blueprinting Design
• Talk with Green Energy Companies

Christmas Break
• Finish Design
• Search for Donations

Week 4: January 4 – January 7

• Begin 3D Design
• Talk with Green Energy Companies
• Search for Donations
Wind Energy 7

Week 5: January 10 – January 14

• Finish 3D Design
• Talk with Green Energy Companies
• Begin Construction on Structure

Week 6: January 18 – January 21

• Continue Construction on Structure
• Talk with Green Energy Companies

Week 7: January 24 – January 28

• Finish Construction on Structure

• Talk with Green Energy Companies

Week 8: January 31 – February 4

• Attach the Alternator to Structure
• Confirm the Windmill Successfully Generates Electricity
• Attach Power Converter
• Attach A/C Outlet and Confirm the Windmill is Fully Operational
• Talk with Green Energy Companies

Week 9: February 7 – February 11

• Attach Battery and Charge Controller if the Budget Allows and Confirm
Successfully Using Stored Electricity
• Talk with Green Energy Companies

Week 10: February 14 – February 18

• Test the Windmill for Most Efficient Locations
• Make Final Tweaks if Necessary
• Prepare for Final Presentation
• Create a Video Showing Uses for the Windmill

Week 11: February 22

• Final Presentation

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