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Expo Summit Africa 2011

27-28 January 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

Overcoming challenges & Exploring New Opportunities to Build Profitable Exhibition Business

Conference Day 1

0930 Registration & Welcome Coffee

1000 Opening remarks by Rashid Toefy, Conference Convenor

1015 African Exhibition Sector – An overview and vision 2020

• The current scenario and growth avenues 2010 - 2014

• Mapping the current trends and effect of economic slowdown on the sector
• How can the industry be prepared to benefit from these opportunities?
• What is the paradigm shift required to make Vision 2020 achievable?

Welcome Address – Kiran Mittal, Director, Manch Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Paul Woodward, Managing Director, UFI
Natalie Naude, Chairperson, EXSA
Kevin Kennedy, Managing Director, Oasys Innovations

1115 Networking & Refreshments

1145 What is the contribution of exhibitions to the overall economy of a country?

• What does an exhibition brings to a country as a collateral benefits?
• What framework the government can provide to grow the sector?

Debbie Stanford-Kristiansen, CEO, expo@bahrain

1230 Mapping the growth inhibitors in the sector – A Panel Discussion

• What could be the potential growth inhibitors of the sector?

• How to overcome challenges and move ahead towards growth?

1315 Business Lunch

1400 Industry Association: the role as growth catalyst

• What is the role of associations in the sector worldwide?

• How has the global industry benefitted from common industry platforms?
• What learning can be absorbed from UFI to expedite the sectors growth in Africa?

Paul Woodward, Managing Director, UFI

1500 Designing Entry strategies into African Market

• What is the Government policy for an International organizer to enter the sector?
• What factors influence the geographical selection for an event launch?
• What are the most effective marketing tools to ensure maximum footfall in an exhibition in this region?

Sandy Angus, Chairman, Andry Montgomery Ltd.

1545 Networking & Refreshments

1630 An insight into an exhibitor’s decision-making process

Q&A session with an exhibitor

• How do exhibitions score over the other media in terms of measurability of ROI?
• What are the key factors considered before deciding on the exhibition participation?

Jochen Witt, JWC

1715 Closing remarks by the moderator

1730 Guided Tour of Cape Town International Convention Centre

1900 Cocktail reception

Conference Day 2


1030 Networking & Refreshments

1100 Enhancing sales revenues by optimizing team efficiencies-

• Who does the sales closing, your executive or the exhibitor?

• Pushing the extra sqm through a brand solution approach
• Effective implementation and monitoring of sales strategies
• Early sales closing to deliver better ROI

Jochen Witt, JWC

1145 Partnerships and Mergers: The key to fastest and most effective growth.

• What are the benefits in joining hands with international expertise?

• How can both the partners complement each other?
• How does it expand the profile of an organizer with minimum risk?

Steve Monnington, Managing Director, Mayfield Media Startagies

1230 Designing partnership models and exit strategies

• What are the important elements to be included in designing Partnership models in exhibition sector?
• How to make it a win-win situation by taking care of the interest of both parties?
• In case of a break-up, what points would ensure the minimum loss to each party?

Simon Parker, Director, UBM Live

1315 Closing remarks by the moderator

1330 Lunch and close of conference

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