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Guía de Examen Inglés Técnico I

Fecha de examen: Miércoles 03 de Julio de 2019; Hora: 09:00

1. What is your name?
My name is _______

2. What is your last name?

My last name is _______

3. Do you have a nickname?

 Yes, my nickname is _______
 No, I don't

4. How old are you? (escribir en números)

I am __________years old

5. In what month is your birthday?

My birthday is in_____________ (mes)

6. Where were you born?

I was born in ____________(ciudad)

7. Where are you from?

I am from ____________ (país)

8. What is your nationality?

I am __________________

9. Where do you live?

I live in _______________ (ciudad)

10. What is your cell phone number? (escribir en números)

My cell phone number is ________________________

11. Are you married?

 Yes, I am
 No I'm not

12. What is your job?

I am a _______

13. Where do you study?

I study at _______. (nombre de la Universidad)

14. What is your career?

My career is_______________________ (nombre de la carrera)

15. What is the name of this subject?

It is ____________________________

1. The days of the week (Unidad I: Introducción al Inglés Técnico I)

2. Months of the year (Unidad I: Introducción al Inglés Técnico I)

3. Seasons of the year (Unidad I: Introducción al Inglés Técnico I)

4. Family members (Unit 1, Lesson 2, page 10)

5. Numbers (Unit 1, lesson 3-4, page 12-14)

6. Occupations (Unit 1, Lesson 6, page 18)

7. Colors (Unit 1, Lesson 7, page 20)

8. Food and Drink (Unit 1, Lesson 8, page 22)

9. Fruit and Vegetable (Unit 1, Lesson 9, page 24)

10. Animals (Unit 1, Lesson 10, page 26)

11. Free time activities

1. Go shopping 2. watch TV 3. sleep 4. play soccer 5. dancing

6. play videogames 7. read 8. listen to music 9. study 10. cooking

12. Type of music

1. classical 2. electronic 3. rock 4. pop 5. hip-hop

6. reggae 7. punk 8. metal 9. jazz 10. folk

13. Type of movies

1. action 2. drama 3. horror 4. adventure 5. war

6. romance 7. comedy 8. science fiction 9. animated 10. crime

14. Sports

1. soccer 2. golf 3. handball 4. cycling 5. boxing

6. tennis 7. basketball 8. volleyball 9. running 10. hockey

 Ver algunos ejemplos en el material UNIT 1, LESSON 2, PAGE 11

 Ver algunos ejemplos en el material UNIT 1, LESSON 3, PAGE 12

 Ver algunos ejemplos en el material UNIT 1, LESSON 6, PAGE 18

 Ver algunos ejemplos en el material UNIT 1, LESSON 2, PAGE 10

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