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Name: ___________________________________________________

1. Read about the four-stroke petrol engine. Correct the sentences, using
the verbs bellow:
allow cause let make Prevent , stop.
A. The inlet valve opens. The round metal piston moves downwards. It stops the
pressure inside the cylinder from falling
lt makes the pressure inside the cylinder fall.
This doesn't allow a mixture of petrol and air to enter the cylinder.
B. The inlet valve closes. This lets the fuel mixture escape.
The piston moves upwards. This prevents the pressure in the cylinder from rising.
C. The spark plug lights the fuel and doesn't cause it to explode.
5. ___________________________________________________________
This forces the piston downwards on its power stroke.
D. The outlet valve opens. The piston moves upwards. This stops the burnt from
6. ____________________________________________________________

2. Complete the description of an electricity generating station in France. Use

words from the box.

Blades, cables, dam, electricity, gates, generator, shaft,


The (1) dam across the River France in France was

finished in 1966. Water flows from the river into the sea
through the (2) ________ in the dam.
Later it flows back into the river from the sea. The water
flows past the (3)__________ of a (4)
__________________ and makes it rotate. A (5)
______________ connects the turbine to a
(6)_______________. The rotation of the generator produces (7)
__________________ The electricity leaves the power station through high-
voltage (8)_________________.

1 Write sentences about an overland rover. Use the information from the
specifications chart. Change the abbreviations to words.

1. The rover is 202 centimeters high.

2. It has _______________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
7. ____________________________________
8. ____________________________________

2. Look at the progress chart for May 4th and complete the dialogue.

Person 1: Now, it's May 4th today. (l) Have you
collected the rock samples from the rover?
Person 2: Yes. We (2) collect them today.
Person 1: Right. What about the solar panel? (3)
Have you repaired it yet?
Person 2: No, we (4) _______________ tomorrow. We'll (5) ______________
Person 1: Have you (6) ____________ the cables to the solar panels?
Person 2: No, no yet. (7) _____________________ tomorrow.
Person 1: Right. What about the damaged mast? Have (8) ________________ ?
Person 2: Yes, we (11) _________________ May 1st.
Person 1: Have you (12) _________________ the bent wheel yet?
Person 2: No, we´re still (13) ____________________ that.
Person 1: What about the break system? (14) _________________________?
Person 2: No, we haven´t. We (15) __________________ May 7 th.

3. Write in your own words how does a Dam work. 30 words min.





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