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Beginning Angel Magic

Week Six

The Angelic Hierarchies

All of nature is hierarchical. There is a food chain, there are different natural kingdoms (animal,
vegetable, mineral). While it is true that many man-made hierarchies can be quite corrupt, natural
hierarchies are divine and are necessary for the Life Force to manifest itself and sustain life. Just like
there are hierarchies in nature, it has been posited by the ancient mysteries that there is a spiritual
hierarchy as well. This idea is reflected in the concept of different kingdoms, or “choirs” of angels.

The First Hierarchy of Angels:

The Seraphim - This choir of angels, known as “The Burning Ones,” surrounds “the throne of
God” (also known as the Supreme One, the All that Is, or Godhead). These are the regulators of the
movement of the celestial world. The Seraphim have purifying and enlightening powers and inhabit
the First Cause, or “Prime Cause” of the universe. They are said to know and understand the pure
and initial intentions of the All, which seeks to know itself through the outpouring of all that is. They
are traditionally pictured as holy angels with six wings who are constantly singing God’s praises.

The Cherubim — This choir are known as the councillors of heaven and the guardians of the Sacred
Light. Their primary power is that of Knowing. They inhabit the sphere of the fixed stars in which is the
Holy and Ancient Wisdom found by all sincere seekers of the Truth. The Cherubim are traditionally
pictured as having four faces and four wings. The faces of the Cherubim are The Lion, The Bull, the
Face of the perfected human, and the Eagle. They are also known in Angelic tradition and in many
Traditional Witchcraft circles, as the Watchers.
Week Six Beginning Angel Magic Ariel Gatoga

The Thrones — This choir are known as Elders, and the companions of all the planets. They are the
representation of all divine majesty and are the divine priesthood of heaven. They inhabit the fiery
wheels of the throne of God. The Thrones are sometimes depicted as wheels with the many eyes of
all-seeing wisdom. They are also seen as angelic figures holding flowers and/or the scales of justice.
The Thrones are the representation of the strong and mighty Divine Will.

The Second Hierarchy of Angels:

The Dominions — This choir, also known as “The Lordships,” assist in the integration of the material
and spiritual worlds. They are often depicted as wearing crowns and holding an orb and scepter, an
equal armed cross, or a sword as symbols of the balanced force back of all creation. The dominions
are representatives of the superiority of wisdom over intellect and govern the elements of nature.
They regulate the duties of the lower hierarchies of Angels.

The Virtues — This choir assimilates the Divine Will enveloping Mother Earth. They are associated
with all heroism and miracles performed on the Earth. The Virtues are also responsible for all signs
and omens on the Earth. They can carry a sword or scepter and shield as a symbol of courage. They
are the Shining Ones.

The Powers — This choir, also known as “The Authorities,” carry flaming swords to protect all of
humanity while helping to anchor the Divine Plan for Mother Earth. They bring a vision of unity with all
creation to humanity. They are able to prevent any forces from thwarting the Divine Plan and thus
protect and guide all lost souls. These are warrior angels who protect the Divine Will at all times.

The Third Hierarchy of Angels

The Principalities — This choir are the guardians of large groups such as cities and nations and
large civil and religious movements on earth. They monitor the destiny of the Karma of nations and
large societies.

The Archangels — This choir are the bringers of light, love and leadership to humanity. Despite their
position in the hierarchy, archangels are chief angels who attend the Throne of God and reveal God’s
presence to humanity.

The Angels — These angels are the ones most commonly seen by humans. People who are not in
conscious contact with the angels may have divine interventions by Angels rather than the
Archangels. Some of the teaching angels are considered Angels vs. Archangels, but these
distinctions tend to be somewhat arbitrary.

The eight teaching angels, although they may belong to different choirs, work together for the benefit
humanity. As such they are often called “Archangels” regardless of the actual choirs to which they
officially belong.

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The Angels of Nature

The Devas — These are the angels who oversee Mother Earth’s eco-systems and are responsible
for the highly complex balance necessary for sustaining life on our planet. The Devas are traditionally
ruled by Anael, who is responsible for revealing the manifestation of the Divine Will through all of
Nature. Anael is the ruler of all nature spirituality, including shamanism, druidry, witchcraft, neo-

The Devas, who serve Mother Earth under the direction of Anael, give nature its life force. Wherever
natural beauty is most evident, there is a large concentration of devic presence. 

The Elementals — The Devas oversee the activities of the elementals. In the Western Magical
Traditions, these elemental beings are known as Sylphs (air), Undines (water), Salamanders (fire)
and Gnomes (earth). The Elementals are beings of pure spirit and the pure elements out of which
they are composed. Elementals are considered the simplest life-forms in all of the angelic hierarchies.

Nature Spirits — The pure nature spirits work with the vegetable kingdom. They also serve under the
Angel Anael. Every single type of plant in all of the vegetable kingdom has its own spirit which rules it.
Nature spirits can appear as whirling vortices of energy (often green in color). Sick plants can be
helped by directing attention to its attendant nature spirit.

The Rainbow Angels

These are devas who work within the color spectrum. Always call on the these devas through the
angel Anael, by being certain you are working during a week you have invoked Shekinah. It’s very
simple to call on the rainbow angels. These squares are best made on a Friday, but any day during
the waxing moon when the Shekinah has been invoked is fine.

Red Angels: For new beginnings. For empowerment and courage. For stimulating and generating
ideas. For healing of sexual problems and for positive sexuality to be expressed. For action. For
healing and opening of the energy center at the base of the spine.

Orange Angels: For new horizons. For changes of all kinds. For losing or gaining weight or any other
change in physical appearance. For personal charisma. For help with addictions. For healing and
opening of the energy center between the base of the spine and the navel.

Yellow Angels: For health and strength. For power and mental clarity. For study and new ideas. For
mental stimulation and inspiration. For creativity. For healing and opening the energy center around
the navel.

Green Angels: For all harmony and balance. For connecting with nature. For all issues pertaining to
the environment. For beautifying your own environment. For acceptance and forgiveness. For
prosperity. For healing and opening the energy center around the Heart.

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Blue Angels: For psychic recharging. For healing of all physical and emotional ailments. For
sensitivity. For calmness and forgiveness. For quelling all rage and anger. For healthy control of
emotions. For understanding. For clear communication. For healing and opening the energy center
around the throat.

Indigo Angels: (dark blue and purple work well for these squares): For opening the third eye. For all
discernment, discrimination, psychic gifts, clairvoyance, problems with eyesight, or a clear view of any
situation that is confusing. For healing and opening the energy center around the brow.

Violet Angels: For all spiritual gifts and spiritual achievements. For total healing of the self. For
releasing the past. For becoming one with your higher purpose. For allowing the Divine Will to
manifest in any situation. For finding balance of body, mind, emotions and spirit. For clearing all
negativity. For all spiritual gifts. For healing and opening the energy center at the crown of the head.

Simply draw the square and color in the center diagonal row from top to bottom, with the appropriate
color ink, pencil, crayon, etc. Write your petition on the reverse side in Rivers Script, and sign your
name in Theban script. Call verbally on the angel Anael and ask that the rainbow angels work on your
behalf. Burn Venus incense if possible. Light a candle in the same basic color as the rainbow angels
you are working with and place it on top of your petition. Allow the candle to burn down and out by
itself. It’s always appropriate to extinguish the candle if you can’t be present and light it again later,
even if it takes several days for the candle to burn down and out.

The rainbow angels work on the level of the visible spectrum of light. It is common for you to have
visions and omens surrounding the color with which you are working. This is always a good sign.
Working with the rainbow angels is an excellent way to augment work you are doing with other
angels, as well as being effective magic in its own right.

Example Rainbow Angel Squares:

Red Angel Square:
 Blue Angel Square:


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The Fairies or Sidhe

According to the Angelic tradition, at the dawn of creation, the Archangels and Angels created
patterns (or archetypes) of all life forms on the earth that was to evolve. These included plants,
insects, birds, fish, animals and many forms of animals whose archetypes are still alive even though
the actual life form was abandoned (such as the unicorn, fire breathing dragon etc. whose archetypes
are still quite alive in nonphysical planes).

According to lore, the great Throne Angel, Uriel, imbued these archetypes with magical power which
flowed down the Tree of Life in order that each life form was imbued with life force, and its evolution
on earth began. The faeries were the creations of Anael, according to legend. Anael is personified as
Oberon and/or Tatiana (queen and/or king of the Faeries). During what is known as “The Fall,” the
faeries were caught in between worlds and were said to live in the plane known as The Middle

The Sidhe, Faeries, Good Folk, Shining Ones, etc. are said to live in a realm between that of angels
and man. They have very light and easily changeable bodies and form. Some Faeries are said to be
quite kind and helpful to humans, while others can be extremely suspicious and antagonistic toward

Faerieland is said to be a place of great beauty and light. The inhabitants of this realm have
extremely long lives compared to human beings. It is both part of the astral plane and also part of the
earth plane. Entrances to the realms of faerie are said to be only in natural settings, and often on
what are known in modern terms as “ley lines,” where the magnetic currents of Mother Earth are the

Whereas the Teaching Angels have the purpose of guiding and helping humanity, the Faeries belong
to an entirely different order of creation, somewhat parallel to ours. While they sometimes can exist in
our reality, they are usually only seen by those with well-developed clairvoyant vision. Although it is
sometimes possible to cross over to faerieland, it can be quite dangerous to do so. Few who find their
way in are able to find their way out; and if they do, it is often at the expense of many years lost in the
human realm, as time travels very differently in the two realms.

Faeries are rarely of the sanitized Tinkerbell variety. They are a race of beings quite alien to our own.
They interact with humans on their own terms, not on ours. While they have been known to be quite
helpful and generous, they can just as easily be cruel and destructive on a whim. As magical beings,
they are quite powerful.

The Fey are very complex beings who are considered part of an ancient race of angels who came to
earth and who live in the space between the physical and the astral. They tend not to dwell in cities.
They are neither good nor evil, but as many don’t care for humans and consider the human race as
being the enemies of the Earth, they can be very destructive forces when approached incorrectly. The
Sidhe live in an alternate sense of time and space to our own, and have been known to lure humans
into their realms where they are lost forever (either physically, psychically or psychologically).

Remember that they are not “evil” at all, but they can be without morals as we understand them.
Some are quite lovely and kind, while others can be extremely dangerous.The safest way to have any
interaction with these beings are through the angel Anael.
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While this course does not include any faerie magic (although later ones may), be very careful when
working with any so-called “faerie” magic that you come across in popular culture. The Faeries at best
have a laugh at our expense, and at worst can be very jealous of their own realm and have no
qualms about cursing those who “dabble” in their domain.

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Week Six Beginning Angel Magic Ariel Gatoga

Some Angelic Talismans

These talisman rituals are intended to be performed only if the Shekinah has been invoked on the
previous Friday. Unless specifically stated, the paper on which these talismans are drawn should be

Talisman for Mental Goals (Raphael)

This square is helpful when any mental task must be undertaken (tests, inspiration and writing of
books, etc.). Once it has been prepared you may sleep with it in your pillow case. It may also be
carried and/or worn during tests or other times that mental acuity must be great.

It should be drawn with Black ink and either use yellow paper, or color in the white background using
yellow. Write your petition on the back in either Rivers or Theban script.

No candles or ritual other than the drawing of the square is necessary.

C AE c C f
c C EB I R

f C AE R I
C EB f I c

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Talisman for Home Furnishings (Gabriel)

This ritual can be used to bring any new new furnishing, appliance etc. It should be done on the night
of the new moon, as it is sacred to Gabriel. It may also be used if money for rent or mortgage is
needed. Anything relating to bringing a blessing to the home is appropriate.

As this is a lunar talisman, it should be drawn on white paper, using blue, silver or gray. The talisman
itself is not square, but oblong. The paper on which it is drawn should still be square however.

On the night of the new moon, light a single white candle and some lunar incense if possible. Draw
the grid of the square first, and then fill the symbols into the grid, starting at the top, working from left
to right, filling each line until you reach the bottom.

On the reverse side of the talisman, draw the invoking sign of the moon (the trident) on the left, then
the name “Gabriel” in Rivers Script, then the other invoking sign on the right. Underneath these signs
write, in Theban Script, that which is needed in the home.

Place the talisman under the candle and allow it to burn down and out. Leave the talisman
somewhere in the same room in which it was drawn until the following new moon. If necessary,
repeat the ritual each new moon until the goal is reached.

Front: Back:

7 B 14 B 21 B 28
B 14 B 21 B 28 B
7 B 14 B 21 B 28
B 14 B 21 B 28 B

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Talisman For an Increase in Money(Sachiel)

On a Thursday during the waxing moon, light a purple candle, and some Jupiter incense if possible.

On a piece of white or light purple paper, draw in Dark Blue or Purple the following square (Draw the
top horizontal line left to right, then the bottom horizontal line right to left, and ending with the right
vertical line, bottom to top :

Write your petition on the reverse in Rivers Script. Place the talisman under the candle and let it burn
down and out.

Wrap the paper around a coin (if you can find a gold or silver coin, so much the better) and place it in
your wallet where you keep your money.

Repeat the ritual each Thursday until your goal has been reached, being sure to destroy the previous
week’s talisman and replace it with the new one (you may reuse the coin however).






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The Great Protective Square of Lumiel

This protects the soul from fear and disempowerment, the mind from damage, the body from harm
and ill-health. This talisman should be constructed on the day of either your sun or moon angel.

You may draw a large square for your home and a smaller one to carry with you.

Make the square on sturdy card stock, and consider laminating it as well to keep it protected. The
card stock may be either white or yellow in color.

On the reverse side of the talisman write your name in Rivers Script. No ritual is necessary.

The grid is drawn in red.

The letters are drawn in green.

The part of fortune is drawn in purple:

The heart is drawn in red:

The star of glory is drawn in silver:

The Djed of Osiris is drawn in gold:

The Eye of Heaven drawn in blue:







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Week Six Beginning Angel Magic Ariel Gatoga

The TeachingAngels as Aspects of the Divine

Each of the Teaching angels represents a different quality of the Divine Creator or Godhead. Any time
you find yourself in need of help, you may call out, either aloud or silently, to the angel who rules the
current day in which you find yourself, and align your mind completely with that particular aspect of
the Divine for which they are responsible. This is capable of giving immediate relief to any problem.
There is no problem too great to be solved.

The Method:

1. Call on the angel of the day either silently or aloud by repeating their name three times.
2. State your problem
3. Ask that the Aspect of the divine which they rule completely replace the problem.
4. Take time to consider the Aspect of the Divine from as many angles as you possibly can.
5. Completely turn your attention away from the problem and focus only on the Aspect of the Angel.
6. After you have completed this exercise for several minutes, do your best to completely keep your
attention AWAY from the problem.
7. Ask the Angel to help you as many times as necessary during the day if you notice that you begin
to get worried, upset or start to ruminate on your problem.
8. The more you can move your consciousness away from that of the problem and onto the aspect
ruled by the angel of the day, the more quickly and completely you will be delivered from your

Remember that the more completely you can turn your attention away from the problem and focus
instead on the complete and total realization of the aspect of the divine ruled by the angel of the day,
the more quickly you will be delivered safely from your problem. It matters not how big the perceived
problem is. The rules are the same. Call on the angel, state the name of the problem. Ask that the the
Divine aspect replace the problem completely. Completely turn your attention away from the problem
and on the aspect of the divine.

Sunday, Michael. Aspect of the Divine: Life

When asking Michael to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of
Divine Life you can think of. Imagine your heart beat, your blood stream, the motion of planets around
the sun; consider how embryos become babies and the amazing circle of life. Immerse yourself
completely in the energy of Life, as an aspect of the divine and allow Life to completely replace your

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Monday, Gabriel. Aspect of the Divine: Soul

When asking Gabriel to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of the
Divine Soul you can think of. Consider the miracle of how your own soul brought you into this
incarnation, at this time and place, in order to learn very specific and wonderful lessons. Give thanks
and blessings to each and every aspect of the divine curriculum your soul created. Consider the
concept of the World Soul, and how you relate to it. Consider the Soul of the planet, and all its
inhabitants and wonder at the miracle of how each of us were brought together to teach and learn
with one another. Immerse yourself completely in the energy of Soul, as an aspect of the Divine and
allow Soul to completely replace your problem.

Tuesday, Samael. Aspect of the Divine: Spirit

When asking Samael to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of
Divine Spirit you can think of. Meditate on the energy of Divine Will back of every living thing.
Consider how small blades of grass can displace concrete due to the Will of Spirit. Think of how this
physical universe is a reflection of Spirit. Notice how at the very core of every single physical particle
in the material universe there are only waves of Spirit wearing the appearance of solid matter.
Immerse yourself completely in the energy of Spirit, as an aspect of the Divine, and allow Spirit to
completely replace your problem.

Wednesday, Raphael. Aspect of the Divine: Intelligence.

When asking Raphael to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of
Divine Intelligence that you can think of. Find the understanding that Intelligence is infinite. Consider
the Genius of all creation. Notice how each and every part of your body is Intelligence incarnate.
There are so many mysteries of the human body that have yet to be discovered. Consider the
intricate design back of our solar system, ecosystems, electro magnetic energy, soil composition,etc.
Recognize that your mind is one with Infinite Intelligence as is every other mind. Immerse yourself
completely in the energy of Intelligence, as an aspect of the Divine, and allow Intelligence to
completely replace your problem.

Thursday, Sachiel. Aspect of the Divine: Truth.

When asking Sachiel to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of
Divine Truth you can think of. Notice that even your problem itself is calling to you to remind you of
some part of Divine Truth that you have forgotten. Recall the idea of the Truth of the immenseness of
the entire universe. Remind yourself that you are a child of the universe and that your inheritance
here is to be one with all that is. There is no problem too large that Truth itself cannot easily solve.
Allow yourself to be shown the Truth of who you are at the core, which is light, love, innocence and
greatness. Allow yourself to be shown the truth of everyone else as well, including any and all
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relationships which have been in disharmony. Immerse yourself completely in the energy of Truth, as
an aspect of the Divine, and allow Truth to completely replace your problem.

Friday, Anael. Aspect of the Divine: Love.

When asking Anael to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of Divine
Love you can think of. Begin to Love the Divine, MORE than you love your problem. Allow yourself to
relax your body and let the energy of Divine love break up all tension, hatred, fear and un-forgiveness
in you. Recognize that there is no problem that cannot be overcome instantly with Divine Love.
Consider any place where you are lacking good will toward another, and ask yourself if having
resentment is worth keeping the problem. When you can completely forgive and have love flowing in
your life, all problems must dissolve. Immerse yourself completely in the energy of Love, as an aspect
of the Divine, and allow Love to completely replace your problem.

Saturday, Cassiel. Aspect of the Divine: Principle.

When asking Cassiel to deliver you from your problem, you must study each and every aspect of
Divine Principle you can think of. Notice that 2 + 2 always equals 4. It cannot be otherwise. This is a
pure principle. Likewise, there is no problem that cannot be solved by studying the reality that Divine
Principle is Law. If your magic has not been working, or your problems have not been solved, it is
simply due to the fact that you have not been in alignment with Divine Law. Just like a teacher can
correct a math problem for a student so that they learn where there was an error, in order to learn
how to get the correct answer, so can Cassiel correct all your mistakes regarding Divine Principle.
When you are willing to be in alignment with Divine principle, everything in your life MUST work.
Immerse yourself completely in the energy of Principle, as an aspect of the Divine, and allow Principle
to completely replace your problem.

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