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Inglés 1

Introduce yourself
Personal Information
Unidad de aprendizaje 1 – Bloque temático 1
Material de profundización
Introduce yourself and Personal Information

Information question

WH Questions

Estas son preguntas de información, se llaman también wh question porque la gran

mayoría comienza por wh, veamos:

Who Person
What Things
Where Place
Why Reason
When Time
How Process
Which Choose

Miremos algunos ejemplos en contextos

What is used for a thing? ‘What is it?’

Who is used for a person? ‘Who were you talking to?’
Why is used for a reason. ‘Why were you late?’
When is used for a time or date. ‘When did you start working here?’
Which is used for a choice. ‘Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?’
Where is used for a place. ‘Where do you live?’
How is used for an amount or the way. ‘How much does it cost?’
‘How do I get to the station?’
Whose has the same meaning but it is always followed by a noun.
‘Whose car is that?’

Questions with: do – does

Do or does: lo usamos para hacer preguntas directas, es decir, la respuesta será sí o

Miraremos ejemplos con el verbo study – estudiar.

Do I…? Do I study?
Do you…? Do you study?
Does He/She/It…? Does He/She/It study?
Do we…? Do we study?
Do you…? Do you study?
Do they…? Do they study?

¿Cómo respondemos?

Si queremos responder a las anteriores preguntas utilizamos las siguientes respuestas:

Yes I do. No I do not.

Yes you do No you do not
Yes he does No he does not
Yes she does No she does not
Yes it does No it does not
Yes we do No we do not
Yes they do No they do not

Greetings and questions

Mix with greetings:

Podemos combinar saludos con preguntas, por ejemplo:

Do you like the hamburguer?

Good morning,
Does your mother study french?

De esta manera puedes crear tus propias preguntas y ser educado saludando.

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