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Evidence of Brain Modularity connected electric components. Each component

of the circuit board is an autonomous module with
Apoorva Kelkar1 and John D. Medaglia1,2 a specific independent function, connected to other
Department of Psychology, Drexel University, modules with similar or different functions. Biolog-
Philadelphia, PA, USA ical modularity, like artificial modularity, provides
Department of Neurology, Perelman School of the organism with robust and specialized functions.
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, These functions can independently evolve, develop,
Philadelphia, PA, USA and respond to change. From this perspective, it is
unsurprising that modularity is ubiquitous across
biological systems (Scholsser and Wagner 2004).
Synonyms The human body comprises various modular
systems such as the cardiovascular system, the
Brain community structure respiratory system, the digestive and excretory
system, the visual system, the auditory system,
and the nervous system. Each system has organs
Definition that constitute system modules that work together
to support the smooth functioning of the system
Evidence of brain modularity is the empirical and organism in its entirety. In the human nervous
body of findings that demonstrates that the brain system, the visual system’s main organs, the eyes,
is organized into semiautonomous groups of neu- communicate with the brain to interpret light
rons and brain regions that interact with one waves as images. The inner and outer ear in the
another through relatively sparse and long- auditory system communicate via the brain to help
distance pathways in the brain. us hear sounds of varying frequencies, such as a
high-pitched sound of a chalk screeching on the
blackboard or a low-pitched sound of distant thun-
Introduction der. More generally, the nervous system is com-
posed of the central nervous system (brain and
Before there were brains, there was modularity. spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system.
Modularity describes the extent to which a system Within the central nervous system, the spinal cord
has components that connect to or interact with of vertebrates is a modular system with many
other components, each of which is independent ganglia. The brain is the “master ganglion” in
and functionally specialized. An example of a mod- vertebrates, and within the brain, there are numer-
ular system is an electric circuit board made of ous modularized systems.
# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
T. K. Shackelford, V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science,
2 Evidence of Brain Modularity

Modularity in the Brain series across nodes. Functional connectivity

does not give information about causality or direc-
A new branch of neuroscience called “network tionality. In contrast, effective connectivity is esti-
neuroscience” (Bassett and Sporns 2017) uses mated from the lagged relationships between
computational approaches based in graph theory nodal activity in BOLD-fMRI and EEG/MEG
to describe the organization of anatomical and signals. It is sometimes interpreted to represent
functional brain networks at different spatial and the potential influence one neural system exerts
temporal resolution scales (Betzel and Bassett over another at the synaptic or cortical level.
2016). A brain network can be depicted mathe- Effective connectivity can evaluate directed rela-
matically as a graph G = {N, E}, where N is a set tionships between regions as it is estimated with
of nodes (such as neurons or brain regions) and models with lagged parameters (e.g., vector auto-
E is a set of edges (such as dendritic or axonal regression, Granger causality, structural equation
connections) connecting pairs of nodes. Statistics modeling, or unified structural equation model-
developed in graph theory allow us to compute ing) or with a model of physiological dynamics
network properties over G to make statements (e.g., dynamic causal modeling).
about the organization and roles of nodes, edges, Once a graph is constructed that represents
or indeed the entire network. a network, statistical diagnostics can be used to
The edges (region-region relationships) in describe the organization of functional or anatom-
a brain network are typically defined by three ical connections in the brain from local to global
types of connectivity: anatomical connectivity, scales (Rubinov and Sporns 2010). “Mesoscale”
functional connectivity, or effective connectivity diagnostics are those that describe the organization
(Park and Friston 2013). Anatomical connectivity of the network in between these two scales. Mod-
refers to anatomical connections among regions ularity is a mesoscale property of a network: mod-
or neurons in the brain. At a low level of organi- ularity describes the organization of nodes into
zation, anatomical connectivity can be detected groups based on their connection to one another
using labeled tracer injections (Gamanut et al. within the brain. A network is modular when sets
2017). In humans, anatomical connectivity can of nodes form densely interconnected groups with
be computed from diffusion imaging data that sparser connectivity between groups relative to a
represents white-matter pathways among regions null expectation (Newman 2006) (Fig. 1).
in the brain. In contrast, functional connectivity While specific definitions of modularity vary,
at a high level of organization is often computed one popular mathematical expression is defined
from the pairwise relationships between nodes via by Newman and Girvan (2004). Consider an undi-
signals of BOLD-fMRI or electroencephalogra- rected graph with adjacency matrix Aij and a par-
phy (EEG)/magnetoencephalography (MEG). tition of this graph into clusters or modules
BOLD-fMRI signal can be obtained by scanning defined by {ci}, where ci describes which module
in the MRI scanner. The EEG/MEG signals can node i belongs to; Newman and Girvan’s modu-
be recorded via multichannel recording using a larity Q is defined as:
group of electrodes centered over distinct regions
of the brain. At a high level of organization, entire 1 X kikj  
Q¼ i ,j
Aij  d ci , cj :
functional and anatomical networks can be 2m 2m
mapped in the human brain, forming human
“connectomes” (Sporns et al. 2005). where ki = jAij is the degree of each node,
Functional networks are assembled from esti- X 1 X
m¼ 12 ki ¼ Aij is the total number of
mates of statistical dependencies between neuro- i
2 ij
nal or regional time series data. Specifically, edges, and d(ci, cj) is defined as- d(ci, cj) = 1; if
functional connectivity is often defined by the nodes i and j belong to the same module,
correlation, coherence, mutual information, or d(ci, cj) = 0; otherwise.
other measures of associations between time
Evidence of Brain Modularity 3

Evidence of Brain Modularity, Fig. 1 What does mod- column represents an “edge” – here, the number of esti-
ularity look like? (a) In principle, modularity is the extent mated white-matter connections between a pair of regions.
to which nodes (gray circles) are grouped into discrete The highlighted squares along the matrix diagonal are
communities (nodes grouped into communities schemati- those identified to be a module using a community detec-
cally represented by different colored backgrounds) based tion algorithm. The off-diagonal rectangles are therefore
on the pattern of connections among nodes. Communities the connections between modules. (c) These modules can
may have different sizes and configurations of within- and be mapped back into a brain volume. Here, different com-
between-module connectivity. (b) An example connectiv- munities are represented in different colors on a brain
ity matrix (“graph”) constructed from anatomical diffusion surface
imaging data from one healthy individual. Each row and

Conceptually, Newman’s modularity compares provincial hubs (Sporns et al. 2007; See Fig. 2).
the fraction of within-module edges in the graph Hubs are thought to serve key roles governing orga-
to the expected fraction of within-module edges in nization within and between brain network modules
a random graph with the same degree sequence as by regulating intra- and intermodular information
given by the configuration model. The randomi- flow (Van den Heuvel and Sporns 2013).
zation of edges is done to preserve the degree of
each node for use as a null model that defines the
expectation for Q under a random network of the
Evidence of Brain Modularity
same degree as the original network.
(Functional and Anatomical
The value of Q is normalized such that it
always lies in the interval (1, 1). The value of
Q depends on the partition resulting from a sto-
Evidence of brain modularity is widely observed
chastic algorithm. Different methods for commu-
both in anatomical and functional brain networks.
nity detection have been developed to search
Modules can allow rapid and efficient sharing of
for the partition of the graph that will maximize
information among brain regions that tend to con-
Q. Regardless of the specific algorithm, Q is a
tribute to a common set of tasks or responses
property of the partitioned graph and is considered
while promoting their functional specialization
a measure of modularity.
by creating boundaries that restrict the spread of
The notion of a “hub” is a key concept to under-
information across the entire network. Anatomi-
stand the links within and between modules. Highly
cal networks are more stable on shorter timescales
connected nodes in the brain may form links to
relative to functional networks. Functional net-
multiple communities and are called connector
works can be highly variable, exhibiting sponta-
hubs, which are more likely to be in the medial
neous dynamic changes during rest as well as
portions of the brain (Sporns et al. 2007). Connec-
characteristic modulations in different task condi-
tors play important roles in intermodular communi-
tions (Eickhoff et al. 2011). Some major common
cation. Regions that maintain relatively high
findings have emerged regarding anatomical and
connections within their own community form
functional brain modularity.
4 Evidence of Brain Modularity

Evidence of Brain
Fig. 2 Schematic of hubs.
Connector Hub
A “provincial” hub (red) is a
node with high connectivity Provincial Hub
with other nodes within a
module. A “connector” hub
(purple) is a node that
connects multiple modules
to one another

Anatomical Brain Networks estimate cortical and subcortical connectivity.

Modular organization at the anatomical level has Examining anatomical network organization also
been studied in both animal studies and human helps us understand the functional networks com-
studies. In animal studies of the cat and the monly observed using functional neuroimaging
macaque, whole-brain anatomical connectivity techniques.
has been obtained in tracer studies (Hilgetag et al. Modularity in anatomical brain networks can
2000). A network partition procedure identified be observed early during brain development (Fan
four subnetworks, classified as the visual, auditory, et al. 2011). The anatomical networks of early
somatosensorimotor, and frontolimbic systems developing brains have small-world topology
(Hilgetag et al. 2000). This was an early example and nonrandom modular organization like that of
that the general notion of modularity recovers adult brain networks. The so-called default-mode
some of the basic assumptions within functional network is one of several major brain networks
neurology and neuroanatomy. Another study that that emerges during the developmental phase
uncovered the modularity in mouse, rat, macaque, from infancy and matures during brain develop-
and human connectomes showed that most com- ment from adolescence to adulthood. The network
munities are assortative, while others form core- activates “by default” even when a person is not
periphery and disassortative structures (Betzel involved in a task. Anatomically, the default-
et al. 2017). Assortative communities are those mode network consists of the dorsal medial sub-
composed of nodes with similar features (e.g., system and the medial temporal lobe subsystem.
numbers of connections or “degree”). Core- Like all brain networks, the default-mode network
peripheral communities are those with a densely is a large-scale brain network of interacting brain
intra-connected set of nodes with typically fewer regions known to have activity highly correlated
peripherally connected nodes. Disassortative com- with one other and distinct from other networks in
munities are those where nodes with quite different the brain.
nodal features are associated with one another. The density of connections in the brain
Thus, within major networks in the brain, diverse increases from early development to adulthood,
roles in regulating information within communities but reduces during the rest of the life-span, leading
can be observed, forming different putative roles in to sparsity in the module connections (Betzel et al.
cognitive processes that are associated with varia- 2014). The brain starts developing into modules
tions in human performance (Betzel et al. 2017). at early development, and it continues through
In human in vivo neuroimaging studies, mod- adolescent years. As an adult, the brain is devel-
ularity has been examined in anatomical networks oped into modules with functional relevant roles
constructed from diffusion tractography used to with dense connections between modules. As we
Evidence of Brain Modularity 5

age, through the rest of the life-span, the brain Functional Brain Networks
experiences age-related changes leading to spar- As anatomical brain networks help us understand
sity in the connections between the modules, the stable connections in the brain that facilitate
potentially reducing intermodular communication communication among regions, functional brain
and cognitive flexible performance (Song et al. networks help us understand the neurophysiolog-
2014; Monge et al. 2017. ical dynamics of the brain. Modularity in func-
Modularity in anatomical networks also differs tional brain networks can be inferred from neural
across the sexes. One study that involved a measurements such as those acquired during
connection-wise analysis showed that male brains BOLD-fMRI imaging or from electrophysiologi-
are structured to facilitate intra-hemispheric corti- cal recording (EEG/MEG).
cal connectivity, in the entire brain, except in the
cerebellum (Ingalhalikar et al. 2014). Male brains Functional MRI (fMRI)
have enhanced local, short range within-lobe con- The functional modules that are observed during
nectivity. Networks in the male brain are more rest using functional MRI form identifiable resting
transitive, modular, and discrete to facilitate the networks that organize task-related activity. This
within-lobe and within-hemispheric connectivity. phenomenon has been observed in a few studies
Transitivity is characterized by the connectivity (Fig. 3).
of a region to its neighbors. Male brains have Certain brain networks such as the frontal-
higher transitivity than female brains which indi- parietal brain network are widely recruited in
cate that their brains have a greater disposition a variety of cognitively demanding tasks. The
of nodes to form numerous strongly connected dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is the
communities. Female brains are structured to area in the prefrontal cortex of the brain which is
facilitate higher interhemispheric connectivity. involved in executive functions such as working
The connection-wise analysis was also used to memory, cognitive flexibility, decision-making,
examine gender differences during development. inhibition, and abstract reasoning. An example
The connectivity profiles showed that adolescent of the behavioral task is the combined A-not-B/
and young adult males had higher intra- delayed response task, in which the subject finds a
hemispheric connectivity and same-aged females hidden object after a certain delay. This task
had higher interhemispheric connectivity. This requires holding information in mind, that is,
confirms that modularity in the brain networks using the working memory, which is one of the
begins from early development helping to form functions of DLPFC. Thus, the frontal-parietal
functionally independent modules in adult brains. brain networks are highly flexible and variably
Anatomical network partitions exhibit a connected in the brain, which allows the frontal-
community structure that reproduces some func- parietal brain networks to use multiple networks
tionally specialized networks, such as visual, when performing a task (Cole et al. 2013).
auditory/language, somatosensorimotor, and In another study, a region-to-region informa-
superior parietal systems (Meunier et al. 2010). tion mapping procedure was applied to real fMRI
Moreover, anatomical network modularity shapes data to test its ability to infer cognitive informa-
much, but not all, of the activity observed tion transfer in the human brain (Cole et al. 2016).
in functional modular networks (Honey et al. Using a novel experimental task design meant
2009; Hermundstad et al. 2013; Medaglia et al. to manipulate cognitive complexity, the brain
2017; Real et al. 2017; Sethi et al. 2017). How- network analysis utilized within-region vertex-
ever, modularity in some functional brain net- level activation patterns along with vertex-to-
works exceeds what can be interpreted from vertex resting-state functional connectivity
anatomy alone; thus, we need behavioral and cog- between regions to predict information content
nitive manipulations linked to the connectivity in each region – a measure of “flow” across the
to better understand the modularity in the brain. network. A region-to-region information transfer
matrix was computed that represented the region-
6 Evidence of Brain Modularity

Parcel communities

Power communities


0% 100%

Evidence of Brain Modularity, Fig. 3 Module organi- voxel as a network node. (c) Spatial overlap of the voxel-
zation example from fMRI. (a) Parcel communities: Com- wise and parcel wise community assignments. (Figure and
munities identified with a community detection algorithm caption reproduced with permission from Gordon et al.
using the boundary map-derived parcels as network nodes. 2016)
(b) Network structure of the brain calculated using every

to-region information transfers at the network performance. The efficiency of some networks
level. Significant region-to-region information was related to performance on specific tasks
transfers were detected in all tasks suggesting that (language task, reasoning task, and a working
resting-state functional connectivity is relevant to memory task), whereas other networks were asso-
cognitive task activations due to its role in shaping ciated with performance across multiple tasks.
task-evoked activity flow among brain regions. Efficiency in the salience network may reflect
Thus, resting-state functional connectivity topol- the ability to integrate and process multimodal
ogy describes the channels of information transfer information important for guiding behavior across
across multiple functional networks and across a variety of task demands.
multiple task content domains. Another study showed that the cognitive
Another finding by Cole et al. (2016) was that control networks are global hubs, allowing for
regions within the frontoparietal network collec- efficient information transfer across the brain.
tively act as flexible hub networks to communi- Functional and anatomical connectivity analyses
cate task-based demands in different cognitive illustrate that the default-mode network regions
domains. Individual differences in intrinsic net- are the strongest global hubs. Using novel statis-
work activity flow helped explain individual dif- tical methods with resting-state fMRI, high con-
ferences in cognitive task activations. In addition, nectivity was demonstrated in both the cognitive
the reconfiguration efficiency of the functional control network regions and the default mode
connectivity between specific networks and the network regions. This within-module network
rest of the brain is significantly correlated with connectivity changes can be one hallmark of
Evidence of Brain Modularity 7

cognitively relevant brain activity (Sridharan et al. connections in the brain (Stam 2004). In another
2008; Ito et al. 2017; Medaglia et al. 2018). MEG study analyzing the connectivity structure in
Brain modularity varies across people, normal brains, brains of healthy individuals
suggesting that the amount of information segre- exhibited sparse connections between modules
gation and integration across the entire brain (Chavez et al. 2010). These results suggest that
varies among people. Modular variability is modularity plays a key role in the functional orga-
related to the level of difference in the cognitive nization of brain areas, maintaining relative special-
performance across individuals (Bassett et al. ization of individual modules.
2013; Yue et al. 2017). Cognitive performance is EEG studies have also identified the presence
measured during cognitive processes that support of small-world networks (Micheloyannis et al.
sequential, goal-directed behavior. 2006). The small-world nature of the EEG
A graph theoretic measure called the participa- networks is negatively correlated with the level
tion coefficient considers how a region’s links of intellectual functioning. The small-world char-
are distributed across modules. When network acter of EEG networks is also decreased in stu-
links for regions are distributed across different dents (aged 21–26 years) compared to children
modules (participation coefficients close to one), (8–12 years) in the beta and gamma bands.
they help regulate intermodular communication Thus, the “small-world” network organization
between individual brain regions. Regions with is observed in this study as well from early devel-
low participation coefficients (close to zero) play opment to adulthood (Micheloyannis et al. 2009).
a greater role in effecting communication patterns
within their own module. Regions with high Modules and the Mind
participant coefficients are considered parts of In a cognitive context, Machery suggested a
the default mode, salience, control, and attention “massive modularity hypothesis” (Machery
networks suggesting that higher-order cognitive 2007). The massive modularity hypothesis pro-
systems might owe parts of their functionality to poses that the human mind consists of many
the fact that their components span multiple mod- innate, domain-specific modules. These modules
ules and can efficiently integrate information from have putatively evolved due to natural selection
those sources (Betzel et al. 2016). and are functionally distinct. Many cognitive
competences such as choosing one’s food habits,
Electrophysiological Techniques spatial navigation, seeing, and face recognition
Electrophysiological techniques are another way are supported by the modules. However, the
to measure the functional connectivity and mod- routing and domain-integration demands in
ularity in brain networks. EEG and MEG have certain cognitive tasks have caused many com-
high temporal resolution but low spatial resolu- mentators to challenge this pure modularity of
tion, forming a natural complement to BOLD the mind. For example, there are some cognitive
fMRI. Modularity in brain networks can also be tasks such as reading which could use many mod-
observed using electrophysiological techniques. ules together or support “domain-general” and
In one study, MEG electrodes were used to mea- integrative processes in cognition (Carruthers
sure levels of synchronization in the delta to gamma 2006). Moreover, the shared variance among
frequency bands in a resting-state task in healthy cognitive domains across individuals has been
individuals. Undirected unweighted graphs argued to suggest that domain-general mecha-
obtained by thresholding matrices of synchroniza- nisms must exist or alternatively that the parts
tion likelihood values showed that in the delta, that compose one domain’s function contribute
theta, and gamma (>30 Hz) frequency bands, func- to multiple domains (Rabaglia et al. 2011).
tional networks exhibited the property of “small- While these debates are ongoing, a fundamental
world networks.” This showed that the brain might issue remains whether and how cognitive modules
be organized for efficient information processing, map to empirically detected brain modules. How-
connecting different brain areas (modules) by ever, there are several potential evolutionary
8 Evidence of Brain Modularity

advantages to brain modularity in general even if optimizes modularity under this constraint. Brain
their precise cognitive relevance has not been networks favor short-range connections that
fully clarified. densely connect nearby areas, which contribute
on key aspect to the modular clustering observed
in “small-world” brain networks, facilitating local
Evolutionary Origins and Selection of processing. However, the brain still has a small
Brain Modularity number of long-range connections which have
been preserved over the course of evolution.
Brain modularity may directly or indirectly pro- These connections are a result of the trade-off
vide an organism with survival and reproductive between the formation of connections that reduce
advantages. Specifically, as described above, the network’s wiring cost and those that improve
modularity balances specialized and integrated its functionality. Long-distance connections are
processing. Modular networks can engage in spe- extremely important for brain function, because
cialized information processing, perform focal they improve the efficacy of interregional com-
functions, and support complex neural dynamics. munication and information transfer by reducing
In addition, modularity provides functional the average number of processing steps in the
robustness and may in principle make the brain network, mediating communication through
more naturally adaptable. Aging and disease lead many hubs in the brain. This means that they are
to a decrease in brain modularity which reduces highly involved in the shortest paths across brain
the ability of these systems to respond to external networks. Long-distance connections are also dis-
stress. Modular brain systems are more robust proportionately observed along the brain’s longest
because the effect of harmful perturbations can axis, facilitating communication all the way from
be isolated to specific modules. In addition, if the anterior frontal cortex to the visual cortex.
one module fails, the rest of the brain may be left Thus, evolutionary selection has favored econom-
relatively unaffected by having other modules ical, modular brain networks that facilitate robust,
perform the lost function. Thus, the brain is flexible, and adaptive processing throughout the
neuroplastic. Once a neural system evolves a organism’s life-span and over evolutionary time.
basic modular architecture, it can facilitate further
evolutionary adaptation. Components of modular
systems can evolve semi-independently because Conclusion
different parts of system can be optimized sepa-
rately without drastically interfering with the Like many biological organisms and systems, the
functioning of other parts. Moreover, different human brain exhibits modularity from early
modules can be combined to create new functions. development to adulthood. In adulthood, the mod-
Within a modular system, information can be ules become refined and perform tasks under
stored in pieces or swapped in large chunks from diverse demands to achieve goals. Brain modular-
one module to another (Lorenz et al. 2011). ity potentially provides evolutionary fitness by
A key constraint on brain evolution concerns providing specialized, modifiable, and robust
the energy costs and geometric constrains associ- bases for cognitive functions. Thus, modularity
ated with specific brain network configurations. in the human brain is a pervasive, dynamic, and
The wiring cost of the brain network is a funda- essential phenomenon throughout the life-span.
mental trait that contributes to the brain’s modular
organization (Betzel et al. 2016). The brain’s
restricted energy resources form a constraint on Cross-References
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