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New Year,
New You
to the first day of your new life
For most of us, 2020 was defined by challenge. As individuals and as a collective, we
were presented with a staggering number of opportunities to learn about our
values, our priorities, and our health.

One of the more subtle examples of this was the opportunity to learn about the
connection between the stresses of life and physical symptoms. While this
experience was difficult, we truly believe it can be used to move each of us forward
towards long-term healing.

The challenges of 2020 have brought about a new horizon for our collective health.
They brought to light what we can no longer ignore, paving the way for a season of
healing in 2021. May these 30 days of healing mark the start of many more to come.

To Your Health,

The Curable Family

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New Year, New You

30-Day Challenge Tracker

day 1 day 11 day 21

day 2 day 12 day 22

day 3 day 13 day 23

day 4 day 14 day 24

day 5 day 15 day 25

day 6 day 16 day 26

day 7 day 17 day 27

day 8 day 18 day 28

day 9 day 19 day 29

day 10 day 20 day 30

| 03

Interrupt Your Patterns

3-Day Challenge Sprint

day 1 Notes / Insights

When talking about symptoms that

you experience, eliminate the
word "my" from your vocabulary
for the whole day. See how this
subtle shift in ownership changes
the way you feel about your
symptoms (or yourself!).

day 2 Notes / Insights

Shift your expectations! Today, go
do something to get your body
moving outdoors, knowing that
symptoms may or may not show
up. Commit to enjoying the activity
either way and observe how this
impacts your mood.

day 3 Notes / Insights

For one full day, allow yourself

to feel ALL emotions, both
positive and challenging. Let
them sit next to you like a friend
without trying to push them
away. Notice how this feels in
your body.
| 04

Day 4
of the 30-Day Challenge

Make a list of 10 things that are going well in your body right now.

| 05

Quick Hits
3-Day Challenge Sprint

5 6 7
day 5
Do something creative
that brings you joy for 30
minutes today.
day 6
Visualize yourself
completing an activity you
hope to be doing pain-free
by the end of 2021.
day 7
Complete a writing
exercise on the
Curable app.

"Just as your nervous system has

learned to make your body hurt, you
can use your brain to unlearn the pain."
~ Howard Schubiner, MD
| 06

Week Two
of the 30-Day Challenge

day 8 Notes / Insights

Introduce yourself to someone else
who is on the same healing path. If
you need a place to look, try the
Curable Community on Facebook!

day 9 Notes / Insights

Start reading a new book about

healing. (Pro Tip: The first 5 chapters
of Unlearn Your Pain by Howard
Schubiner, MD, are free on Amazon!)
Notes / Insights
day 10
Take a full day OFF from consulting
"Dr. Google" about any symptoms,
new or old.

day 11 Notes / Insights

Truly notice how your body feels

physically around each person you
spend time with today.

day 12 Notes / Insights

For 10 minutes, nonjudgmentally

observe the sensations & emotions
that are present in your body today.

day 13 Notes / Insights

Repeat, retain, retrain! Go into your

Curable app, find an exercise or
lesson that you really enjoyed, and
do it again.

Notes / Insights
day 14
Set a boundary that helps you create
more time or space for your healing.
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Day 15
of the 30-Day Challenge

Use the space below to write a love letter to your body.

Dear Body,
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Day 16
of the 30-Day Challenge

The emotions that are coming up for me today are...

The more primal, basic emotion that might be hiding underneath these surface emotions is...

The situation this emotion reminds me of from my past is...

After taking 90 seconds to accept this emotion and lean into it, I feel...
| 09

Day 17
of the 30-Day Challenge

Use the space below to write a letter to your future self with the intention of
reading it during the next healing setback you experience.

Dear Future Self,

| 10

Have Fun With It!

7-day Challenge Sprint

Re-read your favorite childhood
book or story, taking note of the
day positive traits you have in
common with the protagonist.

Go a full day without saying your
diagnosis or the word "pain" out
day loud. If you need to, replace
these with silly words.

In detail, share a win you
experienced this week with
day someone who is on a similar
healing path as you.

Move your body! Turn on your
favorite dance song from the
day decade you grew up in and dance
around while no one is watching.

22 A bit of levity
Look in the mirror and give
yourself a motivating pep talk
reminds the body
about how 2021 will be YOUR
year for healing.

what it feels like to

23 produce stress-
Make a list of 10 things you can
do to give yourself a boost of fun
day in 10 minutes or less. Then, do
one of them today! relieving chemicals

Call a friend or family member
day you haven't caught up with in a
while and tell them 5 good things
that are happening in your life.
| 11

Day 25
of the 30-Day Challenge

Use the space below to write a short, silly song. The goal is to create a song you can sing to
yourself to diffuse your brain's panic and fear the next time symptoms show up.
| 12

Heal Together
3-Day Challenge Sprint

day 26 Notes / Insights

Reach out and connect with

someone whose healing story
inspires you. Tell them, in detail,
what inspires you about their story
and share some of your own
experience with them.

day 27 Notes / Insights

Talk to the person who has been
the most supportive part of your
healing journey so far. Express
gratitude for what they've
provided and notice how you
both feel afterwards.

day 28 Notes / Insights

Give yourself a break! Take the

day off from actively working on
your healing and spend time
connecting with a loved one.
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Day 29
of the 30-Day Challenge

Use the space below to set an exciting physical activity goal that you'd like to achieve in 2021.
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Day 30
of the 30-Day Challenge

Use the space below to describe, in detail, how you want to feel about your body this year.

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