Ali Baba and Meshmosh Short Arabic Story With English Translation in PDF For Kids or Beginners

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ْ ‫وم ْش ُم‬

‫ش‬ ِ ‫علي بابا‬

Ali Baba and Meshmosh
Arabic Short Story
with English Translation and

Learning Arabic With Angela ©

...‫قديم الزمان‬
ِ ‫ في‬،‫كان يا مكان‬
."‫ ا ْس ُمهُ "علي بابا‬،‫كان ُهناك رجل‬
Kaana yaa makaan, fee qadeemi
Kaana hunaaka rajulun, esmuhu “Ali Baba”.
Once Upon a time, in ancient times…
There was a man called “Ali Baba”.
.‫شجاعا ا‬
ُ ‫جلا ط ِيبا ا و‬ ُ ‫كان "علي بابا" ر‬
.‫ب إلى عم ِل ِه في ق ْرية أ ُ ْخرى‬
ُ ‫ وي ْذه‬،"‫ش‬ ْ ‫ب ِحمارهُ " ِم ْش ُم‬
ُ ‫كان ي ْرك‬
Kana Ali Baba rajulan tayyiban wa shujaa’an.
Kana yarkabu himaarahu “Meshmosh”, wa
yazhabu ila ‘amalihi fee qaryatin ukhra.
Ali Baba was a kind and brave man.
He used to ride his donkey “Meshmosh” and go
to his work in another village.
.‫ش" في طري ِق ِهما إلى ِت ْلك الق ْرية‬ ْ ‫ كان "علي بابا" و" ِم ْش ُم‬،‫ذات ي ْوم‬
.‫صواتا ا ُم ْرت ِفعةا وضجيجا ا‬
ْ ‫س ِمع "علي بابا" أ‬
Zaata yawmin, Kaana Ali Baba wa Meshmosh fee
tareeqihima ila tilka al-qarya.
Sami’a Ali Baba aswatan murtafi’atan wa dajeejan.
One day, Ali Baba and Meshmosh were on their way
to that village.
Ali Baba heard loud voices and noises.
.‫ش" خ ْلف ال ْشجار‬
ْ ‫اِ ْختبأ "علي بابا"و" ِم ْش ُم‬
.‫صوص ال ْشرار‬
ِ ُ ‫كان ُهناك الك‬
‫ثير ِمن الل‬
Ikhtaba’a Ali Baba wa Meshmosh
khalfa al-ashjaar.
Kaana honaaka al-khatheeru mina
al-losousi al-ashraar.
Ali Baba and Meshmosh hid behind the
There were many evil thieves.
.‫ ْأو عشرة‬،‫ل ْم ي ُك ْن ُهناك خ ْمسةُ لصوص فقط‬
...‫ ْأو حتى ثلثون‬،‫ع ْشرون ِلصا ا‬
ُ ‫ل ْم ي ُك ْن ُهناك خ ْمسة عشر أو‬
!‫أربعون ِلصا ا‬
ْ ‫ب ْل كان ُهناك‬
Lam yakon honaaka khamsatu losousin fakat, aw ‘ashara.
Lam yakon honaaka khamsata ‘ashara aw ‘ushroun lissan,
aw hatta thalaathoun…
Bal kaana honaaka arba’ouna lissan!
There were not only five thieves, or ten.
There were not fifteen or twenty thieves, or even thirty…
There were forty thieves!
ْ ‫مار ِه " ِم ْش ُم‬
."‫ش‬ ِ ‫ت ِبع ُه ْم "علي بابا"على ظ ْه ِر ِح‬
.‫صوص إلى مغارة كبيرة‬ ُ ‫وصل الل‬
."!‫س ْم‬ ُ ‫ "اِ ْفت ْح يا‬:‫ب المغار ِة وصاح‬
ُ ‫س ْم‬ ِ ‫صوص أمام با‬
ِ ‫وقف زعي ُم الل‬
Tabi’ahum Ali Baba ‘ala zahri himaarihi Meshmosh.
Wasala al-losousu ila maghaaratin kabeera.
Wakafa za’eemu al-losousi amaama baabi almaghaarati wa
saaha: “Iftah ya Somsom”.
Ali Baba followed them on the back of his donkey
The thieves reached a big cave.
The leader of the thieves stood at the door of the cave and
shouted: “Open Sesame!”.
.‫ب والم ْسروقات‬ ِ ‫داخ ِلها أ ْكياس مليئة ِبالذه‬
ِ ‫ت المغارة ُ وكان ِب‬
ِ ‫فتح‬
."‫س ْم‬ ُ ‫ "أ ْغ ِلق يا‬:‫ قال زعي ُم ُهم‬،‫صوص المغارة‬
ُ ‫س ْم‬ ُ ‫و ِع ْندما غادر الل‬
.‫راقب ُه ْم "علي بابا" ومكث مكانهُ حتى غادروا‬
Fatahati l-maghaaratu wa kaana bidaakhilihaa akyaasun
malee’atun bi-zzahabi wa-l-masroukat.
Wa ‘indamaa ghaadara al-losousu al-maghara, qaala
za’eemuhum: “Aghleq ya Somsom”.
Raaqabahum Ali Baba wa makatha makaanahu hatta
The cave opened and there were bags full of gold and
stolen goods inside.
And when the thieves left, their leader said: “Close
Ali Baba watched them and stayed put until they left.
."‫س ْم‬ ُ ‫ "اِ ْفت ْح يا‬:‫اِ ْقترب "علي بابا" ِمن المغار ِة وصاح‬
ُ ‫س ْم‬
ِ ‫ وأ ْدهشهُ منظ ُر الذه‬،‫ماره‬
.‫ب ال ُمكدس‬ ِ ‫دخل "علي بابا" المغارة مع ِح‬
Iqtaraba Ali Baba mina al-maghaarati wa saaha: “Iftah
Dakhala Ali Baba al-magharata ma’a himaarihi, wa adhashahu
manzaru az-zahabi al-mukaddasi.
Ali Baba approached the cave and shouted: “Open Sesame”.
Ali Baba entered the cave with his donkey, and he was amazed
by the sight of the stacked gold.
.‫أن يت ِخذ قرارا ا صائِبا ا‬ ْ ‫الم ِر وقرر‬ ْ ‫فكر "علي بابا" م ِليا ا ِب‬
."‫س ْم‬
ُ ‫س ْم‬ُ ‫ "أ ْغ ِلق يا‬:‫خرج ِمن المغار ِة وقال‬
Fakkara Ali Baba maliyyan bil amr wa karrara an
yattakhiza kararan sa’iban.
Kharaja mina almaghara wa kal: “Aghlek ya Somsom.”
Ali Baba thought well about the matter and decided to
take the right decision.
He came out of the cave and said: “Close Sesame.”
.‫وأخبر ُم ْختار الق ْري ِة ِبما حدث‬
ْ ،"‫ش‬ ْ ‫عاد إلى الق ْري ِة مع " ِم ْش ُم‬
.‫اس الق ْري ِة ِع ْند المغارة‬
ِ ‫اختبأ عدد ِم ْن ُحر‬ ْ ،‫ب ْعد ذ ِلك‬
.‫وألقوا الق ْبض عليهم‬ ْ ‫صوص‬ ِ ‫وقاموا ِب ُمفاجأةِ الل‬
‘Aada ila alqaryati ma’a Meshmosh, wa akhbara
mokhtaara al-qaryati bimaa hadath.
Ba’da zaalik, ikhtaba’a ‘adadun min horraasi al-qaryati
‘inda almaghaara.
Wa qamou bi-mofaaja’ati al-losousi wa alkou al-qabda
He went back to the village with Meshmosh, and he told
the mayor what has happened.
After that, a number of the village guards hid at the cave.
And they surprised the thieves and caught them.
.‫صحا ِبها‬ْ ‫تل‬ ِ ‫كما أعادوا الذهب والم ْسروقا‬
ُ ‫ وكافأهُ ال ُم ْخ‬،"‫وشكر الجمي ُع "علي بابا‬
‫تار ِب ِقلدة وكيس‬
.‫ِمن الذهب‬
Kamaa a’aadou az-zahaba wa al-
masrouqaati li-as-haabiha.
Wa shakara al-jamee’u Ali Baba, wa
kaafa’ahu al-mukhtaaru bi-qilaadatin wa
keesin mina az-zahab.
And they also returned the gold and
stolen goods to their owners.
And everyone thanked Ali Baba, and the
mayor rewarded him with a medal and a
bag of gold.
.‫ فلق ْد حصل على كيس ِمن الشعير‬،"‫ش‬ ْ ‫وكذ ِلك " ِم ْش ُم‬
.‫أمن وأمان‬
ْ ‫ان الق ْري ِة ِب‬
ِ ‫سك‬
ُ ‫وعاش جمي ُع‬
Wa kazaalika Meshmosh, falaqad hasala ‘ala keesin
mina ash-sha’eer.
Wa ‘aasha jamee’u sukkaani al-qaryati bi-amnin wa
And also Meshmosh, as he received a bag of hay.
And all the villagers lived safely after.
Learning Arabic With Angela

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