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Air traffic control (ATC) system for

Kabul airport
R&S Systems GmbH, a wholly-owned

subsidiary of Rohde&Schwarz,

supplied an air traffic control system

for Afghanistan‘s Kabul Interna-

tional Airport on behalf of the NATO

Consultation, Command and Control

Agency NC3A in Brussels. Despite

the extremely short implementation

schedule, the project was completed

on time.

FIG 1  Tower building at Kabul airport: Communications technology from Rohde& Schwarz ensures
air safety.

In mid-April 2004, the NATO procure- In compliance with NATO requirements,

R&S Systems GmbH ment department NC3A commissioned eight VHF and four UHF transceivers
the Rohde&Schwarz subsidiary R&S of the R&S®Series 200 as well as the
R&S Systems GmbH, with headquar- ­Systems GmbH to equip the interna- R&S®HK012 and R&S®HK014 antenna
ters at the Rohde&Schwarz Cologne tional airport in Kabul (FIG 1) with an systems were installed within a period
Service Center, was founded on air traffic control system. The schedule of two months (FIGs 2 and 3). The deliv-
June 1, 2003 as a wholly-owned sub- was tight: The air traffic control system ery also included a digital voice record-
sidiary of Rohde&Schwarz. The com- needed to be ready for use by June 1, ing and replay system, operator consoles,
pany provides system services within 2004. Based on the findings collected an uninterruptible power supply as well
and beyond the Rohde&Schwarz during a site survey and the experience as an aeronautical fixed telecommunica-
business fields – from system inte- gathered in previous ATC projects, R&S tion network (AFTN) terminal and a sig-
gration to the delivery, assembly and Systems GmbH worked out a basic con- nal light gun. The system was handed
commissioning of turnkey T&M and cept. The resulting proposal for a flexi- over to ISAF and NATO on schedule in
communications equipment for cus- ble and easy-to-operate ATC system pro- May 2004.
tomers around the world. viding for various expansion options met
with NATO approval.

News from ­Rohde & Schwarz Number 189 (2006/I)

In a second phase, NATO placed an R&S Systems GmbH successfully met the
order in August 2005 for a modern VHF / customer requirements specific to this
UHF ATC Direction Finder R&S®PA120 project due to its many years of experi-
featuring ground radio suppression, a ence in the field of ATC and its very flex-
second (redundant) voice recording sys- ible handling of the project. NATO gave
tem, a digital time clock system and the project high marks for being dealt
robust and portable R&S®M3TR radio with in an extremely positive manner. A
systems for the VHF and UHF bands. further order will involve the creation
of operating instructions tailored to the
As another requirement, NATO stipu- requirements of frequently changing
lated that essential ATC functionality crews at the site of operation and thus
would have to be maintained even in ensuring smooth handover of the ATC
the event the tower had to be evacuated. system to the next crew.
The robust R&S®M3TR radio systems Arnd Gresch
provide the operator with the required
VHF and UHF frequencies and thus
ensure that radio contact with aircraft
will be maintained – under any condi-
tions that may prevail within the mission
environment and independent of exter-
nal power supplies for several days at Example of a single-source,
a time. turnkey ATC system

R&S Systems GmbH also provided sup- Hardware

port beyond the actual scope of the proj- ◆ Radiocommunications system
ect during this phase, assisting NATO / ◆ ATC direction finder
ISAF in planning and implementing the ◆ Voice communications system
FIG 2  The R&S®HK012 and R&S®HK 014 antenna systems infrastructure at Kabul International Air- ◆ Voice recording with independent
at Kabul airport. port. Compliance with NATO security replay system
requirements both with respect to civil ◆ Meteorological equipment
and military aspects was an issue of pri- ◆ GPS time synchronization and dis-
ority. play system
◆ Distress radio
In phase III, which followed in early ◆ ATC consoles
2006, automatic filters for main/standby ◆ Uninterruptible power supply
operation as well as an airport termi- ◆ ATlS system
FIG 3  Equipment room with ATC system components.
nal information service (ATIS) system ◆ AFTN terminal
were added to the radio system. Expan- ◆ Signal light gun
sion of the system posed no problems ◆ Optical precision approach system
due to the modular system concept. ◆ Equipment for maintenance and
With phase III completed, the ATC sys- repair
tem meets all current requirements and
ensures that air traffic control at Kabul Services provided by
airport is performed in accordance with R&S Systems GmbH
International Civil Aviation Organization ◆ Site survey /on-site consulting
(ICAO) rules using state-of-the-art equip- ◆ System planning / implementation
ment. Later expansion of the airport for ◆ Handover
civil use will also be possible without ◆ After-sales support
any problem. ◆ Training
◆ Maintenance and repair

News from ­Rohde & Schwarz Number 189 (2006/I)

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