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First part: Mention one (1) problem you think you and your classmates are facing these days.

Second part: Give 4 suggestions (2 affirmative & 2 negative) on how you and your classmates
can overcome those problems. Use ‘should’ & 'shouldn't'.

Third part: Say one (1) future plan/intention what you are going to do in order to overcome
those problems. Use ‘going to’.


Hello teacher, good day, we are currently going through a very hard situation due to the issue
of covid nineteen with my classmates, currently it makes it difficult for us to learn at university,
some suggestions that I can offer would be:

Affirmative Suggestions

• Take face-to-face classes.

• Have greater coverage of the virtual library.

Negative suggestions

• Not all of us have the same quality of internet connection.

• With virtual classes we cannot carry out academic practices.

My future action would be:

• Conduct student internships in open fields.

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