Defending Islam

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This is an informal refutation and master list for almost all mainstream misconceptions about Islam and lies

propagated against it; it will contain resources for everything you will need to refute allegations against Islam and
evidences for Islam and links to other useful resources. With the help of Allah, we hope this will be the end of many
people’s doubts. All the sources complete each other, so check out all the links to learn about a topic.

Spread this everywhere & Share the knowledge

[36:21] Follow those who do not ask of you [any] payment, and they are [rightly] guided.
[16:125] “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best”

This noble intention was penned by the illustrious scholar of Tarim, Hadramawt, Imam AbdAllah bin Alawi al-
Haddad, may Allah enshroud him in his mercy. He was blind from a very young age but grew in knowledge
and stature to become the foremost educator in the Islamic sciences and spirituality of his time. His books
are published until this day and he continues to be a source of benefit for many around the world. May Allah
benefit us by him, ameen.

Imam al-Dhahabi (Allah have mercy on him) points out to the signs of having a sincere intention or otherwise,
He mentions that the one who seeks knowledge for the sake of Allah Most High, then that knowledge creates
in him humility, humbleness and the fear of Allah. And the one who seeks knowledge for worldly gains, he
becomes proud with his knowledge, thus argues and quarrels with other Muslims.

Identification & Usage

This is the only genuine second version of this book made by the same author. No other copies or
editions have been made by me. To verify that this is a genuine copy, you can check the URL of the
previous version which should always lead to this document.


This work is not copyrighted, you are free to copy anything from it for personal or commercial use and
feel free to credit the source or not. However, do not republish the PDF in any way.

Read this before you read anything else.
What is this book? How to use this book?

This booklet aims to highlight the most mainstream attacks against Islam and refute them informally. Every
link posted here was checked and only the best of resources were picked. By the help of Allah, this book will
guide many if you understand how to use it correctly which will be explained in the next section. A lot of hard
work has been put into the making of this, and all humans make errors. If I happened to have included a
wrong website or a mistake Allah forgive me and do not hesitate in reaching out to us to tell us about this
error. Regarding the content of this book, they are all free to use, share and publish. Do whatever you want
with it as long as you have the right and clean intention of defending this beautiful religion. Share this book
everywhere, in return we will all earn rewards and beneficial knowledge. We need Muslims to be safe from
foolish and deceitful missionary tactics. And Allah Guide us all to his straight path.

This book assumes the following

(a) you have a strong knowledge of Islam beforehand and believe in it well.

(b) You can recognize the argument from keywords about it only, as I won’t be posting them

(c) That if you are still new to the religion or not that strong in faith you should NOT be reading the
non-Muslim arguments until you learn thoroughly about Islam.

How to use this book?

The point of this book is to be a huge compilation of the links refuting arguments and a compilation
for Da’wah resources. So perhaps it’s even wrong to call it a book; it’s only a list but you (the user
reading this) should be able to benefit as if it was a book if you use the list in the following manner:

(a) Do not post links during debates or discussions with people unless they ask for it, it’s annoying and
usually shows that you are not that serious about the discussion. Which leads to the next point:

(b) if you are not supposed to be posting the links, so what should you do with them?
Open a notepad or grab a pen and paper or write wherever you want and look for the argument you are
going to be discussing and read all the links and related topics. Then start to make your own notes from your
understanding about them and make sure to include sources for your information. In this way you have
converted the primary material of this book into very useful arguments. Then find the perfect way to present
these arguments using Da’wah techniques.

(c) Now why have I stressed on reading everything? Because every line of this document is packed with
information and the purpose of having multiple links is that they provide enough information to complete each
other and provide a final comprehensive document targeting the argument from every aspect and is ready
to be used during da’wah. A very important factor to take care of is your explanation of the argument. Even
if you have all the knowledge about a topic you will never refute anyone until you are able to communicate
with them and understand each other.

(d) This entire book is a perfect example of how you can utilize the 21 st century’s most advanced technology:
the search-engine “Google”. The links were not brought from outer space, so it is recommended for both
Muslims & Non-Muslims to find answers in trustworthy books and websites. Gaining knowledge, saving time.

Also, be a good ambassador of Islam, non-Muslims read nor the Quran or hadith, they read you.

P.S: In this new copy some links may look smaller than other links, this doesn’t indicate that they
are less of importance. It was just easier fitting them into one line with a smaller font. And blue
headings indicate subchapters.

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Table of Contents (Brief Index)
⚠️ The full Index with all topics is page 134. (At the end of the book) ⚠️

Section (0): How to Answer allegations? ..................................................................................................... 8

Section (1): Basics of Islam ......................................................................................................................... 18

Section (2): Arguments raised by Atheists & Misconceptions about the Essence of Islam................. 21
Proving the essentials of Islam ................................................................................................................ 22-25
Refutations .............................................................................................................................................. 21-37

Section (3): Arguments raised against the Quran & Its contents ............................................................ 38
Subchapter (a): Proving the Preservation of Quran ..................................................................................... 39

Subchapter (b): Removing Doubts about the text of the Quran. ................................................................ 41
Subchapter (1): There are no missing or added verses in the Quran ....................................................... 42
Subchapter (2): Borrowing theories / Plagiarization refuted. ...................................................................... 46

Subchapter (c): Removing doubt about Quranic Verses & Refutations to allegations: .............................. 50
Subchapter (1): Regarding allegations of Murder/Terrorism ....................................................................... 50
Subchapter (2): Allegations of Christians: ................................................................................................... 62
Subchapter (3): Errors in the Quran Refuted ............................................................................................... 65

Section (4): Arguments raised against the Hadith, Sunnah & The actions of Muhammed PBUH ....... 75
Subchapter (1): Answering Hadith Rejectors............................................................................................... 78
Subchapter (2): The marriages of Prophet Muhammed PBUH................................................................... 76
Subchapter (3): Hadith Narrations/Actions of the Prophet explained ......................................................... 82
Subchapter (3): Errors in the Hadith debunked ........................................................................................... 92

Section (5): Miscellaneous arguments against Islam in general & The history of Islam. .................... 97
Refutations ...................................................................................................................................... 98 to 109
Subchapter (1): Refuting Arguments that Islam abuses women ............................................................... 101
Subchapter (2): Refuting Arguments that Islam is racist. ......................................................................... 109

Section (6): Arguments of Christian Evangelists against Islam for Christianity ................................. 110

Section (7): Criticism of other Faiths and Ideologies .............................................................................. 117

Section (8): The Library .............................................................................................................................. 122

Section (0):
How to Answer Allegations?

How to Answer Allegations? (Basic)

These are the polemic tactics, assessing each of their arguments against these points will lead us to answer
any allegation or lie in a profound manner.

1- Taking a single Ayah or a Hadith in isolation from the rest of Islamic rubric (rest of the Quran and other Hadiths).

2- Isolating an Ayah or a Hadith from its context.

3- Ignoring the fact that not all Hadiths are authentic; infact some are termed as weak and some even as fabrication by
Muhaddithin (Masters of the Sciences of Hadith).

4- Extensive use of the traditions from history books like those of Al-Tabari, Ibn Ishaaq and Ibn Sa’ad etc which
contain raw material about early Muslims and include numerous unauthentic narrations. Infact their compilers didn’t
take the amount of care as is done in Hadith compilations. (Scholars did their best either not to narrate unauthentic
narrations or to mention their weakness when they dealt with narrations of legal and juristic importance but not so with
those merely of historical import).

5- Disregard to the fact that not all the narrations that may have connected chains of trustworthy narrators serve as
evidence. One needs to take into account what other narrators relate about the same issue and compare with different
narrations before making an inference or deduction.

6- Indifference to the delicacies and subtleties of the Arabic language. A single word or phrase may have quite
different meanings in different contexts.

7- Not understanding the peculiar environment and culture of 7th A.C. Arabia especially when it comes to the life of the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his companions.

8- Ignoring the fact that’s it’s the Arabic text of the Qur’an and Hadiths that matters and not the translations and

9- ‘Overlooking’ the fact that when it comes to explanation and commentary, no single or a certain group of scholars is
an absolute authority in the House of Islam. Opinion of any scholar, however erudite, may be rejected or ignored
subject to valid reasons.

10- Referring to the deeds of ordinary Muslims and putting the blame on Islam. Such an attitude is absolutely wrong.
Only the deeds of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), understood in the right context, represent the Islamic Faith. What if we see
the Christian religion in light of the doings of the likes of Hitler?

Never engage in a debate or discussion without perfecting your character and understanding proper manners.

Go to page 133 in this document

Understanding Methods of Islamophobic propaganda:

Christian Missionary Tactics:

Missionary arguments they love to use, refuted:

How to debate?

How to Give Da’wah?

Learn about Fallacies: &

How to Answer Allegations? (Advanced)
These are selected texts from the book Sabighat:
If you are serious about Da’wah, you must read this book.

The Shortcomings in methodology, advocacy, education and religious discussion that lead
to apostasy.

1. There is a clear gap between many religious scholars and young people.

This gap leads to an imperfect understanding of reality and the mental isolation of each group. What is worse is that it
leads to the lack of role models who can play an important part in keeping the young on the right course.

We need only to remind ourselves of the Prophet’s personal conduct and how close he was to all sections of society.
Imagine the effect of his behaviour on people who recognised his sublime character reflected in his generous heart,
forbearance and patience. He won their hearts with his fine manners and good conduct.

2. There is a marked lack of variation in methods of advocacy that are suited to modern society and its

The Prophet used to vary his address and his methods of imparting information. He used different styles, such as asking
questions, drawing figures, giving effective addresses, and employing fine speech, etc. We know that he had the light of
revelation and Allah’s support. These were more than enough for the task he was given, but he set the example for us.
To follow his lead is very important, particularly in our modern world where the media plays a very important social role.

3. Another shortcoming is the little room allowed for open discussion where young people feel free to put
forward their questions and problems, whatever they may be, with complete impunity.

I often think of a situation that I love to see as a common feature of Islamic advocacy. I think of a large hall, full of young
people being addressed by a scholar who is an accomplished debater and who combines broadmindedness with
profound insight and the ability to put his case clearly and convincingly. The audience are invited to express their views,
put their questions and explain their worries without restriction. The scholar gives clear answers to their queries like
Ahmad Deedat used to do and as Zakir Naik continues to do. It is in such a forum that countless positive messages will
reach their audiences. Many misconceptions will be cleared, problems solved and hearts reassured. This is my dream,
but will it come true? Will this be soon? How many advocates of Islam are able to undertake this task?

4. Inadequate logical and well proven Islamic discourse.

This is one of the most important reasons. (Which will be explained)

Five features that will make the Islamic defense highly effective during discourse.

Giving more importance to rational address Some people think that Islamic religious texts do not include
rational and logical proofs.

This idea makes them give less importance to the evidence given in religious texts, assigning more importance to
logical reasoning. They claim that certainty can only be achieved by logical reasoning and rational evidence, not by
texts. All this is untrue. Islamic religious texts cite numerous rational evidence that prove the fundamentals of the faith
based on Allah’s oneness.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

The truth is stated by the early generations of Muslims and their scholars who combined knowledge with faith. They
state that Allah has given all the rational evidence that people need. No one of those who make such claims
appreciate such rational evidence. In fact, the Qur’an sums up all that they provide in the best form

Ibn Abi al-Izz, a Hanafi scholar, said:

My good friend needs only consider the rational methods mentioned by philosophers and theologians. He will realise
that all that is correct and valid in them echoes some of the logical proofs the Qur’an states in the clearest and most
concise of forms. Indeed, the Qur’anic style is far clearer and more perfect than anything they come up with’.

When we read Allah’s book, the Qur’an, and study the Prophet’s hadiths, we will recognise that rational address
features prominently in them. Take, for example, the Qur’anic verses that state the fact of resurrection after death.
When we read Allah’s book, the Qur’an, and study the Prophet’s hadiths, we will recognise that rational address
features prominently in them. Take, for example, the Qur’anic verses that state the fact of resurrection after death.
Allah says: ‘Do they not see that Allah, Who has created the heavens and earth, has power to create their like? He has
beyond any doubt set a term for their resurrection.’ (17: 99). ‘Are they not aware that Allah,

Who has created the heavens and earth and was not wearied by their creation, has the power to bring the dead back
to life? Yes, indeed. He has power over all things.’ (46: 33). This is a clearly convincing logical argument. The pagan
Quraysh Arabs admitted that Allah is the Creator of the heavens and earth. Therefore, the argument to refute their
claims is that the One Who created the heavens and earth out of nothing is able to create their like. Most certainly, He
is able to create lesser beings: ‘The creation of the heavens and earth is indeed greater than the creation of man; yet
most people do not understand.’ (40: 57).

Such rational address in the Qur’an includes the following: ‘Were they created out of nothing? Were they the creators?’
(52: 35). Setting the question in this way makes the human mind consider the possibilities of either case being true. As
it will never find any proof to support either case, it begins to look at the third possibility which is stated in the preceding
and following verses in the surah. It then concludes that the Creator is undoubtedly Allah.

We also find in the Prophet’s sunnah situations where convincing logical argument is most beautiful and appealing. Al-
Bukhari and Muslim relate the following hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah: ‘A man from the Fazarah tribe came to the
Prophet. He said: “My wife has given birth to a black boy”. The Prophet asked him: “Do you have camels?” The man
said that he had. The Prophet asked: “What colour are they?” The man said that they were reddish. The Prophet said:
“Are any of them grey?” The man said: “Some of them are”. The Prophet said: “How come they are so?” The man said:
“It might have inherited a certain quality”. The Prophet said: “And this boy might have inherited a certain quality”.’

Addressing people’s minds People’s minds are addressed in different ways.

Some concentrate on the method and style of address, while others seek to make an argument, and some seek to
predetermine the limitations of the human mind and its submission to Allah and the divine message. The first type, which
focuses on the method of address, uses various ways to alert the mind. One of these ways is to ask a question. The
Prophet used this method in order to impart certain information. A hadith narrated by Ibn Umar mentions that the Prophet
said to some of his companions: ‘Tell me which evergreen tree is like a Muslim?’. In a different hadith related by Muslim,
the Prophet asked his companions: ‘Do you know who is penniless?’ They said: ‘A penniless person is one who has
neither money nor property’. He said: ‘In my community, a penniless person is one who finds himself on the Day of
Judgement having performed prayer and fasting and paid zakat. However, he had in life abused a person, levelled false
accusations on another, taken away unlawfully some of the property of a third person, killed another and unlawfully
beaten up someone else. On the Day of Judgement, he will pay this person and that person out of his own good deeds.
If his good deeds are exhausted and he has not yet repaid what he owes, some of their bad deeds will be transferred to
him and he will be thrown in hell’. Another method is the use of analogy and setting example. The point of giving an
example is to draw a logical analogy. Take for example the often asked question: ‘How can we believe in Allah when we
cannot see Him?’ An example drawn from our modern time cites the ‘electron’ in answer. Scientists treat the electron as
a scientific reality although they never see it. They only see its effect. Likewise, we believe in Allah without seeing Him.
We only see His works.

A different method is to use the skills of delivery and persuasion. Advocates of Islam and scholars who give speeches
and khutbahs should acquire such skills. Even a person who is gifted in this area may benefit by learning some additional
skills. Yet another method of presenting information to addressees is to make sure of starting with acceptable
introductions and proceeding from these to establish the result one wishes to state. This is hugely important. To give an
example: we may state at the beginning that the Qur’an was revealed for all mankind, not only for the Prophet’s
generation and his companions. We proceed from this to establish that the verses that require believers to obey the
Prophet apply to us and that we cannot implement them unless we follow the authentic sunnah and hadiths.

All the foregoing come under the first method of addressing the human mind. The second type aims to refute the
arguments of opponents. There are several methods of doing so, such as highlighting the logical or methodological
contradictions in an opponents’ argument. For example, an opponent may cite a hadith to support his rejection of the
sunnah. This is an essential contradiction. The sunnah includes all that the Prophet said, did or approved. Every report
quoting his words or action or approval is a hadith. Therefore, rejecting the sunnah as a source of Islamic legislation
means rejecting all hadiths. To use a hadith as evidence in support of rejecting the sunnah is to use what one does not
consider to be valid. This means self-contradiction.

Another method is to highlight the essential falsehood attendant on an opponent’s argument. For example, atheists and
agnostics who deny resurrection and man’s accountability in a life to come may be asked about the fate of dictators who
kill thousands or millions of people: will they be punished after they die? Will their victims gain redress for what they
suffered at their hands? Atheists deny resurrection, which essentially means that there will be no difference between the
oppressor and the oppressed, and this is false. Indeed, the oppressor will be better off, because he will have enjoyed
his life which, according to him, is the only life. The victim, however, was deprived of the chance to enjoy life.

The third method of addressing minds is to speak about the mind as a source of knowledge. This requires speaking
about the sphere within which it works, and the relationship between mind and religious text, and its attitude to matters
that are beyond the reach of human faculties of perception, etc. This helps to place the human mind in its proper place
and allows it to function well in both understanding and evaluation.

Clear awareness of the questions being asked and the nature of counter arguments

A scholar or an Islamic advocate may be unclear about the subject he needs to discuss when he addresses his
congregation, or on social media. Keeping aware of what young people are asking or debating will remove all such lack
of clarity. There are always new ideas and plenty of thoughts. When a person follows what is being discussed and
evaluates it, he will know what to say and when to say it. If he notices that a particular religious question is becoming
the subject of exchanges on social media, he may address it after pinpointing the essence of the debate concerning it.
He will find his audience listening attentively, eager to know the truth and appreciating sound contributions.

Know your addressees It is very important to know the type of audience one is addressing and their different levels.
Further, one must be aware of what appeals to young people and what makes them turn away.

Argument is countered by argument, not by hurling abuse. Opponents must be fairly treated

A markedly negative effect is often produced when doubts raised about religious fundamentals are met with hurling
abuse at the person raising them or placing him in a certain category, without citing clear and convincing evidence to
explain that his argument is wrong. We live at a time that has set a certain standard for what is acceptable to young
people. Therefore, we need to understand that in a debate, we do not discuss a speaker, but rather what he says. The
focus of argument must be the information provided, not who provides it. This may not always be true, but wherever it is
possible it should be followed because it is more effective.

Being fair to those who disagree with us and maintaining good manners with them make us more influential in the field
of debate. It is very important in this regard not to accuse an opponent of bad intention simply because he expresses an
erroneous view or makes an invalid observation. However, there remain some irritating exceptions that may lead to a
loss of temper. Perhaps the nearest example is provided by those who claim to follow the Qur’an only.

A genuine desire to help people see the truth

A true and genuine intention coupled with enthusiasm and sincerity in the presentation of the Islamic message to people
so that they may benefit by it will always be reflected on the advocate’s face. It also gives the audience a feeling of self-
importance. Above all, Allah will help those with genuine intention by making their word well received and acceptable

Rules to Deal with Contemporary Misconceptions (Shubuhat)

Rule One: The use of critical thinking and verification in dealing with information and ideas

No piece of information deserves even the slightest consideration unless it meets the minimum degree of academic
verification. If it is just floated with no identified source, then the correct attitude is to dismiss it outright. On the other
hand, a piece of information may be correct, but citing it in evidence in a particular case is incorrect. Therefore, one must
check what is said and look at it carefully. Certainly one must not feel uneasy because someone said something that
cannot withstand proper examination. Here are some real examples:

1. Defaming Abu Hurayrah on the basis of Umar accusing him of theft. However the hadith of this story is untrue.

2. Doubting the sunnah because of the story that Umar burnt some scrolls containing hadiths. This is often cited but is
untrue either.

These are examples of claims made on the basis of untrue reports. The falsehood of all these reports is well established
in the relevant books of hadith. They do not meet the even the minimum conditions of acceptability. Therefore, they fall.
A different type of claim is based on true texts, but when we examine the claims based on them we realise that they are
wrongly used. Here is an example

Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘No single thing have We left out of the Book.’ (6:38). This statement is cited in support of
rejecting the sunnah. The error is that the ‘book’ the verse refers to is the Preserved Tablet which is with Allah, not the
Qur’an. As such, the correct Qur’anic statement cannot lead to the claimed conclusion.

Other flaws that may be identified through critical thinking include the contradictions involved in citing a misconception
as evidence.

Rule Two: Asking specialists

It is observed that some young men and women who are influenced by atheistic or irreligious misconceptions are
unwilling to ask scholars about the misconceptions that occur to them. We mentioned earlier that concealment is one of
the main features of the contemporary onslaught seeking to raise doubts and misconceptions about Islam. Some may
be justified in their reluctance to ask, fearing that they will be rebuked, rather than listened to and met with understanding.
Their reluctance may be confirmed by the attitude of some scholars, but generalization may actually be an exaggeration.
There are many scholars who will listen with an open mind and heart and deal with questions in an enlightened way.
There is certainly need to nurture mutual trust between parents and children, teachers and students. Scholars and
advocates of Islam must show real willingness to receive young people’s questions. They must make them feel welcome
to ask any question, because a feeling of trust is the key for intercommunication. When trust is lost, the questions will be
put to the wrong people. We must not forget that when we mention specialists we are talking about people with
knowledge and the ability to answer doubts and misconceptions. We are not talking about amateurs and writers who are
not well versed in the relevant disciplines. Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘If you are unaware, ask those who are endowed
with knowledge.’ (16: 43).

Rule Three: Checking earlier efforts that respond to the same problem

There is hardly any question or problem relating to Islam and its fundamentals that has not previously been raised and
answered. This applies in particular to certain areas, such as Allah’s will, the validity of the sunnah as evidence, etc.
Young people often ask this question, which is one of the most frequently raised in relation to the Islamic creed: ‘How to
reconcile Allah’s perfect knowledge with the punishment of disbelievers?’ The question has been dealt with by many
scholars. Other frequently asked questions include: the purpose of the existence of evil, and the creation of Satan.
Furthermore, some mention what they consider to be contradictory reports of the False Messiah. Similar questions are
frequently raised in contemporary circles. Therefore, it is important when one encounters a misconception relating to a
particular area to refer to earlier efforts that treat the same misconception. Very often, they will find the right answer.
Specialists may be asked for guidance on the best books that treat questions relating to a particular field. There are
many works online that deal with questions on variety of subjects.

Rule Four: Looking at what is equivocal in the light of what is precise and clear

The question of what is equivocal and what is clear and precise is one of the important issues in understanding the
Qur’an. It marks the difference between those who are firm in knowledge and those who have doubts. Allah says: ‘He it
is Who has sent down to you the Book, containing verses which are clear and precise – and these are the essence of
the Book – and others are equivocal. Those whose hearts have swerved from the truth pursue that part of it which is
equivocal, seeking to create dissension and trying to give it an arbitrary meaning.’ (3:7). Ibn Kathir summarizes the
meaning of this verse in a nice way. He says: ‘Allah mentions that the Qur’an contains some verses that are clear and
precise which form its essence. These verses are clear and no one may misunderstand them. There are other verses in
the Qur’an which may be equivocal to most or some people. When we look at the equivocal in the light of what is clear
and precise, we are well guided. Taking it in the opposite way, we find ourselves at the wrong end. Allah says of the
precise verses that they are ‘the essence of the Book’, which means that they are the source of clarity when there is any
doubt. The other verses are ‘equivocal’ which means that they may be consistent with the precise ones, or they may be
taken, from the point of view of wording and construction, but not from the point of view of their message, to have a
different meaning’.

This leads us to a very important matter, which is the need to review all the relevant texts that apply to a certain issue,
and not to be selective. A text may be equivocal and its meaning can only be clarified by reference to clear and precise
texts on the same point. A Christian may tell us that the Qur’an indicates the multiplicity of deities. He may cite in support
of his allegation the verse that says: ‘It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We
who shall preserve it intact.’. (15:9). He says that the verse uses the plural form in several words: We, Ourselves, etc. In
response we explain that although these pronouns are plural in form, they also signify a glorification of the individual,
and we know that kings, for instance, use what is known as ‘the royal we’, to stress the importance of their positions.
When we look at this question as it is clearly and precisely expressed in the Qur’an, we realise that Allah’s oneness is
emphatically stressed, as Allah says: ‘He is the One and only Allah.’ (112:1). ‘So believe in Allah and His messengers
and do not say, “[Allah is] a trinity!” Desist, for that will be better for you. Allah is only One Allah.’ (4: 171). The claims of
such a person are thus seen to be false.

Rule Six: Studying the negatives of the ideologies that are contrary to the Qur’an and the sunnah

A person who has faced some problems in a state of belief is grossly mistaken if he thinks that he will find satisfactory
answers in a state of atheism. If, as a believer, such a person could not find satisfactory answers to ten questions, his
unanswerable questions will be multiplied manifold when he moves to a state of disbelief. The difference is that answers
remain strong and convincing under faith, but they are much weaker in the opposite condition, if answers are given at
all. The question about evil is a good example. Some people like to call it ‘the evil problem’. It is indeed a problem, but
only for disbelievers. For religious people, belief in the Day of Judgement, reckoning, reward and punishment means
that everyone who is unfairly killed or deprived of their rights will have justice and that wrongdoers will be punished.
What answer is given by a person who does not believe in the Day of Judgement to the questions: What is the ultimate
end of oppressors throughout history? Are the rights of those they treated unjustly buried with them in their graves?

Another relevant question is: Who created the universe? And for what purpose? Without faith, the answers to these
questions appears haphazard, without basis. Indeed, an atheist will cling to any flimsy assumption in trying to give an
answer. There are many other questions, such as: how do we interpret the fine (designed) system of the universe? Why
does it appear to be run according to very accurate rules? How could a chance put together fine and accurate hereditary
information into a microscopic container, the nucleus? And how does such information become active and translate itself
into the true characteristics of a real person?

The same applies to those who deny the sunnah because they find some problems with it. They will say that they confine
themselves to the Qur’an. The first thing they will have to encounter is the Qur’an itself which commands that they obey
Allah’s Messenger and warns against disobeying him. These people will confront real problems when they read these
texts. They will also find that many rulings that have been unanimously accepted and implemented by Muslims are not
stated in the Qur’an. This leads them to ask further questions and face more problems. In reality they do not get rid of
problems by denying the sunnah. They simply move from lesser to greater and more complex problems.

Rule Seven: Negative thoughts (wiswas / OCD) must not be treated as a misconception.

It is natural that a believer may have negative thoughts or obsessions that disturb his belief. These may even bring about
something that disturbs the believer’s mind regarding Allah, His will or some other religious aspect. These negative
thoughts or obsessions are not, however, evidence of weak faith or hypocrisy. Even Allah’s Messenger’s companions,
scholars and devout people have not been immune to them. Believers should simply pray to Allah to spare them such
thoughts and to give them refuge against Satan. They should try to shut their minds to them. When believers deal with
such negative thoughts and obsessions in this way, they do not constitute a problem; indeed, they may bring them
reward from Allah. The real problem is that some of us do not know how to deal with them. We respond to every irritating
thought and this may lead us to a situation of misery and worry that spoils everything in life. What is worse, is that some
who experience obsessions may have a negative reaction which makes them feel averse to purification and prayer,
abandoning both, or makes them feel averse to religion as a whole.

OCD is different from misconception. The latter is dealt with by giving the relevant answers. If the answer is good, clear
and to the point, the misconception is cleared. Wiswas do not have answers that dispel them. An answer may be
repeated a hundred times, but the OCD remains. It will only disappear if ignored or countered. A misconception normally
has a definite source: a video, a book, some friends, etc. OCD, on the other hand, are the result of thoughts that are
entertained within oneself. Very often, they are felt at the time of worship. Even after following these rules, a
misconception may leave an effect that is hard to eradicate. Or, a misconception may be too hard for one to answer.
The solution in this situation is a sincere and persistent supplication to Allah for help and removal of doubts and their
replacement with what clears worry and gives certainty.

Developing a critical mind:

A critical mind is that which examines what is being said. It does not accept a claim that is not accompanied by clear
evidence. It rejects invalid evidence and does not overlook logical contradictions. One of the most important factors that
helped spread many of the misconceptions that have affected a wide section of our young people is the absence of an
examining mind and critical thinking. Therefore, it is highly important to encourage the adoption of critical thinking that is
able to distinguish information that cannot be accepted. This is exceedingly important in enhancing immunity against
raised doubts and misconceptions that cannot have firm basis.

Muslim scholars have given due attention to examining information before accepting it.
The clearest example is seen in the field of hadith scholarship, as scholars established a whole discipline of checking
every narrator. Appearances counted for little in their approach, as they checked different versions and narrations,
dismissing what did not have a continuous and reliable chain of transmission. They identified lying reporters and those
who were unreliable or confused. It is this thorough method of examination of every report attributed to the Prophet that
makes the Prophet’s sunnah clear and authentic. Muslim scholars also paid much attention to the principles of proper
and fruitful debate. They set the rules that differentiate acceptable arguments from rejected claims. They set details for
what proper examination requires, and wrote books on the rules of debate.

This is totally different from a doubting approach that is always ready to say: ‘Perhaps’, or ‘How do we know? Or ‘May
be’. A critical mind is not one that is quick to reject whatever is said; it is rather one that is clear of the basis and evidence
that determines whether a particular piece of information should be accepted or rejected. Undoubtedly we need courses,
lectures and training on how to properly use critical thinking. These must distinguish proper critical thinking from the
negative way that doubts most, if not all things. We can train our children in critical thinking by applying it to what they
hear in school and from friends. Thus, they can analyse such information and reports and evaluate them. A critical mind
is further strengthened by learning the methods and skills of academic research, as it needs to know the sources of
information and how to deal with them to check and verify. Therefore, we need to organise courses on research and
reference to reliable sources, including checking the authenticity of hadiths on the internet and in relevant books.

Checking the religious basis.

What I mean here is the study of the different disciplines of Islamic studies, including the Islamic creed [i.e. aqeedah],
Fiqh, legal theory [i.e. usool alfiqh], Hadith terminology, Arabic language and Qur’anic disciplines [i.e. uloom al-Qur’an].
This is exceedingly important because it gives a student a firm basis of knowledge to rely upon. Without such a basis,
one does not have a clear stand.

To make good use of this protective rule, we need to present the different disciplines of Islamic studies in an easy way
that young people can grasp and understand. To this end, we need to run short courses on these disciplines, using easy,
modern language and visual aids. Whoever undertakes this task should bear in mind that they are fulfilling important
work in protecting young people against contemporary intellectual misconceptions.

An important aspect, he present stage requires is that religious studies should pay particular attention to confirming the
fundamental principles of Islam. Such studies should not be limited to discussions and explanations of normal subjects.
We should add what confirms the validity of the principles that govern such questions that need to be studied and
explained. The assumption that both speaker and audience accept the validity of the explained principles might have
been true in the past, but the present time is different. Instead, we are at a time when numerous questions are raised
and aimed at the fundamentals. Therefore, students of Islamic studies must not confine themselves to understanding
Fiqh terminology, or the principles and rules set by scholars of legal theory or Hadith. They must combine all this with
knowledge of what outlines their basis and confirms their validity and truth

It may be suggested that a student of Islamic studies is not affected by questions raised about fundamental principles.
Hence, there is no need for what we have just said. In answer, we may say that the student himself may not be influenced
by the misconceptions and doubts others may raise, but he still needs to know the proofs and to be aware of the truth of
the fundamentals so that he can answer whatever questions or objections are put to him. The only situation where he
does not need to know all this is when he decides not to interact with people but rather stay away from them. One way
of achieving this goal without problems is to have a proper introduction to each discipline before going deeply into it.
Such an introduction should prove the validity of the discipline being studied and the reasons for studying it. It should
also outline the negative effects that its absence is bound to produce.

Do not magnify the doubts of people!

There are some methods of conversation that apologists use that actually serve to magnify doubts rather than addressing
them effectively. The first mistake is failing to recognize the appropriate audience with whom to address the doubt. The
doubts encountered by high school students facing peer pressure to engage in alcohol and drug consumption, for
instance, will differ from the type of doubts against religion raised by atheist philosophers, and these also will differ from
the doubts against specific hadith texts raised on social media by those actively militating against Islam. Sometimes a
doubt is only known to a small circle of students of knowledge engaged with academic polemics of orientalists; it would
not help the goal of building certainty for such a doubt to be brought into discussion with the masses in the masjid.

Secondly, when an apologist speaks about a doubt, they have the option of trivializing it to their audience or magnifying
it. If they feel that people do not take the issue seriously, they may be tempted to emphasize the magnitude of the doubt
and how significant it is. But this method again does not help garner certainty and conviction, and many people may
leave the gathering remembering only the significance of the doubt without learning a satisfying answer. A doubt should
only be discussed if the speaker is planning to devote greater attention and emphasis to the answer to that doubt.

Thirdly, some speakers go to great lengths to accumulate a large number of arguments in support of their position in
order to impress their audience with the sheer quantity of their proofs or because they have excessive faith in the
probabilistic approach. However, sometimes these arguments take different positions on issues and end up being
mutually contradictory. Or the speaker inadvertently will mention weak arguments alongside the strong ones, which
creates an opportunity for an opponent to dismantle the weak arguments and leaves the audience assuming that the
remaining arguments are similarly fragile. Another harm of mentioning too many proofs is that the audience gets the
impression that the doubt is so significant that it requires a large amount of proof in order to successfully address it.

Principles and Guidelines for Islamic Apologetic

Never engage in a debate or discussion without perfecting your character and understanding proper
manners. Go to page 133 in this document for more about this.

Da’wah doesn’t always have to be through dialogue! 80 ways to make Da’wah:

To begin with, why are there suspicions in Islam anyway?

The answer simply is, we are in a world of test and trial and part of this test is there are clear, simple and
precise things to understand and some things which may cause doubt if not understood correctly. We
should seek to remove doubts and it should be noted that there is a big difference between doubts and
waswasah. For the solution of waswasah is to ignore it and pray. [1].

Allah says in his book, “And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he
spoke [or recited], Satan threw into it [some misunderstanding]. But Allah abolishes that which Satan throws
in; then Allah makes precise His verses. And Allah is Knowing and Wise."

So there was not a messenger or a prophet that recited the message of Allah to his people and advocated
against their disbelief but there were confusions and suspicions that Satan threw into some people's hearts
about these verses to make them doubt the message.

Allah says in the Quran: " And indeed do the devils inspire their allies [among men] to dispute with you. And
if you were to obey them, indeed, you would be associators [of others with Him]."

"And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one
another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave
them and that which they invent."

Here, Allah makes his verses precise and these people who really seek the true path of knowledge and
change will have their hearts cleansed from doubt and whims.



Section (1):
Basics of Islam

What Is Islam?
Introduction to Islam (and more pamphlets):
Brief Introduction to Islam:
What Is Islam (Web):
What Is Islam (Web):
What is Islam (Web):
Introduction to Islam (PDF):
What is Islam (by Jamaal Zarabozo):
Beliefs & Faith of/in Islam:
Islam Crashcourse: (From a Non-Muslim)
Concept of Faith in Islam:
Faith in Islam:
Benefits of Islam:
Some Misconceptions about Islam:

Who is Allah?
Who is Allah:
Who is Allah:
Who is Allah:
Allah's 99 Names:
Allah's attributes:

Who is Prophet Muhammed?

Who is he:
Who is he:
A Book about his life:
Ten things about him:
Four Stories that tell us about his character:
Many Articles about him, who he is and his life:

What is the Quran?

What is the Quran (Video):
What is the Quran (Text):
What is the Quran about (Basic):
What is the Quran:
Read & Listen to the Quran here:
What is the Quran and is it Divine: divine.html

What is Hadith?
What is Hadith?:
What is Hadith?:
What is Hadith?:
The Importance of Hadith/Sunnah in Islam:
English translations for the 6 main Books of Hadith (Read them here):
Why do we need the Hadith if the Quran is enough?:
The Science of Hadith & Its Authentication (Not for Beginners):
The Science of Hadith & Its Authentication (Advanced, Very Complex):

For New Muslims: (More books & Guides at the end of the PDF)
How to pray: & Booklet:
The Quran with Basic Commentary:
Website for memorizing / reading the Quran:
The New Muslim Guide (PDF):

Pamphlets Recommended for General Distribution
to non-Muslims

Section (2):
Arguments raised by Atheists &
Misconceptions about the Essence of Islam

Proofs for the Existence of Allah (NM = Non-Muslim)
Even atheists Intuitively believe in a creator:

The Noble Quran provides three stages of major evidence that proves the existence of the creator and many other stages.
One might ask, how could you use the Quran as an allegation against atheists who don’t believe in it? The answer is: We are
not presenting any unseen theological beliefs, just the rational proofs of the Quran regarding the subject.

The #1 Proof. Existence:

Everything that is brought into being- existed after it wasn't here- must have an originator: a creator. The whole universe
with everything in it like material, laws and orbits is unquestionably created. The universe was brought into being and
emerged after it did not exist. The thing that’s created has an undoubted proof for the Creator. All mankind believes in
such axiom. Each atom, each particle and activity in the universe are proofs for the existence of a creator. These
materials are created, casual and not eternal. They will all perish.

Allah the Almighty says in his Noble Book: [10:101] "Say, "Observe what is in the heavens and earth." But of no avail
will be signs or warners to a people who do not believe" [7:185] "Do they not look into the realm of the heavens and the
earth and everything that Allah has created and [think] that perhaps their appointed time has come near? So in what
statement hereafter will they believe?" Everything has been created or originated, has a proof for God's existenc

The #2 Proof: Perfection.

Everything in existence ever, from quarks, the tiniest particles to the most gigantic celestial bodies has a rank of
functional complexity. Functional complexity means that it does a specialized function and a specific mission. It has a
rank of perfection. This perfection and functional complexity is a higher rank than just simply existence. Existence is a
rank, but functional complexity is an additional higher rank. Everything around you is designed specifically in order to
perform a particular function. Everything accomplishes a mission in this universe. Everything is brought to perfection.
Chemical bonds between atoms, ionic and covalent. Chemical bonds between atoms that occur to form molecules. Why
does the atom accept that bond and reject another one? The power of our hearts in pumping blood is exactly equal to
the energy needed by the muscles when exerting any effort. This complexity, harness and perfection is a proof for
creativity and creation.

Dr. David D. Deutch said: "If anyone claims not to be surprised by the special features that the universe has, he is hiding
his head in the sand. These special features are surprising and unlikely."

Paul Davies said: "The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced on a knife-edge, but that the entire
universe is balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural constants were off even slightly.
You see, even if you dismiss man as a chance happening, the fact remains that the universe seems unreasonably suited
to the existence of life - almost contrived - you might say a put-up job.

Allah says in his book: " And you see the mountains, thinking them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds.
[It is] the work of Allah, who perfected all things. Indeed, He is Acquainted with that which you do." (27:88)"Who perfected
everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay." 32:7"Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most
High, Who created and proportioned, And Who destined and [then] guided"87:1-3. Countless are the Quranic verses
that talk about that mental proof - perfection. Unfortunately that perfection does not surprise atheists who prepare
another response of sophistry even before considering that proof.

The #3 Proof. Care.

If you looked into critical aspects that form your biological functions, the accuracy of your (segregation of) hormones,
the accuracy of your hotel, the hotel of blessings and bounties (Life). Land produces food, and a sky rains water. Allah
says in his book: [[Then let mankind look at his food - , How We poured down water in torrents, Then We broke open
the earth, splitting [it with sprouts], And caused to grow within it grain]] 80:24-27

An integrated hotel around and innateness inside you that makes you adjust your morals, and always alerts you
whenever you made mistakes or were unjust to anyone. And Prophets which came to tell you what this creator wants
from you. If you consider all of these, you will comprehend the proof of care. There is not only perfection but care and
harnessing for us as well. Everything that is around you is care bestowed from this creator. The more you look in the
universe around you, the more harnessed aspects you find

[[ Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and
amply bestowed upon you His favors, [both] apparent and unapparent? But of the people is he who disputes about
Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening Book [from Him].]] 31:20

More about this here: Sabighat - Misconceptions and Refutations (P.188):

Zakir Naik – The definition of Allah in Islam:

Proof that there is only One God:

Proving Islam & It’s concept of God:

How do we know God Exists:

Allah’s Existence in the Quran & Sunnah:

Argument from Dependency:

Aquinas’s Arguments (NM):

Leibniz’ Contingency Argument (NM):

The Ontological Argument (NM):

Kalam Cosmological Argument (NM):

Fine Tuning Argument (NM):

Moral Argument (NM):

First Cause Argument (NM):

Believing in God:

Believing in God:

The Divine Reality by Hamza Tzortzis (Book):

Does God Exist: (5 Minute video)



Kalam Cosmological Argument (NM) (PDF): Fall 15/Slides/Kalam.pdf

Cosmological Argument in the Quran:

(Arabic) Baraheen Allah by Sami Ameri (PDF):

Finding the Absolute Truth of our Existence:

This is a superb document which explains why Islam is the only right religion and everything else is wrong. (Not mine)

Various Proofs of Prophethood & The Authenticity of the Quran (More websites at the end)

Why Islam?

Miscellaneous Evidences for Islam
Miscellaneous Evidences for Islam

The Divine Reality by Hamza Tzortzis (Book) -

“The Choice” by Mohammed Hijab:
Evidences for a Creator:
Renounce your Atheism, English Translation
Exposing Atheism (2/2) &

Journey Through the Miraculous Quran (Recommended Book):

Divine Authorship of the Quran:
The Miraculous language of the Quran (Book):
How do we know the Quran is from God?:
The Linguistic Challenge of the Quran Explained:
Is the Quran God’s Word – Zakir Naik
Miracles of the Quran &
The remarkable structure of the Quran:
Undeniable Linguistic Miracles of the Quran
Proving the Quran has been preserved:
Miracles of the Quran:
The Book Without Doubt:

Finding the Absolute Truth (Book):

“The Choice” by Mohammed Hijab (Important):
Prophecies said by Prophet Muhammed PBUH:
God’s Last Messenger:
Proving the Prophethood
The Forbidden Prophecies Lecture:
Proofs of Prophethood
Accurate Predictions
Sabighat - Misconceptions and Refutations (P.270):
Why Aisha Believed in Prophet Muhammed:
Arabic, English CC – Proving Prophethood:
Compelling Evidence for the Prophethood
Miracles of Prophet
300 Miracles of Prophet Muhammed:
Arabic, English CC – Proving Prophethood
Prophecies of Prophet Muhammed PBUH
Miracles of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir:
Physical Miracles:
Evidence for the validity of Islam

Baraheen Al-Nobowa by Sami Ameri, Excellent Arabic Book about the Prophethood.
For Christians: Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah (Book)
Good Arabic book about proving the prophethood

Prophecies of Muhammed PBUH in the Bible:

Examples of Prophecies made by Prophet Muhammed PBUH out of the hundreds.

In his life PBUH

After his death PBUH

Reading Material:

The Problem of Evil (Existence of Evil) (Best)
Why does Allah allow evil to exist?: (Part 1 of 5) (Arabic, English CC)
Does Allah command evil?
Is God Merciful? Islam’s response to evil:
Atheism – Doubting your Doubts:
Why does Allah allow suffering?:
The Problem of Evil is a Problem for Atheists, not believers:

Those who raise this question find it difficult to reconcile the existence of evil with Allah’s attribute of mercy. In this
context, the only attribute of Allah they mention is mercy. They overlook his other attributes of infinite wisdom, might and
greatness. Over time, this question has frequently been discussed, both from the philosophical and religious points of
view. Extensive research has also been conducted on this issue. I will mention a few brief rules which will enable us to
understand the question of evil. Before that, however, we need to put some questions to atheists: Has your denial of
Allah put an end to evil in the world? Have massacres stopped? Have floods subsided and have we seen an end to
earthquakes and the eruption of volcanoes? Besides, tell us about tyrants who killed thousands or millions of people:
will they be punished after they die? Will those who suffered injustice at their hands be given justice?

The real problem with regard to the question about evil is faced by atheists and disbelievers who do not believe in life
after death. Conversely, a believer who is certain that people’s actions will be reckoned and there will be reward and
punishment in an afterlife is not so faced. In his view of the question of evil, a believer stands on solid ground and has a
clear and coherent perspective. His attitude is not based on emotions and feelings that are unsupported by evidence.
We may describe its outline as follows:

One: Allah has given man free will which enables him to choose good or evil. To be held to account for the use of his
will is a requirement of justice. When man chooses, by his own will, to kill, this is his own evil action, not Allah’s.

Two: We cannot understand the wisdom behind the presence of evil in this life unless we believe that this life is
incomplete and represents a test. It is not the place where mankind receive their dues for what they do. Whatever evil
or disasters take place in it is part of this general condition that Allah wanted this life to be. Yet some people continue to
look for reward and punishment in this world, and when they do not find them they protest against Allah. These people
do not understand Allah’s purpose of making this life the way it is.

Three: One of the constant laws Allah has established for this present life is subjecting people to tests. This is His way
that will never change. It is consistent with His attribute of wisdom. A test is often the way a believer purges himself of
what is unbecoming. After the test, he is as pure as pure gold that has been subjected to very high temperature. Tests
often make people turn back to Allah, purge them of sin and spare them all punishment in hell.

Four: Some aspects of wisdom are implied in what we may consider to be evil, and these may not be readily apparent
at first sight. For example, Moses accompanied al-Khadir on his travels and saw him doing outrageous deeds. They
were on a ship and al-Khadir made a hole in it. Moses could not understand why he did this. He said to him: ‘Do you
want the people on board to drown?’ (18: 71). Later, al-Khadir told him the reason for his action. The ship belonged to
some poor people who went to sea to earn their living. They were subject to a tyrant ruler who confiscated all seaworthy
ships. Al-Khadir decided to slightly damage it, to ensure that the tyrant ruler would not confiscate it. It would remain with
those poor people.

The same applies in our own lives. We may aspire to something, feeling that we will be very happy to have it, but when
we actually have possession of it we discover that it is not as we thought. Indeed, we wish that we did not have it at all.
How often do a couple try hard to have a child, and when a child is born to them, the child becomes the source of all
their troubles and misery? They wish that they had never had a child. This shows that our own ideas of what is good or
evil are not necessarily true. Allah does not create anything that is totally evil. We may initially judge something to be
evil, but when we examine it more carefully, we find that it has some good aspects. What good it has may not appear in
this present life, and it may be delayed to the life to come, where it may produce something far better

“There’s 3000 Gods But Only Yours Is Real?” / “I believe in one less God than you” & (Surat Al-Ikhlas debunks this thoroughly, as we can argue God has to be with the following attributes necessarily)

The Universe was not created by chance. (Fine-Tuning of the Universe) (Fine-Tuning of the Universe) (The Information Enigma) (Irreducible Complexity) (Intelligent Design Book) (Intelligent Design Book)
Scientists don’t know how life began:

Ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘It is essentially known that whatever occurs must have someone or something that causes its occurrence.
This is naturally known even to children. A child who is hit by someone it cannot see will say: ‘Who has hit me’? If this child is told that
no one has hit it, its mind will not accept that the hit came about by itself, without someone doing it’

The Multiverse Hypothesis Debunked. (Arabic)

The Universe Must Have had a beginning

For more about the 3 topics above:

“I can’t see God so he does not exist ” is an illogical premise.

The empiricist proposition "knowledge is derived from sense-experience" itself cannot be proven by sense-experience,
and therefore is a self-refuting proposition

Some people do really deny basic logical principles, believing only in senses to accept something. This has led them to
say things that were ridiculed even by children. For example, one of them was asked this question: a 20-story building
has ten windows in every story. How does one window compare to the whole building: is it larger or smaller? He said
that he could not tell until he had seen the building and looked at it. Only then could he give an answer.

Science has not disproven God. (Continuation of above)

Is Experimental Science The Only Source Of Knowledge?


But why does God not show himself to us?

If God could be seen in this life, the tests of this life would be pointless (One must establish the fact that Islam teaches
this world is a trial/test). What makes this life a real test is the fact that we are obliged to believe in Allah without seeing
him. If Allah were visible, everyone would believe in Him and all that the Prophets taught. In fact, man would end up like
angels, in total obedience to Allah. Because Allah made man to be higher than the angels, whose belief in Allah was
without choice, man’s choice of belief over disbelief had to be in a situation where Allah’s existence could be questioned.
Thus, Allah has kept himself hidden from mankind and will continue to do so until the last day. The evidences for Islam
at the end of the day are as clear as the sun. However, one cannot see the sun without opening his eyes.

Does Supernatural Phenomena Mentioned in Islamic Texts Require Scientific Evidence?

Freewill, Qadr & The Omniscience Paradox. Were we created to go to hell?

Qadr Explained:
If Everything is Written What About Free Will?
Reconciling Decree and Free Will:
If God knows everything, Why is it my Fault:
Predestination & Freewill:
Why does God test us despite knowing our Destiny?

Conclusion: Predestination works like this, Allah has forced some certain things over all. Like the day you get born and
the day you die. Your gender and skin color. i.e. things which no one can chose for him/herself. And Allah left things for
you to choose. You can choose to follow him or be a disbeliever. You can kill or save lives. All this is in your freewill zone
and Allah doesn't interact in this except by providing the tools you need to achieve either choices. You are only to be
judged according to your freewill choices taking into consideration all the circumstances. What God forced over you and
out of your hand is totally not a matter of judgement. God knowing things before it happens isn't related to your actions
at all. Knowing is not forcing. Think of it like God can see the past, the present, and the future all at once. How is he
capable of doing so? Because he is not bounded by time. How he is not bounded by time? Well, we can never get the
grasp of this but for him who created all the existence and made it this way it sounds so easy.

The Euthyphro Dilemma Refuted: “Does God love good action because it is Good, or is it
Good because it is loved by God?”

This dilemma is a false dilemma (false dichotomy). There is a third logically valid option to answer this question. God is
good, his nature is good. He is perfect and holy, and his commands to us are derivatives from his good nature. Which
means everything he commands will be good. God is the definition of good and he is the one worthy of worship, which
makes him the highest moral being.

More on it here:

“God of the Gaps” objection refuted. [Credit: The Divine Reality by Hamza Tzortzis]

Arabic Video with English Subtitles:

The ‘god of the gaps’ objection is an overused atheist cliché. In popular atheist discourse it is commonly used as an
indiscriminate intellectual weapon. The assumption of this objection is that science will eventually explain the need for
God by providing explanations for the currently unexplained phenomena. In the context of the design argument, the ‘god
of the gaps’ objection carries little weight. Here are four reasons why:

1. When an atheist puts forward this objection, he or she is essentially claiming that given the scientific data we have
accumulated thus far, a designer is actually the best explanation for the universe’s design, but there’s still some hope
that in some unspecified future, scientific progress will refute the design argument. This is nothing short of blind faith in
science, as it is tantamount to saying, “Science cannot address this issue, but we have hope.”

2. The atheist’s predicament gets worse once we consider that a key premise of the ‘god of the gaps’ objection is false.
It holds that science will eventually close the gap in our knowledge. However, science does not always close the gaps;
it sometimes widens them. A hundred years ago we believed that cells were just blobs of protoplasm. However, since
the 1950s we have become aware of the vast information-coding system in all cells. This discovery, instead of answering
our questions, widened the gap in our understanding of how the first cells emerged.

3. I would like to ask the atheist to consider what questions science has actually answered. Science has shown
mechanisms within the universe, how everything works and the physical laws involved. However, science has failed to
provide answers to questions that have deep existential significance. Science has not explained fine-tuning, the
beginning of the universe the origins of life, nor the nature and emergence of consciousness. Science does not have a
good track record of answering questions that have profound metaphysical implications.

4. The atheist assumes that the God explanation is a scientific one. Postulating a cosmic designer is a philosophical (or
metaphysical) explanation, which aims to explain the finetuning of the universe.

Notwithstanding, some atheists maintain that the ‘god of the gaps’ objection is an argument from ignorance and not an
adherence to the position that science will one day fill the gap. They maintain that not knowing how a finely-tuned
universe was produced is arguing from ignorance. They also argue that the design argument assumes the knowledge
gap will remain forever. This formulation of the ‘god of the gaps’ objection assumes that behind every gap has (or should
have) a naturalistic explanation. The design explanation is a metaphysical explanation that best explains our current
knowledge of the universe’s finely-tuned features. Further, the design explanation can also be considered as an
inference to the best explanation. Inference to the best explanation is not an argument from ignorance; it is an
indispensable way of thinking that attempts to coherently explain a set of data and/or background information. The design
conclusion is the inference to the best explanation given the data we currently have. Instead of indiscriminately using
the ‘god of the gaps’ objection, the atheist should show why the design explanation is not the best explanation and
provide a better one for everyone to assess

Why has Allah created us? Why does He want us to worship Him when He is in no need of us?
Follow up (Arabic) Video with English CC

Before answering this question, it is important to revisit the preliminary principles in discussing the purpose of Allah’s
actions. Answers to those questions relating to Allah’s attributes and justice, as well as the purpose of His actions are
not complete unless we accept a number of beliefs based on clear proof. I will mention these in the proper order.

One: A total belief in Allah. There are many evidences for his existence

Two: Belief in His absolute perfection, of him and his actions. This is based on what we see of the perfection of His
creation. It is normal to base our judgement of people on some of their qualities. A painting gives us a clear idea as to
whether it is done by an expert, professional painter or by a beginner who still has much to learn about this form of art.

Three: Acknowledgement that a created being has limited ability, knowledge and wisdom, while the Creator’s ability,
knowledge and wisdom are absolute and limitless. Man continues to learn what he did not know. A later expert corrects
what was formerly thought to be absolutely true. We discard what was upheld and we build on what was destroyed. A
new theory may invalidate what was accepted as true. This is because man has limited power and knowledge. On the
other hand, the Creator has produced what human beings cannot produce and determined what they cannot refuse.
Every particle in the universe, in the parts we know and those we do not know, is subject to His will. He listens to and
answers supplication, supports the oppressed and destroys their oppressors, gives provisions, takes away authority
from, or assigns it to whomever He wills, doing all these at the same time. The actions of the Creator are attendant on
His absolute knowledge while those of a created being are based on his limited knowledge. Therefore, objections to the
Creator’s actions by those who are created cannot be based on solid ground. Man’s inability to understand what relates
to other created beings is certainly clear. It stands to reason that such inability is even greater in relation to the Creator.
We cannot understand Allah’s nature or attributes. We know of Him only what He has chosen to tell us.

Four: Belief that Allah has sent messengers and given them revelations to enable people to know their Creator and the
purpose of their creation. He supported His messengers with what confirms their true status, including their fine morality,
true speech, fine conduct, absence of people’s doubt in them, in addition to some miraculous signs He has given them
to reassure others of their status. No one knows the answer to those questions relating to the purpose of Allah’s actions
better than Allah Himself. He has stated such answers in His Book which He revealed to His Messenger in order to
provide people with guidance and light. True knowledge in this area comes only from the divine source, not from limited
human knowledge. Understanding all the above truths makes our belief in, and acceptance of what the Qur’an and the
sunnah say about the purpose of Allah’s actions a proper attitude based on reason. Such acceptance is not then an
avoidance of the truth, but is based on rational proof. Here is a practical example:

Suppose that you pick up a mobile phone handset made by a company which is famous for its products, such as Apple
or Samsung, and you discover that it has a part or an application which you cannot determine its use. Certainly you will
not say outright that it is useless and serves no purpose. On the contrary, you will try to find out what it is for and why
the company added it to your phone. You take this attitude because of your prior knowledge of that company’s products
and that it does not just put things in there for no particular purpose. This great universe has been built with perfect order,
and the created beings that live in it are created in perfect shapes and forms. The entire system of creation is most
perfect and has no flaw or defect. They all indicate that their Creator is perfect in knowledge, power and wisdom. Is it
right, then, to say about anything that we might not understand its purpose that it is useless and serves no purpose? No
right mind will accept that. The analogy, then, is certainly correct.

Having stated these two preliminary notes on Allah’s existence and perfection, we will deal with all
misconceptions about Him and the purpose of His actions in their light. It is wrong to deal with any question
about Allah’s wisdom and purpose in isolation from the main principles we have outlined

Answering the Original Question now:

One: The creation of the universe and what it contains is most amazing. It fills us all with wonder. Man cannot produce
anything comparable to Allah’s creation, even in the smallest living beings that have a spirit. Flies are the simplest such
beings, and that they are in existence makes the universe more complete. Everything in the universe testifies to the
perfection of the One Who has produced it, perfect as it is.

Two: When we look at the perfect order that operates in the universe and the precision noticed in all its aspects, we
conclude that it is all for a clear purpose, determined by divine wisdom. It cannot be the result of a random occurrence.

Three: It is a logical conclusion that the purpose behind such creation should be consistent with the perfection of the
Creator of these great things that testify for the majesty, wisdom and perfection of their Creator.

Four: The perfection of the Creator of the universe and the completeness of the purpose of bringing His creation into
existence require that He makes Himself known to His creation, planting into their nature what points to Him and revealing
to them, in whatever way He chooses, details that inform the created beings of their Creator.

Five: The only relationship that can exist between these small and weak beings that have been perfectly created and
their great and majestic Creator is one of submission, gratitude, praise and glorification. This is what Allah requires of
His creation.

A question is raised here: Is it not true to say that Allah does not need us or our worship?
The answer is that it is certainly true, but we are always in need of Him.

A follow-up question is: What is the connection between the two.

The answer is: Allah has created us and He gives us what we need for our lives. He controls our lives, and this means
that He is in no need of us. We need Him, and worship is the practical translation and manifestation of this natural
relationship. If we do not worship Him, we meet His kindness with ingratitude and arrogance. Allah does not order us to
give Him something He needs, but He orders us to do what the nature of the relationship between Him and us
necessitates. This is the meaning of telling us that He is in no need of anything in all the worlds, and telling us at the
same time that He is not pleased with disbelief by His servants

The first statement, that Allah is in no need of all the worlds, tells us that He is perfect while we are imperfect. The second
statement lays down what this entails. The point is that our existence is made complete by His existence. Anyone who
insists on being complete and self-fulfilling contradicts both logic and practical necessity. Such contradiction, which is
grossly impudent, incurs a suitable punishment. To leave it unpunished is to permit the worst travesty of the greatest
truth in the universe. As such, it would condone the worst type of injustice. True justice does not permit this. At this point
we need to reflect on the meanings of the following three verses of the Qur’an: ‘Had the truth been in accord with their
desires, the heavens and earth, together with all that lives in them, would surely have been in utter corruption.’ (23: 71).
‘Say: “Does any of your partners [whom you associate with Allah] guide to the truth?” Say: “Allah alone guides to the
truth. Who is more worthy to be followed: He that guides to the truth, or he who cannot find the right way unless he is
guided? What is then amiss with you? How do you judge?”’ (10: 35). ‘We have not created the heavens and earth and
all that is between them otherwise than in accordance with the truth.’ (46: 2).

To Finish this: it is useful to reflect on the following verses and understand their message:

‘We have not created the heavens and earth and all that is between them in mere idle play. Had We willed to
indulge in a pastime, We would indeed have found one near at hand; if ever We were to do so! Nay, but We hurl
the truth against falsehood, and it crushes the latter, and behold, it withers away. But woe to you for all your false
claims. To Him belong all those who are in the heavens and earth. Those that are with Him are never too proud to
worship Him and never grow weary of that. They extol His limitless glory by night and day, tirelessly. Or have they
taken for worship some earthly deities who can restore the dead to life? Had there been in heaven or on earth any
deities other than Allah, both would surely have fallen into ruin! But limitless in His glory is Allah, Lord of the Throne,
and exalted is He above all that they attribute to Him! He cannot be questioned about whatever He does, whereas
they shall be questioned.’ (21: 16-23).

Rebuttals to Evolution/Darwinism

Lecture regarding Evolution from the Islamic Perspective:

Darwinian Delusions Channel:
Evolution Cruncher Book:
Question no Darwinist can answer:
The Evolution Deceit (Book):
Books by Harun Yahya:
Disasters Darwinism Brought:
Islam and Evolution:
Problems of Darwinism:
What Darwin got wrong:
Darwins Black Box:
Evolution, a Theory in Crisis:
Darwinism Refuted:
Should Muslims believe in Evolution?:
How did Life Emerge? (Ar, En CC)
How did Information Emerge? (Ar, En CC)
Evolution – Science or a Philisophy? (Ar, En CC)
Criticism of Natural Selection (Ar, En CC)
(This video is in a playlist, it is in Arabic but has english subtitles)
Wonderful anti-atheist arguments playlist, and it includes evolution but its Arabic.

“Who Created God?”
How Can God not have a beginning?:

This question is essentially false and cannot be accepted. It is akin to equally false questions, such as: Does man’s pregnancy
last nine months as a woman’s pregnancy? What is the weight of a certain temperature? This question about the Creator is
delivered in terms that cannot be, and which mean that He should be a created being. The Creator cannot be created so as to
ask about who created Him. Another problem with the question is that it is based on equating the Creator with His creation,
and equating the rule, ‘Whatever occurs must have something or someone to cause its occurrence’, with the statement,
‘Whatever exists must have someone that brings it into existence’. Both premises are false.

“The Laws of Nature are simply the explanation for the operation of the Universe”
Some atheists repeat this claim that has no supporting evidence. In fact, all evidence contradicts it. They say that the
accurate laws that operate in nature make it unnecessary to assume that it was created. The universe originated itself
according to these laws of nature. This claim is deceptive and overlooks a very important truth, which is that the laws of
nature describe and explain but do not create or originate anything.

Take for example business transactions. They have accounting rules. Does anyone suggest that these rules can
create a shop or a store? By the same token: can the laws of mechanics manufacture a car? Is it not true that the
manufacture of a car requires workers who implement these laws? Does a law like the law of gravity originate
something, or explain a fact? That a law explains a particular phenomenon does not remove the fact that there is a
cause which originates that phenomenon. Our knowledge of the laws by which an aeroplane can fly and land does not
mean that no one makes the aeroplane. Moreover, this claim by atheists ignores an essential and reasonable
question, namely: Who set these laws? Who made the universe operate according to them

Group of Atheist(s) criticizing Darwinian
evolution & natural selection!

About the Punishment in Hell:

The Mercy of Allah:

Why did Allah create Hell?: &
Why would God create us to go to hell?
Will people be punished in hellfire forever?
Is Hell Just?:
Will everyone eventually go to heaven?
If God is Merciful, Why Eternal Hell?
Fate of Non-Muslims:
What about Non-Muslims who did not know about Islam?
Why can't all good people go to heaven?

How can an all-good and all-merciful God send people to hell for eternity?
The answer is in the 99 names of Allah, he is also Al-Muthil (The Humiliator), He is also Al-Muntaqem (The Avenger),
hes al-Hasib (The Bringer of Judgment). and al-Qahhar (The Vanquisher). (More here:

“And fear Allah and know that Allah is severe in penalty” (2:196)

Allah is also Al-Hakeem (The Most Wise), Al-Hakam (The Fair Judge), and Al-Adl (The Just)

A similar question can be posed, how can an all-good and all-merciful God NOT send people to hell for eternity if there
is an eternal heaven. People who do good deeds go to heaven. If there is an evil in the world, there is naturally the
opposite of evil: Goodness. So, if someone does evil he goes to hell. If he does good, he goes to heaven. This is
because Allah is the Fair Judge he can’t give good to evil-doers the same way he gives to good people. (38:28)

“(7:156) And decree for us in this world [that which is] good and [also] in the Hereafter; indeed, we have turned back to
You." [ Allah ] said, "My punishment - I afflict with it whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things." So I will decree
it [especially] for those who fear Me and give zakah and those who believe in Our verses”

But then one may ask, why should someone be punished for eternity for a finite amount of wrongdoing?

This is a false understanding of justice. If someone robs a bank for 5 minutes and steals millions of dollars or he killed
people for 10 minutes. That does not mean he is going to be punished for 5 or 10 minutes, rather depending on the
severity of his action he received a befitting punishment. This is all part of the fairness of Allah (Again, he is Al-Hakam)

Is sending people to hellfire for eternity contradictory to the “all-merciful part?”

No! An infinite amount of mercy for someone who fears Allah and believes in his verses, Allah is al Rahman and al
Raheem. The difference between them: 'Ar-Rahman' - He is attributed with vast mercy because this word-form in the
Arabic language signifies vastness and fullness. 'Ar-Raheem' – a noun that signifies the action.

When combined, 'Ar-Rahman' and 'Ar-Raheem' mean that Allah’s mercy is vast, and reaches the creation. This is what
some scholars alluded to by saying: 'Ar-Rahman' is a universal mercy [to all the creation] and 'Ar-Raheem' is a specific
mercy for the believers.

Since Allah’s mercy upon disbelievers is specific to the life of this world only, it is as if there is really no mercy upon
them, because in the afterlife, when they ask Allah to remove them from the Hellfire, and seek intercession with Allah
through His Lordship, and confess against themselves saying:

“Our Lord! Take us out of it, if ever we return (to evil), then indeed we are oppressors” (Al-Muminoon: 107)

They will not find mercy, rather they will find justice (Allah is Al-Adl), Allah – The Wise, The Judge - will say to them:

“Remain in it in humiliation! And speak not to Me” (Al-Muminoon: 108)

Why does Allah not answer some prayers of people? (and the proper way of Du’aa)

One: Allah tests His servants, but no one tests Allah. A person who appeals to Allah to find out whether He will answer
his prayer is in disobedience of His orders. How can he expect his prayers to be answered?

Two: Allah answers the prayers of many people, and this is something we see within our own lives and everywhere
around us. The proper question to ask is: Why has the answer of my prayers been delayed? This requires us to review
our situation and find out where we err and mend our ways. We should also exert more effort in drawing closer to Allah,
feeling assured that what He gives us is better than what we wish for ourselves.

Three: We have clear and logical evidence confirming beyond doubt that Allah exists and that His knowledge and
wisdom are perfect and complete. When some people put this problem of unanswered prayers against that clear and
compelling evidence, the logical necessity requires any rational person to give more weight to the stronger evidence,
and to endeavor to understand the problem in the light of the clear and straightforward. This is taken for granted.

Four: We need to try to understand the purpose of delaying answering our prayers. The fact that man’s knowledge is
limited means that man’s scope and wishes are also limited. Everyone realises that the fact that some of their prayers
were not answered was the better alternative for them.

Five: Imam ibn al-Qayyim said: ‘Supplication and seeking refuge are like a weapon. The effectiveness of a weapon does
not depend only on its sharp edge, but on the person using it. When the weapon is perfect and free of defect, held in a
strong arm and there is nothing to prevent its use, the weapon will be effective against the enemy. If any of these three
elements is missing, the effect is reduced’.

Six: All texts that are relevant to an issue must be considered. To have a partial look is wrong. It is Allah Who says:
‘Pray to Me, and I will answer you’. Yet, He Himself said: ‘We shall test you’. Anyone who thinks that supplication may
put an end to testing people simply applies one text and ignores another. An authentic hadith says: ‘The supplication of
any of you is answered, so long as you do not hasten it’. This hadith explains an important thing about the conditions of
answering prayers, which is not to hasten it.

Atheists deny Allah’s existence on the basis that prayers remain unanswered. We may, for argument’s sake, say that
He may not answer prayers, but this does not necessarily mean that He does not exist.

The Omnipotence Paradox. “Can God create a stone immovable even by him?”

Common Questions & Important Articles

Karl Popper’s Scientific Method:

Does Science Lead To Atheism?
Does science lead to certainty? (and more about Darwinism)
Can Robots ever have consciousness?:
The Hard Problem of Consciousness:
Can Materialism Explain the Mind?
“Only Physical things are Real”:

“You Are a Believer Just Because You Were Born So” refuted:
Know God know Good, Objective Morality:
No Value of Life without God:
Why Morality Leads to God:
Objectivity and Religion:
Life without God: The Implications of Atheism:
The Implications of Atheism:
Do we need Religion to be Good people?

Why is God worthy of worship?

Why love God?:
Why does God ask for worship?
Why Does God ask us to praise and worship him?
What does Fear of God Mean?
Is God good?
Does God need our Worship?

Why did Allah create the Angels?

Why did Allah create such a vast universe?

Rationality of Islamic Sexual Ethics:

Atheism, Doubting your Doubts:

Introduction to Atheism:

The Rise and History of Contemporary Atheist Thought:
Refuting Atheist Arguments:
Common Arguments Against Islam:
Atheist Psychology and How to Debate:
Understanding Atheism:

Collection of Threads Refuting Atheism:

Its not hard to spot Atheist dogma…

[Credit to Original Maker]

Speaking of fallacies, “Islam is 1400 year old. This means it is outdated & primitive so Islam
is false." Is in reality not a valid argument but a fallacy.

Section (3):
Arguments raised against the Quran & Its contents

Proving the Preservation of the Quran (Understanding it refutes many allegations)

History of the Quranic Text from Revelation to Compilation:

Concise List Of Arabic Manuscripts Of The Qur'ān Attributable To The First Century Hijra
View Quranic Manuscripts here:

Basics about the Preservation of the Quran and the collection of the Quran (Written and Memorization)
Proof the Quran was Preserved:

How to Prove the Quran has been preserved?
Preservation Efforts of the Sahaba:

Quranic Compilation and Preservation:

During the Prophets time:
Abu Bakr’s Circumstances:
Abu Bakr’s Efforts:
Uthman’s Efforts:

Doubts about the Manuscripts & Preservation of the Quran covered:

Did the Uthmanic Mushaf include all the 7 Ahruf?
Versions of the Quran?:
Are there Scribal Errors in the Quran?:
The Quranic Orthography:
Reading the Quran from the Prophet’s time:
Muslim Studies on Quranic Manuscripts:
Recitations of the Quran, Mistakes or Eloquence?:
Removing Doubts about the manuscript variants:
Differences in manuscripts of the Quran?:
Is there 26 versions of the Quran?
The 26 versions argument debunked briefly (English CC, Arabic): (Begin 4:50)
Dan Brubakers Corrections Refuted:

Proving the reliability of the Oral transmission of the Quran:

By Muslim Allegation Hunters: (P1)
By Muslim Allegation Hunters: (P2)
The concept of Tawattur in Islam:
The Mutawattir Readings of the Quran:

The Birmingham University’s Find Of The Oldest Qur’anic Manuscripts

Non-Muslim scholars testify to the faithful transmission of the Quran!

Removing Doubts about the text of the Quran.
Refuting Missionary Allegations against the Quran Pamphlet:

The Seven Ahruf & The Qira’at – Quranic Variances?

“Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Gabriel recited the Qur'an to me in one way. Then I requested him (to read it in another
way), and continued asking him to recite it in other ways, and he recited it in several ways till he ultimately recited it in
seven different ways." [Bukhari 4991]

The 7 Ahruf of the Quran are 7 different ways each one was favoring a dialect of the Arabic language (still they are all
Arabic and they are all the same in meaning). They are all revealed by Allah and are not human variants (or errors).

Besides the Qurashi dialect (which was the best for that Quraish was the center of all the pilgrims) there were many
like: Kenanah, Tai’, Hazeel, Tamim, Yamamah, Kendah, etc… That can be for the ease of use and to guarantee fast
spread to other tribes. Also, to say (especially to pagan Quraish) that Islam doesn’t favor a tribe over the others.

By the time of Othman RA and the mixing with other nations who entered Islam there were many disputes over which
Harf/recitaion/dialect to use. That led to Othman’s RA attempt to standardize the script and the recitation of Quran.
Otham’s Moshaf was written in a way that can support as many recitations as possible but favoring the Qurashi dialect
when it is not possible. Copies were sent to the corners of the Islamic empire with a teacher to teach the people the
closest recitation to their dialect according to the standard script

Some mix the 7 Ahruf with the known 7 recitations but that’s not correct. The 7 recitations are Ibn Mujahid’s selection
of the most famous recitations by his time (IbnAljazari selected 3 more). And they all end to a certain Sahabi (Othman,
Ali, IbnMasoad, Aubi binKa’b, Zaid binThabit, AbiAlDarda’, AbiMosa AlAsha’ri) but were named after a certain Imam
(Nafi’, Asem, Kesa’i, etc…) and one of his students (Warsh, Hafs, etc…). With the development of Arabic grammar
science new writings of Quran included the diacritics (started by Abi AlAswad AlDu'ali) and now we find prints of Quran
favoring one of the 7 recitations. It’s a misconception to assume there’s a better recitation than the others. On the
contrary, they are all correct and different recitations expand the meaning of the same verse to include more -
confirming- interpretations.

English Translation of the Ten Qir’aat:

Explanation of the Qir’at and Ahruf:
Origins of the Variant Readings:
Evidence of Sound Oral Recitation of the Qir’aat:
The The Ahruf of the Quran:
Versions of the Quran? (Detailed):’
Why 7 Recitations?:
Recitations of Quran: Mistakes or Miracles of Eloquence?:
(Arabic, English CC) About Qir’aat:
Are the Qir’at Mistakes?:
Ahruf Explained:
Orientalist Misconceptions about the Qir’at:
Seven Styles:
Introduction to Quranic Variances:
Lecture on the Qir’aat/Ahruf and misconceptions refuted by M. Hijab:
Muslim Studies on Qur’anic Manuscripts (Download):
The Qira'at: mistake or miracle? (Interview with Fadel Solaiman):

Do the San’aa Manuscripts disprove the preservation of the Quran?

Introduction to the San’aa Codex (and refutations):

Does Sanaa Manuscript Disprove Quranic Preservation?
Refuting Doubts About the Manuscript: (Arabic, no CC) (Arabic, no CC)

Ibn Masu’ds disagreement with Uthman (and Zaid Ibn Thabit) thoroughly clarified.
quran-mdi-pamphlet.pdf (Pages 1 to 2)

Are there Missing (or added) verses from/in the Quran? None.

Verse eaten by a Goat is a myth:

The Hadith about a Goat eating a verse is inauthentic:


The verse of stoning and suckling being eaten by the Goat:

Did a Sheep Eat the Quranic verse of adult suckling?


Is there a Missing verse on suckling?

The Lie of the lost verse about breastfeeding:

Is the Stoning verse missing from the Quran?:

Myth of the Quran’s lost verse about Stoning:
The Quranic Verse on Stoning:
Stoning verse missing from the Quran?

Related: - This is a refutation to misguided

modernists who claim that Islam does prescribe a stoning punishment.

The hadiths mention that Surat Al-Ahzab was much longer than it is now, are they lost verses?
There are two opinions, with the first and mostly correct one being that the hadith is inauthentic. The second being is
that they are abrogated verses.

First Opinion:

Second opinion:


Hadith about the amount of letters in the Quran (is weak):

Meaning of Ibn ‘Umar’s statement, “Much of the Qur’an is Gone”:


Are the Verses 9:128 – 129 & 33:23 corruptions not in the original Quran? [Misunderstood Hadith: Bukhari 4679]

“Son of Adam having valleys of gold” narration of Abu Musa in [Muslim 1050] talks about missing verses:

The simple explanation for that would be is that they are abrogated verses:

However a closer look at the narration could mean that it is just a mistake from the narrator:
“Al-Maazari maintained that it is also possible that these soorahs were not abrogated but that Abu Moosa forgot them”.

"If Adam's son had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two valleys, for nothing fills his mouth except dust. And
Allah forgives him who repents to Him."

Is actually a hadith, said by the Prophet ‫[ ﷺ‬Bukhari 6439] and not a verse.

I heard Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬saying, "If the son of Adam had money equal to a valley, then he will wish for another
similar to it, for nothing can satisfy the eye of Adam's son except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him." Ibn
`Abbas said: I do not know whether this saying was quoted from the Qur'an or not. `Ata' said, "I heard Ibn AzZubair
saying this narration while he was on the pulpit." [Bukhari 6437]

Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani says in Fathul Bari:

‫ فقال لنا ذات يوم‬, ‫ومنه ما وقع عند أحمد وأبي عبيد في " فضائل القرآن " من حديث أبي واقد الليثي قال " كنا نأتي النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم إذا نزل عليه فيحدثنا‬
‫ وهذا يحتمل أن يكون النبي صلى هللا عليه‬, ‫ ولو كان البن آدم واد ألحب أن يكون له ثان " الحديث بتمامه‬, ‫ إن هللا قال إنما أنزلنا المال إلقام الصالة وإيتاء الزكاة‬:
‫ وهللا أعلم وعلى األول فهو مما نسخت تالوته جزما وإن كان حكمه‬, ‫ ويحتمل أن يكون من األحاديث القدسية‬, ‫وسلم أخبر به عن هللا تعالى على أنه من القرآن‬

‫ فقال لنا ذات يوم‬,‫ومنه ما وقع عند أحمد وأبي عبيد في " فضائل القرآن " من حديث أبي واقد الليثي قال " كنا نأتي النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم إذا نزل عليه فيحدثنا‬
‫ وهذا يحتمل أن يكون النبي صلى هللا عليه‬, ‫ ولو كان ال بن آدم واد ألحب أن يكون له ثان " الحديث بتمامه‬,‫ إن هللا قال إنما أنزلنا المال إلقام الصالة وإيتاء الزكاة‬:
‫ وهللا أعلم وعلى األول فهو مما نسخت تالوته جزما وإن كان حكمه‬, ‫ ويحتمل أن يكون من األحاديث القدسية‬,‫وسلم أخبر به عن هللا تعالى على أنه من القرآن‬

When this Surah was revealed and expressed the same meaning as it (the Adam statement) they knew that the first
statement (the Adam statement) was from the statements of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Some of
them explained it to be part of the Quran and then its recitation was abrogated when 'The mutual rivalry for piling up
of worldly things diverts you..' (102.1) was revealed." so its recitation persisted so it abrogated the recitation of that
(the Adam statement). But it's wisdom and ruling was not abrogated if its recitation was abrogated.

And it also occurred at Ahmad and Abi Ubayd in "Virtues of the Quran" from hadith Abi Waqid Al Labani who said
"We used to go to the Prophet (peace be upon him) if something was revealed to him so he would tell us, so he told
us that day: Allah says "We have sent down money for the establishment of prayer and payment of Zakat, and if
the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two valleys." that is the very hadith, and it is possible
that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed that this is a verse from the Quran, and it is also possible that it is
from the Qudsi Hadith, and God knows if it is the first (meaning first explanation which states that it was part of the
Quran) then it is what was abrogated from recitation even though its wisdom and rulings are still implemented.

Regarding this part of the hadith: “Oh people who believe, why do you say that which you do not practise"
It is actually a part of a verse in the Quran today in Surat Al-Saff (61:2). Which makes me believe most likely this is just
a confusion on part of the narrator

Alleged Variant Readings and corruptions refuted:
Alleged Variant of 33:6:
Alleged lost verse in Surat Al Bayyinah:
Alleged variant of 2:238 (Asr Prayers):
Textual Corruption of Surat Al-Asr Refuted:

Missing Surah’s in the Mushaf of Ibn Mas’ud refuted (Al Fatiha, Al Falaq and Al-Nas):
Page 2 in this document:

Two Additional Surah’s in the Mushaf of Ibn Ubbay (Al-Hafd & Al-Khal) Refuted:
Conclusion: Those two Surah’s are not actually Surah’s but supplications taught by the Prophet PBUH to us.

Was (4:95) changed as an exemption for the Blind Man?

Surat al Wilaya & Surat al Nurayn never existed:

Were there Quranic verses lost forever at the battle of Yamama?

Missionaries like to cite a report that is mentioned in Kitaab Al-Masaahif for Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawud, which states that
many memorizers of the Qur‟an were killed during the Battle of Yamama, and no one else knew the verses of the Qur‟an
that they had memorized, nor were they written down. Missionaries point to this tradition to try to illustrate that chunks
of the Qur‟an have been lost forever, however this report is of doubtful authenticity.

The collector of this report – Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawood – was so well known for his dishonesty and unreliability in
collection of traditions to the extent that his very own father Abi Dawud called him a “liar”. (Al-Dhahabi, Tadhkirat al-
huffaz, Volume 2, page 302). Moreover, the chain of transmission of this report has an unreliable narrator Yunus ibn
Yazeed known for making major mistakes, and furthermore, the chain also has a gap (is disconnected), which means
we do not know who transmitted it during this gap.

The same story has been narrated in earlier and more reliable sources (see Saheeh Bukhari, Book 61, hadith no. 509)
where we see that there was no loss of any Qur‟anic verses. Rather the companions of the Prophet only feared verses
of the Qur‟an becoming lost if further deaths occurred after Yamama and NOT that the verses were lost already. There
are authentic and reliable sources that testify that all Qur‟anic passages were written down during the Prophet‟s time
each time they were revealed (see Musnad Ahmad, Volume 1, page 92, no. 401 & Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 3, no. 785),
hence there existed no verses of the Qur‟an without a written counter-part. We already know from many narratives, that
people like Zaid ibn Thaabit already had memorized the entire Qur‟an, and did not die in the Battle of Yamama

Was the Uthmanic Codex accepted and held reliable amongst the Muslims? Yes:

There was a unanimous consensus from every single Muslim living during Uthman‟s time that the contents of his texts
were perfectly portraying the preserved Qur’an. Ali (ra), the Prophet‟s paternal cousin, son-in-law, major companion
and fourth Caliph, assures us that there was a consensus in agreement regarding „Uthman‟s actions, Ali (ra) said:

“By Allah, he did not do what he did regarding the Qur‟an, except by agreement from us.” (Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani in
Fathul Baari, Volume 8, page 634 said that Ibn Abi Dawud collected this statement using an authentic chain of

The companions of the Prophet (pbuh) all eventually agreed with Uthman‟s burning of the manuscripts. Ibn Abi Dawud
collected in his al-Masahif, Volume 1, page 45, from Mus’ab bin Sa‟d who said:

I found overwhelming support for Uthman‟s (compilation) from the people, however it surprised them, but none
rebuked him for it‟. (Ibn Kathir quoted it in Fada'il al-Qura'an p. 39 and said that its isnad is sahih.)

German Orientalist Theodor Noldeke said: “when we consider all this, we must regard it as a strong testimony in favor
of , Uthman's Qur‟an that no party – including that of Ali - repudiated the text formed by Zaid, who was one of the most
devoted adherents of Uthman and his family…‟ (Nöldeke, Theodor. "The Qur‟an," Sketches from Eastern History.
Trans. J.S. Black. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1892.)

Did Al-Hajjaj Change the Quran? No.

Neither did Abdullah Ibn Sad Ibn Abi Sarh change the Quran:

So why did Caliph Uthman R.A burn all the other Masahif?
Despite the agreement– of basically everybody – that the Uthmanic codex is the preserved Quran recited by the
Prophet PBUH. Some Muslims are still inflicted with this doubt. (Tactic #3 from this webpage refutes this briefly)

“The original Quran lacks punctuation and therefore it’s not reliable” – Refuted

Adding diacritics and punctuation to the Qur'an (English Captions):

The Rise & Development Of The Qur'ânic Script:

The Quran does not contain words of Syriac Origin. Syriac words allegation debunked.

Is there Quranic words of Syriac origin? (English Captions):

The Alleged Syriac Origins Of The Qur'an:
Arabic video on the disconnected letters (and this):

Collin from I.C refuted on this topic (and more):


Christoph Luxenberg refuted:


Borrowing from Christianity Theories Refuted:

The Orientalists, The Bible & The Qur'ân: A Brief Review Of The Bible Borrowing Theories

Is the Bible really the source of the Quran?

The Defense of The Qur'ân Against The Bible Borrowing Theory

It is not possible for the Quran to be copied from the Bible. Proof that the Quran did not copy from the Bible:

Does the Quran copy from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas?

Borrowing from Zoroastrianism Theories Refuted:

Most of the allegations that Islam copied from Zoroastrianism can be refuted easily if we take a closer look at the dates
of the books that we allegedly copied from. The Arda Viraf for example is dated after (or at the beginning) of the Islamic
period mostly. Which is not something unknown to Zoroastrians actually.

“Some influences, transmitted through Islam, may have been exerted on the latter, but these remain to be fully
demonstrated”. From:

The Prophet's Night Journey:

Arabic Video:
Did Muslims copy the Chinvat Bridge?

Some people say the prophet Muhammad PBUH was affected (inspired and taught) by the Jewish
monks and the Christian popes, like Buhaira the Monk, and Waraqa Ibn Nawfal, and that he acquired
his knowledge from them, these people must consider the facts below:

1) If that were to happen, we would have known about it from his companions who told us everything during his life.

2) If that was the case then the pagans would have taken it as a chance to refute his claims and to point out that he took
Islam from the people of the book! But instead they claimed that he was taught by a Romanian blacksmith, and Allah
responded: [ 16:103 ] And We certainly know that they say, "It is only a human being who teaches the Prophet." The
tongue of the one they refer to is foreign, and this Qur'an is [in] a clear Arabic language.

3) The prophet peace be upon him was Illiterate, and it was never mentioned that he has read the Torah or the Bible or
took from them.

4) The Quran has exposed and investigated the Christians and Jews at the time, if they were correct about this claim,
wouldn’t they be praised in the Quran? [4:171] O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say
about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which
He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not
say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

5) The rulings of Islam used to descend according to the actions and the events of the time, and the prophet PBUH used
to hold the ruling on certain subjects until the revelation descended upon him, which can only indicate that he had no
previous knowledge and that he didn’t take it from the people of the book (Christians and Jews at the time).

6) From what we know the prophet ordered the Muslims to disagree (act in a different way) with the people of the book,
here is an example: Narrated Aws ibn Thabit al-Ansari: The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said: Act differently from the Jews,
for they do not pray in their sandals or their shoes.

7) What was similar between Islam and Judaism and Christianity does not indicate that Islam took from them, but it
indicates that the origin of these two religions were true in the beginning but were distorted later on.

8) It was never mentioned not even in weak hadiths that the prophet talked to their monks except for two incidents, one
being with Buhaira the monk where he invited him to eat alongside his uncle when he was 12 years of age,” a lunch is
never a good idea for a tutoring session”, the other one was when he was a merchant busy with trading, and wouldn’t
have had the time to be tutored by him, the other person was Waraqa Ibn Nawfal where he met him after he received
the news of his prophet hood.

As for the claim that he took it from the companions who were Christians and Jews before taking Islam I say this can
never be true, for when they met with him they were merely students taking from his knowledge, believing in his message.

9) Even some of the foreigners stood against these claims, and others took the fact that preaching of Christianity was
even never successful in Arabian lands.

Does similarity imply borrowing?

The Quran is a book that has been written by an unlettered man that it has not been documented anywhere that he
enrolled to learn how to write or read. Nor did he have lessons in grammar, poetry, logic or literature. Let alone learn any
language other than Arabic (How convenient it would have been that all the texts we allegedly copied from were available
in Arabic – spoiler: they were not at all - and in the middle of nowhere. Keep in mind it was very hard to access and read
other writings back then as they neither had the internet or translation services). Nor was he known for competing with
other writers or writing books that attempt to excel over others.

Similarity between any two compositions or books does not in itself constitute sufficient evidence that one was copied
from the other, or the latter from the earlier one. Both of them could be based on a common third source. This is precisely
the argument of the Qur'ân. There are certain portions of the Bible that might have remained intact and if God is the
source of both revelations that should explain the existence of parallels (Comprehensive link)

Question for the Christians out there:

If the Quran was copied from the Bible, then why did it not copy the errors of the Bible? And why did it not copy the
stories of incest and perversions of the old testament which are insults to the prophets. Why did it not copy the character
of Jesus or the names of the apostles from the New Testament? What could Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) have benefited
from this at all? Nothing. In fact, he lost a lot of things in defense of the text between our hands today. The hardships he
had to go through are evident from the biographies of his life. And never did the Prophet benefit any riches from Islam.

Does The Qur'an Mentioning Stories Found In Previous Writings Threaten Its Credibility?

Plagiarization arguments refuted: Did the Quran copy from:

Did the Prophet’s wives teach the Bible to to him?

Did Waraqa Ibn Nawfal teach the Prophet?
Did the Prophet learn from Salman the Persian?
Did the Prophet copy from the poet Imru’l Qais?
Did the Quran copy from Pre-Islamic poetry (Al-Kahina and more)?
Did the Quran borrow from Pirke De-Rabbi Eli`ezer?
Is the story of Cain & Abel copied from the Targum/Midrash:
Is 20:85-95 from the Quran a fable?
Is Surah (18) plagiarized?
Is the story of the seven sleepers in the Quran Plagiarized? (Description)
Is 18:65-82 in the Quran a legend of Jew Joshua ben Levi?
Is 18:60-65 in the Quran taken from The Alexander Romances?
Is Alexander the great Dhul Qarnayn?
Is 18:60-65 in the Quran taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Is the Story of Solomon and Sheba from the Targum Sheni?
“Ten wise Jews”, was the Prophet instructed by Jewish scholars?
Is the story of Joseph borrowed from the Jewish Midrash?
Is the story of Abraham and the Idols copied from the Midrash?
Midrash Numbers Rabbah & Haman In The Qur'an:
The Pharoh & Haman, is it a historical error in the Quran?:
Did Islam borrow from the Arda Wiraz Namag?
Was 5:32 copied from the Talmud? (Sanhedrin):
Was 5:32 copied from the Talmud? (Sanhedrin) (Video):

The Alleged Syriac Origin of the Quran refuted (Christoph Luxenberg):
(More resources about that are mentioned above)

Is the Hafs Quran transmission unreliable because of Hafs? (Contains everything you need) (Arabic) (Arabic)

And similar arguments can be made about the other transmissions of the Quran. The problem with this doubt is that it is based on an
incorrect understanding of transmission. Hafs despite being weak in Hadith is considered one of the top, major, truthful and prolific
reciters of the Quran. This is normal as Hadith is not his specialty, but the Quran is. Keep in mind that evaluation of character in hadith
does not only depend on reputation but it depends on memorization. Hafs has no problem with reputation, only of memorization. And
they did not consider it a problem with his memory. They considered it because of his lack of interest in memorizing and transmitting
the hadiths. And the same applies for other narrators of Hadith. They could be unreliable in chains of transmission of the Quran but
be reliable in the chains of transmission of the hadith. Finally, this misconception is ignoring a fundamental aspect of the Quran. That
it is Mutawattir (Mass-transmitted). Which means it is impossible for an error to be widespread and not corrected in anyway.

Abrogation in Islam – What is it and the wisdom behind it.

The reasons behind abrogation in the Quran | Dr Zakir Naik:

How is the concept of abrogation?
Abrogation and specification in the Quran:
Abrogation in the Quran:
Abrogation in Islam:
Wisdom of Abrogated Rulings:
Quran: Abrogation & Lie of Lost Verses:
Abrogation can be found in the Bible too!:

Note Regarding Verse Abrogation (Verse removed but law stays):

There is a difference of opinion among scholars whether it actually exists or not. I personally as the writer of this part am more inclined to the opinion
that it does not exist. Arabic Readers can check this short booklet about it for clarification:

The “standardization” of the Quran in Cairo, Egypt (1924)

Missionaries love to claim that the Quran was updated in Cairo in the year 1924. Which is one of the silliest arguments
honestly that does not deserve a place in this document. But anyway,

The 1924 Cairo Qur'ān was not an edition as in a different version of the Qur'ān but rather a printing of the Qur'ān
which came to be regarded as a standard for the ease of printing. It is based on “the common reading (al-qirā'ah al-
ʿāmmah)”, which later came to be identified with the so-called reading of Ḥafṣ from (ʿan) ʿĀṣim. The Cairo edition has
become the standard for modern printings of the Quran with the exception of those used in all North Africa (excluding
Egypt) where the Warsh version is used.

Even with the Hafs an’ Asim recitation being the standard for printing this does not prevent the Shyuookh and
publishers to print the other recitations of the Quran. All of them are readily and massively available on Quranic
recitations online and in libraries/bookshops where one can read the Quran in the Qir’aa he prefers.

The Quran’s miracle of literary eloquence, and the failure of the Arab poets to replicate it.

Removing doubt about Quranic Verses & Refutations to allegations:

Is Murder permissible in Islam? Does Islam & the Quran allow for the killing of non-believers?
In Islam people are categorized into 4 types, and each one of those four has a right that Muslims must know and act
upon. Those types are:

1- A Muslim:
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬
said, "A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. He should neither deceive him nor lie to him, nor leave him without
assistance. Everything belonging to a Muslim is inviolable for a Muslim; his honor, his blood and property. Piety is here
(and he pointed out to his chest thrice). It is enough for a Muslim to commit evil by despising his Muslim brother. And
this hadith is enough proof that we Muslims are to stay united and to never harm each other.

2 -These are similar categories but with a minor difference:

(a) A dhimmi:
The definition of a dhimmah ‫الذمة‬: it is an infinite contract the non-Muslim acquires by it the right to live infinitely in
Muslim lands, and to enter it’s protection, and this happens by paying an amount of money *Jizyah* (if he was capable
to do so) and by accepting the Islamic rules (in terms of transactions not in their religious matters).

And killing those people is forbidden in Islam :

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
“Whoever kills a Mu'ahid (he who has a contract with the Muslims) who has the protection of Allah and the protection
of his Messenger, will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance may be detected from a distance
of Seventy years.”. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2995

(b) A mu’ahad:

The ones who have a truce between them and Muslims: those are the people that live in their lands, and have their
own laws and religions, and they agreed not to make war against the Muslims.

The previous hadith also falls here, making it forbidden to attack them
Narrated Amr ibn Abasah: I heard the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬say: When one has covenant with people he must not
strengthen or loosen it till its term comes to an end or he brings it to an end in agreement with them (to make both the
parties equal).(meaning he must not even start moving his army until the truce time has ended and passed).

3- A musta’man:

The one who has no covenant, contract, or truce, but came into the lands of Muslims as a merchant, a messenger, a
refugee, or to understand Islam, or other cases, and those are not to be harmed or to pay jizyah or to be casted
away(forced to immigrate), but they are given da’wah and taught about Islam, and if they wanted they can become
Muslims or get back safely to where they came from.

Allah say in the Quran: chapter 9: verse 6: "And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him
protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety." That is because they are a
people who do not know.

4- A muharib:

Is the one who has no contract or truce but is an enemy whom his nation is in war with the Muslims and actively
carries a weapon against the Muslims seeking to kill them on the spot.

This person is the only one who Muslims can take arms against!

What does Islam (The Quran and Hadith), and the scholars of Islam say about killing?

Surah Al-Baqarah [2:190]: ‘Fight in the way of Allah Verily, after me there will be conflicts or affairs, so if you
those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah are able to end them in peace then do so. Source:
does not like transgressors.’ Musnad Ahmad 697, Grade: Sahih

Surah Al-Mumtahanah [60:8]: ‘Allah does not forbid [An-Nisa 4:90] So if they remove themselves from you
you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has
and do not expel you from your homes - from being not made for you a cause for fighting against them.
righteous toward them and acting justly toward them.
Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.’
Surah Al-Baqarah [2:190] Fight in the way of Allah
those who fight you but do not transgress. Verily, Allah
Sunan Al-Baihaqi: Hadith 17591: ‘Then I commanded does not love transgressors
him," Do not kill a boy, a woman, or a big old man. " ,
And not a sick person, nor a monk, nor cut off fruitful,
nor destroy the Amira, nor slaughter a bullock nor a cow “Fighting has been made obligatory in Islam only for the
except for food, nor drown a stream nor burn it. sake of defending the truth and its followers… All the
(Narrated in it) about the Prophet - peace be upon him.’ campaigns of the Prophet were defensive in character
‘The Monk is not killed (if hes hiding) in a monastery’ and so were the wars undertaken by the companions in
the earliest period of Islam.” [Source: Message of the
Quran 9:29]
Surah Al-Anfal 8:61 - If the enemy inclines to peace,
then incline to it also and rely upon Allah. Verily, it is He
who is the Hearing, the Knowing. Surah At-Tawbah 9:7 So as long as they are upright
toward you, be upright toward them. Verily, Allah loves
the righteous.
Source: Fath ul-Bari 6517 - It is not the right of a Muslim
to kill every unbeliever. Rather, it is forbidden for him to
kill a citizen or protected person without a just cause. Ibn al Qayyim writes: The Prophet never forced the
religion upon anyone, but rather he only fought those
who waged war against him and fought him. As for those
Ibn Taymiyyah writes: The unbelievers are only fought who made peace with him or conducted a truce, then he
on the condition that they declare war according to the never fought them and he never compelled them to
majority of scholars, as is evident in the Book and enter his religion Source: Hidayat Al-Hayara
Sunnah - Source: al-Nubūwāt 1/140

Surat Al-Ma’idah 5:32 - Thus, We decreed upon the

When Allah gathers together the earlier and later children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless as legal
generations on the Day. He will raise a banner for every punishment for murder or for corruption in the land, it is
treacherous person and it will be announced that this is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves
the treachery of this person, the son of this person. one soul, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. (Also
Source: Sahih Bukhari 5823, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi applies to Muslims, see below in the chapters)

Verily, the most tyrannical of people to Allah the Exalted Surat Al-Isra 17:33 Do not kill the soul which Allah
is he who kills those who did not fight him. Musnad has made sacred except by right of justice. Whoever is
Aḥmad 15943, Grade: Sahih killed unjustly, We have given his heir authority, but let
him not exceed the limits in taking life.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon ___________________________________________
him, would address the people saying: O people, I am
only a mercy and a guide. [Sunan Al Darimi 490]
Were the peaceful verses abrogated and
made defunct by “the sword verse”?
Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the
(This is a common argument repeated by Islamophobes
Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One
and extremists. They were not abrogated at all.)
above the heavens will have mercy upon you. [Tirmidhi 1924]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon in-the-quran/
him, said: You will never have faith until you love each
other. Shall I tell you what will make you love each
other? They said, “Of course, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Prophet said: Spread peace between yourselves.
One must understand the difference between abrogation
By the one in whose hand is my soul, you will not enter
and specification in the Quran, which the first link
Paradise until you are merciful to others. They said, “O
explains. It has been claimed by some that this verse 9:5
Messenger of Allah, all of us are merciful.” The Prophet has abrogated all the peaceful verses in the Qur'an.
said: Verily, it is not only mercy between yourselves, but However, this claim results from a misunderstanding of
rather it is mercy in general. Source: al-Sunan al-Kubrá some Qur'anic concepts. In the Qur'an there is naskh and
lil-Nasāʼī 5760, Grade: Sahih there is also takhsees. Naskh is the abrogation of a ruling
by a ruling that was revealed after it. Naskh occurs in
matters of Islamic law. Takhsees on the other hand refers
to specification, where one verse restricts the application
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon
of another verse, or specifies the limits not mentioned in
him, said: Verily, whoever does not show mercy will not the other verse.
receive mercy. [Bukhari & Muslim]
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet was told, “O
Messenger of Allah, pray against the idolaters!” The
Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, More about abrogation (and the topic):
said: Verily, I was not sent to invoke curses, but rather I
was only sent as a mercy. [Muslim 2599]

Moses said: Who is the best in judgment of your ___________________________________________

servants? Allah said: Those who judge people as they

would love to be judged themselves. Moses said: Who
are the most honored of your servants? Allah said:
Is “there is no compulsion in Religion”
Those who forgive when they have power over others. abrogated? (In Tafsir Ibn Kathir) debunked.
[Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 6352, Grade: Hasan]

Ibn Al Qayyim writes: Killing is only necessary to

(and refer to the links above)
confront war and not to confront unbelief. For this
reason, women and children are not killed, neither are The short answer really is that the English translation of
the elderly, the blind, or monks who do not participate in Tafsir Ibn Kathir is missing an important part where it
fighting. Rather, we only fight those who wage war says that it the verse is actually not abrogated.

against us. This was the way of the Messenger of Allah

‫ ﷺ‬with the people of the earth. He would fight those who
declared war on him until they accepted his religion, or
they proposed a peace treaty, or they came under his
control by paying tribute. [Aḥkām ahl al-dhimmah 1/110]

Mandatory blank page (layout issues).

What about the verses ordering to kill disbelievers? Out of context verses refuted.

Resources discussing misquoted verses that allegedly promote murder (and in general).
(Hadiths are in a different section)

Guide to dealing with misquoted verses:

Verses- 2:216, 4:95, 33:23, 47:4, 9:91, 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 2:217-218, 2:244, 4:76, 9:29, 5:54, 48:29, 8:12-13, 5:33, 5:51

Quran 2:178, 2:194, 5:45, 16:126, 42:40 - In Context

Quran 2:190, 2:191, 2:192, 2:193, 2:194 - In Context

“Fight People until they become Muslims/I have been ordered to fight the people”? (Hadith Explained)
Does Islam order killing infidels?

Does 9:29 & 8:12 permit aggression against Non-Muslims?


“Jihad Verses” explained:

Is Islam a Religion of violence?
Kill them wherever you find them?

Myth of Muslim Barbarism (Are Muslims cruel tyrants through history?)

“5:32 is not a binding order for Muslims” thoroughly debunked (and 5:33 in context)

The verse explained:

(Also explains historical background of the criminals who were punished by having their hands, feet cut etc…)

Are Honor Killings an Islamic Phenomenon?

The rights of Non-Muslims under Islamic rule:

Protection of civilian non-combatants in Islam:

Is there a Separation of Mosque and State in Islam?
Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims:
Protection of non-Muslim houses of worship:
Prophet Muhammed’s treatment of non-muslims:
Status of Non-Muslims:
Under Muslim Rule: Coexistence or Coercion?

Befriending Jews and Christians (5:51 explained) & 5:58 explained (Animosity of Jews)
5:51, 3:28, 4:144 explained:
5:58 explained:

Does the Quran condemn all Jews and Christians?
Will Allah forgive Non-Muslims?:

A collection of resources comprehensively proving the impermissibility of execution by fire,

extrajudicial punishments, and terrorism with content explaining misunderstood concepts
like dar al harb, jihad, and hudud.

Fatwa on Suicide Bombing:

Ali Burning with fire:
Can any Muslim implement hudud?
Application of hudud punishments in Sharia law
Is Islam at war with the world?
Lesser vs Greater Jihad Refuted:
Is Shari'ah the Most Barbaric Form of Law?
Refuting ISIS by Muhammed Al-Yaqooubi:
Islam between blasphemy and extremism:

What is Jihad? And Why? Understanding and clarifying the concept of Jihad.

Ruling on Jihad and kinds of Jihad:

Jihad in Islam: Just-War Theory:
Part 2 of this article:
Purpose of Armed Jihad in Islam:
Jihad against the soul in Islam:
Offensive Jihad in Islam:
Defensive nature of Jihad:
What Can Be Termed Jihad?
What is Jihad? Do All Muslims Fight 'The Holy War'?:
Jihad explained: (Has 8 Parts)
Concept of Jihad in Islam:
About Jihad in Islam: (Arabic, Has English CC)
Jihad in Islam:
Study: Most ISIS Recruits don’t know about Islam:

Refutations to/About Terrorism & Doubts about how Islam Spread

Refuting Terrorists:

Dangers of the Khawarij ideology of violence:
Open Letter to Al-Baghdad – Refuting ISIS:
Refuting ISIS by Muhammed Al-Yaqooubi:
Fatwa on Suicide Bombing:
Myths about proportions of attack:
Islam and the charge of violence:
How Islam spread in the world:
Was Islam spread by the Sword? - Yasir Qadhi
The Message of Peace: Spread by the Sword?
Was Prophet Muhammed a terrorist?
Refuting Islam Fascism book:
Refuting that Islam was spread by force (Arabic):
Was Islam Spread by force?
Fight people until they become Muslims?
Do not desire to fight the enemies of Islam:
Protection of non-muslim houses of worship:
Dar al Harb, is Islam at war with the world?

The Sancity of Life in Islam:


How the Prophet rose above enmity and insult:


Application of Sharia and Hudud; what is Sharia? Why does Islam stone or amputate hands
for theft? What are the requirements for these punishments?

Do you really understand Sharia?

Sharia Law | Misconceptions | Amputation:
Is Shari'ah the Most Barbaric Form of Law? | Animation:
Stoning as a punishment in Islam (Arabic, English CC):
Why are there punishments in Islam? (Arabic):
Sharia: Barbaric or Perfect? (Lecture):
Shari’ah, Fiqh, and Islamic law explained:
Non-Muslim houses of worship in Islam:
Rebuttals to 10 objections against Sharia:
Application of Hadd’ Punishments in Sharia:
Is there a Separation of Mosque and State in Islam?
Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims:
Justice and Fairness in Islam:
The Concept of Punishment in Islam:
The Punishment of adultery and its conditions explained:

Stoning and hand cutting? Understanding Sharia in Islam:


Everything You Need to Know About Sharia/Islamic Law

Status of Non-Muslims in a Sharia State:

Jizyah in Islam: Explanations & Misconceptions surrounding it.

Did Christians pay the Jizyah to spare their lives?

Status of Non-Muslims in the IS:
Jizyah in Islam:
Explanations of Jizyah:
Is the Jizyah to humiliate Non-Muslims?
The Fair Logic of Jizyah:

Does Allah lead astray?

Why does Allah use “We” for himself in the Quran?

What does “Makr/Deceit” Mean for Allah? (3:54, 4:142, 7:99, 7:183, 8:30, 10:21 explained)
Keyword: 3:54, 4:142, 7:99, 7:183, 8:30, 10:21, 13:42, 27:50, 68:45, 86:15-16

What does “Allah prays” mean?

What does Allah “tabaa” (repented) mean:

Why did Allah choose masculine pronouns for himself?

Verse 4:34 (The “Wife Beating” Verse) explained.
“As to those women on whose part you see ill‑conduct, admonish them (first), (next) refuse to share their beds, (and
last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance).
Surely, Allaah is Ever Most High, Most Great” [al-Nisa’ 4:34]

If a woman rebels against her husband and disobeys his commands, then he should follow this method of
admonishing her, forsaking her in bed and hitting her. Hitting is subject to the condition that it should not be harsh or
cause injury. Al-Hasan al-Basri said: this means that it should not cause pain. ‘Ata’ said: I said to Ibn ‘Abbaas, what is
the kind of hitting that is not harsh? He said, Hitting with a siwaak and the like. [A siwaak is a small stick or twig used
for cleaning the teeth.

Does the Quran let Muslims beat their wives?:

The Prophet never beat his wives:
Beating Women? That’s messed up! (Refutation):
Commentary on the verse:
Historical analysis:
Does Islam allow wife beating?:
4:34 & 38:44 in context:

Does Islam Endorse The Bible? Refuting the Christian arguments that the Quran supports
the reliability of the modern day Bible/Gospel. (The text are links, click on them)

Link: Does the Quran approve the Bible? Refuting Christian Missionaries (Video about it)

Link: Evidence That Islam Teaches That There Was Textual Corruption of The Christian and Jewish Scriptures

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding The Qur'an Ordering The Jews And Christians To Judge By Their Scriptures

Link: Refuting The Argument That The Qur'an Orders The Prophet and Doubting Believers To Refer To The Christians
and Jews For Consultation

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding The Qur'an Being A Confirmation Of The Bible

Link: Refuting The Argument That Surah 2 Verse 121 Affirms That The Bible Was Not Textually Corrupted

Link: Refuting the Argument That The Prophet Claimed That The Corrupted Torah Was Revealed From God

Link: Refuting The Argument That Surah 15, Verse 9 Says That God Preserved The Christian and Jewish Scriptures

Link: Does The Prophet Permitting Us To Narrate From The Jews Mean That He Held Their Torah To Be Authoritative?

Link: Rebuttal to "Mohamed Did Not Believe that the Old Testament was Corrupt"

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding "Allah's Words Do Not Change"

The Qur’an says ‘Ask People of the Book’: What and Why?

Why did Allah allow for the Injil to be corrupted but not the Quran?

Allah left the scripture to them (as amanah) and he didn't take on himself the preservation. After people revealed that
they are not willing to preserve the scriptures and they dared to distort them for their own benefit Allah blessed us with
the preservation of Quran. Why he left them to their hands to tamper with? Well because life basically is a test after the
other that was one of them tests.

Why Islam is selected? Because now the message of Islam is preserved if it was forgotten/tampered with then there
would be another message and another messenger with another scripture. But that wasn't destined to happen except
by the end of times therefore Islam is the final and the selected religion. Arabic, but It has Arabic subtitles, which you can auto-translate on YouTube)

Does (Arabic) Ahad/(Hebrew) Echad mean “one of” (The Quran supports the trinity)?

This is a common argument repeated by CP and his fangirls. Not even worth putting a refutation for it since it is a very
stupid argument backed with zero evidence from the Arabic language. And why would the Quran defend the trinity?

Paul In Islam – Is Paul in the Quran?

Why was the Quran revealed in the Arabic language? (and why do Muslims pray in Arabic)

How can the Quran be a miracle for Non-Arabs?

Why does Allah make Oaths in the Quran?

The Quran describing the breasts of the Hoor is a lie by missionaries (78:32-33 explained)

(6:101) in the Quran explained, child without a consort?

Why Does Allah Communicate to us through a Medium?

Refer also to the atheist section

“Slave for Slave, Woman for Woman”: Qur’an 2:178 (and 2:194, 16:126, 42:40, 5:45) Explained

Quran 2:62, 5:69 - In Context (Cited by liberals mostly, Perennialism Refuted)

Does (65:4) in the Quran Encourage Child Marriage?

Why does the Quran tell the Prophet PBUH to “ask for forgiveness” (47:19, 40:55)

Quran 3:151 - explained (“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve”)

Is there homosexual intercourse in the Islamic heaven? Quran 52:24; 56:17; 76:19 – explained.

Errors in the Quran Refuted

Is the Quran being clear/comprehensible an error? (11:1, 6:114, 18:69, 41:3)

Sister of Aaron error debunked.

Many people claim that this verse saying “ "O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother
unchaste." is wrong, because its saying Mariam (Mary) is the sister of Aaron. Here is the refutation:

This is actually talked about by the Prophet himself:

“The Messenger of Allah sent me to Najran. They said to me: ‘Do you people not recite: O sister of Harun (19:28) –
while between Musa and ‘Eisa there is such (gap) as there is?’ I did not know how to respond to them. So when I
returned to the Prophet. I told him about that, and he said: ‘Why didn’t you tell them that they were named after their
Prophets and righteous people before them.'” [Jami Al Tirmidhi]” (Arabic but has English CC. Go to minute 6:30)

Is Mary Worshipped/In the trinity in the Quran? Did the Quran get the trinity wrong?
Some Christians do worship mary:
Did the Quran get the Trinity wrong?
Is Mary part of the trinity?:
Quran misrepresents Christian Beliefs:
Inaccurate trinity?:
Does the Quran misrepresent the trinity?
Does The Qur’an Say About Mary In The Trinity?

The Quran is not wrong about Jews calling “Ezra/Uzayr” the son of God! (Ar, En CC)

Who was to be sacrificed Ismael or Isaac? (It is Ismael)|

Are there Mathematical Errors in the Quran? (Inheritance error debunked):

Are there math errors in Quran?

Is Islamic Inheritance mathematically incorrect?

The partitioning meant in the verses is from a fixed whole (one), namely 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/3 and 1/6 (Constants).
Ofcourse not always those additions form a whole one - that is impossible because the addition sum is variant. There
are many incidents where it can be more or less. So if it less the rest goes to the closest male (Hadith). And if it is
more the ratio's stay fixed. Meaning they all take their shares as if it was a whole one (who should take the 2/3 will take
the double of who should take 1/3 and who should take 1/2 will take double of who should take 1/4). The problem here
lies with the brilliant atheists who say "No I want the all-knowing God to list every possible condition in one verse and
split the shares to always form a whole constant!"

Objections on Awl’ (Related to inheritance above):

Was the Quran historically wrong about:

The Samaritan?
The Crucifixion punishment in Egypt?
Burnt Bricks Used at the time of Moses?
Is the usage of “Misr” for Ancient Egypt wrong?
Misrepresentation of the Pharaoh And His Gods?
The fertility (of land) in Ancient Egypt?
Al-ʿAzīz & Potiphar: A Confused Nomenclature?
The usage of the word “Dirham”:
Queen Sheba and Sun (Vs Moon) Worship:
The age of Jesus?
Injīl (Gospel) In The Time Of Moses?
The name of “Yahya” being unique? :
Did Al-Masjid al Aqsa not exist when the prophet visited it?

The Kings & Pharaohs Of Egypt – Quranic Accuracy and Biblical Error!

Internal Contradictions in the Quran Refuted (Resources):

Just for the sake of space, I can’t be listing tens of contradictions and their solutions here. So here are links dealing
with them in general. Search for the alleged “contradictions” here:

How to deal with them: (Best one)

Is Iblis refusing to prostrate an error, since “he was a Jinn but the command was for Angels”?
Iblis was not an angel:

“Grammatical Errors” in the Quran Refuted (Resources):
Again as above, I will only be including resources dealing with them in general. But first and foremost, we need to
understand something. It is not possible for the Quran to contain Grammatical mistakes. Which will be explained:

Zakir Naik answers this briefly: & (Related)

Is iltifat in the Quran an error? (Surat al-Fatiha cannot be Revelation):

There is a popular argument that al-Fatiha cannot be from revelation because Allah is not speaking, Which is very
false and anyone who claims so is an ignorant in Arabic language. These articles examine the claim and refutes it.

Grammatical Shift For The Rhetorical Purposes: Iltifāt And Related Features In The Qur'ān

Sudden Changes In Person & Number: Neal Robinson On Iltifāt

A Response to Critics Who Say Surah al-Fatiha Can’t Be Revelation

General Resources Refuting “Scientific Errors” in the Quran: (Main one) (40 Minute video) =

Scientists Comments on the Quran:

Also, refer back to the Atheists section in this book for the “Islam contradicts science” blabber.

It has been a trend lately by the critics of Islam to attribute the misinterpretations of scholars to the Islamic beliefs. An
important to thing to note is that the opinions of the scholars regarding a verse does not make it scientifically inaccurate.
Scholars are fallible and some of their sayings are could’ve been due to their understanding of the science at their time.
We should judge the Quran based on what it really says which means we should interpret the verses by paying attention
to the language used and how these words were understood, how words can carry different meanings (The Quran and
Sunnah explain each other), the context of the verse, the sources that the mufasiroon get their opinion from (if you insist
on using their opinion) and whether these sources are authentic or not, how the sentence is understood linguistically,
what is the reason of revelation for the verse, etc….

Refer to page 418 or 159 of this book for more about the allegation of “contradictions between Islam and science” (Note Two: Science and Religion) (Page differs on PC or mobile)

Bonus: Interesting read about the language of the Quran.

Sun Sets in a Murky Pool of Water (The Quranic Verse)
There is another doubt regarding it in a Hadith, look for it in the hadith section

Geocentrist assertions in the Quran Refuted

Does Allah create in human days? (Debunked) & are they 6 or 8 days of creation? (Refuted)
Why does Allah create in 6 days when he could have created it in a less time?

How does fasting in the north and south poles happen where the day/night is continuous? (Question 1.2)

The Seven Earths/Heavens in the Quran explained:

Was the Moon split in two (54:1-2)? & (Arabic)

Several – but not all - key points to refute this argument

1) There is no reason to believe that the moon was split for a long time, or was split and wasn’t whole again
2) The reports for the Moon splitting from the Islamic side are massively transmitted. Also allegedly a king in India witnessed it too.
3) The moon does have a fault line, several actually. Go to the ebnmaryam link for the links. Some are in English
4) There doesn’t need to be proof for the Moon being split. Afterall it’s a miracle, and miracles are not supposed to be scientifically
sound. Which means Allah who had done it with his might and power, has maintained everything to be back the way it should be.
5) Despite being most likely that it was a physical splitting, it could’ve also been an illusion. Which doesn’t remove anything from the
greatness of the miracle.
6) Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because we do not have evidence now, does not mean we wouldn’t in the
future for the moon splitting.

Does the Quran say that the Moon emits its own light?

Sahih International has correctly translated this verse. But is the brackets [reflected] a corruption of the Arabic text?
It is not at all. This is due to a poor understanding of the translation. The [brackets] usually imply that the word does
not exist in the Arabic but it exists in the interpretive meaning of the verse. This is just due to the nature of the Arabic
language. Context has to be taken into consideration when translating the verses; so the placement of “Reflected” here
is totally correct and is in accordance with the language of the verse.

But where did they reach the conclusion that it is a “reflected” light, if it is not present in the Arabic?
It is present in the Arabic actually, just not in the sentence.

The ”Qamar” (Moon) was described as “noor” and the “Shams” was described as “Siraj”. Arabic speakers at this point
will realize the difference immediately. Arabs do not refer to a source of light as “noor”. We refer to it as “Siraj”.

The Arabic word for the sun in the Qur’aan, is shams. It is referred to as siraaj, which means a ‘torch’ or as wahhaaj
which means ‘a blazing lamp’ or as diya which means ‘shining glory’. All three descriptions are appropriate to the sun
since it generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion. The Arabic word for the moon is Qamar and it is
described in the Qur’aan as muneer, which is a body that gives nur i.e. light. Again, the Qur’aanic escription matches
perfectly with the true nature of the moon, which does not give off light itself and is an inert body that reflects the light
of the sun. Not once in the Qur’aan, is the moon mentioned as siraaj, wahhaaj or diya or the sun as nur or muneer.
This implies that the Qur’aan recognizes the difference between the nature of sunlight and moonlight.

So to summarize, the Quran differentiates between “Noor” for the Qamar (Moon) which means
illuminating/glowing/gleaming (A light not of its own) and “Siraj” for the Shams (Sun) which is a light of its own. But is
my interpretation a bluff though or is it supported by scholars of Arabic Language? Down below is [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]

So how did Ibn Kathir reach this conclusion despite living hundreds of years ago? Because he knew Arabic.

Does the Quran say that the Moon emits its own light?

How can the scholars say that noor is reflected light when Allah is noor?

Meteors are Stars Shot at Devils (Arabic)

The Human creation from Clay explained:

Is the Quran wrong about Embryology?

Human Embryology and the Holy Quran: An Overview:

Book refuting most of the “errors” about Embryology in the Quran:

Bones before Flesh in the Quran? Debunked.

Not exactly, linguistically (grammatically) speaking it is the closest to what is scientifically correct. The bones appear
and then almost immediately after it the flesh appears on it. Thus, creating the illusion of it developing simultaneously.
This is described in the Quran with the usage of the word “fa” (to the contrary of thumma) which grammatically
indicates no delay in happening after the event before it. (Includes video)

Does the Quran not mention the female ovum? Debunked. (Shia source but fine)

“Sperm Originates from Between the Backbone and Ribs” (86:5-7) explained.

Non-scientific approach: (I do not hold this opinion but it is 100% Valid)
Commentary and more:

Does the Quran say that humans were created from a “clot of blood”?
This stems from a wrong understanding (and translation) of the word “alaqah”. It is a word with double meaning, the first being leech
like (something attaching, clinging etc..) and the second being a clot. Mufasiroon consider both translations to be valid. It is
reasonable to assume that the verse did not mean “clot of blood” meaning but the other one; because the entire verse is about
describing the shape of the embryo by comparing it to other things. Such as the mudgha (translated as: chewed substance). (Q3)

Did the Quran copy the knowledge of Embryology from the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle etc..?

This Paper titled: Does the Quran plagiarise Ancient Greek Embryology? By Dr. Omar Abdulrahman thoroughly refutes this silly
notion. It is a very comprehensive paper which is worth reading. Incase it goes offline, google a new link or check

This paper by Hamza Tzortis analyses this claim from a historical perspective and concludes that it is unlikely for it to be copied.

The Bible Plagiarises Ancient Greek Literature!

All Organisms created in pairs? (51:49) explained.

This doubt can be explained easily by reading the commentary of the verse.

What was created first, the Sky or the Earth? (Is there an error in 2:29?) (Arabic refutation begins 7:30)
The verse simply does not say that the sky was created before the earth, Allah directed himself to the heaven after the creation of
the earth. Which means it existed; The language here implies that the sky was already existing and not that it was created Later on.

Does the heart “think” in Islam?

Does milk come from the “stomach” of cows (16:66) in Islam, and is it pure? (Refuted)
The basic refutation to this is the misunderstanding of the word “butoon”. Which is translated as bellies, but it has a wider variety of
meanings including and not limited to: The insides of something. So the verse is simply talking about milk coming out from the
inside of a cow. Check the islamexchange answer for more details.

Pure milk means:

“Stomach of cows”:

The shape of the Earth: “Flat Earth verses” debunked and explained in these resources.

Does the Qibla make sense for a round earth?

It does, actually quite a lot. ( )

Are natural disasters (and rain, thunder etc) just part of nature or (disasters) sent by God?
This one does not even need refutation resources. The answer is quite simple, there is no contradiction between it
being sent by God and a natural disaster. It is only a matter of the unseen (Which atheists do not believe in, and that’s
why the make this objection. Even though science can’t disprove nor prove it). We muslims believe everything
happens by the will of God. The disaster could be a good thing for one while a punishment for another,

“I asked the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬about pestilence and he said, "It is a punishment which Allah sends upon
whomsoever He wills, but Allah has made it as a mercy to the believers. Anyone who remains in a town which is
plagued with pestilence maintaining patience expecting the reward from Allah, and knowing that nothing will befall him
other than what Allah has foreordained for him, he would receive a reward of Shaheed" [Al-Bukhari].

Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "An army will raid the Ka'bah and when it reaches a desert land, all of them will be
swallowed up by the earth." She asked; "O Messenger of Allah! Why all of them?" He answered, "All of them will be
swallowed by the earth but they will be raised for Judgement according to their intentions." [Agreed Upon]

Is the universe made from water vapor? (Debunked) or is it made from smoke? (41:11 Explained)

The argument for the universe being made from water vapor and that it is an “error” the source of it is actually not the Quran
but the Tafsir. And the Tafsir brought the theory from the Israiliyat hadith; so it does not have to be accepted. And the
Quran’s description of the universe being from “smoke/Dukhan” in 41:11; This is a scientifically accurate term. Because in
the Arabic dictionaries Dukhan is mainly used to hint to something of gaseous state. In the timestamp of this video it
discusses this more in detail: - and - – The
video is in Arabic but the description (and images in the video) also contain English sources. So check it out anyway.

Do mountains prevent/control/stabilize earth from earthquakes (16:15) / Mountains as pegs?

“The mountain as stabilizers for earth from the Quranic Perspective” by Mohamed Akhirudden

Can Ants speak (27:18-19)?

Doubts about cattle/animals in the Quran: – This video just thoroughly refutes it.

Do all Animals Live in Communities (6:38)?

Is Allah making the birds fly an error? (16:79)

Does the Quran teach a local flood or a global flood? (Prophet Noah A.S)
The answer is we really do not know and we shouldn’t ask about it.

How is Makkah safe and secure? (2:125)

Is the Sky a tent/dome? (13:2, 2:22)

There has been a difference of opinion regarding the meaning of the verse(s). Is the sky held up without pillars, or held
up with invisible pillars? If it was without pillars, then the argument that the Quran describes the sky as a tent (which
allegedly is unscientific) is baseless anymore. If it with pillars then it is not unscientific either, the verse can be interpreted
figuratively talking about the balanced laws of the universe that keep it intact. But is the sky a "roof"? This is not a problem
either, because "sam'aa" in Arabic merely means "What is above". And what is above is indeed material, research about
the structure of the universe.
More commentary on the verse:

Qur’an on the knowledge of unborn child’s sex (31:34) and rain forecast

Section (4):
Arguments raised against the Hadith, Sunnah & The
actions of Prophet Muhammed ‫ﷺ‬

What is Hadith?

Why do we need the Hadith? Isn’t the Quran Enough?

Why do we need Hadith if the Quran is enough? - Nouman Ali Khan:
The important of the Sunnah – Dr Zakir Naik:
Is the Quran incomplete without the Hadith? – Zakir Naik:
Hadith is necessary to understand the Quran:
If the Quran is complete, why Sunnah?

General resources comprehensively refuting Quranists/Quraniyoon (Hadith Rejectors)

Fitna of the Quranists:

Refuting the argument that the Quran is complete, and therefore we do not need the Hadith:

Questions that No Quranist have logical answers to:

Proofs from the Quran for the need for Sunnah, (Part II in the sidebar) (and 14 more parts in the book)

It is Unfeasible to Act Solely On the Basis of the Qur'an (Part XIV in sidebar) (and 14 more parts in the book) (Alt:

Authority of the Hadith in light of the Quran

The Fallacies of Anti-Hadith Arguments

The Authority of the Sunnah in Islam by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (PDF)

The Quranist Fallacy: How Quranism Ultimately Undermines the Quran’s Authenticity

Proof That There Is Two Types Of Revelation

“The Messenger is more than just a Delivery-Man” debunked:

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) Was Sent To Teach & Explain The Quran

Refuting The Argument That The Qur'an Is Not Perfect If Hadith Is Needed To Understand It Properly

Misconceptions about the Sunnah and verses Quranists tend to use to disprove it.
Page 345 in this book: (Misconceptions about the Prophet’s Sunnah)

“Too many hadiths were narrated!” (so they are lies) debunked.

“I do not like this hadith so its false” is an appeal to emotion fallacy.

Proving the preservation of the Sunnah & Hadith & Defending the transmission method.

Studies In Early Hadith Literature By Shaykh Muhammad Mustafa Al Azami (Best Book on this Subject)

God's Preservation of the Sunnah

Small booklet:
Small booklet:

“Hadith Have Been Collected 200 Years After The Death Of The Prophet And Therefore Are Unreliable” debunked.

Are there any early hadith collections? Yes there is!

Hadith Compilation by the Companions of the Prophet

When did the documentation of Sunnah begin?

In Defense of the Hadith Method

Can We Trust Hadith Literature? Understanding the Processes of Transmission and Preservation

Hadith and The Myth of the Telephone Game

Refutation: Did the Prophet & his Companions Prohibit the writing of Hadiths?

What happens if one day Sahih Al-Bukhari just disappears?

On The Nature Of Hadith Collections Of Imam Al-Bukhari & Muslim

Where is Sahih Bukhari’s Original Copy?

The Quranist Fallacy: How Quranism Ultimately Undermines the Quran’s Authenticity

Websites/Resources with articles that refute Hadith Rejectors (Quranists):

The Marriage of Aisha at a young age.

Introduction for Islamophobes: Nope, this is not a defense of pedophilia. This proves that the marriage of Aisha to
Muhammed PBUH is not pedophilic. And if you still find it “disgusting” quit your Appeal to Emotion Fallacies.

Many people like to portray Aisha’s (RA) marriage as a young girl by age of 9 got molested by a lustful old man (whom
he actually married many old women, all - except Aisha - of them were previously married too!). But they do not realize
that she is the same Aisha who had an important role in early Islamic history, both during Muhammad's (PBUH) life and
for 44 years after his death spreading his message. If Aisha was really hurt by this marriage, she had a golden chance
to have a “beautiful” divorce and piles of money few years after the marriage (33:28) but she wasn’t, and she didn’t.

• She was a scholar and inquisitive, narrated 2210 on many topics such as inheritance, pilgrimage and

• Her intellect and knowledge in various subjects, including poetry and medicine, and were highly praised by
early luminaries

The same source saying her marriage was consummated by age 9 says the following:

1- By year 5 before Hijra (supposed to be aged 3) Aisha RA was able to comprehend verses of the Quran
2- By year 3 Hijri (supposed to be aged 10) Aisha RA participated in Auhod day (battle) with “Um Salim”
3- Visions of the prophets are true
4- Parents approved the marriage

For 1 and 2 some Muslims argue that she could have been nineteen (by the usage of historical data) not just nine but it
is not that important argument for:

- It was not that weird by the time standards. It was the social norm for girls to be married by the age of 9 or 10.
Even the Pagans of Mecca who was eager to mock the Prophet didn't take that against him. The age deemed
“acceptable” to marry is not an objective standard as people believe today; it’s a subjective standard that depends on
the culture, religion and social construct. As people had short lifespans in Arabia, they would live between 40 to 60 years
maximum. It was the social norm for girls to be married by the age of 9 or 10. For example, in 1895, the age of consent
in Delaware was 7 We can see how the age of consent changed over time as our lifespans got longer.

Prophet Muhammad's marriage with Aisha was 100% legal and acceptable by all laws of that time from over the world
and religions. In society today to be considered an adult, you usually must be 18 years old or above however this didn’t
exist back then, a big number of people married at young ages. It is important to note that marriage is a social construct.

At the onset puberty, you would become a legal and responsible adult. Aisha was a young woman in this case, not a
kid. Furthermore, her age wasn’t taken as a standard age for marriage, but scholars dictated puberty and consent (along
with other conditions such as ability) for the marriage contract validity.

There was a reason for Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, it was not because of Lust; nor because of Love. It
was more of a benefit for her and him, she would carry on the legacy of teaching people the things he did, and he would
teach her things about Islam to help him spread. Our Prophet PBUH did not marry Aisha for desires, one thing to note
that it is also that the society in the past is different from now where people are allowed to be married young because of
attaining maturity, physically and more importantly mentally early, but one of the very possible hikmahs is that Prophet
PBUH married Aisha because of her intelligence at such a young age, and to have the maximum of her getting
knowledge from our Prophet is through marriage, and also that she can convey the teachings to women at her time more
easily as she is the same gender and can relate and connect with women in her time.

Addendum: Honestly, a rule of thumb. If the marriage was harmful, then the marriage is haram. The marriage of Aisha
at nine years old was not harmful. But marriage today (in 2020) is harmful and thus cannot be done.

Q: But isn’t Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) an example for all mankind through all times? Does that mean marrying
a nine-year-old today is justified?

A: Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) being an example of mankind is not related to his personal preferences and actions but
rather to his obedience to the revelation from Allah. Allah has not revealed a set age of marriage in Islam rather he
revealed a set of laws which – based on the environment & time – adapt to produce a healthy marriage.

For example, based on the environment and time at the time of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) it was the social norm to
marry at a young age between nine and twelve years old (as we have discussed above and we will demonstrate below)
and the marriage was not unhealthy at all. Wouldn’t Aisha R.A be the first person to complain from this? And then her
family and the critics of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)? But none of them did.

Now based on the same set of laws that made it permissible for Aisha R.A to marry Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) at nine
years old we can apply the conditions to our societal norms and prove that it is at least preferable to marry above the
age of 18 or 20. Several Islamic laws need to be taken into consideration for the marriage to work which are but not
limited to: Capability, puberty, consent, risk of harm (and more). Capability can include for example: Financial capability,
physical capability (Ability to give birth), mental capability (Ability to provide and manage the family). Puberty & Consent
– which are perhaps the most obvious one why. And the most relevant one here would be the risk of harm. Marriage at
nine years old in the 21st century is just begging for health problems and abuse. Nine year olds today can not be
considered the same nine year olds in the 7th century – in the middle of a desert (a hot and tough climate which requires
for people to mature as fast as possible to survive) compared to softies who cry if the TV was off during spoon-feeding
time. The way I see it is that these conditions can only be fully achieved in the 21 st century by being atleast between the
age of 16 – mid 20’s. Contrary of 7th century age norms where they would reach these conditions at a young age.

To sum up: We can say that the example being set by the Prophet PBUH is not his preference for a young adult, this
should not be the example we follow because it is merely but his permissible choice and preference. The example being
put are the morals of the Prophet PBUH which are in accordance with the revelation of Allah. So we should endeavor to
obey Allah in the same manner that the Prophet PBUH did. Whether in his marriages, personal life or entertainment.

The Age of Consent throughout history & in Islam:

The age of consent in Islam:

The minimum age of marriage in the Quran:
Age of consent in the Bible:
The ages of consent before its reformation:

Age of Consent in European & American History:


Resources regarding the age of Aisha R.A:

Aisha R.A And Muhammed’s (PBUH) Marriage explained

The young marriage of Aisha:

The irrelevance of the age of Aisha:

Understanding Aisha’s Age: An Interdisciplinary Approach:

G.F Haddad on the age of Aisha (Wisdom of the Marriage & refutation to that she was 19)

A Detailed analysis of the Prophet’s Marriage to Aisha:

Why Did Prophet Muhammad Marry Aisha The Young Girl? (Booklet)

Why did Prophet Muhammed Marry Aisha At a Young Age? Is that Morally Right? What about Paedophilia?

Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage with Nine-Year Old Aisha: A Review of Contentions

5 Facts about the Marriage of Aisha R.A & Muhammed PBUH

The Young Marriage of 'Aishah explained:

Prophet Muhammad's Marriage to Aisha at Young Age – M.Hijab :
Why did Prophet Muhammad marry Aishah at a young age – Y. Qadhi:
The Final Verdict: Age Of Aisha by Farid Responds:

Miscellaneous arguments against her Age/Maturity debunked:

Did Aisha play with toys? If so, why? (Fath Al-Bari)

Did the Prophet (PBUH) beat his wife Aisha? (Misunderstood Hadith)

Does Islam allow (mufakhathat) ‘thighing’ with young girls? Debunked.

Can you have intercourse with prepubescent women in Islam?

Zaynabs Marriage to the Prophet explained & “the love story” fabrication debunked.

Love story debunked:

Background to Prophet’s Marriage with Zainab:
Zaynab’s Marriage to the Prophet:
The Marriage Of Zaynab To The Prophet
Refuting Claims Regarding the Prophet’s Marriage to Zaynab:
Fabrications And Lies debunked:
Why the Prophet married Zainab:

Detailed commentary about the story and refutation of lies against it.

Ex-Muslim Atheist logic:

[Credit to Original Maker]

The Prophet’s marriage with Safiyya – Misconceptions debunked. (English CC, prophets marriages in general) (Two issues refuted)

About Juaniyya

Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) suck the saliva/tongue/mouth of Hasan and Hussein?

There are three keypoints to refuting this, 1) Problems with the sanad of the Hadith, 2) (Assuming it is authentic)
The fact that it was not weird (clarified in the links), 3) Their relationship as a family (see video) (Refuted at minute 6:00)

Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) suck the penis of Hasan?

No. The hadith regarding this is Daeef/Fabricated. (Arabic) (Translation)

Explanation of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) passing by all of his wives in one night with 1 Ghusul:
The main allegation here is that it is “disgusting”/”unclean”. But what they fail to realize is that the Prophet did clean himself after
intercourse [Muslim 308], but it wasn’t necessarily Ghusul. Not every bath is a Ghusul. Ghusul is a ritual bath. )Refutation at minute 9:00) – This is the best and easiest refutation

Explanation of the Hadith about licking the fingers when you have eaten [Bukhari 5456]
“or had it licked by someone else” is allegedly the problematic part of the Hadith here which is merely a misunderstanding of the
narrator’s words. The confusion occurred when the Narrator was not sure what did the Prophet PBUH say, was it licked or had it
licked by someone else? So he included both in the report. Check the video below for a more detailed explanation: (Minute 3:00) - Main refutation

Was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) always “covered in Semen”? (Sahih al-Bukhari 229) (Refutation begins 12:08)

This video is sufficient; I personally do not see what confusion may stem from a Hadith about cleaning clothes anyway.

Did the Muslims raid caravans for loot? Debunked. (Arabic, English CC)

Female Genital Mutilation

Which Islam forbids; however, Islam does not forbid circumcision which is beneficial and poses no harm.

Taqqiya – What is taqiyya? – Are Muslims allowed to lie or betray others? (Debunked).

“War is Deceit” Hadith explained, can we lie to Non-Believers or betray them? (Debunked)

Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) crossdress?

Islam does not permit rape. & what about the 4 witnesses? Is it required to prove rape?
The Prophet PBUH said, “Do not cause harm or return harm”

No theology of rape in Islam:

Does marital rape exist in Islam?:
Marital Rape in Islam debunked:
Marital Rape debunked:
Can you rape slave girls?

Rape is two crimes, 1) Adultery & 2) Using force and intimidation.

Both corners of the crime should be proven for it to count as rape. (Only the rapist is punished, not the raped). For this to be proven
then there must be evidences for the rape. Which means rape investigations do exist in Islam, and they can include any of these:

1) Eyewitnesses, and this is totally not a problem because a raped woman will scream for help.
2) Confession of the Rapist
3) Pregnancy
4) Video recording
5) DNA Profiling

and really any supporting evidence that can prove the rape like a physical examination. [ Proofs: ]

Did Ali R.A rape an underage girl?

Did Prophet Muhammed Order Or Support killing innocents? Assassination allegations thrashed.

The links below contains results and reasons as to why some people were killed by the command of the Prophet PBUH.

1. Umm Qirfa – Murder/Robbery, and this is another website about it.

2. Asma bint Marwan – [Part 1]
3. Asma Bint Marwan – [Part 2]
4. Abu Afak – Instigated War
5. Al Nadr ibn al-Harith – Persecuted Muslims
6. Uqba bin Abu Muayt – Persecuted Muslims/Waged War
7. Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf – Waging War/Persecuting Muslims
8. Abu Rafi’ ibn Abi Al-Huqaiq – Warmonger
9. Khalid ibn Sufyan – Waging War
10. Abu ‘Azzah ‘Amr bin ‘Abd Allah al-Jumahi – Soldier who fought against the Muslims
11. Muawiyah bin Al Mugheerah – Spy
12. Al-Harith bin Suwayd al-Ansari – Murder
13. Abu Sufyan – Persecutor/Tried Killing The Prophet (p)
14. Banu Qurayza tribe [Part 1] – Waged war against Muslims (Has a separate section in the document)
15. Bany Qurayza tribe [Part 2] – Waged war against Muslims (Has a separate section in the document)
16. Al-Yusayr ibn Rizam – Warmonger
17. Eight men from Ukil – Murder/Robbery
18. Rifa’ah bin Qays – Incited tribes to go to war against Muslims
19. Abdullah bin Khatal – Murder/Apostasy?
20. Fartana – Poet/Fabricated Story
21. Huwayrith ibn Nafidh – Persecuted Muslims/Waged war
22. Miqyas ibn Subabah – Murder
23. Sarah – Poet/Fabricated story
24. Harith ibn Hisham – Waged war
25. Habbar Ibn al-Aswad bin Ka`b al-`Ansi – Persecuted/Waged War against Muslims
26. Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl – Waged War
27. Wahshi ibn Harb – Killed The Prophet’s Uncle
28. Ka’b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulama – Poet/Fabricated story
29. Al-Harith bin al-Talatil – Poet/Fabricated story
30. Abdullah ibn Zib’ari – Poet/Unreliable story
31. Hubayrah – Poet/Unreliable story
32. Hind bint Utbah – Mutilated the Prophet’s companions
33. Amr ibn Jihash – Tried to assassinate the Prophet (p)
34. King or Prince of Dumatul Jandal – Alliance with an enemy
35. Umaiya bin Khalaf Abi Safwan – Persecuted Muslims
36. Ibn Sunayna – Murder
37. Abdullah ibn Sa‘ad (Or better known as Abdullah ibn Sa’d ibn Abi as-sarh) – Killing Muslims/Apostasy?
38. Blind Jew – Throwing dust
39. Nameless spy –
40. Man from Aslam tribe – Adultery/Lashed
41. Kinana ibn al-Rabi – Murder: The bit about treasure is fabricated

Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics?

“Expel Jews and Christians from Arabian Peninsula” Hadith explained:

"I have been made victorious with terror" Hadith explained

“Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords” Hadith explained.

“O Quraysh, that I am bringing you slaughter!” Hadith explained.

Force non-Muslims to the side of the road?

The attack on Banu Qurayza, was it unfair? (Arabic, English CC)

“Do not beat your wife as you beat your slave-girl” Hadith explained.

Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (in my house and on my bed?) refuted.
Detailed refutation from (Click on the URL)

Why did Prophet Muhammed PBUH take 1/5th of the war booty?

Well the more important question is, what does he do with it? And why doesn’t he keep all of the booty for himself
anyways since he has the ability to take 1/5th.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah's Apostle he would ask, "Has he left
anything to repay his debt?" If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral
prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend's funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy
through conquests, he said, "I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a
Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his
death) it will belong to his heirs." [Volume 3, Book 37, Number 495, Bukhari]

'Umar added "So this property was especially given to Allah's Apostle, but, by Allah, neither did he take possession
of it and leave your, nor did he favor himself with it to your exclusion, but he gave it to all of you and
distributed it amongst you till this property remained out of it. Allah's Apostle used to spend the yearly expenses
of his family out of this property and used to keep the rest of its revenue to be spent on Allah 's Cause. Allah 's Apostle
kept on doing this during all his lifetime. [Volume 4, Book 53, Number 326, Al Bukhari]

“....And he (The Prophet) hated Al-Anfal (The spoils of war)” [Sahih Ibn Hibban 4855]

It was narrated that 'Ubadah bin Al-Samit said:

"On the day of Hunain the Messenger of Allah took a hair from the side of a camel and said: 'O you people, it is not
permissible for me to take even the equivalent of this from the Fay' that Allah has bestowed upon you, except the
Khumus, and the Khumus will come back to you." (Sahih, Sunan an-Nasa'i 4138)

To sum up, he kept it not for his own benefit and financial gain but because he was the ruler of the land. And he used
the money to help the people that lived there.

Was Prophet Muhammed PBUH epileptic? (Arabic, English CC) (Arabic) (English, Outstanding video)

Why was the Prophet (PBUH) polygamous (and married more than 4 women)? (Good video)

Why were the wives of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) not allowed to remarry after his death? (Refutation begins 3:00)

Regarding the bewitchment of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

“Baby girl buried alive is in Hell”? Hadith explained.

“Go suck the clitoris of al-Lat / Bite your father’s penis” Hadiths explained.

Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) & The Sahabah forget verses? If so, then why?

Did The Prophet PBUH make up Islam for His own benefit?

Nowhere in the entirety of Islam is the prophet our main focus. Why would the prophet endure all the pain he has gone through to
ask us to worship a God - allegedly - he made up? Has the prophet gained any personal wealth or fame from Islam? He never did.
This is what his own wife said about him:

'A'isha reported: Never had the family of Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬eaten to the fill since their, arrival in Medina with the bread of wheat for
three successive nights until his (Holy Prophet's) death. [Bukhari 5416 & Muslim 2970] (Arabic, but English CC - Important)
The profit of the Prophet:
[DEBUNKED] Islam: History's Greatest Money-Making Scheme:

Prophet Muhammed PBUH’s circumstances made it impossible for him to write the Quran!
This study proves otherwise!

Take note of this accident for example:

There was a poor Muslim man. He stole a shield from his neighbor, and he hid it in a Jews place. And the Muslims started to blame
the Jew, so revelation came down from Allah exposing the Muslim and taking the blame away from the Jew.

Surat al Nisaa 112-113: "But whoever earns an offense or a sin and then blames it on an innocent [person] has taken upon himself a
slander and manifest sin., And if it was not for the favor of Allah upon you, [O Muhammad], and His mercy, a group of them would
have determined to mislead you. But they do not mislead except themselves, and they will not harm you at all. And Allah has revealed
to you the Book and wisdom and has taught you that which you did not know. And ever has the favor of Allah upon you been great.""

The detailed story about this event can be found in the tafasir of the verse.So then Muslim confessed that he was the one who stole
it, and the blame was taken away from the jew and the Quran tells the Prophet to ask for forgiveness for his blame. "And seek
forgiveness of Allah . Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful." (106)

And this is nothing but an evident proof for his prophethood and the validity of the Quran. How would the Prophet PBUH and all of his
companions agree on blaming the Jew but then the Quran suddenly comes and says otherwise and transfers the blame to the Muslim?

Wealth was never a motive for Prophet Muhammed PBUH:


(b) I visited Allah's Messenger (‫)ﷺ‬, and he was lying on a mat. I sat down and he drew up his lower garment over him
and he had nothing (else) over him, and that the mat had left its marks on his sides. I looked with my eyes in the store
room of Allah's Messenger (‫)ﷺ‬. I found only a handful of barley equal to one sa' and an equal quantity of the leaves
of Mimosa Flava placed in the nook of the cell, and a semi-tanned leather bag hanging (in one side), and I was
moved to tears (on seeing this extremely austere living of the Holy Piophet), and he said: Ibn Khattab, what wakes you
weep? I said: Apostle of Allah, why should I not shed tears? This mat has left its marks on your sides and I do not
see in your store room (except these few things) that I have seen; Ceasar and Closroes are leading their lives
in plenty whereas you are Allah's Messenger. His chosen one, and that is your store! He said: Ibn Khattab, aren't
you satisfied that for us (there should be the prosperity) of the Hereafter, and for them (there should be the prosperity
of) this world? I said: Yes. [Sahih Muslim 1479 a]

More here:

The Aorta of the Prophet being cut disproves his prophethood (Debunked):

Perfect refutation:

Furthermore, I need to present several important key points to refute this argument.

(a) The argument in itself is fallacious

1. If I do not drink water, I will become exhausted and sick.
2. I am exhausted and sick, this means that I do not drink enough water.

(b) The context of the verses literally supports Prophet Muhammed S.A.W and confirms that he does not lie from a linguistic sense.
It is not a warning that when he lies Allah is going to cut his Aorta (69:44), the verse is actually confirming that everything in the past
he said was truthful; that he is not a soothsayer nor a poet nor a liar as his enemies claimed and this is actually the most reasonable
interpretation. The verse says “And if Muhammad had made up” not if he will make and secondly this leads us to part:

(c) If the person making this argument agrees that Muhammed SAW lied and Allah as a punishment cut his Aorta then he has hit
the nail in his own coffin. He is affirming that what the Quran says is true, and that Prophet Muhammed SAW was not the one who
wrote it, because if he was the one who wrote it then how would or why would he even write about his death? Secondly, what is
understood from these verses is that the punishment will be immediate and effective. The event that they claim evidence of his
“Aorta being cut” is not more than 1 or 2 years before his death, perhaps even less. Does that mean that everything he said before
that event was truthful? Most of Islam was already there before that event happened.

(d) Is the hadith they conclude the cutting from: “O `Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I
feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison."” an authentic hadith? Despite the hadith being in the book of Al-Bukhari this does
not mean the hadith is automatically authentic. Al-Bukhari narrated this hadith in the form of Ta’leeq. A mu’allaq hadith is a hadith
in which one or more of the narrators in the chain are omitted from the beginning of the Isnad by the author of the book. There are
many reasons why the author would include a hadith in the form of ta’leeq. But usually mu’allaq hadiths are considered Daeef until a
chain is found for them in another book. In the case of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, all of the hadiths in mu’allaq form can be
found in other books where the full isnad can be examined. In the case of this hadith, the full chain can be criticized.

The narrator “Yunus” died before Al-Bukhari by many years. And Al-Zuhri didn't explicitly say he heard it from Urwah, his word was
"said" that means he didn't hear it directly so there is a possible discontinuity.

Why would Bukhari include such a hadith if the chain is problematic? Because Al-Bukhari knows about the hadith and he hinted its
problem with the usage of 'an and kept it in case someone finds a better chain for the hadith one day. The existence of a Hadith in
Al-Bukhari does not make it automatically authentic.

Of course, hadith science requires both strong knowledge in the Arabic language and Islam so I tried to simplify the problem as
small as possible for the layman. But for a more detailed explanation on the inauthenticity of the chain check the links below

Ofcourse this part is only my opinion of the hadith. But taking into consideration that the chain is authentic then it still poses zero
threat to the prophethood of Muhammed PBUH.

The Prophets poisoning by a Jewess proves he is a false prophet – Refuted
h_for_our_beloved_prophet_‫شبهة‬-‫حول‬-‫موت‬-‫النبي‬-‫صلى‬-‫هللا‬-‫عليه‬-‫وسلم‬-‫متأثرا‬-‫بالشاة‬-‫( المسمومة‬Arabic)

The hadith regarding the Blind man who killed his concubine for Blasphemy explained:
In sum, the hadith of the blind man summarily killing his concubine without due process is a weak narration due to the
doubtfulness of Uthman al-Shuhham. If the incident really did take place, then it can only be interpreted in accordance
with moral and legal principles established by an enormity of other sound texts. No one may carry out legal
punishments without properly constituted authority, and blasphemy by itself is not punishable with death.

Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) bribe people to embrace Islam?

Is Prophet Muhammed a warner for Arabia only?
Missionaries love repeating this dumb allegation that Prophet Muhammed came only for “Arabia”. Despite the Quran saying otherwise.

Does the Quran Say That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Did Not Perform Any Miracles?

Does Islam consider women like donkeys and dogs? (Hadith explained)

"Unload the sins from them and put the same over the Jews and Christians" Hadith explained.
First view (Explains hadith):
Similar view to the first view:
Second view (Weakens part of the Hadith): (Arabic)

The infamous “Satanic Verses” debunked.

The silly story about ““Those are the high cranes, and indeed their intercession is desired.” In regards to Al-Lat and Al-Uzza
and Manat. It is a fabricated story with little to no basis. In short: None of the chains of the hadiths about this story are
authentic or even close to authentic. As much as this story is circulated around the English community a lot, only a small
portion of works refuting it have been translated unfortunately so I tried my best to compile both best English and Arabic
sources refuting it from different perspectives. Arabic sources are Italic (Ar) (Ar) A booklet by Al-Albani in which he collects all of the narrations related to
this story and spots out their errors in their authenticity. (Ar) (Ar) (Ar)

Related: “I have fabricated things against God and have imputed to Him words which He has not spoken.”. in
Al-Tabari debunked.

Hadith of Stoning monkeys explained:

“Listen and Obey your chief even if he is an Ethiopian who’s head is like a raisin” Hadith explained.

This is quite one of the most ridiculous accusations of racism. Take this analogy for example: A wise man and a kid are having a
discussion where the wiseman says, “Obey your father my dear”. The kid replies: “My dad is a nuthead, I do not want to obey him!”.
In return the wiseman says “Obey your father, even if he is a nuthead. For obeying your father will take you to Jannah”. In this
analogy the grandpa is not making fun of the Dad, he is merely using the language the kid was using. Infact the wiseman has only
showed respect to the Dad by asking the kid to obey him. Why would Prophet Muhammed ask the people to obey someone who he
considers inferior (allegedly). The hadith is clearly misinterpreted by critics.

“Creation from a crooked rib” Does Islam deride women? (Hadith explained)

"Musa took his clothes and began to beat the stone" Hadith - In Context

The “Beat Your Child If They Don’t Pray” Hadith explained.

Dog Killing in Islam explained. (and refuted)
Black dog is a devil?

“His veil is light” hadith explained.

Is Prophet Muhammed better than other prophets?

"A Muslim should not be killed for killing a disbeliever" Hadith explained.
This hadith is frequently abused by both missionaries and radical terrorists. The hadith talks nothing about murder going unpunished.

“Your lord hastens in fulfilling your desires” (statement by Aisha) explained.
Commonly abused quote by missionaries to prove that “Aisha knew Muhammed was not a Prophet” explained here:
Related: Why Aisha Believed in Prophet Mohammed (Lecture)

"Will you relieve me from Dhul-Khalasa" Hadith explained.

Did Prophet Muhammed PBUH massacre Bani al Mustaliq?

The reason why a woman is not allowed to voluntary fast without her husband’s permission

Did Prophet Muhammed PBUH attempt to commit suicide? (Debunked)

The hadith of the Ummah deviating into “73 sects” is not literal, Hadith explained and proven:

Errors in the Hadith debunked.

Does the Sun set in a murky pool of water? (The hadith in Sunan Abu Dawood)
The hadith is weak,

What does “The Sun prostrates under the throne” mean? Hadith explained. (Arabic video with English CC)

Sun rises between the horns of Satan

The hadith is metaphoric,

Is the Earth on top of the back of a whale? (Al-Nun) debunked.

Is Camel urine drinking for medicine an Islamic practice?

Is the hadith of eating Ajwa dates & Black Cumin unscientific?

Check this article:
Black Cumin:

Meaning & Explanation of the Hadith “There is no contagious disease”

The protection of Mecca and Madina from plague.

Fever caused by the heat of hellfire? (Hadith explained)

Meaning of the Hadith “Satan urinating in the ear”

Meaning of the Hadith “Satan sleeps in your nose at night”. & Meaning of the Hadith
“Yawning is caused by Satan”

This has the same refutation as the one above approximately. They are mainly metaphysical things which can not be
falsified or confirmed (except with believing in them). There is nothing of superstition or absurdity in this hadith. It is all
about established facts put in a peculiar literary style involving metaphors to make the expression forceful.

“When Allah created the earth, it started shaking. So He created the mountains, and said to
them: ‘Upon it’ so it began to settle” Hadith:

This hadith was weakened by several scholars, (Takhrij Mishkat Al-Masabeeh by Al-Albani 2/299)

Hadith about eating in one or seven intestines explained

Water is not defiled by anything narration & The well of Budaah narrations explained:
Also the hadith mentioning “in which there was the carcass of a donkey” in Sunan Ibn Majah is Daeef

Explanation for the Parental Resemblance Hadith (About Gender of the baby): (Arabic)
(Main Refutation)
(Check this after the above)
(Different refutation but it is valid)

The Hadith: “The Abdomen of your brother has told a lie” explained.

Moses Slaps the angel of death on his eye (Hadith explained).

Hadith of House fly’s wings being dipped in a drink explained: (Arabic/English CC. Begins 0:52)

Is the Prophecy of Romans being defeated by Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) now defunct?
The main allegation is that “Romans” don’t exist so they can not be defeated.

Is the hadith of the return of Isa (A.S) a failed prophecy?

Is the Hadith of “the women of the tribe of Daus dancing in Dhul Khalasa” a false prophecy?
The main allegation here is that the prophecy is false because the tribe of Daus went extinct at the time of the Prophet
while Prophet Muhammed PBUH said that one of the minor signs of Qiyamah is the tribe along with Dhul Khalasa
being demolished. However, this allegation is baseless, because this individual is ignorant of history. Dhul Khalasa
was demolished at the time of the Prophet. That is correct, but they did not go extinct and the tribe emerged again and
resurrected the idol until year 1815 where the forces of Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhab destroyed it again. [Wikipedia]

Is the Hadith of 50 women to one man in the end times a false prophecy?
The primary allegation here is that current statistics show otherwise the hadith. But this is a horrible understanding of
the prophecy. Statistics do not show certainty they are merely estimates; so In the future it is possible for females to be
more than males (and some studies do actually hint to this!). Regarding “50 women to one man” this expression was
understood by some scholars to be a metaphorical expression for “a large amount of women to men”. Its not an exact
figure to be taken literally. (Fath al-Bārī, vol. 1, pg. 218, Darul Hadith)

Regarding Yajooj’ and Majooj’:

I included this section because some critics of Islam find it “ridiculous” that such a dam with a big amount of people behind it
exist. I personally as the author of this document do not believe that Gog and Magog are still behind the barrier mentioned in
the Quran (which is not related to the criticism). Perhaps if someone is losing their faith due to this barrier being “mythical”
this would be an alternative belief for them which is better than leaving Islam (Despite that I think its stupid to lose faith
because of something part of the unseen) They have most probably broken the barrier long ago and this is a conclusion I
derived from several hadiths. If a person believes that they are behind the dam still, this is also a valid opinion. Allahu A’lam (The Quran and Sunnah do not necessitate to believe the barrier still exists) (In support that they broke the barrier) (Did not broke)

How Old Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) When He Died?

Are “Scientific errors” in the Hadith really a problem?

In many cases we realise that the apparent contradiction is caused by misunderstanding of the prophetic hadith, and
that correct and precise interpretation is the way to resolve what appears to be contradictory. Or, the researcher may
realize that what he thought was a scientific fact in reality is not; rather science may reach a conclusion later on that is
in harmony with the prophetic hadith, in which case there will be no basis for the claim of contradiction.

“I and Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬happened to pass by people near the date-palm trees. He (the Holy Prophet) said:
What are these people doing? They said: They are grafting, i. e. they combine the male with the female (tree) and
thus they yield more fruit. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said: I do not find it to be of any use. The people were
informed about it and they abandoned this practice. Allah's Messenger ( ‫( )ﷺ‬was later) on informed (that the yield
had dwindled), whereupon he said: If there is any use of it, then they should do it, for it was just a personal opinion
of mine, and do not go after my personal opinion; but when I say to you anything on behalf of Allah, then do
accept it, for I do not attribute lie to Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.” [Sahih Muslim 2361]

However, if a person’s faith relies on a Hadith relating a wrong scientific practice which his faith relies on. And he refuses
to understand the reality of experimental science (that it changes) then it is not right to let his faith hang on it. For after
all, the Hadith could have been misattributed to the prophet. Or perhaps the Hadith was not part from revelation from
the first place and it was the opinion of Prophet Muhammed PBUH (Bold above).

More about this here:

And taken from:

With regard to worldly matters: this happened to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him). With regard to agriculture, medicine, carpentry, etc., he was like all other people. Allaah did not tell us
that he was sent to us as a businessman or a farmer or a carpenter or a doctor. His mistakes in these fields
are quite natural and do not impact on his Message at all. We note that the Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) made a mistake in this worldly matter, because he was like all other human beings, but with
regard to matters of religion he did not make mistakes.

With regard
in mind
to unintentional
ofcourse thatmistakes
the Prophet
is infallible
in delivering
of religion:
the message to the masses.

The most correct view among the scholars is that the way this happened with regard to the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) is that he might do something which is OK but it was not the more appropriate

Section (5):
Miscellaneous arguments against Islam in general &
The history of Islam.

The Apostasy law in Islam – which exists – is explained here thoroughly:

Freedom of religion in Islam:

Apostasy Punishment in a Liberal State?
Punishment for Apostasy in Islam by Zakir Naik:
The Death Penalty for Leaving Islam:
Why apostasy law?: (Arabic)
Is apostasy a capital crime in Islam?:

The concept of Concubines & Slavery in Islam clarified.

Islam & Slavery:

Islam & Concubines:
Consent & Marriage (To Concubines) in Islam:
Slave girl rape refuted:
Laws for physical relations with slave women:
Accusations of Racism, Black slaves and white Prophet?
Sex slavery in Islam refuted:
Slavery and Right Hand Possession in Islam:
Doubts about concubinage in Islam (Arabic): (Arabic)
How Islam tackled slavery:
Can Muslim men have Concubines?
Why didn’t Islam abolish slavery immediately?
Slavery has no place in today's Islam (Fatwa):
Slavery & Islam clarified:
Human equality and the liberation of slaves in Islam:
Islam and slavery (Clarifications):
Captives of Awtas doubt refuted: (Arabic, English CC)

The Hadith, “for if any soul is predestined to exist, it will exist." (Bukhari 4138). Did it permit rape?

Slave girl rape refuted:

The Myth of Anti-Semitic Genocide in Islam. (+ The Hadith: “there is a Jew behind me” explained)

Seventy two wives for men in Islam? If so, then why?

The seventy-two spouses hadith applies to Male martyrs only. While for other men they have two wives minimum (Bukhari 3254)

What is Mut’aa (Temporary marriage), and the proof for its prohibition.

Islam does NOT allow sex with animals.

Adult breastfeeding does NOT exist in Islam. Refutations to it:

Once the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬came to me while a man was in my house. He said, "O `Aisha! Who is this (man)?" I replied, "My foster
brothers" He said, "O `Aisha! Be sure about your foster brothers, as fostership is only valid if it takes place in the suckling
period (before two years of age). [Bukhari]

Allah is not moon idol. Silly notion debunked.’

The Crescent is not an Islamic symbol. Just something adapted over the years.

The Kaaba is authenticated historically in the Arabian Peninsula! (Sources from Video in description, Refutation begins 0:56) (Dated texts mentioning Prophet Muhammed) (Islamic inscriptions)

Was the Kaaba originally in Petra? Debunking Orientalist’s dumbest allegation yet.

(Along with the sources mentioned above, these ones are specifically about the Petra theory.) (Arabic, English CC) (and more)

Refuting Orientalist claims about Abraham and the building of the Kaaba:

Is the Kaaba originally a Shiva temple?

Did Omar ibn Al-Khattab burn the library of Alexandria?

Muslims do not worship the Kaaba. So why do we face the Kaaba?

Refuting Doubts about Al-Hajar Al-Aswad (The Black Stone).

What is it?

What is it, and its importance:
Do Muslims worship the black stone?
Is the black stone pagan?
Refuting allegations against the black stone:
Refuting allegations against the black stone:
Why Muslims kiss the blackstone?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did descend from Isma’il (A.S). Proven here:

Some of the earliest Islamic Coins:

Does Islam support Incest?

Short answer: Nope. Evidence:

Allegation: It has been claimed by missionaries that it is permissible for a Muslim to have intercourse with his own
daughter born out of Zina (Adultery). This does have a basis in the Islamic Jurisprudence but it is highly misrepresented.
The discussion began with the Question “Is the daughter born out of Zina really your daughter?”. Some Muslim scholars
argued that it is not. And this opinion leads to the “incest” part. So it was not really their intention from the first place to
make that kind of intercourse permissible. Rather, even when they realized the consequences of this they still said that
it is an abominable act that any sane person would stay away from. Now the truth is, the scholars who considered the
daughter born out of Zina to be not a real daughter are a minority only which have been corrected by the vast majority
of other scholars. So this is NOT something part of Islam, It is not permissible to have intercourse with your daughter, or
a daughter born out of Zina. More about this can be read here:

Ibn Kathir wrote in his Tafsir of (4:23): “And the majority of the scholars have agreed on the prohibition of marrying the
person (daughter outside of marriage) from the water of the adulterer (his semen) because of Allah's statement "and
your daughters" because she is a daughter so she enters this category and this is the way of Abu Hanifa, Malik, Ahmad
bin Hanbal and it is said that Shaafi'e allowed it because she is not a daughter according to Shariah” (Translation)

Refuting arguments that Islam “abuses” women

God made men superior physically, but spiritually they are both equal. (This is in 4:124, 49:13, 33:35, 3:195, 9:71, 30:21, 4:19)

Why does Islam allow polygamy? And refutations to arguments against it.

Why does Islam allow Polygamy?

Should a Muslim man marry another wife? (Polygamy in the world) (Polygamy in other religions)

Muslim women’s right to divorce

The Inheritance of women in Islam explained: (Arabic)

Is a woman’s testimony worth half of a man’s? (2:282) in the Quran explained.

"And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two
women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her.” 2:282.

God made men superior physically, but spiritually they are both equal. (This is in 4:124, 49:13, 33:35, 3:195, 9:71, 30:21, 4:19)

This does not mean that a woman does not understand or that she cannot remember things, but she is weaker than man in
these aspects – usually. Scientific and specialized studies have shown that men’s minds are more perfect than those of women,
and reality and experience bear witness to that. The books of knowledge are the best witness to that; the knowledge which
has been transmitted by men and the ahaadeeth which have been memorized by men far outnumber those which have come
via women. Medically speaking, there are lots of things which impair women’s everyday life, which can affect her concentration.

Now the question stands here why did God order such Law? This can be summarized in two points.

To begin with, these verses are talking about integrity. women have much more emotions or medical impairments in them than
men and are easier to frighten. This can affect and cloud their judgement.

The examination of the context of this verse leads us to understand this verse is talking about transactions. Transactions are
related to money (buying, selling etc) so it is not really a generalized ruling. In Islam men are the ones who are responsible
for managing finance, commerce, trading, and generally monetary related things, not women. It is common sense to trust the
testimony of the one directly responsible for his profession. To put this in an analogy: In a baker it is better to ask the baker
himself which ingredients a product may contain rather than the cashier because the baker made the product himself. The
cashier might mix up but the Baker would never mix up the ingredients.

We will see down below ample Islamic examples which prove that the testimony of woman is not necessarily 2
women to 1 man. Which just proves that verse (2:282) is not a generalized ruling but a specific case.

And those who accuse chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses - lash them with eighty lashes and do not
accept from them testimony ever after. And those are the defiantly disobedient, 24:4 & 24:6 And those who accuse their
wives [of adultery] and have no witnesses except themselves - then the witness of one of them [shall be] four testimonies
[swearing] by Allah that indeed, he is of the truthful. & 24:7 And the fifth [oath will be] that the curse of Allah be upon him
if he should be among the liars. & 24:8 But it will prevent punishment from her if she gives four testimonies [swearing]
by Allah that indeed, he is of the liars.

These verses for example talk about men who accuse chaste women of adultery. In this case if the female has not confessed
that she did adultery and denied the accusation (meaning a single testimony) then the accuser should produce 4 witnesses to
support his claim and if he does not he will be lashed eighty lashes for his punishment and their testimony is not accepted ever
after. This is a clear example of how the testimony of one female was able to cancel the testimony of a single male and render
it invalid so in other words the testimony of 4 men was needed to accuse the female. And in the later verses mentioned (24:6-
24:8) we can see very clearly that the testimony of one female was equal to the testimony of one male precisely. So it is always
a matter of context to determine the value of the testimony. And we see in the next example:

“The testimony of a Bedouin against a town-dweller is not permissible.” [Narrated By Ibn Majah and Dawood, it is a
Saheeh Hadith]

We can see here from this hadith a blatant case of “One testimony is preferred over the other”. But why is that? Because for,
let’s say, crimes that happen in a town a Bedouin, logically, is not there to witness these crimes because a Bedouin does not
live in a town, so logically their testimony will be closed to worthless compared to someone who was in the town. This can be
applied to the “problematic” verse above; the female is not involved in monetary transactions in the Islamic state or maybe
even arabia in general they had other primary roles (males and females complete each other) and in the context of that verse
the females are not involved in such cases. So they may err in the special case of the verse, and to prevent this (to be extra
sure) another female Is required too to correct her if she was wrong. So in conclusion, Islam values the testimony based on
the circumstances around the testimony and the people which are involved in these circumstances; and in the case of the
verse the “circumstance” happened to be gender related while it really does not have to do anything with the female being
worthless like critics claim.

“That he had married Um Yahya bint Abu Ihab. He said. "A black slave-lady came and said, 'I suckled you both.' I then
mentioned that to the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬who turned his face aside." `Uqba further said, "I went to the other side and told the Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬about it. He said, 'How can you (keep her as your wife) when the lady has said that she suckled both of you (i.e. you and
your wife?)" So, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered him to divorce her.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari

Here we can see clearly how the testimony of the female was preferred over the testimony of the male. It is an established rule
in fiqh that in cases such as childbearing, or suckling and other similar things that the say of the woman in it is more preferable
and valuable than the saying of the male because obviously they will be the most knowledgeable about such cases in the
society. These examples have been taken from: (More in Arabic)

Women in Islam: Are they subservient to men?

God made men superior physically, but spiritually they are both equal. (This is in 4:124, 49:13, 33:35, 3:195, 9:71, 30:21, 4:19)

Are women deficient in intelligence & religion? Explaining that hadith.
“..You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands.”
These articles collectively contain enough to explain the hadith comprehensively.

Are most women in hell? If so, then why? Explaining the Hadith “I was shown the hellfire”

Clarifying the Hadith narration “Evil omen is in the Woman”

Main refutation:

Why does Islam not allow Muslim women to marry Non-Muslim men?

“Creation from a crooked rib” Does Islam deride women? (Hadith explained)

Why do Muslim women wear Hijab & Loose Cloaks? Why the dress code?

The wisdom behind the Islamic dress code: ( archive )

Either Hijab or Chaos: (Arabic, English CC)

Why wear the Hijab?
Collection of research that proves Hijab is beneficial:
Zakir Naik about Hijab: &
Why hijab is obligatory in Islam:
Insight into the veil:
Does Hijab have to be only black?

Hijab is obligatory for Muslim Women (Refuting modernists) (Arabic Video)

Can women be leaders in Islam?

Are Women Equal To Dogs And Donkeys? Debunked.

Are women called devils in Hadith?

Nikah in the Quran does NOT mean Sexual Intercourse (or the F word), it means marriage.

Is forced marriage a thing in Islam?

Why does the Quran call a woman tilth for man? (2:223 explained)

Meat would not decay? Eve betrayed her husband?

The Status of Women in Islam:

Thread about the statistics and importance of wearing Hijab:

Various articles about women in Islam:
Ten hadiths about women:
The true status of women in Islam:
Are men better than women in Islam?
The education of women in Islam:
How Islam Liberated Women:
Women in Islam, Liberated or Subjugated? (Zakir Naik):
The rights bestowed upon women (Mufti Menk):
The Status of Women in Islam:
Women in Islam pamphlet:
(Refutation video) Islam vs Women:
A Comparison Of Women In The Qur’an And The Bible:
The position of women in Islam:

Is Islam sexist? If so, then why?

Islam does not treat men and women equally (more on that next page) in terms of biological nature. The idea that
Islam is bad because it treats women differently is a famous, but sad, atheistic objection against Islam. Because it is
not proven by facts but by poor wishful thinking. So let us examine myth from fact.

I'd like to begin by pointing out something, the infamous Charles Darwin - loved by Atheists - believes that women "are
defunct and only useful for housework and bringing joy to the house.", and he goes on to list the advantages and
disadvantages of being married to a female compared to having a dog. Disgusting.
Pages 232-233-234, he makes a compassion between marrying "Marry" and "Not Marrying Marry" Darwin reasoned that
as a married man he would be a "poor slave, worse than a Negro,". Let alone the fact that Darwin himself argues that
women are evolutionary inferior to men. But anyway,

Regarding the Islamic position, in Islam there is no complete (biological) equality between males and females. There is
more of an equity. Arguing that there is a (biological) equality between males and females is ignorant about the biological
differences between them. The differences in body, nature, desire and capability of females and males forces the view
that they should have different obligations and treatment according to their differences. And this is which is the correct
view because it does justice to the differences of males and females.

For God has forbidden things upon males which are permissible for females and vice versa, and he made it obligatory
for men to do certain things which he did not make obligatory for females taking into consideration the biological capability
of females and the opposite is true. Such as, it is obligatory for males to do prayer in Jamma'a (Congregation), and it is
obligatory for them to spend (for their family, and the needy) but there is none of that for the female.

Regarding the spiritual differences between males and females, there is not any. In the sight of Allah they are the same,
this is present in the following verses: (This is in 4:124, 49:13, 33:35, 3:195, 9:71, 30:21, 4:19) – (Take note that the
verses address both males and females at the same time.)

Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen, British clinical psychologist, and professor of developmental psychopathology at the University
of Cambridge, made his research for 20 years on the topic of brain excellence between males and females. And he
published a book in 2003 with the title: "The Essential Difference: Male And Female Brains"

He explains the conclusion of his research in the book:

"The female brain is predoiminately hard-wired for empathy. The male brain is predominately hard-wired for
understanding and building systems." (Quote can be found by pasting it on Google)

And not only him but many other scientists acknowledge the same thing. So to sum up, Islam is not only right for treating
women and men differently but the opponents are wrong for rejecting basic scientific research (Which they claim they
appreciate! In reality they do not at all) and resorting to attacking Islam by baseless emotional arguments.

Compare Islam’s view of women to the Bible. Who’s misogynistic now?

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to
be under obedience, as also saith the law, and if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it
is a shame for woman to speak in the church. (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)"

1 Timothy 2:11-14 "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp
authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but
the woman being deceived was in the transgression."

1 Corinthians 11:5-10: "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head:
for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a
shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head,
forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the
woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. For this
cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

Deuteronomy 22:28-30 "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they
are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He
can never divorce her as long as he lives."

Exodus 21:7-8 "And in case a man should sell his daughter as a slave girl, she will not go out in the way that the
slave men go out. If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master so that he doesn't designate her as a concubine
but causes her to be redeemed, he will not be entitled to sell her to a foreign people in his treacherously dealing with

Ecclesiasticus 22:3 It is a disgrace to be the father of an undisciplined son, and the birth of a daughter is a loss

Zechariah 5:7-8 : “Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! He said, "This is
wickedness," and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it.”

Islam teaches equity between the two genders, not equality.

Refuting common arguments that Islam is “Racist”:

Abu Nadrah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said during the middle of the day at
the end of the pilgrimage, “O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no favor of an Arab over a
foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin, nor black skin over white skin, except by
righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” They said, “The Messenger of Allah has delivered the message.”

(This is from the farewell sermon of Prophet Muhammed PBUH. Musnad Aḥmad 22978)

Proving that Islam is against all forms of Racism.

Are Arabs the master race in Islam? (Nationalism refuted)

Did the “white” prophet own “black slaves?

Black/Dark Prophets in Islam

Is the Quranic expression “ blackened faces” for people in Jahannam racist? (3:106, 39:60)
These Ayahs are typically used to argue that Islam promotes racism. "Why does the Quran say that people who will
go to Jahannam will have 'blackened faces' and those going to Jannah will have 'whitened' faces? That sounds racist!"

“Listen and Obey your chief even if he is an Ethiopian who’s head is like a raisin” Hadith explained.
Can be found in another section in this PDF. (Pg. 91)

Section (6):
Miscellaneous arguments that Christian Missionaries
make against the Quran in favor of their religion.

[Credit to Original Maker]

Is the Quran’s usage of the name “Isa” instead of Jesus/Yeshua/Yasou’ wrong?
is-it-different-from-the-name-mentioned-in-the-quran (Comprehensive refutation in Arabic)

Is the Quran’s usage of the (allegedly Greek) word “Injil” for “Gospel” instead of Bushara wrong? (Comprehensive refutation in Arabic) (Arabic refutation)

The New Testament is NOT the Injil, what do Muslims believe in regards to the Bible? (Difference between Bible and Injeel. Ahmed Deedat answers).

Does Islam Endorse The Bible? Refuting the Christian arguments the Quran supports the
reliability of the modern day Bible/Gospel. (The text are links, click on them)

Link: Does the Quran approve the Bible? Refuting Christian Missionaries (Video about it)

Link: Evidence That Islam Teaches That There Was Textual Corruption of The Christian and Jewish Scriptures

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding The Qur'an Ordering The Jews And Christians To Judge By Their Scriptures

Link: Refuting The Argument That The Qur'an Orders The Prophet and Doubting Believers To Refer To The Christians
and Jews For Consultation

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding The Qur'an Being A Confirmation Of The Bible

Link: Refuting The Argument That Surah 2 Verse 121 Affirms That The Bible Was Not Textually Corrupted

Link: Refuting the Argument That The Prophet Claimed That The Corrupted Torah Was Revealed From God

Link: Refuting The Argument That Surah 15, Verse 9 Says That God Preserved The Christian and Jewish Scriptures

Link: Does The Prophet Permitting Us To Narrate From The Jews Mean That He Held Their Torah To Be Authoritative?

Link: Rebuttal to "Mohamed Did Not Believe that the Old Testament was Corrupt"

Link: Refuting The Argument Regarding "Allah's Words Do Not Change"

Qur’an says ‘Ask People of the Book’: What and Why?

Does verse (9:31) in the Quran indicate that Jesus is God?

Perhaps one of the silliest arguments I’ve seen put by Christians so far. The argument is that the verse:

(9:31) “They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary.
And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever
they associate with Him.” (For some reason Christians ignore the word “also” here)

Says that the Christians have taken their scholars as Gods instead of Allah and Jesus. Which for some reason indicates
that Allah and Jesus are God. Not only is the argument in contradiction with the Christian faith (Making them polytheists)
but it is a bastardized understanding of grammar.

This error – I assure you – will not be made by any Christian Arab who has been taught Grammar in elementary school.
It is explained easily as follows by taking a closer examination at the diacritics:

The part in green boxes “Ahbarahum wa Ruhbanahum” is connected using a “wa”. Grammatically speaking, the words
are in conjunction with “wa al Masiha” (Notice how it ends with the diacritic fatha (a) blue part). So the verse is saying
that they have taken their scholars, monks and the Messiah as lords besides Allah because these words are
grammatically in conjunction. On the other hand, the red boxes “lords besides Allah” “Arbaba min dooni Allahi” the word
“Allah” here ends with a diacritic “kasra” (Purple color under the word) this is due to the “min” (after “Arbaban”) which
states that these individuals have taken “scholars, monks, and the Messiah” as lords besides Allah (end of the sentence).

If what the Christians were saying is true that they have taken their monks and scholars as Gods besides Allah and the
Messiah then the “al-Maseeha” would end with a KASRA (purple) connoting that the sentence means “Allah and the
Messiah” (which is polytheism). But the grammatical structure of the sentence and both words indicates otherwise.

Did Christians take their scholars and monks as Lords besides Allah? (9:31 explained)
This can be solved easily by reading the Tafsir which is displayed here:

“Where is your proof that the Bible / New Testament are corrupted”?

The main key points addressed in these articles will be:

1) The Bible was never reliable from the first place and the narrative can’t be trusted (as a piece of history).
2) The Bible – despite being from the first place historically unreliable – is also distorted throughout ages.
3) The distortions, contradictions, errors and lies of the Bible are severe. Making it even more unreliable.
4) The Bible and its authors are not inspired by God.
5) The authors of the Bible are unknown and untrustworthy.

Taking into consideration all the Biblical problems, we will come to know that we can’t trust the narrative of the NT as
part of history nor as the (inspired) word of God. And the better alternative is to trust the Quran.

Difference between the Bible and Injeel:

Is the Bible really corrupted? (Book)
Izharul-Haqq “The Truth Revealed” (by Rahmatullah Kairanvi) (Book):
Tampering of the Bible:
Textual integrity of the Bible:
The Canon of the Bible:
Example of corruption in the Bible:
The inspired incoherencies of the Bible:
Can the new testament be trusted as scripture?:

Is the Bible reliable?

Is part of the NT lost?
The unknown authors of the Bible:
Who wrote the new testament?
Biblical absurdities:
101 Contradictions in the Bible:
The Bible as the word of God:
Who wrote the Bible? (book):
Does the Bible have witnesses for the crucifixion?
The scribes of the Bible:
Is the Christian Bible complete?
Is the Bible reliable?
John’s Gospel:
Is the NT preserved?
Can the NT be trusted as scripture?
Hunting for the word of God (Book). Is the NT reliable?:
Is the New Testament God’s word? (Book)
(Arabic) Christian Scholar acknowledges the distortion of the Bible!:
(Arabic) Matta Al-Miskeen talks about the distortion of the Bible:
Profane verses in the Bible:

Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman (Non-Muslim):

“(6:34) And none can alter the words of Allah” Does this verse say the Bible is undistorted?
In this verse and in verse (18:27) the Quran says that no one can alter the words of Allah, and thus this means that the
Bible is uncorrupted. As the Christian missionaries’ claim at least. To refute this we must first understand that there is no
mention of the word Bible in the Quran from the first place. The Gospel mentioned in the Quran is not the NT or the Bible
(which I have proven in the section above). Then we must understand that the verse is taken out of context:

Does the Quran/Hadith say that Jesus died & not risen? The true meaning of Mutawafeeka.
Christians (and Ahmadis) love to reiterate this argument. Funnily enough it does not support the Christian narrative,
because – assuming the Quran says Jesus died (It doesn’t) – then it does not say he was put on a cross or killed.

From the Quran:

From the Hadith:
Did Jesus die (General):
Jesus A.S is not dead, (Page 80):
(Arabic) Al Munajjid explains the meaning of the word:
Did Ibn Abbas say Jesus died?
Jesus will descend from the sky!
Does “raf’aa” mean raise in ranks?
35:10 refutes “raise in ranks” argument:
Is the raising of Idris metaphoric or symbolic?:

Is the Quran wrong about the Jews crucifying Jesus? (4:156-157)

Christians repeat this argument not knowing even their Bible says otherwise (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 & Below). Speaking
from a literary point of view, even if it was the Romans who put Jesus on the cross. The Jews are to blame for it (they are the
reason for him being on the cross essentially). This can be seen in another place in the Quran where it says in (28:4) that the
Pharaoh killed the newborns of people. Using the same missionary logic I can claim that the Quran is wrong because the
Pharaoh didn’t kill the newborns but his soldiers. However this is wrong to any sane person, this is just part of language. The
same applies to 4:157 where the Jews are the reason for the death of Jesus. (Arabic)

Divine love between Christianity and Islam.
God’s love in the Bible:

The Word “Elohim” In The Hebrew Quran & The Word Allah In The Arabic Bible

Prophecies of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in the Bible!

The test of Prophethood in the Bible, How Prophet Muhammed passes the test of Prophethood:

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in Isaiah 42, yet the clearest prophecy (w/ Rebuttal) (Video for the article above, but imprecise).

How Deuteronomy Foretells the Coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Other miscellaneous:

and many more verses which we can discuss but I will leave out for the sake of brevity.

Why Do Muslims Cite Biblical Prophecies If They Believe The Bible Has Been Corrupted?

Is Isa (Jesus) PBUH the only sinless Prophet?

Does Jesus “Create” in the Quran?

The allegation here is that Jesus is God in the Quran because he creates, and only God creates. Their proof is verse
3:49 from the Quran. Ironically the same verse says “and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah” disproving the
argument that Jesus is God because he creates. Such a funny argument, but whats even funnier is that the Bible
agrees with the Quran that Jesus can’t create by his own ability (John 8:28, John 5:30).

Is Jesus God because he is from the word of Allah (kalimatuhu) / “a soul from him”? …. The Quran clearly says not.

Shocking: The Bible refutes that the Quran is from Satan!

Top 10 Missionary arguments/tactics (and the refutations to them!)

[Credit to Original Maker]

Section (7):
Criticism of other faiths & Ideologies.

Criticism of Christianity

General Criticism (Book - One of the best) (Book – One of best) (Book)
Refuting the evidence of Christianity:
101 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses:

Criticism of the Trinity & The Deity of Christ in the Bible

An excellent document I prepared in which I combine philosophical critiques of the Trinity:
Refer to the end of the PDF (pg.29) for more links regarding the criticism of the Trinity & the deity of Christ. (The Trinity toolkit) (Arabic, English CC)

Criticism of the Crucifixion: (Playlist) (Several important articles) (Several important articles) (The witnesses of the Crucifixion and the Quran)

General Criticism of Hinduism:

General Criticism of Polytheism:

Arguments for that only Monotheism is true:

Oneness of Creative Action:
Pages 15 to 17 discuss the Quranic argument for Monotheism:

General criticism of Shia/Rafidi arguments & Rebuttals to their misconceptions (Arabic)

General Criticism of Ahmadiyya (Scroll down) (Finality of the Prophethood) (The Qadiani problem, book)

General Criticism of the OT/Judaism

Refer to criticism of Christianity/Bible, and also:
Silencing the Jews (Book)
Is the OT God’s word?
Corruption of the Torah:

Criticism of the Feminist movement.

Unironically, the Quran refutes the Feminist movement.
(The best) By Dr. Sami Ameri (English Captions):
By D. Haqiqatjou:
By M. Hijab:
The Dark face of Feminism:
Why are you not a Feminist?
Hijab & Free Choice?
Why I’m not a Feminist:
The grave implications of “Feminist Islam”:
Thread about the statistics and importance of wearing Hijab:

Homosexuality in the light of Islam

What does Islam say about it? Are homosexual feelings haram?

Why & Where is homosexuality condemned in Islam?

How Islam sees homosexuality:
Why is homosexuality condemned?
Why did Islam forbid homosexuality:
Same as above:
About MtF or FtM transgenders in Islam:

Criticism & Statistics related to / of LGBT

To view scientific papers for free, use

Conclusion I am trying to reach: No wonder did Islam prohibit something so disgusting and harmful. Generally most if
not all research shows that homosexuals have much more unhealthy & diseased lives than heterosexual counterparts.

“My Genes Made me do it!” Homosexuality & the Scientific Evidence:
Facts and Statistics about homosexuality and the gay culture:
Statistics related to LGBT/Homosexuality:
Changing from homosexual to heterosexual is possible:
Homosexuals are more likely to commit incest:
Higher rates of HIV among homosexual men:
There is not a single “Gay gene”, Genes are not as vital:
Statistics on the STD’s of homosexuals:
Gay men are x17 times more likely to get anal cancer:
Thread on Rectums and the dangers of anal intercourse:
Health risks of homosexuals are higher:

Transsexuals who undergo SRS are more likely to commit suicide:

Transgenders are 49 times more likely to contract HIV than the general population:

Transgenders More Likely than others To Develop Depression And Anxiety.

Gay and Transgender Youth Homelessness by the Numbers (Statistics of LGBT compared to heterosexuals)

Message to Muslim Westerners on LGBT:

Response to Lesbian Muslim Hijabi:
Thought Provoking Questions to Transgenders:
Can Gender Identity Pronouns Lead to Legal Pedophilia:
Debating homosexuality:

Criticism of Liberalism

Mohammed Hijab’s lecture on Liberalism:

(Debate) Mohammed Hijab, does Islam need to be liberalized?
The problems with Liberalism (Text):
Free Course on refuting Liberalism:
The Islamic refutation of Liberalism:

The False Prophets Series


Joseph Smith:

Joseph Smith attempts to copy the Quran (And fails)!

Bahá’u’lláh and Abdul-Bahá:


Aleister Crowley:

The Quran vs The Book of the Law:


Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:


John Dee:

Jack Parsons:

The Liberal ethical system debunked

The harm principle

The principle of harm is a standard which asserts that something is good insofar as it does not affect others without voluntary
agreement. This standard is quite problematic since it is counterintuitive, and the proponents of this ethical standard prove it
via appeal to intuition. The harm principle seems no different from the non-aggression principle which anarcho-capitalists hold
to. If a country truly abided by this principle then it cannot take taxes, for taxation is not voluntary and affects the person from
whom it is taken. Other examples where this ethical system seems counterintuitive is with regards to allowing incest and
pedophilia. Surely two people who consent to incest do not violate this principle. Neither would someone under 18 consenting
to 30 years old. People can, possibly, consent even before being prepubescent. Now, whether that is healthy or not, or whether
they’re being manipulated, should not concern us here, since according to the harm principle anything is right insofar as it does
not affect others involuntarily. So here we see this principle is clearly counterintuitive to most people. But the harm principle
can only be proven to be objective through appeal to intuition. Thus the harm principle is unjustified.

Rule utilitarianism

This ethical system asserts that an action is good insofar as it leads to highest amount of pleasure, and evil if it leads to higher
amount of pain, if the action were to be applied universally as a rule. I don’t want to present all the problems with rule
utilitarianism here, so I’ll be brief in presenting one important objection. A huge issue with this ethical system, as with all
consequentialist ethical systems, is that one cannot quantify pleasure and pain, nor recognize the consequences of an action.
Perhaps if I save a child from falling off the roof I might think I have brought about something pleasurable, but if that kid grows
up to be Stalin and causes harm via geocoding Turkic people then I have surely contributed to horrendous evil. There are also
many instances where rule utilitarianism is counterintuitive but I won’t discuss them here since this criticism should suffice.

Despite these ethical systems being flawed with regard to normative ethics, the liberal must still admit to God to have a coherent
objective meta-ethics as shown on the section concerning objective morality

Section (8):
The Library.

Other refutation compilations:
Refutation to every article:
Muslims Respond compilation:
Various documents:

Name Specific Refutations:

By Answering-Christianity:
By Call to monotheism:
- Refuting (6)
- Refuting (11)
- Refuting (9)
- Refuting (1)
- Refuting (136)
- Refuting Others (5)

By Calling-Christians:
- CL Edwards/ Calling Muslims
- David Wood
- James White
- Samuel Green
- Sam Shamoun

By Quran-Errors Blogpost:
- Refuting WikiIslam
- Refuting Skeptics Annotated Quran
- Refuting Answering-Islam
- Refuting Faith Freedom

Channels Refuting Christian Prince, Collin from I.C, and other popular evangelists:

Farid Responds (100 Lies of CP Playlist): (Outstanding)

Muslim Allegation Hunter:

Muslim Allegation Shredder:
Bring Your Proof Channel, refutes Collin and others: (Outstanding)

Full Metal Theist:


Playlist debunking David Wood and most of his arguments (Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking Christian Prince and most of his arguments (Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking "dontconvert2islam" (Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking Jay Smith and most of his arguments (Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking Nabeel Qureshi and most of his arguments (Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking James White and most of his arguments( Updated weekly)

Playlist debunking Islam Critiqued and most of his arguments (Updated weekly)

More Playlists debunking Other Missionaries (Sam Shamoun, The Masked Arab, The Apostate Prophet, Nabeel Qurashi)

(Arab) Playlist Debunking Most if not all of Sherif Gaber’s videos:

Playlist with proofs about Islam

Websites Refuting every other Anti-Islamic website and more educational Islamic resources:

Reddit: [Masterlist, Library] [Outstanding]

Abdassamad Clarke's Blog [Personal Blog]

Abu Amina Elias [Refutations, Explanations, Hadith, Blog, Knowledge] [Outstanding]

Aisha Bewley's Islamic Home Page [Library]

al-Ikhbar - Translations of Classical Arabic Texts [Library] [Outstanding]

Answering Christian Claims [Christianity, Refutations]

Asadullah Ali [Personal Blog, Atheism, Refutations] [Outstanding]

Aswat Al-Islam [Library]

at-Tahawi [Library, Personal Blog, Aqeedah]

AzBlogTalk - Refuting Lies against Islam one by one [Refutations] [Outstanding]

Bismika Allahuma [Refutations, Christianity] [Outstanding]

Blogging Theology [Christianity, Refutations]

Call To Monotheism [Christianity, Refutations] [Outstanding]

Calling Christians [Christianity, Refutations] [Outstanding]

Discover The Truth [Christianity, Refutations, Islam, Hadith Rejectors] [Outstanding] [Library]

Hawramani Institute [Fiqh, Library]

Hisnul-Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim) [Quran, Library, Duaa]

ICRAA [Refutations] [Outstanding]

IlmGate [Library] [Outstanding]

Islam Class [Hadith, Library] [Outstanding]

Islam House [Hadith, Library] [Outstanding]

Islam Tomorrow [Library]

Islamic Awareness [Library, Hadith, History, Quran, Manuscripts] [Outstanding]

Islamic Civilization [Library, History]

Islamic Discourse Initiative [Society, Islam, Hadith] [Outstanding]

Islamic Studies .info [Library, Islamic Knowledge]

Islam Reigns [Islamic Knowledge, Refutations]

Kalamullah [Library] [Outstanding]

Keys to the Unseen [Library, Knowledge, Islam, Aqeedah] [Outstanding]

Let Me Turn The Tables [Refutations, Christianity, Islam] [Outstanding]

Many Prophets One Message [Knowledge, Islam, Theology] [Outstanding]

Mission Islam [Islamic Knowledge]

Muslim Allegation Hunters [Refutations] [Outstanding]

Muslim Debate Initiative [Society, Refutations]

Muslim Responses [Christianity, Refutations] [Outstanding]

Muslim Skeptic [Society]

Mustafa Apologist [Islam, Polemics, Christianity] [Outstanding]

One Reason [Knowledge, Islam, Theology] [Outstanding]

Pondering Islam [Personal Blog, Refutations]

Pondering Soul [Personal Blog, Society]

Project Maruf [Library, Fiqh, Personal Blog] [Outstanding] - Qur'anic Misconceptions Addressed [Refutations, Quran] [Outstanding]

Quran and Bible Blog [Refutations, Christianity, Islam]

Refuting Answering Islam (WordPress) [Refutation]

Seekershub [Fiqh, Islamic Knowledge] [Outstanding]

Simply Seerah [Refutations]

Sulaiman Ahmed [Fiqh, Society] [Library, Islamic Knowledge]

The Facts About Islam (blogspot) [Refutations]

The Thinking Muslim [Personal Blog, Fiqh, Hadith]

Twelver Shia [Refutations, Sunni/Shia polemics] [Outstanding]

The Muslim Chaplain [Library/Blog] [Outstanding]

Unveiling Christianity [Refutations, Christianity] [Outstanding]

Yahya Snow [Personal Blog, Christianity, Refutations]

Yaqeen Institute [Islamic Knowledge] [Outstanding]

Arabic websites with similar themes:

Al-Maktaba & Waqfeya & [Comprehensive Libraries, Islamic Knowledge]

Rodood Win [Refutations, Islam] [Outstanding]

Anti Shubohat [Refutations, Islam] [Outstanding]

Anti Ilhad [Refutations, Islam, Atheism]

Fnoor [Sunni/Shia Polemics, Refutations] [Outstanding]

Bayan Al-Islam [Refutations, Islamic Knowledge] [Outstanding]

Al-Mohawer [Outstanding (Free) academy for Advanced Students in Islamic Discourse]

Q: “I don’t like X Channel/Website & I want it to be removed because it is deviant!”

A: Please do not contact me for such requests, nor am I going to debate whether a website is deviant or not. However, I have

made sure to include only the sites made by orthodox Sunni Muslim brothers. At the end of the day, you can’t say it is deviant;

just say it is not in line with your current beliefs. Which is fine, take what you consider good from the website and leave what

you consider bad. As Imam Malik RH used to say, “Everyone's speech is taken from and rejected. Except for the one buried

here” meaning Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. At the end of the day, we all make mistakes. And we should make

use of what is good. - Regarding the “Dishonesty of Yaqeen”, the long paper by Haqiqatjou. It has been reviewed and

criticized comprehensively by brother Asadullah Ali:

Educational Islamic YouTube Channels

One Nation: (Islamic Knowledge, Outstanding)

Ahmed Deedat - [Polemics]
Ahmed Deedat - [Polemics]
Ali Dawah - [Polemics]
AllTruthRevealed - [Polemics]
Bayyinah Institute: [Educational]
Bring your Proof [Polemics, Christianity, Rebuttals]
Calling Christians: [Educational, Islam, Polemics, Christianity]
DarwinianDelusions - [Polemics]
DawahDigital - [Polemics, Education]
Digital Mimbar [Educational]
EFDawah - [Polemics]
Farid Responds - [Polemics/Refutations]
FullMetalTheist - [Polemics, Christianity, Rebuttals]
Hamza Andreas - [Educational]
IERA [Educational, Podcasts]
iLoveUAllah - [Entertainment, Educational]
Imran Hussein - [Educational]
Islamic Defense - [Polemics]
IslamicGuidance - [Entertainment, Educational]
LoveAllah328 - [Entertainment, Educational]
MercifulServant - [Entertainment, Educational]
Mohammed Hijab - [Polemics]
Muslim Allegation Hunter - [Polemics/Refutations]
Muslim Central [Educational]
RationalBeliever - [Entertainment, Educational]
roadside2islam - [Entertainment, Educational]
SCDawah - [Polemics]
Shabir Ally - [Educational]
Smile2Janah - [Entertainment, Educational]
Sunni Defense - [Sunni/Shia Polemics]
WayOfLifeSQ - [Entertainment, Educational]
Yaqeen Institute - [Educational]
Yasir Qadhi [Educational]
Zakir Naik - [Educational, Polemics]

Arabic Channels (Some Videos have translations; Arabic Channels are better than English honestly):

Haitham Talaat - [Educational, Polemics, Atheism]

Al Bayyinah - [Educational, Christianity]
ReturnToYourOrigin- [Atheism, Polemics, Educational]
BaraheenCenter - [Educational]
Sami Amiri - [Educational, Christianity, Atheism]
Anti Shobohat - [Educational, Polemics/Refutations, Theology]
Monqith Al-Saqqar - [Rebuttals/Christianity]
eld3wah - [Educational, Polemics, Islam, Christianity, Theology]
Abdullah Rushdy - [Fiqh, Islam, Polemics/Rebuttals, Educational]
Eyad Qunaibi - [Islam, Polemics/Rebuttals, Educational]

Beneficial Books:

Sabighat - Misconceptions and Refutations by Ahmad Yusuf AlSayyid (I personally highly recommend this book, it’s a must read for polemicists)

Da’wah Training – Bilal Philips

The Da’wah training manual

Several Da’wah manuals/instructions:


Links with tens of books available for download:


The Qur’an: An Eternal Challenge (Best book to give to Non-Muslims IMO)

The Divine Reality (Book about Atheism) – By Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

Izharul-Haq – The Truth Revealed - by Rahmatullah Kairanvi (About Christianity)

Answering Those who altered the religion of Jesus Christ by Ibn Taymiyyah

Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah

The scientific deception of new Atheists

Basic books about Islam by IERA:

The miraculous language of the Quran (Bassam Saeh)

Misquoting Muhammed By Jonathan Brown

Let the Bible Speak

Words of Mercy (Booklet)


Bridges Translation of the Quran in the 10 modes of recitation (Qira'at)

Evolution of Fiqh by Bilal Philips:

Usool al Tafsir by Bilal Philips

Ulum al Quran by Ahmed Von Deffer

Usul al Hadith by Bilal Philips:

Al-Waraqat fi Usul al-Fiqh by al-Juwayni (Fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence)

Studies In Early Hadith Literature By Shaykh Muhammad Mustafa Al Azami

Several Maliki books translated in English.


Daily Adhkar (Supplications)

Hisnul Muslim (Fortification of the Muslim – Duaa Book) by Sa’eed Al Qahtani

The Ideal Muslim the True Islamic Personality by Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi

Al Bidayaa wa al Nihaya (The Beginning and the end) by Ibn Kathir:

Talbis Iblis (The Devils Deception) by Al Jawzi

Men and Women around the Prophet by Ibn Kathir

The Sealed Nectar by Safiur Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

Qisas Al Anbiyya’ (The Stories of the Prophets) by Ibn Kathir

Muhammed: A Prophet For Our Time by Karen Armstrong

The Road to Makkah by Muhammed Asad


Sahih Al Bukhari & Sahih Muslim & Riyadus-Saliheen and more hadith books: &

Tafsir Ibn Kathir & More Tafsirs on these two sites: &

Al-Targhib wal-Tarhib by Al-Mundhiri

Check Authenticity of Hadiths (Arabic Site)

The Philosopher's Toolkit

The Incoherence of the Philosophers. (by Al Ghazali)

A Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th Edition [NON-MUSLIM]


The History of the Khalifahs by Al-Suyuti

Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilisation from the Past

Refuting ISIS by Muhammed Al-Yaqoubi

Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings - Dr. Tahir al-Qadri

The Myth of Muslim Barbarism

Resources for Learning Arabic:
Learn how to read Quranic Arabic/Letters (Interactive):
Books for learning Arabic:
Application for learning Quranic Arabic:
Playlist with Arabic videos:
Madinah Learn Arabic basic courses:
(Female) YouTube Channel:
(Female) YouTube Channel:
Youtube Channel for learning Arabic:
How to Read Quran:
Arabic for Dummies book:
Arabic learning resources:
Essentials Of Quranic Arabic (2 Vol):

Duaa/Dhikr Websites:
Daily Adhkhar book:

Resources for (New) Muslims:

How to convert to Islam:
Some Arabic expressions and their translations:
Website for finding Halal Restaurants & Groceries:

Guide: (on the Islamic lifestyle and beliefs):

Guide (Book 1):
Guide (Book 2):
The New Muslim Guide (PDF):
Guide & Simple Articles about Islam:
Ramadan for the New Muslim:

Step by Step guide to Prayer:

Booklet with illustrations and Prayer words:
All the things in Arabic that are said during prayer:
How to perform the five prayers: &
Prayer time finder: (Based on Umm Al-Qura)
Mosque Finder:

The Quran (Multiple Translations): & (I recommend “The Clear Quran” translation)
The Quran with Basic but Excellent Commentary:
Website for memorizing / reading the Quran:

Many resources on the Basics of Islam and Fiqh: (P.S: Books can be found online free)
The Ideal Muslim by Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi:
Minhaj al-Muslim by Abu Bakr al-Jaza’iry (Volume 1):
Minhaj al-Muslim by Abu Bakr al-Jaza’iry (Volume 2):
The lawful and prohibited in Islam by Yusuf Al Qardawi:
The Major Sins by Imam Al-Dhahabi:

How do I get closer to Allah?

Al-Targhib wal-Tarhib by Al-Mundhiri: (Hadiths of Manners)
The Key to Paradise in Islam:

Useful Links.

Videos & Lectures

HalalTube – Hundreds of Islamic Videos:

Downloads for lectures, commentaries etc:
Audio lectures for Muslims:
Muslim marriage guide:

Quran Related:

Learn how to read Quranic Arabic/Letters (Interactive):

Search for verses about topics in the Quran:
Quranic Audio: &
Website for memorizing the Quran:
Quran with audio and word for word translation:
The Quranic Arabic Corpus – Grammar of the Quran:
The Quran with Basic but Excellent Commentary:
Tafsir Ibn Kathir & More Tafsirs: [Note: Tanwir al-Miqbas is an inauthentic book, avoid it]
Tafsir Ibn Kathir & More Tafsirs:
(Arabic) The main books of Tafsir & The Quran:
Arabic Site with tens of built in, detailed resources to read the Quran:

Hadith websites:

English/Arabic site for the main books of Hadith:

Arabic site for checking authenticity of hadiths:

Websites for pirated books in PDF format:

Islamic articles & News

List of online Islamic Institutes:

Positive Things in Islam

Wisdoms of the Prophet PBUH Honor your mother & father in Islam
wisdom-of-prophet-muhammad-pbuh/ mother-in-islam/

The Beauty of Islam

Positive Thinking In Islam

Compassion in Islam
Forty Hadith Al-Nawawi compassion-in-islam/

Benefits of Marriage in Islam

Forty Hadith on Good Character islam-faith-family-society-and-love/
Love in the Quran and Sunnah Humbling Ourselves towards God

Brotherhood in the Quran and Sunnah Effects of Arrogance on the Soul

Forgiveness in the Quran and Sunnah
Forty Hadith on Knowledge & Religion does not
hinder education

List of 75 Good Manners in the Quran Righteousness in Islam


Benefits of Becoming a Muslim

Good Faith & Manners during Debate

Never engage in debates or discussions if you don’t have manners. Non-Muslims read you, not the Quran or Hadith
[16:125] “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best”

Good character before learning Islamic sciences:

Arguing about the religion in Islam:
All good manners from four Prophetic Hadith:
Al-Mundhiri on humility, vanity, and arrogance:
Al-Mundhiri on kindness, gentleness, and forbearance:
Al-Mundhiri on backbiting, mockery, and slander:
Criticizing Muslims without naming and shaming:
Principles of enjoining good and forbidding evil:
Beautiful patience in Islam:
Is it permissible for a Muslim to curse people?:
Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart:
Did Prophet Muhammad use profanity?:
Dealing with bad temper and anger:
Hate the sin, not the sinner:
Regarding Sarcasm & Mockery:
Dangers of rushing to do Takfir:
Beware of labeling others as Kuffar:

How the Prophet Muhammad PBUH Rose above Enmity and Insult:

How to search the index of this PDF:

Several methods:

1) Search for the verse (Ex: 1:1, 1:2, etc…)

2) Search for keywords (Aisha, Quran, Preservation etc…)
3) Search the sections,
4) Search the subchapters
5) Look in the corresponding section & Subchapter (I kept related topics close together)
6) Also to jump to the question quickly, just do CTRL+F & The sentence in the Index; since they match.

Index of Topics:

Section (0): How to Answer allegations? (Pg.8)

- Basics (Pg.9)
- Advanced (Pg.10 to 16)
- Principles and guidelines for Islamic Apologists (Pg.16)
- Why are there suspicions in Islam? (Pg.17)

Section (1): Basics of Islam (Pg.18)

- What is Islam (Pg.19)

- Who is Allah (Pg.19)

- Who is Prophet Muhammed (Pg.19)

- What is the Quran (Pg.19)

- What is Hadith? (Pg.19)

- Resources for New Muslims (Pg.19)

- Pamphlets for Non-Muslims (Pg.20)

Section (2): Arguments raised by Atheists & Misconceptions about the Essence of Islam (Pg.21)

- Proofs for the Existence of Allah (Pg.22-23)

- Proofs of the Prophethood (Pg.24)

- Prophecies of Prophet Muhammed (Pg.25)

- The Problem of Evil (Existence of Evil) (Pg.26)

- “There’s 3000 Gods But Only Yours Is Real?” / “I believe in one less God than you” (Pg.27)

- The Universe was not created by chance. (Pg.27)

- The Multiverse Hypothesis Debunked. (Pg.27)

- The Universe Must Have had a beginning (Pg.27)

- “I can’t see God so he does not exist” is an illogical premise. (Pg.28)

- Science has not disproven God (Pg.28)

- Why does God not show himself to us? (Pg.28)

- Does Supernatural Phenomena Mentioned in Islamic Texts Require Scientific Evidence? (Pg.28)

- Freewill, Qadr & The Omniscience Paradox. Were we created to go to hell? (Pg.28)

- The Euthyphro Dilemma Refuted: “Does God love good action because it is Good, or is it Good because it is loved
by God?” (Pg.29)

- “God of the Gaps” objection refuted (Pg.29)

- Why has Allah created us? Why does He want us to worship Him when He is in no need of us? (Pg.30-31)

- Rebuttals to Evolution/Darwinism (Pg.32)

- Who created God? (Pg.32)

- “The Laws of Nature are simply the explanation for the operation of the Universe” (Pg.32)

- Group of Atheist(s) criticizing Darwinian evolution & natural selection! (Pg.33)

- About the Punishment in Hell. (Pg.34)

- How can an all-good and all-merciful God send people to hell for eternity? (Pg.34)

- Why should someone be punished for eternity for a finite amount of wrongdoing? (Pg.34)

- Is sending people to hellfire for eternity contradictory to the “all-merciful part?” (Pg.34)

- Why does Allah not answer some prayers of people? (and the proper way of Du’aa) (Pg.35)

- The Omnipotence Paradox. “Can God create a stone immovable even by him?” (Pg.35)

Subchapter (a): Common Questions & Important Articles (Pg.36-37)

- Can Robots have consciousness?

- The scientific method & more science QnA

- Materialism

- Morality between Atheism & Theism

- The implications of Atheism

- “You Are a Believer Just Because You Were Born So” refuted

- No Value of Life without God:

- Why is God worthy of worship?

- Why love God?

- Why does God ask for worship?

- What does Fear of God Mean?

- Is God good?

- Why did Allah create the Angels?

- Why did Allah create such a vast universe?

- Rationality of Islamic Sexual Ethics

- Atheism: Doubting your Doubts

- Introduction to Atheism: It's history & their arguments. (With their refutations)

- Collection of resources related to refuting Atheism

- Pascals wager

- Atheist dogma

Section (3): Arguments raised against the Quran & Its contents (Pg.38)

Subchapter (a): Proving the Preservation of the Quran (Pg.39)

- The preservation of the Quran & Its manuscripts (Pg.39)

- The Quranic compilation. (Pg.39)

- Doubts regarding the manuscripts refuted. (Pg.39)

- The mutawattir oral transmission explained. (Pg.39)

- Scribes of the Quran vs Scribes of the NT (Pg.40)

- Non-Muslim scholars testify to the faithful transmission of the Quran! (Pg.40)

Subchapter (b): Removing Doubts about the text of the Quran.

- Refuting Missionary Allegations against the Quran Pamphlet (Pg.41)

- The Seven Ahruf & The Qira’at – Quranic Variances? Covered comphrensively. (Pg.41)

- Do the San’aa Manuscripts disprove the preservation of the Quran? (Pg.42)

- Ibn Masu’ds disagreement with Uthman (and Zaid Ibn Thabit) thoroughly clarified. (Pg.42)

Subchapter (1): There are no missing or added verses in the Quran.

- Verses eaten by a Goat (Pg.42)

- Missing verses on suckling. (Pg.42)

- The stoning verse (Pg.42)

- Surat Al-Ahzab was much longer explained. (Pg.42)

- Inauthentic Hadith about the amount of letters in the Quran (Pg.42)

- Meaning of Ibn ‘Umar’s statement, “Much of the Qur’an is Gone”. (Pg.43)

- Are the Verses 9:128 – 129 & 33:23 corruptions not in the original Quran? [Misunderstood Hadith: Bukhari 4679] (Pg.43)

- “Son of Adam having valleys of gold” narration. [Muslim 1050] (Pg.43)

- Alleged Variant Readings and corruptions refuted. (Pg.44)

- Missing Surah’s in the Mushaf of Ibn Mas’ud refuted (Al Fatiha, Al Falaq and Al-Nas): (Pg.44)

- Two Additional Surah’s in the Mushaf of Ibn Ubbay (Al-Hafd & Al-Khal) Refuted: (Pg.44)

- Surat al Wilaya & Surat al Nurayn never existed. (Pg.44)

- Were there Quranic verses lost forever at the battle of Yamama? (Pg.44)

- Was the Uthmanic Codex accepted and held reliable amongst the Muslims? Yes! (Pg.45)

- Did Al-Hajjaj Change the Quran? No. (Pg.45)

- Neither did Abdullah Ibn Sad Ibn Abi Sarh change the Quran. (Pg.45)

- So why did Caliph Uthman R.A burn all the other Masahif? (Pg.45)

- “The original Quran lacks punctuation and therefore it’s not reliable” (Pg.45)

- The Quran does not contain words of Syriac Origin. Syriac words allegation debunked. (Pg.45)

Subchapter (2): Borrowing theories / Plagiarization refuted:

- Borrowing from Christianity Theories Refuted: (Pg.46)

- Does the Quran copy from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas? (Pg.46)

- It is not possible for the Quran to be copied from the Bible. (Pg.46)

- Refuting Orientalists (Pg.46)

- Borrowing from Zoroastrianism Theories Refuted (Pg.46)

- Did Muhammed (PBUH) learn from monks like Buhaira or Waraqa? (Pg.47)

- Does Similarity imply borrowing? (Pg.48)

- Does The Qur'an Mentioning Stories Found In Previous Writings Threaten Its Credibility? (Pg.48)

- 20+ Plagiarization Allegations Debunked: (Pg.48)

- The Alleged Syriac Origin of the Quran refuted (Christoph Luxenberg): (Pg.48)

- Is the Hafs Quran transmission unreliable because of Hafs? (Pg.49)

- Abrogation in Islam – What is it and the wisdom behind it. (Pg.49)

- The “standardization” of the Quran in Cairo, Egypt (1924) (Pg.49)

- The Quran’s miracle of literary eloquence, and the failure of the Arab poets to replicate it. (Pg.49)

Subchapter (c): Removing doubt about Quranic Verses & Refutations to allegations: (Pg.50)

Subchapter (1): Regarding allegations of Murder/Terrorism

- Is Murder permissible in Islam? Does Islam & the Quran allow for the killing of non-believers? (Pg.50)

- What does Islam (The Quran and Hadith), and the scholars of Islam say about killing? (Pg.51-52)

- Were the peaceful verses abrogated and made defunct by “the sword verse”? (Pg.52)

- Is “there is no compulsion in Religion” abrogated? (In Tafsir Ibn Kathir) debunked. (Pg.52)

- What about the verses ordering to kill disbelievers? Out of context verses refuted. (Pg.54-56)

- “5:32 is not a binding order for Muslims” thoroughly debunked (and 5:33 in context) (Pg.56)

- Are Honor killings an Islamic Phenomenon (Pg.56)

- The rights of Non-Muslims under Islamic rule (Pg.57)

- Befriending Jews and Christians & Does Islam hate Jews? (Pg.57)

- Does the Quran condemn all Jews and Christians? (Pg.57)

- Execution by fire, Extrajudicial punishments and terrorism are prohibited in Islam. (Pg.57)

- What is Jihad? Understanding and clarifying the concept of Jihad. (Pg.57)

- Muhammed PBUH's commandments in war (Pg.58)

- Refutations to/About Terrorism & Doubts about how Islam Spread (Pg.59)

- Application of Sharia and Hudud; what is Sharia? Why does Islam stone or amputate hands for theft? What are the
requirements for these punishments? (Pg.59)

- Jizyah in Islam: Explanations & Misconceptions surrounding it (Pg.61)

- Does Allah lead astray? (Pg.61)

- Why does Allah use “We” for himself in the Quran? (Pg.61)

- What does “Makr/Deceit” Mean for Allah? (3:54, 4:142, 7:99, 7:183, 8:30, 10:21 explained) (Pg.61) (Pg.61)

- What does “Allah prays” mean? (Pg.61)

- What does Allah “tabaa” (repented) mean: (Pg.61)

- Why did Allah choose masculine pronouns for himself? (Pg.61)

- Verse 4:34 (The “Wife Beating” Verse) explained (Pg.62)

Subchapter (2): Allegations of Christians:

- Refuting the Christian arguments (10+) the Quran supports the reliability of the modern day Bible/Gospel. (Pg.62)

- The Qur’an says ‘Ask People of the Book’: What and Why? (Pg.62)

- Why did Allah allow for the Injil to be corrupted but not the Quran? (Pg.63)

- Does (Arabic) Ahad/(Hebrew) Echad mean “one of” (The Quran supports the trinity)? (Pg.63)

- Paul In Islam – Is Paul in the Quran? (Pg.63)

- Why was the Quran revealed in the Arabic language? (and why do Muslims pray in Arabic) (Pg.63)

- How can the Quran be a miracle for Non-Arabs? (Pg.63)

- Why does Allah make Oaths in the Quran? (Pg.63)

- The Quran describing the breasts of the Hoor is a lie by missionaries (78:32-33 explained) (Pg.64)

- (6:101) in the Quran explained, child without a consort? (Pg.64)

- Why Does Allah Communicate to us through a Medium? (Pg.64)

- “Slave for Slave, Woman for Woman”: Qur’an 2:178 (and 2:194, 16:126, 42:40, 5:45) Explained (Pg.64)

- Quran 2:62, 5:69 - In Context (Cited by liberals mostly, Perennialism Refuted) (Pg.64)

- Does (65:4) in the Quran Encourage Child Marriage? (Pg.64)

- Why does the Quran tell the Prophet PBUH to “ask for forgiveness” (47:19, 40:55) (Pg.64)

- Quran 3:151 - explained (“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve”) (Pg.64)

- Is there homosexual intercourse in the Islamic heaven? Quran 52:24; 56:17; 76:19 – explained. (Pg.64)

Subchapter (3): Errors in the Quran Refuted

- Is the Quran being clear/comprehensible an error? (11:1, 6:114, 18:69, 41:3) (Pg.65)

- Sister of Aaron error debunked. (Pg.65)

- Is Mary Worshipped/In the trinity in the Quran? Did the Quran get the trinity wrong? (Pg.65)

- The Quran is not wrong about Jews calling “Ezra/Uzayr” the son of God! (Pg.65)

- Who was to be sacrificed Ismael or Isaac? (It is Ismael) (Pg.65)

- Are there Mathematical Errors in the Quran? (Inheritance error debunked): (Pg.66)

- Objections on Awl’ (Related to inheritance above): (Pg.66)

- Is the Quran historically wrong? External contradictions refuted (10+ arguments) (Pg.66)

- The Kings & Pharaohs Of Egypt – Quranic Accuracy and Biblical Error! (Pg.66)

- Internal Contradictions in the Quran Refuted (Resources): (Pg.66)

- Is Iblis refusing to prostrate an error, since “he was a Jinn but the command was for Angels”?- (Pg.66)

- “Grammatical Errors” in the Quran Refuted (Resources): (Pg.67)

- Is iltifat in the Quran an error? (Surat al-Fatiha cannot be Revelation): (Pg.67)

- General Resources Refuting “Scientific Errors” in the Quran: (Pg.67)

- Sun Sets in a Murky Pool of Water (The Quranic Verse) (Pg.68)

- Geocentrist assertions in the Quran Refuted (Pg.68)

- Does Allah create in human days? (Debunked) & are they 6 or 8 days of creation? (Refuted) (Pg.68)

- How does fasting in the north and south poles happen where the day/night is continuous? (Pg.68)

- The Seven Earths/Heavens in the Quran explained: (Pg.68)

- Was the Moon split in two (54:1-2)? (Pg.68)

- Does the Quran say that the Moon emits its own light? (Pg.68-71)

- Meteors are Stars Shot at Devils. (Pg.71)

- The Human creation from Clay explained. (Pg.71)

- Is the Quran wrong about Embryology? (Pg.71)

- Bones before Flesh in the Quran? Debunked. (Pg.71)

- Does the Quran not mention the female ovum? Debunked. (Pg.72)

- “Sperm Originates from Between the Backbone and Ribs” (86:5-7) explained. (Pg.72)

- Does the Quran say that humans were created from a “clot of blood”? (Pg.72)

- Did the Quran copy the knowledge of Embryology from the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle etc..? (Pg.72)

- All Organisms created in pairs? (51:49) explained. (Pg.72)

- What was created first, the Sky or the Earth? (Is there an error in 2:29?) (Pg.72)

- Does the heart “think” in Islam?

- Does milk come from the “stomach” of cows (16:66) in Islam, and is it pure? (Refuted) (Pg.73)

- The shape of the Earth: “Flat Earth verses” debunked and explained in these resources. (Pg.73)

- Does the Qibla make sense for a round earth? (Pg.73)

- Are natural disasters (and rain, thunder etc) just part of nature or (disasters) sent by God? (Pg.73)

- Is the universe made from water vapor? (Debunked) or is it made from smoke? (41:11 Explained) (Pg.73)

- Do mountains prevent/control/stabilize earth from earthquakes (16:15) / Mountains as pegs? (Pg.74)

- Can Ants speak (27:18-19)? (Pg.74)

- Doubts about cattle/animals in the Quran: (Pg.74)

- Do all Animals Live in Communities (6:38)? (Pg.74)

- Is Allah making the birds fly an error? (16:79) (Pg.74)

- Does the Quran teach a local flood or a global flood? (Prophet Noah A.S) (Pg.74)

- How is Makkah safe and secure? (2:125) (Pg.74)

- Is the Sky a tent/dome? (13:2, 2:22) (Pg.74)

- Qur’an on the knowledge of unborn child’s sex (31:34) and rain forecast (Pg.74)

Section (4): Arguments raised against the Hadith, Sunnah & The actions of
Prophet Muhammed ‫( ﷺ‬Pg.75)

Subchapter (1): Answering Hadith Rejectors

- What is Hadith? (Pg.76)

- Why do we need the Hadith? Isn’t the Quran Enough? (Pg.76)

- General resources comprehensively refuting Quranists/Quraniyoon (Hadith Rejectors) (Pg.76)

- Proving the preservation of the Sunnah & Hadith & Defending the transmission method. (Pg.77)

- Websites/Resources with articles that refute Hadith Rejectors (Quranists): (Pg.78)

Subchapter (2): The marriages of Prophet Muhammed PBUH.

- The Marriage of Aisha at a young age. (Pg.78-80)

- The Age of Consent throughout history & in Islam (Pg.80)

- Resources regarding the age of Aisha R.A (Pg.80)

- Miscellaneous arguments against her Age/Maturity debunked. (Pg.80)

- Did the Prophet (PBUH) beat his wife Aisha? (Misunderstood Hadith) (Pg.81)

- Does Islam allow (mufakhathat) ‘thighing’ with young girls? Debunked.(Pg.81)

- Can you have intercourse with prepubescent women in Islam? (Pg.81)

- Zaynabs Marriage to the Prophet explained & “the love story” fabrication debunked. (Pg.81)

- The Prophet’s marriage with Safiyya – Misconceptions debunked. (Pg.82)

- About Juaniyya (Pg.82)

Subchapter (3): Hadith narrations explained:

- Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) suck the saliva/tongue/mouth of Hasan and Hussein? (Pg.82)

- Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) suck the penis of Hasan? (Pg.82)

- Explanation of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) passing by all of his wives in one night with 1 Ghusul: (Pg.82)

- Explanation of the Hadith about licking the fingers when you have eaten [Bukhari 5456] (Pg.82)

- Was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) always “covered in Semen”? (Sahih al-Bukhari 229) (Pg.82)

- Did the Muslims raid caravans for loot? Debunked. (P.83)

- Female Genital Mutilation (P.83)

- Taqqiya – What is taqiyya? – Are Muslims allowed to lie or betray others? (Debunked). (P.83)

- “War is Deceit” Hadith explained, can we lie to Non-Believers or betray them? (Debunked) (P.83)

- Fight People until they become Muslims (I have been ordered to fight the people) (Explained) (Pg. 56)

- Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) crossdress? (P.83)

- Islam does not permit rape. & what about the 4 witnesses? Is it required to prove rape? (P.83)

- Did Ali R.A rape an underage girl? (P.84)

- Did Prophet Muhammed Order Or Support killing innocents? 40+ Assassination allegations thrashed. (P.84)

- Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics? (P.84)

- “Expel Jews and Christians from Arabian Peninsula” Hadith explained: (P.85)

- "I have been made victorious with terror" Hadith explained (P.85)

- “Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords” Hadith explained. (P.85)

- “O Quraysh, that I am bringing you slaughter!” Hadith explained. (P.85)

- Force non-Muslims to the side of the road? (P.85)

- The attack on Banu Qurayza, was it unfair? (P.85)

- “Do not beat your wife as you beat your slave-girl” Hadith explained. (P.85)

- Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (in my house and on my bed?) refuted. (P.85)

- Why did Prophet Muhammed PBUH take 1/5th of the war booty? (P.86)

- Was Prophet Muhammed PBUH epileptic? (P.86)

- Why was the Prophet (PBUH) polygamous (and married more than 4 women)? (P.86)

- Why were the wives of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) not allowed to remarry after his death? (P.86)

- Regarding the bewitchment of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) (P.86)

- “Baby girl buried alive is in Hell”? Hadith explained. (Pg.87)

- “Go suck the clitoris of al-Lat / Bite your father’s penis” Hadiths explained. (Pg.87)

- Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) & The Sahabah forget verses? If so, then why? (Pg.87)

- Did The Prophet PBUH make up Islam for His own benefit? (Pg.87-88)

- Prophet Muhammed PBUH’s circumstances made it impossible for him to write the Quran! (Pg.87-88)

- The Aorta of the Prophet being cut disproves his prophethood (Debunked). (Pg.88-89)

- The Prophets poisoning by a Jewess proves he is a false prophet – Refuted (Pg.89)

- The hadith regarding the Blind man who killed his concubine for Blasphemy explained (Pg.89)

- Did Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) bribe people to embrace Islam? (Pg.89)

- Is Prophet Muhammed a warner for Arabia only?

- Does the Quran Say That Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Did Not Perform Any Miracles?(Pg.90)

- Does Islam consider women like donkeys and dogs? (Hadith explained)(Pg.90)

- "Unload the sins from them and put the same over the Jews and Christians" Hadith explained.(Pg.90)

- The infamous “Satanic Verses” debunked.(Pg.90)

- “I have fabricated things against God" in Al-Tabari (Pg.90)

- Hadith of Stoning monkeys explained. (Pg.91)

- “Listen and Obey your chief even if he is an Ethiopian who’s head is like a raisin” Hadith explained. (Pg.91)

- “Creation from a crooked rib” Does Islam deride women? (Hadith explained) (Pg.91)

- "Musa took his clothes and began to beat the stone" Hadith - In Context (Pg.91)

- The “Beat Your Child If They Don’t Pray” Hadith explained. (Pg.91)

- Dog Killing in Islam explained. (and refuted) (Pg.91)

- “His veil is light” hadith explained. (Pg.91)

- Is Prophet Muhammed better than other prophets? (Pg.91)

- "A Muslim should not be killed for killing a disbeliever" Hadith explained. (Pg.91)

- “Your lord hastens in fulfilling your desires” (statement by Aisha) explained. (Pg.92)

- "Will you relieve me from Dhul-Khalasa" Hadith explained. (Pg.92)

- Did Prophet Muhammed PBUH massacre Bani al Mustaliq? (Pg.92)

- The reason why a woman is not allowed to voluntary fast without her husband’s permission (Pg.92)

- Did Prophet Muhammed PBUH attempt to commit suicide? (Debunked) (Pg.92)

- The hadith of the Ummah deviating into “73 sects” is not literal, Hadith explained and proven: (Pg.92)

Subchapter (4): Errors in the Hadith debunked:

- Does the Sun set in a murky pool of water? (The hadith in Sunan Abu Dawood) (Pg.92)

- What does “The Sun prostrates under the throne” mean? Hadith explained. (Pg.92)

- Sun rises between the horns of Satan (Pg.92)

- Is the Earth on top of the back of a whale? (Al-Nun) debunked. (Pg.93)

- Is Camel urine drinking for medicine an Islamic practice? (Pg.93)

- Is the hadith of eating Ajwa dates & Black Cumin unscientific? (Pg.93)

- Meaning & Explanation of the Hadith “There is no contagious disease” (Pg.93)

- The protection of Mecca and Madina from plague. (Pg.93)

- Fever caused by the heat of hellfire? (Hadith explained) (Pg.93)

- Meaning of the Hadith “Satan urinating in the ear” (Pg.94)

- Meaning of the Hadith “Satan sleeps in your nose at night”. & Meaning of the Hadith “Yawning is caused by
Satan” (Pg.94)

- “When Allah created the earth, it started shaking. So He created the mountains, and said to them: ‘Upon it’ so it
began to settle” Hadith: (Pg.94)

- Hadith about eating in one or seven intestines explained (Pg.94)

- Water is not defiled by anything narration & The well of Budaah narrations explained: (Pg.94)

- Explanation for the Parental Resemblance Hadith (About Gender of the baby): (Pg.94)

- The Hadith: “The Abdomen of your brother has told a lie” explained. (Pg.94)

- Moses Slaps the angel of death on his eye (Hadith explained). (Pg.94)

- Hadith of House fly’s wings being dipped in a drink explained: (Pg.95)

- Is the Prophecy of Romans being defeated by Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) now defunct? (Pg.95)

- Is the hadith of the return of Isa (A.S) a failed prophecy? (Pg.95)

- Is the Hadith of “the women of the tribe of Daus dancing in Dhul Khalasa” a false prophecy? (Pg.95)

- Is the Hadith of 50 women to one man in the end times a false prophecy? (Pg.95)

- Regarding Yajooj’ and Majooj’: (Pg.95)

- How Old Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) When He Died? (Pg.96)

- Are “Scientific errors” in the Hadith really a problem? (Pg.96)

Section (5): Miscellaneous arguments against Islam in general

& The history of Islam. (Pg.97)

- The Apostasy law in Islam – which exists – is explained here thoroughly: (Pg.98)

- The concept of Concubines & Slavery in Islam clarified. (Pg.98)

- The Hadith, “for if any soul is predestined to exist, it will exist." (Bukhari 4138). Did it permit rape? (Pg.98)

- The Myth of Anti-Semitic Genocide in Islam. (+ The Hadith: “there is a Jew behind me” explained) (Pg.98)

- Seventy two wives for men in Islam? If so, then why? (Pg.98)

- What is Mut’aa (Temporary marriage), and the proof for its prohibition. (P.99)

- Islam does NOT allow sex with animals. (P.99)

- Adult breastfeeding does NOT exist in Islam. Refutations to it: (P.99)

- Allah is not moon idol. Silly notion debunked. (P.99)

- The Crescent is not an Islamic symbol. Just something adapted over the years. (P.99)

- The Kaaba is authenticated historically in the Arabian Peninsula! (P.99)

- Was the Kaaba originally in Petra? Debunking Orientalist’s dumbest allegation yet. (P.100)

- Refuting Orientalist claims about Abraham and the building of the Kaaba: (P.100)

- Is the Kaaba originally a Shiva temple? (P.100)

- Did Omar ibn Al-Khattab burn the library of Alexandria? (P.100)

- Muslims do not worship the Kaaba. So why do we face the Kaaba? (P.100)

- Refuting Doubts about Al-Hajar Al-Aswad (The Black Stone). (P.100)

- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did descend from Isma’il (A.S). Proven here: (P.101)

- Some of the earliest Islamic Coins: (P.101)

- Does Islam support Incest? (P.101)

Subchapter (1): Refuting arguments that Islam “abuses” women

- Why does Islam allow polygamy? And refutations to arguments against it. (P.101)

- Muslim women’s right to divorce (P.102)

- The Inheritance of women in Islam explained: (P.102)

- Is a woman’s testimony worth half of a man’s? (2:282) in the Quran explained. (P.102-103)

- Women in Islam: Are they subservient to men? (P.103)

- Are women deficient in intelligence? Explaining that hadith. (Pg.104)

- Are most women in hell? If so, then why? Explaining the Hadith “I was shown the hellfire” (Pg.104)

- Clarifying the Hadith narration “Evil omen is in the Woman” (Pg.104)

- Why does Islam not allow Muslim women to marry Non-Muslim men? (Pg.104)

- “Creation from a crooked rib” Does Islam deride women? (Hadith explained) (Pg.104)

- Why do Muslim women wear Hijab & Loose Cloaks? Why the dress code? (Pg.104)

- Hijab is obligatory for Muslim Women (Refuting modernists) (Pg.105)

- Can women be leaders in Islam? (Pg.105)

- Are Women Equal To Dogs And Donkeys? Debunked. (Pg.105)

- Are women called devils in Hadith? (Pg.105)

- Nikah in the Quran does NOT mean Sexual Intercourse (or the F word), it means marriage. (Pg.105)

- Is forced marriage a thing in Islam? (Pg.105)

- Why does the Quran call a woman tilth for man? (2:223 explained) (Pg.105)

- Meat would not decay? Eve betrayed her husband? (Pg.105)

- The Status of Women in Islam: (Pg.105)

- Is Islam sexist? If so, then why? (P.106)

- Compare Islam’s view of women to the Bible. Who’s misogynistic now? (P.107)

- Islam teaches equity between the two genders, not equality. (P.108)

Subchapter (2): Refuting common arguments that Islam is “Racist”:

- Proving that Islam is against all forms of Racism. (Pg.109)

- Are Arabs the master race in Islam? (Nationalism refuted) (Pg.109)

- Did the “white” prophet own “black slaves? (Pg.109)

- Black/Dark Prophets in Islam (Pg.109)

- Is the Quranic expression “blackened faces” for people in Jahannam racist? (3:106, 39:60) (Pg.109)

- “Listen and Obey your chief even if he is an Ethiopian who’s head is like a raisin” Hadith explained. (Pg.109)

Section (6): Miscellaneous arguments that Christian Missionaries make
against the Quran in favor of their religion. (Pg.110)

- Is the Quran’s usage of the name “Isa” instead of Jesus/Yeshua/Yasou’ wrong? (Pg.111)

- Is the Quran’s usage of the (allegedly Greek) word “Injil” for “Gospel” instead of Bushara wrong? (Pg.111)

- The New Testament is NOT the Injil, what do Muslims believe in regards to the Bible? (Pg.111)

- Does Islam Endorse The Bible? Refuting the Christian arguments that the Quran supports the reliability of the
modern day Bible/Gospel. (Pg.111)

- Qur’an says ‘Ask People of the Book’: What and Why? (Pg.111)

- Does verse (9:31) in the Quran indicate that Jesus is God? (Pg.112)

- Did Christians take their scholars and monks as Lords besides Allah? (9:31 explained) (Pg.112)

- “Where is your proof that the Bible / New Testament are corrupted”? (Pg.113)

- “(6:34) And none can alter the words of Allah” Does this verse say the Bible is undistorted? (Pg.113)

- Does the Quran/Hadith say that Jesus died & not risen? The true meaning of Mutawafeeka. (Pg.114)

- Is the Quran wrong about the Jews crucifying Jesus? (4:156-157) (Pg.114)

- Divine love between Christianity and Islam.- (Pg.114)

- The Word “Elohim” In The Hebrew Quran & The Word Allah In The Arabic Bible (Pg.115)

- Prophecies of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in the Bible! (Pg.115)

- Why Do Muslims Cite Biblical Prophecies If They Believe The Bible Has Been Corrupted? (Pg.115)

- Is Isa (Jesus) PBUH the only sinless Prophet? (Pg.115)

- Does Jesus “Create” in the Quran? (That means he is God!) (Pg.115)

- Is Jesus God because he is from the word of Allah (kalimatuhu) / “a soul from him”? (Pg.115)

- Shocking: The Bible refutes that the Quran is from Satan! (Pg.115)

- Top 10 Missionary arguments/tactics (and the refutations to them!) (Pg.115)

Section (7): Criticism of other faiths & Ideologies. (Pg.117)

- Criticism of Christianity & The Trinity (Pg.118)

- General Criticism of Hinduism: (Pg.119)

- General Criticism of Polytheism: (Pg.119)

- General criticism of Shia/Rafidi arguments & Rebuttals to their misconceptions (Pg.119)

- General Criticism of Ahmadiyya (Pg.119)

- General Criticism of the OT/Judaism (Pg.119)

- Criticism of the Feminist movement. (Pg.119)

- Homosexuality in the light of Islam (Pg.120)

- Criticism & Statistics related to / of LGBT (Pg.120)

- Criticism of Liberalism (Pg.120)

- The False Prophets Series (Modern Prophets Refuted) (Pg.121)

- The Liberal ethical system debunked (Pg.121)

Section (8): The Library. (Pg.122)

- Other refutation compilations. (Pg.123)

- Name Specific Refutations. (Pg.123)

- Channels Refuting Christian Prince, Collin from I.C, and other popular evangelists: (Pg.123)

- Websites Refuting every other Anti-Islamic website and more educational Islamic resources (Pg.124-125)

- Educational Islamic YouTube Channels (Pg.126)

- Beneficial Books (Pg. 127 to 129)

- Resources for Learning Arabic (Pg.130)

- Duaa/Dhikr Websites: (Pg.130)

- Resources for (New) Muslims: (Pg.130)

- Useful Links. (Pg.131)

- Positive things in Islam (P.132)

- Benefits of becoming a Muslim (P.133)

- Good faith & manners during debate and discussion. (P.133)

Document Statistics (Old vs New) (All numbers are approximate):

• Total links: Old: 900+ vs New: 1800 (100% Increase)

• Words: Old: 13000+ vs New: 45000+ (250% Increase)
• Pages: Old: 70+ vs New: 140+ (100% Increase)
• Total Refutations: Old: 150+ vs New: 350+ (150% Increase) (Includes all previous content)

• Enemies of Islam (Old PDF): Refuted

• Enemies of Islam (New PDF):

Thanks for reaching the end of the document. If you liked the document, do not forget me in your prayers.


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