2011-MAR-04 City Reaches Agreement With CUPE

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For immediate release:



March 4, 2011

Penticton, B.C. – The City of Penticton and its largest union, CUPE Local 608 has reached a collective
agreement for 178 city employees responsible for a broad range of services from labourers to lifeguards.
Under the terms of the four-year agreement the City of Penticton, working with CUPE Local 608, will
achieve a minimum total savings of $394,000.

“As part of the 2011 budget process, the City identified a number of areas that needed to be addressed
as part of the structural deficit. These included cost savings and efficiencies across all levels. The
ratification of the collective agreement was achieved by the City and CUPE Local 608 working together,”
said Mayor Dan Ashton.

“I am pleased that the matter is resolved without job action so we can refocus our energy to better serve
the citizens of Penticton,” Ashton continued. “I applaud the dedication of the employees on both sides of
the issue in working together to bring the best results for Penticton in these economically challenging

Penticton Council ratified the deal, achieved after several days of intense negotiations, at a meeting held
on Tuesday, March 2nd. CUPE Local 608 members voted in favour of the agreement at a meeting held
March 3rd.

The City of Penticton and CUPE Local 608 began negotiations on December 13, 2010.

The agreement signed replaces the one which expired December 31, 2009 and will run January 1, 2010
to December 31, 2013 (4 years).

Highlights of the agreement are;

 A signing bonus of $300 in lieu of a wage increase for 2010.

 Current employees will receive wage increases of 1% for 2011, 2012 and 2013 effective April
1st of each year.
 Improvements to benefits and language.
 Seniority has been extended for all Community Centre employees on layoff until the
 New Hire Rates have been established
o Lifeguard $18.50 / hr (+.68/hr premium when instructing)
o Labourer $18.00 / hr
o Labourer II $18.68 (new hired Labourers who advance to Labourer II)
o RCMP Guard $20.00
o In addition to the rates is the inclusion of benefits or a percent in lieu of benefits

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“City Reaches Agreement With CUPE”

The contract will be in effect until December 31, 2013, which covers 178 municipal workers who provide
services in Penticton, including support for the RCMP, services at city hall, public works (road
maintenance, water system, sewer system, and equipment operator) as well as parks and recreation –
including operation of the community centre.

For more information on the City of Penticton visit: www.penticton.ca.

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For further information contact:

Annette Antoniak
City Manager
City of Penticton

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