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Vaccine Pharmacovigilance

INTRODUCTION subsequent outbreaks.9,10 These consequences have

Vaccinations are one of the most effective and cost- harmed global immunization efforts, as in the case of
saving cost-effective public health interventions1 and polio eradication and vaccination campaigns in West
have achieved remarkable success globally by substan- Africa in the early 2000s.11,12
tially reducing morbidity and mortality to diseases Timely surveillance of adverse events due to vaccines
that once were very common (Box 7.1).2e5 Although is critical to make vaccination efforts effective and to
vaccines are highly effective and have a favorable prevent loss of confidence in the vaccines by the public
benefit-risk profile, all vaccines have a safety profile and governments. Unfounded fears about the safety of a
that needs to be monitored like any other pharmaceu- vaccine may have significant consequences in public
tical product.6 In recent decades, the availability and health and loss of confidence among the public.13 In
use of certain vaccines has vastly increased around the addition, lawsuits, lack of funding for research and
world, thereby considerably reducing the incidence of development of new vaccines, and loss of interest
vaccine-preventable disease. In some instances, the among vaccine manufacturers may occur.
incidence of adverse events due to vaccination appears Monitoring of vaccine safety is complicated by both
more frequently and prominently than the disease the disease prevalence and epidemiology. For example,
itself. In these situations, it may appear that vaccina- influenza vaccine is mostly used in colder seasons,
tions are no longer necessary, but it has been observed cholera and dengue vaccines are used in endemic areas,
that if vaccination coverage decreases, and/or if large and zoster vaccine is applied to seniors. In each circum-
cohorts of unvaccinated individuals accumulate, stance, it is always essential to balance the risks and
eventually the disease may return and cause large benefits of a determined vaccine to a specific popula-
epidemics.7,8 In some circumstances, false claims and tion. Regulators ensure that research in vaccine safety
rumors about the safety of a vaccine may also lead to is appropriately conducted from development through
lowered vaccination coverage rates and result in postmarketing. Currently, clinical trials involve tens of
thousands of individuals during all phases of vaccine
research and approval. However, even after vaccine
BOX 7.1 licensure, vaccines continue to be monitored through
Importance of Vaccine Safety large epidemiological cohort studies to identify any
gap and minimize the risk of adverse events (Box 7.2).
• Vaccinations are one of the most cost-effective public Unlike other pharmaceutical products, the general
health interventions.
consensus is that vaccines should provide very high
• The use of vaccines has vastly increased in many
places of the world, reducing the incidence of
efficacy against the disease and few or no adverse
vaccine-preventable disease. events. In addition, some adverse events may not be
• Rumors and false claims may hinder vaccination seen during the clinical development program and
program. may only be observed after some thousands, hundreds
• Surveillance of vaccines is critical to maintain public of thousands, or millions of doses are administered.
confidence. Additionally, as vaccine effectiveness results in reduced
threat from the disease, the benefit-risk ratio is

102 SECTION III Special Topics and Special Populations

maintained only to the extent that safety is confirmed in healthy individualsdresult in a need for robust and
the broad, on-market experience.14 Under these condi- carefully designed pharmacovigilance practices to
tions, the identification of a safety signal would require ensure the safety of the public is maintained.
the involvement of many thousands of patients in an
epidemiological study to assess the true incidence of
the adverse reaction.
In the United States, examples of large epidemiolog-
ical studies conducted after vaccine licensure to better Rotavirus Vaccine: an Example of Safety
understand the relationship of vaccines to significant Surveillance
signals of adverse events include: In 1998, a rotavirus vaccine (RotaShield) was licensed
• Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) for use in the United States. Clinical trials in the United
vaccine, with over 90,000 privately insured partici- States, Finland, and Venezuela had found it to be
pants in the United States demonstrated that 80%e100% effective at preventing severe diarrhea
receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with caused by rotavirus A (Box 7.3); researchers had
increased risk of autism spectrum disorders.15 detected no statistically significant serious adverse
• Increase of the incidence of febrile seizures with the effects.18 The manufacturer of the vaccine, however,
quadrivalent measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella withdrew it from the market in 1999, after reports
(MMRV) vaccine versus the MMR and varicella that the vaccine may have contributed to an increased
vaccines given separately. The study enrolled over risk for intussusception, or bowel obstruction, in one
83,000 MMRV vaccine recipients compared with of every 4670e9474 vaccinated infants. After 8 years
over 370,000 recipients of MMR and varicella of delay, other manufacturers were able to introduce
vaccines. The results demonstrated that in the 12- to new generation rotavirus vaccines which were shown
23-month-olds who received their first dose of to be more safe and effective in children.19
measles-containing vaccine, fever and seizure
episodes were seen 7e10 days after vaccination. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine:
Vaccination with MMRV results in one additional Autism Controversy
febrile seizure for every 2300 doses given.16 In the United Kingdom, the MMR vaccine was the
• Surveillance for 16 prespecified autoimmune subject of controversy after the publication of a 1998
disorders observed during an observational safety paper by Andrew Wakefield and others in The Lancet
study of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus which reported case histories of 12 children mostly
vaccine (HPV4) in 189,629 women who received 1 with autism spectrum disorders with the onset
dose of HPV4 and were followed for 180 days after of the condition soon after administration of the
each dose in two managed care organizations.17 vaccine.9 At a 1998 press conference, Wakefield
suggested that giving children the vaccines in three
Vaccines hold tremendous promise to continue contrib- separate doses would be safer than a single vaccination.
uting to public health. However, the nature of the This suggestion was not supported by the paper, and
disease epidemiology and intended use of vaccinesd multiple large subsequent peer-reviewed studies have
doses are traditionally administered to otherwise failed to show any association between the vaccine

BOX 7.2
BOX 7.3
Monitoring Vaccine Safety
Safety Surveillance: the Rotavirus Vaccine and
• Each vaccine’s risks and benefits must be balanced Infants
depending on the disease prevalence and
epidemiology. • In 1998, a rotavirus vaccine was licensed after clinical
• Vaccines are generally administered to healthy people trials showed it to be 80%e100% effective with no
and must therefore provide very high efficacy against significant adverse effects.
diseases and few or no adverse effects. • However, the vaccine was withdrawn in 1999 after
• Some adverse events may not be seen during the discovering that it may have increased the risk of
development program and clinical trials. intussusception in one of every 4670e9474
• Therefore, large epidemiological studies are needed vaccinated infants.
post vaccine licensure to assess the true incidence of • Eight years later, other manufacturers were able to
adverse reactions. introduce safer, more effective vaccines.
CHAPTER 7 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance 103

and autism.20 It later surfaced that Wakefield had Polio Eradication: the Boycott in Northern
received funding from plaintiffs against vaccine manu- Nigeria
facturers and that he had not properly disclosed col- Public trust is essential in promoting public health
leagues or medical authorities potential conflicts of because such trust plays an important role in the
interest21; if this had been known, the article may population’s compliance with the proposed public
have never been accepted to The Lancet. Wakefield has health interventions, especially vaccination programs.
been exposed on scientific grounds for influencing a If public trust is eroded, as in the MMR vaccine example
decline in vaccination rates in many countries with above, the result can be rejection of safe and effective
this made-up data (vaccination rates in the United health interventions.
Kingdom dropped to 80% in the years following the In northern Nigeria in 2003, the political and religious
study),22 as well as on ethical grounds for the way the leaders of Kano and other states brought the polio immu-
research was conducted.23 In 2004, the MMR-and- nization campaign to a halt by calling on parents not to
autism interpretation of the paper was formally allow their children to be immunized.29 These leaders
retracted by Wakefield’s coauthors,24 and in 2010, The argued that the polio vaccine could be contaminated
Lancet’s editors fully retracted the paper (Box 7.4).25 with antifertility agents, HIV, and cancerous agents.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)26 and the The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to
Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review rumors, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that
Committee20 have concluded that there is no evidence the polio vaccine was an American conspiracy to spread
of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Addi- HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls.31 However,
tionally, a systematic review conducted by the Cochrane other complex factors were at play. The international
Library concluded that there is no credible link between response to these boycotts was impressive, and success-
the MMR vaccine and autism.27 The Cochrane review ful negotiations eventually restored immunization pro-
also recognized that the MMR vaccine has prevented dis- grams (Box 7.5).32 Internal dynamics of the boycott to
eases that still may cause complications including death; the vaccination campaign have not yet been thoroughly
the lack of confidence in the MMR vaccine has adversely reviewed. Societal factors that enabled these rumors to
affected public health and the vaccination program. spread at the grass-roots level and include the important
Lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies were views of several key individuals who fueled the issue at
brought by parents who believed there may be a link that time. The challenges of society, politics and person-
between vaccination and autism, but the mounting alities in Kano suggest further evaluations and learning
evidence to the contrary from numerous safety surveil- that may be applied today (Fig. 7.1).29
lance efforts was conclusive. A special court convened
in the United States to review claims under the National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ruled on MONITORING VACCINE SAFETY DURING
February 12, 2009 that parents of autistic children are PRELICENSURE
not entitled to compensation in their contention that Clinical Trials
certain vaccines caused autism in their children.28 Vaccines, like other pharmaceutical products, undergo
thorough and extensive laboratory and animal studies
to assess efficacy and safety (Box 7.6). Phase I trials
BOX 7.4
“Vaccines Cause Autism”: the Measles, Mumps,
and Rubella Vaccine Controversy
BOX 7.5
• In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and others published a Boycott in Northern Nigeria: the Polio Vaccine
paper linking administration of the measles, mumps, Controversy
and rubella (MMR) vaccine with the onset of autism
spectrum disorders in 12 children. • In 2003, major Nigerian political and religious leaders
• Subsequent to publication, it was discovered that told parents not to let their children be immunized
Wakefield had received funding from plaintiffs against against polio because the vaccine could be contami-
nated with HIV and harmful agents.
vaccine manufacturers. Subsequent peer-reviewed
studies have failed to show any association between • These boycotts came in response to complex societal
the MMR vaccine and autism. factors, including rumors that the polio vaccine was an
• Despite this, vaccination rates in the United Kingdom American conspiracy to spread HIV.
• Successful negotiations eventually restored the im-
dropped to 80% in the years following Wakefield’s
“study.” munization program.
104 SECTION III Special Topics and Special Populations

FIG. 7.1 Global re-emergence after temporary boycott of polio vaccination in Nigeria, 2003.30

typically involve few participants and are likely to detect

BOX 7.6 only commonly occurring adverse events; in the phase I
Three Phases of Clinical Trials studies, antibody production is usually measured. In
phase II, hundreds of participants are enrolled, and
• Phase 1: few participants; antibody production is among the studies include evaluation of different con-
measured; likely only common adverse events will be centrations, components, formulation techniques,
number of doses, and the identification of the best
• Phase 2: hundreds of participants; components,
dose. In phase III, the sample size depends on the esti-
formulation technique, number of doses, and the best
dose are studied and identified. mates around efficacy. In regard to safety, common
• Phase 3: number of participants (often thousands) local and systemic reactions are identified. Parallel to
depends on estimated efficacy; safety data are the assessment of safety and efficacy in any phase of
collected as common local and systemic reactions are development is ensuring the vaccines follow Good
identified. Manufacturing Practices and that sufficient lots are
tested for efficacy and safety (Fig. 7.2).
CHAPTER 7 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance 105

FIG. 7.2 Journey of a new vaccine: from development to license for use.33
106 SECTION III Special Topics and Special Populations

Vaccine Product Approval Process the critical documentation of effectiveness and impor-
The US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center tant additional safety data required for licensing. At
for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is any stage of the clinical or animal studies, if data raise
responsible for regulating vaccines in the United States. significant concerns about either safety or effectiveness,
Each sponsor of a new vaccine product must follow a the FDA may request additional information or studies,
multistep approval process, which typically includes the or may halt ongoing clinical studies.
following: If successful, the completion of all three phases
• An Investigational New Drug (IND) application of clinical development can be followed by the
• Prelicensure vaccine clinical trials submission of a BLA. To be considered, the license appli-
• A Biologics License Application (BLA) cation must provide the multidisciplinary FDA reviewer
• Inspection of the manufacturing facility team (medical officers, microbiologists, chemists, bio-
• Presentation of findings to FDA’s Vaccines and statisticians, etc.) with the efficacy and safety information
Related Biological Products Advisory Committee necessary to make a benefit-risk assessment and recom-
(VRBPAC) mend or oppose the approval of a vaccine. Also during
• Usability testing of product labeling this stage, the proposed manufacturing facility undergoes
Vaccine clinical development follows the same a preapproval inspection during which production of the
general pathway as for drugs and other biologics. A vaccine as it is in progress is examined in detail.
sponsor who wishes to begin clinical trials with a Following the FDA’s review of a license application
vaccine must submit an IND application to the FDA for a new indication, the sponsor and the FDA may
(Box 7.7). The IND describes the vaccine, its method present their findings to the FDA’s VRBPAC. This non-
of manufacture, and quality control tests for its release. FDA expert committee (scientists, physicians, biostatis-
Also included is information about the vaccine’s safety ticians, and a consumer representative) provides advice
and ability to elicit a protective immune response to the agency regarding the safety and efficacy of the
(immunogenicity) in animal testing, as well as the vaccine for the proposed indication.
proposed clinical protocol for studies in humans. Vaccine approval also requires the provision of
Premarketing (prelicensure) vaccine clinical trials are adequate product labeling to allow healthcare providers
typically conducted in three phases, as is the case for any to understand the vaccine’s proper use, including its
drug or biologic. Initial human studies, referred to as potential benefits and risks, to communicate with
Phase 1, are safety and immunogenicity studies per- patients and parents, and to safely deliver the vaccine
formed in a small number of closely monitored sub- to the public.34
jects. Phase 2 studies are dose-ranging studies and
may enroll hundreds of subjects. Finally, Phase 3 trials POSTLICENSURE
typically enroll thousands of individuals and provide
The FDA continues to oversee the production of vac-
cines after the vaccine product and the manufacturing
BOX 7.7
processes are approved, in order to ensure continuing
Vaccine Approval: a Multistep Process safety (Box 7.8). After licensure, monitoring of the

• The sponsor of a new vaccine must submit an

Investigational New Drug application, which describes BOX 7.8
the vaccine’s method of production, safety, and Postlicensure Requirements
efficacy to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
• During or after clinical trials (Phases 1, 2, and 3), the • The product and manufacturing process must be
FDA can halt studies or request additional information monitored by the US Food and Drug Administration
or studies. (FDA) for as long as the manufacturer holds a license
• If all three phases are successful, the sponsor can for the product.
submit a Biologics License Application which informs • Unless an alternative procedure is approved,
the FDA of the benefit-risk assessment based on safety manufacturers have to submit the results of their own
and efficacy information. The proposed manufacturing vaccine lot tests (and possibly samples of each lot) to
facility must also have a preapproval inspection. the FDA upon request.
• After the FDA’s review, the FDA and the sponsor must • Even once on the market, many vaccines have Phase
present their findings to the Vaccines and Related 4 studies in order to continue identifying adverse
Biological Products Advisory Committee. events.
• Finally, if approved, the vaccine product must be • The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System helps
labeled properly. the government identify problems.
CHAPTER 7 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance 107

vaccine product and of production activities, including products include blood and blood products, vaccines,
periodic facility inspections, must continue as long as and cellular, tissue, and gene therapies. CBER evaluates
the manufacturer holds a license for the product. If safety throughout the product’s life cycle and has inte-
requested by the FDA, manufacturers are required to grated the following programs into its regulatory
submit to the FDA the results of their own tests for po- decision-making processes36 (Fig. 7.3):
tency, safety, and purity for each vaccine lot. They may 1. Postlicensure Rapid Immunization Safety Monitoring
also require submitting samples of each vaccine lot to (PRISM)da subcomponent of the Sentinel System
the FDA for testing. However, if the sponsor describes focusing on vaccine safety surveillance. PRISM has
an alternative procedure which provides continued been deployed for refinement and evaluation of
assurance of safety, purity, and potency, the CBER
may determine that routine submission of lot release
protocols (showing results of applicable tests) and sam- BOX 7.9
ples is not necessary. Three Surveillance Programs
Until a vaccine is administered to the general popu-
lation, not all potential adverse events can be antici- • Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research ’s
pated. Thus, many vaccines undergo Phase 4 Postlicensure Rapid Immunization Safety Monitoring
helps proactively evaluate safety signals during
studiesdformal, protocol-driven studies of a vaccine
premarket and postmarket reviews.
once it is commercially available. Furthermore, surveil-
• Sentinel assessments use automated surveillance tools
lance systems are in place to further detect adverse to improve patient privacy and monitoring efficacy.
effects. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(VAERS) is a passive surveillance reporting system that Vaccine Safety Datalink partners with large health
is used to identify problems after marketing begins.35 plans to help monitor and understand rare and serious
The US FDA’s CBER regulates biologic products adverse events.
and ensures their safety and efficacy (Box 7.9). These

FIG. 7.3 Surveillance tools.

108 SECTION III Special Topics and Special Populations

FIG. 7.4 Active risk identification and analysis (ARIA).

potential safety signals identified during premarket

and postmarket reviews. One characteristic of the BOX 7.10
Sentinel System is that it enables CBER to proactively Levels of Benefit-Risk Assessments
assess biologics safety, under real-world conditions,
• Players involved in monitoring vaccine safety
reflecting patient care in the United States. This include regulatory agencies, academia, the medical
capability enhances safety monitoring and allows community, the industry, and the general public.
CBER to systematically evaluate safety signals iden- • The healthcare professional and the vaccine provider
tified during premarket trials, as well as signals that play key roles in preventing, identifying, and managing
emerge after products are released to the market.37 adverse events following immunization (AEFI).
2. Sentinel assessments make use of the automated • Studies, guidelines, and algorithms can all help
surveillance tools that support FDA’s Active Risk determine the relationship between AEFI and the
Identification and Analysis System38 (Fig. 7.4). This vaccine.
approach improves the efficiency of FDA monitoring
and ensures patient privacy through the use of the
Sentinel Distributed Database.
3. In addition to safety monitoring activities provided to populations of children and adults that
completed by the vaccine manufacturer and regula- are mostly healthy. There is little or no tolerance for
tory authorities, there is additional surveillance side effects (Box 7.10). In addition, reduction of the in-
managed by the CDC. In 1990, the CDC established fectious disease as a consequence of the long-term use
the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) to address gaps in of a vaccine may result in complacency. This compla-
the scientific knowledge of rare and serious adverse cency may result in reoccurrence of outbreaks as
events following immunizations (AEFIs). This demonstrated in measles outbreaks in Europe and the
program involves partnerships with large health United States after measles elimination. The reoccur-
plans to monitor vaccine safety.39 rence of disease is the result of the fall of the administra-
tion coverage.40 Vaccine scares such as those associating
the combined measles-mumps-rubella vaccine with
BENEFIT RISKdTHE PROVIDER AND autism, and whole-cell pertussis vaccines with encepha-
CONSUMER LEVEL lopathy, result in reduction of vaccination coverage, and
Vaccine administration differs considerably from eventually, when sufficient susceptible persons accumu-
administration of medicines because vaccines are late, the result is a disease resurgence.
CHAPTER 7 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance 109

The evaluation of the benefits and risks of vaccines about current and future programs. Agencies require
should be implemented continuously and should be the information to address concerns and rumors when
comprehensive. In addition to adverse event moni- they start before they become widespread and harm im-
toring typical to medicines, the evaluation should munization programs. Safety monitoring systems estab-
include basic elements of purity, stability, and sterility lished in the United States and Europe, among others,
in all phases of clinical development through with methodology that ranges from the rapid cycle anal-
postmarketing. ysis for expedited detection of potential safety issues to
Safety assessments conducted by regulators, indus- planned large observational studies have been useful to
try, and academia increase confidence in the vaccine detect safety issues. However, the ultimate test depends
as the amount of data of available increases and permits on monitoring adverse events in large populations over
the identification of potential risks. Health care profes- several months or even years. The latter requires the link
sionals involved with immunization and vaccine of disparate databases to make the system more efficient
providers have a role in the prevention, early identifica- and enable rapid signal detection. The connection of
tion, investigation, and risk management of AEFIs. these databases is technologically complicated, but it
Health care providers should investigate AEFIs and is necessary to avoid the same cases being reported
report them in accordance with current guidelines for several times and overrepresent the magnitude of the
assessing and reporting AEFI. The ultimate objective risk. As technology evolves and improves, more
for all involved is to ensure vaccines have a favorable concerted action globally will move vaccine safety
benefit-risk profile.40 monitoring to a real-time, proactive activity.43

Maternal Vaccination
THE FUTURE (Box 7.11). Maternal immunization, a public health
Active Surveillance strategy, demonstrated prevention of potentially serious
Comprehensive surveillance of AEFI is required to detect disease for both mothers and their infants. The mother’s
potentially serious adverse events that may not be antibody, transferred across the placenta, can protect
identified in prelicensure vaccine trials. Surveillance babies from infections during a time when they are
systems, traditionally passive, relying on spontaneous most needed. Although maternal vaccination can have
reporting, now include active surveillance and supple- potential benefits, many vaccines remain Category B
mental strategies incorporated into vaccine safety pro- drugs because the safety and effectiveness are not estab-
grams. These include active screening for targeted lished in pregnant women or nursing mothers as part of
conditions of interest (e.g., hospitalization), monitoring prelicensure clinical trials.44 Renewed efforts in
of new data sources, and real-time methodologies to evidence generation and novel pathways for approval
detect changes in vaccine safety data in these sources.41 are needed to move this strategy forward.

Real-World Evidence
Scientifically based, postmarketing safety surveillance is
critical to ensure public confidence in vaccinations. BOX 7.11
Additionally, these practices ultimately reduce Vaccinations During Pregnancy
morbidity and mortality of vaccine-preventable dis-
eases. The infrastructure and scientific methods for post- • Though maternal vaccinations can help protect
marketing safety surveillance have continuously infants, many vaccines are Category B drugs due
improved over the last decades. Supporting and always to inconclusive safety and efficacy information for
pregnant or nursing women.
improving this system will continue to be important as
• Pregnancy exposure registries are used to gather data
the number of people to be vaccinated continues to on pregnancy outcomes after vaccination and the
increase.42 effects of drugs and vaccines given during pregnancy
Ongoing safety research is part of public health pro- or while breastfeeding.
grams. These programs ensure regulatory agencies • More studies are needed.
receive the information required to make decisions
110 SECTION III Special Topics and Special Populations

Systems for monitoring the safety of maternal

BOX 7.12
The Future of Surveillance
Postlicensure vaccine safety monitoring allows for rapid
identification of new adverse events as well as potential • Surveillance of adverse events following immunization
increases in known adverse events. Several methods are helps find serious adverse events that might not have
available to measure the postlicensure safety of vaccines been identified in prelicensure trials.
given during pregnancy. • Active surveillance strategies are replacing passive
Pregnancy exposure registries collect and maintain ones that rely on spontaneous reporting.
postlicensure safety data on the effects of drugs and • Active surveillance strategies include screening for
vaccines given during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. conditions of interest, monitoring new data sources,
and detecting changes in vaccine safety data in real
Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, CSL Biotherapies,
Merck & Co, and Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostic
Research have maintained such a registry. These
registries collect data on pregnancy outcomes and the ability to conduct long-term follow-up of birth
newborn health following vaccination. cohorts over multiple years.
However, with the exception of reports of incidental Observational studies, such as the VSD, are useful as
administration, few studies have been published using they typically include large sample sizes and are better
these data. powered to identify less common AEFI. However, they
Passive systems, such as the VAERS, have been used are subject to certain biases, such as confounding and
to monitor postlicensure safety of vaccines given in misclassification.
the general population. These systems allow health Advances in active surveillance methods and infra-
providers, and in some cases the public, to submit structure combined with an emphasis on maternal
reports of AEFI experienced. These systems are useful vaccination offer the unique opportunity to prevent
for monitoring vaccine safety across populations and vulnerable populations from potentially lethal disease.
for collecting information on postvaccination events. Healthcare providers play a critical role in promoting
Active surveillance systems have also been imple- maternal vaccination. Women commonly cite concerns
mented as a means of directly collecting select postvacci- about the safety of a vaccination to the fetus when
nation events from recently immunized pregnant refusing vaccination during pregnancy; results from
women. Systems for performing active surveillance studies evaluating adverse pregnancy outcomes should
typically enroll pregnant women at the time of vaccina- reassure pregnant patients that maternal vaccination is
tion and prospectively monitor them for a defined period safe to the fetus. Healthcare providers may find results
of time. These systems are valuable in identifying the from studies measuring the reactogenicity of vaccina-
reactogenicity of vaccines and capturing pregnancy- tion during pregnancy useful when communicating to
specific outcomes in a large sample. A recent review of pregnant women what to expect following vaccination.
47 countries indicated that all 30 countries with a national To support this potentially game-changing public
immunization policy targeting pregnant women had a health strategy, continued monitoring and communica-
passive vaccine safety surveillance system; however, only tion of safety information to healthcare providers and
11 (23%) of these countries had active surveillance sys- their patients is critical.
tems to detect serious AEFI in pregnant women and a
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