Marion Monologue Prep

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Marion monologue prep


> She sticks up for herself

> She is nurturing towards others

> Playful

> Pays attention to some when she feels they need it


Marion carries a glint of saddness in her wide caring eyes. She hides a lot of secrets in the bags that
rest underneath them, along with long sleepless nights that show their effects in her aging face. Her
makeup is quickly done when she is going to meet Brian and sometimes it is patchy and uneven, but
she at least makes sure she is wearing her best red lipstick on her small quivering lips. She keeps her
dull hair pulled behind one of her ears as it rests flattly on her head. Her outfits don’t carry anything
special, however when going to escape with Brian, she likes to pull on her old black dress that she
had worn when she met her first husband. However, this dress is showing the impacts of her age and
reveals all of her rolls and curves. Marion doesn’t carry herself very well as she doesn’t see the point
in life anymore, which is even more apparent when she is drowning herself in booze, but in
moments of happiness (as shown with Linda) she straightens herself up and posseses a motherly
body language that is open and lovingly.


It was late at night and there was a big power cut that had taken out the whole of our road. It was
caused by a storm where a tree had fallen over and broken a power line and the whole street was in
chaos. Frank down at the chippy was selling of his fish and chips cheap because of it, so I wrapped up
Olly in his little red raincoat and the woolly scarf my nanna had made him, and we ran over to get
some. And when we came back, we were soaking wet, so we wrapped up in a blanket and ate our
chips by a load of tea light candles I had found in the kitchen draw. And when we had finished, we
laid down on the sofa and I told him the story of the Wizard of Oz. How Dorothy was caught in a big
storm and taken to the wonderful world of Oz, where she met the brainiest brainless scarecrow, the
heartiest heartless tinman, and the bravest scared lion. Then I stroked his beautiful brown hair and
sung ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ and he fell straight to sleep in my arms. I would give all the
money in the world to be in the moment one more time.


If Marion was in a situation where she was scuba diving, she would be very calm and relaxed, but
also trying to make sure everyone else was alright. She would be the last one she tried to help and
would be assisting others to make sure they are all set up with their gear and aren't scared to go in.
She’d really enjoy herself for a second and feel free enough to enjoy swimming past all the fishes
and the life in the sea, but quickly remember her past and feel all the guilt coming back on. This
would make her reserve herself again, and she’d swim behind the rest, punishing herself for
something that wasn’t her fault. She would get out of the water and be very quiet and still, quickly
rushing off to cry because she was allowed to have fun and that was taken away from her son.


Marion Elizabeth Jones

A mother who carried all of her love for her son, now reunited together up above. A beautiful soul
lost in the universe's cruel ways, may she now rest in peace.

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