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Performance -based Navigation (PBN)

Path terminators are assigned to all RNAV SID, STAR and approach procedure segments in an
airborne navigation database

This allows translating into computer language (FMS) the procedures designed for clock &
compass manual flight

Charted procedures are translated into a sequence of ARINC 424 legs in the database

There are 23 different path terminators defined in ARINC 424. Those which can be expected in
RNAV or RNP charts are depicted on Figure 19.13.

Fixed Radius Paths

There are two types of FIXED RADIUS PATHS

Radius to Fix (RF)

Performance Based Navigation (PBN)

Figure 19.13

Is also a type of Path Terminator

Specific curved path radius in a terminal or approach procedure

Is defined by radius, arc length, and fix


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