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in Southern Middle-Earth

The following file is the work of amateurs, intended to be an amusement for themselves, and hopefully, an
aid to other roleplayers and gamemasters. It is conceived to be a non-official module for
MERP/Rolemaster, set in Middle Earth. All the references to these roleplaying systems, and to Tolkien’s
Middle Earth are copyright of ICE, Decipher, or Tolkien Enterprises. All the other stuff is invented by the
authors, and therefore cannot be published or used for moneymaking without the authors’ permission.
The readers and users of this module should have take into account three important features:
- As geographic basis for developing this module, we have used the Eric Dubourg’s map,
published in Other Minds Magazine Issue#2, in the article “A Response to Mapping Arda”.
Although the map proposed by Other Minds found in Issue#2 “Mapping Arda – Reloaded”
seemed to resolve some problems of early large-scale maps of Arda (as the map produced for Iron
Crown Enterprises (ICE) by Peter C. Felon), the Eric Dubourg’s map also incorporate these
amendments, respecting some features, especially in the area of the Ormal Bay, created by the
contributors to the fan-modules mailing list.

- The history section has been created following the later ideas of Professor JRR Tolkien about the
Cosmogony of Arda, the myths of the world creation. These myths were partially edited on
History of Middle Earth X: Morgoth’s Ring, in the chapter “Myths Transformed”, and they
suppose a radical change from the cosmogony of Silmarillion. For this new conception of the
legendarium, Tolkien states that what is in Silmarillion are “traditions handed on by Men in
Númenor and later in Middle-Earth, far back from the first association of the Dúnedain and Elf-
friends with the Eldar in Beleriand - blended and confused with their own Mannish myths and
cosmic ideas.” Thus, Tolkien determines an early appearance of Sun and Moon, even before the
Elves Awakening, and a longer period for the Men between their awakening and their appearance
in Beleriand, allowing a much more natural process for producing the variety and advancement of
Men at the time of the Wars of Beleriand.

- A distribution of Dwarven mansions that follows the ICE and Decipher pattern, and assumes
an early migration (in Second Age) of Thelor’s and Druin’s tribes to several locations in the Ormal

How to Use
This work is exclusively intended to be used as a play-aid for role-players in their games.
There’s a lot of work to do. I hope we shall be many, enough to keep alive old Middle Earth!

Eric Dubourg (edubourg@club-internet-fr)

Carlos Gordo (

Thanks to: Chris Seeman (

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2.1 Brief History 7

2.2 History 7
2.2.1 The Elder Days 7
2.2.2 The Arrival of the Vulmaw 9
2.2.3 Consolidation 13
2.2.4 Expansion 15
2.2.5 Secession 17
2.2.6 The Great Naval War 19
2.2.7 Restoration of the Hionvula Rule 20
2.2.8 The Númenoreans In The Bay 22
2.2.9 First War against Chyan Empire 23
2.2.10 The Second War of Sheshnor and Two Dynasty Changes 25
2.2.11 Second War against Chyan Empire 27
2.2.12 The Shadow in Âmdhu Dynasty 28
2.2.13 Dynasty Change 29
2.2.14 The Hachow Rule 30
2.2.15 The Great Rebellion of Lômithâni 30
2.2.16 Jôpi and Gamalac Rebellions 31
2.2.17 The Dranizai Dynasty 32
2.2.18 Necromantic Wars, Trade Conflicts and the Prince Exile 33
2.2.19 The Dark Ordainers 35
2.2.20 The Alliance Against Sakal an-Khâr 36
2.2.21 Sakal an-Khâr Domination 37
2.2.22 The Anarikân Protectorate and the Division of Codya 39
2.2.23 Western Codya versus Eastern Codya 42

2.3 Timeline 44



4.1 Archipelagos 55

4.2 Coasts 55

4.3 Grasslands and Savannas 55

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4.4 Rainforests 55

4.5 Mountains 56


5.1 Archipelagos 56

5.2 Coastlands and Seas 57

5.3 Grasslands and Savannas 59

5.4 Rainforests 61

5.5 Mountains 64


6.1 Pêdi 67
6.1.1 The History 67
6.1.2 Appearance 68
6.1.3 Society and Culture 68
6.1.4 Warfare 69

6.2 Vulmaw 69
6.2.1 The Legend of the Vulmaw 69
6.2.2 The History 71
6.2.3 Appearance 71
6.2.4 Society and culture 72
6.2.5 Warfare 77

6.3 Jôpi 81
6.3.1 The History 81
6.3.2 Appearance 81
6.3.3 Society and culture 81
6.3.4 Warfare 86

6.4 Yarulma 86
6.4.1 The History 86
6.4.2 Appearance 86
6.4.3 Society and culture 87
6.4.4 Warfare 88


7.1 Political Structure 88

7.1.1 Lóchan Colony 88

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7.1.2 Independent Realm 88

7.1.3 Jôpi Clans 90
7.1.4 Sakal an-Khâr Rule 91
7.1.5 Anarikân Protectorate 91
7.1.6 Feij Codya 91

7.2 Aristocracy 92

7.3 Justice 93

7.4 Warcraft 94
7.4.1 Strategy and Objetives 94
7.4.2 The Army of the Ghost Tigers 95
7.4.3 Hion Vrac (Royal Army) 95
7.4.4 Shûr Vyrac (Noble Armies) 98
7.4.5 Fortifications and Siege Equipment 99


8.1 Farming 100

8.2 Mining 100

8.3 Craftsmanship 100

8.4 Trade, Gifts, Taxes and Tribute 101

8.5 Currency 103


9.1 Anthô Vûd 114

9.1.1 Appearance and Personality 114
9.1.2 Biography 114

9.2 Demik Vur 115

9.2.1 Appearance and personality 115
9.2.2 Biography 115

9.3 Kapo Fé 116

9.3.1 Appearance and personality 116
9.3.2 Biography 116

9.4 Jinvol 116

9.4.1 Appearance and personality 116
9.4.2 Biography 116

9.5 Wanfô 117

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9.5.1 Appearance and personality 117

9.5.2 Biography 117

9.6 Sorkûr Mûl 118

9.6.1 Appearance and personality 118
9.6.2 Biography 118

9.7 Yoen 119

9.7.1 Appearance and personality 119
9.7.2 Biography 120

9.8 Aervegil 121

9.8.1 Appearance and personality 121
9.8.2 Biography 121

9.9 Hunaw Âmhdu 122

9.9.1 Appearance and personality 122
9.9.2 Biography 122

9.10 Zouk Âmhdu 123

9.10.1 Appearance and personality 123
9.10.2 Biography 123

10 CITIES 124

10.1 Myrn Shryac 124

10.1.1 History 124
10.1.2 The city and its territory 125
10.1.3 Population 126
10.1.4 Town Life 126
10.1.5 Organization and Power 126
10.1.6 Places of Note 127

10.2 Cilyar 130

10.2.1 History 130
10.2.2 The city and its territory 132
10.2.3 Town Life 133
10.2.4 Organization and Power 134
10.2.5 Places of note 136

10.3 Drej Uriac 138

10.3.1 History 138
10.3.2 The city and its territory 139
10.3.3 Population 140
10.3.4 Town Life 140
10.3.5 Organization and Power 141
10.3.6 Places of Note 141

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10.4 Woij Fê 144

10.4.1 History 144
10.4.2 The city and its territory 145
10.4.3 Population 146
10.4.4 Town Life 146
10.4.5 Organization and Power 147
10.4.6 Places of Note 147




13.1 A Darkness We Do Not Speak Of 151

14 TABLES 151


15.1 Abbreviations 151

15.2 Months of the Solar Calendar 151

15.3 Vulman 151

15.3.1 Phonetic 151
15.3.2 Glossary 152
15.3.3 Verbal forms 153
15.3.4 Plurals 153
15.3.5 Vulman terms 153

15.4 Map of Mineral deposits 154

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3 Background


The Jôpi were the first folk to inhabit the Codyan peninsula. In the Second Age, the Vulmaw of Lóchas
Drûs, people with an old sailing tradition, arrived at Codya and established several settlements on islands
and coasts, but the Lynerian League have some older outposts (as Cilyar or Sheshnor) in the land of
Sheshnoria (old name of Codya) and only after the military support from the Vulmaw against the Zurghîr
tribes, the Lynerian allowed the Vulmaw to establish a colony of the Lóchan Empire.
The Vulmaw founded more cities and settled the lowlands, causing a strong pressure to the Jôpi for the
territory. After many fights, the Treaty of the Rainbow (S.A. 1211) made the Vulmaw recognised them as a
free people, but subjected to support the Hion in case of war. However the Vulmaw were an ambitious
people and through piracy and naval ravages they started to make enemies in the thriving regions of
Bulchyades and Elinse Confederacy.
Triggered by the popular discontent because of impositions of the Lóchan Empire, Codya achieved his
independence (S.A. 1840) thanks to the governor Sorkûr Mûl who, through lies and tricks provoked a war
against the Lynerian League (the Great Naval War). Allied with Chyans and Númenoreans, the Lynerians
overwhelmed Codya and Sorkûr Mûl was destroyed, initiating a period lacked of central organisation in
Codya and uprising of the Jôpi nation.



Very little is known in the folklore of Men about the Elder Ages, when they were young and Melkor found
them soon after their Awakening in the valley of Murmenalda (Q. “The Valley of Sleep”), later called
Hildórien. What they remembered is only what the Three Tribes of the Elf-friends told the Eldar in the
West Lands, that they had left behind darkness and they did not desire to return thither even in thought.
These few legends told that the lands of Hildórien were entirely green and fertile when the Men awoke,
and the Sun and the Moon rose everyday and every night in the sky. There were abundance of game and
fruits and the climate was mild. Men were curious about the world and they developed skills, as the spoken
In these days, they often heard a Voice who urged them to find the answers of the world by themselves, but
one day they were visited by someone who told them not to listen the Voice, and follow him in order to
learn the marvels of the world and the eases of life. He was in fact Melkor, and was called the Giver of
Gifts, or just the Master, as Men revered him and became wiser from his teachings. Then, he claimed to be
their maker and the one and only god, but some Men mistrusted him and they went on listening to the
Voice. When the Master knew that he got angry and ordered that they were killed. The Sun began to fail
and a great shadow fell on the world.
The Master ordered Men to do his biding and build a big House. There he stood in a high seat where Men
worshipped him and pray to him, but seldom they received gifts. Thus Men got corrupt, his lifespan
shortened and they feared Death. Even Eä turned its back on them. In Murmenalda the climate became
colder, animals fled and fruit became scarce and bitter.
The weak and those who dared to speak against the Master were enslaved by their own kind because there
were many others loyal to the Master’s will. However, some Men managed to fly away from Murmenalda
and the Elf-friends −the Edain− spoke of them as their forefathers, but the places where they settled and

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the name of their leaders and heroes are lost in the past, although the same legends about this common
origin have appeared in such distant countries as Harad or Morenorë.
Some old legends of this time speak about a Spirit Folk called Alst and Kerez, but it is unknown if these
spirits were in fact Avari, they belonged to the race of Maiar or they were another kind of spirits, perhaps
summoned to protect the Olvar (flora) and Kelvar (fauna). From the recorded Dwarven history of the elder
ages in the east lands, it is known that some wicked Tribes enslaved Men to work in their mines until
death, but most of Dwarves had cautious relations with them and then friendly ones. Thus Men became
workers, farmers and hunters for their Dwarven patrons, and eventually warriors, when they proved
themselves trustworthy.
From the tales of the Avari Elves, such the Kuorind and the Penni who wandered in Palisor in the first
days, we know that these fugitive Men they met were few and primitive, and many Elves considered them
some kind of animals or a new race of Orcs, but they saw they were not evil and they paid them no
attention to them as long as they kept themselves far from Elven territory. Most of these beings, feeble and
clumsy, had no choice but to remain in the lands of the East, because they traveled in small groups with
women and children and they settled as soon as they could find a good hunting ground. So, when
Harûrnurg, the King of Terror, came to reign in the name of the Master of old, they were enslaved and
forced to build temples and dig in the mines. Some of those unfortunate slaves were degraded and
corrupted generation after generation in breeding pits until they were Men no more, because the Black
Arts had turn them into the gloomy and evil beings that the Elves call Yrch. But there were many Men who
gladly served the new king: merciless warriors who hunted down their own kind and priests who
worshipped the Shadow with human sacrifices. The King chose the most wicked of them to become their
leaders. Greatly suffered the captives, but their punishment for denying their old Master knew no end, as
some eastern legends still speak about dead persons hunting the livings and feeding on them in the
moonless nights. Mortality was supposed to be the Gift of Men, granted by Eru himself but Morgoth’s
minions had turned it into their greatest fear.
As his cruel Mannish warriors rode further chasing any rebel Men, the King of Terror, expanded the
boundaries of his dominions and the Yrch began to grow in number in the mountains. After his temple
was finished and raised high over the Red Mountains of the East, Harûrnurg felt the time had come and he
released his minions in a great offensive against the Avari and the rebel Men to control Palisor.
Many Avari Elves of Palisor were forced to flee, but then one of their most respected leaders, lore master
Tareg, forged an alliance with Men. For the first time, there was a strong resistance against the tireless
butchers of Harûrnurg. In this First War of Palisor, the armies of Harûrnurg suffered heavy losses in
countless ambushes and they were eventually forced to retreat.
With time, Harûrnurg got high quality weapons and armors for his army from greedy Dwarven smiths who
were bought with gold to establish their forges in the empire. A great evil host was assembled with Men
and Orcs, and they marched together to war. The Alliance of Elves and free Men was severely pressed, as
their weapons were no match for the Dwarven steel of their enemies. The Second War of Palisor was thus a
victory for Harûrnurg, who stretched his shadow over Palisor and beyond, and triggered the first great
wave of migrations of Men and Avari. The Elven leader, Tareg, died and Elves and Men were scattered in
all directions. A few of them went further to the east, crossing the Orocarni Mountains and most of them
fled to the west, to central Middle-earth.
The Kuorind and Pêdi Elves sought shelter in the land called Ormal by the Wise, because in the Times of
Old Aulë the Vala placed there the Lamp of Ormal, but they avoided the thick jungles of Zurghôr where
servants of the Enemy and nameless beasts lurked since before the Awakening of Men. The Pêdi settled in
the low lands close to the ocean, because it seemed the minions of the Shadow displeased the coastlands,
while the Kuorind preferred the high valleys of the mountains.
Some Mannish tribes, related with the Drûg, also fulfilled a great migration to western and southern areas.
Soon after the Drûg people, another wave of Swerting people came to the lands of Ormal, trying to escape
from the evil empire of Harûrnurg. These were the forefathers of the Jôpi and many other tribes of later

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times, who met the Drûg tribes of this area, and they acquired from them much of their customs and
folklore and even their language.
But the Men of Ormal knew no rest, as in the East still dwelt a great Evil, and raiding parties were sent
incessantly to capture slaves to sacrifice in their pyramidal temples for the greater glory of their bloody
king and their dark Master. Their hearts saddened, and they became fearful peoples, and those who heard
tales from the Elves about the hope which laid in the West and the true Powers of Arda did not come back
At the end of the First Age of Sun, the Valar arrived to Middle Earth to overthrow Melkor, who dwelt in the
Northwest. Terrible powers were unleashed in the War of Wrath and the tales of the Chaialla and Yarulma,
Drûg tribes who lived in Ormal in that time, told that the earth cracked and massive tidal waves flooded
the low lands of Ormal. In the next years, the climate became warmer, and the fertile plains of Harad
became deserts. The snow did not fall anymore on the peaks of the southern mountains, the rivers became
less plentiful and the Sea of Helkar began to dry up.
It is unknown if the Valar knew about the evil empire of the King of Terror or if it was a side effect of the
war in the west, but what is known for sure is that a cataclysm devastated those lands. Overwhelming
earthquakes tore apart stone buildings and even the great monuments were destroyed. The men of the
empire panicked, because they have been taught that the only true god was the Master they faithfully
served and they believed they were blessed and protected by Him. They sought Harûrnurg looking for
salvation, but his temple had collapsed and he had perished along many of his most powerful servants.
When the Úmaiar of the Empire knew that Morgoth had been taken prisoner and the Host of the West had
left Middle Earth, they fought each other for power, even against other Úmaiar who arrived at Palisor,
fleeing from Angband. This apocalyptic event would be remembered by the tales of the Drûg and other
Men as the “War between Gods”.
The Yarulma and Jôpi were less affected by these disasters than other western populations as the Chaialla.
Their shamans spoke about malevolent spirits, perhaps involved in a war of spirits that was also seen in
the real world. They tried to convince other populations, like the Yarulma and the Jôpi, to move to another
land whose Spirits would be at peace. But it is said these tales were of little concern for the Yarulma and
Jôpi, and for this reason they decided to remain in the still green lands of Ormal and let the Chaialla make
a long migration alone.
At the beginning of the Second Age, new waves of Men reached the Ormalian lands. Most of them were
former inhabitants of the evil empire. Some of them were still wicked, the Evil had rooted deeply in their
hearts and they continued worshipping the Darkness and committing bloody sacrifices. However they
were few, as they fought each other, and they seemed to have been cursed. They reverted to a primitive
and brutal lifestyle and they hid in the jungles. The Wise believe the Zurghîr are the descendents of these
evil men.
Other tribes were not wholly evil, but they had lived too much time enslaved by the Shadow, and the only
law they knew was that the stronger ones could impose their will by violence, and positions of power
among them were gained by strength and those physically weak had no choice but to become followers or
slaves. Some of these Easterlings arrived to the Ormalian lands, such as the Yilgaathi folk of Ibaav, and the
Aca herders, a bellicose tribe related with the Ahar, which settled in the high plateau north of Kapuag


Far to the northeast of the Sea of Ormal lay the lands of the Womawin peoples, known to their neighbours
as the Dragon-tribes. Utomkudor, or Kod Ultor as she was known to the Womaw, was truly golden;
shining under Arien’s light on those rare occasions when she ventured forth. She was the sister of Smaug,
and had fled the fall of Angband determined to live under her own rules, free from the influence of both
Morgoth and the Valar. The mystical Melkoric Awdu Awg accepted her as a suitable deity, fit to replace the

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Black Enemy, and her worship began to spread. For over three centuries the Womaw had learnt at her feet
in the sacred swamps of Naag Góak.
Kod Ultor began to take her responsibilities as a goddess seriously, remembering the hatred for Morgoth
that had simmered in the heart of every one of his servants, herself included. She began to teach the
closest tribes, the Krawaan and their fellow Góak clansmen, all that she knew of governance, warcraft, the
nature of wood and water magic. She kept the nature of the Valar to herself, hoping to win all the love of
the Womaw for herself. Everything she did was with one goal in mind: strength through unity for the
Under her influence, the Womaw began to organise, far more quickly than the other peoples around them.
The Elves of Helkar Sael grew alarmed, but allowed themselves to be convinced that Kod Ultor meant only
the best for her children. The Dragon chose the Hion of the Góak as her principal agent; each leader of the
Góak received a measure of her golden scales, from which to fashion armour unlike any other in the East
for its strength and beauty. The Góak Womaw embarked on a series of raids, colonisation, and conquests:
Kael, Haen, the Uiven Islands, Kosth Leer all fell under the rule of the Womaw, led now by Kodiis of
Krawaan. The Dragon stayed out of these wars, offering only encouragement and advice, until the reign of
Kodiis’ son Kodúldis. He prayed that Kod Ultor would stretch forth her wings and destroy the villages of
Rolfandas, an island which dared to refuse tribute and slaves to the mighty Womaw. Enamoured of her
own followers, Kod Ultor nearly decimated the tiny population of Rolfandas.
The Elves of Helkar Sael, horrified, fled west over the Orocarni. Rumours of discontent began to reach
Kodúldis at his capital at Góak-on-the-Lake, and the same rumours reached the ears of the noble Shon
Dral, lord of the Surk Womaw of Thuriac Codya. He began to send out emissaries to the other tribes,
asking if any would join with him to overthrow the despotic Kodúldis. “I bent the knee to his honoured
mother Kodiis, for she was both wise and brave, and led our people to great things. Never did she pray
that the Dragon rain destruction upon a people. Which of us can claim to be safe? Who knows where the
red-rimmed eye of Kodúldis will fall next. The Dragon loves her people and can refuse them nothing, but
she does not see nor does she hear the groans from under the Hionvar’s feet. I will bend the knee to
Kodúldis no further.” Few of the tribes dared to rebel, although warriors and families from each took ship
and joined the Surk at Thuriac Codya.
Shon Dral despaired. He could not stand against Kodúldis with so few; neither could he convince the
Dragon that her people were suffering if they would stand behind him. Shon Dral made the long
pilgrimage to Naag Góak, deep into the heart of Kodúldis’ power. Many times he felt death’s hand upon
him, but eventually he made it through, though all of his companions died to ensure that it was so.
At last he came before Kod Ultor, and Shon Dral dropped to his knees. “Great One, Daughter of the Sun,
Golden Dragon, Benefactor of my people. Hear my prayer. Your children suffer under the heavy yoke of
your Son, Kodúldis. He is not like his mother or his forefathers, but like a tiger, always craving blood
instead of the peace you have tried to give us. My heart misgives me, for my people will not join with me
to cast him aside, for he has of old your mark of approval, the golden armour which you give to each of
your chosen ones in turn. I cannot abide his rule but neither do I have the strength to overthrow him.
What am I to do?”
The Dragon breathed deeply for a long while. At last she spoke. “I shall tell you. Thou knows that I give of
myself golden scales to each Hionvar, to show that I love and honour the rulers of the Womaw who are
so dear to me. This gift shall not be withdrawn, for I do not honour any Hionvar without cause, even if
thy mortal eyes cannot see the reasons. Kodúldis shall continue to rule until his death, and he shall be
buried in that armour, as his forefathers have been. But I have given thought to the Surk and their
troubles. Unto thee shall I give a gift unlooked-for, a measure of my scales that thou might make for
thyself a Hionvar-suit of golden armour. But thou shalt not rule here, in the homeland of thy people. Thy
destiny lies elsewhere, far to the south and the east, across vast oceans set with islands and green lands.
Wind and water is thy lot, and thou shalt give rise to a line of great Hionvara. Does this satisfy thee?”
Shon Dral’s breath caught in his throat as he saw the scales fall to the floor of Kod Ultor’s sanctuary. “Aye,”
he whispered. “I hold myself well satisfied.”

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Shon Dral led in S.A. 282 his people South by water, joined by refugees from the other tribes and
kingdoms who felt oppressed by the Hionvar in Góak. Since then this people was called Surk Vulmaw (W.
“Exiled of the Surk”) or simply, Vulmaw (W. “Exiled”).
A handful of Avari refugees from the Uiven archipelago joined the Surk Vulmaw, overseeing the building
of ships using the crafts learnt from the Dragon-king of the Eastern Ocean (in truth, either Ossë or Ulmo).
Settling first in Wôl, they came into conflict with the indigenous peoples, the Lakehab. Several battles were
fought, and on the last one, at Cunaac-aac-Aalkbrôda’ (L. “Battle of the Hill-Holds”), the last rulers of the
Lakehab were all killed. Shon Dral’s son, Woma Dral, had managed to kill or enslave enough of the
Lakehab that he could, and crowned himself Hionvar of a new kingdom, Lóchas Drûs, the Land of the
Never-Ending Valleys1, the home of the Vulmaw. He began to wear his father’s golden armour, unlike the
Womaw Hionvara, who had always been buried wearing their own individual suits. The armour itself
exerted an irresistibly aggressive influence upon the Dral line, driving them to continually explore and
By the IX century, with more sophisticated ships than the Avari-influenced rafts and dugouts in which
they had fled their homeland, the Vulmaw began the first maritim travels to unknown lands to the East
and South. In S.A. 850 the Vulmaw founded their first colony in the island of Cevra, relatively near of
Lóchas Drûs and easy to defend. Some years later new outposts were founded in other islands of the
Southern Archipielago: Llikh (853), Vulm Shryac (867) and Amirakh (875).
Other Vulmaw expeditions arrived at the same time of the Cevra colonisation to the coasts of a new
mysterious continent, named as T’lach-tuyil (Ac. “The Land Left by the Gods”). The first expeditions
revealed a continent full of natural resources (minerals, woods, arable lands) and a good climate but, in
the other hand, populated by a hostile people, the Acali, who ruled the northern lands under the Nexaral
Empire. Anyway, the Vulmaw settled some cities in the coast and made peaceful contacts with some folks
under the Acali rule. These settlements got rich with the trade of the natural resources of T’lach-tuyil but
war against the Acali prevented a real good fortune. Later, the Lóchan Empire left their autonomy to these
lands as it was not really interested in these continuous strives.
By the X century the Vulmaw were becoming interested to enlarge his dominions in the coastline to the
West and in the Bay of Coral Reefs, to the South. A first expedition to this last one in S.A. 960 ended with
the easy conquest of Sunum, as the original settlers welcomed the Vulmaw.
In S.A. 975, an expedition commanded by Anthô Vûd from the island of Cevra explored for the first time
the coasts of Sheshnoria (the old Lynerian name for Codya). At this time the primitive Jôpi dwelt in
Sheshnoria, and the two main Lynerian outposts were Cilyar and Sheshnor. The reports of Captain Vûd’s
exploration reached the Hionvul’s2 ears, which increased his will to create a colony in the lands of
Sheshnoria. His objectives were clear: control the lands of the Bay of Ormal, exploit their resources
(specially wood and mineral resources) and establish a solid commerce network with other countries. But
he could not yet defy the Lynerian control of the Bay.
Making good use of the desperate situation of the Lynerian League, the Hionvul Halzac Dral of the Lóchan
Empire got a good agreement from the League in S.A. 978: in exchange for his military assistance against
the tribes of Zurghôr, the Lynerian League would grant the right for a Vulmaw trading post on the
mainland near the League. This treaty would allow the Vulmaw to ship goods from the Lynerian League
and its neighbours with greater speed to the Lóchan Empire and the original distant Womaw homeland, as
well as granting an essential foothold on the mainland itself.
The Vulmaw intervention in the conflict between Lynerian League and Zurghôr was fundamental to save
the Lynîr, and the treaty came true.

Lóchas Drûs is a name that comes from two different languages. Lóchas is a Lakehab name that means
“never-ending valleys”, while Drûs is a Womawin word that means “land” or “territory”.
After the creation of the Lóchan Empire, the title of Hionvar changed to Hionvul (Vu. “King of the

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The same vessel commanded by Anthô Vûd arrived a second time to Sheshnoria in S.A. 981 with less than
200 settlers. They put ashore in a beautiful bay, where they established the first colony of the powerful
empire of Lóchas Drûs in the renamed land of Codya (W. “Shelter”), which was called Drej Uriac (Vu.
“Western City”). Within a mere six years, Drej Uriac became an important market centre between the
Vulmaw, the Lynerian League and Bulchyades. Fine fish, olives, wine and metals from Bulchyades and the
League began to reach the Vulmaw and their northern cousins the Womaw with greater speed, and
Womaw silk and paper began to reach the League.
Step by step, more ships arrived to Codya, increasing the Vulmaw population. Myrn Shryac was founded
in the island of Myrn in S.A. 987, as the treaty with the League restricted the settlements only in mainland.
However, the presence of the Vulmaw benefited the League and the Lóchan Empire started to negotiate
more priviledges with the Lynerian League. Finally, the negotations concluded in S.A. 992 giving the
Lóchans total control of Codya (except the cities and territories of Cilyar and Sheshnor) in exchange for
mutual aid against every threat from Zurghôr, strong trade agreements between the realms with relaxed
regulations for Lynerian traders in the Empire, and an annual rent of 2.000 gold pieces paid for thirty
Anthô Vûd, by his values for the Hionvul, was named Shû (L. “Lord”) and was given the fief around the
Ach Bay, where they founded the stronghold-city of Achaj in S.A. 994. He was also offered a place in the
League and a seat in the Council with the same rights as the Dwarves and the Elves, but Anthô declined
because of his fealty to the Dragon Emperor.
The Jôpi, the original inhabitants of Codya, feared at first the mighty Vulmaw warriors but they didn’t
easily abandoned their lands, and the strifes became usual events for several centuries, until they were
expelled from the coasts and the lowlands, the areas of the most instense Vulmaw colonization.

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In S.A. 1004 the Númenoreans reached the northern shores of the Bay of Ormal. At first the meeting with
the Vulmaw people was cordial, but very chill. Some of them established in Drej Uriac, the more important
city of Codya then, and there founded a representation of their net of overseas outposts.
In T’lach-tuyil the cities founded by the Lóchans had to constantly face the assaults of the Acali from the
Nexaral Empire. There, the Lóchans mixed with the native folk of the northern coasts of T’lach-tuyil, and
they called themselves the Itxcal. In S.A. 1016 the Acali pressure was finally too strong, and three of the
four cities of the Ixtcal were destroyed and burnt. Remembering the tales of their Lóchan forefathers, the
people of the last standing city, Utukalpa, hastily built ships, and fled towards the Lóchan colonies. The
Ixtcal had at first a different culture than the Vulmaw, but in the end strongly influenced the Vulmaw
culture (especially in language, craftmanship, agriculture and religion).

Within a mere fourty years, the Vulmaw population in Codya passed from some hundreds to 8.000 people.
Codya had become a big and outstanding colony of Lóchan Drûs, so that the Hionvul Ray Wan-Dral
decided in S.A. 1018 to designate a Hion for Codya, in order to keep a bigger control on the colony,
especially on the tributes.
The Codyan havens became hot spots of the Ormalian commerce, the Vulmaw thrived and new
settlements were founded next to the sea: Cudaw (S.A. 1018), Laywun (S.A. 1034), Wern Draic (S.A. 1045)
and Laishô (S.A. 1048).
In S.A. 1035 the Hion Jait Hodwon started to mint Codyan coins, although it would need several centuries
to be produced on the level of the neighbouring countries. He also moved the capital city from Drej Uriac
to Myrn Shryac in S.A. 1037, and there was built the Hionthawul (Vu. “The House of the Governor”). It
was said that as the Hionthawul was so majestic and have so much gold that the Hionvul infuriated as it
rivaled with his Royal Palace and so he imprison Jait Hodwon for uprising and made remove all the golden
tiles of the roofs.
When Hion Calmac Tâmm accessed to power, he saw that the Codyan outposts well communicated by sea
but there wasn’t any terrestrial communication link through the still wild lands of Codya. Thus, between
S.A. 1041 to 1060, he undertook the project of the construction of a road that follow the Codyan coast from
Cudaw to Achaj. The true intention of Calmac was to strengthen the Codyan coast, establishing symbols of
Vulmaw power and minimize the Lynerian influence in the region. Thereby he promoted some farming
and fishing settlements along the coasts, and quarry settlements more inland, near the Jôpi Kneel, that
provided enough stone to build the Calmac Wan (Vu.”Road of Calmac”), finished in S.A. 1068. Some
coastal forts were also built in the coast to hasten the Vulmaw control, more useful as lighthouses and
symbols of power than real military strongholds.
After Hion Calmac Tâmm, Codya had enlarged its power and dominions, but could not darken the
Victorious Sun Empire of the Chyans, under the Dârayavahan dynasty. Trying to oppose the raising power
of Chy, Hion Fevol A’ak sent in S.A. 1072 a fleet to “invite” the Olyas Kriis cities, guarded by the Elinse
Confederacy, to join their tributary system. The Chyan ambassadors in Olyas Kriis felt outraged, and so
the diplomatic confrontation became a military conflict between Codya and the union of the Elinse
Confederacy and Bulchyades. The arrival of Hellacar (husband of Queen Ancalimë of Númenor) put right
on time end to the war with minimum losses for both sides.
Since the last decades of the XI century, the ships of colonists that arrived at Codya started to brought
some cultural, social, religious and technological influence of Lóchas Drûs, where the Vulmaw had been
mixing with the local folks and the Ixtcal. For example, during the next years, and due to the losing touch
with their old roots, Axshân, the Sun King, the Great Dragon (worshipped as the greatest God) lost his
preminence and was replaced gradually by Lo-Shû, the Sky Adviser, protector of the Ixtcal.
Although some explorers, traders and adventurers had already explored the rivers and penetrated to the
mainland, Hion Shaj Ruic (S.A. 1097-1115) promoted expeditions to the Jôpi Kneel and the sources of the
Ach, Nualji, Yai-tayin and Hij rivers to lay official claim of the territory. By these times were created some

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settlements as Suj (S.A. 1108) and Thawan Napai (S.A. 1114). The meeting with the Jôpi during these
expeditions were unavoidable and some fights took place, sometimes ending with Jôpi victories and other
times with Vulmaw victories. Long was remembered the battle of the Ewac Forest, where a party of 25 Jôpi
warriors was victorious against a contingent of 100 Vulmaw soldiers, with their guerrilla strategy.
Looking for settling new areas, Hion Taw Ruic (S.A. 1115-1146), Shaj’s succesor and son, gave fiefs to the
new aristocracy of Codya (the Shûr). The Houses of Lômzuw, Lovaw and Odôjavi were founded
throughout the Taw Ruic’s rule.
In S.A. 1146 the Hionvul Akuta Wan-Dral of Lóchas Drûs chose Demik Vur as the new governor of Codya.
Demik Vur was a general who had proved his loyalty in pitched battles against K’puri warriors in Hent and
Ts’dan warships from V’Shrang. Hionvul Akuta Wan-Dral gave concrete instructions to Demik: take
advantage of any situation to weaken the Chyan power in the Bay.
In S.A. 1152 the Chyan Empire dismembered and four years later, Demik Vur devised to launch an attack
against Bulchyades, making use of his weak situation. Olyas Kriis was engulfed by the Dâruyavahan revolt
against the Great King Xshayârshan II, while the League was preoccupied by rumours of a new dark leader
among the tribes of Zurghôr. The coasts of Olyas Kriis had been under the control of the Chyan Empire,
and held the most important ore layer in all Ormal Bay. It further held an important strategic location
between Chy and the Lynerian League.
The preparations for the attack were made in secret, a secrecy facilitated by decreasing commercial trade
with Bulchyades (busy with the Aca invasion and the Tyrant, neither of which concerned Codya directly).
In Onhân S.A. 1156 Demik Vur attacked Bulchya, where the surprise was total and overwhelming. The
Bulchyades, weakened by Aca invasions and civil conflict, fell quickly. The Lynerian League, having
determined that the Zurghôr rumors were foundless, replied two weeks later by sending the navy to
reinforce their colonies in Olyas Kriis. All of the Lynîr colonies around the Bay did likewise in a show of
Lynîr supremacy.
The Vulmaw, reluctant to move openly against their strong Lynîr neighbors, were soon forced to withdraw
from Bulchyades a mere four months after the conquest, having forced only a few minor trade concessions
When the war ended, Demik Vur was brutally called back to Lóchas Drûs, following the reports of the
Hionvar agents and emissaries from his local agents and emissaries from the angry Lynîr and Bulchya
courts. Demik Vur was doomed for treason and Kapo Fé replaced him as Codya’s governor. However many
Codyans —included his loyal right hand men refused the demise of Demik Vur—, and started to engage on
piracy activities, which would blast Codya for nearly seven centuries.
For a long period of time, Bulchyades and Harshandatt seemed to be the target of the Hiona; as their
unstable political situation since S.A. 1165 made them an easy prey for the Vulmaw pirates’ raids. The
Bulchyades cities, focused in strifes among themselves couldn’t put an end to the raids on coastal villages.
Olyas Kriis and Kythor were also victims of these raids, but with less intensity. Their Númenorean
presence and the defensive structures in the cities (walls and towers) easily explained why the pirats
preferred the defenceless coasts of Bulchyades.
Kapo Fé rule was a period of much stress in the internal politcs. The Shûr were more distant than never,
and even clearly against the Hion. Kapo Fé tried to implant the farming reforms proposed by the
predecessor of Demik Vur: they were about the centralization of the irrigation system, in order to join
efforts and share the water resources with more fairness. Some Shûr confronted Kapo Fé, especially the
House Lovaw, but Kapo knew how to handle the situation by designing a clever plan. His agents triggered
a civil rebellion in the Lovaw fief at the same time that the Hion Vrâcalawo troops (Vu. “Terrestrial Army
of the Governor”) went forward Woij Fê in order to assure that House Lovaw felt cornered. In S.A. 1177,
after a short civil war in the Lovaw fief, the Hion Kapo Fé named as legitimate Shû the captain of the rebel
peasant troops involved in the civil war, a man called Jinvol.
In the beginning of the 13th century, the battles against the Jôpi decreased and became more scattered,
except in the lands of the high valley of the Nualji, next to the Cuiwum fief, where the density of Jôpi
population was bigger. The useless tries to pacify Codya and the impossibility of denying the Jôpi to be the

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rightful inhabitants of Codya convinced the Hion Goún Zaîm, called the Wise Man, to take a decision:
signing a treaty with them. This agreement was known as the “Treaty of the Rainbow” and was signed in
S.A. 1211 and allowed the Jôpi to keep their freedom, law and customs, although they had to give military
support to the Hion.
Hion Goún’s son, Zhe Zaîm, was the governor of Codya from S.A. 1219 to 1251. He sent some expeditions
to the woody and marshy Waarwugan (Ib. “Forest of the South), the land north of Jojojopo. The few
explorers that came back alive told that the jungle was unworthy to settle as it was plentiful of beasts,
insects and snakes, and a primitive folk, the Yarulma dwelled there. However the position of this land was
interesting for the Hion, so he founded the outpost of Siuyú, in the coast of the Bay of Shoals, in order to
trade with the thriving Ibaavi peoples.
During the Hion Vrak Ruic’s rule, sucessor of Zhe Zaîm, the Bulchyades remained in a disunited state and
the Vulmaw raiders unleashed their fury on it. The pirates got stronger and more coordinated under the
rule of Captain Heroj Wauwon, descendant of Caifuw Wauwon, the right-hand man of Hion Demik Vur.
Since S.A. 1260 the raids became more continuous and threatening over the cities of Bulchyades. These
cities (except Samarth) at least unified in S.A. 1296 under the Confederation of Bulchyades, in order to
fight with unified efforts against the Vulmaw raids.
By the end of the 13 th century started to happen something of religious importance: the pilgrimage to a
holy source of water in Jôpi Kneel that was said to be blessed by the goddess Chasca (Vu. “Flower and
Youth”) and able to heal illness and wounds. It was discovered by a traveller known as Wanfô, that
divulged his discovery and invited people of all Codya to come to the water source. Wanfô created an
authentic religious center in Go Ishac, and built a temple in honour to Chasca. He had got such a
popularity, that he was later named Shû, creating the House of Wanfoi in S.A. 1266.
The 14th century was the consecration of the Vulmaw power in Codya. Several fortifications were created in
the high passes from Codya to Jojojopo to watch and intimidate the Jôpi. Trading ships came to the
codyan havens from other every region: Harshandatt, Bulchyades, Lynerian League, Southern
Archipelago, Shay, Ibav, Sunum and Lóchas Drûs. The merchants increased in wealth and so the Hionvul
in ambition, rising the tributes. As result several civil riots happens, ending sharply with the rules of the
present Hion, actually a mere scapegoat.
With the constitution of the Confederation, the Bulchyades became mightier and the pirates (disorganised
after the death of Captain Heroj) were rejected. In spite of that, the House Vûd, looking for plunder and
for claiming the Vulmaw power over the Bay of Ormal, led their disciplined naval forces to raid the
Bulchyades coasts. In S.A. 1356 Ojin Vûd captured and sacked Kandalar, and auto-proclaimed himself new
lord of the city. The Lynerian League reacted by expelling the Codyan delegate and sending a fleet to
protect its cities and end the war. The Vulmaw had to renounce to their possessions to access again the
Great Council and obtain peace.

In the XV century the Hiona kept a relaively peace that in fact hide a spying strategy toward the Chyan
lands in order to find the perfect moment to begin a violent conflict, and with final objective as to extend
the influence of Codya in the surrounding lands, like the Bulchyades and Olyas Kriis.
The piracy was a low but continous activity in the coasts from Bulchyades to Olyas Kriis, however
international trading wasn’t too much affected. Merchants, at first dependent of their landlords, started to
reinvest their profits by creating their own commercial undertakings. Some of them became very rich and
the merchants status raised their reputation, to the prejudice of warriors.
In spite of their expulsion of Kandahar, House Vûd continued on attacking Bulchyades. The Vûd navy
(commanded by Ezac Vûd II), supported with numerous pirate fleets working as mercenaries, came back
to Bulchyades and attacked the city of Jorash in S.A. 1452. The siege was hard, and the victims were
numerous from both sides. Owing to internal splits inside his army about the plunder, the Vulmaw forces

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weakened and were not able to resist the attack of the navy of Pelnatej (a Lynir outpost), who expelled
them from the city in the same year.
In S.A. 1475, during the rule of Hion Shyun Taon, ended the work of the greatest temple ever built of
Codya, the Lo-Shû Parâwanaj (Vu. “Golden and High Temple of the Lord of the Sky), an architectural
marvel. This temple, located in Drej Uriac, which needed nearly 50 years of construction as it was started
in 1426, became a religious center and a pilgrimage focus, at the same level of the Temple of Chasca. Hion
Shyun Taon will be known by his devotion to the gods and by the many reforms he made in the biggest
Codyan cities.
In S.A. 1498 Hion Wang Shrol, aimed by the reports of his spies, decided to cross the Alturaj River and
overrun the Elinse lands. The enterprise succeeded, but the combined forces of the Chyans of the
Bulchyades and the Lynerian of Pelnatej stopped their advance in Olyas Kriis, although leaving Eastern
Olyas Kriis under Codyan domination.
One more time Codya tried to conquer the Bulchyades. In S.A. 1512 a detachment composed of the unified
forces of the Hion, the Vûd and Lômzuw navies sailed to the city of Kantilya. They quickly broke through
the walls and sacked the city, taking much civil lives. Again, the navy of Pelnatej faced the Vulmaw and
defeated them, killing Urkor Vûd, the Shû of the House Vûd. The Vulmaw navy came back to Eastern
Olyas Kriis, chased by Pelnatej and Chyan fleets.
During 16th and 17th centuries, Codya focused its military activity just to keep the new acquired dominions.
Eastern Olyas Kriis (Kythor) was kept as an “occupied territory” and ruled through the control of the
Lynerian cities (Pelmarië, Kylur Nîn and Ishtya). But in order to hold firmly the hinterlands, military
forces were detached in strongholds, located in key places. This military power, centralised on the figure of
a military governor, the Kaishû, allowed some independence of the Elinse towns and villages, who could
choose their civil governors and be judged under their legal system.
The conquest of Kythor benefited the pirates: they were allowed to shelter untroubledly in the caves of the
Kythor cliffs, getting away from the Lynerian cities pressure. Nevertheless the Confederacy of Bulchyades
remained strong and prevented the pirates’ raids till its end in S.A. 1570
From S.A. 1557 to 1593 Codya was ruled by the remarkable Hion Oevek Chaj. By these times the class of
little landowners had already disappeared in Southern Codya, most of them had to transfer their lands to
bigger landowners to pay their debts. Those who couldn’t pay lost their possessions and became
dependant of the creditors in economic terms (Vulmaw didn’t use slavery), whom they had to work for.
Hion Oevek Chaj saw a problem in that, as the land were concentrating in hands of some few landowners,
who were becoming very powerful, even more than the little aristocracy. Thus, Hion Oevek Chaj bought
many lands from peasants, creating big royal estates (and also settling new lands). Thereby, these peasants
lost their lands but they became employers of the Hion. They were paid a stable wage (they had not to
worry about the productivity of the lands anymore) but their military duties became longer.
In spite of their expansion through the Bay of Ormal, the Vulmaw seemed not to translate this fact with a
real economic growth. The Númenoreans, not welcomed in Codya, arrived in Western Olyas Kriis between
S.A. 1625 and 1648 and founded several cities. Their allied countries (the Bulchyades, Olyas Kriis,
Lynerian League) received their technological advances, while Codya stagnated in less efficient production
In the 17th century House Lômzuw got a big commercial undertaking, establishing a fluid maritime
commerce with the Southern Archipelago, and even purchasing lands through commercial agreements
and strategic marriages. In S.A. 1687 a fleet of Lômzuw vassals and Sâre pirates started an aggressive
campaign against the Bulchyan city of Samarth. The siege was hard and Great King Ganachyn sacrificed
himself with 100 imperial warriors in defending the city. With the help of other cities Samarth won a big
victory and punished very hard the mixed fleet of Vulmaw and Sâre, which prevented for two centuries
another alliance between them. In spite of this setback, the pressure over the Bulchyades did not stop and
in S.A. 1698 Houses Lômzuw and Vûd made an alliance to raid the coasts of Western Olyas Kriis.

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Another attempt to conquer western Olyas Kriis and the Bulchyades was launched in S.A. 1712, by Hion
Paak Utuci with the perspective of a new Aca invasion. The first goals were Jorash, Kandalar and Pelnatej,
as a key access to the mountains of Olyas Kriis (source of valuable profit, with mineral exploitation).
Pelnatej and Kandalar were conquered in a few months, and the Vulmaw pursued their attack on Jorash,
where they first met an army composed of Chyans and Lynîr, who were able to stop the Codyan invasion.
But damage had been done, as all Olyas Kriis and the eastern Bulchyades were under Vulmaw domination.
Unable to recover their lands, the Bulchyan warriors sent a call to Chajapûn, in order to get an help against
the Vulmaw, who began to consolidate their positions. Great King Cishpi, the fifth successor of Ganachyn,
immediately directed his army to the Bulchyades, where he launched several unsuccessful attacks against
the Vulmaw, mainly in Jorash and Kandalar. The situation was all the most desperate, with many Chyan
losses in these attacks, when messengers coming from the North announced a new Aca invasion, and the
total destruction of Baljana.
Cishpi, without fear, left with only two hundred elite riders, and let to his Sarân (Ch. “General”)
Rayomand, the difficult task to battle against the Vulmaw. Facing with the demoralisation of his troops,
and the several desertions among his army, the Codyans were able to pursue their campaign of conquest
against Samarth. Then appeared an unexpected ally to the Chyans: first a joined force of Lynîr and
Númenoreans, who were able to recover Jorash, and then 3000 ferocious Aca who appeared in Jorash, at
the side of Great King Cishpi. This improbable army contributed to reject the Vulmaw out of the
Bulchyades, during the battle known as the Red Rocks (near from Pelnatej). With this defeat, the Vulmaw
were forced to return to Codya, and they even lost during that war all Olyas Kriis (where Númenoreans,
thanks to the victory, began to negotiate with the Chyan Empire rights to establish commercial outposts).
The Vulmaw were vanquished and more than one century would be needed for Codya to reconstitute its
forces, and forge links with other people in the Bay of Ormal.

In S.A. 1782, following numerous conflicts between Lóchaw and Númenoreans, the First Trade Agreement
was signed. It had three objectives: control of the land resources, teaching of its people, dispatched
between Lóchan and Númenoreans, and rights of trading in all lands of the Lóchan Empire.
After the severe defeat in Red Rocks, Codya got in a stage of new diplomatic relationships and recovering
from the intense military activity displayed outside its borders. Hion Valkur Lóak opened the Codyan
havens for the Númenoreans of Olyas Kriis, hoping to acquire the knowledge and technological advances
that their neighbours had already assimilated, such as the sense of commercial (and later political) unity,
new ways of buildings (cities, communication ways), lands irrigation, arms arts (fabrication, military
tactics, and forgery). Númenoreans were also well accepted by the Lynîr who let them establish
Númenoreans quarters in Lynîr cities.
Codya in S.A. 1833 was still a colony of the Lóchan Empire, but started to dream of independence. There
were many reasons for that: the nearby presence of Númenoreans and Chyans in Olyas Kriis and of the
Lynîr, who had always been the fierce rivals to control the trade routes in the western part of the Bay of
Ormal, the allegiance and oppressive tax regime to the Lóchan Empire, and, most of all, the recent defeats
suffered by the Lóchan Empire in the East, in Sunum and Ka’ish, where many Codyans died in this distant
The defeat suffered by the Lóchan Empire at the hands of the martial Ts’dan of Ka’ish in 1833 concluded
the Great Expansion Wars of the Ts’dan peoples of V’Shrang, who would themselves fall to the forces of
Dwar of Waw barely a century and a half later. The defeat was a mark of shame throughout Lóchas Drûs,
but nowhere was the ignominy felt more keenly than in Codya. Many Codyans had died in this distant
conflict, and the news that most Codyan soldiers sent to Lóchas were not to return sparked riots against
the Hiona, who were increasingly seen as tyrants imposed by an aloof and uncaring Empire. The colony
had long laboured under an oppressive tax regime designed to provide maximum support for the military
endeavours of the Lóchan Hionvul, the imperial power now in the hands of the Mûl family, related to the

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line that had held most of Womawas Drûs since S.A. 1071. Furthermore, a certain number of young men
were sent to serve in the Lóchan homeland for the defence of the Empire. Many never returned.
The growing discontent could have been suppressed before it became a full rebellion, if it had not been for
a young prince of the Lóchan imperial line, Sorkûr Mûl. Like many of the Lóchan imperial line, Sorkûr
Mûl had been sent for his education to distant Laeg Góak, capital of the Womaw Empire and chief seat of
the Womaw Mûl. Arriving in S.A. 1823, Sorkûr Mûl excelled in his studies and rose in the esteem and
affection of the Hionvul Mûl Tanûl. He became a close companion of Tanûl’s heir, Komûl, and soon
stepped into an advisory role to the Hionvul, and further advised Komûl when the prince was called upon
to make decisions. By S.A. 1828 he was one of the most powerful men in Womawas Drûs.
Yet Sorkûr Mûl wanted to rule in his own right, without making any attempts on the throne of his mentor
Tanûl. After many years in Womawas Drûs, Sorkûr Mûl returned to Lóchas Drûs in S.A. 1833, where he
learnt of the growing troubles in Codya. Seeing his chance, he gathered his supporters and sailed to the
colony, ostensibly to offer his services to the current Hion, Demrêk Vu. He proceeded to hold court in
various Codya cities, dispensing gifts and favours to any who came to him. Demrêk Vu led to believe that
Sorkûr Mûl’s purpose in Codya was to help him suppress the rebellion, grew impatient, and then alarmed.
He tried to murder the Hion Demrêk several times, with no success. Demrêk felt so cornered and lack of
support that also tried to murder Sorkûr Mûl.
In S.A. 1835 the Hion was slained by an unknown assassin in his own palace, and Sorkûr Mûl generously
stepped in to restore order. After barely two weeks, he was confirmed as Hion of Codya.
Lóchas Drûs regretted the decision almost immediately, but the Empire was now in precarious situation.
The dissatisfaction of the aristocracy and vassals with the expansionist politics of Hionvul —especially in
Vulm Shryac and Kirakh, in the Blessed Islands—, led the Empire into a civil war (the first of several
forthcoming civil wars), and no offensive reaction could be done to Codya. All tribute and military support
to Lóchas Drûs from Codya ceased, and Sorkûr Mûl declared Codya an independent realm in S.A. 1840.
Seven centuries late, Demik Vur’s dream of a Codyan realm was a reality.
The Lóchan Empire continued desintegrating as three years later, as the Vulmaw Blessed Islands declared
their own independence. Despite their leading role in the birth of the “renegade states”, as official Lóchan
diplomacy called them, trade was still largely concentrated in the hands of the Lynîr, and directed to the
Blessed Islands states of Vulm Shryac and Kirakh. Codya, deprived of its main trading partner in Lóchas,
remained a secondary power.
Sorkûr Mûl began an extensive campaign of rebuilding in an effort to avoid the torpor and corruption of
the Lóchan Empire. Wealth was redistributed along egalitarian lines, and the military was reorganized to
resemble the successful Chyans and Númenoreans. Merit replaced blood as the prime factor in deciding
promotions. Cities and ports were strengthened and embellished, and a spying organization was built
second to none on the Bay. At the same time, diplomatic ties were extended to the other Vulmaw colonies,
and Vulmaw rulers were encouraged to send their children to Codya for their education, much as Sorkûr
Mûl himself had learnt to rule in Laeg Góak. The Vulmaw, fearful of Lóchan aggression and dazzled by the
increasing beauty of Codya, became part of a vast alliance of former colonies, ruled indirectly by Sorkûr
Mûl. The process took ten years, and Codyan influence extended as far as Sunum and the Southern
Archipielago. Yet Sorkûr Mûl was not satisfied, for Lynîr remained supreme in Ormal Bay.
War was the only solution, but to defeat the hated Lynîr Sorkûr Mûl would need great allies. The
inhabitants of the Southern Archipelago, especially E-Sorul Sâre and Vulm Shryac, would be of great use
to him, and even the scattered and disorganised pirate forces, but they would not be enough to defeat the
Lynerian League and their Chyan allies. If the Zurghôr could be brought into an alliance, the situation
would be very different.
To the shame of the Vulmaw, Sorkûr Mûl sent teachers secretly into the jungles starting in S.A. 1841, with
the intent of civilising the Zurghôr tribes, especially the Ôran-täl, fiercest of the tribes. With the Vulmaw
support, Kurba Shôn, the chief of the Ôran-täl, united the Zurghîr tribes under his leadership and,
equipped now with Vulmaw weapons and armours, he prepared the tribes to do battle against the
Lynerian League

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Sorkûr Mûl was also known because he was the first Hionvul who resolved the problem of the pirates by
assigning them tasks for Codya supremacy. For more than 20 years, the pirates gave up the assaults on the
ports of Olyas Kriis and the Bulchyades and dedicated to check and undermine the Lynerian forces, hoping
for finding in them some sign of weakness.
Sorkûr Mûl was only waiting for an opportunity. When his spies and ambassadors told him that the
Zurghîr were finally ready in S.A. 1869, he organised his own false assassination, and instructed his son
Avahya to declare that the assassins were Lynîr. Under these false accusations, Avahya ordered every Lynîr
in the kingdom searched and expelled. Lynîr merchants were expelled, sometimes even killed by mobs,
and all their possessions confiscated by local rulers, who gathered huge booties. Codya was whipped into a
fanatical frenzy against the League, and the Lynerian outposts of Cilyar and Sheshnor were compelled to
capitulate to the Vulmaw.
Sorkûr continued to rule, officially acting as an advisor to his son, taking the name Sargâr, the One with
the Black Mask. Outside of the royal palace, this deception was not suspected by anyone for ten years.


The war started on the middle of the year S.A. 1869 in the Lynerian outposts in Olyas Kriis. Sargâr
(Sorkûr Mûl) led a surprise naval attack on Aelinost, Inyalonî and Ishtya (the most important Lynîr
outposts in all the Bay of Ormal). Within three months, and despite any resistance, all cities were burnt
(except Aelinost), and their survivors took refuge in the Drej Akyula mountains, where they could defend
themselves with the help of the Elinse.
The Lynerian League was aware of these events, but could not intervene, as the Zurghîr barbarians were
leading a deadly offensive at the same period on Harbâz (the southern city of the League) and Bulzadâr.
When reinforcements came from Lynahar, the High Delegate Idrizôr declared a state of war; against all
Zurghîr and Vulmaw. The ships of the League were ordered to patrol along the coasts to prevent any
invasion of the Aikyen islands (Nyzd and Urkazd), and to control every act of the Vulmaw of Vulm Shryac.
Meanwhile, Sargâr sent emissaries to the related Vulmaw cities in the Southern Archipelago to help them
in this war. Many Vulmaw and Sâre mercenaries joined the Codyan host in exchange for the promise of
settlement in Olyas Kriis and the Bulchyades after the war. They had no interests in the Aikyen islands,
and very little conflicts arose between the Lynîr defenders of the islands and the Vulmaw rear-guard army.
After the arrival of the mercenaries more cities fell under Codyan attacks: Kylur Nîn (Vusag 1869),
Pelmarië (Kódu 1869), Kandalar (Jin 1870), Shalnarë (Jin 1870), Jorash (Eren 1870), and Pelnatej (Tset
However the Lynerians found a precious ally in the Chyans, who still remembered the Vulmaw assault on
Bulchyades centuries before. Thus, the Chyans and Lynîr keep launching for months terrestrial attacks to
the Codyans who have seized the coastal cities with changeable results, as they were periodically retaken
by one or another camp.
The Chyan host were led by their Great King Haxâmanish III, who died with 500 Chyan warriors in a
heroic assault upon Ishtya, liberating the city for a few months. The sacrifice was vain as the Vulmaw
retook it three weeks later.
In the League, with Harbâz and Bulzadâr sacked and burnt and the Zurghîr going forward Lyneria, the
High Delegate arranged a strategy that allowed to divide the barbarians, who were annihilated in Tûn S.A.
1870 in a trap in a vale. The war concluded then within a few months and all barbarians survivors were
pursued and killed before their return to Zurghôr, with the reinforcements of the Lynîr navy. By the end of
the year, the League was again safe, with a weak neighbour, and ready to confront on sea with the Vulmaw.
In the spring of the next year (Eren S.A. 1871), the situation changed with the arrival of the Lynerian navy,
helped by a small fleet of Númenorean galleons, bringing some hope to the defenders. By that time,
Fardad I, son of Haxâmanish III, assembled another army which kept fighting the Vulmaw on the hills of
Olyas Kriis, while defending the Chyan harbouirs from the assaults of the Vulmaw and Sarê pirates.

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For one year the Lynerian and Númenorean armies harassed the Vulmaw in the Gulf of Harar. Inyalonî
and Ishtya were retaken in Tset S.A. 1872 by a combined assault of Chyans (by lands), of Lynîr (from the
mountains) and Númenoreans and Lynîr (by sea), thanks to the commands of the High Lynîr Delegate.
Vulmaw armies, finding their way by sea cut by the enemy, retreated towards Codya, travelling the hills
where they were repeatedly ambushed by Elinse tribes and chased by Chyans and Lynerians, who were
stopped only by the Jôpi of the Alturaj valley and the Vûd soldiers.
After Codyan withdrawal, the Númenorean and Lynîr regrouped and created a powerful fleet that put on
siege Achaj, Drej Uriac, Myrn Shryac, Laywun and Cudaw.
The extraordinary defences of Myrn Shryac prevented the city to be taken, but the rest were falling under
the allied army. Three months after the capture of Drej Uriac in Xâm S.A. 1874, some members of the
Royal Court unmasked the identity of Sargâr and his lies. Sorkûr and Avahya Mûl were both killed by the
mob, and a group of nobles successfully negotiated peace with the Lynerians and Chyans, having to
shamefully bow under their enemies' victory.
The final peace treaty was signed at Emelcyn in Tset S.A.1875, and its arquitect was of course the High
Delegate Avalozêr of Emelcyn. The new Great King of the Chyan Empire, Fardad I, the new Codyan
authorities (the Shûr Council) as well as a delegation of Númenorean commanders were present for the
first time at the same moment in Emelcyn. Only the Sâre tribes were not present, and just a few years after
the great naval war they became dreadful pirates in the Southern Archipelago.
This treaty, known as the Second Trade Agreement, reinforced the pre-eminence of the Lynîr on the bay.
The Lynerian trading outposts of Cilyar and Shesnor were re-established in Codya and heavy tributes were
imposed to Codya to rebuild the cities of Olyas Kriis. Though some delegates raised the doubt that Sorkûr
Mûl was in fact responsible for the stirring of the Zurghîr tribes, no action was taken against the Vulmaw,
and none of them would ever accept that envoys were sent to speak with the Dark Gods of the jungles of
Zurghôr and returned with an alliance.
The Chyans were richly rewarded by the League for their help in gold and other exotic goods, and the
Númenoreans obtained the right to live in Lynerians cities and be subject to their own laws, as long as they
kept in specific blocks of the harbour.
Codya suffered a hard knock and was sanctioned with a high amount of gold and goods, and more than
two centuries would be necessary to regain its lost position.


Sorkûr Mûl, or Sargâr, put in too much in the Great Naval War and thus Codya suffered the consequences
of the post-war. He made Codya lost his outstanding position and left the control of trade to the Lynîr.
Codya was still an independent realm but seriously weakened and without a Hionvul.
The Jôpi chiefs of Jojojopo gave up sending tributes to the Hionthawul, as they stood proudly in their
cities, and only some Shûr achieved the subjugation of lesser Jôpi villages.
The Shûr Council administrated the royal lands and cities for six years (S.A. 1875 – 1881). The noble lords
stood inside their fiefs, keeping an spying strategy and too much weakened for rising and claiming the title
of “Son of the Dragon” or to subdue the risen up Jôpi.
The Hionvul Rocyen Vo-Dral of Lóchas Drûs saw in the fragile situation of Codya the perfect moment to
try to subject again the former colony, so that he sent emissaries to convince the Shûr that to accept the
sovereignity of the Lóchan Empire. However the emissaries left Codya in S.A. 1876, with the following
answer to the Hionvul:
“We are the Vulmaw, the disciples of Kod Ultor, the Exiled from Womawas Drûs, but now we are again
Exiled from the lands of Lóchas Drûs, and we will only put on ours knees before our King or before the
Ones that defeat us in fair struggle. And thus, were are now surrendered to the Emperor of Chy and we
must reward him, as our sons and daughters live detained in his palaces and every month all our gold

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and wealths are charged in caravans pointing towards Chy. Only if the Hionvul of Lóchas Drûs want to
liberate the debt of the Codyan lords, or defeat the Emperor of Chy, we will put on our knees and hail
him as our new King.”
When the emissaries came back to Tarsa, the capital city of the Lóchan Empire and delivered to Rocyen
Vo-Dral the message, the Hionvul almost flied into a rage because of the Codyan proud. Nevertheless, he
was forced to give up his intentions of subjecting again Codya to be able to face the internal troubles that
Lóchas Drûs was going through, as several aristocratic Lochan families took up in arms, supported with
civil rebellions.
When the Codyans have already paid the economic debt to Chy, the Cuiwum was the first House to break
the peace capturing Drej Uriac in S.A. 1881, supported behind the scenes by the Major of the city, in fact a
puppet of the Hionvul Rocyen Vo-Dral of Lóchas Drûs who, owing to the constant struggles in the Empire,
decided to intervene in the fight for power but standing in the shadows. This premature rising failed owing
to the quick reaction of the other Houses, what revealed the necesity of constituting alliance among the
Shûr to win the race for the throne.
The war among Shûr lasted ten years. Houses get divided in three different factions, led by the Lomzûw,
Cuiwum and Vûd Houses. Alliances, marriages of convenience, and treacheries were common in these
years, and the other Houses changed faction easily.
In the last four years of the war, factions became only two: Vûd-Lomzuw and Cuiwum. The intense and
continous battles of the Shûr were paid with the blood, sweat and tears of their vassals, and during this last
years civil revolts and soldier’s desertions were very common. Compelled to look for the end of the war,
the Seven Shûr summoned in Myrn Shryac in S.A. 1891 to solve the political future of Codya.
The meeting lasted two months and was not exempt of scandals and tensions, especially after the
discovering of the Cuiwum ally (the Hionvul of Lóchan Drûs) and the puzzling lethal poisoning of two
members of the House Mawyon and Odôjavi. However, the Shûr finally agreed and an election system was
imposed to determine the future Hionvul of Codya. The Hionvula would be chosen by at least five of the
Seven Houses previously to Hionvul death, among the candidates proposed by the Court of the Seven
Shûr. The candidates could be chosen among officers, delegates, high commanders of the army, and minor
nobles but; they could never come from any of the Seven Houses. Thus the Shûr protected their interests
and reinforced their power. Also, they assured their capacity to overthrow a Hionvul with the agreement of
four of the Seven Houses.
The next 16 years (S.A. 1891-1907) were very unstable because of the small periods of Hionvula’s reign.
Some of them were acused of being puppets of the Shûr or Lóchans, and some of them were poisoned or
executed. Actually, in 16 years 18 Hionvula reigned. In S.A. 1907 Hionvul Yoen appeared and his reign
lasted 23 years. He would be remembered for achieving the stabilization of Codya.
From S.A. 1907 to 1910 Yoen fought against the Jôpi in the hills of Jojojopo and subjugated them again. It
is said that the Jouk Kapalwe of the first Jôpi cities, shamed for their treachery to the Vulmaw, came to
the Hionthawul plentiful of presents to Yoen as maidens and courtesans, carved ivory, tanned leathers,
tiger furs and jewels.
The resolution of these unstable years displeased the new Hionvula of Lóchas Drûs, Kanyen II Vo-Dral,
who saw how the subtle plot of his father Rocyen I to retrieve the lost colony failed, so that he decided to
act more directly and making use of the discontent of the House Mawyon.
The confrontation between the House Mawyon and the rest of Shûr came from long time ago, from the
years of the “briefs Hionvula”. Three of the Hionvula that were proposed by the Mawyon lasted less than
three months, and even one more Hionvul was murdered. The House Mawyon saw these events as a plot
to knock down their influence in the Court of the Seven, led by the House House Odôjavi.
In S.A. 1909 the Mawyon started unsuccessfull struggles in the Odôjavi fief, and in Xâm 1910 the Hionvul
expelled the Mawyon from the Court of the Seven to punish them because of having renounced his
subjection to the Hionvul.

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Kanyen II of Lóchas Drûs offered his friendship with Insho Mawyon, and thus he arranged a marriage of
convenience between his son the Prince Delmek and the daughter of the Shû Sofay, that finally led to
incorporate the rejected House Mawyon into the Lôchan Empire, in S.A. 1914.
This same year, Hionvul Yoen went against Cudaw to confront the Lóchans and subject the Mawyon. It
was said that the Lóchan navy was composed by hundred of war vessels , but the Hionvul Yoen count on
the hired Sarê pirates and other allied Vulmaw from the Blessed Islands. The Battle of Cudaw was bloody
as many men from both sides died, but the victory was finally for the Codyans, who sentenced to death Shû
Insho Mawyon, but allowed the Mawyon descendents to stay in and rule Cudaw.
The Lóchan navy suffered a great loss and the reduced survivor vessels came back to Tarsa (Lóchas Drûs),
causing a great shame in Hionvul Kanyen Mûl II.
Hionvul Yoen turned out stregthened from the Battle of Cudaw, and arguing his success in the subjugation
of Jojojopo and the Mawyon, Hionvul Yoen, who had a strong popular support, abolished the election
system of the Hionvula, abdicating in S.A. 1930 in favour of his son Sêdah and thus founding the Sham
In S.A. 1934, Lóchas Drûs finally cracked and disintegrated into five differente realms: Wôl, Brôd, Ka’ish,
Arg-Sîmorig and V’Shrang. However the wars didn’t stopped, and in the next 40 years there are constant
fights against the brother Lochan realms. In S.A. 1980, Dendra Dwar becames the Dog Lord, and from the
small penninsula of War launched a great war in order to reconstitue his own Empire.


The 20th and 21st centuries were characterised by an increased Númenorean influence that was able to
revitalise the backward economic system of Codya. Since the end of the Great Naval War, the many
Númenoreans settle down in Olyas Kriis and in all Lynîr outposts, included Sheshnor and Cilyar.
The Codyans learnt from the Númenoreans new production techniques and knowledge in all fields, but in
exchange, the Númenoreans got a lot of resources and goods in the trade activity. However, the
relationships with the Chyan Empire and Lynerian League remained cold and distrustful.
Númenorean power grew steadfastly in Cilyar and Sheshnor (as in other Lynerian cities) as they were
welcomed by the original inhabitants and they created their own blocks where they could be subject to
their laws. With time, some Númenoreans took Lynerian wives and mixed with the local aristocracy. In
their blocks the Númenoreans mostly regulated affairs among themselves, and the Lynerian were content
leaving them free to do so, even exempting them from most tributes, as long as they paid the harbour
tariffs, the main source of revenue for the cities.
In S.A. 1963 the Council of Sheshnor granted to the Númenoreans the right to expand their block on the
other side of the river, outside the walled city, which was now completely full of buildings. The
Númenoreans at first only built some fortified mansions, soon followed by a small harbour and then, in
S.A. 1973, a circle of city walls, taking the shape of a twin city on the eastern bank, which went under the
name of Cirlond, “the Haven of the Ships” in Sindarin, or Balkulôni in their own tongue.
It was in S.A. 1977 that a shocking message came in the hands of the Council of Sheshnor, completely
controlled by the Tanûri family: the Númenorean High-King Ciryatan had proclaimed the eastern city a
full right colony, ruled by a royal governor only subject to the High King, Aervegil of the Malantûri family,
a branch of the royal line. Aervegil was remembered as a cruel and tyrannical man, ambitious and wicked,
a personal friend of the Prince Atanamir with whom he shared the desire to rule new lands and foreign
Men. Through these portraits, however, it is easy to see a very charismatic leader, a great warrior and
commander who had a deep knowledge of Southern Middle-earth, though little respect for the peoples
who inhabited it, whom he deemed "lesser Men".
Númenorean ships began to dock regularly in Cirlond, bypassing Lynerian tariffs and effectively coming
out from Lynerian authority. The notorious and powerful Tanûri family of Cirlond spoke with Aervegil and
the leaders of the Númenorean community, claiming that even if in the treaty of Emelcyn granted the

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Númenoreans to be free to follow their laws in their private affairs inside their blocks, they still were
subject to Lynerian authority, proof of it the fact that Lynerians residing in such block had still to follow
Lynerian laws. Aervegil answered that the Númenoreans were still following their own laws, and the first
of such laws was their loyalty to the High King of Númenor; that they paid tariffs for using Lynerian
harbours, but not to dock in harbours built by their own hands; that instead Lynerians docking in Cirlond
should pay tariffs to the Númenoreans; and that they could tolerate that Lynerains still followed their own
laws while in Númenorean blocks, but should a dispute rise between a Númenorean and a Lynerian, then
Númenorean law should be applied if the dispute arose in an Númenorean block.
All attempts to reach a common interpretation of the treaty of Emelcyn failed, as Aervegil was unwilling to
renounce to any of the rights he thought his people deserved, in spite of the good will of the Númenoreans,
the Tanûri appealed to the Great Council, who immediately confirmed the interpretation of the Tanûri.
Aervegil refused to acknowledge the pronunciation and instead fortified Cirlond, increasing the militia
that all Númenorean blocks used as local police. Envoys from the Council were then sent to Númenor for
the first time: there they were treated as lesser people and barbarians, and all their requests were refused
by the proud High-King Ciryatan. This, however, was an important chance to see Númenor, and one of the
envoys, Eredin Tanûr, later wrote a description of the island of Númenor which still today is the primary
source about that land in the Lynerian tongue.
After many unsuccessful talking between the two factions, in S.A. 1980 the Lynîr besieged Cirlond, not
daring to attempt to take it by force, but simply isolating it from the outside world, hoping that hunger
would put some sense in the Númenoreans.
It is said that as tidings of this reached Númenor, the High-king was so angered that he ordered a fleet to
sail to the Lynerian League and submit the Lynerians to the rule of Númenor. Such huge fleet reached the
Sea of Ormal the following year, when Cirlond was about to capitulate. During that year, many
Númenoreans of Cilyar had left their homes in other cities, in fear of Lynerian retaliations, and moved to
Harfalas or Olyas Kriis, where they were still welcomed and in good relations with the locals.
High Delegate Balkuzêr confronted the enemy near the Dream Islands, but his fleet was sorely defeated by
the huge galleons of Númenor. The Númenoreans disembarked at Cirlond and easily took possession of
the city. Never such an army had been seen in the Sea of Ormal, and though the Lynerians were greater in
number, they could not stand the superior weapons, tactics and sheer strength of the Númenorean giants.
The tide turned when the Lynîr hired the services of the savage Vulmaw pirates and other mercenaries
from Shay and Wôl. In the summer of S.A. 1990, the allied armies besieged Cirlond. At midsummer of the
following year Aervegil was forced to call a truce and start talks with the allied forces. In early S.A. 1992 a
final peace was finally swore at Cirlond (First Treaty of Cirlond). Sheshnor returned to his former status of
member of the League: however, all the Númenorean blocks in Cilyar and Cirlond, were to remain
Númenorean colonies, subject to the Númenorean High-king. In such colonies the Lynerians would have
been subject to their own law for private affairs. However, Númenorean territory could not be expanded
without the approval of the Great Council; the same would apply to the construction of harbours,
fortifications and bridges.
The War for Cirlond was a victory for the Númenoreans. However, it was not an utter victory as Númenor
would have hoped, because for the first time they were forced to deal with whom they considered lesser
Men. The final interpretation of the treaty of Emelcyn did not really settle matters, as it divided the
colonies between two rules and didn't satisfy any of the parts. The real winners in the war were the pirates
and mercenaries, who were paid a huge bounty in gold.


After the installation of the Artaxshâsan dynasty in S.A. 2039, the Chyan Empire began a terror campaign
against every enemy of the realm, including some pretenders from the previous Great King’s family. Some
survived this terror campaign, by fleeing to the Clyan lands, or in Codya and marginally in the city states of
Olyas Kriis (unofficially named by its colonists as Soronórë, the Eagle Land, in honour of Soronto). After

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ten years, the Hionvul Vomik Sham of Codya had become the greatest enemy of the Chyan people. A
Chyan embassy had been sent to reclaim the rebels. Vomik listened to the Chyan request, and sent the
embassy back to the Chyan realm with a message:
"I am the Hionvul of Codyas Drûs, Son of the Dragon and Lord of All I see. If you want your rebels, try
to take them. We are ready."
With such a response, Artaxshâsa immediately decided for war against the Vulmaw, without consulting his
counsellors. In S.A. 2043 the war was almost arranged, but Artaxshâsa was poisoned by his counsellor and
elder brother, and an innocent Clyan merchant was accused. This was sufficient to declare a war against
the mountain tribes of Clyan, instead of a war against Codya.
In S.A. 2045 Vomik re-established the strong and peaceful links with the first power of the bay, the
Lynerian League, broken long ago in the Great Naval War. For the first time in living memory, the Codyan
Hionvul approached the High Delegate of the League as an equal, referring to him as the ruler of a great
people, and arguing the need for all such great peoples to ally against the barbarians. The High Delegate,
pleased and amused to finally see the Lynerian League rised from the status of barbarians themselves,
returned the good will and hopes for friendship to the Codyan ruler.
With all the Chyan territory secure and bolstered by secret alliances and Cyriatanórëan power, the Great
King Kambûjiya III had only to assert the power of his empire in the Bay of Ormal by supplanting the
Codyan Vulmaw and Lynîr. Carefully supported by Cyriatanórë ambassadors, Kambûjiya III first
negotiated the neutrality of Soronórë in exchange for a tribute of 20.000 gold pieces over thirty years, so
that he could attack Codya without any Númenorean reaction.
The first attack was met with failure despite the years of planning. In Eren S.A. 2083, the Chyan hosts
crossed the Fords of Alturaj, destroying literally the small garrison of the codyan army that protected
them. Owing to information given by merchants and embassors, the Hionvul knew on time that a great
Chyan hosts were going forward the Alturaj and reinforced the stronghold of Achaj with thousands of royal
soldiers and some Lynîr troops.
In spite of the early success, the codyan army was able to repel the Chyans to the mountains, only one
month after the begining of the conflicts. There, the Jôpi warriors fall onto the Chyans, who scattered in all
directions, frighten before the wild warriors and their treaîks.
After this first attack, the Hionvul Jentai Sham, son of Vomik Sham, ordered the construction of a big
stronghold in the Fords of Alturaj, Sit Alturaj, in case of renewed Chyan assaults.
This failed offensive was renewed twenty years later, in S.A. 2103, by both mountain and marine attacks.
While a terrestrial army sieged Sit Alturaj, a big fleet of war vessels attacked Achaj. This time, the Chyan
army, under direct command of Great King Kambûjiya III, was far more successful and conquered all the
Vûd fief, devastated the city of Achaj and murdered the members of the Vûd House.
The way to Drej Uriac was opened after three months of conflict (Urg – Aiyn 2103), with the fall of Tsinaw
and Laishô. Only a fevered Vulmaw resistence in Go Ishac and Woij Fê kept the Chyan armies from
appearing at the gates of Drej Uriac. Even so, it was only a matter of time.
After the fall of Go Ishac and Woij Fê, the Chyan went forward Drej Uriac by land and by sea. The
maritime assault was far less successful, and the Chyan navy suffered heavy losses at the hands of the
Vulmaw and Lynîr vessels, who suffered minimal losses. However, the terrestrial Chyan army was
disciplined and owned effective siege machines, and Drej Uriac was captured quickly in Havd S.A. 2104
and Wern Draic two months later.
The unstoppable Chyan advance demoralized the ruling class of Cilyar, who surrendered with no
opposition to the Chyan war lords. Meanwhile, Suj and Thawan Napai remained free and full up of
refugees coming from the coastal cities. The lasts pieces of the Hion Vrâcalawo and the Jôpi armies
harassed the Chyan from the high lands, who prefered to go forward Laywun. The siege lasted for five
months, more than expected, and Chyan made them paid with the devastation of the city.

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The fabled island city of Myrn Shryac remained in Vulmaw hands, and it is said that the citizens of the city
continued their lives as if nothing untoward was happening just to the West. The Chyan assault lasted for
six months until finally, in Tset S.A. 2104 the Chyan fleet was forced to flee back towards the Chyan lands
for reinforcements. But the Vulmaw needed allies to dislodge the Chyan armies from Western Codya, and
they sent pleas for help to both Soronórë, Cirlond/Sheshnor, and the Lynerian League. These diplomatic
missions, resented in Codya due to the ancient distrust against the Númenoreans dragged on throughout
S.A. 2104, while the Vulmaw continued to tenaciously prevent any further Chyan advance into coastal
Codyan lands.
The authorities in Cirlond/Sheshnor were preoccupied by the emerging conflict between Lynîr and
Númenoreans and sent a polite but negative answer to the Vulmaw request. The Lynerian League sent
only an average but highly trained squadron (2.000 warriors), and advised Vulmaw officials to ask for
support in the Lynerian cities of Soronórë, mainly Ishtya and Kylur Nîn. In Soronórë, Vulmaw officials
met with all the governors of all the Lynerian city-states. Some cities sent aid, others did nothing; all were
afraid to break the terms of the non-intervention treaty signed twenty years before by the officials of
Aelinost and Pelmarië. Searching for a solution, counsellors to the Lynîr High Delegate soon discovered
that the treaty bound only the Númenorean cities; the Lynerian cities had not been consulted on the
treaty, and were thus not bound by its provisions. The remaining Lynerian city-states soon began to send
what aid they could to the Vulmaw.
The Númenorean cities were also consulted. Vulmaw would be very useful as allies, instead as enemies,
knowing the alliance of the Chyan empire with Cyriatanórë. As many in Soronórë were distrustful of this
alliance, each city governor encouraged their diplomats to examine carefully the treaty, to see the legality
of it, after the example demonstrated by the Lynîr cities. Pelnatej and Bêlzâyan were the first city to
declare its neutrality, perhaps motivated by the proximity with the Chyan empire. The other cities of
Soronórë did the same decision, hoping perhaps secretly for a Vulman victory.
The more spectacular decision was made in Inyalonî, where the Númenoreans resigned shortly from
power, in favour of the Lynîr minority. So the decisions of the Lynîr during their brief rule would not be
imputable to Númenoreans. And so the new Lynîr authorities began to send whatever they could to the
Codyan Vulmaw, both Lynîr or Númenorean soldiers. Soon after, the Lynîr authorities gave back power to
the Númenorean governor, who officially declared the neutrality of his city, while unofficially continuing
to support the Vulmaw.
This betrayal came to be known by the Chyan army who were fleeing from Codya lands. Joined by a
reinforcement army from the Bulchyades and commanded by Prince Xshayârshan, the Chyan navy
(20.000 warriors) began to besiege the cities of Kylur Nîn, Ishtya and Inyalonî in Tûn S.A. 2105. The
governors of Aelinost and Pelmarië then requested, by a collective missive, the immediate end of the sieges
or the Chyans would have to face the hostility of all the cities of Soronórë.
Prince Xshayârshan refused to hear the request, cut the heads of all Soronórë messengers, and maintained
the siege under Soronórë cities. This was all that Númenoreans waited for, and in the following months, all
Númenorean cities (except those too near from Bulchyades, like Bêlzâyan and Pelnatej) engaged in a
conflict against the Chyans. Roughly four years were needed before to exterminate the Chyan navy with all
the supports that the Bulchyades sent during the battle (during the Eagle Cape Battle), and with the
experience that Lynîr and Númenoreans acquired during the past centuries, they even succeeded in taking
alive prince Xshayârshan. The Chyans were not yet accustomed to a naval war, unlike their enemies.
In Codya, with the arrival of the reinforcements, the Vulmaw were able to retake all their cities during a
very long campaign of eight years, but suffered many losses, and could have lost the war, without the help
of Lynîr and Númenorean tacticians. In the end, they constrained the Chyans to a humiliating peace: the
called “Shamed Treaty”. First, Chyans had to pay reparations for both Soronórë and Codya, to an amount
of 30.000 gold pieces for Soronórë, and 60.000 pieces for Codya during thirty years. Second, Chyans had
to let one representative captive in Codya or in Soronórë for each noble Chyan family during one century.
Prince Xshayârshan had to stay in Codya, for the safety of the treaty, and only be freed with his father’s
death, and be replaced by his own son, and so on. The High King Kambûjiya III accepted all the conditions
on 12 Narac S.A. 2115, as he could do little against.

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This humiliating treaty guaranteed peace for more then one century and Chyans used these years to
carefully strengthen their navy, for a time they could take their revenge. Chyan mercenaries came to be
used in great proportion in the armies of Cyriatanórë, in exchange for navy improvement (by Cyriatanórë
mariners chosen only by governor Kherondil), and subsidies in gold.


The taxes imposed on the Chyan Empire helped Codya to cure from the strong wounds suffered in the war.
Most of the codyan cities fell down under the Chyan; many had been burnt and also many emblematic
constructions got lost. The army also lost workforce, and the enrolment of foreign mercenaries was a
common event in this time. Due to the disappearance of all the Vûd House, the former lands of this House,
as well as the city of Achaj, passed under direct control of the Hionvul.
The increasing tensions in Cirlond (Sheshnor) and the breaking of the Treaty of Cirlond 3 ended in S.A.
2128 in a new clash for the control of the colony. Codya, that was still recovering from the scars of the war
against the Chyan Empire, had to support the League (to return the favour) an thus sent a three fleets of
several dôma (the biggest Vulmaw vessels) to Cilyar, Cirlond and Tolost (the new Númenorean haven).
The combined army of Lynîr and Codyans besieged the cities of Cirlond and Cilyar and captured Tolost, so
that High-King Tar-Atanamir called all Númenorean colonies to to put an end to what he defined "the
endless provocations of the litigious Lynerians".
Fortunately for Lynerians and Codyan, it took a year to the High-King to assemble such army so that, in
the followin months, the Lynerians and Codyans tried to engage the enemy on Sea, but were always
avoided by the less numerous Númenoreans, who preferred to wage a corsair war made of minor
skirmishes. Several desperate attacks were tried against the cities, trying to capture them before the arrival
of the Númenorean main host, and the war cost many Lynerian lives. Yet the Númenoreans were armed
with catapults and trebuchets that easily smashed the siege machines of the besiegers.
In S.A. 2129, one year later of Tar-Atanamir’s decision, a huge fleet coming from the colonies (except
Soronórë4) arrived to Codya and destroyed the sieges, forcing the alliance among Lynîr and Codyans to
However Codya did not give up and launched attacks to Cirlond from Cudaw, and also also the Vulmaw of
the Southern Islands began to stir up against the Númenoreans who lived in these islands. The Southern
Vulmaw, who were also allied to the Sarê pirates started to wage a corsair war, attacking every
Númenorean ship that dared their waters. The corsairs were so numerous and knowledgeable of the local
waters that the Númenorean warships were almost helpless against them. This situation greatly
diminished the flow of food supplies for the Númenorean host.
The second event occurred in the spring of the following year, as the Codyans took up arms against the
plundering of the Númenoreans, who tried to get their supplies from them. The Codyan Hionvul, Taish
Sham, commanded an army based on Jôpi light infantry, who could strike by surprise the Cirlond and and
escape to the hills and forests of Codya before dawn.
Some months later, in Havd S.A. 2134, Hionvul Taish Sham was murdered and two years later one of his
nephews, Gartan Vosh, obtained the crown with Númenorean support, ending with the Sham dynasty.
This event was the best tactic in thee war as Númenoreans used Gartan Vosh as a weapon for swaying
Codya, obtaining supplies, calming the Lynîr and driving them to sign a peace treaty.

Although Númenoreans were forbidden to create new havens or fortifications without the League’s
authorisation [Treaty of Cirlond (S.A. 1992)] they founded a haven in a minor island of the Dream Islands
they called Tolost, without approval. The Númenoreans stated that it was their right to protect their ships
from the pirates who had begun to assault their ships near the Aikyen islands.
Those Númenoreans who lived in Olyas Kriis didn't feel compelled to defend Cirlond, as they were not
considered a colony and owed no formal obedience to the military call of the High-king.

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The Second Treaty of Cirlond, made the Lynîr renounce to the city of Sheshnor and the sourrounding
lands. The Lynîr would be free to live in the city (since now renamed as Cirlond or Balkulôni) following
their own laws in private affairs, but were subject of the High-king of Númenor.
Esgar Sham, one of the sons of Taish Sham and legitime heir of the throne hided in Jojojopo from the new
Hionvul and led the Jôpi to raids for six years, but finally he was murdered in S.A. 2155. From this time,
and about for one century, Codya was considered as a vassal state of Númenor, but slowly, the Codyans
regained their independence, as the interests of Númenoreans laid mainly in the East, and not so far in the
west of the Bay of Ormal.
The House Odôjavi, which saw how Laywun had been totally devastated by the Chyan hordes in S.A. 2083,
rebuilt the city in S.A. 2160 supported by Númenorean gold.
The years of S.A. 2169 and 2170 were known by the plague that devastated Codya, especially in the North
and West. Around one third of the population of Drej Uriac died during this plague, although the death toll
was lesser in the East. Following this catastrophe, a period of acute droughts happened from S.A. 2173 to
2178, bringing a long period of starvation. This combination of misfortunes would be the trigger to popular
rebellions through all Codya. Many peasants could not pay the taxes and rose up against their lords. A
rebel leader, Hunaw Âmhdu, a big private landowner, justifying these events as a punishment of the Gods
to the Hionvul, knocked down the Vosh Dynasty, and founded the Âmhdu Dynasty in S.A. 2179.
Hionvul Hunaw Âmhdu did not live a long time as he died in S.A. 2184. He was replaced by his son, Faylik.
He was a great erudite, lover of astrology and philology. He was the first one to make a dictionary of
Codyani (Common Vulman speech in Codya).
Faylik had 13 sons with two wives, but his chosen heir was not his first wife’s first born, Zouk, but instead
his second wife’s first born, Ryuwo. Zouk was an aggressive and envious person, and when he knew his
father’s decision he murdered him and his son Ryuwo to catch the throne, in S.A. 2222. This brought
about a real flash-war between Zouk and the sons of Faylik’s second wife for the crown.
The murder of his relatives was not an isolated event as Zouk had allied with mercenaries from the Blessed
Islands and a branch of the Hion Vrâcanaik of Myrn Shryac. This support allowed Zouk to seize the
Hionthawul (Vu. “The House of the King”) and kidnap two daughters of Ryuwo. Thus he forced Laim (the
oldest brother of Ryuwo) to renounce the title of Hionvul in favour of him. Zouk was named Hionvul in
Kódu S.A. 2222. When Laim organised his forces to assault Myrn Shryac, an infiltrated assassin hired by a
his daughter Valiac achieved to murder Zouk, smoothing the path to Laim’s forces. Thus, the throne was
for Laim, who was crowned in Havd S.A. 2223. Once proclaimed Hionvul, Laim Âmhdu mustered an army
and began a journey through all Codya to convince the Shûr to swear him their loyalty.
In S.A. 2249, through the “Three Trade Agreement”, the Númenoreans allowed the Dral Dynasty of the
Lóchans to regain the authority over the lands of Lóchas Drûs. Lumkat Dral the Restorer sent
ambassadors to Codya with lot of gifts to Hionvul Laim Âmhdu. Through the deceitful words of his
ambassadors he wanted to make Laim believe he doesn’t considered himself as the Emperor of the
Vulmaw anymore, and launched offers of friendship and association, but because of the suspicion of Laim
no military alliance was signed.
Anyway, the comercial relationships between the two realms was restored again, and during the reign of
Hionvul Lahar Âmhdu, Laim’s son, crowned in Tset S.A. 2253, Codya recovered its full autonomy from
Númenor, thanks to the pacts and treaties signed with Soronórë and Harshandatt that improved the trade
and create a solid friendship with them.


Trying to avenge the Shamed Treaty, the Chyan Great King Vâyaspâra decided in S.A. 2281 to assault by
sea the free Númenorean and Lynerian cities of Soronórë, and other Codyan cities. Vâyaspâra
incorporated to his army the last survivors of the vanquished Cyriatanórë army (as well as Chyan
mercenaries) who found refuge in the Chyan lands, and built a fearsome army.

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The mighty navy of the Great King attacked the western cities: Achaj, Tsinaw, Laihô and Drej Uriac. Even
though the Chyan troops disembarked in the harbours, causing great blood losses, the Vulmaw fleet was
superior to the Chyan’s one, that finally decided to give up and returned Chy, but leaving a weakened
In S.A. 2283 the Chyan came back to assault Codya and Soronórë. This time Vâyaspâra divided his fleet in
three branches that assaulted at the same time Tsinaw, Drej Uriac and Myrn Shryac. Meanwhile a huge
terrestrial army composed of infantry, cavalry and war elephants devastated Sit Alturaj and sieged Achaj.
This time the Chyan proved to be superior to the Vulmaw and in a few months Hionvul Myuyul Âmhdu
was compelled to surrender and to sign a peace treaty. The Shamed Treaty was avenged by the Chyans and
Codya and the free cities of Soronórë were forced to pay a heavy tribute (100.000 pieces of gold for 300
years), and each of them received a Chyan governor to watch over the respect of the treaty.
However, Númenor would not tolerate any threat to her colonies. A few years later, in S.A. 2287, a huge
army landed in Soronórë. It was led by Lôkhuzôr, rebel son of Herundil (Chyan name of Kherondil), who
swore to destroy any legacy of his father and therefore to destroy the Chyan Artaxshâsan Empire,
liberating Soronórë and Codya from the tributes. In the spring of S.A. 2289 and under the impulse of
Lôkhuzôr, all the cities of Soronórë, Númenorean and Lynîr, swore an alliance in Ishtya, and gave the
command of their armies to Lôkhuzôr. The new league of Olyas Kriis became known as Thoronor or
Soronórë, and later Anarikê in the Númenorean languages. Some years later, Lôkhuzôr fortified Soronórë,
culminating with the building of two new fortress cities, Kadar Abâr-Narîk (Ad. “The Fortress of Iron
Eagles”), the new capital of Soronórë, and Dar Egleriador (S. “The Glorified City”). He also obtained the
alliance of Hionvul Womul of Codya and the Lynerian League, and sent spies inside the Chyan Empire,
who saw there the people’s sufferings. Many spies were captured, but at least one of them rejoined Anarikê
and told his master the forces and weaknesses of the Artaxshâsan.
In S.A. 2294, the inevitable war broke out. Great King Dahaka was able to fool Lôkhuzôr, and while the
army of Soronórë was in Kandalar, the Chyans broke the defence lines in the North and fell on the capital,
Kadar Abâr-Narîk. The situation was made worse as a fleet of Sâre pirates, coming from the Southern
Islands, assaulted Codya, working as an unexpected ally of Chy and preventing the Codyan forces to join
those of Soronórë. The pirates provoked a violent Vulmaw reaction, and Codya won without much
problems but not in time to help Anarikê. The war ended only with the arrival of support from the
Lynerian League, on the 14th of Vusag. The Chyan were repelled to their lands and soon, the Great King
Dahaka was murdered, finishing with the Creeping Darkness Empire created by the Artxshâsan Dynasty.


After the naval war against the Chyan Empire, Codya recovered peace and stability. Between S.A. 2295 and
2301 Hionvul Xinij Âmhdu rebuilt the havens of Myrn Shryac (damaged by the Sâre attacks), enlarging
them and raising a majestic tower-lighthouse, which became the symbol of the city. It is said that the
reveille played by the soldiers at sunrise in the top of the tower-lighthouse could be heard through all
Myrn Shryac and by every ship many kilometers away from the city.
Hionvul Nadraw Âmhdu succeeded Xinij in S.A. 2316. Owing to the wealth acquired after the defeat of the
Chyans, he started a grand reform in the administration (governmental and economic institutions,
especially the tax system), a project to improve of the old network of roads in Codya and established an
effective courier system. The dark side of this work was the big deforestastion caused and also the damages
to the traditional Jôpi lyfestyle, many of which ended up working in quarries and roads in semi-slavery
After the project was completed, the second generation of these Jôpi workers became unemployed and
started to group together and assault merchants in the roads to survive, unable to came back to their
former way of life in the woods. They were called “The Wretched Ones” because his poverty and . In S.A.
2348, during the rule of Ricyu Âmhdu, these Jôpi bandits grouped around the charismatic leader, Otopuyi,
and were able to resist several Vulmaw hits, but they were finally massacred by Hion Vrâcalawo.

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Hionvul Wamuta Âmhdu, called “the Diplomatic” was considered the artichitect of a favourable naval and
military treaty signed in Tûn S.A. 2383 by Codya, the Chyan Empire and the Lynerian League. This treaty
helped to normalise the relationships among these three countries and favored their commercial
relationships. Wamuta Âmhdu also sent permanent ambassadors in different countries like the
Bulchyades, Ibav, Shay, Acaana and Harshandatt, and he also treated kindly the Númenoreans, who
started to visit more often the Codyan havens.
The corruption arrived at the Âmhdu Dynasty in the reign of Chen-Hô (S.A. 2388-2442) , son of Wamuta.
He was known for being fond to alcoholic drinks and women, so that the upright councillors and noble
Shûr saw his court as unclean and lustful. His feasts and banquets were opulent and excesive but Chen-Hó
was actually empty and unhappy. Somebody said that his Númenorean councillors (in fact, as much
corrupted as him) filled his mind with the ideas of aspiring to a longer life, and that’s why he encouraged a
great interest to Dergar, the God of Death.
When Chen-Hó reached a mature age (58), in S.A. 2399, the Dergar cult was iniatiated for first time in
Vulmaw history. People, and specially the Shûr waere shocked. Some of them conspired to murder Chen-
Hó in order to put his brother Edrak in the throne, as Chen-Hó hadn’t any recognized children, but his
plan was crushed by the arrival of a new servant in the Chen-Hó court.
This servant was in fact Gamlha-Bourd, a renegade Wôlhu Necromancer from Par-Vodakunaut, who
appeared before the Hionvul as a “stundent of the body and soul” who said could help the Hionvul to find
a method to achieve a longer lifespan. Gamlha won quickly the confidence of the Hionvul and was
appointed as first councillor, dismissing the Númenorean noble councillors and making executing some of
the conspirators.
With Gamlha arrival, Chen-Hó became more reclusive and it’s said that he could be unseen for days hided
in his rooms. In fact, he was practising with Gamlha creepy and dark necromantinc rituals to extend his
own life. Because of the continous interferences of his councillors and nobles, he decided to stay
periodically long periods of time in a lonely and small palace he ordered to build in the slopes of the
Aartacwac (V. “Mouth of Demons”) volcano, an area that Vulmaw tradition identified with the shelter of
the former evil spirits of the Myrn island.
When Chen-Hó reappeared in the Hionthawul he become even more outrageous and bizarre, and while he
organized feasts and enjoyed with his concubines, Gamlha was in fact the hand that moved Codya, as he
would be it as long as he extended the Hionvul life. However the plans of the Wolhû were not ruling a
small realm in peace, since his goal was establish a popular necromantic cult which could rival Par-
Vadokunaut in power and greatness.
While a great temple in honour to Dergar was building next to the palaces of the Aartacwac, everybody
wandered about the strange vitality of Chen-Hó who was getting for 90 and he didn’t show almost any
trace of elder age. It was openly suspected that Chen-Hó had treats with the God of Death or was gifted by
the spirits of the forefathers and even some people saw that gift as an unholy and evil.
When Kavac, son of Edrak and cousin of Chen-Hó, discovered the necromantic cult that Gamlha and his
uncle practised for extending their lifespan he convinced himself about the neccesity to kill them and clean
the Hiothawul from the touch of dark arts. He managed to poison Chen-Hó and stir up the Hion Vrâc in
S.A. 2442 but Gamlha could flee to the Temple of Dergar, that was unfinished but there he had mustered a
strong faithful group of acolytes and Dergar devotees. Feeling cornered in the temple, Gamlha didn’t doubt
to summon the spirits of the Aartcwac Volcano to slay the fevered Vulmaw host who sieged the temple, but
he wasn’t powerful enough to handle them and the volcano erupted by the fury of the released spirits.
Many people died in Myrn Shryac by the ashes and sulphuric fumes, but even more died in the slopes of
the Aartcwac by the lava, included Edrak, Gamlha and his followers, that were sepulted under the burning
spits of magma.

- -


Madak Âmhdu, son of Edrak, was crowned after Chen-Hó death, but there was no great celebrations in
Myrn Shryac as many people died in the catastrophe of the volcano eruption, nevertheless the city
recovered his normallity and beauty when a year later King Telemmaitë from Númenor visited the capital
In S.A. 2455 Hionvul Madak died. His offspring were three daughters but no son. The Court of the Shûr
got divided about the decision of allowing women to hold the throne or finding a new heir. The Houses
Cuiwum, Odojâvi and Mawyon supported Caic (Vu. “Princess”) Avaud, while the other Houses 5 allied with
Ladrak, Madak’s small brother, who claimed for the title of Hionvul. As there wasn’t a diplomatic solution
to the problem Avaud was finally proclaimed Haynvul 6. Then, the Houses supporting Ladrak made
secession and put him on the throne of their new kingdom, triggering the second war among the Houses.
Avaud was named Haynvul in Aiyn S.A. 2455, ruling all Southern Codya, while Northern and Western
Codya stood in the hands of “The Insurrected”. In Jin S.A. 2456 The Insurrected seized Suj and Thawan
Napai, and in six months later, after two bloody battles, Laywyn and Cudaw was also subjected, isolating
Myrn Shryac in the East. Thus, Haynvul Avaud decided to flee from Myrn Shryac and move the capital city
to Drej Uriac, where she was more protected by her vassals.
At the same time hard fights took place in the North. The loyalists conquered Tsinaw in Tset S.A. 2456 and
five months later they retrieved the stronghold of Parkh Kanza in the Jôpi Kneel. In the South the navy of
Achaj and Cuiwum held fierce fights to break the siege of Myrn Shryac. Unsuccessfully, the city had to
surrender (for first time in history) in Onhân S.A. 2457, and this meant a great victory for the Insurrected.
The war stopped for two years but tension between the two factions stood acute. In S.A. 2459 Haynvul
Avaud broke the truce and launched a heavy strike in three different fronts: Laywun, Go Ishac and Woij
Fê. As a consequence, Ladrak was killed in Go Ishac in Urg S.A. 2459, and with him disappeared the last
legitimate heir of the Codyan throne. Thus the alliance that hold the Insurrected together broke apart and
the Shûr stood in their fiefs, waiting for laying their own claims on the throne. Woij Fê and Laywun stood
firmly, preventing Avaud to conquer the eastern fiefs and Myrn Shryac.
Haynvul Avaud ruled their part of Codya until S.A. 2473, crushing every attack of the independent Houses.
Nevertheless, focused on the fight for power, she neglected her people who mourned the glorious days of
Codyan unity of her forefathers, and the people would not support her anymore. Thus, in Go Ishac came
Ralow, who said he was a descendent of Hionvul Galaj Âmhdu and laid claim on the throne of Avaud.
From Go Ishac the supporters of Ralow spread over central Codya, triggering uprisings inside the cities
against the rule of Avaud. A state of continuous warfare happened from 2472 to 2473, during which Ralow
dominated almost all Codya. In Narac S.A. 2473, Haynvul Avaud was murdered by one of her servants,
forcing Drej Uriac to surrender to Ralow. Thus, Ralow subjected the Seven Houses again and substituted
the Âmhdu Dynasty by the Hachow Dynasty.


Although Ralow was at first supported by people because of his charisma and promises of welfare, he
demonstrated later to be a hard tyrant for Codya. He increased the taxes to heal the wounds of war, but
this just pressed the partisans more than they could bear.
Three years of drought (S.A. 2488-2491) and the pressure of the Shûr triggered famine among the poor
classes in Codya. People pointed at the Hionvula as the cause of a Gods punishment because of his rule,
lack of virtue. The civil dissatisfaction caused several rebellions in Laywun, Wern Draic, Achaj, Drej Uriac
and its environs, all of them ended up cruelly suffocated and with all their leaders beheaded.

The other three Houses: Jinvol, Wanfoi and Lômzuw, as there were only six Houses after the
disappearance of House Vùd.
In Vulman, feminine of “Hionvul”

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Hionvul Ralow Hachow died in S.A. 2498, receiving the power his son Tsatan. He was more benevolent
than his father (maybe afraid of the growing rebellions) since he brought down the taxes and abolished all
the harsh laws made up by his predecessor.
The next Hionvul was Javan Rachow called “The Unfortunated”, who was crowned in S.A. 2528. Javan
took part with Dedw of Drej Uriac in the preparation of a fleet appointed to look for metals in T’lach-tuyil
(Morenorë continent), venture that never was fulfilled since the ships sank near the island of Llikh by an
implacable storm. Because of an fall from a bridge in his palaces of Myrn Shryac, Javan got paralytic at the
young age of 38. He atracted to the Hionthawul many poets, artists, dancers, dervishes, magicians,
illusionists, prophets and philosophers to entertain his sad life, lying in his chair. Some time later, in S.A.
2542, the Jôpi king Uhulômiji rose against Codya, and forcing Javan to delegate his brother Punwyn to
take the reins of the Hion Vrac. Punwyn crushed efficiently the rebellion. Finally Punwyun replaced Javan
in the throne in S.A. 2544, who hadn’t had offspring. Javan died in S.A. 2553, suffering from a long


In spite of the Treaty of Cudaw, the Lynerians of Balkulôni, also known as Sheshnoria or Lômithâni
(composed by the colonies of Cilyar, Cirlond/Balkulôni and Tollost) didn't accept easily the subjugation to
the Númenoreans, as they were the majority people. In fact, although Lômithâni thrived and his havens
quickly beacme hubs of trade in the Sea of Ormal, many bloody revolts marked the period after the Treaty
to the great rebellion that took place in S.A. 2544.
Many Lynerian exiles in Codya would have like to help their kinsmen, but the Hionvul Javan Hachow of
Codya knew that if they acted in favour of the Lynerians, it could damage the relationship with their
Anarikê allies.
In month S.A. 2544, a new revolt shook the colony of Balkulôni. At first was considered simple one among
many other that ocurred in the previous decades. The peasant population of the inland colony would rise
in arms and refuse to pay tributes. The Númenorean armies would have crushed the rebels in few weeks,
but Taramal Raimmon, heir of noble house of Balkulôni made use of the peasant riots and gathered
around him many warriors and mustered a rebel army who fought inside the city, in the Lynerian
quarters, dividing the Númenorean forces.
The revolt of S.A. 2544 proved differente from any previous ones. The first difference was the presence of
charismatic leader: Taramal Raimon; Elmakar, a simple peasant whose fiery speech set mobs aflame; and
Caidalir, a a former warrior with Númenorean blood who organised a civil and slave-revolt in Cilyar,
bringing battle into the streets for weeks.
These men were able to work together in different key places but at the same time. Other distinctive
feature of this revolt was that the noble Almaer family of Mastoria decided to intervene, and the Lynerian
League declared war unto Lômithâni, starting a corsair war against Númenorean ships.
In Tset S.A. 2544 a large army from Lynerian League and Mastoria laid siege to the Númenorean quarters
of Balkulôni. Boromegil, governor of the city, inmediately sent a plea to other Númenorean colonies for
help. To this, Harfalas (Sakal an-Khâr) answered with excuses of a Zurghîr invasion, in the hope of seeing
Lômithâni and Lynerians destroy each other. On the other hand, Anarikê faced the threat of Lynerian
revolts if they had sent troops, and kept cautiously outside the war.
In Havd of S.A. 2545, Cilyar fell to the rebels of Caidalir, who the claimed the city to be independant from
both the League (refusing to bow to the influence of Almaeri), that caused a inmediately cessation of
Lynerians to the armies of Caidalir.
After eight months, Númenoreans still controlled Tollost and their quarters in Balkulôni, but Cirvellon a
renegade cousin of Sakal an-Khâr governor became the leader of a group of interventionists in Sakal an-
Khâr. Although his colony had agreed his neutrality, many noble families felt that something had to be

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done against the Lynerians, and making use of this displeasuring and gold, Cirvellon constituted his own
mercenary army.
It took six months to Cirvellon end with the supremacy of the Lynerians. The resistance of Cilyar ended in
Urg S.A. 2548, with the entire eradication of the Caidalir’s armies, and the assassination of Caidalir,
maybe on direct order of Cirvellon, who acted as the official governor of Lômithâni (Boromegil was
deposed by the Khânim).
Balkulôni was much less a success, because of the still coordinate armies of Taramal Raimon, Elmakar
and the Almaer family of Mastoria. Cilyar was nonetheless retaken by the Lynerians three months later
and the Númenoreans were forced to retreat to their quarters.
When the news of Cirvellon disobedience reached Tar-Anducal (High King of Númenor), he got furious
and issue a direct order to Anarikê to mediate in the conflict, and find a solution. After unsuccessful
diplomatic ways, Aerhên, Governor of Anarikê made up a fleet and entered in war against Balkûloni (as
Cilyar was in Lynerian hands), where the Khânim renegades found allies with the Lômithânians.
Aerhên finally compelled both Balkûloni factions to capitulate and to accept to discuss a peace treaty in
S.A. 2552. That was the Third Treaty of Balkûloni, which brought big profits to the Lynerians. The
Númenoreans were forced to conceced them new rights: Lynerian merchants obtained new chances of
trading, and the road to equal rights between Adûnai and Lynerians was opened. But the most benefitted
from this war was the Almaer family, as it increased their prestige and grip over the League. However, the
main features of this treaty were the limitations of the Khanîm slave trade (no old men or very young
slaves, and no tortures practised to the slaves) and that the colony of Lômithâni was considered as a sub-
state of Anarikê: all governors of Lômithâni had to be approved by Anarikê’s governor.


Puwyn Hachow watched cautiously the events happened in Lômithâni, avoiding to involve Codya in the
strife between Lynerians and Númenorean, that actually, diverted the trade routes, favouring the inflow of
merchants to the Codyan havens.
Nevertheless, the Jôpi kings of Jojojopo got very proud, and stirred up again in S.A. 2558. The Jôpi had a
treaty with Menk Chuul “the Albino”, a prophet of Go Ishac who accused Punwyn of throne usurper, and
cause of the unfortunated fate of his brother Javan. Menk Chuul have became very popular in the devotees
of the Temple of Chasca, (where he was finally titled as “persona non grata”) claiming his odd skin
pigmentation as symbol of reincarnation of Javan.
The pupils of Menk Chuul became dissidents of the Hionvula rule and created the biggest sect among the
Vulmaw (even atracting many Jôpi). They were call Gamalac that actually means “albino men”. After 24
years of hard labours, they constructed a stronghold in the Jôpi Kneel, called Apolma Quun (V. “Nest of
the White Falcon”) where Menk was revered as a source of supernatural powers who was said that could
even bring the dead back to life.
A combined force of the royal army (Hion Vrac) and the noble armies, sieged Apolma Quun for eight
months in S.A. 2560, but the fortress was almost inexpugnable and the alliance of Kings of Jojojopo was
powerful. Punwyn Hachow died within the siege, and power was transfered to his son Zayan. Owing to
several factors: the increasing Jôpi pressure, the treachery of several wings of the Army of Ghost Tigers,
and the fall of Siuyú (a small commercial city in the Bay of Shoals), Hionvul Zayan was forced to abandon
and withdraw to Codya again.
The succesion did little to resolve the Chuul followers opposition to the dynasty. Chuul appeared near Go
Ishac in S.A. 2568 with thousands Gamalac from Northern Codya and Jojojopo and forced the the Jauyim
to flee. Bloody battles between and Gamalac and the Hionvul loyalists happened in the next years
Chuul died in S.A. 2574 but he had already spread his teachings through many places in Codya, and even
some Shûr became followers of his doctrine, as the Cuiwum and Lômzuw, who prevented the Gamalac to
be persecuted and declared heresy.

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The Menk Chuul doctrine didn’t suppose an opposition to the Vulmaw Gods, but it emphasized the role of
meditation as the way to look inside oneself and find the real voice of the soul which is part of Amma, the
energy that moves the world and the only road to communicate with the Gods.


In S.A. 2586 Hionvul Vayik Hachow succeeded his father Zayan. Two years later, he repudiated his wife
(daughter of the Cuiwum Shû), someone said by his approachment to the Gamalac doctrine, replacing her
by a concubine. Thus, an alliance between Houses Cuiwum and Lômzuw (who also defended the Gamalac
doctrine) revolted and attacked Drej Uriac and Myrn Shryac, killing Hionvul Vayik and ending with the
Hachow Dynasty. Some Houses (Wanfoi and Samâk) were opposed to this change but the heavy and
dissuasive army of the Cuiwum and Lômzuw made them agree with the new regime.
Unzun Cuiwum was named Hionvul in Xâm S.A. 2586 and got married two years later with Naixan
Lômzuw, creating the first dynasty coming from the powerful noble houses, the Dranizai (Vu. “Fair
Hionvul Unzun was decided to gain the respect and faithfulness of the people by his fair rule more than by
his implacable and authoritarian power. Thus, Unzun came back to the forgotten Hionvul duty of
administering justice, and many people implored to be judged by him, knowing his wise sentences. As
follower of Menk Chull doctrine, he also declared the Gamalac as completely rightful of practising his
He would also be known by creating a law that allowed the first born (be it male or female) to hold the
throne of Codya. In the last years of his life (S.A. 2613-2620), Wanfoi and Samâk revolted against the
Hionvul, who unleashed a long campaing to subjugate them again. In one of these battles, where Unzun
fought side by side with his men-at-arms, he was wounded by an arrow, dying some days later.
In the years of Unzun’s successor, Hionvul Feizon, the Wanfoi and Samâk were finally dominated and
Codya recovered wealth and prosperity. Hionvul Feizon decided to build a fabulous monument to
accommodate the deceased members of the dynasty and patronized his belief in the Menk Chuul
principles. By that time, the Gamalac were still a minority in Codya, but the Dranizai Hionvula gave it a
“royal status” and favoured the Gamalac temples and monsteries with donations and tax exemption
The construction of Liw-ka-anyî (Vu. “House of the Eternity”) began in S.A. 2634, employing 2.000
criminals and 500 free workers. This big mausoleum was located 20 Km south of the city of Suj and was
an obsession for Feizon. Liw-ka-anyî was ended in S.A. 2665 and a year later Feizon died. People’s
sarcasms even meant that Feizon brought forward his own death to be the first to use the mausoleum he
had built for his dynasty.
Feizon’s successor was his beautiful daughter Etzec. During her rule she knew how to be surrounded by
clever and good officers and advisers. Many arrogant gentlemen tried to win over Etzec to enjoy her beauty
and power (even with cheats and murders), but finally only Zaimthôr, a Lynîr ambassador, achieved it and
married her. In S.A. 2706 Haynvul Etzec died and the power passed directly to her son Makwa (although
Zaimthôr was still alive).
During Makwa’s reign (S.A. 2706-2741), there were a florescence of Gamalac monsteries. Patriarchs of
favoured monsteries were regulargy given important advisory positions in the palace, and this inevitably
politicized the following. Due to his great opposition to the growing Sakal an-Khâr dominion on the Bay of
Ormal, Makwa put on a higher level the deals with the Vulmaw pirates of the Southern Archipelago that
had traditionally had been made by his antecessors.
Sawaaj was daughter and successor of Hionvul Makwa, and was not less pious than his father. She kept the
good relationships with the realms opposed to Sakal an-Khâr, specially with the colony of Azrathâni
(former Lóchas Drûs) where his husband, Takojm Caal came from. Sawaaj died in S.A. 2779, and although
his husband Takojm still lived, the throne was transferred to his son Naovur.

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Hionvul Naovur’s reign (S.A. 2779-2813) is witness of the end of the Gheerh, a minor noble House of
Codya that owned lands in the hilly country of central Codya. Even they survived to several Jôpi raids,
many people said they were not able to avoid the curse that Jôpi made fell on them. During the existence
of this House, seven first-borns died mysteriously at sleep. In S.A. 2781, Tyulmaw received title of Shû
from his dying father, Laoyun. Tyulmaw was the only son of Laoyun, and many people made fun of it as
they consider Laoyun as impotent. Unforeseeable, Tyulmaw died in 2782 in his own bed, completely
charred (although the bed was not so) and old women said that Jôpi whom the first Gheerh massacred
finished the curse they had cast on the family. Other Houses like Lômzuw, Wanfoi and Jinvol (maybe
unconscious of the curse) claimed the territory because of its productive iron mines , but Hionvul Naovur
stood firmly and made Gheerh a royal land, defying the Houses to disrespect his sentence.


In S.A. 2791, Menelvegil, governor of Azrathâni (the Númenorean colony in Lóchas Drûs) begged Codya
for support against the evil reign of Lôtum the Necromancer who was depopulating and devastating his
lands with unnameabled horrors. Hionvul Naovur responded with several hundred warriors in exchange
for some beneficial deals about commerce. However, the decision of Menelvegil didn’t take a favourable
view to Sakal an-Khâr, whom trading activity was quite powerful in the colony.
The same year the army of Vulmaw mustered from Codya and Lóchas territories went forward Lotûm and
crushed his undead minions
Meanwhile, the number of Codyan traders grew up in the Azrathâni harbours owing substancial tax cuts,
competing with the proud Khanîm traders. Several violent incidents happened among the merchants
(fired ships, sabotages and scrimmages on open sea), but any war was declared, and the conflict kept in a
supreptitious way. Hionvul Naovur reinforced military escorts on trading expeditions and hired the fierce
Vulmaw pirates from Southern Archipielago for hostigating the Khanîm on sea.
The fight against Lotûm was hard and last long, but finally the Vulmaw achieved victory in Eren S.A. 2794.
Many brave men perished and those who came back had watch too much horrors and blood-curdling
things. Only a few ones wanted to speak about they saw in the war. However, Menelvegil and Naovur
listened tales from the few survivors about the hidden temple where this abobination had came from.
Resolved to stop the threat forever, the kings signed an alliance, assembled a powerful army and marched
upon the mountains soon before the year 2796 finished for storming Tînor-faltor.
But they underestimated Zotankath greatly because the Vulmaw had only faced feeble and clumsy undead
created by his pupil Lotûm, but they got lost in the mountains when the night came and the tiny light of
their campfires and torches would not offer protection against the upcoming terror that engulfed them.
That night mortal armies proved to be not a match for the greater necromancer of all times and the army
was destroyed when a host of spirits fell upon them, possessing some of them who became killers of his
own friends and driving into terror and madness all the rest. It happened the in winter solstice, the
shortest night of the year, the 1st of Havd S.A. 2797, and so that night is still feared among Men, as they
believed with reason that the world of the dead and the living are closer than any other night and strange
portents may happen and no Man, Elf or Dwarf dare to enter the Orosúli as it is said a powerful evil dwelt
Hionvul Naovur fought against evil spirits who wanted to possess him. He finally won but the strife was so
harsh that his mind suffered a great trauma and some people told that he turned crazy and paranoic.
In the same battle, his son Pyat was wounded and got sick with hot fevers and deliriums. Against the
opinion of the healers and quacks, and Naovur thought that the illness was also by a inner strife against a
evil spirit. When he recovered in Myrn Shryac, one week later, Naovur believed that Pyat had been
possessed and condemned him to death, but his mother, knowing the madness of his husband, trusted a
loyal fellowship to flee with Pyat, where they couldn’t be found.

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Pyat and his loyal vassals arrived to Jojojopo, where they were welcomed by the King Urûp, who granted
them with lands in exchange for support against other Jopî neighbour kings.
After Pyat departure, the government of Codya plunged into a chaos and odd decisions, motivated by the
sick mind of Naovur. Some Shûr rose against the Hionvul, and differente rebellions happened in Drej
Uriac and other royal cities. The union of Codya was broken, the Jopî stopped to pay tributes and the
merchants suffered the consequences, so that the Khanîm traders returned to their priviledge positions in
the markets of Azrathâni.
After twelve years of war (2797-2809), King Urûp growned to become the lord of Jojojopo and Pyat was
considered his right-hand man a one of the most feared warriors.
In S.A. 2810, Naovun fall ill and his other sons argued about the succesion and the unification of Codya.
Menelvegil, his old friend, and governor of Azrathâni worried too much about the situation in Codya,
because of the interests of Sakal an-Khâr in the possible heirs, and so he droved Pyat to come back to
Codya and claim for the throne.
At first with his exiled Vulmaw and Jopî loyal vassals, but then followed by other nobles and Codyans, Pyat
broke through Drej Uriac where he defeated his son Vlaat in S.A. 2811. For another year he battled against
the forces of his minor brother Photaw, who were established around Cudaw, which withdrew to Pyat in
S.A. 2813, the same year the sick Hionvul Naovun died. Photaw saved his life because of Pyat compassion,
although he was forced to exile to the Blessed Islands, where he found a base to develop pirating activities
in the next years.
With no other contender for the title of Hionvul, Pyat was welcomed to Myrn Shryac by the people who
wished to recover peace and unification in Codya, and thus he was crowned in Tûn S.A. 2813.
Hionvul Pyat ruled Codya up to S.A. 2841. Although his old allied, the King Urûp of Jojojopo, died soon
after his coronation, he kept the alliance with his son Kúar. Codya profitted from this stable situation, all
the Shûr swore loyalty to the Hionvul, the royal navy was increased, the pirates were rejected to further
waters and trade flourished again in the Codyan havens, for Khanîm’s regret.
The Hionvul Mulvun succeed his father in the throne till S.A. 2862. Mulvun was proud and impulsive, and
after Kúar death, he lost the good diplomatic relationships with Jojojopo, who returned to a instability
stage. He also had had to face the frequent attacks of Sarê and Vulmaw pirates from the Blessed Islands
(actually, commanded by his cousin Alaat, son of Vlaat the Renegade, who was secretly allied with Sakal
The lack of support from the Hionvul triggered the desintegration of the united state of the Jôpi in few
years. The last king of whole Jojojopo was King Pososoi, murdered in S.A. 2863.


When Zimrukhôr, the Khanîm governor in Anarikê was murdered in S.A. 2857, a part of his secret militia,
the so-called “Dark Ordainers”, fled to other regions, like Codya or Harshandatt, while the other parts
tried in vain to keep control on Anarikê. The Dark Ordainers was a secret brotherhood of spies and
assassins recruited nearly exclusively among the highest Númenorean families (the others as mercenaries
from whatever origin, though they were Númenoreans, and trustworthy enough). When Zimrukhôr died,
his son Dairuzôr became the High Master of the Dark Ordainers, and transformed it in to a secret
organisation that had as objective to weaken Sakal an-Khâr enemies, by favouring divisions or
assassinating the most virulent adversaries. In order to arrange the domination of Sakal an-Khâr over all
the lands of the Bay of Ormal through the Dark Ordainers, a “Master” was appointed in Codya, and more
in other countries (12 in all).
But if they wanted to control distant lands, they had first to take power in their mother’s land. Through
political intrigue, many members infiltrated the court of Sakal an-Khâr, enabling the access to secret
information coming from Númenor and other realms on the Bay.

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The first Master of the Dark Ordainers in Codya was Abârthôr, brother of Zimrukhôr. Abârthôr came to
Myrn Shryac in S.A. 2863 as a wanderer astrologer and through his shrewdness he was allowed to enter
the Royal Library for his researches. Secretly, Abârthôr discovered in S.A. 2865 that Hionvul Kivoc
Dranizai wasn’t the first-born of his father Hionvul Mulvun actually, since a non-recognised daughter of
him was older, and so that the Law of Inheritance was disrespected. Hoping to destabilise the Codyan
government, Abârthôr searched for the Hionvul’s daughter, called Zilac. After eight years he found her and
convinced her to claim the throne. Since that moment Abârthôr continued with his plan, making the
nobles Houses of Codya confront the Hionvul and looking for their support to Zilac as the new and
legitimate Haynvul.
After four years of Abârthôr’s lies, deceits and sly words the Shûr got together finally and compelled the
Hionvul Kivoc Dranizai to abandon the throne to Zilac. Thus, Haynvul Zilac founded the Shrel Dynasty in
S.A. 2877 and named Abârthôr as her Chamberlain but the Númenorean was very old and died seven years
later, in S.A. 2884. However, Abârthôr put the first stone on the road for the Dark Ordainers to reach an
intimate contact with the Hionvula. His son, Êruzîr became the High Officer of the Courier, founding a
dynasty of Masters of the Dark Ordainers in Codya. Êruzîr enlarged the circle of the Ordainers to 12
people, while during the Abârthôr’s period was only formed by four members.
Haynvul Wainew succeeded Zilac in S.A. 2911. During her rule she had to confront several raids from the
pirates of the Vlaat lineage, although they were successfully resolved. In the following years Codya kept a
state of relative peace (sometimes marred by several pirate attacks) and the Masters stood in the shadow,
but always close to the Hionvula.
In S.A. 2981, an aging Dâiruzôr, High Master of the Dark Ordainers was named first counsellor of the
governor Sakulzîr of Sakal an-Khâr. Twenty years later, the governor and his sons mysteriously died in a
surprising accident, and to replace him, Dâiruzôr was awarded the charge of governor of Sakal an-Khâr by
Ar-Zimarthon after three years of political instability but he passed on the title to his son Azrabâr. In S.A.
3007, the secret organisation was at the head of Sakal an-Khâr, with projects in mind to control all the Bay
of Ormal. But these projects, if executed, would have drained the suspicion of Númenor, and therefore all
of that were refrained, for a time when Sakal an-Khâr could execute them freely.
In S.A. 3022 Azrabâr ordered the infiltration in every realm and in every social status (merchants, royal
court, navy...). Even that the Ordainers were infiltrated in the Royal Court, they penetrated slowly in the
Codyan society.
Since the Númenorean population in Codya was very small, the organisation secretly recruited members
from every race and social status, from labourers who wanted a better position to the Shûr who wanted
more power. Every non-member who gained knowledge of the Ordainer was kept in check, and if he
seemed a potencial danger, was secretly killed.
When the Dark Ordainers got real insurance that the mother land was in firm control, they decided that it
was time to get rid of the moderates in all lands, by means of murder or treachery. But the organisation
became so powerful and large in number that their activities were noticed or at least suspected in many
courts around the Bay of Ormal. In Onhân S.A. 3026, Hionvul Durg Shrel of Codya was unsuccesfully
target of an assassin, and after some investigations (that were falsified by investigators who were actually
of the Dark Ordainers) all proofs seemed to point at some Khanîm rich merchants of Cilyar. As a result of a
plot against him, the Hionvul expelled all Númenorean merchants from Cilyar and executed in public ten
“guilty” Númenoreans involved in the plot.


The events happened in Cilyar were considered as a provocation by Azrâbar, the governor of Sakal an-
Khâr, whose first intention was to make an offensive against Codyans. Unallowed to start the war off
because of Númenor decision, Sakal an-Khâr was forced to diplomacy.
Despite the initial diplomatic solution, the distrustful realms of Ormal Bay got ready for war, searching
allies wherever they could. While Hionvul Durg Shrel of Codya agreed to join his forces with Anarikê,

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Lynerian League, and Mastoria; Sakal an-Khâr allied secretly with Lômithâni (Balkulôni) as it was still
submitted to Anarikê.
The effort of war (fleet preparation, men and arms resource) was diverted in all lands by sabotages and
deliberate fires in cities and ports, all caused by Sakal an-Khâr spies, inciting people to revolt against their
leaders. Serious popular riots did not happen in Codya, however the allied countries were weakened and
became a good prey for the powerful navy of Sakal an-Khâr.
After the mysterious murder of the governor of Anarikê, a civil war started off and Sakal an-Khâr was
given a spoken authorization to commence a war in the North. Three months later, in Eren S.A. 3029, a
large Khanîm fleet set sail northward and assaulted the Aikyen Islands, defeating the Codyan and Lynerian
navy. At the same time, rebellions broke out in Balkulôni, where the Lynîr population raised against the
Númenorean power. Before the end of the year the rebels had been executed except those who could flee
from the colony.
The second assault took place in the Codyan and Lynerian Havens. The Khanîm launched attacks to every
Codyan port from Tset to Narac S.A. 3029, and finally they were able to take Cudaw, Cilyar, Laywun and
In Narac S.A. 3029 Anarikê had solved his internal problems, and with Harshandatt and Bulchyades
rejoined the Alliance against Sakal an-Khâr. Their ships entered the Gulf of Lynîr and forced the Khanîm
navy to withdraw from Codya. Tired and lost heart, the defenders of the Codyan cities would never forget
the arrival of the fleet of the three nations, sweeping away the Khanîm navy. The Battle of the Red Tide,
near the cape of Nirshat, was reported to have been one of the most deathly ever been, and tales said that
more than half of the ships involved here were sunk, and many thousands men perished in the waves
making the tide near Nirshat red with blood. With that battle the allied forces were able to free Lynerian
and Codyan cities from the grisp of the Khanîm fleet and deprived the Adûnai city of Balkulôni of their
supplies, which capitulated to the allied forces in the Fourth Treaty of Balkûloni (S.A. 3033). New ships
were immediately built by the Khanîm and a corsair war started.
But even with the intervention of Anarikê, more than six years were needed to repel the Khanîm assault,
punctuated by great victories, defeats, and also betrayals among the allied crews. But at last, during the
last offensive (concluding the Four Armies Battle) in Xâm S.A. 3035, by the mouths of Alujedî, they
encircled nearly all the Khanîm fleet, and exterminated many of them, including the admiral ship, with on
board the governor Azrabâr (Aiyn 3035).
Soon after the victory of the allied countries their governors met in Lyneria and decided to undertake the
final assault to Sakal an-Khâr, the treaty known as the Alliance of Lyneria. Unfortunately, Governor
Izinduzîr of Anarikê died poisoned and a civil war started in Anarikê, taking it away from the conflict.
In Tset S.A. 3036 a fleet led by High Delegate Ermezayn and composed of Lynerian, Mastorian and
Codyan ships sailed to Sakal an-Khâr and launched a few assault upon their capital, where Azrabâr's uncle,
Aganabâr, had become Governor. The realm wasn’t an easy prey, as every citizen in age for war was
accepted (forced into) in the army, with any betrayers (or suspected as so) killed at once. The Khanîm were
able to repel the siege of Khârutârik but the Lynerians and Codyans then assaulted lesser havens, such as
Zagar-Baluk and Ûre-Zadan. Their assaults were successful, despite the support army coming from
Khârutârik. However, after only three months of war, a plague among them forced the allied fleet to a
retreat that marked their doom. Sakal an-Khâr had survived, and the Dark Ordainers were free to impose
their rule in all the Bay.
In S.A. 3042 a secretly member of the Dark Ordainers got the power in Anarikê, although with a fierce
resistance on the inlands. The fall of Anarikê propelled fear among all the Bay of Ormal. But Vulmaw of
Codya, Lynîr, Mastorians and Númenoreans from Balkulôni (at least those refusing the Khanîm
domination) and the Lynerian League were ready to resist. A treaty was promptly signed in Narac S.A.
3043 between these three powers (after very long negotiations between these people who had been
enemies in the past), and they intended a major goal: the destruction of Sakal an-Khâr. The combined
forces of Mastoria, Codya and Lynerian League attacked Lômithânî in Aiyn S.A. 3043. They achieved a
victory three months later, adding the Númenorean colony to the Lynerian League, signing the Fourth

- -

Treaty of Balkûloni (S.A. 3044). All the possessions of the Númenoreans having links with Sakal an-Khâr
were sequestered. The huge bounty was divided between Codyans, Lynîr and Mastorians. It is said that the
gold taken from Nimir-Kadar (a city of Sakal an-Khâr) was used for rebuilding the Hionthawul in Myrn
Shryac, transforming it into a golden palace.
After that, Codya and the Lynerian League, now also supported by Ûrakhan, went on attacking Sakal an-
Khâr. Disastrous defeats to the Khanîm fleets happened near Nyddon in Narac S.A. 3048 and at Cilyar in
Eren S.A. 3052, that secured the Codyan and Lynerian waters. In Vusag 3055 High Delegate Arazandâr led
his armies by land towards Anarikê, supported by the Lynerian and Númenorean rebels, and he managed
to defeat the Númenoreans and besieged their Governor Urushzagar at Ishtya. But the floods of river
Alturaj forced his army to retreat. After that, peace was restored on the frontier, though the Codyans still
supported the rebels of Anarikê.
After these defeats, Sakal an-Khâr changed its objectives and in S.A. 3055 started the conquest of the
Southern Archipelago. That was very difficult because of the Vulmaw rebellions. Codya and the Lynerian
League could not do anything in the conflict and the last island was conquered in S.A. 3078.
With the pacification of the Southern Archipelago drawing to its end and the exit of Mastoria from the
Alliance of Lyneria, Dairukhôr, the new High Delegate of the League, took his time and assembled a strong
fleet to subdue his enemies. In Tset S.A. 3100, the Khanîm defeated the fleet of the Alliance near the
mouths of Alujedî. Caryalon fell in that same year and Angarôk in the following spring (Lynerian cities). In
Vusag S.A. 3101, a peace was sworn in that city. With the Peace of Angarôk the Khanîm returned the
occupied Lynerian cities, but the Lynerians and Codyans, whose Alliance was to be abandoned, had to
accept the establishment of Númenorean independent blocks in all their main harbours that must be
defended by Khanîm garrisons. The treaty was signed in 8 Eren S.A. 3103, and remembered later as the
“day of resignation and shame”.
This was a very heavy price for keeping peace in the Bay of Ormal, and this decision was not clearly
understood by the common population, who saw there an abandonment of sovereignty, and also a betrayal
from the ruling class. That explained the appearance of several resistance movements during the years of
the Golden Peace, fighting as well against Sakal an-Khâr as against Lynerian or Vulman officials (who
chose a covered way to battle against Sakal an-Khâr).


In S.A. 3103 Dâirukhôr ascended to the title of Golden Emperor, in a magnificent ceremony with
representatives of all the vassal states, and allies from Mûmakan. Codyans delegated the Chamberlain of
the realm, To Pala. To Pala had only an interest in going to the capital, Pharaz-târik an-Khâr (also called
Khârutârik), to find secret allies against Sakal an-Khâr, and not really to assist to the glory of this hated
Dâirukhor appeared the last at his ceremony with Sakalkhôr of Tantûrak at his side and he announced
there the imposition of a heavy tax to all the subordinate lands, heavier than anyone ever requested by
Númenor. The High Delegate Artûzan of the Lynerian League and To Pala, turned pale for a while, and
requested from the emperor advisor an audience. Such audience was refused, and they had only this
message: “The tax is sufficient to ensure the security of Sakal an-Khâr empire, and if you want to keep a
limited independance in your own land, pay.”
The ceremonies continued for one month, and all the emissaries were constrained to assist to all of them
until the end. At least, on the end of Tûn month, all were allowed to return to their homeland, with a
significant Sakal an-Khâr garrison. By the end of the year, Khanîm were everywhere, to the great despair
of the local authorities. Even the secret resistance movement were of no use against Sakal an-Khâr
presence. They could kill as many Khanîm or collaborators as they wanted, until they were faced with the
violent Khanîm reaction against the people (10 Codyan deaths for one Khanîm death).
Khanîm intended to stay, and there began a subtle politic to choose the local rulers. The remodelling of the
political, military and social structure that took place with the sovereignty of Sakal an-Khâr was enormous.

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By S.A. 3120, all titles (Hionvul, Delegates, High Officers, etc.) were decided by the Emperor or his
subordinates, and not anymore by the locals. They were not necessary of Khanîm origin, but faithful to the
emperor. The Hionvul (or his representative, the Chamberlain) had also to come once a year in
Khârutârik, in Sakal an-Khâr, to report of the political and economic situation in his homeland, and risked
to be executed if the report was not good enough to the ears of the emperor. This situation created a
political instability in the Bay of Ormal, helping Sakal an-Khâr to easily control its entire empire.
These changes in the higher charges of the government alerted the Shûr, and some of them were involved
in the subtle movements to knock down Sakal an-Khâr from Codya. However, Dâirukhôr knew their
unfaithful attitude, and taking advantage of this possible insubordination, he decided in S.A. 3143 to
eliminate all Codya aristocracy. He arrived personally in Codya with a splendid garrison (1.000 men) to
ensure the elimination of every opposing noble. The Sakal an-Khâr superiority was so, that most of the
Houses bowed at the Emperor’s feet. But the Houses of the northern fiefs: Jinvol and Wanfoi faced the
Emperor and stood proudly in their lands.
The response of the Emperor was furious and a navy with 30.000 men arrived in Codya to subdue the
rebels. The troops of the Emperor disembark in Wern Draic and advanced through the old old highways
that linked Codyan cities, but the advance was not easy since many men caught a strange fever in the
jungle, and most of the infected died during the trip. This hitch was nearly made Sapthân, the general of
the Emperor troops, to move back to the South.
Woij Fê was besieged for a month, but hunger made the House Jinvol to open the doors to the Khanîm in
Xâm S.A. 3144. All the members of the House Jinvol were slain by Sapthân, and their heads held in pikes
in the top of the citadel’s wall. After Woij Fê the Khanîm besieged Go Ishac. But the Khanîm army was
weakened and depleted and House Wanfoi decided to stand and face the siege. The war was hard and the
siege lasted for three months. The result was the same as before, even more bloody, and also the Temple of
Chasca was burnt. Fearful of the troops of the Golden Emperor (already exhausted and wearied), even the
Jaujim of Achaj, city that hadn’t supported the rebellion, went out their walls to bow at Sapthân’s feet to
beg mercy.
No domain was let free to the locals, and only one religion was accepted in all the Empire. In appearance,
Khanîm worshipped only the One, as Númenor always did, but the Emperor, the priests and the members
of the Dark Ordainers gave to the One evil characteristics, linking the name of Ilúvatar with Morgoth and
his servant Sauron. Magnificent temples were so built in every countries of the empire. The marvellous Lo-
Shû Parâwanaj, the Temple of Drej Uriac, was transformed into the “Golden Temple of the One” in S.A.
3150. In the inauguration of the temple 60 believers of Lo-Shû and other Vulmaw gods were sacrificed in a
bloody ceremony.
Following Tantûrak, Sakal an-Khâr declared himself as independent of Númenor in S.A. 3186. The
decision of the king of Númenor was taken to crush the rebellions of Sakal an-Khâr and Tantûrak, but it
was delayed for several decades following the death of Ar-Sakalthôr (S.A. 3102 – 3177). In S.A. 3224 the
next king of Númenor, Inziladûn, sent a mighty fleet to Ormal Bay to subjugate the emancipated colonies.
At the Battle of Darac, in southern Llikh, the royal fleet defeated the Khanîm army and the Governor was
captured and humiliated in Khârutârik, finishing the Golden Empire and making the Southern
Archipelago a Númenorean protectorate.
Meanwhile Anarikê, Chyan, Codya and the Lynerian League were still controlled by the Dark Ordainers,
and the Númenoreans had to do bigger efforts to free these states, a task that lasted more than 30 years. At
that time Codya was ruled by Hionvul Utzyac, who was actually a mere puppet of the High Master of the
Dark Ordainers in Codya, Mâlkuw Feij. He rejected the arrival of Númenoreans through diplomacy but
finally all was solved by a naval war. In Jin S.A. 3263 all the cities of Vulture's Bay had fallen; nevertheless
the Dark Ordainers supporters were strong in the centre of Codya. Some popular rebellions in Thawan
Napai and Suj knocked down the governors and the Ordainers became more isolated and enclosed. In Tûn
S.A. 3268 most of the Ordainers (Khanîm and Vulmaw) fled from Laywun, after accepting a defeat and
transferring all the power to Númenorean hands; but the shadow of Dark Ordainers didn’t disappear for a
long time as some of them didn’t leave Codya and stood in the Shadow, waiting for their chance.

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After seizing the territories of Sakal an-Khâr in the Bay of Ormal, Númenor decided to include Codya in
the Anarikân Protectorate in order to keep a centralised control on this region, assuring its power in the
Bay. Codya became a country dependent on Anarikê (the Hionvul was just a vassal of the governor of
Anarikê), but in fact it stood as a juridically independent realm.
The new dynasty of Hionvula in Codya started in Vusag S.A. 3268 with the nomination of the first non-
Vulmaw Hionvul of Codya, Êruzôr “the Outsider”, an Anarikân noble. In order to appease the popular
dissatisfaction Êruzôr married a Vulman maiden, Dauzul, descendant of the last member of the Jinvol
family. Nevertheless, people did not approve this event and some resistance movements against the
Anarikê rule appeared in the hinterlands of Codya. Quickly these movements converged and coalesced by
the hand of General Lo Feij, in fact Shrey Beij (his original name), the son of the last High Master of the
Dark Ordainers in Codya, Mâlkuw Feij. Actually, Lo Feij had a hidden communication with the Dark
Ordainers of Sakal an-Khâr, in order to launch an attack against Anarikê and the Lynerian League at any
sign from Sakal an-Khâr to re-conquer Codya for the Dark Ordainers.
However, Codya recovered all his forgotten traditions such as religion or festivities, and all the temples of
the blasphemous cult of the One and every sign of Sakal an-Khâr domination were dismantled. As in
Anarikê, a secret police, the "True Loyalists", but called in Codya Pasfan (Vu. "Eyes") was established in
order to find any Dark Ordainers activity, nevertheless they never found any trail of General Lo Feij.
General Lyuc Feij, successor of Lo Feij, reached further control of Codya than his father. In S.A. 3307 he
had got hold of the Jôpi Kneel through an effective military campaign, supported mainly by peasants and
militians. Thus, making use of the situation in Númenor (Ar-Pharazôn blindly focused to assault the Land
of Gods and get inmortality), Lyuc Feij proclaimed himself as the true Hionvul of Codya. Two years later,
Lyuc held Go Ishac and spread all over the Jôpi Kneel to Thawan Napai. His popular support was
indisputable, and in S.A. 3311 he controlled all of the inner lands of Codya. The population of the coastal
lands were divided, and Lyuc Feij achieved easily the beginning of a civil war in the lands still ruled by
Hionvul Laimeg, Êruzôr's successor. Siuyú fell into Feij’s hands in Onhân 3311, Cilyar a month later, and
finally Laywun in Aiyn 3311.
In Tset 3314, with Laimeg rule getting slowly disintegrated, General Lyuc Feij launched a surprise attack
on Achaj and Ishtya7. All of that formed part of the Sakal an-Khâr statregy to reconstitue the great Khanîm
Immediately Abâruzîr, governor of Anarikê, suspected the real intention of Sakal an-Khâr on that matter,
and he directed a part of his military army and his Chyan Allies to support Achaj and Ishtya, while he
entrusted his son Azrahîn with the command of the navy the task of assailing inmediately Cilyar, first
maritime city of Feij territory.
The Chyan armies coalesced near Chajapûn, and walked North to cross the Chy Gap; then they turned
Southeast, crossing Vaag and Acaana, to reach Ishtya and Achaj, joining the Anarikân army in a fierce
struggle. Before the end of S.A. 3314 the cities had come back to the Anarikân control.
Owing to a big numerical superiority, as Azrahin navy was supported by the navy coming from Amazôn
and Ahava8, Cilyar, surrendered in a short period of time. The Codyan vessels were captured, which
enabled governor Abâruzîr to be aware of Lyuc Feij’s plans for battle (thanks to torture against Codyan
survivors, or by promising them more money than Lyuc Feij). A part of the fleet stayed in Cilyar, in case of
a new surprise Vulmaw attack, while the other part sailed in reinforcements to Achaj and Ishtya.
Considering the last successes of the Anarikân forces, Khâruphazgân, the Lord of Sakal an-Khâr, launched
in Havd 3315 a great offensive against the Anarikê’s allies. The Sakal an-Khâr navy split up into three

Eastern city of Dar Eglariador (Anarikê), near Achaj
Independent island realms that established peaceful relationships with Anarikê in S.A. 3272.

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parts. The first fleet had the task to attack the Bulchyades (specially Samarth and Jorash), the second one
had to raid the coasts of Harshandatt (Mejhat and Pyarador), and the third one to attack Cilyar, in order to
support the Codyan armies leaded by Lyuc Feij to rise again in Codya.
Taking into account the Ormal Edict (never really abrogated), Abâruzîr, governor of Anarikê, considered
the military intervention of Sakal an-Khâr as illegal and his armies came in support to the authorities of
the Bulchyades Confederation in Havd 3315. This was presented to the High-King Ar-Pharazôn as a police
operation to stop Sakal an-Khâr from encroaching in the Western Bay of Ormal. This was in fact an excuse
for not sending the fleet to Númenor (as Ar-Pharazôn ordered to Anarikê for the conquest of the Blessed
Lands), and keeping it on the Ormal Bay.
For three times in less than a year, the Khanîm navy kept in siege Cilyar, until the support coming from
Myrn Shryac could break definetly the blockade in 18 Kódu 3315. The naval Khanîm forces were forced to
retreat to the last maritime city of the Feij, Laywun.
In a month the Laimeg-Anarikân navy sieged and entered Laywun, forcing the Khanîm and Feij
sympathisers to surrender or fleeing by the northern road to Thawan Napai, still in Feij territory.
Nevertheless, some radical fighters that weren’t captured prefered destruction before surrender and
started a fire that devastated almost all the city.
Meanwhile, in the North the Chyan-Anarikân terrestrial hosts went towards Go Ishac and besieged, that
finally capitulated in Eren S.A. 3315.
Three years followed, with no concrete results for Sakal an-Khâr and Lyuc Feij troops, as the Dark
Ordainers were not able to break the unity between Codyans. In Tset 3318, the Khanîm were forced to
retreat, to face and resolve an important Ohjanî rebellion, putting end to a long and bloody war.
After three not completely peacful years, in Tset 3321 a peace treaty unofficially recognised the partition of
Codya between Anarikê and Sakal an-Khâr. Western Codya (that in fact included west, south of Codya)
was integrated to Anarikê, while the Feij dynasty, linked to Sakal an-Khâr was recognized to rule the
eastern and hinterlands of Codya (with the new capital in Woij Fê). And when the war was over, it was
rather late for both Anarikê and Sakal an-Khâr to send to Númenor the tithe requested.

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3.2.23 WESTERN CODYA VERSUS the brand-new Hionvul Itlawan Feij welcomed
EASTERN CODYA them and placed many of them as advisors of the
The Lyuc Feij rule in Eastern Codya made the
realm a client state of Sakal an-Khâr and allowed Laimok Tek, a fervent warrior of the Feij army
the comeback of all the Dark Ordainers attempted to murder King Abâruzîr of Anarikê in
traditions. The Cult of the One was restored S.A. 3377. Laimok was able to shoot an arrow to
again, and the High Temple of the One in Drej the King in his own palace and injure him,
Uriac was rebuilt, but the freedom of worship was nevertheless he was caught later and killed by the
respected for a time. In S.A. 3344 Lyuc Feij died king’s garrison. It was said that Laimok Tek was a
and was succeeded by his son Shrau, who exalted fanatic and mad member of the Dark Ordainers
even more his monotheist religion. Since Hionvul whom Adûnuzôr, the Golden Ambassador of
Shrau the Feij Dynasty reached a high level of Sakal an-Khâr, manipulated to make him try this
dislike and aversion among the tradional Codyans suicide action for claiming vengeance for his
(Lyuc Feij was actually a populist and charismatic people.
leader), who did not accept being a subject state The King survived to the attack, but the Feij made
of Sakal an-Khâr. use of the confusion created Anarikê to start a
Ar-Abârhin took power in Sakal an–Khâr in S.A. violent conflict to recover their lost territories,
3373 and many nobles revolted against this, called the “Spy Wars” (S.A. 3377-3383). Despite
claiming the rights of the grandson of Adûnuzôr. outraged at the beginning, the army of Anarikê,
This revolt, called “The Dupes War” ended quite led by his young Prince Narakhîn (as King
quickly and the nobles were exiled from the Abâruzîr needed to rest), pushed back the Codyan
realm. Some of these nobles fled to Codya where army mixed with Aca and Phaxshâra mercenaries.
Itlawan Feij, the Hionvul of Eastern Codya was

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killed near the city of Laishô and several gold pieces was ordered, as a reparation for war
important Codyan generals were captured, during twenty years.
precipitating the flight of an already weakened
After Itlawan Feij death, his widow Daigew
host. Maybe the too great dissimilarities between
considered that his son Tolm Feij was not
mercenaries, attracted by promise of wealth and
qualified enough for the charge of Hionvul, and
plunder of the Anarikê cities were a sign of failure
temporally gave the charge to Itlawan’s brother,
in itself.
Ovîk Feij. He ruled for two years, but when in S.A.
This unsuccessful war disabled any Eastern 3385 Daigew saw that his son was old and trained
Codyan attempt to conquer the western lands for enough to assume the charge, Ovîk refused to
decades, as only 15 to 20% survived, on a total of hand over the throne, starting a war in Eastern
40.000 men. Even, the Feij territory diminished Codya. The armies of Ovîk and Tolm fought in
in size, and another significant part of Codya was Woij Fê for the power, triggering the destruction
annexed to the Anarikê territory, as the northern of old buildings and the burning of many
lands around Siuyú. As well, a tribute of 10.000 neighbourhoods in the city. Tolm’s forces were
finally victorious but with a too high price.

(FA, S.A., TA and 4A stand respectively for First,

Second, Third and Fourth Age of the Sun).
The following timeline gives dates following the
Reckoning of the kings of Gondor for convenience

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Note: The entries in blue are events that do not 282 S.A.; Shon Dral led his people, the Surk
directly involve the Codya but that are of Vulmaw, to South. They first settle in Wôl and
regional importance. Those in red are milestone subjugate its inhabitants, the Lakehab.
dates for the history of Middle Earth.
c. 500 S.A.; Sauron begins to stir again.
525 S.A.; A tribe of Bávor’s folk, led by their king
c. -58.000 b.F.A.; Men awake in Murmenalda Relin, migrates towards the Bay of Ormal and
(Hildórien). Melkor achieves the Fall of Men and reaches Námagalûz, where they are welcomed by
sends Harûrnurg, the Úmaia, to rule over them. Dwarves of their kin.
c. -35.000 b.F.A.; The temple of Harûrnurg is 575-875 S.A.; The expansion period of Surk
finished. Vulmaw, during which Lóchas Drûs send ships
for exploration.
c. -20.000 b.F.A.; Alliance between Avari and
Men. First War of Palisor. Harûrnurg’s armies are 600 S.A.; The first ships of the Númenoreans
rejected. appear off the coasts of Endor.
c. -18.000 b.F.A.; Second War of Palisor. The c. 700-850 S.A.; The Lóchans explore the Bay of
minions of Harûrnurg spread all over Palisor. Ormal.
Elves and Men are scattered in all directions.
751 S.A.; Sauron meets Zotankath in Tînor-faltor
c. 10 – 50 FA; First migrations of Drûg tribes to and learns more Necromancy, especially how to
Ormal lands (Chaialla, Yarulma). Other Swerting enslave. Men spirits focusing a part of his own
tribes (Jôpi) arrive to Codya, and meet with the power in an object.
Drûg, from whom they acquire much of their
850-875 S.A.; Conquest of the Southern
customs, folklore and language.
Achipielago by Lóchas Drûs, founding an Empire.
c. 100-300 F.A.; The lands of Ormal are raided
848 S.A.; First Aca Invasion in Chy. Dârayavahu
by Orcs and Evil Men from the Evil Eastern
is the first to react and the resolution of the
conflict enables him to found the first Chyan
603 F.A.; War of Wrath. Final overthrow of Empire.
Morgoth and the evil Eastern Empire.
852 S.A.; Discovery of Morenorë by the Lóchans,
1 – 30 S.A.; Ruin of the evil Eastern Empire. who called it T’latch-tuyil, the Land Left by Gods.
Harûrnurg perishes and the natural disasters
c. 852-875; The Vulmaw found several cities in
devastate temples, monuments and buildings.
T’lach-tuyil (Mórenorë) and make friendship with
“War between Gods”. The Úmaiar fight each other
some folks under the Acali rule. They also make
to gain supremacy. First migrations of the Men of
other settlements in the Southern Archipielago
the Empire. Frighful of the natural disasters that
(Vulm Shryac, Arth and Cevra).
take place, the Chaialla leave their traditional
homeland of Chailûza (later Chy) and journey to c. 875-900 S.A.; Beginning of the consolidation
Tulwang. period. Several conflicts happens with natives
peoples in Sunum, ending with the burning of
1- 150 S.A.; The climate changes in the western
Vulmaw settlement and the people dead and
Ormal lands, which become drier.
enslaved. Important conflicts in Lóchas Drûs with
10 – 100 S.A.; Múranians and Sîranians settle their primitive neighboors to the north.
in western Bay of Ormal in what begins to be
960 S.A.; Conquest of Sunum by Vul Dral of the
known as Sîrayn and Murayn (Harshandatt, Chy
Lóchans by offering presents and dresses to the
and the Bulchyades). The Elinse follow them
about one half century later and settle mainly in
Olyas Kriis. 975 S.A.; A Vulmaw expedition arrives to
Sheshnoria coasts (Codya).
200–400 S.A.; Coming of the Lynîr,
beleaguering of their cities and beginning of the 978 S.A.; Hionvulk Halzac Dral of the Lóchan
expansion of the Lynerian League in the eastern Empire is granted with the rights to stablish a
Bay of Ormal. colony in mainland Codya for military support to

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Lynerian League against the Zurghîr. Foundation 1045 S.A.; Foundation of Wern Draic by a new
of Drej Uriac. House, the Cuiwum.
986 S.A.; The Lóchan Empire leaves the T’lach- 1048 S.A.; Foundation of Laishô.
tuyil colonies in autonomy.
1072 S.A.; Hion Fevol sends a fleet to “invite”
987 S.A.; Foundation of Myrn Shryac. the cities of Olyas Kriis, guarded by the Elinse
Confederacy, to join their tributary system.
992 S.A.; New cooperation treaty between
Because of it, a military conflict starts between
Vulmaw and Lynerians. Codya is granted to the
Codya and the union of Elinse Confederacy and
Vulmaw except the Lynerian colonies of Cilyar
the Bulchyades. The arrival of Hellacar (husband
and Sheshnor.
of Queen Ancalimë of Númenor) puts an end to
994 S.A.; Foundation of Achaj by Anthô Vûd. the war with minimum losses for both sides.
978 S.A.; Hionvul Halzac Dral of Lóchas Drûs 1097 – 1115 S.A.; Hion Shaj Ruic promotes
makes a deal with the Lynerian League. In expeditions to the Jôpi Kneel and the sources of
exchange for military support against Zurghôr, the Ach, Nualji, Yai-tayin and Hin rivers to lay
the League gives rights to establish one Vulmaw official claim of the territory
trade colony on the mainland near the League.
1108 S.A.; Foundation of Suj.
989 – 1287 S.A.; The Wan-Dral Dynasty of
1114 S.A.; Foundation of Thawan Napai:
Lóchas Drûs.
1123 S.A.; Birth of the House Lômzuw, who
991 S.A.; The Lynîr and the Dwarves of Khelek-
founds the city of Tsinaw.
zâram create the land of Lynahar, co-
administered by the two peoples. 1131 S.A.; Birth of the House Lovaw, who founds
the city of Woij Fê.
c. 1000 S.A.; Sauron, alarmed by the growing
power of the Númenoreans, chooses Mordor as a 1143 S.A.; Odôj the Huge is named Shû,
land to make into a stronghold. He begins the beginning the House Odôjavi, who found the city
building of Barad-dûr. of Siuyú.
1004 S.A.; The Númenoreans, led by Soronto, 1146 S.A.; Hionvul Akuta Wan-Dral of Lóchas
reach the northern shores of the Ormal Bay. Some Drûs designates Demik Vur as the new governor
of them establish in Drej Uriac. of Codya.
1016 S.A.; The Acali pressure in the Ixtcal lands 1152 S.A.; The Chyan Empire dismembers.
(Vulmaw independet colony of Morenorë) make
1156 S.A.; Hion Demik Vur tries to extend
the Itxcal flee to the Lóchan colonies, enriching
Vulmaw power by assaulting the Bulchyades. He
the cultural heritage of the Vulmaw.
fails and is replaced by Kapo Fé.
1018 S.A.; The Hionvul Wan-Dral of Lóchan
1177 S.A.; House Lovaw confronts Hion Kapo Fé.
Drûs designates a Hion for the new colony of
He undertakes a plan, causing a flash civil war in
Codya. Foundation of Cudaw.
the Lovaw fief that ends with the Lovaw. The
1034 S.A.; Foundation of Laywun. Hion names as new Shû Jinvol, founder of House
1035 S.A.; Codya starts to mint coin.
c. 1200 S.A.; The Númenoreans begin to make
1037 S.A.; The capital city is moved from Drej
permanent havens on the coasts of Middle Earth.
Uriac to Myrn Shryac.
About that time Sauron seduces the Elven smiths
1040 S.A.; The Hionthawul, the House of the of Eregion.
Hionvul, is built in Myrn Shryac.
1211 S.A.; Hion Goún Zaîm and the Jôpi sign the
1041 – 1068 S.A.; Hion Calmac Tâmm makes “Treaty of the Rainbow” that allows the Jôpi to
sure the Codyan coasts, linking by road the keep their freedom, law and customs, although
settlements, building small fortress and they must pay tributes and give military support
promoting farms and quarries inland. to the Hion.

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1219 – 1251 S.A.; Hion Zhe Zaîm sends 1498 S.A.; Hion Wang Shrol crosses the Alturaj
expeditions to explore the Waarwugan and north River and overruns the Elinse lands. The
of Jojojopo. enterprise succeeds, but the combined forces of
the Chyan of the Bulchyades and the Lynerian of
1229 S.A.; Foundation of Siuyú.
Pelnatej stops their advance in Olyas Kriis,
1247 S.A.; Wanfô discovers a “holy source of although leaving Eastern Olyas Kriis under
water”, that will be a focus of pilgrimage to Codyan domination.
worship Chasca.
1512 S.A.; The unified forces of the Hion, Vûd
1254 S.A.; A party led by a retired officer of the and Lômzuw navy sail to the city of Kantilya.
Vulmaw army, Gheerh, arrive at a fertile valley in They have to withdraw because of the Pelnatej
the Jôpi Kneel, named as Lo Canza Yuan, navy.
annihilating the native tribe of Jôpi.
1600 S.A.; Sauron secretly forges the One Ring
1257 S.A.; House Mawyon are designed to rule in Orodruin and completes Barad-dûr.
the city of Cudaw.
1625 S.A.; Foundation of Inyalonî in Olyas Kriis,
1260 – 1520 S.A.; Series of Vulmaw pirates the first Númenorean outpost in the Bay of
raids against the Bulchyades. Ormal.
1266 S.A.; Wanfô is named Shû, founding the 1633 S.A.; Zotankath creates the Ghâshgûlbúrz,
House Wanfoi. the Dark Flame of Souls.
1268 S.A.; Foundation of Go Ishac, near the 1687 S.A.; Lômzuw vassals and Sâre pirates
Temple of Chasca, built by Wanfô. attack the Bulchyan city of Samarth. Sacrifice of
Great King Ganachyn and 100 warriors to save
1280 S.A.; Foundation of Ishtya, the first
the city.
Lynerian colony in Olyas Kriis.
1693 S.A.; War of the Elves and Sauron in
1287 S.A.; The last Wan-Dral Hionvar with only
Eriador. Sauron is defeated with the support of a
a daughter to succeed him; the Lóchans send to
great fleet of the Númenoreans.
Womawas Drus for a prince of the Mûl line to
marry her. However, they will only accept a minor 1698 S.A.; Houses Lômzuw and Vûd allies to
prince, not the Womaw Hionvar, and there is no raid Western Olyas Kriis coast.
unification of the two empires. Vo-Dral Dynasty
1712 S.A.; The Vulmaw assaults the cities of
in Lóchas Drûs. Increased contact leads to a
Jorash, Kandalar and Pelnatej. Olyas Kriis and
system of princely education in which members of
eastern Bulchyades became Vulmaw dominions,
the Lóchan imperial house travel to Laeg Góak for
but with an alliance with the Aca, the Chyans
force the Vulmaw to return to Codya, who loses
1296 S.A.; Creation of the Confederation of Olyas Kriis (Battle of Red Rocks).
Bulchyades to fight against the numerous
1782 S.A.; First Trade Agreement between
Vulmaw raids.
Lóchan and Númenoreans.
1356 S.A.; Ojin Vûd captures and sack Kandalar,
c. 1800 S.A.; From about this time onward the
in the Bulchyades. They have to withdraw because
Númenoreans begin to establish dominions on
of the Pelnatej navy.
the coasts of Endor. Sauron expands his power
1426-1475 S.A.; The construction of the temple eastward. The Shadow falls on Númenor.
of Lo-Shû Parâwanaj, the Golden and High
1801-1811 S.A.; War of the Phaimonians that
Temple of the Son of the Sky, in Drej Uriac.
end with a peace firmed in Drej Uriac, overseen
1452 S.A.; The Vûd navy together with pirate by Hion Ithram Vem.
forces working as mercenaries attack the city of
1833 S.A.; The Lóchan Empire is defeated at the
Jorash in the Bulchyades. They have to withdraw
hands of the martial Ts’dan of Ka’ish, concluding
because of the Pelnatej navy.
the Great Expansion Wars of the Ts’dan peoples
1487 S.A.; Foundation of Númenorean havens of V’Shrang. Many Codyans participate in the
and strongholds in Bellakar. war, and many of them die. Demrêk Vu, governor
of Codya is mysteriously assassinated. Sorkûr

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Mûl, a prince of the Lóchan imperial line, offers 1914 S.A.; Mawyon fief is incorporated in the
his service to reestablish order. Lóchan Empire. The Hion Vrac goes forward
Cudaw to confront the Lóchans and subject the
1835 S.A.; Sorkûr Mûl is named acting Governor
Shû Insho Mawyon (Battle of Cudaw). Codya wins
of Codya.
and Lóchans are forced to retreat.
1840 S.A.; Prince Sorkûr Mûl proclaims himself
1929 – 1999 S.A.; The armies of the Storm King
Hionvul of Codya, initiating a wave of
of Ciryatanórë conquer all the lands along the
independence of colonies from a crumbling
northern edge of the Ered Laranor from the
Lóchan Empire and establishing the basis of
Belegaer to the Bay of Ormal.
Vulmaw power in the Bay of Ormal.
1934 S.A.; After several civil war, Lóchas Drûs
1841 S.A.; Sorkûr Mûl sends agents to the
finally cracks and disintegrates into five differente
jungles of Zurghôr trying to civilise the primitive
realms: Wôl, Brôd, Ka’ish, Arg-Sîmorig and
tribes, especially the Ôran-täl. The spirit of
Ekhayar wakes up in Zurghôr.
1967 – 2230 S.A.; Small border raids to capture
1869 – 1875 S.A.; Sorkûr Mûl organises his own
slaves in the north border of Tînor-faltor.
false assassination, and instructs his son Avahya
to declare that the assassins were Lynîr. Codya 1977 S.A.; Foundation of the outpost of Cirlond
(allied with tribes of Zurghôr) starts the Great (Balkûloni) by the Númenoreans in the Lynerian
Naval War against the Lynerian League and the land of Sheshnoria.
Chyan Empire, and their Númenorean allies. The
1980 – 1992 S.A.; Codya stays neutral in the
Vulmaw are eventually forced to sign a peace
naval war between Númenoreans and Lynerian
treaty that recognises the Lynerian pre-eminence
League for the control of the colony of Cyrialondë
over the Bay of Ormal but sows the seeds of
(Lomîthanî). First Treaty of Cirlond.
future struggles between Lynîr and
Númenoreans. 2039 S.A.; The last supporters of Great King
Vishtâspa II flee to the cities of Olyas Kriis and
1875 – 1881 S.A.; The Shûr Council
Codya, where they are welcomed by the Hionvul
administrates the royal lands and cities for six
Vomik Sham.
2043 S.A.; Without the assent of his counsellor
1879 S.A.; A series of Númenorean outposts and
(Nevazar), Great King Artaxshâsa prepares a war
settlements become the colony of Harfalas (later
against the Hionvul Vomik of Codya who
Sakal an-Khâr), which in less than a century
welcomes and supports Chyan rebels. The Great
becomes their most important settlement in the
King is assassinated by order of Nevazar before he
Bay of Ormal.
fulfil his plans.
1881 S.A.; The Cuiwum, allied with the the
2045 S.A.; Hionvul Vomik Sham re-establishes
Major of Dreaj Uriac, take the power in the city
relationships with the Lynerian League, broken
1881-1891 S.A.; The War among the Shûr. long ago in the Great Naval War.
1991 S.A.; The Seven Shûr summon the Houses 2082 S.A.; Great King Kambûjiya III negotiates
in Myrn Shryac for solving the political future of the neutrality of the Númenoreans and Lynerian
Codya. They set an election system among the cities of Olyas Kriis in prevision of a conflict
Houses to choose a Hionvul. against Codya, by granting a gold tribute over
thirty years.
1891 – 1907 S.A.; The age of the “Eighteen Brief
Hionvula”. In 1907 Yoen reach the power. 2083 S.A.; The first attempt of Chyan invasion
against Codya fails thanks to the support of
1907 – 1910 S.A.; Hionvul Yoen fight against
Lynerian troops and Chyan exiles and despite the
the Jôpi of Jojojopo, and finally subject them.
capture of the city of Achaj.
1909 S.A.; House Mawyon starts struggles in the
2090 S.A.; Foundation of the kingdom of
Lawyun fief. Hionvul Yoen expels House Mawyon
Mastoria by the Elephant-king Saldumir.
from the Court of the Seven.
2103 – 2104 S.A.; Second conflict between the
Chyan Empire and Codya. Achaj is plundered and

- -

the members of House Vûd are slayed. Tsinaw, 2170 – 2180 S.A.; Ren the Unclean chooses the
Laishô, Drej Uriac and Wern Draic are Chyan Empire as the first land to be conquered.
conquered. Cilyar surrenders and Laywun is The Chey are repelled by Great King Dadârshi III
devastated by the Chyans. after a campaign of ten years.
2105-2115 S.A.; The Lynerian city-states and 2173 – 2178 S.A.; Acute droughts that bring
Inyalonî support the Vulmaw. The Chyans siege about a long period of starvation.
the Soronórë cities.
2179 S.A.; Hunaw Âmhdu, justifying the natural
2215 S.A.; The war ends with the utter defeat of catastrophes as a punishment of the Gods to the
the Chyans by a union of Vulmaw, Lynerian and Hionvul, knocks down the Vosh Dynasty and
Númenorean forces. Shamed Treaty, which forces founds the Âmhdu Dynasty.
the Chyans to a heavy tribute and to the
2222 - 2223 S.A.; Short war in Myrn Shryac
surrendering of many hostages to Codya.
between the sons of Hionvul Faylllik Âmhdu
2128 – 2129 S.A.; The Lynîr starts a war against (Ryuwo and Zouk) for the throne. Zouk murders
the Númenoreans for the control of the cities of Ryuwo and his father, and kidnaps his daughters.
Sheshnoria. Codya responds sending a fleet of He is finally murdered inside the Hionthawul and
100 dôma. They siege several cities although they Laim Âmhdu is crowned.
are defeated thanks to the arrival of a huge fleet
2250 – 2336 S.A.; In Harshandatt, Akhnameh
coming from the Númenorean colonies.
murders the last heir of the Anthrâak dynasty. He
2129 – 2131 S.A.; The Númenoreans attack the becomes Nhazadh Akhnameh I and makes
Seven Cities. alliances with Ciryatanórë and the Artaxshâsan.
His descendants rule Harshandatt until 2336
2131 – 2132 S.A.; Codya raids Sheshnoria
through the passes of the Drej Akyula, and the
Vulmaw of Southern Archipelago stirs up against 2251 S.A.; Tar-Atanamir takes the sceptre of
the Númenoreans, that stop the siege to the Seven Númenor. Rebellion and division of the
Cities. Númenoreans begins.
2131 – 2140 S.A.; Codya continues alone the 2253 S.A.; Codya recovers its full autonomy
war against the Númenoreans. from Núménorian colony of Lomîthanî.
2134 S.A.; Hionvul Taish Sham is murdered. 2270 – 2285 S.A.; To assail once again the
Chyan Empire, Ren the Unclean orders the
2136 S.A.; Gartan Vosh, nephew of Taish Sham,
conquest of Orgothraath. The resistance is
obtains the crown with Númenorean support.
surprisingly fierce and the conquest fails.
Third Treaty of Balkûloni. Second peace treaty
between the Codyan-Lynîr and Númenoreans 2281 S.A.; Trying to avenge the Shamed Treaty,
that creates the Númenorean colony of the Chyan Great King Vâyaspâra decides to
Lomîthanî, with capital in Balkûlonî. assault by sea cities of Soronórë, Lynerian League
and Codya (Achaj, Tsinaw, Laihô and Drej Uriac).
2140 – 2155 S.A.; Esgar Sham, Taish’s son,
The Chyans finally decided to give up and
leads the Jôpi to fight against Gartan Vosh, but he
returned Chy, but leaving a weakened Codya.
is finally murdered.
2283-2285 S.A.; The Chyan attack again the
2155 – 2215 S.A.; Chey Sart is firmly in the
cities of Tsinaw, Drej Uriac and Myrn Shryac. A
hands of Ren the Unclean who begins the First
terrestrial army devastate Sit Alturaj and siege
Chey Expansion. The Chyan Empire, Kargagis
Achaj. Hionvul Myuyul Âmhdu was compelled to
Ahar and Dalpygis are successively the preys of
surrender. The Shamed Treaty is revoked, and
Ren’s ambitions.
Shapans are sent to the Codyan cities. Codya pays
2160 S.A.; House Odôjavi rebuilds the destroyed a heavy tribute to the Chyan Empire.
city of Laywun.
2287 S.A.; A huge army lands in Anarikê led by
2169 – 2170 S.A.; A plague devastates Codya, Lôkhuzôr who swore to destroy any legacy of his
especially in the North and West. A third of the father Herundil. The Chyan Artaxshâsan Empire
population of Drej Uriac dies. is destroyed, liberating Olyas Kriis and Codya
from the tributes.

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2289 S.A.; Creation of Anarikê by the union of daughter Avaud, and Madak’s little brother,
the free cities of Olyas Kriis. Lôkhuzôr achieves Ladrak.
an alliance among Anarikê, the Lynerian League
2455 – 2457 S.A.; War in Codya between the
and Codya
followers of the two factions. When Myrn Shryac
2294 S.A.; Chyans attack Anarikê, while a fleet surrenders to the Insurrected, Avaud flees to Drej
of pirates coming from the Southern Archipelago Uriac, making it the capital city of his realm
attacks Codya, preventing the last one to help (Southern Codya).
Anarikê. The arrival of the Lynîr save Anarikê
2459 – 2460 S.A.; Haynvul Avaud breaks the
from the Chyan, who are repelled to their lands.
truce and launches a heavy strike in three
End of the Creeping Darkness Empire created by
different fronts: Laywun, Go Ishac and Woij –Fê.
the Artxshâsan Dynasty.
Ladrak is killed in Go Ishac. The alliance of the
2295 – 2301 S.A.; Hionvul Xinij Âmhdu rised Houses breaks and they stand in their fiefs,
rebuilds the haven of Myrn Shryac. waiting for laying claim to the throne of Codya.
2305 S.A.; Ren the Unclean sends his forces 2472 – 2473 S.A.; Ralow, who is said to be the
against Heb Aaraan, and within three years descendant of Hionvul Galaj Âmhdu, emerges in
conquers the province. Chyans and Taarun Go Ishac and spreads civil rebellions trough all
refugees flee to the Chyan Empire. central Codya, triggering a civil war.
2325 – 2330 S.A.; Once again, Ren the Unclean 2473 S.A.; Haynvul Avaud is murdered by one of
assails the Chyan Empire. Great King Vihnu her servants, forcing Myrn Shryac to surrender to
Taronish wins a great victory, nearly succeeding Ralow. The Âmhdu Dynasty is replaced by the
in killing Ren the Unclean and brings peace for Hachow Dynasty.
centuries to the plains north of the Chy Gap.
2488 – 2491 S.A.; Severe drought in Codya.
2336 S.A.; After the murder of Akhnameh II, The rebellions against Ralow the tyrant in
Harshandatt is divided between the Warlords, Laywun, Wern Draic, Achaj, Drej Uriac and its
petty rulers of city states. environs are suppressed with cruelty and with all
their leaders decapitated.
2340 S.A.; Great King Ardâcher I (later known
as Chey Victor) conquers Chey Sart with the help 2542 S.A.; Punwyn, brother of Hionvul Javan
of Sen Amak, king of Kargagis Ahar, and Fen crushed the rebellion leaded by the Jôpi king
Amal a Chey warlord. Chey Sart is divided Uhulômiji.
between the conquerors.
2544 – 2549 S.A.; The Great Rebellion of
2348 S.A.; The Jôpi rebelion leaded by Otopuyi Lômithâni ends with a compromise that opens
is finally crushed. the way for the ambitions of Sakal an-Khâr into
the Lynerian sphere of influence.
2348 – 2352 S.A.; To secure the northern
border of Soronórë, Lôkhuzôr conquers Acaana, 2552 S.A.; Third Treaty of Balkûloni.
which will remain into Soronórë influence for
2558 S.A.; Jôpi rebellion leaded by Menk Chuul
many centuries.
“the Albino” against Hionvul Punwyn claiming
2383 S.A.; Military treaty signed by Codya, his ilegitimacy and considering himself as the
Chyan Empire and Lynerian League. reincarnation of Hionvul Javan.
2399 S.A.; Dergar, the Death God, begin to be 2559 S.A.; The stronghold of the Gamalac, the
adored in Codya. followers of Menk Chuul, Apolma Quun is
2442 S.A.; Gamlha, the Wolhû Necromancer, is
cornered in the Temple of Dergar by the Hion 2560 S.A.; Siege of Apolma Quun. Hionvul
Vrâc. He summons the spirits of the Aartcwac Punwyn died and his heir, Hionvul Zayan is
Volcano, destroying himself, his servants, the forced to withdraw.
temple and partially the city of Myrn Shryac.
2568 – 2574 S.A.; Strifes among Jionvul
2455 S.A.; Hionvul Madak dies. His offspring loyalists and Gamalac spread through all Codya.
are three daughters but no son. The nobles
houses get divided between the followers of his

- -

2574 S.A.; Menk Chuul die, and the Cuiwum and 2797 – 2810 S.A.; Instability in Codya. The
Lômzuw Houses become followers of his doctrine. union of Shûr is broken and the Jôpi stop to pay
2586 S.A.; Hionvul Vayik Hachow repudiates
his wife (daughter of the Cuiwum Shû), replacing 2799 S.A.; With the support of the Fire King
her by a concubine. An alliance between Houses (Ren the Unclean), Adek tribes constitute a
Cuiwum and Lômzuw attacks Drej Uriac, Laywun powerful empire ranging from Chey Sart to
and Myrn Shryac, killing Hionvul Vayik and Burskadekdar.
ending with the Hachow Dynasty. Unzun Cuiwum
2809 – 2863 S.A.; Unification of Jojojopo
is named Hionvul, creating the first dynasty
coming from the big noble houses, the Dranizai
(Vu. “Fair Herald”). 2813 S.A.; After Naovur death, Pyat is driven to
the throne with Codyan and Jôpi followers.
2613 – 2620 S.A.; Rebellion of Wanfoi and
Sâmak Houses against the Hionvul. 2825 S.A.; Creation of the Dark Ordainers, a
special militia recruiting exclusively among the
2628 S.A.; Returning from Mordor, the Fire
highest Númenorean families.
King gathers a strong army and directs it first
against the Chyan Arshanate of Chey Sart. 2857 S.A.; Zimrukhôr, the Khanîm governor in
Anarikê is murdered. Part of his secret militia, the
2634-2635 S.A.; The construction of the big
“Dark Ordainers”, flee to other regions, like
mausoleum of Liw-ka-anyî (Vu. “House of the
Codya or Harshandatt, while the other parts tried
Eternity”) begins near Suj, employing 2.000 free
in vain to keep control on Anarikê.
2863 – 2865 S.A.; Abârthôr, first Master of
2699 S.A.; While trying to make more powerful
Dark Ordainers of Codya arrives to Myrn Shryac.
the Ghâshgûlbúrz, a host of Houseless spirits
He discovers the existence of a legitimate
possess several initiates and cause a great
candidate of the throne of Codya, a girl called
destruction in Tînor-faltor until Zotankath
himself takes part. Most gifted Wôlhu
necromancers are killed. 2865 – 2873 S.A.; Abârthôr looks for Zilac. He
finally finds her and convinces her to claim the
2700 S.A.; Lotûm, One of Zotankath’s greatest
pupils, is possesed and escapes Tînor-faltor.
2873 – 2877 S.A.; Abârthôr convinces the
ca. 2700-2800 S.A.; Lotûm assemble an army
Houses of Codya to confront the Hionvul and
of possesed and kill Vulmaw people in Azrathâni
support Zilac as new and legitimate Haynvul.
(Lóchas Drûs).
2877 S.A.; The Houses pressure makes Hionvul
2782 S.A.; Shû Tyulmaw Gheerh dies in his own
Kivoc Dranizai abandone the throne to Zilac. She
bed, completely charred (although the bed was
founds the Shrel Dynasty and name Abathânor as
not so). The House Gheerh disappears (some
his Chamberlain.
people said owing to a curse).
2884 S.A.; Abarthôr dies and his son Êruzîr
2791 S.A.; A host of Codyan warriors in sent to
succeeds him as new Master of the Dark
Azartahâni to support Menelvegil.
Ordainers in Codya.
2794 S.A.; The Army of the Possesesed of Lôtum
2899 S.A.; Surprise conquest of Orgothraath by
is crushed by the Vulmaw.
Chey and Adek led by the Fire King. It starts the
2797 S.A.; The Vulmaw host marched to Tînor- Second Chey Expansion.
flator, but they get lost in the mountains in the
c. 2900 - 2940; Beginning of the Renwoja
first night of the year. Many of them become
order. They reach officers charges.
possessed and other flee in terror and madness.
2925 S.A.; The Chey, without the command of
2797 – 2809 S.A.; The son of Hionvul Naovur,
Ren the Unclean, are defeated at the Battle of
escapes from the paraonia of his father and
Rusht and expelled from the Chyan Empire but
arrives to Jojojopo, where he allies with the Jôpi
Heb Aaraan, Arysis and Siakan remain in their
King Urûp to fight against other Jôpi neighbour

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2981 S.A.; Dâiruzôr, High Master of the Dark inhabitants. During his rule, the Dark Ordainers
Ordainers is named first counsellor of the extend their power from Anarikê to Sîrayn. The
governor Sakulzîr of Sakal an-Khâr. Chyan Great Kings become puppets in the hands
of Ambassador Zimrazôr and the Dark Ordainers.
3004 S.A.; Dâiruzôr is awarded the charge of
governor of Sakal an-Khâr, after the surprising 3043 – 3055 S.A.; The Second War of the
death of the governor and his sons. Alliance. Lômithanî is liberated from Sakal an-
Khâr and added to the Lynerian League (Fifth
3007 S.A.; The Dark Ordainers plot to control
Treaty of Balkûloni). The Alliance fails to knock
all Ormal Bay.
down Governor Urushzagar of Anarikê.
3022 S.A.; Azrabâr, Dâiruzôr son, orders the
3055 – 3069 S.A.; Sakal an-Khâr conquers the
infiltration of every realms, at all level of society
Southern Archipelago.
(merchants, royal court, navy).
3065 – 3069 S.A.; Rebellions in the Southern
c. 3022 – 3100 S.A.; The Dark Ordainers
Archipelago, dominated by Sakal an-Khâr.
penetrate slowly in the Codyan society.
3078 S.A.; The last rebelled island of the
3022 – 3026 S.A.; The Dark Ordainers
Southern Archipelago is subjugated by Sakal an-
activities are noticed or at least suspected in
many courts around the Sea. rising tensions
between the Khanîm and other peoples. 3092 – 3103 S.A.; Third War of the Alliance.
Mastoria leaves the Alliance. The war ends with
3026 S.A.; Hionvul Durg Shrel of Codya, as a
the Lynerian League and Codya suing for peace
result of a plot against him, expels all
and becoming vassals of Sakal an-Khâr.
Númenorean merchants from Cilyar and publicly
executes ten Númenoreans involved in the plot. 3103 S.A.; Dâirukhôr is crowned Golden
Emperor in a majestic ceremony assisted by
3028 S.A.; The events of Cilyar makes the Ormal
representatives of all the vassal states, Codya
Bay realms ready for a war and in search of allies.
included. He announces there an heavy tax to all
Anarikê, Lynerian League, Mastoria and Codya
the subordinate lands.
agree to join their forces. Governor Phursânuziîr
of Anarikê is murdered. A civil war starts between 3120 S.A.; All titles (Hionvul, Shija, High
the traditionalists (and secretly the Dark Officers, etc.) are decided by the Golden Emperor
Ordainers) and the partisans of Phursânuzîr’s or his subordinates, and not anymore by the
only son Izinduzîr. locals. They were not necessary of Khanîm origin,
but faithful to the Emperor.
3028 – 3029 S.A.; Revolts against their leaders
in the countries of the Alliance of Lyneria, save 3143 S.A.; Dâirukhôr knows the unloyal attitude
Codya; incited by Sakal an-Khâr spies. of some nobles in Codya, and taking advantage to
his possible insubordination, he decides to
3029 – 3035 S.A.; First part of the First War
eliminate all Codyan aristocracy. Jinvol and
between Sakal an-Khâr and the allied countries of
Wanfoi Houses face the Emperor.
the Ormal Bay. Fourth Treaty of Balkûloni. In the
Four Armies Battle the Khanîm are defeated and 3144 S.A.; 30.000 men from Sakal an-Khâr
forced to withdraw. disembark in Codya and siege Woij Fê. The House
Jinvol surrender and the Shû is slain. Go Ishac is
3035 S.A.; The Council of Lyneria decides to
also plundered and the Temple of Chasca is
undertake the final assault of Sakal an-Khar, the
treaty is known as the Alliance of Lyneria.
3150 S.A.; The Lo-Shû Parâwanaj, the Temple of
3036 S.A.; Second part of the First War of the
Drej Uriac, becomes the Golden Temple of the
Alliance. The allied countries are forced to
One, according to the new religion imposed by the
withdraw by a plague among them and Sakal an-
Khâr survives.
3177 S.A.; Civil war in Númenor. Abarnâzan, at
3042 S.A.; Urushzagar, secretly a member of the
the head of the revolted Anarikân, and with the
Dark Ordainers usurps the power in Anarikê. He
support of the Chyans, defeats governor Zimrabâr
secures his power by welcoming Khanîm troops
of Anarikê, the successor of Urushzagar.
and persecuting Chyan, Lynîr and Elinse

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3183 S.A.; After three years of civil strife in 3314 S.A.; Lyuc Feij launches attacks against
Anarikê, Abarnâzan is murdered and the Dark Achaj and Ishtya. The Feij Codyans are defeated.
Ordainers again put the line of Urushzagar in
3314 – 3315 S.A.; The followers of the Feij and
command of the colony.
Sakal an-Khâr fight in Codya against Anarikê and
3186 S.A.; Sakalkhôr proclaims the the Chyans. Several cities fall to Anarikê (as
independence of Sakal an-Khâr from Númenor. Laywun which is burnt before surrender to
Anarikê, and Go Ishac). Feij supporters stands
3224 S.A.; A mighty fleet from Númenor
only in central Codya.
crushes the rebellion of Sakal an-Khâr in the
Battle of Darac in southern Llikh. End of the 3315 – 3318 S.A.; Khâruphazgân, the Lord of
Golden Empire of Sakal an-Khâr. Sakal an-Khâr, begins the great offensive against
the Anarikê’s allies: Bulchyades, Harshandatt and
3247 S.A.; Abarzagar the Virtuous, last heir of
Codya. The Feij and Khanîm try to recover their
the line of Lôkhuzôr, puts an end to the rule of the
lost territories in Codya, but with no concrete
Dark Ordainers in Anarikê.
results. The Khanîm are forced to retreat in 3318,
3261 S.A.; The army of Ar-Pharazôn the Golden to face and resolve an important rebellion coming
invades Endor and besieges Sauron in Mordor. from a subordinated people.
After the end of this war, Ar-Pharazôn terminates
3318 – 3121 S.A.; Anarikê makes several
the reign of the Nazgûl Indûr in Mûmakan.
attempts to conquer Eastern Codya, but finally a
3262 S.A.; The Númenoreans arrive in the Bay peace treaty recognises the leadership of the Feij
of Ormal and declare war for the liberation of the dynasty over Eastern Codya, while Western
subject states of the Sakal an-Khâr Empire: Codya (that in fact includes west, north and
Anarikê, Codya, the Lynerian League and the centre of Codya) as under domination of Anarikê.
Southern Archipelago.
3319 S.A.; Downfall of corrupt Númenor by the
3262 – 3268 S.A.; Codyans and Númenoreans hand of Eru. Ar-Pharazôn's sons, Abârhin and
expel the Khanîm from Codya. Númenoreans set Zirânhin escape thanks to the treachery of
Codya as an Anarikân Protectorate. Adûnuzôr of Sakal an-Khâr.
3262 – 3310 S.A.; Sauron is taken as a prisoner 3321 S.A.; Ar-Zimrakil of Sakal an-Khâr is
to Númenor, seduces the King and corrupts the crowned High King of the Sea of Ormal.
3373 S.A.; The Dupes War. Ar-Abârhin takes
3268 S.A.; The Confederation of Bulchyades is power in Sakal an–Khâr and many nobles revolt
reformed as a subject state of Anarikê. Most of against this, claiming the rights of the grandson
the Ordainers flee from Codya. First non-Vulmaw of Adûnuzôr. These nobles are exiled and some of
Hionvul of Codya, Êruzôr “the Outsider”, an them flee to Codya, where they are welcomed and
Anarikân noble. Popular rebellions against named as advisors of the Court.
Êruzôr leaded by General Lo Feij, the son of the
3377 – 3383 S.A.; Spy Wars between Anarikê
last High Master of the Dark Ordainers in Codya.
and Codya. Codya overruns Anarikê although
3270 S.A.; Independance of Harshandatt. Hionvul Itlawan Feij is killed near Aelinost and
only 15-20% of the Codyans survive. A significant
3305 – 3311 S.A.; General Lyuc Feij, son of Lo
part of Eastern Codya is annexed to Anarikân
Feij, spreads his control through almost all
Protectorate. Heavy economic tribute for Eastern
central Codya and proclaims himself the true
Codya to pay.
Hionvul of Codya. The Anarikân rule of Codya
begins to disintegrate. 3385 S.A.; War in Woij Fê between Tolm Feij
and his uncle Ovîk for the throne. The city burns
3310 S.A.; Emissaries of Ar-Pharazôn visit the
and Tolm finally wins.
Númenorean colonies to request a participation
in a war against the Undying Lands. The demand 3430 – 3441 S.A.; The Last Alliance of Men and
is rejected in Anarikê, but accepted with Elves is formed against Sauron.
enthusiasm in Sakal an-Khâr.
3434 S.A.; Battle of Dagorlad and siege of
3312 S.A.; The Par-vadokunaut invade Wôl, Barad-dûr.
southernmost province of the Lochan Empire.

- -

3442 S.A.; Zotankath has reached a dead end in Height is the second factor. Codya is crossed but a
his Necromancy works, but he wants to go even range of mountains, the Drej Akyula, also called
further. His necromancers are sent on errands Ered Harmal by the Númenoreans. The high
even in greater number since this year, seeking lands enjoy cooler temperatures (even cold
some powerful Sorcery and Necromancy Objects winters and snow in the highest peaks) and an
of Power from the Fist Age for his master. They average and plentiful rainfall.
even go to the west lands, as Sauron is vanished
now. The third factor is the wind dynmics. There are
basically two predominant wind flows: the dry
Covuja (Vu “North Wind”) and the humid ocean
winds called Rivuja (Vu. “South Wind”). Most
4 THE CLIMATE part of the year the Covuja rules the climate,
keeping very hot temperatures and a dry weather.
At the end of summer, the overheated continent
The climate pattern of the penninsule of Codya produces low produces, attracting the humid
and Jojojopo is conditioned by two three factors. winds of the Bay of Ormal, the Rivuja, so that
The first one is its tropical latitude, that allow autumn in the more rainy season. Only the high
hot-warm temperatures all over the year. volcanic islands and the mountains have average
precipitation all the year.

Climatic Chart

Coast and Low High Lands and High Lands

MONTH Volcanic Islands
lands Jôpi Kneel (2000-3000 m)
20-23ºC 18-25ºC 9-25ºC (-8)-5ºC
Havd Snow 20%
Rain 20% Rain 10% Rain 15%
20-23ºC 20-24ºC 10-28ºC (-5)-7ºC
Jin Snow 10%; Rain 5%
Rain 25% Rain 10% Rain 13%
21-24ºC 20-26ºC 12-32ºC (-2)-10ºC
Onhân Snow 5%; Rain 10%
Rain 25% Rain 10% Rain 13%
21-25ºC 22-28ºC 14-37ºC 0-17ºC
Eren Rain 25%,
Rain 30% Rain 25% Rain 25%
22-26ºC 23-32ºC 15-40ºC 8-22ºC
Tset Rain 25%
Rain 25% Rain 15% Rain 20%
22-27ºC 24-35ºC 16-35ºC 10-25ºC
Tûn Rain 25%
Rain 25% Rain 10% Rain 12%
23-28ºC 25-37ºC 15-35ºC 12-27ºC
Urg Rain 35%
Rain 30% Rain 10% Rain 15%
22-26ºC 26-32ºC 14-37ºC 13-25ºC
Narac Rain 30%
Rain 40% Rain 20% Rain 25%
21-25ºC 22-29ºC 13-34ºC 5-20ºC
Xâm Rain 60%
Rain 50% Rain 50% Rain 55%
21-24ºC 21-28ºC 12-33ºC 1-16ºC
Aiyn Rain 30%
Rain 45% Rain 35% Rain 40%
20-23ºC 20-26ºC 11-29ºC (-2)-12ºC
Vusag Snow 5%; Rain 5%
Rain 35% Rain 20% Rain 25%
20-23ºC 18-25ºC 10-26ºC (-7)-3ºC
Kódu Snow 15%
Rain 25% Rain 10% Rain 20%
Notes.- Fist temperature: Average minimum daily temperatures. Second temperature: Average
maximum daily temperatures

- -

For that reason, most of them are used by the

5 GEOGRAPHY AND Vulmaw navy to defend and watch the coasts, by
the lighthouses-fortress.
The Codyan Peninsula (composed by Codya and
Jojojopo) is positioned in central Middle Earth The coasts of Codya consisted, more than a half
and its spine is the mountain range of Drej of their length, of sand beaches, although it's
Akyula. Surrounding the peninsula, it is the Bay common the alternation of riffs and small coves,
of Vulture to the West and Shay Bight to the which favours that many areas had been used as
East. The northern bounds are the humid woods natural docks.
of Waarwugan. Five different environments exist The south-eastern coasts have high riffs, some of
in Codya: archipelagos, coasts, grasslands and them up to 90m height, which had been carefully
savannas, rainforests and the mountains. chosen by the Vulmaw for their military
fortresses. In these inaccessible riffs numerous
sea birds as gulls, gannets or falcons had made
5.1 ARCHIPELAGOS their homes.

There are four archipelagos in the region: the In the other hand, Jojojopo coasts are formed by
Vultures' Islands, the Dream Islands, the white sand beaches and a water table with little
Hundred Islands, ant the Laklapo Island and depth, so that this sea is called the Bay of Shoals.
Hawalupo Island. There isn’t also unusual the mangrove swamps,
an ecosystem consisted of extraordinarily salt
The three first archipelagos have a volcanic resistant salt trees, and that prefers the intertidal
origin, so they present high peaks and coasts areas, next to the river estuaries.
with sharp riffs. The highest peaks intercept
efficiently the humid monsoonal winds, which The coastal stripe is the most populated area,
make that during more than half of the year they and there are situated the main Vulmaw cities.
enjoy abundant rainfall that favour the growing
of dense woods.
The Vultures' Islands are situated just in the
Southeast of Codya, close to mainland. They SAVANNAS
present high volcanoes up to 3000 meters height
and with big slopes. Despite their forestation, the South of Codya, and specially in Jojojopo lands,
Vulmaw colonization in the islands had been there is a ecosystem characterized by plains and
intense, and had originated a characteristic hills covered of grasslands, with presence of
landscape of terrace agriculture, making the bushes and trees, able to bear long drought
most of the mountainsides of fertile volcanic soil. periods.
In the island of Myrn, the biggest in the The lands of the savannah are relatively infertile
archipelago, there is Myrn Shryac, the most owing to the leaching of nutrients by water from
important Vulmaw city in Codya. the monsoon rains, except for the alluvial plains,
Although the Dream Islands have a completely where the nutrients and river sediments are
suited name for their paradisiacal landscapes, settled, and that's why some of these lands had
their volcanic activity can reduce the charm for been ploughed to turn into farm lands.
their visitants. In their coasts, plentiful of coves
and marine caves that are flooded daily by the
tides, there are many docks and jetties used by
smugglers and pirates as base for their activities.
In spite of their name, the Hundred Islands are There where the mountain ranges stand in the
composed by 50-50 islands, most of them mere way of the humid maritime wind of Rivuja
islets too small to house a population settlement. (Vu."Cool Breath"), it's favoured a warmer

- -

climate all the year, which brings about the

formation of tropical rainforests through a broad
stretch of land. 6.1 ARCHIPELAGOS
This area is little populated, except for the Jôpi Blessed by the humid winds of the Rivuja, these
clans that live from hunting and foraging. The archipelagos of volcanic origin possess exuberant
scarce Vulmaw settlements are next to the rivers, vegetation and a warm climate. Along the slopes
as they are the surest and quickest means of of the volcanoes, there is a dense jungle with
communication to cross these wild territories. high trees and green ferns, always wet and
covered with different species of moss and
lichens. The coast is usually steep, made up by
5.5 MOUNTAINS dark volcanic rocks, although remote and truly
paradisiacal creeks of sand can be found.
The Drej Akyula (Vu. "Western Green Teeth") is
the mountain range that forms the spine of the
Codyan peninsula. Also known as Ered Harmal Anyone of the third archipelagos of Codya have a
(S. "Mountains of Golden South) by huge diversity of trees, little plants, ferns,
Númenoreans, or Divârayan (Ch. "Iron Wall") by lichens, mosses; many of them endemic species
the Chyans, they reach in their southern of each island.
branches peaks between 2500 and 4000 m
 Dilduyan: Climbing fig-tree that uses
other bigger trees to grow up to the
The origin of this mountain range is the great brightness. The milky sap is a powerful
fault that joins two tectonic plates, which also medicine that is able to cicatrize quickly
have originated the volcanic archipelagos in the any wound and also has healing properties
South. The geology consisted of ignean and against insect bites. When applied directly
metamorphic rocks that bring about important to the wound it has a strong cicatrazamt
mining deposits, especially silver, tin, copper and and healing capacity.
coal (See Appendix 15.4. Map of Mineral
 Kei-houan: Typical jungle tree with
twisted trunks and hard to masticate
The cooler climate of the mountains and a leaves. While the leaves are lightly
medium-high range of rainfall allow the presence poisonous, the red berries are a succulent
of evergreen woods as pines, cedars, evergreen food, sweet tasted.
oaks, and other deciduous trees. In the highest
 Rapajú: Light green lichen that grows in
areas the alpine grasslands took over the woods,
the higher trees of the jungles as a
and for several months they are snow covered.
parasite. If a small dose of Rapajú is eaten
Rainfall and spring thaw generate a myriad of
or drunk (in liquid form), this will cause
river courses that go down fiercely to the sea.
the loss of the coagulating properties of the
blood, multiplying the normal rate of
6 FAUNA AND FLORA  Shurabad: Slim tree with silver bark that
usually grows till 7-15 meters height. The
Codya is an area which holds a great variety of Shurabad grow in the forest clearings
environments within a much extended area: because of their light requirements.
sand deserts, stone deserts, treeless steppes, Fauna: Most of the species from the Codyan
sandy coasts, subtropical islands, humid jungles, archipelagos are herbivorous and inoffensive
evergreen forests, and hilly vales. As is typical for creatures (like the as numerous birds);
all regions, myriads of plant and animal species
nevertheless the traveller shouldn’t disregard
make their home here. Life, as everywhere else,
other perils of the island as the insects that
depends on natural parameters like relief type,
transmit diseases or the hunter lizards of the
climate and water. In order to simplify this
section, the animals and plants are presented by cliffs.
local biotopes.

- -

 Laukur-un-mow: There is no such

dreadful creature in the islands of Codya
like the Laukur-un-maw, a dragonfly alike The coastal lands sustain a large number of life
insect with blue-emerald colour that can forms, thanks to heterogeneous ecosystems and
transmit a dangerous disease: the “Mow”. the frequent precipitations. The shores of the
When the blood-fed Laukur-un-Mow bite land are for the most part sandy beach, except
somebody who haven’t the “antigens” of for some areas where rocky and sheer cliffs rise
Mow (almost only the local population), he up to 90 m above the sea. This is the case near
will incubate the disease during 2-3 days Myrn Shryac for example.
and then will suffer vomits, chills and
In the interior subterranean lakes and caves can
diarrhoea. If the infected person cannot
be found. Some of them are so long that the
take the antidote (Quala), he surely will die
sometime reach the cliffs or develop in huge web
in about 7-10 days.
of tunnels.
 Nagatakhal: Big lizard (1,30m length)
The mangrove swamps are also special
with dark-coloured skin, inhabitant of the
environments where the trees can bear the salty
caves of the rocky cliffs. Many of these
water and the mangrove crocodile lie in wait for
lizards can be seen on the sun hours on the
rocks in large packs (5-15 specimens).
They are the biggest predators of the Flora: The vegetation is varied and abundant.
islands. They have strong claws and There are many coniferous forests (cedars,
mighty jaws that may attack human-beings cypress and pines) inland, while the shores of the
if they are hungry or disturbed. coast are dominated by evergreen bushes and
palms trees. As one moves inland, large and wild
 Violet-winged Dove: Very rare bird of
areas of grass turn up where the livestock graze.
the dense jungles of the Codyan
But grass rarefies very soon when one enters the
Archipelagos (one specie in each one).
hill country. Taking advantage of the frequent
Although someone who go through the
rainfalls, men have created some large zones of
jungle will not see saw them, it is sure that
irrigated cultures of fruits and vegetables (like
he will hear their amazing cooing. An alive
mango trees or tubaak (bamboo), who thrive at
Violet-wing Dove could reach an expensive
the forest edges, especially along rivers).
price in the markets of Southern-Eastern
Middle Earth because of their appreciated  Hazantari: Bulbous plant with blue-
cooing, comparable with the tunes of the green leaves and white flowers, which
best elven musicians and jugglers. grows at the top of a high stem. It can be
found near the ocean’s shores. In summer,
 Zatôh: This is the bigger predator bird in
the petal flowers fall and the seed is
the islands. It is a falcon with long legs and
brought away by the wind. The water
black tuft head, that would be alike to the
where a bulb of Hazantari is boiled can be
goshawk of Northern Middle Earth. The
used against various infections, like
Zatôh hunt basically doves, pheasants and
sedative and analgesic.
other small birds. The Zatôh is a very
versatile predator, able to hunt in the air,  Hugar: Abundant on the ocean coasts, the
among the thick jungle or in the ground Hugar plant grows to a height of around 1
(using his long legs to run). meter. When the root is brewed, and the
extract drunk it acts as a powerful
sedative: the patient sleeps instantly and
one hour sleep equals 6 of normal sleep.
This drug is sometimes used by military
commanders to force their troops to
perform tasks normally impossible.
 Mivûl: Huge seawood with “leaves” of
30cm width and several meters length. The
Mîvul create great maritime forests,
refugee of the local fauna. The talos of this

- -

seawood are dried and used like an properties. About half a Yahaliee, grinded
ingredient of many foods by the Vulmaw. and applied in paste form is able to restore
Also the Mivûl are a good help against even severe wounds, acting as a catalyser
burns (the dried seawood added with for cicatrizant process.
water and applied as cataplasm).
Fauna: Just like the flora, the fauna is massively
 Myur: this medicinal herb grows in areas represented in the coastal zones. Among the
where the low vegetation comes near to the herbivorous mammals we can find squirrels,
ocean's shores. The leaves of this grass, deers, monkeys, wild cows, black rhinoceros and
when brewed and ingested helps to heald ormalian elephants. There are also predators
and cure infection of wounds. such lynxes as foxes, and eagles. Gulls and other
sea-birds proliferate along the coasts, and
 Poa: Strange vegetable that grows in dolphins are very common.
partial darkness areas, suchas as rock
cracks or cliffs. Poa looks like a crossing  Black Sea Turtle: About four to seven
between a mushroom and an onion. Some meters long, the Black Sea Turtle lives
bulbs emerge from a dry moss adhering to wandering in the waters of the Bay of
the cliff. This vegetable is really extremely Ormal, hunting fishes and molluscs, but
dangerous. Bulbs contain a flashing mortal avoiding to confront with humans, unless
gas, which spreads in the air in the provoked. In the winter months the turtles
slightest shock. The small quantity of gas comes back to the sandy beaches to lay
contained in a bulb is sufficient to poison a their eggs. Their shell, black and white-
air volume of 2 m3. In the exiguity of the spotted, is particularly appreciated
subterranean network, any fortuitous because it is extremely resistant, and
meeting with Poa is naturally dangerous. supplies an ideal material for armour,
Poa die in a few minutes if one tear away helmet and shield.
them from the cliff, releasing slowly their  Lamprey (Zio): A 60 cm long,
gas. Tearing away a bulb is an operation as cylindrical, grey, jawless fish, the lamprey
mortal as vain: the bulb bursts is a parasite that attaches itself to other
automatically. creatures, like a leech with a circular maw.
 Sjeju: This beautiful but very rare flower It then remains in place, slowly burrowing
shows itself only on the shores of the ocean into the flesh and swallowing blood until
regions of Codya to the Lynerian League, sated (a wound from a Lamprey will bleed
melt with small green thorny bushes. The at a rate of two hits per round).
flower in infusion restores vigour, stamina  Mangrove Crocodile (Madak): A grey-
and resistance against diseases. blue crocodile streaked with green that
 Tarjstub: this quite very rare green lichen grows between 4 and 7 meters. While it
grows mainly on the Codyan shores on can live in salt water, is able to go quite far
rock cliffs, and enables to repair within 2- up river into fresh water. The mangrove
20 days an organ by fixing the lichen on crocodile is extremely agile and dangerous,
the broken organ. But it can also provoke practically harmless when it rests on
severe behavioural problems. ground, during the day, unless it is
surprised or forced to fight. In that case, it
 Volyuk: this plant grows in forest or in uses its speed to knock down his opponent
rock cliffs, not directly in the sun light, but with his tail and swept to the water to
with a maximum humidity. The root, if drown him. In water, Madak finds back its
ingested through an infusion, enable to act predator's instincts, and attacks any prey
faster for the next several minutes. When to its catch. It swims very fast, and is
the effect stops, one can perform only a particularly silent.
simple task (dodge, skill test, but not
attack) for other same next minutes.  Oloa-nak: living in lakes or in ocean,
Oloa-nak are 25 – 45 cm long salmons,
 Yahaliee: Plant-like seawood, red characterised by their grace and beauty,
coloured that live in a medium depth (10- and weigh up 13.5 – 55 kg. There are four
20 m), sought after for his healing

- -

species found in Ormal, which are elephants and rhinoceros. As one enters into the
differentiated by their colour, their weight hilly country of the Jôpi Kneel, the highest
and their life length (between two and grasses rarify very soon and bushes and short
seven years). The first one, called sockeye, grass became dominant, becoming most suited
is blue-tinged silver, live four to five years, for livestock to graze. The plains of Jojojopo are
and are the slimmest and most arboreal savannas, an ecosystem dominated and
streamlined of the Oloa-nak species. The maintained by the characteristic Acojo trees,
Pink Oloa-nak is the more common, and source of food, shadow and shelter for many
also the smallest, weighing about 2.3 kg, animals and plants.
they have heavily spotted backs over silver
 Acojo Tree: Although it can grow in
bodies. The Noshô is blue-green with grid
forests, the Acojo prefers the open
bars, weighing about 4.5 kg. The Coho is
grasslands where it can enjoy more
bright silver, the biggest and also the
sunlight and grow wider. It is an important
hardiest of the Oloa-naks, as they can
tree that can grow up to 20m tall, and can
travel as far as 1000 miles. Oloa-naks are
live through long periods of drought.
anadromous animals. They breeds ands
When the rainy season ends the trunk of
spends varying portions of its life in fresh
the acojo tree begins to ooze sap, or gum.
water, then travels to the ocean to feed
This gum is collected from Kódu to Tûn in
until maturity, and they return in fresh
order to make Jôpi Gum, used in making
water to die. They feed primarily on
medicine or as cream for skin
plankton, crustaceans such as tiny shrimps
inflammations and ailments of the
or small fishes, making them vulnerable to
respiratory and urinary tracts. Its also used
fishermen using as bait herrings.
for coughs, sore throats, eyewash,
 Urod: Dreadful creature that lives in the diarrhea, and dysentery. It is also used as
deep waters. This fish-snake with a sticky flavoring in certain soda (pop).
black skin is about 1,50 m long, and moves
 Elephant grass (Lumpo):
in deep waters. Feeding usually of small
Characteristic herbaceous plant wutg
molluscs and fishes, Urod does not feel
coarse and hairy stem that grows in dense
reluctant to taste human flesh. When he
clumps of up to 2 meters tall along lake
tracks down a prey, he carries it towards
beds and rivers where the soil is rich. The
the depths by catching him with his mouth
dense seed heads of elephant grass are
provided with razed teeth, then attacks the
about 22cm tufted plumes, usually a tawny
stomach of his victim, whom he eats in a
or purple color. The edges of the leaves are
few seconds. These fishes-snakes are
razor-sharp. The stands of elephant grass
particularly gluttonous, and live generally
nearly impenetrable and many bird species
in benches of a dozen individuals.
make their home in them.
 Jatsar: This oily black plant grows in the
6.3 GRASSLANDS AND more arid areas, and bears no fruits, but
only plenty of leaves and rigid stalks. The
SAVANNAS leaves are rounded and toothed, and when
touched, this provokes burning itches, like
During the dry season the savannas are dusty
for nettles. It is rumoured that the Jatsar’s
places populated by thorny bushes and swept by
sap could be an antidote against the effects
the winds and where the animals congregate
of Galenaana (a green powder that kill
near rivers or pools, but as the monsoon rains
Elves and put others in coma state), but if
arrive, the vegetation grow amazingly fast and
it is right, only a few people know it.
high. The tall thickets of elephant grass reach till
2m height, and the dry ponds fill up again,  Lusu: This lovely red flower with many
allowing a life explosion. green leaves is similar with the canna
plant, and grows in arid and acid grounds
Flora: The coastal plateaus of Codya are vast
(as the Jôpi Kneel). The leaves, though stiff
grasslands where the big amount of vegetal food
and full of fluid, are very fibrous when
allows the existence of big herbivores as

- -

dried and are used by the Jôpi to make colouration. The male has dark, velvety-
strings. black underparts, that glint with purple
and lilac iridescence and bright
 Quala: Biennial red and green plant with
ultramarine upper parts and crown. With
long roots up to 10 m long (it can survive
his bright red eye he is a very distinctive
the dry season). Their green furry flowers
bird. The female is much more drab,
and attached to a sturdy red stem which is
basically a uniform dull greenish-blue with
laso attached to the green flattened basal
darker brown or black markings. She also
leaves. It growns in sandy or gravelly soils
has the distinctive red eye.
in burnt or disturbed areas, and it blooms
in the months from Narac to Aiyn. Their  Alutu: Rare and enormous molluscs, alike
little hairs help by making it taste weird to huge black or brown snails, live in the acid
predators, so they won't eat it, and they’re lakes of Jôpi Kneel, eating fishes,
are also the only antidote to the Mow crustaceans or insects. When attacked,
disease. they project their slobber on their foe.
Their slobber is very acid, burning and
 Saruwani: This bush is one of the most
paralyzant. If the foe is alone, it signifies
common plants in the Jôpi Kneel. It has
death. Fortunately, Alutu rarely attacks
linear and thorn-tipped leaves that become
rigid. The Jôpi uses the ashes of saruwani
as a worm remedy, laxant and diuretic. At  Black rhinoceros (Tâmpac): This
determinated doses it can lower blood animal have a massive body, a large head
pressure and have smooth muscle- and thickly folded skin with very little hair.
relaxing effect. They are 3-4 m long and weigh about 1 to 2
tons. The forward horn is the larger of the
 Stilja: Aromatic and stout herb that can
two and averages 50 cm long. The horns
be often found in the Jojojopo plains. Its
may be used as tools to remove bark, break
leaves are opposite and broadly lanced-
off high branches and excavate soil at salt
shaped and with toothed margins. Flowers
licks. The distinguishing characteristic of
blooms in conelike heads on long stalks.
this species is the prehensile upper lip. It
Stilja can be drink in infusions and to treat
uses it to pluck leaves. They feed on a
warts, sores and fistulas.
variety of shrubs and bushes. They can be
Fauna: The fauna and especially herbivorous found through the Ormalian lands,
animals are well represented in the grasslands. especially in the transitional zone between
There can be found antelopes, gazelles, deers, grassland and forest in thick thorn bush or
squirrels, monkeys, wild cows, rhinoceros and acacia scrub, but also inhabit more open
elephants. There are also predators such lynxes country. The only stable bond between
as foxes, and eagles. individuals is that of a mother and her
young. A single calf is born after a 14-16
 Alnak: These are fairy bluebirds, totally
month gestation. This species relies upon
arboreal, spending their time high up in
its sense of smell to detect danger. They
the branches of evergreen trees near
are most active early and late in the day.
running water. They live in small flocks
They wallow during the hottest part of the
along the Bulchyades, Anarikê and Codya
day, smearing mud on both sides and
coasts. They are often found in the
sometimes rolling on their backs.
company of hornbills, pigeons, and other
Vocalizations include grunts and squeals
eating birds all congregating in trees with
when they're excited. Large predators prey
the ripest figs and other soft fruits. They
on the young. They are easy to be
also feed on insects, although this is a
domesticated, even if they little fear
small part of their diets. They catch them
human presence.
on the wing like flycatchers, flying out
from a branch to grab the insect in their  Lynx (Hivow-eec): It is a sturdy looking
bills and then returning to their perch. A animal (similar to a big cat) set on solid
good example of sexual dimorphism, the looking legs, a rear noticeably longer than
male and female have totally different the front, with large paws, a fairly small

- -

head, and a very short tail. The coat is long Water is obtained from the food they eat -
and thick with tufts on the ear tips. Colour they do not need to drink water.
ranges from a sandy grey to a tawny red
 Hill Cat (Lumo): This very intelligent
with white underparts, with some degree
wildcat, of the size of a big dog, lives in
of spotting. They usually live in tall
hills and grasslands of Codya and
coniferous forest with dense undergrowth,
Jojojopo. It goes hunting in the grassland
but have adapted to other kinds of terrain
and sleeps during the day in the hollow of
including open woodland, delta swamps,
cliffs or in one of the multiple natural
rocky outcrops, and mountains. Lynxes
caves which drill the hills. Rather fearful,
can climb well and are good swimmers.
the Lumo becomes very aggressive when it
They have acute vision and will stalk prey
has not eaten for several days. Very agile, it
over long distances or wait patiently in
is well adapted to the ripped landscape of
ambush before making a final, typical felid
Jôpi Kneel, and executes remarkable
bound from as close as possible. They are
jumps, jumping up over gorges with an
usually solitary animals and nocturnal
incredible flexibility. they live in couple,
hunters, but cooperative hunting has
remaining faithful to her spouse after her
occasionally been observed (in prides of 5
death. A fatal error is moreover to kill one
to 8 cats), with rabbits being driven
Lumo without eliminating the other one.
towards a waiting ambush or a pair of
Surviving Lumo has for only task to find
lynxes stalking from both sides of joint
the responsible for the death of its
prey. If taken young, these cats make loyal,
companion, and to avenge it. The chase
protective pets.
fails rarely.
 Grassland Eagle (Orao): These great
 Red Ants (Pac-vaac-tûc): The Red or
birds could remind the Great Eagles of the
Giant Red Ants are insects that live in the
North, nevertheless they are smaller
savannas and grasslands of Souther Endor
(wingspan up to 2,7m) and they’re not so
and can reach up to 5cm long. They dwell
intelligent. The Orao is a dreadful hunter,
and shelter in huge ant hills, and feed with
who eats mainly hares, lizards, rats and
other insects and also small birds or
also antelopes and small predators. They
mammals. The Red Giant Ants can be very
are large enough to carry off a fully grown
aggressive when they are disturbed by
goat, but never an adult man. Orao prefer
humans. They have a strong sting through
to nest in the biggest and tallest trees of
they inoculate a potent poison that cause a
the grasslands. They will ignore people,
local pain and blister with some level of
unless provoked. In that case, it will take
necrosis. Other symptoms can be shivers
advantage of an inattention moment of the
and fever that can last several days.
foolhardy person to attack by diving with
its beak and its claws.
 Jerboa (Ritz): The jerboa is a small,
long-tailed rodent that jumps long
distances using its long hind legs. This tiny Although the Codyan jungle is also conditioned
mammal looks a bit like a tiny kangaroo. by seasons caused by the alternation of Covuja
This mouse-sized animal can jump as far and Rivuja, when it is large enough, become
as 3 m (10 feet) in a single leap. It leaps to becomes a living self-sustaining organism
escape predators. They live in or near providing its own climate, atmosphere, water
desert, and escape the daytime heat by and nutrition through its recycling systems.
burrowing underground and resting
Flora: Plentiful of innumerable different species,
during the day; they are most active at
the rainforest are the richest ecosystem of Codya.
night. They hibernate during winters,
The flora and types of jungle are varied. The
burrowing in a den and going into a very
mixed forest is found in the higher reaches of the
deep, sleep-like state. They are omnivores
hills and mountain valleys, where the tubaak
(they eat both plants and animals); they
(bamboo) grow.
eat plants, seeds, and insects (like beetles).

- -

In lowest lands there are also forests of Acojo the wound, but specially when ingested.
and other decidious trees that, in the dry season, Bulti grows in dense forests where it can
lose moisture though their leaves. The shedding cling and grab onto other plants to reach
of leaves allows trees such as the Dow (Teak) and the sunlight. It can tolerate semi-shaded
Acojo to retain water during dry periods, and areas and it can also tolerate full sun, but
thus enabling sunlight to reach ground level and when vine-like it tends to climb upward
facilitate the growth of thick underbrush. Trees towards the sun. The flowers of Bulti can
on moister or infertile sites and those with access be several color, from pink to red, orange,
to ground water tend to be evergreen. This is the white or yellow.
case of the clusters of mangos that, in the dry
 Eshetu: This purple plant is similar to a
season, forms green belts that contrasts with the
rosebush but is almost impossible to find.
nude trees.
Eshetu usually grows in swamps or near
In some areas as the high peaks of the islands, lakes. This is a medicinal herb which acts
the forests receive high and average rainfall all when brewed and drunk as an antidote
the year, and these are evergreen rainforests. The against the effects of the Ansûl herb if
undergrowth in these rainforests is restricted in taken within one hour.
many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground
 Gahlaib: This small black brown nut is
level. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned
the fruit given by the Alub, similar to a
for any reason, the ground beneath is soon
hazel tree (which can rise up to more than
colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines,
28m). It has a very bad taste, and usually
shrubs and small trees.
provokes a bleeding few minutes after
 Ansûl: One of the most infamous plant ingestion. Eating more than five gahlaibs
that grows in forests. From the white and can be a cause of death.
yellow petals among the dark green leaves
 Kultufow: Small tree or large shrub
emanate a sweet fragrance. Those who
which grows 3 to 4 meters in height.
inhale deeply enough it fragancy become
Branches grows close to the ground from a
victim of the biggest violent deneracy ever
short, crooked trunk. Its oblong and light-
imaginable, specially in their faces
green leaves grow opposite each other on
(something like rabies). This violent state
short, thick stems that clasp the twig. The
mixes with a total loss of memory, which
Kultufow bloom twice a year, in Narac and
lasts between 1/2 hour to more than 12
Ayin. Their fruit are small, sweet, fragant
hours, depending on the exposition. They
and juicy, and it is highly prized by
are easily handled by someone with a
monkeys, birds and elephants.
strong will. The victims do not forget so
easily their enraged actions. This plant was  Natjura: This small blue plant similar to a
once cultivated in the Chyan empire (and hyacinth usually grows in caves near
later destroyed), in order to fortify their water, and needs humidity and light. The
soldiers against their foes. The origin of roots, melt with the blue flowers into a
this plant is lost in memory, but it is malleable paste, when eaten acts as an
probable that it is a remnant of Zurghôr antidote against all circulatory poisons.
evil Maia sorcerers.
 Noteng: Carnivorous plant that can reach
 Bamboo (Tubaak): Perennial plant that up to 2 m tall. The Noteng achieves
grows as an undergrowth scattered or in additional nutritients catching and
patches in the forest. Bamboo have a very digesting insects and also small animals as
fast growth, and can reach up to 20 or 30 frogs or bats. Their preys are trapped when
m. It only blooms once in their lifetime, attracted to some kind of bags that hang
and die after. It is used for furniture, from their leaves. These bags are filled
making baskets and other tools as fishing with a liquid that make the animals slip
rods. and fall inside, where they will be
 Bulti: One of the most useful Codya, the
sweet sap of this plant have healing  Teak (Dow): Hardwood tree, growing yo
properties when is applied directly over 30-40 m tall, decidious in the dry season.

- -

Its timber is very appreciated in the uses of runner. If aroused, it can run down or bash
furniture, building, and constuction of a relative quick foe. A typical Elephant eats
boats and ships, as it has a strong weather about 150 kg (300 pounds) of food each
and insects resistance. day, grasping with its trunk, and placing
the food in its mouth. The food is always
Fauna: The jungle is full of animal life. The huge
vegetable (leaf, seed, root, herb, fruit). Just
production of vegetal matter allow the existence
of big herbivorous as elephants, tapirs, boars,
antelopes and a large range of monkeys. There
are also predators as tigers, leopards, wild dogs
and other smaller as mongooses, caatu and
opossums. Although sometimes can be hidden to
human eyes, venomous and constrictor snakes
are very common in the rainforests. Different
kinds of lizards, frogs, bats and shrews feed from
the numerous insects of the jungle, some of
them, can amazingly reach great sizes.
 Caatu: Big predatory cat or marten alike,
with two little horns on the head, white
tufts everywhere, a pointed muzzle,
rounded ears, albinos eyes. The paws are all other elephants, the Airavat have been
very short, with claws. Caatu usually hunt tamed and used for heavy work and war,
for rats, rabbits. These animals can be just as the Mûmakil and the Zamamakil,
easily domesticated, but once it is done, but they cannot compare with the majesty
they cannot return to wild life. and power of their greater brethren.

 Ormalian elephant: This huge animal,  Nîkh: Animal related to the wild boar, but
cousin of the Zamamakil and the famous bigger (1,20 m height) and more
Mûmak extend from Chy to Sunum. It dangerous. The Nîkh have a plump body
rises to a height of about 2.5-3 m at the with dark hair and hefty paws. The beak is
shoulder and reaches a length of 4.5-6 m. very long, with flatten front. Several
Like all of its cousins, it has thick, pillar groups of appendix come out of the head.
like legs, a loose skin and flat, padded feet. First, the two pairs of straight horns and
Unlike the Zamamakil, it has short ears, a second two pairs of curved gangs in the
concave forehead with two big bumps. The mouth are used to charge against his foes.
creature's most notable feature, however, Their diet is omnivorous: plants, roots,
is undoubtedly its trunk: an elongated small mammals, carrion, etc. The Nîkh are
nose and upper lip that serves as both a lonely and extremely dangerous animals,
sensory organ and as a prehensile grasping so that, even tigers and wild dogs, prefer
tool. An Elephant uses its trunk to smell, run away to dace a Nîkh for a corpse.
gather food, drink, and as a weapon in  Tiger: a huge and beautiful animal with a
combat. They also have a pair of very short orange or golden fur streaked with dark
tusks. An elephant family is ruled by a colour bands, belonging to the feline
matriarch (older female), and generally family. It is referred to as a big cat (about
consist of her female offspring and their 2,5 to 3,5 m, counting tail, and 270 to 300
young. A basic family unit consists of six to kg). It is a very good hunter that prefers
twelve animals, but families of twelve to deer, boars, monkeys or buffalo babies.
twenty elephants are quite common. Aside Although the tiger is bad in long chasing,
from one or two rest periods at night and a he is lethal in ambush and short runs. He
midday break, the great beast is always lives mainly in forest in protected and
active, roaming about with a swinging gait isolated lairs. They are usually lonely
in a constant search for security and food. although males and females in the
This continual plodding, though, belies the reproduction age, and young females of
Elephant's strength as a swift, agile the same litter might live together. Birth

- -

can happen in summer, in gestation of two Puliyan, a magician dust used by the Jôpi
to four little blinded and furless tigers. shamans that allow to have a total contact
with the spirits. The Puliyan dose is so
 Trêaik: this is the holy animal of the Jôpi
hard that anyone should not abuse of it,
(symbol of the greatest Uchakna (Na.
since it stands the risk of remaining caught
“Forest Powers”)). These animals descend
in the Spirit World, which means the body
from the

goes into a coma.

ancestors of the Jôpi domesticated (from
what they say, thanks to the sacred Forest  Basht: thorny bush that lives in the alpine
Powers). The Trêaik is able to track, follow pastures. Its leaves are very small; the
blood treks for kilometers and slay a boar- flowers are big and yellow and grow up in
size animal in a few seconds (breaking his summer. Its black berry is an ingredient of
neck or suffocating with his jaws). A pair of the Puliyan.
hunter Trêaiks collaborating is a lethal
 Bowkaan: Ripe plant that grows till 1m
weapon for any animal of big size. The
tall, with leaves that are born at the base
Trêaiks have almost the size of tigers
and a long stem. In the end of the stem
although they are less streaked and they
grows one flower that become a fruit (at
are friendly with any member of the Jôpi
first alike to a corn cob, and finally
clan (and anyone friend of the Jôpi).
opening up in a crowd of little stems). The
Bowkaan is used for healing edemas
(retention of liquids in body) and a is
6.5 MOUNTAINS powerful homeostatic (favouring the blood
coagulation). The plant must be boiled in
Drej Akyula is a range of mountains with peaks
water and then drink the cool liquid. Also
between 2.000 and 4.500 meters.
can be put in cataplasms or compresses
Flora: The cooler climate of the valleys made the (immediate action).
jungle turn into a mixed forest of decidious and
 Bukitz: Succulent plant that lives in the
perennial leave trees, while in the the highest
rocky meadows, that have motted blueish-
valleys dominate the evergreen woods (pines,
green leathery leaves that form an eye-
cedars, evergreen oaks, etc.). Only beyond 3.000
catching rosette up to 20 cm in diameter.
m height the alpine meadows of grass and small
This plant is biennial (only bloom each two
bushes, lacked of tree species, appears.
years) and its flowers are tiny and white.
 Atadram: Tiny herb that lives in the The sap of the Bulkitz is used for several
grazing meadows of Drej Akyula. Atadram purpose but specially as a skin regenerator
is easy to find because it strongly smells for burns.
like acid. It is used as an ingredient of the

- -

 Kaktu: Plant with white flowers that grow the mountains. Its bark is a strong narcotic
in the highest alpine meadows of Drej and anaesthetic used to made the Puliyan.
Akyula. If the petals of the flowers are
 Têku: a red-brown lichen. They are at first
ingested, the person loses his feeling in his
seeds disseminated by winds who fix on
or her extremities. If the flower is boiled
the ground, or more usually trees or
and the liquid concentrated, it will create a
stones. From these seeds, a red-brown
poison that impairs a person’s dexterity.
lichen grows as a “parasite”, usually after
The effect is permanent until an antidote is
rainfall. This plant when eaten allows the
administered. The resulting palsy will
user to hear and see twice as well as usual.
interfere with any type of movement. Like
Klyttm, this plant is researched by talented Fauna: The animal population is spceially varied
assassins. and plentiful. Among the birds, there are
different species of pheasants, crows, jays,
 Klytat’m: One of the most unusual shrub
woodpeckers and other birds of prey as owls,
of the moutains. It has lovely yellow or red
falcons and eagles. There are also several
flowers and purple berries (especially on
herbivorous that graze in the fresh summer
winter). The berries appear to be very
meadows of the mountains as ibexes, yaks, wild
succulent. In fact, it is highly poisonous, as
sheeps and other antelopes, that because of the
it causes eternal sleep. These are the only
snow are forces to go down to the valley looking
result seen after attempting to eat these
for pastures. Monkeys, marmots, rabbits,
fruits. These berries are researched by
racoons and other predators as bears, wild cats
talented assassins in Harshandatt or
and wolfs are common in the mountains.
Chyan cities.
 Bonegrinder vulture: This big vulture
 Lilagharemo (J. “Blessed Youth Vine”):
of the high mountains of Central Middle-
Someone says that in the valley of Tem-
Earth is not able to hunt preys and neither
Dazran dwells a kind of vine with amazing
walk in the ground like other vultures
properties. This vine could have bright
because of his short legs. In spite of it, the
purples grapes with a sweet taste that
bonecracker vulture have an amazing
could make delay a man getting old. In
“easy” and “light” flight for a bird of this
fact, this vine exists but its mighty
size (till 2,5m of spread wings). The
properties are not so. The grapes of
bonegrinder watches from the sky for dead
Lilagharemo are an anti-aging and anti-
corpses. Once he has seen one, he caught
oxidant that make the old men of the
the bones and then throw them onto the
mountains who consume it appear less old
rocks to crack them to make them smaller,
than they really are. However, this vine is
and so swallow them.
very rare and the mysteries of its
properties make that a lot of adventurers  Cave Bear: These huge beasts can reach a
crossed the dangerous mountains to find weight of 635kg. They have dark fur and
them. mighty claws that could go through a metal
armour like linen. Fortunately, these
 Oj-tupêi: This plant grows till 1m tall and
animals are shy. They feed with berries,
has thick green leaves with white nerves
fruits, roots, honey and even fish or meat.
that bud directly from the ground. The Oj-
They are monogamous. After the
tupêi prefers the humid shores of rivers in
reproduction time, the female forsake the
mountains valleys. Eating this plant or
male to care of their offspring. For 6-8
drinking the water where the plant is
months, the female look after the little
boiled is supposed to be effective in
bears, teaching them to survive in the
cleaning the body from any vegetal/fungi
poison. Within 1 hour to be ingested, Oj-
tupêi will heal every reversible effect of a  Cliff bumble-bees: social insects that
poison (not total destruction of an organ or build their nest in cracks and clefts of
death). rocks (sometimes the nest could be 30m
below the entrance of the cave). These
 Taityr: small tree related to alder, which
insects are not aggressive unless someone
grows sporadically in the pine forests of

- -

fell into their nest. Then, the outraged Effects of Herbs, Poisons, Diseases and
bumble-bees will attack in group, using Sustances
their stings. The poison of the Cliff HP= Hit Points/ Health Points; Vit= Vitality; Str= Strength;
bumble-bees is not really heavy (only will T= Type; RT= Reaction Time; P= Power, T= Treatment; E=
cause pain and inflating), but allergic Effects; SE= Secondary Effects; PH= Phases
people or those exposed to massive swarm Name MERP CODA
attacks could pay with their life. It restores a It restores a
Dilduyan number of HP number of HP
 Golden ibex: The kings of the mountains, equal to 20% CO. equal to Vit
these goats live in the inaccessible cliffs 4th level poison of T: Ingested. RT:
and slopes of the highest mountains. The Kei-houan 1-10 hit points. 20min. P: +0. T:
males show majestic horns in corkscrew +0. E: -1 Vit. PH: 1
shape. Despite their size (males can weight Allergic reaction: T: Wound. RT:
-25 to all actions, 10min. P: +0 (no
100 kg), they move nimbly through the causing paralysis, allergic people)/
rocks. In winter, the herds of golden ibex Cliff fever and +15 (allergic
are forced to go down the mountain peaks bumble- exhausted people). E: 1D6+2
looking for the green pastures of the upper bee poison breathing for 1-4 HPs/sting. SE:
valleys. days. Five or more -1D6 Vit. PH: 1 per
stings could kill in bite.
 Marmots: These characteristic rodents 1-10 hours.
dwell in the open alpine grasslands of the Rapajú
x3 HP loss by 3 HPs lost by
mountain ranges of central and northern round. round
Middle Earth. The marmots live in 2-3 days of vomits, chills and diarrhoea.
Mow Death in about 7-10 if the antidote
colonies and spend the winter sleeping in (quala) is nos taken.
their underground barrows. They are Sedative and analgesic. Reduce 25%
always watching for the birds of prey. Hazantari
movement skills.
When they see one peril the watcher Under its effects, 1 hour of sleep equals
marmot screams a characteristic sound to 6.
and makes the entire colony come back to It heals 1-10 HPs a It heals 1-10 HPs a
the barrows in a few seconds. day day
It restores 2-20 It restores 2-20
 Snow Lumo: Related to the Lumo of the HP in wounds and HP in wounds and
hills, this wildcat have a dense white fur, clean light clean light
infections. infections.
grey blurs and a thick tail. The Snow Lumo
Poisonous gas 10th T: Inhaled. RT: 1
is called the “ghost of the mountains” level goal. P: +10. E:
because it is very rare to see it. However 2D6+2 hit points.
the Snow Lumo is as aggressive and agile Poa SE: -1 Vit/goal.
as his cousin. This wildcat hunt goats, PH: Continous
marmots, partridges and even cattle. The while in the area
soft fur of a Snow Lumo could reach high
A daily infusion A daily infusion
prices (several gold pieces) in the markets. restores 20% of restores 20% of
 Yak: Bovine animal, related with the CO and ST losses Vit and Str losses
and gives +25 and gives +15 NO
northern Kine, domesticated by the
Disease RR. to Disease
mountain people as beast of burden and a resistance.
source of food (meat and rose milk) and Reparation of T: Wound. RT: 1
wool. The male Yak can reach 2 m height organs in 2D10 hour. P: +7. T:
and have curved horns that can be 80 cm days. Side effects Paranoia and
length. Females are smaller. (paranoia and schizophrenia.
schizophrenia) 7th PH: 1.
level RR.
Movement skills x2 in the next 2
Volyuk rounds. In the following 3 rounds there
is no active movements
It reduces 50% HP loss. It restores 2-20

- -

Effects of Herbs, Poisons, Diseases and

HP= Hit Points/ Health Points; Vit= Vitality; Str= Strength;
T= Type; RT= Reaction Time; P= Power, T= Treatment; E=
Effects; SE= Secondary Effects; PH= Phases
+45 RR to any +25 NO to any
disease of disease of
inflammations inflammations
and ailments of and ailments of
the respiratory the respiratory
Acojo paste and urinary tracts. and urinary tracts.
+35 RR to other +20 RR to other
diseases as diseases as
coughs, diarrheas coughs, diarrheas
and light and light
infections. infections.
Jatsar Galeaana antidote
Quala Mow antidote
+45 RR for +25 NO for
diseases of deseases of
diarrheas and diarrheas and
caused by worms. caused by worms.
Saruwani It reduces -25 any ON +15 to any
paste kind of movement kind of movement
(concentr.) skills. skills
1-10 hits points by T: Touch. RT:
contact. 6th level Inmediate. P: +5.
poison that E1: Paralysis 1D6
Alutu creates paralysis. minutes. E2: 1D6
slobber HPs loss. PH: 1
per touch /
Continous if
5th level poison. It T: Wound. RT: 1
causes necrosis on minute. P: +0. E:
the infected flesh. 1d6 HPs. PH: 1 per
Red Ant
bite. Wounds not
cure should pass
other Resistance
Proof with P: +5.
10th level drug. T: Ingested. RT: 1
Facial hour. P: +15. E:
deformation and Facial
amnesia of past deformation,
actions for ½ to amnesia,
12 hours. +20 to aggressiveness (+5
any aggressive to Corauge and
skills. -25 to any Stamina, -5 to
skill that I or get Wisdom). High
involved INT or temptatation to
PR. corrpution ON
It restores 2-20 It restores 2D6
hit points (if health points (if
Bulti applied) or 3-30 applied) or 3D6
HPs if ingested HPs if ingested
within 5 minutes within 5 minutes.
Eshetu Ansûl antidote
Gahlaib -5% CO hit points -1 to Vitality
Natjura Antidote of circulatory poisons

- -

- -

Effects of Herbs, Poisons, Diseases and When Men awoke, a shadow covered the eastern
Sustances Middle Earth, as Melkor corrupted them, and left
HP= Hit Points/ Health Points; Vit= Vitality; Str= Strength; one of his powerful minions to continue his task.
T= Type; RT= Reaction Time; P= Power, T= Treatment; E= This was Harûrnurg, who enslaved Men, setting
Effects; SE= Secondary Effects; PH= Phases
them to work in mines and monuments, and
began to breed Orcs to create an evil empire in
Bowkaan It stops the hit point loss by bleeding Palisor. However, the Avari Elves resisted and
It restores 20% It restores a fought for many years with the support of Men
CO HPs caused by complete health who escaped from Harûrnurg’s yoke in the Wars
Bukitz of Palisor.
burns a day level lost by burns
a day
Kaktu Impair the victim dextery. Do no affect Finally, the servants of Harûrnurg became too
concentred to ambidextrous. strong and defeated the Avari and Free Men,
posion killing Tareg, the leader of the Avari. The shadow
5th level poison T: Ingested. RT: 2 spread throughout Palisor and Avari and Men
Klytat’m that induces to hours. P: +10. E: are forces to flee and disperse. Those Nelyar who
coma Coma. SE: -1D6
followed Anú (Pe. “The Tall One”), a relative of
Vitality. PH: 1.
It restores 100% It restores 100%
Olwe and Elwe, moved to southeastern lands and
HPs loss caused HP loss caused by were called themselves the Pêdi (Pe. “Speakers”)
Oj-tupêi by poisons and poisons and heals in their own tongue, which had changed much
heals any other any other effect in from the original language of the Quendi through
effect in 1 hour. 1 hour. the years.
+40 to all +6 to Perception
Perception involving sight The Pêdi preferred to settle in the low lands and
Têku involving sight and/or sound for coasts, keeping their rustic and wandering
and/or sound for 2-10 hours. lifestyle, and they built many secret refuges in
2-10 hours.
Ayken Islands. As more Men moved to the lands
of Ormal they became more reclusive, although
they ha uses the ashes of saruwani as a worm

7 PEOPLE remedy, laxant and diuretic. At determinated

doses it can lower blood pressure and have
smooth muscle-relaxing effect. d good
relationships with the Lynîr as their fought with
7.1 PÊDI their ancestors in the Wars of Palisor. The Pêdi
are have some contacts with other Avari tribes of
the Nelyar clan, as the Pái of the Southern
7.1.1 THE HISTORY Archipiélago and the Awartasi of Imaldawath
The Ancestors of the Pêdi belonged to the Nelyar,
the Third clan of the Quendi. Soon after they
awoke in the shores of Cuiviénen lake, in the Far
East of Middle Earth, the Vala Oromë
The Pêdi are relatively pure blooded Nelyar and
summoned them to Valinor, but many of the
have silver or white coloured hair and green
Nelyar refused to follow him and preferred to
eyes, but also sand-blonde and brown hair and
stay in the Lands of Palisor.
blue or violet eyes are common. The Pêdi are
relatively small by Elven standards, but still
These “Unwilling” that were called Avari, spread
taller than most Easterlings and Southrons. Men
gradually throught the lands of Palisor (Central
weight about 70 kg, and women about 60 kg.
Middle Earth) and remained as a rustic folk of
Men reach an average of 1,80m, and women
hunters and foragers, dwelling in forests and
around 1,65m.
caves, with no permanent home. They wandered
the wild lands, hiding from the fallen beasts of
Melkor and the Dark Hunter, in fact a servant of 7.1.3 SOCIETY AND CULTURE
Melkor, who pretended to be Oromë the Vala, in
order to kill and kidnap many Elves as possible. Clothes: They wear light, bright coloured
garments made of elven silk, cotton or furs, and
light, pointed elven shoes. Many wear their long

- -

hair upsweeped. Both, men and women like among them, although parents, ancestors and
silver jewelry. All Pêdi wear a silver circlet with a elder Elves are seriously respected. Many
closed eye on their forehead, the symbol of activities are made on society and festivals are
wisdom. quite common. Some Pêdi can be seen travelling
or acting in the lands of Men, but they always
Fears and inhabilities: To be isolated from made it with discretion, even in Lynîr land,
their family. They don't appreciate the jungle where the Elves are more easily accepted.
forest of Zurghôr, and avoid going there, except
if they are forced for their safety. Craftsmanship: As other Quendi, the Pêdi uses
the Art to create marvellous craftworks with
Special capacities: They have an innate special properties. They are masters working furs
attraction for the sea, and they are very and embossing leather and they could make good
talentuous in shipbuilding (although very rustic and impermeable garments and boots, and dying
and primitive compared to the Eldar or with vivid colours. They also handle very skilfully
Númenórean fleet), and they taught all their vegetal fibres to make ropes, garments and
knowledge to the Lynîr. MERP: Bonus of +15 on fabrics. Wood and bone carvings, and pottery are
shipbuilding or navigation. usually amazing crafts. Metal works are much
simpler and more basic, and they prefer to trade
Marriage Pattern: As any other Elves they are with other Elves (as Kuorind) or Lynîr in
monogamous and usually marry only once in a exchange of other manufactured goods.
lifetime, but divorces are allowed and accepted in
their society. Four or more children descendants Games and sports: The Pêdi, as many other
are normal in the old days, but as ages passed Avari, like to celebrate and enjoy life through
they grew less. They usuallu marry relatively social meetings, singing, poetry, music, theatre
early, soon after they are full aged (about 75 perfomances and dancing. They haven’t complex
years old). leisure activities and prefer more intuitive and
artistic games.
Political Organization and Laws: The Pêdi
have and erratic lifestyle and individuals have a Cooking: They usually follow austere diets
high rate of independence, anyway they live in made of vegetables, fruit, fish and game. Their
society, and usually under strong family ties, and recipes are simple, and they use small stone or
there are some acquired customs that reach the clay ovens as principal cooking technique, to
level of unwritten laws. The violation of these roast meat or to cook bread.
laws is a very rare event, but in case of big
decisions, risks, judgements or other eventual Position of women: Elven maidens are
circumstances that could recquire the allowed to do any other male activity, however
application of justice, the Pêdi summon a they’re rather trained for art of healing and all
Council of Sages. that touches on the care of the body, while the
elven-men prefer more active or dangerous
Lifestyle: They are reclusive from other folks activities as sailing or hunting.
and prefer to live in the wild lands, away from
cities or big amounts of people. They love the Sea Towns and housing: They usually live in
and they rather set their homes near the shores, isolated or quite unapproachable places, as sea
where they could hear the waves and sea birds. caves or dense forests, not far from the sea. Thus,
They don’t worry about material possessions or their communities tend to be small, composed of
luxuries, and they prefer to follow an ascetic and three to seven families. They prefer simple
simple way of life. They are usually hunters, homes, or at least not permanents. Wood huts
fishers or foragers, and some of them are good and telen (platforms set among the branches of
artisans of wood, pottery, leather and fabrics. trees) are typical dwellings.
They’re also good sailors and their ships are they
favourite mean of transport. Religion: Apart from their brief encounter with
Oromë in the shadowy recesses of the primordial
Social Life: Although they look shy to other past, the Pêdi's awareness, comprehension of,
people, the Pêdi make strong social relationships and attitude toward the invisible Powers that
in their communities, and they considered govern the world are shaped mainly by their love
themselves as familiars, although they weren’t and connection with the Sea. Thus, they venerate
related by blood. There aren’t social classes two figures of Sea Gods, which are known as

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Uinen and Ossë in western tongues. The Pêdi inhabitants, and from them started to learn what
have influenced the Lynîr traditions, and their lands were to the West and the South, like the
worship to Talyaz and Negadash, and sometimes Bay of Golden Light Lamp, or a rather
they are invited to take part in their festivals, mysterious land, the southern continent of
celebrated four times a year, to give thanks to T’lach-tuyil, with strange tales of aggressive
Talyaz and Negadash. beasts, savage people, and fallen powerful
entities not related to Men nor Dwarves.
Restriction on Professions: None, though
Elves adventurers are very often rangers or As we are explorers, we naturally, despite the
sailors. They tend to use the Art (elven magic), warnings, sent some commercial expeditions to
but in subtle ways. the northern territories of T’lach-tuyil. We
discovered the natural wealth of this new
Prejudices: The Pêdi hate all creatures of continent: good minerals to exploit, cultivable
Morgoth (especially those of Zurghôr), and are lands, and a welcome climate. We founded some
suspicious towards the Zurghîr sects. They are new city outposts there and tried to make contact
friendly with Lynîr and also with other Elves like with the local inhabitants. We were rebuffed, and
the Kuorind. forced to protect our property against the empire
of Nexaral, and its people, the aggressive Acali.
The Acali searched no relations with us, but war.
They rarely go to war, except they have to protect It was first considered that they made war
their territory (or sacred places) against the against us because we were intruders in their
barbarians of Zurghôr or other evil creatures. Empire. We believed this in the first years, until
This is frequently done in coordination with the we were able to gain the friendship of some local
Lynerian League army. Pêdi warriors are usually tribes unfortunately submitted to the harsh rule
equipped with wood long bows and small axes. of the Acali. From them, we learnt that the Acali
During peace years, rangers scout constantly searched only prisoners to satisfy their Evil
their territory (without being noticed by the Gods, for a sacrifice of a few humans would allow
eventual intruders), and check if the intruders the survival of all Acali.
(marauders, thieves, Zurghôr tribes) need to be
drove away, captured and brought to the Pêdi Fortunately, our arms and armour were fairly
villages (the Lynîr were reserved the honor to superior to these Dog people. But they had the
meet the Avari in touch). Their favourite war advantage of number, and in the end we had the
strategies are ambushes and harrassing the choice to leave, or resist until the end. Though
intruders. the option of T’lach-tuyil remained still open to
us, through remote areas and uneasy accesses for
the Acali to reach. But this exploration of T’lach-
7.2 VULMAW tuyil was not considered as a deep failure, as we
more understood the danger of it, and warn the
other people of the real risk of going there. It was
7.2.1 THE LEGEND OF THE VULMAW believed that no one of our people remained in
these lands, though we left important
We are the Vulmaw, and our people came from testimonies of our existence there.
the Far East of Known World. If this statement
can be considered true, it is in another way In parallel, our people explored and settled new
entirely false. When we consider our customs, lands, that we named Sunum, Vulm Shryac and
our faces, our cities and even our languages, and Codya, seen by many as a Renegade Colony, but
compare them with those of the Far East, like this is another matter. A few years after our
those of the Womaw, a conclusion is very easy to colonisation of Sunum, we were warned of a
make: our traditions evolved through the course migration of a southern people, coming from
of time. And this is not only because we came to T’lach-tuyil. Were they Acali, who acquired
new lands and saw other people. through devotions to their false entities the
knowledge of navigation? No this was not
No, the truth is elsewhere. When we reached the possible.
lands of Lóchas Drûs, in the first years of the Age
of the Exile, we easily submitted the local

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In fact, this was the Ixtcal, commanded by their Lóchas Drûs, with the domination of the local
King Jerhal Dral and Queen Terama. The Ixtcal, and native inhabitants.
our ancestors, had maintained during years and
There, led by their Hion Woma Dral, the son of
centuries their formerly and still Vulmaw
Shon Dral (former lord of the Surk Womaw of
possessions in T’lach-tuyil, through heroic
Thuriac Codya), they founded their new Thuriac
victories, until they faced extinction. King Jerhal
Codya (the acknowledge date is S.A. 347). After
Dral, an ancestor of the Dral line of Lóchas Drûs,
centuries of consolidation of their power in
then ordered the mythical burning of the last
Lóchas Drûs, the Vulmaw began to explore the
Vulmaw city in T’lach-tuyil, and began a
shores of the Southern Sea, and eventually
mythical journey on the sea, to meet again their
founded cities outposts in T’lach-tuyil, also called
long lost brothers, and reunite with them, as it
Mórenorë by Númenoreans (around S.A. 540),
was in the early days of T’lach-tuyil. Through
and colonies in Sunum (S.A. 680, foundation of
peace they came, and were easily accepted. They
Yulcaavi the Jewel City) in the Sea of Winds,
settled most in Sunum, where they found a
Vulm Shryac in the Blessed Islands (S.A. 923) by
landscape pretty similar to their southern lands,
the lords of the Varal family, and last Codya (S.A.
and later in Lóchas Drûs. Fortunately, this
981) in the Sea of the Golden Ligh Light (Bay of
people did not bring with him his taste of war
Ormal). With the coming of the Númenoreans,
and sacrifice, but instead his force, his courage
Codya and Vulm Shryac accessed to
for survival and exploration, and his thirst for
independence during the Third Millennium of
knowledge. All qualities to have a good people.
the Second Age. Sunum opted for a semi-
And thus we merged, and became one and only
independence, keeping some strong links with
people, called the Vulmaw.
the Lóchan Empire.
A few centuries later, it became nearly
The cities in T’lach-tuyil (Mórenorë) did not
impossible to recognise the sons of Ixtcal with
survive a very long time, because of the hostility
the sons of the exiled Surk Womaw. And no more
of the Acali, a warlike race, though the Vulmaw
could we be compared with the Womaw, as with
get the friendship of a local people, the Ixtcal.
the Ixtcal arrival, we adopted some of their
Though many Vulmaw fled to the North to
customs, while the Ixtcal learned the ways of a
establish in the first colony of Lóchas Drûs,
civilised people. We are the Vulmaw now, and all
Sunum, some few Vulmaw remained aside with
the Ixtcal, and in time formed only one people,
who inflicted several defeats to the Acali before
7.2.2 THE HISTORY being forced too to leave T’lach-tuyil. The Ixtcal-
Vulmaw reached Sunum in S.A. 840, where they
The ancestors of the Vulmaw were in a very long mixed with the inhabitants of Sunum. Later,
past the fourth principal tribe of Womawas Drûs, some of them eventually migrated in the other
the Surk Womaw. They once lived in the island colonies as Codya, and in Lóchas Drûs, though
of Thuriac Codya, until the third century of they always preferred the land of Sunum, being
Second Age, when they began a long migration to roughly similar to the landscape of T’lach-tuyil.
the South. It was told that they were great
travellers and mariners, but other traditions told Initially the arrival of the first Vulmaw to Codya
that they were forced to leave Womawas Drûs to was a slow process (maybe only 200 persons
avoid being ruled by an unjust ruler (the reached its coasts a year). The Vulmaw were just
acknowledge date is around S.A. 280). Some settlers, hostile with the native folk (Jôpi),
others told of very important sea storms, focused only to establish trading routes and
earthquakes and cities burning as the real reason outposts all along the coasts. Trade thrived and
of departure. Or perhaps of a too great friendship population grew, more outposts were settled. By
with the Avari of Helkar Sael, something not the 11th century of Second Age, the Vulmaw
tolerated by the other three Womaw tribes. began to settle inland and the struggles with Jôpi
Whatever the truth is (probably a combination of became more intensive, till the 13th century when
these reasons), the Vulmaw (a name which they were finally subjugated in a system of
means “Those who departed from their partial independence. The flow of people in the
homeland” or “the Exiled”), easily conquered harbours and the using of Jôpi as cheap work
force triggered a crossbreeding proccess in the

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Vulmaw blood9. By the 19th century is hard to  Men. Elaborated cotton shirts or jackets, and
find a Codyan Vulmaw pure blooded, maybe only silk mantles above their shoulders.
the noble families.
 Women. Long gowns (green or blue), short
shirts and rich veils of silk, many times
7.2.3 APPEARANCE covering their head. Wide drapes carried on
the left shoulders.
The Vulmaw have an average height of 1.70 m for
men and 1.60 m for women. They are of medium Shûrs (Vu. “Lords”): Green linen or cotton
build, weighing about 80 kg for men and 65 kg clothes, some precious stones and a small silver
for women. They have angular faces, a light to crown. The hereditary nobles wear purple
dark brown skin, black straight hair, aquiline mantles extending below the knee, and the most
noses, and their eyes range from almond-shaped valorous have the right to have one to five
deep black to golden brown. Most men have their emerald stones.
hair cut short at the forehead and long at the Hionvula: Jade crown, anklets of jade and gold, a
sides and back. Those of high lineage generally turquoise blue helmet (in war) and a fine blue
have fair, beardless faces and high chins. Women cotton mantle. The Hion clothes are similar to
normally left their long hair loose, except during the Hionvul clothes, except the fact that all
some special festivals, when hair are braided, ornaments are with silver.
sometimes decorated with ribbons. During such
festivals, women are usually perfumed, and often Most Vulmaw wear sandals, and only the monks
paint their eyelids in bright colours. Their and servants go bare-footed. The most valuable
average lifespan is about 80 years. ornaments prized by most Vulmaw (especially
the traders) are jade and turquoise rings or
These ratial features are getting blurred as the amulets, followed by gold, rubies, sapphires,
Vulmaw mix with other people from the Ormal opals and pearls, and even feathers ornaments
area. So that, it’s not unusual to find darker skins (though very rare and very expensive).
in a Codyan with Jôpi ancestry or lighter skins
and soft noses in Codyan with Elinse or Lynerian Fears and inabilities: None, except a strong
ancestors. rivalry and jealousy with Lynîr, sometimes
depicted as “those who control too heavily the
trade in the Bay of Ormal”.
7.2.4 SOCIETY AND CULTURE Special capabilities: They are good sailors,
navigators (they know to orientate themselves by
Clothes: The Codyan Vulmaw wear colourful the stars) and traders.
clothes of linen, cotton or silk, very light, large Marriage pattern: The Vulmaw are
and comfortable. Dress signifies social status, monogamous, and the line is traced through the
wealth and occupation. male. Men marry around 20, as soon as they can
Common class: afford to support a family and set up their own
home: they arrange a marriage with the girl's
 Men. Light dress coats of cotton or linen that father, who is paid a dowry. Girls are married as
end shortly above the knee, also soon as they can conceive, around 14.
complemented with sashes and head
ribbons. Political organisation and laws: As the
westernmost colony of Lóchas Drûs, Codya is
 Women. Long gowns made up with colourful administered by nomination of a governor
linen stuffs. (Hion), who must obey to the Hionvul of Lóchas
Drûs. The Hion is usually named for life, and on
High class:
some occasions the title can be hereditary as
well. The Hion has only to report to his Hionvul
concerning the colony’s state. He has all powers
Note for the GM: Since 19th century of Second to decide for trade embassies, conflicts against
Age, it should be use the Codyan people Lynîr or Númenoreans, except that the Hion can
description to create new characters, except for be revoked at any instant. All must obey the
those who belong to nobility. Hion, including the powerful and wealthy

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Codyan Lords (Shûrs). The organisation is in out of their homes, specially sailors, warriors and
itself feudal, like in Womawas Drûs or Lóchas traders, so women take an important position to
Drûs, with each Shû swearing fealty to the Hion. administrate the house.
Later during the Second Age, the Codyan Hion
Social classes: The Vulmaw hold themselves as
liberates from Lóchas influence, establishing a
a chosen and noble people, and they often deal
hereditary line of Codyan Hionvul.
with foreigners with a sense of superiority. The
The Vulmaw law come from the Kod Ultor are the main economic and political elite of
warrants, though these laws can be developed by Codya, and so that they tend to deal with foreign
the Hion. Feudal lords (Shûr) are not allowed to peoples (inhabitants of their colonised lands)
impose rules that go against the Vulmaw law. with a sense of superiority, respect and
The only matters they can regulate are about the tolerance, and they usually do not search to
economy and resources management in their submit them if this is not needed. However,
lands, and military and taxes duties to their Vulmaw despise slavery, because they think it
subjects. suppress the main essence of human life. An
exception is made for criminals, who are
Vulmaw laws are quite harsh and favour corporal
condemned to work in mines or build palaces,
penances even for minor crimes, ranging from
fortresses or other prestigious monuments, in
public whipping to maiming to be-heading.
reparation of their crimes. The prisoners of war
Vulmaw have the possibility to convert any
are treaty depending of their social status and
corporal penance into a monetary one, but if the
amount of money that his captor could retrieve
convicted is rich enough, the judge will often
from him. Even though, enslave prisioners could
ignore his origin and let him pay to avoid the
achieve to pay for his freedom after years of
forced labours (if he could survive to this harsh
It is said that Vulmaw judges, and Vulmaw in conditions).
general, are very prone to corruption. In fact,
In the Vulmaw society, nobles enjoy the highest
Vulmaw are very often influenced in their
status, immediately followed by warriors and
decisions by particularist judgements, and they
merchants: according to tradition, warriors
prefer to bend the rules if they are not perfectly
should be better considered than merchants, but
suited to the situation. The Vulmaw admit with
the economic success rather than the military
no problems that they do not value the single
one of the Vulmaw caused a shift in their culture
actions of a person, but rather value the person
that still generate some contradictions in their
for all that he is and has done - thus, among the
society. Below them there are sailors and
Vulmaw friendship and fame open many doors
craftmen. Tilling the land or doing heavy duties
that money would not.
is considered a labour only for the lowest and
Social life: Vulmaw society is quite open- poorest classes.
minded: the main social values are honour,
The warriors are important in the Vulmaw
truth, cunning and skill with weapons. Although
society. The army is divided in smaller feudal
they have a strong racial sense, they easily make
armies and the royal army. Each one have a
friendship with other peoples.
custom livery and a specific training.
After a birth, parents usually go to a temple to
The wise-men, monks or scholars, rarely referred
make offerings to the gods, or else to pay monks
as priests, wear short sleeved tunics, with
to do the prayers for them. Children education
jewellery according to the rank (one to five
(as writing and reading teaching) is a women
amethyst stones).
labour. At the age of 10 years old sons have to
begin their professional learning, that depends of Lifestyle: Lifestyles can be differenced
the father job, and at 16 years old they must depending on the social class. Noble classes are
spend two years in the military service, in the responsible for the maintenance of their manor
terrestrial army or well in the navy. At the end of and carrying out their war duties to the
this stage they are considered completely adult. Hion/Hionvul. The nobles also are very
At the age of 14, daughters begin to engage, interested in trading activities, and it is very
although they can wait several years before the common to find merchants working for a noble.
wedding. Married men could spend much time In their spare time these people enjoy hunting

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(falconry), playing board games or celebrating are usually built elevated and higher than the
parties with musicians, dancers, performers with ground. Big and round pillars of wood imbedded
a lot of drinking and food. Warriors can be underground constitute the main frame of the
owned by a feudal army or else by the Hion buildings. Walls are made of wooden panels,
army. They usually sign for a determined fitted horizontally and lodged in the cuttings of
number of years, after that they can leave and vertical pillars. It is common to find paper
own a piece of land or they can go up a military screens in big houses working as detachers
level and sign for a new period. After each among rooms. Roofs are built with crossed
engagement, the size of the land they can obtain trunks (crowned with metal caps in richer
is bigger. Merchants, traders and sailors are very houses, in order to shelter them from moisture
common professions in the cities. As well as and rotting, and also as decorative element) and
warriors, they usually spend long times away bark or palm tree layers.
home. Other jobs for the Vulmaw are craftsmen
Inside the house, there are very often a covered
(meaning carpenters, smiths, jeweller, cooks,
hall, a central courtyard, a sort of loggia where
ship-makers and tailors). They compose the
sleeping spaces can be found, a kitchen, a piece
main part of the urban Vulmaw people.
of furniture, several sleeping rooms and a
Craftsmanship: Vulman art favours complex separate bathroom. There can be, especially in
patterns and heavy decorations. Vulman artisans houses of the richest families, secret passages
are renowned as wood-carvers, producing and rooms used to hid any valuables or make
furniture, panels and statues from the clandestine reunions (for politics and matters of
hardwoods of the Blessed Islands and Codya, love). There is always a small pyramidal shrine
which they often lacquer with bright colours. placed either in the main room of the house, or
They usually represent mythical scenes from in the garden. The shrine is devoted to the family
their traditional epics, with moving shapes ancestors. Another one, but it is not always the
surrounded by a wild nature. Vulmaw are also case, is for the Hionvul ancestors and the
known as good smiths: they are particularly Hionvul himself.
renowned as weapon-smiths, carving epic scenes
Vulmaw like staying in the open air, so that the
in gold, bronze and copper over armours, shields
rich use to keep a private garden in their houses
and weapons. The Codyan cities (specially
to spend their time.
Cudaw) are known for the fabrication of
ornamental gold-works, making complex Stone is usually reserved to monuments, temples
geometrical and vegetal patterns which or building made to endure. It is also employed
embellish doors, roof-tops, chests and many for fortifications or for the basis of big buildings
artworks in the noble palaces. (as temples or big palaces), maybe a technic
adopoted from the Númenoreans.
Towns and housing: Vulmaw settlements ha
developed along the rivers and coasts rather than Games and sports: The higher classes Codyan
the hinterland. Cities are usually designed from Vulmaw appreciate strategic games and hunting
rectangular patterns maps, although Vulmaw over all sports. Hunting is an activity reserved to
like the urbanism adapts to topography and the Hion or Shûr and it is usually done with the
countryside. Due to the frequent wars against help of falcons or eagles. The penance for
neighbours, Vulmaw protect their cities with hunting in a lord’s manor is death. Rich men
stone walls, moats and watch-towers. enjoy playing chîupu, a kind of counter game
played on board. The objective of chîupu is to
They prefer living in wooden houses (a good idea
reach the enemy part of the board with your own
when considering the big seismic activity in their
counters, always following the moving rules.
natal land) rather than stone houses, much more
High classes females spend much of their spare
hard to build. The residential Vulman
time playing in groups to talle, a card game in
architecture varies in dimensions and frames;
which it is very important to have a great
from the simple two room huts to the large
palaces with multi-storied towers, richly carven
with lacquered hardwood panels. Although Music performances and theatre are reckoned
Vulman cities are very advanced, they lack entertainments that are usually developed in the
sewers, thereby, houses placed in flooding areas

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noble palaces, although in the festivals there are Vulmaw believe in a no end of natural spirits,
also popular activities. some of them mere “faerië” manifestations, other
ones they are powerful enough to be considered
A great success among the traders are the dice
Gods. They respect and fear them and offer them
games, with dices made in bone or wood. This is
prayers, food and incense in exchange of good
practised when one has time to play, like on
fortune. Their chief god is Lo-Shû, the Sky
markets, inns or large squares. These games are
Adviser (perhaps an alter ego of Manwë), the
very often made with real stakes (money).
Seether of All Things.
Numerous illegal Game Houses exist in all the
cities, and very often in the popular quarters. Vulmaw remember Kud Ultor, the Great Dragon
as his father and protector, and they’re still
The noble sport of lanqui, played in Sunum, has
faithful to their teachings. As did the Itxcal,
been popularised in Codya, and called laikani. It
Vulmaw keep a strong tribute to the Sun God,
is very common to find massive championships
and link it with the image of the Great Dragon.
of laikani, especially during celebrations or
So that, the Vulmaw legend of Day and Night
festivals. The game consists in two opposed
talk about the eternal fighting between two
teams that fight to conquer the rival strongholds.
dragons, the Golden Dragon and the Silver
The Codyan laikani is more of a physical game
Dragon. The first one is the Men protector, that
that the variant played in Sunum.
brings the sun-light and warmth, while the
Cooking: Codyan Vulmaw diet is primarily second one hates Men and brings cold and
based on seafood and vegetables (rice, potatoes darkness, and under his coat run freely the evil
and maize), rich in spices, favouring sweet, spirits.
sweet-and-sour or hot elements. Dishes are often
Other important gods are Arthan (Vu. “Thunder
linked to medical effects. Famous dishes of
and Lightning”), Yamna (Vu. “Rain”) who brings
Codyan Vulmaw are: hidawau, boiled vegetables
fertility, Ragra (Vu. “Fire and Strength”) who is
with rice and hot sauce, eaten with pancakes; the
Men’s strength and passions, Oraya (Vu. “Lady
elegant muzhu-purâ, bat meat with potatoes and
of Moon”), Chasca (Vu. “Flower and Youth”).
with a sweet-and-sour sausage; and zhongytu, a
They feel hate towards Dergar (Vu. “Stench”),
dense soup with pieces of sharks, onions and the
who is Death and comes to take men’s soul after
mivûl seaweed. Vulmaw cuisine is very complex,
and formal dinners include several dishes, eaten
with metal forks, knives and spoons on metal
Position of women: Vulman wife is
considered the keeper of the house and children,
however she enjoys a relative independence and
respect because Vulman men, being warriors,
merchants and sailors, are often away from
home. However, it is usually entitled to reject or
break the marriage, which is generally agreed by
It is strange to find a woman in the place of men
jobs, although not impossible. In fact, some
Hionvul or Shûr can be as well female. Royal
dowagers and consorts used to honor the
monkhood and donate religious buildings, and
even accompanied armies to battle. In Vulmaw
chronicles is persistent depicting the dowager
queens to “watch all over the affairs of the
Religion and priesthood: Vulmaw religion is,
as other cultural matters, the result of a process
of adaptation of Womaw and Itxcal beliefs.

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death and was the ancestral god of the heinous Festivals: Festivals are an important part of the
Acali. Vulmaw society, and are usually held on the
fifteen day of each month (Solar Calendar). The
Like did the Womaw, they venerate their
most important festival is called Loramaraj and
ancestors and mainly the ancient Hionvul
is dedicated to Lo-Shû, the Sky Adviser. This
(without establishing them as semi-gods, like in
eclectic festival take place in the 15th day of the
Sakal an-Khâr), by offering ceremonies to the
ninth month of the year, and gather some
dead. Each Vulmaw house keeps wooden images
traditions from the Codyan Vulmaw ancestors:
or statues of them, named laraga, and they are
the Thuriac Codya Vulmaw and the Ixtcal. The
offered fruits and milk for the protection of the
festival takes place in all the big cities. It begins
house. However, no complex rituals are
with a great parade, headed by the Hionvul or
associated with them, either. They also believe in
the local governors, and followed by the first
reincarnation, and in a happy after life. If they
monastic orders. Once the parade is finished, a
act purely against the darkness forces, they think
big bonfire is set up and a tiger is sacrificed. The
they will be allowed a new life later.
fur is kept and the body of the tiger is burnt. As
Actually there are no Vulmaw priests as they they believe the tiger soul will depart the
prefer to see the holy spirits as allies and friends terrestrial world, people
rather than masters. Temples and sacred places throw to the bonfire things
are usually kept by monastic orders, which with “negative vibrations”
follow a humble and ascetic lifestyle. Often, the or that remind bad
families with less economic resources give a son memories. They think if
to a temple to become a monk. Monks are these things burn with the
supported by the local population, through their tiger, they also leave this
offerings and aims, in exchange for their terrestrial world forever,
pleadings to the gods. removing all the bad things
that happened in the past;
Later, in the last years of the Second Age, this
so, in essence, it is a ritual
pure religion was perverted by the dark minions
of renovation. At night,
of the Shadows. A secret order, probably the
there are numerous
“Dark Ordainers”, came from Sakal an-Khâr,
dinners with a lot of food
exacerbated the Vulman need for power and
and drinks, and then
immortality, by the worship of Mûl-Shûn, the
people dance and sing
true God, in fact, Melkor. Human sacrifices were
until dawn.
made during great ceremonies to the honour of
Mûl-Shûn, and very often they were followers of The second most
Lo-Shû or Vulman enemies. The cult of Mûl- important festival is the
Shûn never became very strong, but it was Year Opening, held on the last day of the year
eradicated only with the end of Númenorean and on the first day of the new year. This festival
domination, surviving only among small groups is considered as a private Vulman festival, where
of nobles. foreigners are rarely invited. The last day of the
year is fully dedicated to the Golden Dragon, who
Death and burials: The death of a relative is a
is called to bring to the King strength and
very significant fact. Incineration is considered
wisdom, while the first day is to honour the
the best way to achieve the purification of the
Hionvul, who appears to his people. During these
corpse and unleashing the souls. These
two days, the epic journey of the Vulmaw from
ceremonies are crowded events where dead is
their birth lands of Thuriac Codya and T’lach-
venerated with all the brilliance and splendour a
tuyil to Lóchas Drûs, Sunum, Codya, and the
family can afford. In case of the great noble
other two Vulmaw colonies is very often retold.
families, the funeral can last a week, during
which many ceremonies are celebrated like The Festival of the Sea (7th month) is also very
animal sacrificies, offerings, prayers, banquets important. Then all the naval power of the
and, of course, the traditional wood-carving for Codyan Vulmaw leaves the docks and deploys all
the making of the ancestor’s statues. his mightiness on the sea. In the first years of the
colonisation of Codya this festival led to serious
incidents with the Lynerian navy, who thought it

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was a Vulman attack. Later, this week has been The lunar calendar is much more complicated.
well known to be exempted of foreign flags in the There are 12 months (ordinary years) or 13
Codyan seas. months (leap year) of equal length. If there are in
one year 13 new moons, then a leap month has to
Other important festivals include Oxala, the
be inserted during the following year. This needs
Realm Revival (4th month), where the birth of the
delicate astronomical calculations, but in
Vulmaw people and the escape of the Itxcal from
practice there is very often a leap year every nine
T’lach-tuyil are conmemorated. Hionvar (5th
years. Unlike most other calendars, the Vulmaw
month) is a feast to the honour of the Hionvul,
do not count years in an infinite sequence.
when the official heir of the Vulmaw realm is
Instead, there are cycles of 60 years (calendar
very often announced. During other months,
cycle) and era cycles, cosntituted by an
there are a Flower festival (6th month), and the
indeterminated number of cycles. The Vulmaw
Procession for the Dead (10 th month). To these
fixed the start of the Second Era 8 years before
festivals are added the feasts of the
the foundation of Lochas Drûs (when finished
supplementary days, dedicated to the Skies God,
the last cycle of the First Era)
Lo-Shû or other deities.
The days during which the two calendars
Restriction to professions: Vulmaw are
coincide, and the supplementary days of the
more often sea warriors, rangers, traders,
solar calendar, are considered blessed. Those
craftsmen or monks. All professions are
who are born or die during one of these days are
accessible to females, like being a priestess or
considered as blessed and fortunate, for they will
acting as a Hionvul (or Shûr) spy or counsellor.
be remembered long after their death. These
Language: The Codyan Vulmaw speak a dialect days are fixed in calendars by good astrologists
of New Vulman, that came from the native or diviners, who make prophecies based on stars.
tongue of Lóchas Drûs and is related with the For international matters, the Vulmaw
Blessed Islands Vulman. Also they usually speak chancelleries usually use the traditional
Lynerian (the equivalent of Westron in the Bay Númenorean calendar, that is also used in the
of Ormal) for trading and talk to foreign people. Lynerian League.
Traders and other travellers usually speak badly
other languages as Chyan, Sâkali, Múranian and
other tongues of the Sea of Ormal. They write in How to play a Vulmaw
Tengwar or occasionally Certar (learnt from the
Númenoreans), although the most commonly  Show a reverent fear and respect for
used is the Womarin alphabet. the ancestors.

Calendar: S.A. 352 (some time after the  Despise slavery. Honour is before
foundation of Lóchas Drûs) is the starting point slavery. You’d rather die to be
of the civil lunar calendar, which is still used in possesion of anybody. A slave is a
Lóchas Drûs and in all the former colonies as weak person.
Codya. The solar calendar was introduced first  Undervalue foreign knowledge.
by the Vulmaw of Sunum in S.A. 840, with the Vulmaw traditions were directly
migration of the Ixtcal people in Sunum, and passed on from the wisest being on
later adopted in the court of Lóchas Drûs as the Arda.
official calendar.  Respect sacred men (monks).
In the solar calendar, there are 12 months of 29  Obey rightful authority, i.e. Hionvul.
to 31 days, and the months are named after
important animals: Eagle, Hare, Horse, Falcon,  Smile even at your deepest enemy.
Snake, Monkey, Tiger, Deer, Bear, Dog, Ox,  Spit on the floor for no apparent
Dragon. Another tradition is to name the months reason.
after the spirits of the Vulman religion. Usually,
2 or 3 days are also added per year, but it is not
done regularly and some years have no
supplementary days, whereas others have 4 to 8
of them.

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7.2.5 WARFARE leather, and the most used weapons are pikes,
scimitars, long curved knifes (omnar), battle axes
The Vulmaw have a long standing battle and spears. Every feudal army have a specific
tradition, as they submitted many local people to training and specific fighting skills, and some of
their rule, from Thuriac Codya to Codya. them keep some reminiscences from the warrior
The military force of the Codyan Vulmaw is Orders of Sunum (Bear, Tiger and Eagle).
composed by the feudal armies and the The Vulmaw excel in naval warfare. Navy is a
Hion/Hionvul army. All Shûr must serve the very strong arm of the Codyan Vulmaw army,
Hion in war times. and the main way for fighting with the other
The basic organisation infantry unit of the powers in the Bay of Ormal, as the Lynerians.
Hion/Hionvul army is the Fhed (Vu. “Team”), Their ships are usually small, with a high
composed by 11 warriors and a captain. All the manoeuvrability that allow to swarm easily
warriors are good archers and wear dragon-scale around the enemies, harass them with projectiles
shaped plate. The first hand to hand weapon is or fire arrows in order to burn their ships.
the pike and the second one is the hand axe. 12 However, Vulmaw also use bigger warships and
Fheda constitute a Manûl (Vu. ”Legion”). Cavalry galleys though smaller and simpler than the
is scarse as the Vulmaw hadn’t a solid horse Númenorean Dromonds, since Vulmaw don’t
breeding tradition, and horses are rather used have slaves and the sailors are also rowers.
for communications. These ships, called itzas, have reinforced rams
used to break the oars’s enemy galleys or even
Feudal armies have much more disparate their hull that allows to inmobilise them, and
organisations. Armour can vary from plate to later board them.

Those peoples who decide to leave his family and spend his time to prayer is called malya, that in Vulman
means monk. Most of the monks are the youngest sons of families that couldn’t guarantee his
maintenance. Even wealthy families, prefer to hand over his youngest sons to the monasteries when they
are doomed to inherit actually nothing. Also, the perception that monks are saints and sages are able to
break through to the side of supernatural deities to whom people of any social status could turn in times
of trouble or personal need was a potent magnet in attracting contenders for monk.
Women are also allowed to enter in monastic orders, however the orders are limited to cults of Yamna,
the goddess of fertility, and Oraya, the goddess of moon. Princesses and concubines are frequently
generous donors to monasteries. Nuns are called maylya in Vulman.
A Cauai is a monastery is a place for meditation and teaching, both religious and cultural, where students
live together with their masters. They are also places for retreat, hospice, community, school and public
dispensary. Life in the cauai is simple and quiet to facilitate the studying and meditation. The diary
activity is ruled by a strict time planning: praying, maintenance of the cauai, personal meditation,
studying and teaching, execersize, et cetera. The cauai are open to the public, no matter of beliefs or
social status. The visitants that could afford payment, are used to give a small contribution to defray the
food, as monks lead a very humble and ascetic lifestyle. Monks require visitants to be always respectful
with rules, as not to use violence and speak in a low voice.
Exercise is such important as praying for monks. The goal is the control of the body through the power of
mind. The monks develope meditation and training exercises which give them incredible physical skills as
being unsusceptible to pain or regulating body temperature. These exercises are not an end in itself, but a
proof of this body control. The basic principle of these technics are self-defense, and disobedience is
punished with the expulsion of the monastery.
Monks takes vows as part of their ordenation. These include vows of peity and poverty, in addition to
many other vows depending of the cult, such as celibacy, alcohol abstention, etc. They have few
posessions: his robes, a bowl for eating, a cup for drinking and maybe a walking stick. On the whole,
monk’s education is rigorous, requieres serious concentration and self-deprivation, and therefore they are

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hightly regarded in Vulmaw society. Actually, after the years of Sakal-an-Khâr domination, when the
Codyan religion was persecuted or disbanded, the Vulmaw restored their traditional religion and monks
orders were restored.
There are usually, four stages of the life of a monk.
 Ínsi (Vu. “Student”). Virgin servers who generally are promoted within two years.
 Awla (Vu. “Brother”). Full right member of the monastery, that can teach the ínsir.
 Sriwa (Vu. “Master”). The masters teach the awlars, and officiate ceremonies. Although a
monastery could lodge several masters, there is usaully a superior master that interced as the
 Menk (Vu. “Wise”). They change their name, additionint the epithet Menk that means wise, and
lead a pilgrimage life, trekking around the cauai, where they share their knowleges with other
masters and students.
Different streams developed in monkhood depending on the cult and their emphasis on training or
practice. The main monastic orders are:
 Varimpô (Vu. “Way the Elders”). Named so because its strict adherence to the original
teachings and rules of monastic discipline of Womawas Drûs. These monks usually stress the
study of books and scripturesm, as they are more focused on intellectual pursuits. Some of them
are also interested on healing and blessings. They’ve got shaved heads and wear robes dyed with
reddish or ocher colors, and eat only before moon. The essence of his teachings is summarized to
lead a rigtheous lifestyle, boosting aptitudes as respect, non violence, justice, piety and tolerance.
The varimpô had compiled hundred years of relevant monk cites, called jugh (maxims), such as:
Before you refute an argument, feel yourself under your oponent’s skin and critizice thrice your
 Pahaywoja (Vu. Followers of Pahay”). Their first rule is the quest for truth in solitude,
therefore they are some kind of hermits that live in community. They used to wear headscarfs,
beards and braided hear (dyed in orange). The Pahaywoja’s vow of renounciation typically forbids
them for eating meat or for pleasure, touching or posesing money or valuable things, and
 Queviun (Vu. “Native of Queviw). Monastic order that was born in T’lach-tuyil. They’re easily
recognizable by their shaved heads (except for the scruff) and their facial piercings. They prefer
short ocher tunics with pink shashes, and usually walk barefoot. They like to capture the
impressions of their meditation in poetry, however they are quiet as they think that too much
speaking prevent cultivating spiritually. In city monasteries, monks are often encouraged to focus
on study and administrative duties, with a little meditation on the side.
 Surwai (Vu. “Listeners”). The Surwai are taught to contain his feelings. Passion, desire, love and
hate are regarded as extremes, so these monks counsel the constant patience, detatchment and
renouncing desire for worldly pleasures and expectations bring peace and liberation for suffering.
They practice rough trainings for body control, flexibility and inmunity to pain. They usually wear
black stockings, yellow shashes and brown robes. They are allowed to eat meat and drink alcohol
drinks, but all their members keep celibate.
 Cucllicaac (Vu. “Weaver Sacred Women” ). The Cucllicaac cult is usually asociated with fertilit
the nuns feel a special devotion for the femenine deities as Oraya and Yamna. Thus the Cucllicaac
celebrate a festival in the month of Xâm dedicated to the Moon and to be grateful for the future
monsoon rainfall that give raise to the agricultural cicle. The nuns also made sacrifices of white
oxes to frighten off evil spirits that bring diseases and drought. The Cuclliaac don’t use to leave
their montasteries, where they weave delicate clothes for the Hionvula and his family, and for
themselves. The nun’s garments are usually splenddy ornated with embroidments of bright
colours, and incorporate a headscarf. To be touched by a nun is considered a sacred priviledge,

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and if a criminal took refuge on them, cannot be arrested. The nuns must remain virgin (break
this vow supposed capital death for the nun and the lover) and do not eat meat.
 Wanfowoja (Vu. “Followers of Wanfô”). Their monasteries are always places for chanting and
ceremonies. The Wanfowoja are cheerful monks that make fun of their problems and are always
willing to help their fellow men. They hace a deep knowledge about herbs and medicine, thus they
are appreciated healers. Long beards, short hair, ocher-colored robes and red capes are their
distintive features. Their vows are: do not gambling; do not intoxicating with drugs, alcohol or
tea, do not eating meat and do not practice sex out of the marriage.
 Gamalac (Vu. “Albino Men”). Despite it’s thought that its father Menk practised necromantic
arts, the Gamalac are a peaceful doctrine focused on the power of meditation as tool to find the
real voice of the soul. Thousand voices, coming from other people and even evil spirits, prevent
ourselves to find our self soul’s voice. They believe in the Anma, the energy that drives the world.
Only reaching the flows of Anma, the Gamalac are capable to communicate with the Gods. The
Gamalac monks shave their heads and wear smart colourful robes (specially orange, yellow and
crimson). The only restriction of their order is the celibate.
 Renwoja (Vu. “Followers of the Reason”). Founded circa S.A. 2950, the Renwoja monks
became very important, exceeding even the Gamalac influence, and also numerous officers of the
state were from this order. In their doctrine they hold the need to purify the body from the evil
that lives outside. They pay penitence for their sins once a year (bleeding their backs) and wash
their hands several times a day. They thought the reason is deceived and confused by the
appearance of things (reality could be only approach following the paths of suffering), and they
preferred to meditate for hours rather than taking a rushed decision. In order to avoid the “cheat
of appearances”, they shaved their heads and body, and wear white dresses (the white is the
symbol of reason).

7.3 JÔPI and isolated. When the Lynîr and the Vulmaw
first came to the Bay of Ormal, the Jôpi were
mostly hunters and in a degree primitive farmers
7.3.1 THE HISTORY living in cave settlements or huts. Frighten of
their huge ships and their ostentatius warriors,
the Jôpi showed hostility to the Vulmaw at the
The Jôpi are the descendants of Men tribes who
first time. The bigger Jôpi villages along the
wandered in the wild lands of Central Middle
coast were easily subdued by the Vulmaw,
Earth and were forced to migrate to further lands
however, many of them shut themselves away in
when the Empire of Harûrnurg raided Palisor.
the high lands and the forests, resisting the
The forefathers of the Jôpi fled Southwest and
Vulmaw occupation till 13th of the Second Age.
they arrived to the lands of Codya, where they
met the Chaialla folk, who influenced their For those who accepted the Vulmaw domination,
language and customs. the knowledge and “technollogy” of the
newcomers prompted a fast evolution of their
The Jôpi are also related with other Swerting
primitive lifestyle, becoming a pastoral-farming
tribes who migrate to souther regions as the
people. More and more, Jôpi were attracted by
uKarali and oMangani (both from Blessed
the cities built by the new settlers. There, they
Islands) and Tarlai (Sakal an-Khâr).
remained peaceful and adopted some elements
The Jôpi seemed to have been a much larger of the newcomers’ culture, shaping with time the
people in the past, but they were decimated by base of the Codyan folk. Instead, the rural people
more warlike peoples who came from the ashes kept their old heritage and stood away from the
of the Harûrnurg Empire, and became reclusive

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outsiders, so that they slowly adopted these The first stage (ca. 200 F.A. – 1200 S.A.)
Clothes: The early Jôpi wear only light
loincloths and leather ribbons at their arms and
7.3.2 APPEARANCE feet. They wear colourful body painting which
imitate the complexion of the large domesticated
The Jôpi are a slender and medium-height cats of the Jôpi, the tiger-like Trêaik, especially
people, with long and oval faces, high foreheads during the hunts and celebrations. Hair is
and brown eyes. Their skin colour is somewhere usually wear as a long plait on their head-tops
between light brown and grey brown; they have (as much men as women). The Jôpi have always
dark-brown/black and curly hair. Their life is been very devoted to complements and
average, around 50 to 70 years. Men reach adornments like pendants and wristlets of wood,
around 1.73m (5’8’’), women around 1.65m bone, ivory or amber.
(5’5’’). Men weigh about 70 kg, women about 62
kg. Fears and inabilities: None, except a little
fear about the destiny that their own Uchakna
(Na. “Forests-powers) have reserved to them.
7.3.3 SOCIETY AND CULTURE They think every person has their own watcher
Uchakna, so they interpret every event as a
The Jôpi were at first primitive jungle tribes. reward or a punishment of their Uchakna.
They were very reclusive hunters, fishers and
gatherers, similar to the Chaialla. They met some Special capacities: The Jôpi are very adapted
of them before their departure from Harûrnurg’s to their environment, because of it they are
yoke what allowed to come off his culture of capable of foraging, surviving and orientating
submission and slavery and adopt several perfectly in their natal lands. By late adolescent
Chaialla’s traditions, like being reclusive in the every Jôpi could identify several hundred species
forests and a special love for forests and animals. of animals and plants.
They also adopted from the Chaialla their Marriage Pattern: The Jôpi are normally
worship for the Uchackna (Na. “Forest powers”), monogamous, and the line is counted through
and the traditions and ceremony for naming the the male, but the female is responsible for
newborns and linking them to their watcher children education and counselling the Jôpi
Uchakna. With the arrival of the more advanced chiefs.
cultures, most of Jôpi become an urban or
farming people, losing their old heritage and Lifestyle: The primitive Jôpi are hunters,
primitive customs. Although some of them fishers (men) and gatherers (women) who live in
refused civilisation and prefered stay in their villages in the the forests and hills, near water
villages, they acquired some knowledge that sources. The agriculture is not advanced enough,
allowed their culture to evolve. So that, two basic but they favour some kind of useful plants near
stages of the Jôpi culture can be differentiated: the villages as fruit-bearing trees and plants of
since the beginning of F.A. to circa 1200 S.A. textile uses.
they are a reclusive hunter, fisher and gatherer Social Life: The first event in the life of a Jôpi
folk; since circa 1200 S.A. the Jôpi begin to person is the ceremony of name-giving and
introduce agricultural and pastoral techniques. Uchakna-giving by the local shaman, a tradition
acquired from the Chaialla. The shaman must
look for answers from the Uchakna, and they
enter in a long meditation period (often away
from the community) waiting for a sign that
reveals the identity of the Uchakna that will be
the protector of the newborn during all his life.
When a Jôpi who do not have a personal name or
a watcher Uchakna dies, he is doomed to
endlessly dwell in a kind of eternal void,
uncapable of comunicating with other spirits. A
woman is considered adult with the first
menstruation; a man, with the first big hunted

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animal. Becoming adult allows to get married. Craftsmanship: Early Jôpi are able to make up
Marriage is arranged by the village chief, but simple tools and objects. The used materials are
always with the acceptance of both parts. A few basically wood, bone, ivory, vegetal fibres,
persons reach old age (>50 years). They are tendons, leather and stone (flint). Jôpi also know
respected by all the community and become the secrets of pottery, although they only use it
counsellors of the chief. for making simple saucers to take water or food.
Male are responsible for making weapons
Hunting: An exclusive male activity. The use of
(although they unknown metal work) and other
the Trêaik (Na. “Blessed”) for hunting and as
hunting or fishing utensils. Females develop
beast of burden is a peculiar Jôpi custom. These
other tools as baskets, bags and leather utensils.
animals descend from the tiger, which were
domesticated by the ancestors of the Jôpi (from Towns and housing: Most Jôpi live in villages
what they say, thanks to the sacred Forest (scattered along the coasts) composed of a
Powers). Because of the strange empathy maximum of 50 inhabitants (small families).
between these animals and the Jôpi, some These villages are groups of huts (usually inside
peoples thought they use an animal speech (and a fence). The huts are made of a wooden frame,
even magical powers) to communicate with and covered with a kind of adobe (dung, straw
them. A Trêaik is like one more family member, and mud). Once dried, this adobe is strong
and although every family cannot own one, the enough to stand for several years. Being in a
Trêaiks can be given by one family to another, tropical climate, with often rainfalls, houses
representing an act of friendship, recognition usually need roofs made of impermeable layers
and brotherhood. The Trêaik is able to track, made of palm tree leaves. The inside of houses is
follow blood sent for kilometers and slay a boar- very simple. The ground is covered by carpets of
sized animal in a few seconds (breaking his neck vegetable fibres and a few furs to isolate from
or suffocating it with his jaws). A pair of hunter insects and humidity. Almost all houses have
Trêaiks collaborating is a lethal weapon for any small furnaces carved in the ground and covered
animal of big size. However, Jôpi have an by flat stones in order to cook chiza (some kind
important mission selecting the victim, leading of bread made of flour and fat) or to boil water.
the Trêaiks and collaborating at the time of
Games and sports: Early Jôpi focus their
slaying (using spears as weapons). The hunting
entertaining activities to those related with
of small preys like rodents or small antelopes are
religion and the cult of Uchakna, that will be
a job that usually the elder and younger hunters
described below. However, championships to
of the village do (the elder ones teach the young
show the best runners, stone-throwers or
ones) without the Trêaik’s help, using javelins,
swimmer among the males are very common in
slings and blow-pipes.
any village, especially in the celebration days.
Fishing: The villages next to the sea rather
Cooking: The Jôpi diet is rich and varied.
practise fishing than hunting. No advanced
Women grind in wood bowls a kind of grain,
techniques are used for fishing, only rough nets
tuluk (alike oat), to make flour. This flour is
and spearing in the shallows. The fishing of the
mixed with a few animal fats and cooked on
big Oloa-nak is a remarkable event that take
burning stones of small ovens. This is called
place in Aiyn (10th month), when this fish swims
chiza, an excellent meal that provide enough
up the Codyan rivers to spawn. Usually, there is
energy to spend the morning. In the middle of
such an amount of catch, that the fish has to be
the day they take the most important meal. The
preserved (by smoke or salt) in order to consume
women have several dishes in which are
it in the future.
combined meat or fish with berries, fruits, roots,
Gathering: Women are responsible for bulbs and other vegetables. The high
providing vegetal food. During a lot of temperatures of Codya forces to preserved meat
generations, women have favoured the growing and fish smoked or with salt (scarce resource
of useful plants near the villages as fruit-bearing except in coastal areas). The dinner is much
trees, but in spite of it, they usually wander for a more frugal (except the opulent banquets of the
half-day long, looking for roots, wild cereals, rituals nights) and it is based on fruits and
thistles, berries, potatoes and medicinal herbs. vegetables.

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Position of women: Women are responsible of the arrangement of the ceremonies (with the
children education and also cooking, making up help of an acolyte that will be the next shaman)
tools and objects as bags or baskets, tanning and the narcotic potions used to connect with the
leather and bringing vegetal food, herbs and Shadow World.
water. Women must be cared by a male, either
Death and burying: When a man or woman
her husband or her father. When a woman has
dies its soul departs this world and goes to gather
no husband or father or when she is repudiated
with their Uchakna. The Jôpi consider that
(strange thing because it is a sign of weakness
burying the dead of the clan near their home will
from her husband), the chief decides for her of a
bring good luck in the future because their
protector man. Women are supposed to obey her
ancestors will protect them from other evil
protector man and therefore it is also a sign of
spirits. Graveyards are usually in underground
weakness from the male to beat a woman (a man
places like caves or in open areas, and are
does not have to fight with weaker beings).
composed by irregular amounts of tombs filled
Social classes: There is no apparent strata in with stones.
the Jôpi societey, all persons are equal in rights
Restriction on Professions: None, though
and social duties (rights and duties in
Jôpi adventurers are usually warriors or rangers.
consequence with gender and age). However, the
Animist is a relatively frequent profession.
chief and the shaman display privileged and
Archers and trackers are very common too.
respected positions. Both titles are not
Rangers and trackers are the link between Jôpi
necessarily inherited. Chiefs are responsible for
the welfare of the village and must decide for all
the clan, taking counsel from everybody who Language: They speak their own language,
wants to show his opinion, but specially taking Nârn, which owes much to the Chaialla language
counsel of ancients and the shaman. The (a remnant of their history). In this age, Nârn is
Shaman is the responsible for contacting the not yet written. Very few can also learn some
Uchakna, so he represents the connections Pêdu words.
between the two dimensions of the world, the
real World and the Shadow World, and he is the
leader in every social event like name-giving, The second stage (ca. 1200 S.A. - )
Uchakna-giving, marriages, funerals, etc. Both
Clothes: Later Jôpi wear lights garments with
titles, Shaman and Chief, are not necessarily
few adornments, made of cotton, linen, goat
wool or camel wool. Men usually wear simple
Religion and priesthood: Jôpi are followers short robes, leather belts and sandals made of
of primitive animistic traditions and worship a leather and esparto grass. Women wear non-
number of Nature-spirits, which they call the dyed and light loincloths, with shawls that cover
Uchakna (Na. "Forest-powers"). Every little their hair, and sandals like the men. Hair is
thing in the forest has a Uchakna, the entire usually long, usually arranged in plaits. The Jôpi
forest is holy. The Great Uchakna allows the Jôpi have always been very devoted to complements
to take what they want from the forest, but and adornment like pendants, wristlets and
offerings and worship to spirits are required. The necklaces of bone, ivory or amber.
connection with the Shadow World is made by a
Fears and inabilities: None, except a little
shaman, who tries to interpret the signs left by
fear about the destiny that their own Uchakna
the Uchakna. The Trêaiks, which are used by the
(Na. “Forests-powers) have reserved to them.
Jôpi as hunting companions and beasts of
They think every person has its own watcher
burden are holy animals. Every shaman uses a
Uchakna, so they interpret every event as a
“Great Trêaik” (cared and spoiled by the entire
reward or a punishment of their Uchakna.
village) as way to connect easily with the
Uchakna. Only a baby with the Trêaik Uchakna Marriage pattern: The Jôpi are monogamous.
could be a future shaman. Only the shaman is The line is counted through the male, but women
exempt of hunting and every family in the village are responsible for children education and the
has to pay him a tribute in form of food or other maintenance of the house.
gifts. However a shaman can get married and has
a family to sustain. The shaman’s tasks include

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Political organisation and laws: Due to the techniques are different dispositions of nets, and
arrival of Vulmaw to Codya, most of the Jôpi sometimes the spearing. The fishing of the big
were slowly displaced out of the Shûrs’ manors, Oloa-nak is a remarkable event that takes place
and avoided becoming their vassals. However, in the 10th month, when this fish remounts the
Jôpi tribes finally made “bilateral” treaties with Codyan rivers to spawn.
the Vulmaw: they could keep their freedom, law,
Craftsmanship: Later Jôpi make crafts with
customs and own lands, but they would pay taxes
different applications: home life, cooking,
and compromise to give military support to the
farming, warfare, decorative, etc. They have
Vulmaw in case of war in Codya. Therefore the
learnt to work metal (iron, copper, tin, bronze
Jôpi villages are still ruled by a Chief and a
and gold, basically), and they are also known
Counsel of Elders (in time, more relevant,
through splendid works with carved ivory (as the
because the growing up of the population of the
sacred idols of their Uchakna that are kept in the
villages). The Chief is elected every two years
among the Counsel of Elders. The later Jôpi’s law
gathered some influences from the Vulmaw one, Towns and housing: Most Jôpi live in villages
for example, physical punishment for criminals composed of 50-300 inhabitants. Villages are
(unless they could pay). usually rounded by a fence and a moat. Later
Jôpi build houses with stone walls and case-
Social classes: In the beginning, every man is
hardened with adobe. Roofs are made with wood
equal to others about duties and rights: war
and an impermeable layer of palm tree leaves.
duties, sustain his family, and the possibility of
Ground is covered by carpets of vegetable fibres
becoming one of the Counsel of Elders. This
and some furs to isolate from insects and
statement is also valid for women, although they
humidity. Houses usually have rectangular floor
have not any war duties or the possibility of
and different rooms: hall, kitchen and bedroom,
becoming one of the Counsel of Elders. However,
with a subterranean storeroom. Almost all
as the Jôpi developed the division of labour and
houses have small ovens carved in the ground
their society became more complex; some social
and covered by flat stones in order to cook
differences appeared, based on the professions.
“bread” or to boil water.
The Chief and the Shamans display extremely
privileged and respected positions. Games and sports: The more remarkable
events take place once a lunar cycle,
Lifestyle: In touch with more evolved
corresponding to the beginning of the rule of the
civilisations, Jôpi became a folk of farmers and
different Uchaknas. These days are arranged
herders. Farmers are more common in the
with music, a lot of food and drink and
coastal countries and next to the rivers, while the
championships of Arunka, the typical dance of
communities of hilly countries (Jôpi Knell) are
the Jôpi. There are different styles of Arunka,
rather stock-breeders.
one for each Uchakna, since this dance is
Farming: Working the land and harvesting is a inspired on the movements of the animals
men task, although in harvesting season all the symbolising the various Uchakna. Also, it
family must collaborate. Th Jôpi grow crops of incorporate many acrobatic movements as
rice, beans, tea, cotton, millet; and other crops jumps, tumbles or spins, and it can be performed
brought from T’lach-tuytil (Mórenorë) by the by one person or in groups.
Vulmaw as potatoes and maize. In more arid
Cooking: Jôpi diet is rich and varied. They eat
land the first crops are linen, figs, and coffee.
three times a day. The most famous dishes is the
Stock-breeding: The inhabitants of the hilly kuîr (boiled rice with beans and meat), maize-
country of Jojojopo are usually semi-nomadic millet pancakes, milk bakes, dried figs, etc.
stock-breeders of goats and sheeps. These
Position of women: women are responsible
animals are a source of wool, leather, meat and
for children education, cooking, and the
milk. Cattle, especially buffalos, are also bred
maintenance of the house. Repudiation is rare,
and they are an important support in the rice
and most of time due to adultery. Men can have
cultivation, for transport and carrying weight.
Fishing: The coastal folk are very good fishers
and they use light boats to fish. The main

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extra-matrimonial relations but in this case, wife The first stage (ca. 250 F.A. – 1200 S.A.)
cannot get divorced. Women are supposed to
As a forest people, Jôpi are very secretive. Their
obey her protector men and so, it is also a sign of
only aim is to survive in the land, so warfare is a
weakness from the men to beat a woman (a man
way to protect their lifestyle and defend
does not have to fight with weaker beings).
themselves from invaders and not a way to
Religion and priesthood: Later Jôpi have conquer new lands. The military tactics and
kept their traditional animistic religion, although strategies are very simple, and based on the
their Uchakna (Na. “Forest-powers”) have been ambush and guerrilla systems (the most efficient
asociated to determined animals: Turtle, Lumo, in the jungle territory). When a war party is
Camel, Caatu, Madak, Nîkh, Oloa-nak, Scorpion, formed, it is usually lead by the clan Chief and
Lizard, Lisicavi and Trêaik. Every lunar cycle other 5-10 men (although in special occasions it
corresponds with one of these Uchaknas, so would be a larger number). The warriors do not
when a baby is born, he is assigned the Uchakna play as a “block”, so that they usually keep away
of that lunar cycle. The connection with the from others at several meters of distance. Using
Shadow World is made by the shamans, who try the animal sounds as a communication mode
to interpret the signs left by the Uchakna they are able to stealth and play as a whole and
(omens) and with the help of his Trêaik, the draw certain offensive manoeuvres.
sacred animal of the Jôpi. Those who want to be
War is an important event in the Jôpi society.
Shaman will have to spend four years in the
Before starting a fight, the Jôpi Shaman speaks
Acolyte Schools and keep celibacy forever. There
with the Uchakna, asking them for victory. As
are several Acolyte Schools in Codya, although
symbol of blessing from the Uchakna, the
the most famous is the School of the White
Shaman paints the warriors’ body with green,
Treaîk, in the source of the Nualji river.
yellow and brown dyes (many times imitating
Death and burials: When a man or woman the Trêaik appearance).
dies, its soul departs this world, summoned by
Their weapons are usually primitive, like
his Uchakna. The Jôpi consider that burying the
blowpipes (many time with poisoned darts),
dead of the clan near their home will bring good
tubbaak-cane (bamboo) lances, wood spears,
luck in the future because their ancestors will
slings, short bows, and axes made of bone or
protect them from other evil spirits. Graveyards
stone. They despise the use of armour for war.
are monumental and beautiful places, perfumed
by incense, and located in caves. Tombs are
made of carved wood (a well-known Jôpi
The second stage (ca. 1200 S.A. - )
manufacture) and go with little ivory statues of
the deceased’s Uchakna. The treaties with the Vulmaw about military
support in war times, allowed the making up of a
Restriction on Professions: None, though
professional army, disciplined and even feared
Jôpi adventurers are usually warriors or rangers.
among those peoples who dared to overrun
Animist is a relatively frequent profession.
Codya. Every village have their own army and a
Archers and trackers are very common too.
non-professional militia, less trained and less
Rangers and trackers are the link between Jôpi
equipped, constituted by all the men of the
village able to fight.
Language: They speak their own language,
The professional troops fights as light infantry,
Nârn, which owes much to the Chaialla language
usually in guerrilla disposition. The most
(a remnant of their history). With the Vulmaw
common equipment is: javelin (throwing weapon
influence, the later Jôpi developed a writing form
in short distances), hand axes (with animal head
for their language. The later Jôpi also speak New
shapes in hilts) and a rectangular shield. Archers
Vulman and very few can also learn some Pêdu
carry short bows and hand axes. The Jôpi
soldiers go without armour, so that they are very
quick; although the losses are usually bigger.
7.3.4 WARFARE However the Jôpi wear impressive helmets with
the head of a Trêaik.

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The most feared characteristic of the Jôpi army their affinity with the spirits of the forest. They
is the use of the Trêaiks as a beast of war. These have also influenced other people culture, as the
tiger-like animals were used in the past as beast Jôpi of Codya and Jojojopo.
of burden and as help for hunting. Since the Jôpi
Clothes: Clothing is simple, leather or
left their hunting habits, the Trêaiks begin to
loincloths, almost naked. Women have no
acquire more value for struggles, so that they are
qualms to go undressed in their top. They rather
trained to follow instructions and to attack
show their tatoos than hide themselves in robes.
However they wear ornaments and charms like
necklaces, wristlets or pendants, made of bone,
ivory, feather or wood.
7.4 YARULMA Fears and inhabilities: Yarulma are very
superstitious and fearful of evil spirits and other
7.4.1 THE HISTORY mights that live in the shadow world but that can
act in the real world (they even think these
The Yarulma have being living in the depth of the spirits could take Mannish form), specially
forest of Waarwugan for hundreds of years, and through some magic gates, sorcery arts and
they estableshided there fleeing from other Men above all in some particular nights. The Yarulma
and evil creatures that wandered in the central ascribe all forms of misfortune to the malevolent
plains of Palisor. actions of spiritual forces. They also believe
They belong to the Drughu or Drúedain people, blindly the omens of the shamans and the
and are related with other tribes as the Chaialla prophecies of their ancestors.
of Chy, the Yatali-gan of Utter South and the Special capacities: As other Drúedain, they
Woses of Northwestern Middle Earth. are gifted with better vision at night than other
Men, a somewhat enchanted quality. They are
also excelent hunters, gatherers and foragers,
7.4.2 APPEARANCE and they can perfectly orientate themselves in
According to their Drughu (Drúedain) origin, the jungle. They are also known by foreign
they are small and stout, ranging from 1,35m to peoples by their ability to make stone statues,
1,55m height, with women about 5cm shorter. sited in sacred places, patts, crossroads to
They retain the broad stumpy profile, short limbs intimidate the Yarulma’s enemies, posing as
and wide face of their folk. Though it’s easy to stone guards. It’s also said that some of these
find people with rounded bellies, they are usually statues are enchated and are able to bring to life
muscular. to defend the place from intruders. Other people
even say that the creator of the statue will receive
The Yarulma have little body hair and typically the pain inflicted on the statue.
wear long hair, tied back in poneytails or plaits.
Their skin is very swarthy and their eyes are Marriage pattern: They are exogamous (they
usually brown or even deep black. can’t marriage with member of the same clan)
and usually monogamous (poligamy is accepted
Body paintings and tattoos are very common, in special cases, for example, when there are
and they’re a sign of significance and social widows in the clan). The familiar line is counted
status of an individual. Shamans or clan leaders through the males.
usually show tattoos in heads, while those with
tattoos in arms or body reveal great successes in Lifestyle: The Yarulma are a hunter-gatherer
battles, hunting, or even they relate personal and culture, with a low technollogic level. They live
family history. Women only can decorate their isolated from other people in the depths of the
bodies after marriage. Warrwugan jungle, with harsh life conditions:
mosquitoes, poisonous animals, diseases;
however they have adapted very well as they
7.4.3 SOCIETY AND CULTURE seem (to foreign eyes) inmune to all these health
risks. Males fish or hunt in groups, alone or even
The Yarulma are related to other Drughu people with traps, while women are in charge of looking
as the Chaialla or the Yatali-Gan, and they share after children and gathering herbs and plants.
their unaggresive lifestyle in the woodlands and

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The Yarulma come together in clan camps,

usually semi-stable settlements, close to a water
source and where they don’t need too much work
to clear it up from bushes and lianas. The camps
also usually asociated with sacred sites or natural
shelters. POWER
Towns and housing: The camps are made up
by a clan, composed of 5-15 famlies. These camps
make use of rocky sites, caves or clearings in the
jungle, near of some drinkable sources of water
and far away from marshes where mosquitoes 8.1.1 LÓCHAN COLONY
blooms could kill a sick person. They’d rather
From S.A. 875 to 1840 Codya is a province of the
live in caves but, when neccesary, they build
Lóchan Empire, and therefore, ruled by the
simple huts, made of woods, branches, covered
government of the Hionvul, the sacred emperor
by dried or smoked plants of leaves. They make
of the Vulmaw. He is referred to as the Son of the
the interiors warmer, drier and more
Golden Dragon or Lord of All He See. These are
comfortable with furs over palm leaves carpets,
just titles, showing the respect to the Hionvul,
that isolate from insects and humidity. Each
but without venerating him as a living god like in
family must keep their own fire inside their hut,
other barbarian cultures of Lóchas Drûs.
however the camps used to be organized around
the clan fire. If this fire is suffocated it’s a bad The Hionvul appoints a governor in each
omen, and there will be a blood sacrifice. The province, called Hion. The Governor of a
chief’s wife must watch the fire and transport it province must obey Hionvul orders, although he
safe when the clans moves to other sites. They has full authority and rights to decide about
don’t use to set any kind of external fences matters such as taxes (always satisfying those
around the camps, unless they feel threathened. sent to the Empire), trading embassies, public
buildings and defensive constructions, resources
Position of women: The status of women is
management, etc.. The conflicts against other
usually determined by their husbands.
states have to be consulted to the Hionvul, who
can revoke them at every moment.
7.4.4 WARFARE The Hion is an office held for life, and on some
The Yarulma live in a silvan environment that occasions the title can be hereditary as well (with
provide them enough food and prevent them to Hionvul approval). He usually come from a
be invaved by other folks. Thus, they are a militar aristocracy class that became the closest
peaceful people, usually affable and friendly support for the Hionvul in his provinces.
among their clans. However, they are cautious of The Hion rules from his palace in Myrn Shryac,
anyone that enter in their woods and they will the Hionthawul (Vu. “The House of the King”),
attack if the intruders have a suspicious where there are also the most important
behaviour. judgments are hold. As representative of the
Their warfare strategy don’t differ too much from Hionvul in Codya the Hion has rights to apply
their hunting techniques. They make use of the Law and to act as the supreme judge.
poisons in arrows and spears. They prefer the As the colonization of Codya developed and
ambush —from trees, caves and even hided in made the population grow and new cities be
the bushes— as favourite technique. founded, the Hion required to enlarge the
Every man usually carry only his bow with number of his delegates and officials, or as other
arrows, his short spear and a knife, tied to the option, allowing the creation of an autonomus
waist, generally not used as weapon but as tool to feudal territories. In a wild country with no
cut meat, fruits from trees, leaves and pick aristocratic tradition, settled with people looking
tubers and mushrooms up. for new oportunities, adventurers, and retired
militars, it is seemed relatively easy to be
awarded by the Hion with private properties. It
goes on another level of appreciation from the

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Hion the obtaining of a nobility title or the The Hionvul became inaccesible again for the
appointment of another official charge. Thus, the ordinary people, that only could ever step in the
seven major aristocratic houses of the Vulmaw Hionthawul in the lucky or misfortuned case of
were given rise in these historical stage. The being involved in a judge by the Hionvul. At the
seven councillors coming from this seven major most they could only watch him in the distance
aristocratic families formed the “Court of the of some of the biggest festivities, whose
Seven” in the Hionthawul. All the most ceremonial he preside over.
important decisions are discussed by the Court,
although the final decision is made by the Hion.
The councilors work as a big link in the politic “It’s tradition among the Vulmaw, and of all
interweaving of Codya, allowing a fluent the traditions, the one that is observed most
communication between the Hion and the faithfully, that the inhabitants of the places
nobles, and also among all the aristocratic where the Hionvul passes on his journeys offer
families. The councilors are designed / replaced him (or his entourage) presents according to
by the head of every aristocratic family (they are their abilities, wealthy and condition. Thus, it’s
usually sons of the Shûr). common to see the poorests peasants cover the
road with flower petals as Hionvul passing,
Owing to the imperialistic interests of the
meanwhile nobles or rich merchants present
Hionvul, the taxes and military recruitment to
delicate clothes, carvings, jewels and even his
far away wars caused a extensive social
own sons or daughters in duty.”
discontent. Making use of this situation and his
militar authority Hion Sorkûr Mûl achieved the Chronicles of Erheret the Lynerian
secession of Codya, avoiding an aggresive
response from the Empire.
The Sham, as other later dynasties, kept the
system of vassal feudal lords. They were just as
8.1.2 INDEPENDENT REALM kinglets in their own territories and in some way,
Defying the proud of the Lóchan Emperor, participants of the internal social stability, only
proclaimed himself as Hionvul of Codya, Lord of broken by external agents as wars with other
the Vulmaw, taking over all the authority and realms or periods of lack of resources. For
power of the title in Codya. thousands of years the Seven Houses maintained
their position, but wasn’t till in S.A. 2586 they
After the harmful rule of Sorkûr Mûl, there was a could first reach the throne of the Hionthawul,
trial from the Shûr to appoint by consensous a forming the Dranizai dynasty, coming for the
Hionvul, anyway those Hionvula were just mere Cuiwum and Lômzuw Houses.
puppets of the Shûr and didn’t receive the Son of
the Dragon title, or some people just did only to The figure of Shij (Vu. “Majour”), civil governor
make fun of them. of a royal city, also gained in value after the
independece of Codya. The Shija were usually of
It was Yoen Sham in S.A. 1920 who revalued the noble origin, although many of them were
figure of Hionvul because of his administrative formerly trusted officers of the Hionvul. The
capacity and interaction with the religious charge is seldom inherited, unless with the
tradition. He abdiccated in favor of his son, Hionvul consent. Drej Uriac, Thawan Napai, Suj,
eliminating the election system, defending the Siuyú were royal cities with Shija, but the most
divine character of the Hionvul, who is protector important was the Myrn Shryac Shij,
of the Codyan people, and who has innate traditionally on of the most loyal officials of the
wisdom and justice inherited by the will of Lo- Hionvul.
Shû, the Mighty God of the Skies.
The transmission of the authority of the Hionvul
to his vassals and officers constituted in most
times, the key which the government and royal
administration depend from. Courier servies,
census, tax collection, trade direction,
supervision of construction and maintenance of
the works as temples, walls and channels, were

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activities that recquired cualificated and They were those agents of influential countries
abundant personnel. These administrative (Chyan Empire, Anarikê, Lynerian League, Sakal
charges were hold for life and menat a reputed an-Khâr, etc), whose mission was to watch the
position in society. However, the more relevant normal politic development in Codya
officers were those who worked close to the (understanding “normal” as what fits to the
Hionvul, the so-called Court Officers. interests of the influential country).
The Court Officers do not attend to “The Court of
the Seven”, but nevertheless they are the most 8.1.3 JÔPI CLANS
influent people in the Hionthawul, because of
their continuous dealing with the Son of the
Dragon. These court officers are tradiotionally In their first stage, Jôpi lived in clans of small
consisted of: size, that could be constituted by four to six
families. The rights of lands entitlted to the
 The Chamberlain – He is the first adviser clans, generally heired from their forefathers.
of the Hionvul, and many times the
authority in the shadow. He arranges the Clan chiefs were the military and judicial leaders,
preparative for the Hionvul travels, and he meanwhile the spiritual power were in hands of
is also the responsible for organising and the Shamans. Before the Vulmaw arrival, strikes
supervising all the activities and jobs in the among Clans were unusual, as disputes for
Hionthawul. hunting territories were generally solved by
diplomatic means.
 The Golden Quill Pen – He is the official
scribe and register of Codya. He must word The colonization of the Vulmaw supposed that
and keep all the official documents the Jôpi focused their military activity to reject
approved by the Hionvul. the invaders. After many years of struggle, Hion
Goún Zaîm, called the Wise Man, achieved a
 The High Healer – He is responsible of the definitive stabilization of the relationship
health of the Hionvul and his family. He between Vulmaw and Jôpi. The Treaty of the
applies the knowledge of healing Rainbow, signed in S.A. 1211, allowed the Jôpi of
substances, his healing skills and some Jojojopo to keep a relative independence from
mystical and religious superstitions. the Vulmaw, as well as their political
 The Coin Minter – He is the authority in organization.
charge of the realm treasure, the manager The appearence of new technollogies brought by
of the finances. He decides on the tax rate the Vulmaw, as the wheel and the plow, made
and the best time to mint coins. Jôpi to practice livestocking and farming, and
 The High Warrant-Officer – He is the therefore they became more sedentary. These
Hionvul responsible of the Hionnak (Vu. advances favored that seasonal camps became
“Royal Ship”): maintenance, crew, driving, seasonal camps become permanent towns. The
etc. Jôpi developed farming and stockbreeding, built
infraestructures. Crop surplus were produced
 The High Falconer – Besides the caring and trade with the Vulmaw and Shay flourished.
and training of the Hionvul falcons, the
High Falconer is the chief of a wing of the The Jôpi society became more complex, and so
army, the Falconers, trained in archery did the government and political geography.
and ranger abilities. Some towns became cities, especially in
Jojojopo. Local conflicts because of bounds and
In the political interweaving of the Bay of Ormal, territories were frequent and cities used to be
ambassadors were officials of outstanding protected by walls and dikes.
significance. They had the task of being
representatives of their country, defending their The old Clan chiefs became the governors of
interests in Codya, and setting diplomatic these new independent city-states, receiving the
relationships that should promote commerce name of Jouk Kapal (J. “True Man”). Around
and pacific relationships with other countries. them an elite or aristocracy with importance in
However, during the rough history of Codya, the military and comercial field came up.
“forced ambassadors” have been very frequent.

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The Jouk Kapalwe remained in a state of 8.1.4 SAKAL AN-KHÂR RULE

subordination to the Vulmaw Hionvula (not
exempted of violent actions by the Vulmaw to In S.A. 3013 Codya is integrated in the Golden
achieve it) till the disappearance of the “Son of Empire of Sakal an-Khâr, becoming a vassal
the Dragon” in S.A. 1875. Although some of them state. All titles as Hionvul, Shija and even the
were couldn’t reject the impositions of the High Officers had to be appointed by the
Vulmaw Shûr, the cities of Jojojopo stopped Emperor, who demanded their oath before his
paying tributes to the Hionvula, since then there throne and warned the perjury with divine
wasn’t a centralized power in Codya. This wrath. Once a year, the Hionvula (or the
situation reverted in the reign of Hionvul Yoen, Chambelain) had to turn up again before the
who forced the Jôpi by fear and war to subdue. Emperor, to report the politic and economic
situation of his state, assuming the risk to be
The alliance of the King Urûp state with the executed if the report wasn’t good enough. They
exiled of Coic (prince) Pyat Dranizai of Codya were not necessary of Khanîm origin, but they
(S.A. 2797-2809), caused a shift of war tactics should have proved their loyalty to the Emperor.
that supposed a considerable superiority of his
army, triggering the annexation of the whole Meanwhile, the Shûr survived but suffered a
little kingdoms of Jojojopo. Pyat promoted the significant loss of authority and self-government.
soldiers instruction, brought the training of Taking into account the unloyal attitude of some
elephants as war beast, and turned the classical Houses, diserning a potencial insubordination,
light infantry phalanx into a diversified force. the Golden Emperor was compelled to submit
the rebel Houses with a terrestrial army and then
The first united state of the Jôpi were actually he supremed all the nobilitian titles.
ephemeral and only endured as long as there was
support from the Codyan Hionvula. In the formerly feudal lands, the Emperor added
militar governors and tax collectors that
During this stage, the military aristocracy of depended directly from the Hionvul.
warriors consolidated itself as the social elite to
the detriment of the trading and bureaucratic On broad lines the cultural identity and
aristocracy. They got lands from the Ujogwaru traditions of the Vulmaw-Jôpi people were
(J. “High King”) in exchange of their military respected, nevertheless the Emperor banned
duties, as payment for their loyalty and courage every religion different to the worship of the
at king’s disposal. One, and this was another tool of submission for
the civil population. However, because of the
The loss of Hionvula support for the Ujogwaru short time of Sakal an-Khâr domination this
and the increasing influence of the military religion didn’t get a real consolidation in Codya,
aristocracy caused internal wars in Jojojopo, and many people followed worshipping secretly
prompting the desintegration of the Jôpi their gods.
kingdom and returning the political organization
to independent city states.
The Khanîm domination of Codya caused even a
more tight control of the Jôpi cities and taxes Anarikê, with the Númenorean support allowed
were rised to satisfy the demands of the the liberation of Codya from Sakal an-Khâr yoke
Emperor. Therefore many of the Jôpi supported and restored the freedom for religious cult.
the rebelled Shûr against the Empire, but they
In spite of this apparent liberation, the Codyan
were totally crushed by the Khanîm troops in
were forced to accept new Hionvula that weren’t
S.A. 3144.
pure blooded Vulmaw, in fact of Anarikân origin.
After the liberation from the Khanîm yoke, the The Hionvula (no more called Sons of the
Jojojopo confederation showed more Dragon) recovered authority and power but
friendliness to the Feij rebels as they promised continued to be controlled by the Anarikân
freedom from foreign authorithies and many ambassors.
Codyan Jôpi took part in the Feij militas.
Expelled the Khanîm, and also their militar
governors that ruled the formerly feudal lands,
Hionvul Eruzôr recquired to restore a new

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administrative system that had to be efficent feudal lords that may lead men-at-arms
enough to transfer his authority to any piece of independent from the royal forces and regulate
the realm. However, the Feij rebellions caused some themes as taxes. So that, every Shû’s vassal
great inestability, and the system didn’t get has to fulfil the feudal law and the Hion/Hionvul
solidified enough in the hinterlands of Codya, law, or pay the price.
triggering the desintegration of the Protectorate.
The Shûr, and more usually their sons or
brother, are permanent members of the royal
8.1.6 FEIJ CODYA court in Myrn Shryac, called the Court of the
Seven., and use their influence to get further
Lo Feij, leader of the rebels of the Anarikân away from the other Codyan nobles. This minor
Protectorate, knew very well how to gain the aristocracy are usually an urban high class that
popular support making use of the discontent get their revenues from the commerce and the
caused by the foreign dominances. The troops of rent of buildings.
the Feij, almost consistent in militian
inexperienced warriors, adopted the strategy of Contrary to what happens in the Lóchan Empire,
“guerrillas”, achieved a surprisngly successful where the nobility has a long historical line, in
result, seizing several cities. Codya most of the noble houses have a “young”
history. The founders of these houses were at
What at first seemed to be a temporally military first free men (most of them discharged warriors
regime, with cities governed by right-hand men and adventurers) that, in recompense for the
of the Feij, there was finally the permanent service to the Empire, were gifted with lands and
solution. Since the first time the Feij hided that feudal privileges.
they were descendents of Dark Ordainers
members, but from the Anarikê’s recognition of The seven houses, in order of foudation are: Vûd,
the state of Eastern Codya the lawfulness of the Cuiwum, Lômzuw, Lovaw (Jinvol), Odôjavi,
Feij before the common people was powered and Mawyon and Wanfoi.
they began to show gradually their real position, The Vûd are the great naval force of the Codyan
for example, allowing to dig up again the cult of nobility, their poweful itzas (a kind of galley with
the One. ram) are feared in open sea. Their dominions are
Thereby, the new religious power supported the the coasts of the Ach Bay, where it lies Achaj.
political status of the Feij, and even the Hionvul This house was founded by Captain Athô Vûd, a
title was linked to the One. The Hionvul was intrepid sailor who was the first Vulmaw who
appointed as the High Priest of the One in Codya reached the Codyan lands. The Vûd have always
and he leaded the biggest religious ceremonies. looked to the ocean and the lands beyond with a
clear eagerly of conquest and dominion. They
In the Feij Codya there was a highly centralized have always mistrusted Númenoreans and Lynîr.
government focused on creating a powerful For many years in the Second Age, the Vûd, have
military system and inculcating hatred to the been ravage their neighbour coasts, specially
Anarikân oppressors. Even a complex espionage Bulchyades and Olyas Kriis, enabling the
system were also well developed in order to accusations of being in the side of the piracy
control the maneuvers of his neighbours of activities in the Bay of Vultures. Their symbol is
western Codya. a white beaked ship over a blue background and
surrounded by silver stars.
The Cuiwum have their origins in the Blessed
8.2 ARISTOCRACY Islands. Yarak Cuiwum, looking for new
Untill the Sakal an-Khâr domination, the ruling horizons, and leaving behind a decadent
aristocracy of Codya have been leaded by seven existence, came to Codya with the arrival of the
main Houses, each of which owns a considerable first Vulmaw, standing aside the Hion and
property and stands relatively independent from leading victoriously his army against the native
the central power of Myrn Shryac. The Shûr10 people, the Jôpi. Later, Yarak Cuiwum was gifted
(Vu. ”Lords”), the heads of the Houses, are with the posession of a beautiful bay in the south
of Codya, where he settled the city of Wern
Shû (Lord) is the singular form

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Draic. The symbol of the family is a silver shield submitted to the Hionvul, paying a great
over a white and blue stripped field. economic compensation. Their symbol is a half
moon with two grey buffalos under a black
The Lômzuw family rules the Tsinaw fief, and it
is known by his nearness to the Hion/Hionvul.
The founder of this house was Lômzu, a seer of The Wanfoi rules a big fief located in Northern
the first Hion of Codya. These mystic capacities Codya, in the valleys of Drej Ajyula. These woody
were inherited by his offspring, but kept in secret lands have some iron ore, gold mines and some
(only known by the family and the livestock. Anyway, these lands are very visited
Hion/Hionvul). The Lômzuw lands are known because of the existence of a source of water
for being the core of the knowledge in Codya. thought to have curative properties. This source
Inside its palaces libraries and artists abound was discovered by Wanfô, a poor traveller who,
(under the Lômzuw patronage), and even the after weting his legs in the water, recovered from
Lômzuw family are big scholars, knowing many his arthritis. Soon, Wanfô preached the existence
languages and translators of a big amount of of this curative source and related it with the
books. During the Chyan attack of S.A. 2103 the goddess Chasca (Vu. “Flower and Youth”).
city of Tsinaw was burnt and that caused the Hundred of pilgrims visited the place and Wanfô
disappearance of a big part of this cultural become richer and richer with the amount of
inheritance. The symbol of the House Lômzuw is charities. Later, Wanfô built a great temple near
two open hands over a dark-blue background. the spring (the Temple of Chasca), now kept by a
monastic order. His fame and reputation made
The Jinvol House owns the fief of the high
the Hion named him as Shû, and so he found this
valley of Nualyi, in the core of Codya, but they
noble house. The symbol of Wanfoi is a
have not always rule it. In the first years of the
mountain with a water source over a yellow
colonisation, the lofty house Lovaw was self-
proclaimed owners of these lands. A troubled
relationship with the Hion and the lawsuits with The end of the Vûd House took place in S.A.
Jinvol (leader of the rebelled vassals of the 2103 when a huge Chyan army conquered and
house) ended with a little inner war in Codya, devastated Achaj and murdered everyone related
that laid down with the Lovaw position. Under to the Vûd. The Court in Myrn Shryac became
the Hion acceptance, Jinvol made up his own reduced to Six Houses, and any other House
house and set free the people from the heavy wasn’t allow to claim for the Vûd fief.
yoke of the Lovaw rule. The symbol of Jinvol is a
Jinvol and Wanfoi Houses also had a violent end.
tree with a broken chain over a yellow
Because of their relinquish to abandon their
properties and priviledges, the garrison of the
The Odôjavi descend from Odôj the Huge, a Emperor of Sakal an-Khâr conquered their
extremely strong and tall soldier of the Vulmaw strongholds and slain all the Houses members.
army, who is said (in the popular tale) to have The rest of the Houses (Cuiwum, Lômzuw,
killed at the same time 10 fierce Acali. This Odôjavi and Mawyon) had a discreeter end, and
family owns a thriving fief in a bay of the some of their survived to the mocking and
southern coast, where the city of Laywun lays. expropiations, but their fate isn’t well known.
After the Vûd, the Odôjavi have the mightiest
naval force of the Seven Houses. The Odôjavi
symbol is two crossed morning stars over a black
and red background.
The Vulmaw justice is based on the Kod Ultor
The Mawyon House owns the lands around the
Warrants, the writings that gather all the
bay of Cudaw. The history of the Mawyon have
precepts spoken by the mouth of Kod Ultor, the
been turbulent owing to conflicts with
dragon that the Womarin tribes accepted as
neighbouring fiefs, popular riots, differences
“teacher” in the first centuries of the Second Age.
with the Hionvul, disputes for the position of
Hionvul. The tensest time of its history was in The Hionvula have been tradiontally recognized
S.A. 1904, owing to struggles with the Odôjavi as the most righful and fair judges, as they are
the Hionvul expelled them from the Court of the able to apply all the rectitude and justice that
Seven. Finally, the Mawyon surrendered and was taught by their father, Kod Ultor. These

- -

warrants have a relative regulatory value, and allow that these physical punishments could be
they rather manifest a function of social order in substituted by economic penalties.
moral and didactic aspects. Thus, the Hionvula
and the Wise Men have applied for hundreds of
year the Warrants in the real society, developing Whichever was the member that a thief made
and adaptating the law, enriching with the use for, one way or another, to harm people or
tradition and experience. All these developments steal the properties whose value couldn’t give
have been recordered into a statue-book that is back fivefold to the righful owner, the king
the main pillar of the justice in all the Lóchan must order to cut it off, in order to prevent that
Empire, the “Lóchas Edihz”. he could commit the crime again.
Since the Codya independence the Hionvula have Codya Edhiz
been proclaimed many new laws that have
change the original Edihz, creating a new statue-
book, the “Codya Edihz”
Unable to carry all the judicial matters of the
realm, the Hionvul supervises judicial activity, War is a frequent event in the Bay of Ormal. In
receive appeals and sentence in second instance. the course of its history, Codya has become
He also keeps for himself specific fields, as involved in numerous wars, sometimes carried
Clemency. by its expansionists or hegemonic wills, other
times by the will of its neighbours.
The application of law have most of times a
“communitary sentence”. The Elders and other In the rare times of peace, the armies of Codya
institutionalized experts are usually responsibles do not rest. Bandit gangs, pirates and even civil
to resolve with efficacy these judicial matters. A rebellions suppose a constant threat that has to
public scribe attend to these judgments, and also be watched.
people as witness.
Hionvula appoint the official judges, although 8.4.1 STRATEGY AND OBJETIVES
other civil dignatary can administer justice, as
The Codyan Vulmaw come from an imperialist
Shija and other royal emissaries. Shûr can also
people, the Lóchan Vulmaw, who spread over
impose laws, but they must always agreed with
South-eastern Middle Earth. The Lóchan
the Kod Ultor Warrants and the Codya Edihz.
considered their empire as the centre of the
Indeed, these feudal laws regulate some points as
world and the rest folks as barbarians destined to
taxes, natural resources management, and
be subjugated and worship the only royalty of
military duties.
Gods liking. However, in the early years of Codya
The types of punishments vary, depending on the colonization the Vulmaw were few people and
range of the crime committed, but in general, are they had to fight against the native Jôpi who
quite harsh, even for minor crimes. Beheading were finally forced to retreat and let the Vulmaw
for an unlawful murder, death by starvation for build their cities, havens and fortresses.
rape, maiming for a big theft, lashing for
Till the secession from Lóchas Drûs, Codya was a
adulteress, whipping for avoiding taxes; other
young realm in the Ormal Bay surrounded by
major punishments used to be permanent exile.
wealthy neighbours as Bulchyades or
Prission is only conceived in political crimes.
Harshandatt that had a thriving trade activity
Light faults can cause confiscation of properties
and many times they were too dazzled in
and temperaty suspesion from the society, this
domestic conflicts to begin a large-scale war. The
one specially in small communities.
Codyans practiced a war strategy based on strike,
Although it would seem that this heavy justice plunder and quickly retreat, that was easily to
system keeps away criminals, in fact it tends to carry out in the marine environment as
restore the “natural state of things”, as it minimizes the logistic problems. This plunder
punishes the “poorests” criminals, since a the war was relatively cheap, and less bloody than
richest person would remit their sentences other wars, as the fight was for sacking, not for
paying a indemnization. Indeed Vulmaw laws conquest, and retreating was an easy solution
when the things got nasty.

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The thirst for power of Sorkûr Mûl changed the “block”, composed of 15-20 men-at-amrs, badly
conception of war. His aim was to achieve a real equipped, and led by the clan Chief. With the
hegemony over the realms of Ormal Bay and unstoppable Vulmaw expansion, Jôpi lost most
therefore he renounced to razzias and surprise of their territory and many of them succumb to
attacks that used to practice in exchange of an the Vulmaw civilisation. Other ones retired to
organized and disciplined army. He needed to Jojojopo and other less accesible lands of inner
muster a mighty navy and also to hire foreign Codya.
mercenaries; the monetary outlay was very
The impossibility of denying the Jôpi as the
important. The offensive turned finally into a
original and rightful people of Codya made the
defence from foreign invaders. The lack of
Hion Goún Zaîm took a wise decision, the
experience in this kind of war triggered the first
signature of a treaty called the “Treaty of the
Great Naval War to be a total failure for Codya,
Rainbow”. This engagement, made under a
which became a disorganized realm, weakened
rainbow sky, allowed the Jôpi to keep their
by internal wars among the Shûr for the
freedom, law and customs, although they must
pay taxes and give military support to the Hion.
Then the Shûr began to realize the importance of Jojojopo was also appointed as a independent
the architectural defences. Walls, beacons and Jôpi land, although he reseverd the right to settle
fortresses were built then to defence from colonies with commercial and militar interest.
outside and even inside threats. The common
After that, owing to the raising of Jôpi
people were forced to produce and work hardly,
population and evolving to a more complex
not only to recover from the last war, but to get
society, the older militia forces evolved into a
ready for new fights, so that discontent and civil
professional army, trained and experienced
rebellions against their oppressive lords became
enough to protect their towns and be useful for
more usual.
the Hion wars. Only in dramatic times, as in the
The next war events with the Chyan, the raids of Codya, the Jôpi had to summon a non-
Númenoreans and the Khanîm were also aligned professional militia, composed of every male able
to that "hegemonic war" that didn't mean a real to fight.
invasion of the territory by peoples that wanted
In spite of being a scattered army, the Jôpi
to settle in Codya, only the search for a “political
troops are feared by those who have fought them.
Vulmaw know very well the danger of the Jôpi
The first Feij wars brought about the appearance guerrilla in forest or hilly lands. They are a light
of other kinds of strategies, related to the Jôpi's infantry force, who despises heavy armours and
ones, and focused in guerrilla, ambushes and prefer the use of agility and discretion to end
terrestrial surprise attacks. In spite of their with their enemies.
worse equipment and training, the Feij success
The basic gear of the Jôpi army is hand axe,
was owed to the disperse actuation of the
javelin and rectangular shield, while archer gear
militian armies, very effective against organized
is hand axe and short bows. The helmet is a
troops out of open field, as hilly or woody areas,
common kit, usually made of leather. More rare
and also thanks to the civil rebellions inside the
but really amazing are the captains helmets,
own cities.
authentic Trêaiks heads.
One of peculitarities of the Jôpi it is their
8.4.2 THE ARMY OF THE GHOST tradition is to paint their faces and bodies,
TIGERS imitating the fur animals patterns (as the tigers)
trying to intimidate their enemies.
When the Vulmaw arrived at Codya and found
for the first time the Jôpi, it was not a peaceful The professional Jôpi army are divided in
meeting. Afraid of the Golden Dragons, warriors detachments of 25-50 soldiers. Every
with silvered armours and high spears, the Jôpi detachment have a party of archers (with an
showed themselves as an aggressive folk, but archer captain), a party of infantry (with an
their only intention was to keep their lands and infantry captain), a party of trêaikars (with a
their freedom. Their military tactics were simple: trêaikar captain) and a high captain. The trêaikar
ambush and guerrilla. They usually went as a are the Trêaik drivers, soldiers trained for lead

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these animals, used as war beasts. A well trained The naval army, the Hion Vrâcanaik is divided
Trêaik will follow his trêaikar instructions, as in several fleets, composed in its turn of several
attack or slay a determined enemy. crews, that are the basic unit of the navy. The
size of the crews varies depending of the size and
The occurrence of “big wars” in Codya force the
type of ship that they are assigned to. For the
Jôpi to adapt their guerrilla war strategy. In his
biggest war ships, the Daom (singular Dôm), the
wars, the Hion uses the Jôpi army to be an light
crew can rise more than 300 sailors.
infantry force. The preferred Hion tactic has
always been to bring the enemy to a valley, Beside these armies, a non-professional militia
pushed by the Vulman heavy infantry. The Jôpi can be recruited. This military service begins at
forces are set in the high places, ready to fall on the age of 16 years old, and is obligatory for
the enemy with a quick charge, accompanied males, whatever is the social stratum they come
with a rainfall of arrows from the high places. from (anyway there are some exceptions: sick
boys, lame persons, schorals, etc.) . These young
The use of terrifying helmets with the head of
soldiers spend a year in a military academy,
Trêaiks, added to their wonderful stealth skills
learning to fight, to run long distances with
and the employing their domesticated Trêaiks as
weight, and also basic war tactics. Once the
a war weapon, made the Jôpi forces known as
militiamen have passed through it, they stand
the “Army of the Ghost Tigers”.
one more year in the reserve, waiting for acting if
a war takes place. Also, in cases of extreme need
8.4.3 HION VRAC (ROYAL ARMY) (as an invasion of Codya), the Hion can summon
all men able to fight to defend the country.
The royal army is known as the Hion Vrâc or
“Golden Dragons” among the people, the first Sorkûr Mûl, the first Hionvul of Codya,
military hand of the Hion/Hionvul of Codya. The reorganised the army in S.A. 1841, in order to
Hion Vrâc is traditionally constituted by a naval transform it into a more permanent army. This
force, the Hion Vrâcanaik (Vu. “Royal Navy”) new Hion Vrâcalawo is still divided in fhayd, but
and a footforce, the Hion Vrâcalawo (Vu. “Royal the manûl become more dynamic corps,
Infantry”). composed of a undetermined number of fhayd.
Also, the Shija stood exempt of military power,
At first, the Hion Vrâc was a non-permanent falling into five High Captains or Darta, each one
army. Soldiers were recruited from the common commanding several manûla.
of people for 8 years, with the possibility of going
on the army and stepping up along their the However, the first change made by Sorkûr Mûl
military career. Those who gave up the Hion was to transform the Hion Vrâc into a permanent
Vrâc had right for owning a piece of land, the army. Soldiers signed at least for 20 years.
bigger the more time of service. Sorkûr Mûl also saw the problems of defending a
territory as Codya, with a huge surface. This
Although the Hion/ Hionvul must fight among drove the Hionvul to enlarge the army, for that
their troops first and foremost to demonstrate he did not hesitate to make use of foreign
his courage, the command of the army is usually mercenaries (Idûrak, Chyans and Dilikhran).
goes to the Unyanû, the highest charge of the Anyway, the Hion Vrâcanaik, the Navy, did not
military officers. suffer any strong modification.
This pedestrian army, the Hion Vrâcalawo, is
divided in fhayd (singular fhed), composed of Hion Vrâcalawo
eleven warriors and a captain. Twelve of these The pedestrian forces of the Hion/Hionvul are
fhayd constitute a manûl (Vu. “Legion”), led by a only between 20 and 40% of the whole Hion
High Captain, the Darta. Vrac, but they are essential for containing from
the skirmishes of the Jôpi of Jojojopo, the raids
of Chyans and Anarikanî coming from the
Northwest or the attacks from the Orcs in the
Specially located in crossroads and near the
frontiers, Codya have several fortifications that

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keep half of the Hion Vrâcalawo troops. In The Hion Vrâcanaik traditionally has its
general rule, soldiers are have to spend 6 months headquarters in the cities of: Myrn Shryac and
in a year in these places. During this time their Drej Uriac. In the rare times of peace, around the
jobs will be controlling the commercial caravans, 3/4 of the fleet (specially the deyúka) patrol with
watching the enemy movements and practicing relatively peace the coastal regions, and most of
some tactical manoeuvres, only if some skirmish them assist the toll barriers to collect the taxes of
or declared war do not occur. the maritime trade. The other quarter of the fleet
work as messengers, transportists or escorts.
Vulmaw hadn’t used cavalry first of all by the
lack of horse riding tradition, but they rely on a In the Hion Vrâcanaik, soldiers can be
more powerful allied, the Elephants. These differenced by his rank. The crew of a ship
beasts are domesticated from wild specimens in always has: an admiral, officers, elite soldiers,
some specific elephant folds by the skilled ntami, sailor-warriors and militiamen. The admiral is
the elephant tamers. The war elephants have a the higher commander of the vessel, who hands
incalculable value for the Hionvul as they are the over responsibilities to the officers. The elite
most devastating corp of his pedestrian army. soldiers are the most experimented warriors, the
They are used only in charges in open field, to loyal guard of the admiral. Sailor-warriors are
trample the enemy and break their ranks. They the main part of the crew, they have different
are also very effective against cavalry, as the jobs: from cleaning the deck to fight in a battle.
horses are frightened by these huge animals. Navy militiamen have the hard job of being
oarsman and also fighting in battles.
Elephants were also use to carry wood towers
where the archers could shoot with less danger, Admirals are the best equipped members of the
anyway the beasts were heavyly exposed to the navy: armour-plates, crested helmets, cloaks,
enemy projectiles, and they usually wear some customised robes and high quality weapons.
kind of armor. Officers have hardened leather armours, cloaks
and black uniforms. The elite warriors are known
The soldiers of the Hion Vrâcalawo can be
by showing long pigtails. Their amours are metal
defined as heavy infantry-man. By general rule,
breast-plates with hardened leather protections.
they are very well equipped. Every soldier
These charges enjoy privileges as a dining room
employs spear, scimitar, shield and a composite
with a personal cook and a private bedroom.
bow. Those soldiers specialised as archers have
big composite bows and two hand axes. The uniform for the sailor-warriors of the Hion
Vrâcanaik is a stripped (silver and black) dress
The footsoldiers are usually garbed in a light and
coat, belt, white trousers and good leather
golden armor-plate, made of several pieces that
sandals. Moreover they wear a bronze helmet, a
imitate dragon scales, specially on the shoulders,
breast-plate of leather (with the symbol of the
arms and legs; and the helms looks like a dragon
Hion Vrâcanaik), and round shields.
head. For expeditions they are all provided with
cotton robes, rugs and strong disinfectant for The Hion Vrâcanaik militia, recruited in port
wounds. cities and fishing villages, has not a training in a
real military academy, but they join the crew of Vrâcanaik any ship for two years, after that time they will
able to promoted to sailor-warrior. In this time
The Vulmaw are a folk that have always lived their job will be the typical sailor labours, thanks
next to the sea, they even came to Codya by to that they will catch good notions of navigation
sailing. The sea is a source of food and even of and sailing, and also a big amount of muscles
money, due to the thriving maritime commerce. through their work at the oars. Sea skirmishes
In the Bay of Ormal, no kingdom can claim to be are not infrequent events in the Bay of Ormal,
a great power without a efficent navy. Because of however militiamen usually do not go to battle,
it, the naval force is the strongest point of the except if the ship is boarded. They are equipped
army. Moreover, it’s due to take into account that with a white cotton tunic, a leather waistcoat,
the first challengers of the Codyan for the belt, leather sandals and a bronze helmet.
dominion of the Bay of Ormal were folks with
long maritime tradition, as the Númenoreans, The fleet of the Hion Vrâcanaik has different
the Khanîm and the Lynîr. types of ships. The function of these ships

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depends on their characteristics as deck, making use of different kind of devices as

manoeuvrability, speed, draft and size. hooks, or spiked planks.
The most common ships are: The last kind of tactic is the projectile fight. The
biggest vessels as the frinja or dôma, that have a
 Deyúk- Small and very manoeuvrable, the
large draws, usually have a castle where they set
most commonly employed by the Royal
artillery equipments as catapults or ballistae.
Navy. The sails are trapezoidal and arranged
This tactic is frequent is high sea, or when there
on a tubaak frame. The bow and stern are
is no possibility to board. Also, the naval artillery
raised. The Deyúk are very quick when they
allows to keep maritime sieges.
are with the wind on. They are used for
patrols in the coastal waters but they are
very unstable in high sea. 8.4.4 SHÛR VYRAC (NOBLE ARMIES)
 Itzas- Bigger than the deyúk, this ship is The Shûr Vyrac is the name for the whole of the
made for offensive manoeuvres. They have a Noble Codyan armies. Their main task is to
reinforced bow and a terrible ram, made for defend their territories from outsider threats,
rushing upon other vessels. It is guided by whether it be foreign armies or other noble
two rudder, each one in a side of the stern. army; nevertheless they are finally subjected to
This ship needs a big number of oarsman to “common interests” as the defense of Codya and
reach the speed for penetrating the other to the Hion/Hionvul expansionists desires.
ship’s hull.
The Shûr Vyrac is almost entirely composed of
 Frinj- Strong vessel, quick and resistant in professional soldiers, although, in times of war
open sea, driven by oars and sails, with good the Shûrs used to summon a levy among their
manoeuvrability. They are used with vassals, much worse equipped than their wage-
offensive and defensive character. Their earning troops, but able to ten fold the size of the
strong point are their high castle, artillery army.
and resistant hull.
The structure of each Shûr Vyrac is different,
 Dôm- The biggest vessel of the Vulmaw, the depending of the size of the army, the
real war ship. These ships can sail through characteristics of their natal land, their most
open seas, because of their high resistance, common enemies, and their tradition. However
brought by the ingenious Vulmaw system, each army have a distintive sign. From the
based on a inner water canalisation, that able Wanfoi territory come the best archers of Codya
to correct the heading and minimise the since they use bows of a special wood pine from
rolling. For their huge size this vessels are the moutains and reinforced with iron. The
used for naval battles, unloading landing Lômzuw warriors are well known by his
troops and transporting supplies. discipline because their are trained in a semi-
monastic order that force them to go through
The Vulmaw tactics in naval warfare may vary
fasting and sexual abstinence periods.
depending on the kind of ships used, the distance
to mainland, the number of enemies, the weather The Mawyon stands out in naval war by their
and many different variables. powerful ships, bu the the most feared army in
the sea is the Vûd. These fierce sailor-warriors
Itzasa are the best vessels to practice direct
use maneuverable hand axes and wear black
attacks to enemy ships, charging with their ram
uniforms with dark blue tight jackets. The
with the aim of breaking the skull and thus sink
traditional weapon of the Odôjavi army is the
ingthe ship. Itzasa are quick and they are
morning star (House symbol) and they are also
designed to be used in gentle coastal waters, so
known by the ritual dances they practice before
that they use the oars to keep balance. If the oars
are cutted, they can be quickly destabilized or
immobilized. Cuiwum warriors sports very long hair, scars on
the forehead and cheeks and wear white
Boarding is other naval tactic used when the
garments and blue shashes. The Jinvol House
enemy is few or the attackers have less
have a terrestrial army that use hardened leather
manoeuvrability. The naval fight becomes a
armours and rhomboid metal shields.
melee fight, as the sailors get onto the enemy

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Concept Deyúk Itzas Frinj Dôm
Naval war/
Function Patrol Assault Unloading/
Length 19 m 30 m 34 m 41 m
Beam 4m 5,2 m 4,8 m 10 m
Draft 0,8 m 1m 1,2 m 2m
# of oar banks 1 2 2 2
# of oars 14 48 70 80
Oarsmen/oar 1 2 2 2
Hull Strength Weak Moderate Strong Strong
% Decked 80% 35% 75% 80%
Ram No Yes Yes No
Crew 57 170 153 291
Admiral 1 1 1 1
Officials 3 7 7 10
Elite warriors 8 12 20 20
Sailor-warriors 25 50 90 100
Militiamen 20 100 35 160
Turn radius 50 m 65 m 70 m 75 m
Rowing speed (knots) 2 / 3 / 4.5 3 / 4.5 / 6.5 3.5 / 5 / 6.5 2 / 4.5 / 8

Sailing speed (knots) 4 / 7 / 11 3/5/8 3.5 / 7 / 10 3 / 6.5 / 10

# of masts* 1+2 2+1 2+2 3+2
# of sails 1+2 2+1 2+2 3+2
Sails type Trapezoidal Square Trapezoidal Square
2 ballistae + 1 3 ballistae + 1
Artillery No 2 ballistae
catapult catapult
Endurance 8 days 10 days 1 month 3 months
Cargo - - 10 ton 10 ton
Note: * = the first number means the main masts, while the second one means the secondary or minor

8.4.5 FORTIFICATIONS AND SIEGE Jôpi uprisings. The Codyan cities lacked of walls
EQUIPMENT beyond the necessary portuary defences as
lighthouse-towers and breakwaters, built to
The evolution of the seigement equipment and shelter from the feasible naval attacks of Lynîr or
defensive fortifications in Codya had been going Chyans. Frequently, these havens were also
in parallel to the historic development of the protected by natural defences, as happened in
Vulmaw. In the first stage of colonization, the Myrn Shryac, located in a close inlet.
Vulmaw faced the Jôpi, a relatively primitive
people which hasn’t civil or military After the First Naval War against the Chyan
constructions. So that, the main military Empire (S.A. 1869-1875), the Vulmaw
buildings were limited to towers and beacons in understood the importance of blocking their
high places, able to resist the blows of the posible country before the foreign threats, whether it be

- -

by land or sea. In many cases they copied or

learnt from their own enemies, and the biggest
cities built exterior walls made of fired bricks, Farming hasn’t been traditionally highly
stone or combinating both materials. Most of regarded among Vulmaw, because they were in
coastal cities also built considerable stone their origins sailors and conquerors, and have
fortifications in havens and dikes. Some of this always preferred activities as trade, war and
walls were huge, for example, Drej Uriac walls piracy rather than tilling the land. While
were a size of 12m height and 8 m width in the craftmanship is highly regarded, only the lower
foundations. classes worked the land.
Taking into account the geographical location of Thus, the property of lands never has been an
Codya, in a peninsula surrounded by the oceans objective of the Vulmaw lords, except for the
and only linked to the continent by mountainous existence of metal ore mines. In the beginning
isthmus, the construction of the fortress of Sit they prefer found outposts in propitious places of
Alturaj, in S.A. 2098 in the fords of the river the coast to stock up as storage. That favoured
Alturaj was a great strategic improvement for the the Jôpi could keep their home lands in the
Vulmaw. Codya became practically blocked for jungle and hills.
terrestrial invasions, except for the cases that
But as the Codyan cities populations grew, the
had to face enormous armies, such as the Chyan
Vulmaw began to acquire from Jôpi more goods,
host who devastated Sit Alturaj and crossed the
as forest products and especially food. The Jôpi
river in S.A. 2283.
had slowly adopted some techonology advances
The building of fortifications also meant the from the Vulmaw, as metallurgy, that made
development of siege warfare. The cities, now possible to clear and cultivate the previously
blocked with walls, suffered this new kind of war. jungle landscape. That technollogic
The assailants laid siege with equipment as improvements added to the rich volacnic soils
catapults, trebuchets, onagers and other devices allowed to reach high productivity rates to
and waited for the surrender of their foes inside provided large surplus.
the city. Owing to the logistic problems, long
The Vulmaw encouraged the Jôpi the spread of
sieges only could been kept in case of small
agriculture, but also insisted that the cultivators
military forces. If besiegers could reach a critical
deliver to them a portion (a third or even half of
treshold of time and prevent food and water
the village’s crop) as tribute for the Vulmaw
supplies to enter the city, the surrendering was
Hionvul. Compliance with their demands
(especially in times of draught) is often brought
The Vulmaw also copied from their neighbours by force. As the property of land isn’t private, in
in the utilization of siege machinery to scale or fact a possession of the village, the Jouk Kapal
destroy walls. As well as the classic hammers to (clan chief) become the first responsible to
go through gates or siege hooks to climb the demand the delivery of crops to the peasants, pay
walls, there was common in the sieges the trials the tribute to the Vulmaw, and thus becoming
of mining the fortifications, digging the some kind of feudal lord who controlled the
foundations of the walls to made them colapse. farmers with his professional warriors. This
organization often arise out a bigger instability of
In many cases these heavy equipment must be
Jouk Kapalwe rules and frequent peasants
transportated in ships. The biggest ships as the
revolts against their rulers. Some ot the warrior
frinja and dôma were able to made use of them,
leaders have been able to carve out kingdoms
throwing projectiles from the sea with devices
from themselves, and by 1907 24 major Jôpi
such as ballistae, mangonles and little onagers.
states dominate Jojojopo and Codya.
The climatic conditions of Codya have shaped

9 ECONOMY the farming system into typical monsoon crops

of cotton, cane sugar and rice, especially in
alluvial deposits, made for very rich soil, and the
slopes of volcanic mountains, as in the Vulture’s
Islands. Dams, drainage systems and terracing
are common techniques in Codya.

- -

home. The knowledge of each craft or trade is

embodied in customary lore which was tied in
9.2 MINING with its own rituals and presided over by its own
A key factor of Codyan economy was the mining
industry, supported on the existence of a highly-
mineralized soils due to the formerly volcanic 9.4 TRADE, GIFTS, TAXES
activity of the region (See 15.4 Map of Mineral
Deposits). AND TRIBUTE
Although the production of the appreciated gold After fulfilling a solid agricultural basis through
wasn’t even enough to satisfacy the coinage mint, Jôpi subjugation and turning their cities big
silver, copper and tin were abundant. Although handicraft producers, the Vulmaw obtained
the mines in the mountains had plentiful seams, enormous surpluses that enabled trade with
the copper, tin and arsenic ores were generally other realms who demanded luxury products.
washed down from the volcanic ranges of the
The second factor in the growth of trade to and
interior and deposited in the river beds and
within Codya was the richness of its natural
alluvial plains which allowed a much less
resources, which provided a multitude of
complicated mining (using bats and even
products for sale or exchange. The most
constructing shallow safts in the river bed).
important resource was the jungle-covered
landscape itself, a virtual sea of resources and
9.3 CRAFTSMANSHIP aroamtic woods, resins, medicines, fruits for
which Codya became justly renowned.
The successful new agricultural system of Codya
While the Vulmaw were responsible for the
provided a growing surplus for the cities
eventual sale and distribution of forest products,
population, which encouraged the development
they were not the main gatherers. The Vulmaw
of crafts in the cities metal smelting, spinning,
themselves rarely venture beyond the fringes of
shoe making, weaving and dying in the cities,
the jungle. To them the forest remained as an
producing a big amount of manufactured goods
alien realm, the haunt of demons and spirits
perfect to trade with in other countries.
which must be propitiated by offerings and
Carpentry, and also other is a fundamental
warded off by charms. The jungle were the
activity for ship building, which become the
habitat of the Jôpi, fully adapted to forest life,
driving force of the coastal cities economy after
and highly specializing in local varieties among
the commerce. The public works also mobilize to
the vast array of species. The internal trading
many specialists as lawyers, carpenters,
network were preferably the rivers, most of them
quarrymen, engineers, and architects.
navigable for canoes, rafts and even big boats.
The capital city, Myrn Shryac is well known in Where rivers were not a solution, goods were
foreign markets by its clothes and metalworks, bartered and passed from one group of jungle
but over all crafts, it stands out by its sailing dwellers to another. The cities in the hinterland
industry, as the the fabrication of the quinkajec, as Go Ishac, Suj, Woij Fê and Thawan Napai
an instrument used for being guided by stars. acted as central collection points and subsidiary
markets, feedinf the larger ports nearby.
These craftmen offer their products to the public
in the same place where they were fabricated, Most of trade is certainly an exchange of goods
attracting potential buyers with any sort of tricks between merchants, but a considerable amount
and preaching loudly the excellence of his is actually exchanges of presents between the
products and their ridiculous prices. Shûr or Hionvul and the rulers of foreign
countries, according to the diplomatic strategy of
The development of urban life encouraged the Codya at that time. The difference among
existence of many services as mercenaries and tributes, taxes and gifts were just semantic. The
guards, inns, taverns, brothels, baths, etc. The direction of these presents fluxes are determined
new occupational groups of artisans and traders by the hierarchical relationship among the
were often hereditary groups, if only because the Ormalian realms, and also the presents to the
easiest way to learn complicated techniques was
to study them from an early age in the family

- -

Hionvul from the Shûr are symbols of

recognition of his authority as ruler of all Codya. It’s a fair deed, that agreements are sealed
when the parties and the witnesses had
A thousand pârprir from the rugged lands of honored to their forefathers with an offering to
the House Jinvol, just as twenty vessels of the laraga, and they had their faces looking to
musk, five lilagharemo wineskins, a diamond the Sun, that is, in order to say the truth facing
necklace and two war elephants with harness the truth.
of gold and crimson cloaks made of soft wool of
sheep from Drej Akyula mountains. Codya Edhiz

The House Cuiwum submitted a thousand and But not all commercial relationships were so fair,
seven hundred pârprir and many other so that piracy and smuggling were real curses in
presents: a couple of hunter falcons, a hundred Codyan waters. Sometimes these activities were
bunju of incense, a hundred bunju of kei-houan even fostered by relevant figures, as the Shûr or
berries and fifty of sjeju, and acojo gum. the own Hionvul, as the piracy, convenient
managed, could also be used as a war strategy.
Ten tiger furs and seven violet-winged doves The highest piracy activity occurred in war times,
were given by the delegation of the House when the maritime routes in the Ormal Bay
Achaj. A thousand and five hundred pârprir, became unsafe, and commercial vessels were
just as corals and chalcedony stones on trays compelled to stop and dock.
of gold carried by maids with purples robes
and golden belts. The taxation system in Codya at the time of the
Vulmaw was based on the commercial taxes and
Chronicles of Hionvul Ricyu Âmhdu by the dwarij ryw (V. “Lord’s due”). The dwarij
Acoupic the Golden Quill Pen ryw was the taxes applied to the peasants
consisted mainly of produce of their land or
Traditionally traders and sailors, the Vulmaw craftmanship. Even when the lord owned the
developed a complex legal system that allowed land, the produces was property of the
and promoted a considerable “company individuals, who must give a portion of his
freedom” and didn’t penalize commercial produce to the lord. Depending on the economic
operations. These laws looked for the strict situation and the lord’s avarice could range
performance of the contracts, respected the between a third to a tenth.
private property, and allowed quick agreements
in disputes. There were sale contracts (yipak) He who tills the land of his lord, is the owner of
that were made in the product delivery and its harvest. He who plants trees is the owner of
relevant payment in presence of witness, being the trees and the fruit they bear. However, he
then a perfect sale. If terms were unfulfilled, the must hand in a portion of what they took to his
offender must indemnify to the other part as if lord and the owner of the land.
he had stolen the products.
Kod Ultor Warrants
He who described himself as a manner
contrary to truth, gave to others fake Moreover the commercial taxes, the Shûr and the
information or tried to cheat on deals with monarchy became richer participating
other men, is as wretch such as the one who (sometime even directly) in the bussiness of
steals. Speech determines everything in the trade, what enabled them to pay a professional
world, as everything was born and come from army, equip the soldiers with high quality metal
the Speech of Gods. The liar who cheats and weapons and provide tools and implements for
deceives, in order to be faithful to his farming and industry.
insincerity, steals everything.
Other source of rulers’ wealth was statute work.
Kod Ultor Warrants Although slavery was banned by the Vulmaw,
some criminals could be condemned to make
Every punishment reserved he who steals or labours for the Hionvul or their lords.
cheat unjustifiably an agreement, is also
addressed to the witnesses that made a false After the imperial necropolis in the Chyan
declaration. (…) Hormdôky valley, near Pelepelplû, Liw-ka-
anyî is the fullfilled symbol of the power of the

- -

monarchs already dead. (...) Patronage of learning and the arts now came
from merchants and their guilds as well as from
Thousands of convicted men worked in its royalty. As might be expected, the wealth
construction and the few ones who survive to achieved by these activities promoted merchants
the harsh conditions, were buried in the same to the higher social status. As example of that,
foundations of the mausoleum. My skinny there were tradition among their guild to make
guide Dwavac jokes saying that they (the their donations that financed magnificent
convited) could not complain, at least they religious monuments, immaculate cave carvings
were buried in a sacred place, a direct gate to and monasteries.
the Garden of Gods reserved to the Hionvula.
They had a secure good reincarnation .
Guide of the Lands of Ormal by Taysha of
Mehjat Against other Middle Earth places where barter
is the principal mean of exchange, the active
trading activity of Ormal Bay that entails taxes,
This official trade was handled by scribes and money lending, interests and renting, wouldn’t
representatives of the king or the Shûr, but other work without money.
times it was undertaken by private enterprising
or minor aristocracy. These traders ran not only Although Codya didn’t started to mint his own
the risk of being waylaid by pirates, but were coinage till the rule of Hion Jait Hodwon in 1035
sometimes penalized with outrageous taxes or S.A., it was Hionvul Yoen who first establishing a
even robbed by members of the local authorities original system of coinage in Codya. At first,
where they sold their goods. If they were lucky, Codya used the currency system of Lóchan
and Codya had a prominent position in the Empire, though it’s true that owing to the intense
Ormal politics at that time, the Hionvul or the commercial exchange with other realms, in
ambassadors could intercede behalf. Codya could be found any kind of coin until well
into 22nd century.
Shipping was the main mean of transportation.
Apart from a few exceptions Codyan population The Lóchan currency system, used in Codya until
lived in the coast, and all neighbour countries S.A. 1035 supposed a radical breakup as regards
were much more accessible by sea. Almost all the Womaw system, as the Vulmaw pretended to
merchants are experienced sailors who had to claim their politic and cultural identity. The
leave home for long periods and in war times tortoiseshells used before, were substituted by
they become warriors or even pirates. metal coins, as it was custom of Dwarves and
other western realms.
However, even in the quiet Bay of Ormal,
navigation in open sea was quite unsafe. The Thus, during the Dral Dynasty, it was introduced
Vulmaw were masters of sailing, but they even a uniform copper coin based in coins used by
preferred to sail close to the shore and landing at Dwarves, that was called Nuah. These coins were
nightfall. Since the endings of summer, the round with a small square hole in the middle
humid southern winds (Rivuja) prevail, releasing which remained the common design for most
violent storms and monsoon rainfall. This is the common Lóchan coins.
most feared season for the sailors, and thus most
of the largest journeys take place from winter Due to the low value of an individual coin, the
(Havd) to late summer (Narac), when the winds Lóchan finally minted a silver coin, called
turn south direction, and favour the journeys to Utmeg, to the value of 40 nuah bronze coins,
the Blessed Islands, the Lynerian League, Sakal being used in trading deals and payment of taxes
an-Khâr and Sunum. Those vessels that reached and tithes. Although this coin was the most
Codya soon after Narac were forced to remain in common used in this sort of transactions,
the ports for several months until they sailed Hionvul Awuyac Dral fancied a gold coin as
back with the northeast winds toward the end of symbol of his wealth and prosperity, and minted
the year. During these period they need a a gold coin in value of 10 silver coins, called
permanent basis where they could get credit, lay Tapey, although this metal was scarce in the
up surplus and return again the following year. lands of the area.

- -

Later, the Vulmaw reached T’lach-tuyil Upri is the bronze coin used in the common
continent, that Númenorean called Morenorë, people economy, while the silver coin, Copri is
and there gold was abundant, many ships loaded most used in trade and importante payments.
of gold went on board to Lóchas Drûs, while The gold coin, the Pârpri, is rare among lower
trading expansion grew and Vulmaw making classes, although after the income of gold coming
profits in far away lands as the Ormal Sea or the from the Shame Treaty with the Chyans, in the
Corals Sea. Nadraw Âhmdu rule, were intensely minted.

The pretentious Hionvul Show Dral introduced Coins used in Yoen, Sham, Vosh, Âhmdu,
then new gold coins of big size, called Huwoc, Hachow and early Drainizai Dynasties
but they were seldom used in trading deals. Name Metal Weight Value
Thus, when the Vulmaw of T’lach-tuyil, the Pârpri Gold 12 gr
Itxcal, had problems with the warlike Acali, the Copri Silver 6 gr 1/40 pârpri
amount of gold sent to Lóchas Drûs was reduced Upri Bronze 10 gr 1/10 copri or
significantly, and Hionvul Ray Wan-Dral was 1/400 pârpri
forced to reduce to half the Huwoc weight,
creating the Tihuwoc. At the end of the 9th The dynasties of Vosh and Âhmdu followed the
century, almost no gold could be imported (the Yoen system, only changing his symbol in the
Itxcal returned with the little they could rescued) reverse of the coins. When the kingdom of
and the gold coins began to run short, and that’s Codya split in two factions after the War of the
why a coin of electron (an alloy of gold and Shûr ( S.A. 2456-2473), the insurrected Houses
silver) started to be used, called Ranya. lost their loyalty to Haynvul Avaud and the
Houses of Cuiwum, Odôjavi and Mawyon issued
The Lóchan coins have always on one side the their own coinage as symbol of self-government.
representation of the Dragon (Kod Ultor) and on They minted small coins of copper and silver that
the other side the symbol of the ruling Dynasty, finally become of common use.
and the name of the Hionvul at the time of its
minting. Coins of Insurrected Houses
Name Metal Weight Value
Coins used in the Lóchan Empire and Cuiwumpri Bronze/Silve 11 g ½ copri
Early Codya r
Name Metal Weight Value Odôjavipri Bronze/Silve 8g ¼ copri
Huwoc Gold 40 gr r
Tihuwoc Gold 20 gr ½ huwoc Mawyompr Bronze/Silve 10 g ¼ copri
Tapey Gold 10 gr ¼ huwoc or ½ i r
Ranya Electro 12 gr 1/20 huwoc, 1/10 By the time of the Hachow Dynasty, the
n tihuwoc, 1/5
availability of metals began to be limited,
particularly gold, and Hionvul Javan Ralow tried
Utmeg Silver 20 gr 1/40 huwoc, 1/20
tihuwoc, 1/10 to obtain metals from T’lach-tuyil but with
tapey, or ½ ranya disastrous outcome, compelling Codya to buy
Nuah Bronze 6 gr 1/1600 huwoc, gold from other realms.
1/800 tihuwoc,
1/400 tapey, 1/80 A new change was made in the currency by the
ranya or 1/40 later Dranizai rulers. The impetous Hionvul
utmeg Muvuln, bursting with proud with the succesful
rule of his father issued a new coin system in S.A.
After a long period of inestability, Hionvul Yoen 2865.
Sham melted most of the Codyan treasure in new
coins, and in few years, most of the used coins Coins used in the later Dranizai and Shrel
were from his mint. Hionvul Yoen devised an Dynasties
effective system and decided to create three Name Weight Metal Value
official types of coins, of gold, silver and bronze. Kud (dragon) 29 g Gold
Coinage minting was only a royal privilege and Ax (sun) 9,6 g Gold 1/3 Kud
no Shûr could do it. Ora (moon) 25 g Silver 1/18 Kud or 1/6 Ax
Rywo (fish) 8,3 g Silver 1/72 Kud, 1/24 Ax or
1/4 Ora

- -

Yotî (little 9g Copper 1/1440 Kud, 1/480

eye) Ax or 1/80 Ora or In the later Khanîm domination, Codya kept
1/20 Rywo their same old coin models and values but the
Gawj (shield) 8,6 g Bronze 1/5760 Kud, 1/1920 new coins were minted with the inscriptions of
Ax, 1/320 Ora or ¼
the Golden Emperor.
Waquw 7g Tin 1/23040 Kud,
(drop) 1/7680 Ax, 1/1280
Ora, 1/16 Yotî or ¼

Import and Export Chart

Realms Import from Codya Export to Codya

Sîrayn, Harshandatt Ivory, rubber, sugar, spices, musk, Incense, papyrus, ebony, dyes,
tea, peanuts, copper, aluminium, makeups, perfumes, linen clothes,
arsenic ore, sapphire, coconut camlet, dates, salt, horses, rugs,
spirits, spikenard oil, ginger, ostrich eggs
vyawak resin, violet winged doves,
tortoiseshell, black coral

Bulchyades, Spices, rubber, sugar, musk, tea, Wine, black wool fabrics, camlet,
Lódenûly, Chy copper, aluminium, arsenic ore, eye’s ointment, medicinal herbs,
sapphire, coconut spirits, perfumes, olive oil, liquorice
spikenard oil, ginger, vyawak resin, (rumath roots), cork, gold, silk, sun
agate, chalcedony, violet winged dried fruits, horses, saddles, rugs,
doves, tortoiseshell, black coral embroideries, crystal glass, lamps,
rhino ivory

Olyas Kriis Spices, rubber, sugar, musk, tea, Medicinal herbs, olive oil, iron,
(Anarikê) aluminium, lapis lazuli, arsenic candles, drums, musical
ore, spikenard oil, ginger, vyawak instruments
resin, agate, chalcedony, violet
winged doves, tortoiseshell, black

Ibav Copper, sugar, aluminium, tin, Silk

lapis lazuli, arsenic ore, coconut
spirits, spikenard oil, vyawak resin,
agate, chalcedony, violet winged
doves, tortoiseshell

Lynerian League Lapis lazuli, spikenard oil, peanuts, Wine, crystal glass, faience, lamps,
ginger, vyawak resin, agate, pottery, ceramic, armours,
chalcedony, violet winged doves mercury, camphor

Blessed Islands Spikenard oil, ginger, vyawak Palm oil, camphor, coral, gold,
resin, agate, chalcedony, violet emeralds, ruby, diamonds, umut
winged doves eggs, jade

Sakal an-Khâr Spikenard oil, vyawak resin, agate, Palm oil, camphor, gold, cacao,
chalcedony, violet winged doves coral, amber, diamonds, jade

Lóchas Drûs Cotton, rubber, sugar, coconut Silk, ceramic, porcelain, pearls,
spirits, spikenard oil, vyawak resin, ink, weapons, vermillion dye,

- -

aloe, agate, chalcedony, violet velvet

winged doves, tortoiseshell, black

Sunum Cotton, arsenic ore, spikenard oil, Palm oil, coral, amber, jade
vyawak resin, agate, chalcedony,
violet winged doves

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Buffalo 40 ry -
Calf 5 ry -
Bear, trained 25 ry
Buffalo, female 30 ry -
Chicken 9 yo -
Dog 2 ry 10 yo -
Dog, trained 12 ry 5 yo -
Duck 11 yo -
Elephant, labour 360 ry -
Elephant, war 600 ry -
Falcon, trained 16 ry -
Horse 55 ry - Riding horse, not a war horse
Goat 2 ry -
Goose 13 yo -
Lamb 9 yo -
Monkey, trained 10 ry
Mule/ Donkey 35 ry -
Pig 5 ry -
Pigeon 4 yo -
Sheep 3 ry 10 yo -
Acid (Alutu) 3 ry 0,025
Acojo gum 8 yo 0,025
Ansûl 5 ry 0,025
Atadraw 2 ry 5 yo 0,025
Bowkan 1 ry 0,025
Bukitz sap 8 ry 0,025
Bulti sap 3 ry 0,025
Dilduyan sap 1 ry 10 yo 0,025
Eshetu 58 ry 0,025
Gahlaib 11 yo 0,025
Hazantari bulb 1 ry 10 yo 0,025
Hugar 30 yo 0,025
Kei-houan 35 yo 0,025
Klytat’m 16 ry 0,025
Myur 1 ry 0,025
Natjura paste 4 ry 10 yo 0,025
Oj-tupêi 3 ry 0,025
Quala 8 ry 0,025
Rapajú 18 ry 0,025
Saruwani 5 yo 0,025
Sjeju 23 yo 0,025
Stilja 8 yo 0,025
Taityr bark 7 yo 0,025
Tarjstub 49 ry 0,025
Têku 10 ry 0,025
Volyuk 32 ry 0,025
Yahaliee 34 ry 0,025
Armored suit (buffalo hide) 6 ry 10 yo 4
Armored suit (rhinocero hide) 8 ry 6
Breastplate (courboulli) 6 ry 2
Breastplate (iron) 25 ry 8

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Cotton armor 4 ry 3,5
Dragon helm 11 ry 3 Golden, leather protections for neck and lateral flippers
Gambeson, quilted jacket 2 ry 10 yo 1,5
Gauntlets, leather 10 yo 0,8
Greaves (hide) 35 yo 0,8
Greaves (courboulli) 3 ry 1
Greaves (plate) 15 ry 4
Helm (iron) 50 yo 2
Helm (leather) 20 yo 1
Rerebraces (hide) 18 yo 0,4
Rerebraces (courboulli) 30 yo 0,5
Rerebraces (plate) 7 ry 10 yo 2
Shield, Jôpi 1 ry 2,5 Wooden, decorated, long, hexagonal
Shield (Large) 3y 5 Brass and hide, rounded or kite shape
Shield (Small) 2 ry 3,5 Brass and hide, rounded
Scale armour, iron 21 ry 12
Scale armour, tortoishell 18 ry 8
Scale armour, golden 39 ry 13
Vambraces (hide) 18 yo 0,4
Vambraces (courboulli) 25 yo 0,4
Vambraces (plate) 6 ry 1,7
Bowl, ceramic 5 yo 0,25
Cup, ceramic 1 yo 0,075
Flagon, pottery 6 yo 0,5
Urn 14 yo 2 15 L capacity
Vase 4 yo 1 3,5 L capacity
Charcoal 1 yo 2 ga - Per Kg
Coal 6 yo - Per Kg
Firewood 1 yo - Per Kg
Candle, beeswax 72 yo - Per Kg. 12 hours.
Candle, tallow 24 yo - Per Kg. 8 hours.
Candle, calibrated 30 yo 0,25 Time-telling. 8 hours
Candleholder 5 to 0,15
Grease 6 yo - Per Kg
Lamp, glass 24 yo 2
Lantern, metal 12 yo 1
Oil, lamp 4 yo - Per L
Tar 3 yo Per L
Tinderbox 6 yo 0,75
Torches 1 yo 0,4 Kg 2 hours
Wax, candle 6 yo - Per Kg
Wax, sealing 12 yo - Per Kg
Clothing and Textiles
Bag, canvas, large 5 yo 1 6 Kg capacity
Bag, canvas, small 2 yo 0,25 3 Kg capacity
Beltpouch 2 yo 0,5 1,5 Kg capacity
Blanket, light 4 yo 1
Blanket, heavy 7 yo 2,5
Carpet, Chyan 3 ry 4 Per m2
Carpet 38 yo 4 Per m2
Belt 1 yo 0,2
Belt, leather 4 yo 0,5
Boots 15 yo 1,25

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Buckram/ Cotton 3 yo Per m2
Dye, average 19 ry - Per Kg. Green, brown, yellow
Dye, rare 63 ry - Per Kg. Blue, red, pink
Dye, very rare 100 ry - Per Kg. Purple, orange
Gloves, cotton/ buckram 3 yo 0,1
Gloves, silk 16 yo 0,1
Headscarf, silk 2 ga 0,1
Lace 1 ry - Per m2
Linen, coarse 2 yo - Per m2
Linen, fine 11 yo - Per m2
Longshirt, cotton/ buckram 2 ry 10 yo 1
Longshirt, linen 1 ry 0,75
Longshirt, silk 3 ry 10 yo 0,75
Pants, buckram/ cotton 2 ry 0,75
Pants, linen 15 yo 0,75
Pants, silk 4 ry 1
Purse 3 yo 0,25 0,5 Kg capacity
Robe, cotton/ buckram 2 ry 2 yo 1,2
Robe, linen 18 yo 0,8
Robe, silk 13 ry 5 yo 1,6
Shirt, cotton/ buckram 23 yo 0,6
Shirt, linen 15 yo 0,6
Shirt, silk 6 ry 15 yo 0,6
Silk raw, cloth 1 ry - Per m2
Silk crimson, cloth 3 ry 5 yo - Per m2
Surcoat, buckram/ cotton 1 ry 6 yo 0,81
Surcoat, leather 2 ry 6 yo 2,5
Surcoat, linen 29 yo 0,75
Surcoat, silk 4 ry 11yo 1,15
Tunic, buckram/ cotton 30 yo 1
Tunic, linen 21 yo 1
Tunic, silk 9 ry 4 yo 1,25
Vest, buckram/ cotton 14 yo 0,5
Vest, linen 19 yo 0,5
Vest, silk 4 ry 5 yo 0,6
Waterproofing +50% - Per clothing/ coth
Wool 4 yo - Per m2
Wool, best Clyan 14 yo - Per m2
Food and Drink
Bat meat 12 yo - 1 Kg
Beans 3 ga - 1 Kg
Beef 2 yo - 1 Kg
Bread, bun 2 yo - 1 Kg
Butter 1 yo - 1 Kg
Cacao 15 ry - 1 Kg
Cakes (maize, millet) 1 ga 0,75 1 Dozen
Coffee 2 ry 5 yo - 1 Kg
Eggs 1 yo - 1 Dozen
Fish* 3 ga - 1 Kg. Mackerel
Fish** 2 yo - 1 Kg. Eel
Fish*** 4 yo - 1 Kg. Olao-nak, seafood
Fish, dried / smoked +25% -
Fish, salted +50% -
Flour, millet 2 yo - 1 Kg
Flour, rye 6 yo - 1 Kg
Fruits 3 ga - 1 Kg. Figs, grapes, plums, pinapple

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Fruits, dates 1 yo - 1 Kg
Fruits, dried +50% -
Liquorice, Bulchyades 2 yo - 1L
Meal, cold /poor 2 ga - Inn, per person
Meal, hot / average 3 yo - Inn, per person
Meal, fine 6 yo - Inn, pero person
Meat* 1 yo - 1 Kg. Horsemeat, mutton
Meat** 2 yo - 1 Kg. Beef, goat, lamb, ham, pork
Meat*** 3 yo - 1 Kg. Chicken, goose, pigeon, pheasant
Meat*** 6 yo - 1 Kg. Dog, venison
Honey 2 yo - 1L
Maize 2 ga - 1 Kg
Meat, jerked +33% -
Meat, smoked +25% -
Millet 2 ga - 1 Kg
Milk, goat 2 ga - 1L
Milk, cow 3 ga - 1L
Oil, olive 6 yo - 1L
Oil, palm, spikenard 4 yo - 1L
Potatoes 2 ga - 1 Kg
Rye 3 ga - 1 Kg
Salt, rock 6 ry - 1L
Salt, sea 4 ry - 1L
Seaweed 6 yo - 1 Kg
Spices 40 ry - 1 Kg. Very variable prices.
Sugar 5 ry - 1L
Tea 12 ry 5 yo 1 Kg
Vegetables 2 ga - 1 Kg. Beans, carrots, scallions, vetches
Wine, rice (local) 3 ga - 1L
Wine, Bulchyades 1 yo 2 ga - 1L
Wine, Lynir 7 yo 2 ga - 1L
Youghourt 2 yo - 1L
Glass bower
Beads 3 ry 0,03 Per dozen
Bottle, glass 25 ry 0,2 1L
Bottle, perfume 3 ry 15 yo 0,03 250 ml
Hidework and ivory
Backpack, frame 30 yo 0,75 9 Kg capacity
Backpack, frameless 18 yo 0,5 5 kg capacity
Hide, calf/ goat 16 yo 1,5
Hide, elephant 48 ry 10 yo 85
Hide, horse 10 yo 1,2
Hide, otter/weasel 24 yo 0,7
Hide, ox 12 yo 2
Hide, rhinocero 16 ry 28
Leather, tanned 38 yo - Per m2
Ink, black 7 yo Per L
Ink, rare color 9 yo Per L. Blue, green.
Ink, very rare color 13 yo Per L. Red, brown.
Papyrus 2 yo - Per m2
Paper 6 yo - Per m2
Pen 4 yo 0,04
Seal, signet 2 ry 0,08
Coan (300m2) 800 ry Villa

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Stable, elephant 8 yo - Per day and elephant, feed, water and bath included
Stable, horse 2 yo - Per day and horse, feed and water included
Lodging Average 6 yo - Individual beds, per night
Lodging Good - Private rooms, per night
Lodging Poor 2 yo - Comunal dorms, per night
Rent, coan 18 ry Villa in Myrn Shryac, per month
Rent, wayiy flat 3 yo Small apartment in Myrn Shryac, per month
Fetters 6 yo 1,25
Keys +2 yo 0,05
Lock +8 yo 0,2
Lockbox, small +12 yo 1 1,5 Kg capacity
Lockbox, big +24 yo 1,5 6 Kg capacity
Lockpick set, small 1 ry 0,15 +0 lockcraft
Lockpick set, large 2 ry 0,3 +10 lockcraft
Waterclock 50 ry 66
Amber 28 ry 10 yo - Per Kg
Ambergris 8 ry 0,025 25 mL
Incense 36 yo 1 -
Ceramic beads necklace 5 yo 0,03
Glass, drinking +12 yo 0,2
Glass beads necklace 12 yo 0,03
Gold ring and small gem 45 ry -
Golden necklace 5 ry -
Ivory, elephant 40 ry 10 Kg
Ivory, rhinocero 13 ry 3 kg
Oil, bath 44 ry 0,8 1L
Perfume, average +6 yo 0,025 25 mL
Perfume, Bulchyades 1 ry 5 yo 0,025 25 mL
Soap 35 yo 1
Musical instruments
Drum, bass 1 ry 1
Drum, hand 2 ry 10 yo 3,5
Fiddle 8 ry 2,5
Flute, bamboo 3 yo 0,2
Flute, bone 17 yo 0,25
Flute, trasnverse, wood 1 ry 0,25
Gong 2 ry 5
Lute 10 ry 2,5
Harp 15 ry 6
Zither 12 ry 4
Bowl, copper 7 yo 0,2
Bowl, pewter 5 yo 0,2
Brazier 5 ry 8
Bucket, copper 9 yo 0,5
Cauldron, iron 12 yo 10 50L capacity
Chain, light 3 yo 3 450 Kg supp.
Chain, medium 9 yo 9 1.500 Kg supp.
Chain, heavy 15 yo 15 4.500 Kg supp.
Chisel 6 yo 0,25
Fishooks 2 yo 0,03 Per dozen
Flint and steel 3 yo 0,15
Hammer, utility 6 yo 0,5
Harpoon 2 ry 1,5

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Hoe 3 yo 0,6
Mirror, bronce 1 ry 0,5
Nails 6 yo - Per Kg
Pan, copper 12 yo 0,5
Plate, tin 2 yo 0,15
Plough 3 ry 8 yo 4
Razor 6 yo 0,075
Saw, hack 10 yo 0,5
Saw, two-person 22 yo 1,5
Shovel 12 yo 1
Sickle, short shaft 1 ry 1,4
Sickle, long shaft 2 ry 2,5
Sundial, bronze 23 ry 17
Trunk, small 8 yo 1,5 7 dm3 (7 L) capacity
Trunk, medium 15 yo 2,5 14 dm3 (14 L) capacity
Trunk, large 24 yo 4 25 dm3 (25 L) capacity
Anchor, boat 12 yo 6
Anchor, shhip 1 ry 30
Canvas, waterproof 30 yo 1,2 Per m2
Quinkajec (atrolabe) 16 ry 0,75
Mast 18 yo - Per m
Net, fishing 15 yo 0,75 Per m2
Oar, one man 15 yo 3 3m
Oar, two men 1 ry 5 4,4 m
Bowstring 2 yo 0,05 Kg
Fishing line 2 yo 0,1 Kg Per 3 m
Net, combat 5 ry 4 Kg
Rope, hemp, light 3 yo 0,25 Kg Per meter. Supp: 600 Kg
Rope, hemp, heavy 6 yo 0,35 Kg Per meter. Supp: 1.500 Kg
Rope, silk 15 yo 0,1 Kg Per meter. Supp: 600 Kg
Astrologist 2 yo - Per answer
Courtesan +15 yo - Per evening
Drye cleaning 6 yo -
Litigant, contract +12 yo -
Litigant, court appearance +12 yo -
Litigant, will/ deed 2 ry -
Mercenary, light 15 yo - Per day
Mercenary, medium 30 yo - Per day
Mercenary, heavy 60 yo - Per day
Public baths, average 2 yo -
Public baths, good 4 yo - Perfums and oil massage included
Prostitute 3 yo -
Scribe 6 yo Per hour
Blanket, elephant 2 ry 6 Kg
Blanket, horse 12 yo 1,25 Kg
Bridle 12 yo 0,5 Kg
Castle, elephant 24 ry 180 Kg
Comb, elephant 5 yo 0,5 Kg
Comb, horse 3 yo 0,2 Kg
Harness 25 yo 2,7 Kg
Horseshoe 1 yo 0,2
Saddle bag, leather 2 ry 4

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Saddle, leather 12 ry 10
Saddle, elephant 4 ry 50 Kg
Shoeing, horse 2 yo - Per shoe
Wood, acojo 13 yo - Per 100Kg
Wood, bamboo (tubaak) 7 yo - Per 100 Kg
Wood, cedar 16 yo - Per 100 Kg
Wood, evergreen oak 16 yo - Per 100 Kg
Wood, pine 13 yo - Per 100 Kg
Wook, teak (dow) 30 yo - Per 100 Kg
Boat Large (10m) 94 ry -
Boat Medium (6m) 17 ry -
Boat Small (3m) 3 ry -
Cart (two-wheeled) 4 ry 400
Cart (four-wheeled) 11 ry 450
Passage Stagecoach (per Km) 18 yo
Passage Cart (per Km) 8 yo -
River ferry (per person) 3-5 yo -
Passage ship (per Km) 12 yo -
Arrowhoeads (20) 12 yo 0,4
Arrows (20) 25 yo 0,75
Battle Axe 4 ry 3,5
Battle Hoe 3 ry 2
Blowpipe 12 yo 0,5
Bow, Short 1 ry 10 yo 1
Bow, Composite 5 ry 1,5
Bow, Long 3 ry 5 yo 1,5
Dagger 1 ry 0,5 With scabbard
Flail (simple) 2 ry 3,5
Flail (morning star) 3 ry 10 yo 4,5
Galay (throwing disc) 3 ry 5 yo 1,5 Simular to chakram or shuriken
Hand Axe 2 ry 2,5
Mace 4 ry 2,5
Omna 6 ry 0,75 Long curved knife, with scabbard
Omna, broad 7 ry 1 With scabbard
Pike 4 ry 10 yo 5 3 meters long
Pitchfork 4 ry 10 yo 2,7
Quiver 10 yo 0,25 20 arrows capacity
Spear 2 ry 10 yo 3
Spear (glaive) 3 ry 10 yo 3,5 Curved blade
Spear, wavy leaf 3 ry 3
Vulmaw Saber 10 ry 2
Vulmaw Saber, Two Handed 14 ry 10 yo 3
Wulhon 3 ry 3 Womawin mace
Barrel, cask 2 ry 6 120 L
Barrel, hogshead 15 yo 2 30 L
Block and tackle 6 yo 0,75
Cabinet 7 ry 17 10 m3
Carving + 1 ry - Per m2
Canopy bed 2 ry 10 yo -
Chair 12 yo 1,5
Kite, toy +4 yo 0,3
Kite, crewed 12 ry 12 40 Kg capacity

- -

Chart of Prices
Item Price Weight Notes
Lacquering + 6 yo - Per m2
Ladder 5 yo 5 2m
Maul 24 2,5
Palanquin +5 ry 12
Quarterstaff 24 yo 1,5 2m
Table 35 yo 7
Wheel 18 yo 3
While, iron rimmed 30 4
Wheelbarrow 10 4
Yoke, buffalos 15 yo 5
a) Abbreviations. Ga = Gawj. Yo = Yotî. R y= Rywo.
b) Conversion. For conversion to first dynasties coinage system, 1 yotî = 1,16 upri. For conversion to Lóchan
coinage system, 1 yotî = 0,7 nuah.
c) Variability of prices. The prices above are for a big city of Codya (like Myrn Shryac), well supplied and
where many products are available. In smaller towns or in villages, the prices may be much higher (20% to
80%) and the goods might not be available. Do not forget than in these remote places, barter is much more
common than the use of coins (the prices should then be used as a reference). For specialities of some areas
(like Cilyarin ceramic or copper masks of Cudaw) the prices are about 10%-40% cheaper in the production
places. They also become more expensive when going far from the area of production.

10 PEOPLE OF Anthô Vûd was born in S.A. 940 in Yicoreg, a

NOTE small city of fishermen and craftmen of the

Wolim coast. The high status of his family —his
father was lieutenant of the Hionvul army—
allowed him to gain access to a good education,
10.1 ANTHÔ VÛD being sent to Tarsa to study mathematics,
astronomy and navigation.
10.1.1 APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY In S.A. 962 he was sent by the Hionvul to Vulm
Shryac in order to capture some ships in
Anthô Vûd was not much tall (1,68m) but retaliation for piracy acts committed against
enjoyed a strong constitution. He used to wear trading ships with imperial business, a task that
his hair short and hairless face, as well as Anthô Vûd fulfilled quickly and effectively,
military attire, even off duty. Anthô was wining the confidence of the Hionvul. For some
characterized by a firm and diligent will, almost years, Anthô Vûd obtained the post of captain in
obsessive regarding the fulfillment of his duties, Alcevrok fortress, in the island of Cevra.
what led him to be capable of facing the biggest
risks as long as accomplishing his mission. Later, following order of the Hionvul Hazlac
However, he also had a more carefree side, as he Dral, Anthô arranged a small squadron with the
was affectionate and close to his kin. He also was essential intention of recognition of the Ormal
a very devout man that felt very close to his Bay lands. This first voyage made known that the
forefathers’ spirits, whom he often sought advice land of Sheshnoria was inhabited by a
and made offerings to. distrustfully folk of primitive habits and swarthy
skins (the Jôpi), and the presence of two lynerian
colonies, Cilyar and Sheshnor.

- -

In that voyage, Anthô explored the Vultures’ also thrived by the commerce with other
Islands, but didn’t linger too much there, as Bulchyades and lynerian cities.
during his arrival, the volcano of the main island
Two years later, his friend and brother-in-law
had erupted, spewing out dark spits of lava and
Misek, who finally achieved the charge of Cilyar
producing a large column of harmful smokes.
Delegate, offered him a place in the League and a
The sailmen were scared of the inhospitable
seat in the Council with the same rights as the
island and so they named it as Fauc (V. “Black)
Dwarves and the Elves, but Anthô demonstrate
and spread leyends about the evil spirits that
himself loyal to the Hionvul and turned down the
inhabited it.
Soon later, heading for western lands, Anthô
Anthô was a active men that reached advanced
rescued a young lynerian merchant called Misek
age managing his fief and even joining the
that had been attacked by the Jôpi. All his men
military incursions inland to suffocate the Jôpi
perished and he lost his goods. Unknowing his
hostilities. In S.A. 1011, in one of these
identity —the son of the most rich and
incursions, Anthô was hit by a poisoned arrow,
prestigious merchant of Cilyar—, Anthô ended
and died before his subject could carry him to
strucking up a good friendship with Misek, who
help Anthô’s entourage were warmly received in
The Anthô reports made the Hionvul took a
fancy to the creation of a colony in Sheshnor, but
the strong lynerian presence set back his idea.
Luckily, three years later, while Anthô was in
charge of a ten ships squadron, promoted 10.2.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY
because of the success of his first expedition, In his prime, Demik was 1,73m tall, strongly
Codya was granted the rights to establish a built, with brown eyes and a long black hair in
colony in Sheshnor, and the Hionvul entrusted the classic Vulmaw style.
again the task to Anthô.
He was an ambitious ruler, well aware that
Despite of being able to chose more and biggest previous generations of Womaw and Vulmaw
ships, Anthô preferred again the frinj called had been able to carve themselves long-lasting
“Wings of Artha” to command the expedition, dynasties in regions far from their homelands.
accompanied of two other itzas, quick vessels for Nevertheless, Demik Vur was not a tyrant, taking
assaulting purposes. They hold up in a beautiful pains to care for the settlers with whom he had
bay with about 200 men and quickly, Anthô got been entrusted to lead.
underway the work for the foundation of a
settlement, that was named as Drej Uriac (V.
“Western City”). Year after year, new ships 10.2.2 BIOGRAPHY
arrived to Drej Uriac: enterprising, women,
sailmen families, etc. A slow but constant flow of Demik Vur was born in S.A. 1111, near Tarsa. On
goods established among Bulchyades, Lynerian account of his parents death at early age, Demik
League, Sheshnor, Lóchas Drûs and even was raised by his uncle in their familiar manor.
Womawas Drûs. After achieving the thriving of He was instructed in scholarly arts and
the city, Anthô got married got married with swordmanship, but he didn’t manage to master
Kídur —daughter of Misek—in S.A. 981, but his what he was taught, and his uncle wasn’t too
heart wasn’t still in peace as it yearned bigger much satisfied with him. “I want to defeat a
goals. thousand enemies” said Demik. Hence, his uncle
tried to educate him in military strategy and
In S.A. 994, the Hionvul rewarded Anthô with a warfare tactics. All of wich, together his noble
nobilian title, Shû. Thus, Anthô made a third lineage, made him progress rapidly in the posts
voyage to the northern coasts of Sheshnoria with of the Hionvul army.
his family and most faithful fellows. He hold up
in the estuary of a river, that offered easy In S.A. 1138 a rebellion erupted in Ka’ish to
defense. There he founded the city of Acha, ahich overthrow the Lóchan rule. Demik was sent to
the city of H’ent, under the command of Wayot

- -

Wan Dral, minor son of the Hionvul Akuta Wan to establish means of communication with
Dral. The offensive of the K’pruri warriors was so Demik, who provided information to Heroj in the
fierce that crushed the tidy Lóchaw lines to the shadows untill his death in S.A. 1176.
same guard of prince Wayot, that was injuried
and latter died. After the withdrawal, Demik had
to assume command of the regiment, and later
beat the K’pruri. Almost with no time to
celebrate the Wayot funerals in Tarsa, Demik left
for V’Shrang as the Ts’dan warships attacked
Lóchaw fortresses in the north provinces. 10.3.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY
Despite of the number of rebels were higher than Short (1,66m) and stout, Kapo Fé seemed to bear
firstfly expected, Demik defeated the Ts’dan in a the weight of the rule upon his droopy shoulders,
bloody naval battle. even in his youth. His skin was fairly tanned, his
Hionvul Akuta Wan-Dral recognized the Demik face wide and oval and generally had a frowned
merits, and in S.A. 1146 sent him deliberately to gesture. While his actitude could be sometimes
lead Codya as Hion, with explicit instructions to haughty, he was actually an insecure person,
take any advantage to weaken the Chyan Empire. need of constant adulation, distrustful and
Once he arrived he realized that Codya wasn’t vindictive. However, he was a good ruler, and
the prosper province he thought it was. Codya even though he took part in a tumultous stage,
was still a wild land, desintegrated in some noble later historians demostrated he took wise
fiefs that own the water and cultivable land, full decisions for Codya and his people.
of hostile Jopî tribes and where the Bulchyans
and Lynîr imposed their trade rules.
Soon Demik started to worry about these
troubles and devised some plans to centralize the At 24 years old, Kapo Fé began his military
irrigation system. Far less care did he take for career as lieutenant old during the Horl invasion
the Múranians, the Bulchyans and the Lynîr who (S.A. 1143) by plainsmen tribes, supporters of
now lived in the beautiful and cultured cities of Túvo. There he played a pivotal role, driving back
Codya. He began to take action against the Lynîr the plainsmen to the other side of the Orosúli,
hegemony, encouraging Vulmaw merchants to the core of Lóchas Drûs. Kapó Fé stayed for other
follow Lynîr ships and to supplant Lynîr four years commanding the vigilance of the
merchants along the coasts, especially in the mountains passes, and then was sent to V’Shrang
Southern Archipelago. These tactics began to to fight, ironically, under the command of Demik
show some success as Codya raised its status as a Vur, whom in S.A. 1156 was ordered to replace as
power on the Bay, becoming known for its Hion of Codya.
impressive military forces, its courageous and After his arrival to Codya, Kapo didn’t pay too
daring merchants, and its increasingly numerous much attention to Shûr claims, who were
outposts. accustomed to frequent councils with Hion
However the clear Hionvar instructions made Demik Vur, obtaining the distruct (and even
Demik decide to embrace the first oportunity to oppistion) of the aristocracy. Trying to get
extend Vulmaw power through military alliances, he married in S.A. 1157 with Itchou
channels. In order to solve the strain diplomatic Odôjavi, sister of Shû Puran Odôjavi.
relationships with the League and Bulchyades, In S.A. 1165, making use of the split of the Chyan
the Hionvul betrayed Demik and call him back to Empire, Fapo Fé undertook another campaign to
Tarsa where he condemned him to house arrest assail the ports of Olyas Kriis, Kythor, but mainly
for the remainder of his life, a full twenty years of Bulchyades, achieving a significant plunder that
forced retirement. enriched the Codya’s Treasury. The campaign
But in Codya, people objected this decision and was so succesful that the Hion forced many of
even his loyal right hand men —now leaded by these cities to pay annual tributes to Codya.
Heroj— started to engage piracty activities Kapo Fé tried to follow the unfinished reforms of
against the Bulchyan cities. Despite of Demik his predecessor, particularly the reform of the
was arrested in Tarsa, the Heroj’s gang managed

- -

irrigation system. His goal was to create a great In S.A. 1174 Jinvol repelled his sister’s rape by
hydraulic network, to improve the manegement the drunk foreman, who ended blind in one eye.
the water resources. These measure, that was Jinvol was condenmed with the talion style, in
against some Shûr interests, made the House speech, to be blinded in one eye. Fortunately, he
Lovaw rebel against Kapo Fé in S.A. 1177. managed to escape and joined a gang of fugitives
However, Kapo Fé drew up a clever plot and and deserters, dispossessed, bandits, in short,
conspiring with Jinvol —self-acclaimed leader of people left to misery who opposed the Shû and
the peasants— stirred up the population of the his law. Two years later, he leaded the gang and
Lovaw fief, whom they secretly provided harassed the House Lovaw, sending messages to
weapons. Thus, at the same time that the armed the peasants: “Assemble in the woods north of
peasants revolted against the House Lovaw, the Woij Fê and then we will march toward the city.
Hion Vrâcalawo (Vu. “Terrestrial Army of the Nobody could save it from our hands. We will
Governor”) went forward Woij Fê, cornering the throw the Lovaw out of the lands, and the whole
troops of the House Lovaw, that were forced to lands will pass to the Despossesed”. Such was
surrender. the discontent of the population that the
peasants stirred up and the news reach quickly
After S.A. 1182, and after 26 years of rule, Kapo
Fapo Fé ears, who saw a perfect occasion to
Fé died, bequeathing the most splendid Codya to
knock the opposite House Lovaw. He called
Jinvol to a secret camp in the jungle and
provided him weapons and supplies, promising
him hand over the lands to his family.
10.4JINVOL While a flash civil war broked out inside the
Lovaw territories, the royal troops marched to
Woij Fê, crushing his army. Before the Hion
10.4.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY Vrâcalawo could break through the walls of the
The chronicles usually depicted the young Jinvol city, Jinvol had been burnt down the Lovaw
as a rogue of fierce habits, slim, of average height palace and killed Shû Sauwa Lovaw.
(1,70m) and with fair features. He treated his Finished the conflict, Jinvol was named Shû by
subordinates and peers well even though he was Kapo Fé. Due to the conservative aristocratic
a ruthless and cruel toward his enemies. On the noblity of Codya and his lack of political
other hand, he was seen as a charismatic and experience, didn’t allow Jinvol to feel
popular leader, that forbid his men to kill or hurt comfortable in his new charge. Although he
any peasant, in order to win the trust of the reduced taxes, improved farming and the
common people. However, as most of men was peasants recovered his status of real freedom, in
feeble-minded and prone to corruption, as a few generations the House Jinvol merged into
proved his acceptance of peerage by Kapo Fé. the other Houses politics, forgetting the welfare
As Shû, he fulfilled his promises of lower the of the country persons.
tributes to peasentry and rewarded his subjects The natural heiress of Jinvol was Ohawc, eldest
who helped him knock down the Lovaw, but he son of the Shû and his wife Liuw. However,
didn’t master diplomatic or manegement skills to Jinvol didn’t see in Ohawc the necessary skills to
carry out his ideals. be his heiress, and prefered his son Ruamigon,
also son a Shû’s concubine. When in S.A. 1218
Jinvol died, Ruamigon was named Shû and,
10.4.2 BIOGRAPHY following rumours, the widow Liuw poisoned
When the Jinvol’s family came to work to the Ruamigon’s mother to revenge.
Lovaw’s states in S.A. 1162, he was 5 years old.
Some years later, contract debts —caused by the
exorbitant tributes of the Shû—, made them be 10.5WANFÔ
trapped in the status of menial and servant

- -

10.5.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY Chasca, payed from the charities of the pilgrims.
He also created an order of monks to guard the
Before he lost his wealth, Wanfô was a vicious spring and the temple. Making use of the crowds,
person and compulsive gambler that couldn’t salesmen established in the environs of the
find anything to satisfy his thristy soul. When he temple, that finally became the city of Go Ishac.
lost all his material possesions, he fell in
depression, and ventured to an endless Such was the importance of the spring that Hion
pilgrimage where he started to appreciate all the Quonag himself visited it in S.A. 1266 as he
things in life he look down on before (family, suffered a intense complaint of gout. After his
love, etc.), and became an spiritual person. When bath in the holly waters of Chasca, the Hion
he found a spring of water that healed his seemed to get better more than all his healers
wounds, he made up his mind and felt that he had ever achieved. In appreciation, the Hion
had to amend his sins helping other people that named Wanfô as Shû, and despite of his lack of
also was suffering. interest in politics, he accepted the title because
he felt a great opportunity to become the
He was popular popularly considered a wise man protector of the local people. Two years later, in
with a kind heart, that realized the first tool to S.A. 1268, the first public building was
heal people were not the waters of the spring, but constructed in Go Ishac.
Wanfô never took wife, but he adopted an
In his stage of wanderer and later holy man, orphan called Oniya, and made him successor at
Wanfô was a weak and small man (1,63m) with his death in S.A. 1273.
grey hair, small dark eyes and everlasting naive
grin that hided his deep knowledge.

It is said that before he was a traveller, Wanfô 10.6.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY
was the son of a moneyed merchant, that liked to
lead a dissolute and ostentatious life. He was Sorkûr Mûl was a popular and charismatic
lover of pleasures and vices, specially gambling leader, who manipulated his subjects for his own
but finally, blinded by avarice, lost all his father’s purposes while putting on an image of a
wealth. Saddened by his despicable behavior, benevolent and righteous lord. Even though he
and ashamed before his father, he decided to set started with firm and fair ideals —as many other
out a pilgrimage to amend his sins and find the men that fell by Corruption—, his path went deep
meaning of life. into the Darkness and finally got lost. The sharp
fall of Sorkûr Mûl have tradiotionally created
Some years later, in S.A. 1247, troubled by the several legends that speak of a curse came from
blisters in his feet and the arthritis that started to the jungles of Zurghôr that made Sorkûr to lose
suffer because of his age, Wanfô came to a spring his mind (See 14.1 A Darkness We Do Not Speak
of fresh water by a winding path that crossed the Of).
Jôpi Kneel. When he wet his legs in the spring
his pains fainted, felt young again, and the most In the other hands, the strengths of Sorkûr Mûl
important of all, felt whole heartedly to live again was his refined education, his capacity to take
and continue to write his life story. decisions and provide advices, perfrorming acts
that would win him the support of others, and
Thus, Wanfô began to spread the holiness of the his personal charisma.
spring (that ascribed to goddess Chasca) in such
a way that attracted more and more people, who At his youth Sorkûr Mûl was of average height
fulfilled the trip through the rough Jôpi Kneel to for a Vulmaw (1,72m); he had broad shoulders,
recover from their illnesses. strong legs and a strapping black mane. His
square face and rough expression contrasted
When the pilgrimage to the Wanfô’s spring with his small and beatiful eyes. After he feigned
became an event that overcame the local sphere his own murdered, when he was 63 years old, he
of influence, Wanfô decided in S.A. 1258 to raise disguised a Sargâr, an elder man, cloaked in grey
a temple in the surrounding area to worship robes and hided under a black mask.

- -

to the court, he ordered to murder Demrêk, but

without success. Demrêk felt so cornered and
10.6.2 BIOGRAPHY lack of support that also tried to murder Sorkûr
Sorkûr was born in S.A. 1806, the second son of Mûl.
Ohawc Mûl, brother of Hionvul Uwida Mûl of Demrêk Vur was finally murdered while sleeping
Lóchas Drûs. As tradition in the Lóchan imperial in his own room in S.A. 1835 by venomous gas.
line, Sorkûr was sent at the age of 9 to city of In order to removed suspicions, Sorkûr Mûl
Laeg Góak, in Womawas Drûs, to be educated openly show himself affected in the funerals and
and trained in the imperial academy of the initiated a false investigation of the crime.
Womaw Hionvor, distant relative of his family. Meanwhile, he gently offered himself to restore
Living in the royal court, Sorkûr made a great the order in Codya. Despite the Hionvul of
friendship with the prince Komûl, Hionvor’s Lóchas Drûs regreted the decision, the Shûr
firstborn and heiress, and Mûl Tanûl even support allowed to confirm Sorkûr as Hion two
considered him as his protegé. weeks later. The Empire, now in a civil war and
threatened in several fronts at the same time,
In S.A. 1823, Sorkûr finished his studies with simply couldn’t react.
excellent grade, and stepped into an advisory
role to the Hionvor, and further advised Komûl Sorkûr ordered to cease the tributes to the
when the prince was called upon to make Empire, and encouraged by seccesions like the
decisions. In S.A. 1828 he married with Sheaw, Southern Archipelago, he declared Codya in S.A.
cousin of Tanûl, consolidating the bonds with the 1840 as an independent realm.
imperial family. A year later, his first son Avahya Despite he didn’t always choose fair means,
was born. Sorkûr had loyal goals for Codya like finishing
Soon, Sorkûr became one of the most powerful with the torpor and corruption of Lóchan
men in Womawas Drûs, however he held more governors.
ambitions. He wanted to ruled by his own right, One of his firsts measures was to offer voluntary
but he couldn’t overthrow his menthor Tanûl or discharge to the soldiers involved in the Ka’ish
get rid of his friend Komûl, so he decided to wars at the same time he reorganized the army.
return with his family to Lóchas Drûs in S.A. He issued an order for those who had deserted,
1833. Unfortunately, it was an awful moment in stating that they will be forgiven, and those who
the whole Empire and Sorkûr wasn’t welcomed returned to their respective corps will be
as he expected. The defeat suffered at the hands provided by the state for a year.
of Ts’dan warriors of Ka’ish reduced perceptibly
the size of the empire and the popular trust in In S.A. 1843 Sorkûr also issued three decrees, the
the Hionvul. first to officialize the lowering of taxes and
decrease the periodicity of dwarij ryw (V.
Seeing in advance the weakness of the Mûl “Lord’s due”), the second to fix the taxes paid to
family, Sorkûr gathered supporters and sailed to the state by the regional lords. The land tax on
Codya to make use of its troubled situation. The agricultural production was reduced to a rate of
hatred to the Emperor, his tyranic politics and one-fifteenth of crop yield. The third decree was
the people’s pain for the young blood loss in the to return to the masses 20 utmeg ahead,
distant wars of the Empire rised the stress to the corresponding to the mean contribution to the
burning red. imperial taxes.
Trying to gain the sympathy of the Shûr, Sorkûr Sorkûr also developed public works in cities and
held court in several cities dispensing gifts and ports, and created a secret spying organization
favours. He also offered his services to the that infiltrated in several realms of the Ormal
current Hion, Demrêk Vur, who at first Bay while diplomatic ties were extended to other
distrusted him as he thought Sorkûr was sent by Vulmaw colonies. Many of the sons of another
the Hionvul to calm any revolt that could independent Vulmaw realms were sent to Codya
happen. However, Sorkûr didn’t hurry and for education, thar became a new center in the
developed his strategy firmly. Thus, Demrêk map of the Vulmaw culture.
turned his suspicion to confusion and then
alarm. When Sorkûr’s men gained plenty access

- -

Despite the solid treats with other Vulmaw servants and officers to the first sing of treachery
realms, Codya was still a second power, only a and tortured Jôpi rebels to death.
strecthing tiger puppet trying to get the throne
On the physical field, Yoen was an average man
held by the influential Lynerian League.
(1,75m), but right-handed and skillful with
Sorkûr sought allies for a foreseable war and sent weapons. He was characterized by a pronunced
his agents to the jungles of Zurghôr and hired nose and sunken eyes.
pirates for harass the ports of Olyas Kriis and
Bulchyades. Twenty years later, the war of
attrition finished, and Sorkûr seemed to reveal 10.7.2 BIOGRAPHY
his cards. In S.A. 1869, when his spies and
ambassadors. When his spies and ambassadors Although Yoen never spoke of his early days, it’s
told him that the Zurghîr were finally ready, he said that his parents were laborers, other
organised his own false assassination, and minstrels sing that his father was officer in the
instructed his son Avahya to declare that the small town of Iawun, on the bank of Yai-tayin
assassins were Lynîr. river. There is also a legend that said that when
he was born, there was a violent storm that
The funerals were lavish, and the masses were pulled up trees, brought down roofs and even
furious by the loss of the most popular Hionvul plunged red mood. The elder men said that it
they ever enjoyed. It weren’t neccesary Ahaya was a omen of the big changes that Yoen was
ordered to expel the Lynîr from the kingdom. destined to lead.
Before being killed by frenzy mobs, the Lynerian
merchants flee quickly and and all their Whatever he came from, he served for the House
possessions confiscated by local rulers, who Cuiwum in the War among Shûr (S.A. 1881-1891)
gathered huge booties. and his good services brought the attention of
Hionvul Feizon Draj. Even at his early stage in
Meanwhile, Sorkûr ruled in the shadows, his army career, Yoen had ambitions for political
disguissed with a Black Mask as Sargâr, the career. He acted as Shû Jait Cuiwum’s agent and
mysterious advisor of Hionvul Avahya. spy in the Hionvula Council. He also learnt for
The war with the Lynerian League, and his allies diplomatic issues dealing with Lóchans for the
the Chyans, lasted for five years (from S.A. 1869 House Cuiwum. In S.A. 1907 he was proposed
to 1874) and finished when the enemies had for the throne and elected by corrupt ways.
taken all Codya and sieged the city of Myrn Inmediately after he came to the throne, he
Shryac. Completely desperate to the determined eliminated the Chambelain Quoc Kaxt, who had
actituted of Sorkûr and his son, some members become de facto ruler of Codya. Yoen knew that
of the Royal Court reveled the identify of Sargâr was surrounded by other corrupted advisers and
before the masses. Sorkûr and Avahya Mûl were he tended to be suspicious of the few skilled
both killed by the mob, and a group of nobles subordinates he did have. Thus, he ordered the
successfully negotiated peace with the Lynerians slow death of the High Healer when he noticed
and Chyans, having to shamefully bow under that his favourite concubine was poisoned.
their enemies' victory.
At first, he had no choice to go to war when the
The firsts Hionvula of Codya, that could have Jôpi raised in Jojojopo against the Vulmaw
died with glory and golden letters, finished with dominion. While he was fighting in the Jôpi
his corpses burnt and his names staring in the Kneel, in S.A. 1908, he discovered the treachery
most disgraceful chapters of the Codyan history. of the general Demik Ryw and executed him in
front of all his troops.
Despite the encouraging victories in Jojojopo,
10.7 YOEN Yoen was afraid of the risks of being far away
from Myrn Shryac. The same conspirators that
10.7.1 APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY had toppled previous Hionvula could drive him
out of the throne. Therefore, some months laters
Calculating, cold, smart and sometimes irritable, he delegated the command of the army to the
he was remembered by his cruelty, killed general Chat Oacan and came back Myrn Shriac.

- -

Yoen was received with a great popular acclaim He introduce many reforms as the secret choice
because of his military victories. of the successor and the abolition of the Shûr
election system that so much desastibilization
The Shûr didn’t dare to rise up because the
had caused in the years of the Brief Hionvula.
popularity of Yoen, bu they went on plotting
against him and other loyal Shûr. A year later, in Owing to illness, he abdicated in S.A. 1930 in his
S.A. 1909 the House Mawyon started a conflict son Sêdah, founding the new Yoen dynasty.
with the Odôjavi, and conquered some of its Three years later he died and was buried in a
territories. Morever, Kanyen II of Lóchas Drûs, new mausoleum built for the Yoen dynasty.
allied with Insho Mawyon through the marriage
of their sister and son, respectively, incorporeted
the fief to Lóchas Drûs.
However Yoen wasn’t able to react until the next
dry season when the general Chat Oacan came
back from Jojojopo, having subjugated all the
Jôpi little realms. While the troops of Chat
Oacan came forth Cudaw from the North, Yoen 10.8.1 APPEARANCE AND
sieged the city with the Codyan navy, swelled by PERSONALITY
hired pirates from Sarê and other Vulmaw from Aervegil was a pure blood Númenorean, an
the Blessed Islands. The Mawyon-Lóchan forces impressive man (2,04m) with jet black hair and
confused by the Yoen’s naval attack neglected the green eyes, that is almost found with grey and
walls protection, enabling Chat Oacan to red garb and silver necklace, the heirloom of the
penetrate the city gates and seizing the castle, Malantûri.
forcing the Mawyon-Lóchans to withdraw.
He was a formidable warrior and charismatic
Soon after his return to Myrn Shryac, the Jôpi leather, wise in the affairs Souther Middle Earth.
Joup Kapalwe bowed to Hionvul’s feet with He was also very ambitious and corrupt, prone to
presents and handed over his sons and daughters commit any cruel act to profit himself. He looked
as hostage in the Codyan Court. The recognition down on the native peoples as the Lynîr or the
of the Hionvul consolidated once and for all, and Vulmaw, deeming them lesser Men.
even went beyond the Codya bounds.
With that key victories, Yoen stabilized Codya
and could fulfill other projects that 10.8.2 BIOGRAPHY
demonstrated his talent wasn’t restricted to the
Aervegil’s grandfather, named Malantûr (S.A.
military field. Seasoned reader, he understood
1640 – 1882), was the minor son of Tar-Minastir
the need of a reference book to make easy the
of Númenor and founder of this branch of the
book searching in fields as history, astronomy,
royal line.
mathematics, medicine, etc. The book was
finished in S.A. 1914 with the efforts of dozens of He was born in S.A. 1829 and passed his
scribes and was titled Great Bibliography of childhood in the familiar palace in the outskirts
Vulmaw History and Sciences. of Armenelos, close to Menertalma. His father
Angárato was usually outdoors, going with
Yoen also adopted other series of polices
Ciryatan in his voyages towards the East, the
conducive to the well-being of the realm, such as
North and South, untill Ciryatan obtained the
actively encouraging and rewarding the people to
scepter. Soon Aervegil, captivated by his father’s
reclaim the wasteland, rehabilitating the
exotic presents and tales, decided to follow in his
hydraulic engineerings of the main rivers (built
footsteps and became sailor. From S.A. 1851 he
by Kapo Fé) and reforming the tax and dwarij
accompanied his father and the Prince Ciryatan
ryw system. With these policies, he greatley
to several voyages, strengthening the military
lightened the peasants’ burden and recovered the
forces in Jelhan (that later was called Sakal an-
social economy destroyed by the wars and
Khâr) and returning Númenor with luxury
bloodloss of youth blood in the days of Sorkûr
products such as spices, ivory, gold and gems.
Mûl and the War among Shûr.

- -

In S.A. 1869, Ciryatan was crowned in Númenor Sheshnor, and right-hand man of the notorious
and and Aervegil were sent back the Bay of and powerful Tanûri family.
Ormal under orders of his uncle Barvegil, to
When the Council of Sheshnor granted the
suffocate the Vulmaw uprising, supporting his
Númenoreans the right to expand their block to
Chyan and Lynîr allies. Soon after finishing with
the other side of the river in S.A. 1963, Aervegil
Sorkûr Mûl, Aervegil met with Cirvellon of
took charge of the construction of a new harbour
Rómena in Aelinost, special emissary of Tar-
and later, in S.A. 1973 of the walls that divided
Ciryatan who delivered him a letter to entering
the Númenorean city from the western bank,
the service of Cirvellon. For three years he leaded
inhabited by Lynerians. Since then, the eastern
the guard of Cirvellon and learnt from him the
city were known as Cirlond.
ways of courtier and the Númenorean doctrine of
hegemony over lesser man and their kingdoms. To the Lynerian surprise, in S.A. 1977, Tar-
In S.A. 1879 his uncle Barvegil was appointed as Ciryatan appointed Aervegil as governor of
governor of Harfalas and Aervegil accompanied Cirlond, only subject to the own High-King and
Cirvellon back to Númenor, who gave favourable therefore, Cirlond as a Númenorian colony.
reports for him to the High Kings. He married in
Aervegil played a relevant role in the later
S.A. 1881 with lady Firtae. A year later, before his
confrontation with the Lynîr about the applicable
daughter Calara was born, he was sent again to
law and the tariffs of the new harbour. Unwilling
Jelhan with a great fleet to improve the defences
to renounce to any of the rights he thought his
of Barvegil in Harfalas against the Tarlai and
people deserved, Aervegil proposed the Tanûri to
Monan people. Three years later, making use of a
take the claim to the Great Council of the League,
period of truce, his wife and daughter moved to
that finally confirmed the Númenorean
interpretation. However Aervegil was not
In S.A. 1899 Aervegil leaded a wing of the completely convinced and he continued the
Númenorean army in the conquest of Jamna and builing of forts and increased the militia in all
then he was latter appointed colonial officer, Númenorean blocks used as local police.
with functions to oversee the construction of
After unsuccessful diplomatic negotiations, the
several defensive forts and manage the
Lynerians decided to besiege Cirlond in S.A.
plantations in the area. He settled in the city of
1980 and Aervegil first asked for help to his
Ejhahat, where his son Cemengil was born in
cousin Falasdor, son of Barvegil, now governor of
S.A. 1905. Aervegil made use of enslaved native
Harfalas. Falasador refused to engage what he
population for the cacao plantations. He did not
thought it was a distant conflict and Aervegil was
care for the Tarlai and Monam, and “found the
forced to ask for help to Númenor, who sent a
lesser men unpleasant to share a house with”.
fleet that reached Cirlond the following year,
Despite he had to face some slave revolts,
when the colony was about to capitulate.
Ejhahat became prosperous under Aervegil’s
rule. Althought the mighty Númenorean fleet crushed
the Lynerian, the things turned the other side in
However he increased his ambition: he wanted
S.A. 1990 when the Lynîr (with Vulmaw, Shayan
to rule a colony by his own. Knowing of his
and Wôlim mercenaries) besieged again Cirlond,
priviledge position because of his familiar ties
forcing Aervegil to beg for peace. Although it
with Barvegil and Tar-Ciryatan he accused the
could seem it was a Lynerian victory, the
governor of Ejhahat of treason, expecting to
Númenoreans kept their privileges in Cirlond
replace him in his post. However, Aervegil
and Aervegil remained in charge of the colony.
couldn’t present enough evidences and the
governor was released withouth charge. In order As of the end of hostilities, Aervegil engaged in
to prevent future confrontations, Barvegil businesses to increase his wealth and estates,
appointed Aervegil in S.A. 1932 for colonial many times through open corruption. Still
trading officer in the lynerian city of Balkulôni, resentful with Falasdor, who omitted his
that the Lynîr called Sheshnor. requests of military help, Aervegil turned his
back on him when he showed interest in the
Being responsible for trading taxes, and because
politics of Cirlond. Tha Tanûri family requested
of his nearby with the royal line, Aervegil soon
Falasdor to promote an undertaking to subject
became on of the most important Númenorian in
the Lynîr but owing to the unstable situation in

- -

Harfalas, Falasdor rejected the project and and opnened the food storages to aid those who
accused Aervegil be a radical only interested in were poor.
lining his pockets. Such was the rage that
While Hunaw marched towards Tsinaw in Aiyn
Falasdor heated in Aervegil, that when he came
S.A. 2178, Ponwac gathered the local agrarian
back to Harfalas in S.A. 2105, he manipulated
rebels to fall under his command in pillaging Go
the sects of Zurghîr to murder Falasdor and
Ishac grazing ranches. Soon, much of
make them believe that they achieved a great
northwestern Codya was surrendered to Hunaw
victory against Harfalas.
and Hionvul Tuxac couldn’t even react.
Some years later, Aervegil felt old and passed the
Laishô surrendered in Vusag and Hunaw forgave
title of governor to his son Cemengil in S.A. 2112.
Shû Chat Lômzuw. Ponwac, supported by Vûd
Aervegil died five years later, in the middle of the
and Lômzuw navy captured Drej Uriac. Hunaw
civil war of Sakal an-Khâr where his minor son
declared himself Prince and moved his capital to
Menelvegil was fighting leading the radical
Drej Uriac. But when Hunaw sent Ponwac east to
try to capture Wern Draic, was blocked by the
Hion Vrâcanaik. His ships were sunkened and
Ponwac died some days later because an infected
10.9HUNAW ÂMHDU wound. Despite Hunaw was about to surrender
after the tough loss, the peasant rebels rose up in
Wern Draic and Havd S.A. 2179, Hunaw
10.9.1APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY controlled mainland Codya.
Hunaw was a brave and strong man (1,76m) with Hunaw finally launched an attack on Myrn
the classic long black hair, hooked nose, full red Shryac in Jin S.A. 2179. He crushed the last
lips and very piercing dark eyes. Impulsive but loyals of the Vosh, inflicting more than a half of
clever, Hunaw had an accute sense of irony and casuelties. Tuxac Vosh tried to escape to the
humour. Blessed Island, but his ship was intercepted near
the Dream Islands and was killed.
As leader he had some weaknesses as losing
courage in his convictions when put to the test, Once established in the throne, Hunaw didn’t
however he had a great sense of social justice and developed too much reforms (surely due to his
prefer an upright lifestyle, exempt from too brief rule) except for the construction of a new
much luxuries and vices. royal palace in Drej Uriac. Hunaw died of disease
in S.A. 2184 at the age of 55.

The Âmhdu family belonged to a minor 10.10 ZOUK ÂMHDU
aristocracy that owned lands in northwestern
Codya. Witth prestige and military experience,
made use of the popular discontent to rose in 10.10.1 APPEARANCE AND
rebellion along with his brother Ponwac. Hunaw PERSONALITY
justified the plagues and draughts of the
Though Zouk was the first born of Hionvul
previous years as Gods punishment to the bad
Faylik and was anxious to exercise royal
rule of Hionvul Tuxac Vosh.
authority, he wasn’t appointed heir as his lack of
Hunaw invited people to join his milita and virtues was evident. He didn’t like studying and
gathered several hundred men. When the House disregarded his father advices, but rather like to
Vûd realized the strength of the Âmhdu, invited spend time in games, hunting and fighting.
them to a feast in Achaj in Xâm S.A. 2178, but Therefore Faylik preferred his disciplined second
Hunaw, his brother Ponwac and other seven wive’s first son, Rywo, but he knew his first son
cohorts, took Vacwin Vûd captive and and often told Laim to be careful of his vengative
announced that they were rebelling against the brother.
Vosh Dynasty. Hunaw arrested the Vûd officials
Zouk was a young man with an athletic build, of
average height (1,72). His skin was tanny and

- -

liked wearing his hair on a mess and sporting a Laim, who had sheltered in the Fort of the
sparse moustache. Hunred Eyes was forced to withdraw when he
knew Zouk would kill his daughters if he
persisted. Later, he was forced to renounce
10.10.2 BIOGRAPHY officially the title of Hionvul and to hand over
Zouk, who forgave his life but exiled out of Myrn
Zouk never knew his mother, as she died in his Shryac, granted with the bare essentials
birth in S.A. 2196. Although Hionvul Faylik was possesions.
willing to have a son after his two first daughters,
soon realized he needed other successor, and As Laim was constantly watched, he began to
married again. make up his revenge through his daughter
Valiac. A year later, a hired female assasin
At the age of 16 he was appointed to the Hion disguised as musician, murdered Zouk while he
Vrâcanaik, and was trained by the general Oufij slept, removing obstacle to the return of the
who tried to curb his unconcerned behaviour. In exiled Laim.
S.A. 2220, already ill, Hionvul Faylik named heir
his son Ryuwo, and this brought great
resentment from the young prince. As high
official of the army, he began to create alliance,
promising rewards if he reached the throne. One
of the first officials he drew to his side was the
general Oufij.
When he knew he wasn’t going to be heir, Zouk
tried to come closer to his father, but Faylik
untrusted him and warned his others sons about
him. Actually he was plotting to murder his 11.1.1 HISTORY
father and his brother Ryuwo. According to the oral traditions, when Anthô
In Kódu S.A. 2222, Failyk fall ill and the High Vûd arrived to the island of Myrn it was very
Healer entered the Hionvul’s room to attend his innappropiate for life for several reasons. Firstly,
medical needs. The High Healer expelled his Myrn was a volcanic island (and very active) and
family and concubines. Soon thereafter, the the last eruption took place few years after the
Hionvul died, poisoned by arsenic. Vulmaw’s arrival. The spits of the Aartacwac
volcano (V. “Mouth of Demons”) devastated the
As Failyk was advanced in years, nobody suspect woody slopes of the island, lefting only a
Zouk. The night of the funeral, Zouk begged dishearthening black cloak, and thus, the island
Ryuwo to walk with him through the Royal was named at first Fauc (L. “Black”) by the
Gardens. As Ryuwo was afraid of Zouk, he Vulmaw.
accepted the invitation but ordered his
bodyguard to secretly follow him to react in case Ten years later of the expedition some Vulmaw
Zouk tried to do anything. Concerned about his arrived and saw the island very different to what
watchers, Zouk acted and pretended he was had described Anthô Vûd, as where there were
grieving his father’s death but knew Ryuwo was black soils now there were dense vegetation and
going to be a fair Hionvul. Meanwhile, the beatiful flowers, and so the island were renamed
trumptets sounded the alarm in the royal city, as Myrn, that means “Beatiful”. But it wasn’t so
and Rywo and his guards ran to the exit of the easy for the Vulmaw to colonise the island, as
gardens, falling into the Zouk’s trap. they said it was dwelled by aggresive spirits. So
that, it is said that the Vulmaw summoned very
Zouk had mustered his army (soldiers from the important monks and mystics, and after hard
Hion Vrâcanaik and pirates from the Southern battles against the spirits, the spirits were forced
Archipelago) and seized the Hionthawul, to withdraw to the volcano, allowing the Vulmaw
rapturing two of his half-daughters. When Rywo to colonise the island. Thus, when anytime the
and his men tried to escape from the Gardens, a volcano erupts, the Vulmaw have always said
party of Zouk’s men attacked him. When that the spirits are angry and want vengeance for
everyone falled, Zouk killed his brother with his the Vulmaw.
own sword.

- -

Myrn Shryac (L. “Beatiful Home”) was founded Númenorean and Lynerian (from Olyas Kriss).
in S.A. 987 in a sheltered bay on the The Bay of Vultures was a battle camp for more
northeastern coast of the island. Population than a year, but finally the allied fleet wasn’t able
raised quicky as the good conditions for to conquer Myrn Shryac, and withdrew. Two
agriculture (the volcanic soils are very fertile), years later, a bigger fleet returned to assault
and fishing, and also because of the woods that Codya, sieging again Myrn Shryac. The
allowed to establish a solid ship-building activity. resistance was very hard, a many men died in the
Their relevance was so that in S.A. 1037 Hion naval fights, but Myrn Shryac never fell. Anyway,
Jait Hodwon moved the capital of Codya from other cities surrendered and that forced Hionvul
Drej Uriac to Myrn Shryac. Myuyul to sign a peace treaty.
From about 300 years the eruptions were After the naval war against, between S.A. 2295
frequent but of small intensity, anyway in S.A. and 2301 Hionvul Xinij Âmhdu rebuilt the haven
1302 the a great eruption took place and the of Myrn Shryac (damaged by the Sâre attacks),
magma reached the city. Some neighbourhoods enlarging it and raising a majestic tower-
near the gates were destroyed and the volcanic lighthouse, which would be the symbol of the
ashes covered the city, killing many people city.
because of its extreme temperature and toxic
In later times of Âmhdu Dynasty, the Hionvul
gases. The city recovered from the catastrophe
Chen-Hó built a temple in honor of Dergar, the
but in S.A. 1422 another big eruption ocurred,
Death God, in the slopes of the Aartacwac
but this time the magma didin’t reach the city
volcano. Some inhabitants of Myrn Shryac
but volcanic ashes surprised many people out of
considered it as a blasphemy, poisoned the
their homes and killed them, although many
Hionvul and marched in S.A. 2442 to destroy the
houses were hurled down with their inhabitants
temple and Gamlha, the councellor of the
inside. Other strong eruptions happened in S.A.
Hionvul. Gamlha, who was in fact a
1433, 1439, 1576 and 1606 but these time Myrn
necromancer, summoned the evil spirits of the
Shryac inhabitants were more forewarned and
volcano, prompting a great destruction of the city
the damages were almost only material.
(and his own death) by a violent eruption of the
In S.A. 1873 Myrn Shryac suffered the first war Aartacwac.
attack as a combined fleet of Chyan,
The explosion of the volcano was a catastrophic
Númenorean and Lynîr put in siege the city
event to the city, as many of its population dide
during the Great Naval War. The extraordinary
by the burning ashes and the sulphuric fumes,
natural defenses of the city, added to their built
and even by the the lava which devastated the
defenses, allowed Myrn Shryac to resist during
Aartcwac slopes.
seven months, though other Codyan cities were
seized in this war. Myrn Shryac remained peaceful till S.A. 3272 ,
during the wat between the two parts of Codya
In S.A. 2222 Myrn Shryac became the scenario of
(the Anarikân Protectorate and the Fei’s Eastern
the strife among the sons of Hionvul Faylik
territories). Myrn Shryac received the attack of
Âmhdu. Laim Âmhdu, unable to assume that his
the Anarikân navy, and the naval resources of
son Zouk succeed his father, prepared a plan to
the city were smaller than the offender’s one
murder his father and then seize the crown. After
(since many ships were at that time assailing the
his father’s death the mercenaries of Laim
Lynerian League). The Anarikâni sieged for three
(coming from the Southern Archipielago) and a
months Myrn Shryac, that finally surrendered,
part of the navy of the city, seized the
what meant the first defeat of the city.
Hionthawul, allowing Laim to kidnap two of his
sisters and forcing Laim to renounce to the
crown. Laiim became Hionvul but for a few time.
Agents of Zouk (among them Valiac, Laim and 11.1.2 THE CITY AND ITS TERRITORY
Zouk’s daughter) infiltrated in Hionthawul, Myrn Shryac is trapped among cliffs, lying on a
murdering Laim, and returning the crown to circular inlet, sheltered from the tides of the
Zouk. Vulture’s Bay by a long cape of black rock. These
Myrn Shryac was sieged for second time in S.A. geographical and topographical conditions offer
2281. by a fleet composed of Chyan, an natural protection and provide an excellent

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disposition to be defended against any terrestrial urban structure is the coan, a group of houses
o naval attack. with a collective inner yard, usually with trees
and a sink; the perfect place for women gossips
The surroundings of Myrn Shryac are craggy and
and children spare time. The third type of
very sloped, and the only way to go deep into the
urbanism are the wayiy, some kind of high
island is by following the valley of the Gitz river.
buildings (usually with more than 7 floors)
The Vulmaw have been transforming the valley
divided in small size flats where the most humble
during centuries to make it a more suitable place
families lives. These neighbourhoods are densely
for agriculture. A no end of terraces of fertile and
populated in comparision with the serwai and
black earth laying at both sides of the Gitz
coan zones, and this conditions are usually
provide a wide range of vegetables: bananas,
remembered by the outsiders for their unhealthy
sweet potatoes, beans, jute, vines, mangos,
conditions, bad smells, crime and
maize, yam, etc. At the sides of the valley, where
farming isn’t posible, begin the old forest that
dominate more than a half of the island. The Several islets stands out from the entrance of the
forest is a humid habitat due to the frequent inlet in a strategical position. Two lighthouses
rainfalls and the condensation of fogs on the allow ships to come in or come out of the port,
trees leaves. Trees grows twisted and crowded of avoiding the hazardous cliffs of the cape.
mosses and parasite plants, anyway the soil is
lack of bushes: fems and different types of ivies
covers it. 11.1.3 POPULATION
The city is broken in two parts by the rapid POPULATION IN MYRN SHRYAC
waters of the Gitz river, that flows into the inlet.
There are three bridges to cross to the other side 25.000
of the city: the Gates Bridge, at the city entrance; 20.000
the Old Bridge, next to mouth of the Gitz; and 15.000
the Inlet Bridge, leaned on an islet in the bosom
of the inlet. The Inlet Bridge divides in two parts
the natural port; the inner port, the Port of the
Settlers is used for the smaller ships: boats,
fishing ships and every ship with not too much
pole to go under the span of the Inlet Bridge;
while the exterior port, the Port of Dawn, is used Year (Second Age)
for war vessels and the biggest trading ships.
Overlooking the city, in the top of the cliff, stands The island were unhabitated untill the the
the Royal Halls surrounded by stone walls. Vulmaw arrived, so they are the more important
Inside the walls there are the Hionthawul (the ethnic group (80%). Along the Second Age, the
splendid “House of the Hion”), the Hion Vulmaw are mixing with other folks. Anyway the
Garrison barracks, the Royal Treasure, the population of Myrn Shryac can be considered the
Sanctuary of the Son of the Sun Dragon, the most pure blooded Vulmaw of all Codya. Other
mausuleums of most of Codyan dynasties, the ethnic groups of the city are Jôpi (5%), Rakhê
Goún Library, and many other interesting (3%), Lynerians (2%), Númenoreans (2%) and
buildings. The only way to access to the Royal others (7%).
Halls is a tortuous road that leaves from the Port
of Dawn, although the legends tells about a
secret underground pass from the Hionthawul 11.1.4 TOWN LIFE
that link it up with a hidden maritime cave.
Vulmaw built Myrn Shryac with the idea of
The city planning is characterized for long and making a trading outpost in the Bay of Ormal,
wide avenues and for existence of three kinds of and it thrived so much that finally became the
buildings. The first are the serwai that looks capital city of Codya. The port and market of the
alike an urban villa. They have 3 or 4 floors and city are the axis of its economy. Ships from all
big gardens around, and they’re the residences of places, Lynerian League, Bulchyades,
the richest persons of the city. The second type of

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Harshandatt, Southern Archipielago, Olyas Kriis Jauyim of Myrn Shryac is designed by the
and even Lóchas Drûs, come to Myrn Shryac to Hion/Hionvul for an undefined period. He and
make business. his councillors are responsable for regulating
subjects as: private buildings construction,
The manufactures and craftsmanship of Myrn
festivals organization, taxes collection, directing
Shryac are scarce except the ones related with
the City Guard, etc. The job of the City Guard is
sailing works (for example the famous
to keep security and order. They are commanded
Quinkajec, an instrument used for being guided
by the Guard Lord, who is subordinated to the
by stars), although it should be noted the skillful
craftmen of the Coin House. Local tailors and
dressmakers are acclaimed and famous, since the The administration of justice is almost managed
Myrn Shryac fashion is a reference for all Codyan by a commitee of wise men (between 7 and 24
high classes. members, depending on the historical time), that
apply the Kod Ultor Warrants, the Codya Edhiz
A significant community in the city is the Hion
and the local regulations. The Hion/Hionvul
Garrison and Hion Vrâcanaik’ soldiers. The first
plays also a significant role in the justice system
one is a permanent corps, the disciplined
since he is the supreme judge (able to reject the
personal guard of the Hion; they’re viewed
resolutions of the commite of wise men) and he’s
seldom out of the Royal Halls if they’re not
also judge for the most important cases.
accompanying the Hion. In the other hand, the
Hion Vrâcnaik is a heterogeneous corps, formed Temples and religious orders are respected,
of several ranks soldiers (admirals, officers, elite- venereated (and influential in some cases)
warriors, sailor-warriors, militiamen, etc.). They institutions, however, owing to their ascetic
also have several origins, and about 40% of them lifestyle and their lack of interest about political
are outsiders that stay in the city from 2 to 8 stuffs, they’re not usually influence the
years. The soldiers spend their abudant spare important decisions of the city.
time drinking, gaming, socializing and rowing in
Nobility plays a significant role in the power
the several inns of the port neighbourhoods, and
structure, owing to their priviledged economic
it’s very known the frequent hostile meetings
and social position. They usually have bussiness,
between them and the City Guard.
trading companys, and they even own ships or
Despite the efforts of the City Guard, crime is a hired trading facilities.
common activity, specially in crisis times.
One of the biggest powers in Myrn Shryac is the
Thieves wander around markets and wayiy
port authority. It’s coordinated by the Port
neighbourhoods looking for careless people,
Master, and among its principal functions are:
while contraband is generally a port activivty.
collection of tying up and staying taxes, sale
Anyway, crime isn’t well organized, except for
taxes, stocks renting, reparations services, etc.
the famous and scary assassins gangs.
The Port Master figure is very connected with the
The aristocratic life is almost a leisure life. The Commander of the Hion Vrâcanaik Squadron,
favourite place for social relationships is the since he is also responsible of upkeep the
Agora of the Golden Scale, a “public” square military docks, and the more influential person
around several recreation areas for the nobles after the Jaujim. Although they haven’t
like: jewelry shops, musician centers, theaters recognized authority, everyone knows the
and social “clubs” to drink, eat and chat. Nobles exisntence of a security staff in the ports (for
spend a great deal of their time on their personal much people simple thugs) entrusted to check
appearance. They usually have hot baths in their everything is under control in the ports.
houses and women love to wear fashioned
Other organizations with power inside Myrn
Shryac are the Assassins Gangs, composed of
trained killers, ready to be hired for anyone who
have enough money. They have resources
11.1.5 ORGANIZATION AND POWER enough to avoid the City Guard, in other cases
Despite the Hion/Hionvul lives in the city, the they bribe them or even make an arrangement
direct rule of Myrn Shryac belongs to the before doing a job.
Jauyim, the Keys Master. Traditionally, the

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11.1.6 PLACES OF NOTE 8. Sun Square Market - This market is the

most frequented by the inhabitants of the city,
1. Temple of Arthan – After Lo-Shû, the and where they find all they need for their daily
people of Myrn Shryac profess a special lives.
adoration for Arthan, the God of Thunder and
Lighting, the Faster Messenger. The temple is a 9. Fishers Market - Here you can find the
simple but majestic stone construction, with a best and fresh sea products, vegetables of the
cross-shape inner yard. A 3m thick and 6m tall Gitz valley, exotic things, fishing tools and
wall prevents any busybody looking or accessing various kind of services related with sailing as as
inside. It’s divided in two parts, one dedicated to carpenters, sail-makers, tar sellers, etc.
meditation of monks and worship of Arthan, 10. Laikani Field – This esplanade is used
while the other building is for the monk rooms. for laikani matchs, the favourite sport of
Three mausoleums stands next to the temple, Vulmaw, in festivals or special events.
ready to house many generations of monks.
2. Temple of Lo-Shû – The temple is built
inside a square yard. It’s characterized for its
impressive entrance arch, guarded by the statues
of two winged dragons and the contrast betwen
the black basalt bricks and the white marble. The
interior of the temple is a luminous rectangular
vault, supported by two lines of marble columns.
3. Sanctuary of Oraya – This is a place to
worship and pray Oraya, the Lady of Moon, not
the same as the other temples, since it’s not
inhabited by a monastic order but actually a
monkey community. The sanctuary is like a stone
altar, composed of several floors, plenty of
sculptures of ladies. Two chapels with wooden
roofs stands at both sides of the altar.
4. Xinij Lighthouse – The construction of
this lighthouse was finished in S.A. 2301 during
the Hionvul Xinij Âmhdu rule. More than 50m
height, the Xinij Lighthouse in the main power
symbol of the city. From a 9m side hexagonal
basis rises a pefect cylinadrical tower that ends
in a big lighthouse. All the sailors tell that its
light can be saught for hundred kilometers, and
even the sound of its trumpets, played by
soldiers in the morning, can be heard in every
point of the city.
5. The Small Lighthouse – This lighthouse
is a small construction that warns ships about
the risk of the rocky islet where it’s lied.
6. The Pearl Lighthouse – It is the
lighthouse that welcome ships coming from Bay
of Ormal to Myrn Shryac.
7. Port Market - This is the place for the
bigger international swaps. There are some
trading companies that handle the activity,
anyway the port is free and everybody can trade
in this market (whenever he pay the taxes).

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11. City Guard Headquarters – Although security protocols and guarded by several dozens
there is a company for each district of the city of soldiers. The punishment for stealing in the
(also with a own station), these are the Mint House is a slow death.
headquarters of the corps.
18. Agora of the Golden Scale – This ample
12. House of the Red Fans – This is a square is the most common meeting point of the
popular theatre with cheap prices where people wealthiest society in Myrn Shryac, where many
can enjoy comedies based on traditional Vulmaw influent personalities finalize trade treats or
tales. conspiracies, or just have fun in any of the
numerous baths, taverns or brothels —usually
13. House of Vouyn – Vouyn Utlac was a
they’re one in the same— that can be found in
jaujim of the 15th century of the Second Age. His
the square.
house became the first official residence of the
later jaujima. 19. Goún Library – This construction, built
by Hion Goún Zaîm in S.A. 1207 is maybe the
14. Council Palace – This is the center of the
biggest storehouse of written knowledge in
burocratic and administrative system of the
Codya. For preventing fires the library is mainly
jaujim. The palace is standing on a 3m
made of stone. The library is widely known —
basement, and it’s completely surrounded by
even in foreing countries— by its astronomy and
white wooden columns with human figures in
mathematic books, although only the most
their capitals. The building is made of stone and
priviledge wises and scholars are allowed to have
it’s very luminous owing to its many windows
routine access to the archives.
with sumptous carved wooden panels. The roof
is the most astonishing piece: it’s made of several 20. Hionthawul – The Hionthawul —the
parallel lacquered red-wood panels, that forms a biggest and most majestic edifice of the Codyan
perfect isosceles triangle in the facade of the capital city— stands in the high plain of the
building. It’s finished off by dragons figures Royal Halls, nearly 30m above the coast shore,
rising to the sky and a 10 m pyramidal chapitel. overlooking the entire Myrn Shryac bay.
Although it’s used as residence by the
15. Hall of Justice – This is the house of the
Hion/Hionthawul, his family and his close
justice court of Myrn Shryac. It’s located next to
advisors, it was also designed with a clear
the Gitz river, terraced up the hillside. The
defensive scopes, which is proved because/by its
building is surrounded with many animal
moats and concentric walls that, adding to the
sculptures (it’s said that they keep away evil
inaccesible riffs of its northern flank, makes the
spirits), it has stone columns and a wooden roof,
Hionthawul an almost impregnable stronghold.
covered with dried vegetal fibres. The ceiling is
Two cylindrical towers raise at both sides of the
completely covered by paintings of warriors with
front gates, which are more than 5m height and
golden halos and fighting scenes. The interior of
are made of iron-reinforced hard woods. Another
the builidng has terraces with engraved wood
four 15m height towers protect the flanks of the
armchairs for the judges.
palace. They have flatened and curved roofs, with
16. House of the Good Luck – This is the several platform for archers.
only legal gambling house in Myrn Shryac, where
The inner buildings of the Hiothawul, the Royal
every respectable person could bet his money on
Enclosures, are the proper residence of the
cock fights, men fights, card games or any other
Hionthawul and in some way, the activity center
game of chance. Since the manager of the house
of his court. It is a huge construction, with
is actually a subordinate of the Coin Minter, and
hundreds of rooms, corridors and enclosures,
a significant part of the benefits come to swell
decorated with overelaborate adornments and
the treasure of the city, but there are always
different kinds of luxuries such as silks of gold
rumours about illegal deviations of taking.
embroideries, ivory sculptures, carpets of tiger
17. Mint House – Soon before Hion Jait and lumo furs, golden wood panels, ponds of
Hodwon moved the capital city from Drej Uriac mild water where multicoloured carps swim and
to Codya, he designed this construction to mint lamps made of the finest Númenorean crystal.
Codyan coins. He house is actually a complex of The central house of the Royal Enclosures stands
different buildings, with no speficifically out of the rest, because of its height and its
defensive estructures although with strict

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typical Vulmaw gable roof, whose vertex points amphitheater. Music performances, dancing
proudly to the sky. festivals, re-creation of historial scenes and
above all, the traditional Codyan theater
There are also two cylindrical towers, more than
(melodramatic and love stories, where the
20m height in the rear of the palace. From its
characters wears masks and adopt cliché
terraces large balistas and artillery artifacts can
personalities), are the favourite shows for the
throw projectiles a long way, even to the waters
of the bay.
26. Sanctuary of the Son of the Sun Dragon
21. Royal Gardens – Close to the
– In the bossom of wonderful gardens, plenty of
Hionthawul, the Royal Gardens are the favourite
huge trees and water ponds, there lays a
place for leisure activities of the royal family and
monument of black stone, finely sculpted with
the palace inhabitants. The gardens have a great
bas-reliefs of scenes that represents of the days
diversity of trees and plants coming from Codya
when Kod Ultor taught the forefathers of the
and further regions as Blessed Islands, T’lach-
Vulmaw. The monument is built in several levels
tuyil or Lóchas Drûs. Someone walking along its
like a terraced pyramid, and a sober and huge
paths, sourrounded by the birds trills, will easily
throne lays on its top. This is the throne is
bump into beatiful fountains, ancient langa —
reserved for the Son of the Dragon, the Hionvul,
little altars for the royal crown ancestors— and
from where he speaks to the people in the Year
clearings where colourful pheasants tries to
Opening Festival.
seduce hen pheasants.
27. Lynerian Embassy – Moreover
22. Fort of the Hundred Eyes – This basalt
Númenoreans, Lynerians are the only people
fortress protects the entrance to the undergound
that enjoy a permanent residence for his
royal treasure chambers. The building takes the
ambassador in Myrn Shryac. The edifice stands
solid shape of a square, with four slender guard
out by his Lynerian distintive style, ashlar
towers with majestic iron gates at each corner.
building, sober and elegant, but much more eye-
Although the keep is constantly watched by
catching in its inside, set with colourful columns
military sentries, the eyes of the hundred
and exquisite floor tiles.
apalling gargoyles of stone could make some
superstitious people refuse to try any incursion 28. Ancalimë’s Palace – Queen Ancalimë
with no good intentions. Few people have ever and her entourage were the first Númenoreans
seen the inside of the underground chambers, to set foot in Codya, but they came in the middle
but it’s said that are designed in a labirynthinc of a thorny diplomatic trouble betweem Codya
style and protected with moral traps. and Olyas Kriis. After resolving the conflict, the
Hionvul offered Ancalimë to build her a palace
23. Tower of the Gates – If an enemy army
within the Royal Halls of the city, that later
achieved go through the Royal Hall, the Tower of
would be used as the residence for Númenorean
the Gates would be the first obstacle. The tower
ambassadors. The building has an odd but
is built on terraced platforms, from which a high
beatiful style, a mixture of Númenorean
trunk of smooth stone rises high, riddled with
arquitecture and Vulmaw adornments.
small windows, very useful for archers and
throwing projectiles. The Tower is hold by a City
Guard wing, who also are entrusted the
entrance’s vigilance to the halls.
24. Hion Guard Barracks – This area is
addressed to house the soldiers of the Hion’s
personal guard and their families. The barracks 11.2.1 HISTORY
also contain rooms for soldier’s entertainment Long before the Vulmaw set foot on the coasts of
when they are off-duty as a pit to play cock Codya, the Lynerians crossed the waters of the
fights. The courtyard is used as training center, Ormal Sea, representing the first trading power
while the Tower of Brave Souls contains a small in the region.
hospital, armament stocks, and a military jail.
25. Amphitheater – Only the high classes of
the city are invited to the shows in the “Indeed, Zikros was the earliest of those

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Codya, making the ruling class of Cilyar lose all

Lynerian sailor noblemen (that we know from
hope to resist, and that’s why the city
traditions that quarreled for lands with others
surrendered with no bloodshed, however looting
of their kind) to kit out a fleet and explore most
and violations were unavoidable.
of the northern coast of Ormal Sea, met the Pêdi
Elves of the Aikyen Islands and was the first In S.A. 2128 the Númenoreans breached the old
colonizer of Sheshnor, as the Lynerian call our Cirlond treaty and the first clashes for power
Codya. Here he founded Cilyar and expelled the broke out in Cilyar, as in the other Lynerian
Jôpi from the coast or subjected them.” colonies in Codya. In Cilyar, the Númenoreans
took the military power, seized the Delegate and
From “Tales and Legends of the old land
owing to its excellent defenses and artillery,
of Sheshnor” by Daw Muicrac of Achaj.
repeled again and again the Vulmaw and
In the 8th century of the Second Age, the Lynerian fleet that tried to siege the city. A year
Lynerians founded their first outposts in later, a powerful Númenoreans fleet, mustered
Sheshnor, not without being harassed by the by High King Tar-Atanamir reached the Ormal
native Jôpi, aiming to create a storing and Bay, breaking all the sieges and compelling the
trading center for their goods, as well as a shelter Vulmaw and Lynerians to give up.
for ships and stronghold with military power In Cilyar, the Númenorean hold the power
over the country. The first cities were Cilyar and despite the great tensions, and in S.A. 2544, a
Sheshnor, but the last one became the more great rebellion broke out in Cirlond (or
relevant, and so that the whole region took the Balkûloni, as it was called in the west language).
name of Sheshnoria. The uprising leader was Taramal Raimmon, a
Spite of Codya was handed over the Vulmaw in former noble Lynerian, who succeed involving
S.A. 992, Cilyar and Sheshnor remained as self- the people and making them taking up arms.
governing and independent cities, both from Astutely, one of his foremen, Caidalir, an old
Codya and Lynerian League. warrior with Númenorean blood, caused a slave
rebellion in Cilyar, that leaded to a weak of
Only during the war started by Sorkûr Mûl constant street fights and a great bloodshed in
against the Lynerian League, in S.A. 1869 S.A., the city. The Númenoreans ruling classes
Cilyar and Sheshnor handed over Vulmaw couldn’t withstand the libertos pressure the free
dominion, but their seize was ephemeral, as six slaves and in Havd S.A. 2545 they surrendered,
years later, after the Vulmaw defeat by hands of handing over Caidalir, who claimed the total
an alliance of Lynerians, Númenoreans and independence from the League and Númenor.
Chyans, these cities recovered their autonomy,
signed through the Second Trade Agreement. Cilyar kept peace only for three years, until the
Sakal an-Khâr governor’s nephew, Cirvellon,
Since the Great Naval War, many Númenoreans obsessed with avenging the affront, mustered a
began to settle down in both Lynerian cities, mighty army payed out of his own pocket, and
prompting that some years later, the brought it to seize Balkûloni and Cilyar. After a
Númenoreans had reached a high level of six month siege, the Cilyar armies were crushed
influence, inducing in Sheshnor (that they called and Caidalir decapitated. However, Balkûloni
Cirlond) a clash for the city control. Although no couldn’t be conquered, and Taramal Raimmon
fight broke out in Cilyar, tensions were constant, forced the Númenoreans to hand over again
as Númenoreans were much more numerous and Cilyar.
many of them decided to flee from the city
because of possible reprisals, making their way The arrival of the Dark Ordainers to Codya
to Olyas Kriss or Harfalas harbours. In S.A. 1992, supposed a trial by Sakal an-Khâr to hold the
a peace arrangement was reached, that bestowed power in the realms of Ormal, in a subtle and
the Númenoreans the judicial and politic progressive way. In S.A. 3026, there was an
autonomy in their own blocks, although only a attempted murder to Hionvul Durg Shrel of
minority of the exiled returned to their old Codya and encouraged by his treacherous
properties. advisors, secret members of the Dark Ordainers
that made a counterfeit investigation; he made
Cilyar enjoyed some more peace time, until S.A. execute ten Khanîm merchants (allegelled
2104 when the hosts of the Chyan Empre raided culprits of the incident) and forced the rest to

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leave into exile from the city. Clearly, this

my heart back to home”
supposed a provocation for Sakal an-Khâr
governor, but he wasn’t authorized by Númenor Verses from a popular song about Cilyar.
yet to start a war.
Cilyar joined the alliance of realms to fight in the
Cilyar si situated upon a hill with plateau shape,
foreseeable outbreak of war against Sakal an-
near the Good Omen Cape, looking to the waters
Khâr. In S.A. 3029, the Khanîm fleet attacked the
of the Vulture’s Bay. The city adapts to the
Codyan harbours, and after a fierce battle, Cilyar
terrain, taking up mainly the foot of the hill and a
was seized. The arrival of reinforcements coming
spit of land that forms a natural bay, where
from Anarikê, Harshandatt and Bulchyades
owing to the shelter against waves, there is a
perpetuated a long time the fights for power in
small beach of light sand.
Cilyar. Although, finally the Khanîm had no
choice but withdraw, it wasn’t until S.A. 3052, Cilyar enjoy an easily defensible site, as in most
when the Khanîm realized their defeat and were of its perimeter, land falls off suddenly to the sea,
forced to leave the city. forming rough cliffs (that sometime can reach
100m height) plenty of caves at their basis,
War continued in other fronts, and Khânim
seized several cities of the League, that forced constantly flooded by surging tides.
Cilyar in S.A. 3103 to accept the return of the Due to its location and its montainous
exiled Númenorean merchants, and accept to orography, the means of terrestrial
keep independent blocks for them inside the city. communication are scarce and awkward. The city
During this time, a instable peace was kept, with has two main roads. The first one it’s a small
great tensions and politic fights between the path, width enough to allow the passing of a
Lynerian side and the Númenorean side. buffalos yoke chariot, that surrounds the ruggy
coast southward, bordered by sharp slopes where
After the end of the Golden Empire of Sakal an-
a stumble could mean a death trip down the
Khâr occurred by the direct intervention of the
slope. The path reachs the Good Omen Cape,
High King of Númenor, many Khânim (specially
where a lighthouse lays, advsing the ships of he
those related with the Dark Ordainers) left Cilyar
cliffs, and then rounds the cape and follows the
and the city was integrated within the Anarikân
coast. If the traveler had a good sense of
Protectorate but keeping its politic autonomy.
direction, he could reach to Wern Draic.
But the advance of Lyuc Feij’s rebel troops soon
reached the Cilyar gates (S.A. 3311), and by The other road starts northward and then
treachery, the gates opened and the city handed approachs the coast and follows to Thawan
over the rebels, secretly allied with the Dark Napai or even Laywûn.
Ordainers. Revealing the hided strategy, the
Though Cilyar was founded by trading objetive,
Anarikê governor assaulted by sea Cilyar, which
the availability of water and local resources are a
resisted short time against his fleet that after the
must for any new settlement. The southern side
assault stood in the harbours of the city, waiting
of the Cilyar hill has a smooth slope, however in
for the next Feij attack.
its plateau the terrain in rocky and cracked,
The attack occurred soon after, and Cilyar was encouraging the appearance of several wells at its
sieged thrice less than a year (S.A. 3315), until foot. Farming uses aren’t suited to the terrains’
finally, the Myrn Shryac fleet broke the blockade city and only some fruit trees, vines, tea and
at the end of the year. Cilyar recovered it self- spices grow in its slopes. However, the nearby
government and republic was again restored. forests are plenty of hard wood trees that are
used for ship-builing.

11.2.2 THE CITY AND ITS TERRITORY The city layout is complex on account of a steep
surveying and its several expansions throughout
its history.
“I’ve trodden many paths to come here. I’ve Cilyar has a functional road network and stands
sailed hundred seas and fought the rage of out because of its sewery and drainage system,
Armú to touch earth. But there is nothing like that even surprised the Númenóreans when they
watching the lighthouse of the settlers, guiding

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first came to the city, in contrast with the dirty Other big and relevants building have their roofs
Vulmaw cities. usually decorated with domes.
The older part of the city lies in the eastern side,
structured along the Heroes Parade, a long 11.2.3 TOWN LIFE
avenue that ascends progressively the Hill to
reach the so-called Kera-Ukhur (acropolis), the
center of the politic, religious, military and
administrative activities of the city, plenty of
palaces, barracks, silos, temples and government
In the eastern bank of the Inlet lies a humble
portuary neighbourhood, almost since the age of
the city foundation, inhabited by sailors and
fishermen. The central part of the city,
sourrounds the Dawn Hill and spread over the
valleys, there are numerous calm estates, built by
relevant people, with enough purchasing power Though it was founded by the Lynerians, Cilyar
to avoid the uproar of the old town. have a multiethnic population owing to his
thriving trade and its political independence. The
These states or luxury houses usually have majority folk have been always the Lynîr,
stores, kitchens, labour rooms and servant’s however since the end of the Great Naval War
quarters in the first floor, and private use rooms many Númenoreans settled in the city,
in the upper floor, as well as a small domestic encouraging long lasting disputes and several
sanctuary. All houses of this kind are bloody events along the Second Age. Thus, the
independent from each others. fraction of the different ethnics have been
Other buildings, in the western new town, were changing as time goes by.
constructed in residencial blocks, with several
stories. They are built detatched with double
walls and 2-4 floors. The ground floor are
generally used for storeroom, workshop and
even commercial store, while the upper floors are
used for private flats although with communal
rooms, characterized by magnific wall paintings
over plaster. These blocks uses sculpted stones as
fundamental elements of facade designs and
The Lynerian building style, and specifically the
Cilyarin one, is characterized for two or three- The crux and driving force of the Cilyar life is
storey houses of volcanic adobe, made of mud trade, and therefore the inflow of people coming
mixed with straw. They foundations are usually from every corner of Ormal lands.
built in a deep pits, filled with volcanic rock and
The harbors of Cilyar have huge silos and stores;
covered with limestone flagstones. The elevation
hundreds of people work in its facilities, loading
should be resistent because of the frequent earth
and downloading goods from ships, making
tremors in the area, and it’s generally made with
repairs, collecting and counting taxes, etc.
a shell of hard wood, mud and volcanic pebbles,
Morever, there are many activities and services
as well as windows and doors. As regards of
related with the harbors, such as inns, taverns,
pavement, the earth mixed with small mollusk
baths, brothels, etc.
shells and a pebbles is the base for the paving of
the rooms. Roofs are usually flat and terraced, The big population of the city also need supplies
and sometimes they were turned into aditional and fresh products. Fishing in one of the first
living rooms, surrounded by stone balaustrades. activities of the city. The farms in the outskirts
can’t produce all that it’s diary consumed within

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the city and many of products are imported, fabricating high quality manufactures and then
however there is a retail market where people selling them in Lyneria.
can buy any kind of product.
The politic organization look like the traditional
As for craftsmen, they come together in guilds lynerian cities one. A Council of Citizens was set
and usually set up their workshops in the cellars up, and among them a Delegate is elected once
or in the ground floor of their houses, while the per year. The Delegate is able to repeat term of
rest floors are for dwelling. In that sense, there office, but it’s is very difficult to achieve that for
isn’t any street in Cilyar that lack this urban and more than five times in a row.
merchant lifestyle.
The Delegate, morever his politic functions and
The Cilyar artisans have among their specialities the ratification of his officers, has the absolute
the glass industry. In spite of the good quality of competence about military strategy, although in
their products –the Cilyarians follow the practise, this is usually delegated to a strategist
traditional Lynerian methods (enriched by the with enough experience in battle field. The
Dwarves teachings)− the Vulmaw demand quite Council of Citizens has competence for
a lot these craftworks and many must be developing laws and regulations, and has rights
imported from the cities of the League. to veto any decision of the Delegate. Only in the
ages when Cilyar was domained by foreign
Ceramic is another main feature of the city
rulers, these democratic system was abolished.
craftwork. The artisans make a wide variety of
vessels, jugs, tankards, bowls, pithcers and After the establishment of the Númenóreans, the
amphoras, of various types and qualities. The first troubles in the self-governing started. The
Lynîr like to decorate them with sailor scenes Númenóreans were considered citizens and
and even those of the traditional Lynerian although the were minority, they had a big
lifestyle. Among the Cilyarians there is also a influence, and never they were satisfied with the
quite renowned guild of sculptors that receive chosen Delegates. Reached the point, in S.A.
many orders from different places of Ormalian 1992, they were granted the self-governing in
lands. their blocks and the application of their own
judicial system.
The Númenorean blocks have few differences
beyond the architectonic style in the buildings, There is no an aristocracy based on nobilian
however, they often focus their bussiness to the titles, the social preeminence lies on people with
highter classes: thermal baths, function rooms, public charges or those with big lucrative
theatres, academies, shipowners, and the most bussiness, though that, obviously, could be
common craftworks are armories, goldsmiths inherited.
and silversmiths. The daggers and ekets of the
Ship building is a profitable bussiness but with
Númenorean are luxury products, only
public participation in war times.
affordable for the wealthiest classes of Codya.
Cilyar has a professional defense forece that
Due to the size city size and political
depending on the age, wealth and external
organization, there isn’t a military society as in
stability is about the 5% of their population. In
other realms. The soldiers have their families
peace time, the City Guard go on the rounds of
within the same city and there isn’t any kind of
streets and beacons, supervise the collect of
barracks. They must seldom move out of the city
taxes, escort passenger and trade ships to protect
in military campaings; on the contrary there are
them from the pirates, etc. However, the number
many sailors and merchants that spend much
of military (efectivos) could double or threefold
time away, trading with other cities and realms.
from non-professional militias, made of men in
age to fight. Military training is obligatory for
11.2.4ORGANIZATION AND POWER teenage men.

Cilyar was founded by Zikros as an independent About criminal activities, they have a limited
colony. He had in mind to create his ideal city power, and they’re usually more related with
and growing it to become a colony of great public charges corruption more than criminal
trading relevance by obtaining local resources, organizations.

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where many relevant people of Cilyar lives in

independent quarters, but with an active social
1. Palace of Cilyar.- Overlooking the entire
life (everyday and everynight, in their communal
city upon the the Hill lies the Palace of Cilyar,
halls, it can be found banquets, weddings, music
which is said to be built by Zikros himself, the
perfomance, theatre plays, etc.).
mythical founder of the city. The palace stands
out by its grandeur appearance, mainly because The Red Palace is an brilliant work of
of its huge size, and specifically because of its archictecture. Every apartment of the first floor
delicious decoration and amazing interior have bathroom, connected by clay pipes to a
design. waste waters tank and then to the city sewer
system. Not only the palace has a huge kitchen to
The palace is organized around an open central
asist all its inhabitants and provide meals for the
area, the courtyard, and is composed of multiple
banquets, in its cellar it can be found big larders
buildings of two or three storeys with a common
of food, a stone wheel to grind grain, laundries,
ground floor, surrounded by a solid stone wall
and many servant rooms.
(4-5m thick). The central building design looks
lile some kind of fortress, as it’s protected by four Appointed to the Palace, there are other many
towers in its four corners and have square activities in the closeness like leather tanning
central structure, divided in four storeys. These workshops, carpentries, potteries and
are the rooms of the Delegate, family and direct blacksmiths that provide goods to the Palace and
officers. The walls of the most relevant rooms are trade their surplus productions.
richly decorated with fresco paintings, almost
3. Palace of Meshalân. Although the former
always inspired in natural maritime motifs,
palace was victim of an arson in S.A. 2128, the
sporting fight or everyday scenes.
Palace was rebuilt. As the Red Palace, is a
Despite its clustered apperance, the palace have residential and administrative complex where
an air of lightness because the widespred use of nobles, officers, and other relevant people have
columns of oval shape, fanlights and skylights to their residences. The west wing of the Palace has
illuminate the rooms. Folding partitions, wood two storeys and contains cult rooms and official
sliding doors and pillar-columns to separate apartments. To the east is the Central Court,
particular rooms are also some other resources lined by porticoes. In the middle of the central
that contribute to create that feeling of lightness. court there is an unusual altar to Tayûn (Ly.
“First Voice”, probably Manwë or Eru). To the
The Palace living, specially in the officers
east of the Central Court are several storehouses
quarters is hectic and noisy, fruit of the tingling
where many huge anforas are kept for the
of administrarion, where the funds of hundreds
storage of goods (wine, oil, etc.) and there is also
taxes, duties and rates were managed.
a water cistern. Opposite the storehouses, on the
The ground floor of the palace is composed of north side of the wing, is a large building,
servant rooms and numerous workshops and entered from the Central Court up four steps,
storerooms for grain, oil, wine, etc. It’s is used for public events, banquets, meetings,
rumoured among the common people of the city festivals and celebrarions.
that through the sewery system of the Palace,
The south wing of the Palace actually have
which constitute a effective system of waste
independents apartments which were entered
evacuation, exist several tunnels and passages
from outside the palace, to the south. It also has
that come out to other Kera-Ukhûr buildings and
various workrooms on the ground floor. Between
even to to the lower city, however if they exists
this wing and the east wing was the south-east
nobody could have demonstrate it.
entrance to the palace, a passage which led
2. Red Palace. So called because of red is directly into the Central Court.
the main tonality of its walls and columns. The
4. Guards quarters and barracks . The
Red Palace stands at the end of the Heroes
guards in duty sleep in the barracks that
Parade. It’s a three-storied construction of huge
scattered through the city. Guards keep a
size, that rivals in majesty with the same Palace
constant lookout from watch towers and the
of Cilyar. It was formerly built by the noble
barbican of the wall.
House of Ikayar, however throughout the
history, it has become a residential complex

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5. Garden of Songs. The devious paths side to the other, the rest have to use the guarded
within the garden and the high hedges could exits that open onto the Heroes Parade.
make a wanderer lose easily. The garden is called
13. Temple of Celani. Celani is one of the
after the existence of many different races of
favourite deities for the Lynerians, as they
worship her as their protector. According to
6. Burial fields and mausoleums. These legends, she was a Maia servant who helped
fields are full of beehives tombs with high them to survive in Hildórien and during the
vaulted roof and a straight entry passage lined great journey towards their promise land, where
with stone, where the Lynîr have traditionally their destiny awaited them (as reported in the
buried their nobles. These burials are mostly Myths about these Dark Men who drove the
collective tombs, which have being used over “Fathers of the Lynîr people“ out of the
several generations and located close by the paradise).
palaces and the Kera-Ukhur. These tombs often
The Temple of Celani is surrounded by a thick
had other chambers built onto them, either cult
wall of two men height and inside there is a
rooms or ossuaries.
burial yard where many generations of priests
7. Lighthouse of Settlers. Thought to be the and monks have being buried. The building is
first building constructed in Cilyar, it was square-shaped and high, with a cupper dome
designed to be both a lighthouse and a defensive that casts green highlights to the nearby
fortress. The lighthouse stands in a small islet, buildings. The central hall of the temple is
connected to mainland by a firm stone bridge, dominated by a statue of a sitting Celani, dressed
where two fortificated buildings block the way to with a yellow robe embroidered with gold thread
any trial of invasion. and a red cloak. By some hydraulic mechanic, the
statue can get up, spill milk from a gold tray and
8. Gaelyg Fortress. Castle that stands in the
return to its sitting position. Celani wears a
the Military Harbour overlooking the entire
golden crown of ivy, engraved with greapes of
southern promontory of Cilyar. It bears the name
of a general that fought against Sorkûr Mûl in
the Great Naval War. Later, the fortress have 14. Temple of Talyaz and Negadash . Located
being used as a prison. in the Kera-Ukhur, it’s gained access through a
hall. It has a gable roof, and two columns in antis
9. Falcon Fortress. Four circular towers,
that holds an arcade. The freize is decorated with
sourrounds a square building. Constructed at
ox-gulls, dolphins and seals. A remarkable date
the edge of a cliff, this fortress has a defensive
in the temple is the Festival of Met-en-Milcyn.
function preventing any invasion coming from
This festival is only for single women or women
South and also works as a perfect basis for
in their first marriage, who offer prayers for their
throwing missiles and ballistas to any enemy or
nieces and nephews.
pirate ship that dare to approach the city.
15. Temple of Armú. The temple stands out
10. The Council of Citizens . It’s a
by a greenish glass vault, designed by
hemispheric building with a large white hall,
imaginative architects. Armú is the god of the
iluminated by dozens of little windows in the top
ocean for the Lynîr, an unpredictable deity,
of the walls. There are six concentric semicircles
shaker of earth and sea. Sailors revere Armú, and
of stone where the Citizens sit and debate about
those who venture into long journeys never do so
politic decisions.
without prayers and offerings to soothe Armús’s
11. Garden of Ilmôr. From the Council and anger.
to the cliffs that looks onto the sea spreads the
The temple was built in S.A. 1767 and monks
Garden of the Hunter. The access is restricted to
were recruited next year. Later, temple took in
officers, citizens and other relevant persons.
homeless people who flee from chaos in Codya
12. House of Bolyar the Prestamist . The during the invasion of Chyans in S.A. 2014. The
building is located near the Kera-Ikhûr, in the temple was unfortunately burnt in S.A. 2082 but
Heroes Parade. It has some commercial quarters rebuilt later by the effort of monks. Although it
in the avenue that goes on to the Negadash Gate, was plundered and destroyed again in S.A. 3103
however only the employees can cross from one by the Khanîm –who imposed the cult to the

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One−, the catacombs were used as place of cult shadow of his branches. She had strange dreams
for many pious Cilyarins. After the fall of the with Ulnia and soon she got pregnant. Then she
Golden Empire of Sakal-an-Khâr, the Temple of told everyone the miracle and the gift she had
Armú was rebuild and enlarged in its received from Ulnia. After that, the tree was
underground rooms. considered sacred and Safîr became the first and
high Priestess of the Order of First Mother.
16. Old Harbour. Always crowded −and
Nowadays, it’s a eclectic order of women
even with nocturnal activity−, the Old Harbour is
dedicated to worship Ulnia, the Earth Goddess
shelter for the fishermen ships, but it’s
(Yavanna) and to take care of the Tree and the
occasionally used by trade ships. In days of
pregnant women of the city. The Order offers
rough sea, the moles are plentyful of fishermen
personal empowerment and priestess training to
repairing nets and tackles.
women in themes as Ulnia studies, rituals,
17. Library. The House Malcyn owns a meditation, prayers, healing arts, obstetrics,
respectable library that, for a reasonable price, dreams interpretarion, and astral work. The
could be consulted by every citizen −or a a higher Order quarters are actually under the roots of the
price if someone is foreigner or non-citizen−. Sacred Tree, in the face of a cliff of ardous access.
A small path ascends the hill of the tree, and
18. Military Harbour. It’s said that Zîkros’
once reached the cliff, it become a steep
men built the docks that lie on the promontory
that forms the inlet of Cilyar. Zîkros was
concerned about the piracy and so he built the
Fortress of Hapaz (Ly. “Settlers”) and great solid
bassalt walls to protect the Harbour. These are 11.3 DREJ URIAC
the docks for the Cilyar navy and they are also
used for several shipyards for the construction of
war vessels. 11.3.1 HISTORY
19. Negadash Gate. Northern gate of City The natural harbor where Drej Uriac lies was
that enters the fortified city. The gate is based choosen by Anthô Vûd to set up the first Vulmaw
onto two bastions of blue marble that looks like colony in mainland Codya, as reward for the
two huge sea snakes with pompous decoration military support to the Lynerian League.
representing seaweeds and corals. The Negadash Formerly capital city of Codya, this seaside city
Goddess is beatifully sculpted over the arch, with emerged as the most important commercial
anemons as hairs and weightless garments that harbour of Codya. It’s is the commercial capital
seemed she is at the bottom of the sea. of Codya, and is the second most important city
(after Myrn Shryac), although in some stages it
20. Talyaz Gate. Southern gate of the
was also even reconverted in royal seat.
fortified city, in honour of the furious God of
storms and swell, Talyaz. It is a refined art work The original city, founded in S.A. 978, is small
made of white marble, where the dolphins and and limited by the walls, but Drej Uriac soon
other sea creatures jumped over the waves and outgrew its original bounds and was extended to
under the fierce glance of Talyaz. nearby suburbs. Due to the thriving industries of
Myrn Shryac and better defensiveness, Hion Jait
21. New Harbour. Built after the city
Hodwon decided in S.A. 1037, Hion decide to
expansion, the New Harbour is a commercial
move the capital to Myrn Shryac. Although the
haven, mainly managed by Númenorean Houses.
city lost political relevance and a portion of
Along the docks, and protected by a defensive
population that work —direct or indirectly— for
wall, there are several warehouses that stores
the administration, his trading activity continue
goods for trading.
22. Tree of Ulnia. In the legends of the first
The second wall was built after the disaster of the
settlers of Cilyar, it is said that when they came
Great Naval War that destroyed every house
there was a huge tree on the top of a hill. Once a
beyond the city walls. Therefore, only with the
women called Safîr that was supposed esterile
aid of Major’s treachery, the Cuiwum army could
(she was married for six years with her husband
seize Drej Uriac some years later, following the
and she hadn’t got babies yet), fell asleep in the
plot of Hionvul Rocyen Vo-Dral of Lóchas Drûs.

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Owing to their effective siege machinery, the measure, the establishment of human sacrifices
Chyans didn’t take too much time sieging the city (specifically kids and virgins). Disorder ruled the
in S.A. 2104. Hardly recovered from the city till the trumpets of prince Pyat echoed in the
destruction of the Chyans and the high number walls, and his onagers and trebuchets break
of victims, the plague of S.A. 2169-2170 took the through the gates.
lives of more than a third of the city population.
In Sakal-an-Khâr rule’s time, Drej Uriac also
Although even the highest classes fell ill, the
suffered relevant changes, not only in the
disease were cruel with the poor people, owing to
political field. The representative Temple of Lo-
the unhealthiness of their neighbourhoods.
Shû-Parâwanajw was reconverted into the
The storming od Drej Uriac in the second war Golden Temple of the One, and the Vulmaw
against the Chyan Empire (S.A. 2281) were a religion was abolished. The Khanîm melted the
tough siege that last almost 4 months, when sculptures of Lo-Shû and burnt the wooden
starvation, thrist, pain and death performed a carved roofs. However the temple was reformed
tragic and cramped dance. At least, the Chyan again after the Khanîm left Codya.
retreated but two years later, they mustered a
great fleet that shattered the Vulmaw navy and
disembarked in the harbours. Unable to 11.3.2 THE CITY AND ITS TERRITORY
penetrate the second wall, the Chyan were The city stretches across a large bay. In the
thrown out of the city, causing low casualties in eastern side, there is a long beach of golden sand.
the civil population. The western side stands out for a bizarre rock
In S.A. 2456, hounded by the Insurrected, formation that looks like solid lava jutting out
Hayvul Avaud moved her capital city to Drej into the sea, called mount Ithya. Despite not
Uriac, getting settled in the old Jait Hodwon being optimal in defensive aptitudes, Anthô Vûd
Palace, where she was surrounded by more loyal chose the place because the good conditions for
circles. docking in the natural harbour at the foot of
mount Ithya.
The city was soon became full of dutilful officers,
such as warriors and mercenaries. Moreover The main road that goes through road is the
standing a great stress because of the steady Shiwan, the own road that runs along the codyan
state of war, the inhabitants were victims of the coast, linking the most important cities, from
soldiers excesses, who actually took command of Balkulôni to Achaj.
the city, enriching with bribes and false tariffs. Two rivers flow into the sea at both sides of the
The popular discontent triggered the treachery, city. They’re plentiful in rivuja season, but
and in S.A. 2473 Hayvul Avaud was murdered in almost dried in the months of Tûn and Urg.
her own lodgings, opening the city gates for the
entrance of Hachow Ralow. The sourrounding territory is a fair smooth plain
covered by a herbaceous savannah with scattered
A mixture of religious fanatism and politcal trees. Veritables seas of lumpo, the elephant
interests led a Lômzuw and Cuiwum coalition to grass, grow during the rain season above a man
attack the city in S.A. 2856. The rebels toppled height. However, coming the dry season, the
the Major and replaced him by a member of grasses become parched and only thorny bushes
House Lômzuw. Due to other military victories rise from the dusty and cracked ground. Despite
in relevant cities, the rebels achieved overthrow this limitations, the Vulmaw have well-
the own Ralow Dynasty, founding the new established irrigations systems for cultivating
Dranizai Dynasty. crops as rice, maize and tubercules.
During the Naovur’r rule, Drej Uriac was scene The street layout was formerly based on a series
of civil unrests caused by the unpopular of disjointed rectangular street grids,
measures of the nutcase Hionvul, as the constructued with coani (courtyard buildings)
supression of the Year Opening festival (that and wayiy (flat buildings). The successive
coincided with his feared winter solstice); the expansions platted new differently oriented
public burning of so-called necromancers, evil grids, many times constituted by poor quarters
astrolgers and witches; the banning of funerals with no clear pattern. The highest class area,
that last more than a day; and the most silly limited by the main and oldest wall, is called

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Ithya, as it stretches at the sides of mount, and is Uriac depending on the circumstances of the
overlooked by the Sit, the fortress. However, the inhabitant (or outsider). Even though the city
stodgy buildings and the steeps make the had undergone wars, fires, earthquakes and
wealthiest people would rather moved away to destructions, the social life haven’t changed too
the outskirts where they have built their serwair much since its foundation.
(urban villas).
The city’s economy is mainly driven by the
Out of the Ithya, the city is not so dense, maritime commerce. During the day, wharfs
nonetheless, it’s quite more dangerous and have a ceaseless activity, and most of people
diminished. The sewery network only pass by the work in jobs, directly or indirectly related with
principal avenues, and during the rain season trade. The most typical craftsmanship of the city
there are frequent floods that could litterally are lace clothes and handkerchiefs, the pretty
devasted some neighbours. Outside the lacquedware, porcelain pottery and wood-
secondary wall, the city fades out to scattered carving ornaments.
farms and shanty towns.
The religious facet of Drej Uriac shouldn’t be put
The presence of the Vulmaw royalty, even though aside, because of its great quantity of
it was brief, left its mark in Drej Uriac, as several sanctuaries, temples and above all, the huge Lo-
palaces were built. Other significant Shû-Parâwanaj. Even though monks live shuted
constructions are: the Gate of the Hion, which away in their temples, it isn’t rare to see them
watch the entrance to Ithya, and the majestatic walking around the city.
temple of Lo-Shû-Parâwanaj.
The highest classes used to be pure-blooded
Vulmaw, and control the traders’ guilds, the
11.3.3 POPULATION pawnbroker businesses and the artisans
factories. They like showing off around the city,
rarely footing, but using horses, rickshaws,
Population in Drej Uriac palanquins, and even elephants, symbols of the
social status of their occupant. Other leisure
12000 activities of the well-off classes are: falconry,
gambling, baths and massages. More affordable

6000 pastimes are wrestling, cock fighting, comedy
performances, prostitution and laikani.
0 304 608 912 1216 1522 1828 2132 2436 2739 3044 3348 Out of the old town, there’s certainly no shortage
Year (Second Age) of rogues, crooks, beggars, thieves and loose
people. Only the proffesional bandit gangs dare
to mischief in Ithya.
Vulmaw, in different grades of mix-blood, are the
large majority of the population. They could The traditional Vulmaw festival of 9 th month of
represent ¾ of the population. the year Loramaraj is one of the largest
Loramaraj in Codya. A wonderful array of
While Jôpi, that could represent 10% of the city colourful rallies, fancy dress parades, wrestling
population, fill the lower strata of society, other competitions, horse races, concerts and dances,
foreigners as the Númenoreans enjoy respect. and most important, the night beach party. That
Hionvul’s openness to the upside world and is the highlight of this festival, when a large
acceptance of outsiders is justified by the parade carrying a tiger is taken to the beach,
importance of maritime trade (first Hionvul’s where it’s sacrified and and then set on fire on
revenue). However, Vulmaw used to distrust the the stroke of midnight.
resident Lynerians, and every little incident is
enough to run high the feelings. The Year Opening and the Lo-Shû Temple
Monkhood Festival are also popularly celebrated.
The last one is characterized for its elephant
11.3.4TOWN LIFE parade and the traditional monk percussion
Bustling, mercantile, pious, dangerous. There are ensemble.
many adjectives that could be applied to Drej

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After Anthô Vud founded the city, it was claimed 1. Old Wall.- Impressive defensive work,
as royal estate, and later chosen as base for the 12m height and 8m width in the foundations that
Western Division of the Hion Vrâcanaik fleet. shelters the western and inner city. Low squared
Free from the Shûr ties, and initially considered towers rise every about 25m.
capital city, Drej Uriac began to grow to becaome
2. New Wall.- Dry stone wall protected
the first trading center of western Codya.
with a moat that is also used as foundation for
The Hionvul—the greatest merchant of Codya— parapets, corner towers and connecting towers.
was keen to acquire strong control over trade in Along the top of the wall, there is also a daubing
his port of Drej Uriac, notably by means of royal clay over a tubaak framework, providing
monopolies and discriminatory trade. protection to the defenders within.
Traditionally, the Hion/Hionvul hand picked a 3. Gate of Suntrap.- Initial northern
Jaujim (Major or Key Master) to rule the city; gateway consisted in two storied timber frame
however, the Shûr had always wanted to get their estructure, covered with strips and sheets of
teeth into the juicy trading taxes of Drej Uriac. iron, where the lower story incorporated the
Therefore, it’s easy to find cases of corrupt entrace, and the upper story formed two robust
Majors, secretly allied with other non-royal connecting towers.
parties. In S.A. 2856, after the Cuiwum-Lômzuw
4. Gate of the Jaws.- Inner gateway of the
captured the city, the Hionvul had to renounce to
city, sourrounded by two barbican gatehouses,
his hereditary right and award total authonomy
consisted of a three roofed structure. If the
to the city, that would choose his own Jaujim.
enemy could break through the first gate, they
The Hionvul also had to accept that Drej Uriac
would be trapped in the narrow entrance
could mint his own coinage, on condition that
corridor, victim of darts and burning oil, still
the Minter were appointed by the Hionvul.
remaining a second inner gate to open.
However it as abolished some years later by
Hionvul Mulvun. 5. Tower of Wakefulness- Multi-storied
framed tower with a observation tower set on the
The Jaujim entrusted the handling of taxes,
the roof ridge, constructed mainly of timber on a
building permits, activity licences, public works
base of dry stone walling.
to a close circle of officers. As for justice, it’s
managed by the tradicional council of elders, 6. Barracks.- Multi-storied guardhouse
that are chosen from important people. The royal located close to the Gate of Dusk that serve as
audiences in the own Drej Uriac could be held barracks and military office for the city royal
twice or thrice a year. host.
Clergy doesn’t usually meddle in political affairs, 7. Jait Hodwon Palace.- Although
even the Superior Monk of the Lo-Shû- sourrounded of luxuries, the palace is almost
Parâwanaj. They lead a humble lifestyle and are unhabited most of the year, except during the
highly respected. They used to pray, meditate royal visits to Drej Uriac. The characteristic
and write poetry, which is used to glorify the rule feature of the Palace are the sunken courtyards,
of Hionvula and reinforce laws and moral values. the indoor swimming pool, the heavy carved
wooden architecture, and the giant mural of
The Guard of Drej Uriac is accountable to the
Cesquaw Nitah —the liberation of the elephant
Jaujim, and used to patrol all over the city,
Cesquaw—, a legend that relates the struggles of
except for the dangerous poor quarters outside
the devoted yet clumsy souls who somehow are
the walls and the harbour, where security is
saved by Lo-Shû.
entrusted to the Port Master and his squad of
thugs. It’s common the squabbles between both 8. The Academy.- His aim is to share,
corps, and any sensible man should stand at investigate and deepen in the knowledge. The
distance of them. highly educated teachers are called Foaghim. Its
strong subjects are astrology, cartography,
mathematics and power symbols.

- -

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9. Disupo’s Garden.- This school for constructed from S.A. 1426 to 1475 during the
children, guided by the descendants of Disupo, is rule of Hiona Uwul Tamûl and Shyun Taon,
maybe one of the most famous academic centers meaning a masterpiece of the Vulmaw
in Codya. Writing, history, religion, protocol, architecture. After the domination of Sakal an-
basic mathematics, physical training and even Khâr the temple was turned into a place of
military techniques are the subjects for the worship for the corrupt alter ego of the One.
children coming from wealthy or nobilian
The temple grounds cover a vast area of land
families who will run administration and war in
cornered by the river and the Old Wall. It’s
the future.
surrounded by a complex of concentric
10. Military Port.- Housing one of the most buildings, in the fashion of defensive walls,
powerful branches of the Hion Vrâcanaik, the actually the monks residences. After going
military port have restricted access to common through this labyrinth, the visitor comes out to a
people. hall where a magnificent building lies over a
circular mound altar. It’s an empty circular
11. Schools of Healing.- Founded by Agaj
platform of four levels of white marble, each
Wero in S.A. 1098, and moreover being an
decorated sumptuously with carved dragons and
academic centre, it’s a healthcare resource for
balausters. In this altar, the Hionvul as Son of
the poorest people who don’t mind to be patient
the Sky, who administers earthly matters of
of healer apprentices.
behalf of his father, pray for Him in the
12. Sanctuary of Chasca.- Palms garden that Loramaraj festival wearing special robes. Thanks
shroud in their shades a small temple, built on to the design of the altar, the sound of his
ashlars and sandstone pavillions, flanked by prayers will be reflected in the guardrail, creating
statues of water serpents and covered by fine significant resonance, which helps the Hionvul to
inscriptions and carvings. The pond inside the show off a heavenly authority.
temple is used for ritual ablutions, and also by
The strictly speaking temple is a tripled-gabled
the royal family to observe the annual Festival of
octogonal building, 32m in diamter and 86m tall,
the Sea.
built on a frame of fired bricks and Dow wood,
13. Temple of Ragra.- The eight-bell shaped covered with gold sheets. The upper building
towers of the temple have practically become a seems to reach the sky with a lavish spire,
symbol of Drej Uriac. The story goes to the Hion covered with jewels. The temple symbolize the
Valûw had a revelation, in which Ragra, the God connection of Earth and Sky, so that the interior
of Fire, encouraged him to build a sacred is empty and bright, adorned with lacquered
construction to shelter a fire that shouldn’t go woods, and the eyes will be proyected to Sky and
out. A order of Surwai monks take care of the the light that comes from the top of the spire.
temple and the fire.
17. Drej Sit.- The main fortress of the city
14. Commercial Port.- A substancial portion was formerly designed as a naval base, as it’s
of the city’s prosperity result from the trading perched on the mount Ithya and is connected
activities of this port. A large number of with the wharfs of the Hion Vrâcanaik in the
warehouses stands along the piers to stock the military port. Huge walls (about 11m tall)
goods. Legal goods must pay high tariffs, surround a military ground, shaded with green
however corruption is very extended, and some Acojo trees and cypresses. Near to the sea, the
Port Masters take advantage of their position, breezes used to turn into mist ascending the
introducing goods coming from piracy or mount, so that the complex usually has a fairy
smuggling. look. The complex consists of several pavilions
(barracks, stables, halls and shrines) but the
15. Nám Apothecary.- Hundreds of herbs
main building is the Sit. Two high towers were
and natural remedies are kept in vessels, bottles
erected on the northern corners with small
and jars on the old wood shelves. Poisons are
windows. The fort is six-storied, made of dark
illegal, and only a few customers, on close terms
bricks and can accommodate several hundred
with the owner, could obtain it.
people. Inside the Sit there are defensive
16. Lo-Shû Parâwanaj.- The High and facilities like embrasures and tunnels (secretly
Golden Temple of the Lord of the Sky was leading to the docks), and even cisterns to collect

- -

waterfall. With its abundant and complete vessels with the ashes of the monks who lived in
facilities, the fortress would not suffer from food the sanctuary.
shortages, even during times of war.
24. Market.- Sea food, living animals,
18. Military port.- The older port of the city vegetables, spices and almost any foodstuff can
garrison the swift vessels of the Hion Vrâcanaik. be found beneath the merchant’s stalls.
19. Tug Son Múak Library.- For many 25. Fishermen’s Dock.- Dozens of boats are
centuries, the Library of the Twelve Pillars of Tug tied up to the moorings during stormy weather of
has kept the sacred scriptures of the Surk the monsoon.
Womaw tribes before their exile. Moreover, the
26. New Port.- When the old commercial
library have been enriched with many more
port became small, the Jaujim decided to build a
scriptures, representing one of the most
new port at the eastern tip of the city.
important collection of historic knowledge in
Codya. To preserve the writings against humidity 27. Exchange Bureau.- Merchants used to
and against termites, the library was constructed frequent this building to exchange currency, sign
on bricks and raised with above a man-made trading contracts (yipaka), borrow and request
pond. endorsement.
20. Water Theater.- Water puppet
performance is a Vulmaw tradition originated in
Drej Uriac. The puppets are made out of 11.4 WOIJ FÊ
lacquered-wood and the shows are performed in
a waist-deep pool. A large rod supports the
puppet under water and is used by the 11.4.1 HISTORY
puppeteers, that control them hidden behind a
It is said that an intrepid adventurer called
screen. Thus the puppets appear to be moving
Lovaw got into the jungles of Codya following the
over the water. Normally, a orchestra provide
course of the Nualyi river, and there, in an
background music accompainment.
opening, established his encampment. What only
21. The Hen’s Nest.- The most famous a few know, it that Lovaw fled from the Lóchas
accommodation establishment in Drej Uriac Drûs Hionvul’s rage, kidnapping one of his
have gained its reputation for his old tradition, concubines and taking her as wife. The intense
its hospitality and maybe for its beautiful good traffic downwards the port cities made
inkeepers girls. A swarm of merchants, carts, possible that Lovaw quickly became into a great
wagons adnd litters come and leave everyday intermediary. His family grew, both his riches,
after resting and recovering with the succulent and soon hired numerous bearers and boatmen
meals of the inn. that got the goods to the cities. A inn was settled
for the merchants, and as merchants needed
22. Clayc Mansion.- The members of the
provisons for their travels, around that
noble Clayc family are one of the most influential
establishments of butchers, cooks and food
and wealthiest citizens of Drej Uriac because of
sellers grouped together, that in turn attracted
his trading bussiness. Their main palace is
trappers, hunters, farmers, bricklayers, taylors
located outside the old city, next to the Gates of
and carpenters. However, it wasn’t until S.A. 1131
the Jaws and surrounded by large gardens and a
when Woij Fê was officially stated city, when the
great paved court. The temple is built on marble
Hion granted Lovaw the command to coordinate
and supported by lacquered-red columns
a garrison to keep order in the city.
entwined of gilded dragons. Internally it's a mad
mass of technicolor mosaics, tiles and mirrors — Following their father’s death, in S.A. 1142,
for outsider visitors, not the best possible taste—. Lovaw’s sons were the owners of the whole city
and share out the profits coming from the
23. Sanctuary of the Soul’s Rest.- The
trading tariffs and the bulding renting. Making
complex is a landscaped area dotted with
use of the Nualyi waters, the Lovaw cleaned
pavillions, obeliks, ponds and statues. The
many forested areas and set up irrigated lands,
largest building is located at the back of the
where a great deal of poor families were attracted
garden, close to the New Wall. As place for
praying the dead, it houses many laraga and

- -

to, looking for work, and thus they became part armies curbed the Jinvol, that had to paid a
of a servitude of feudal nature. heavy compensation for his attitude.
Making plots to counteract the opposition of In S.A. 2811, the cities opened its doors to the
House Lovaw in the government council, Hion Pyat’s troops, and owing to his recognized
Kapo Fé made use the dissatisfaction of these inferiority gather them into a campaign to
servants with the House Lovaw and armed the depose the mad Hionvul Naovur.
peasants. Leaded by Jinvol, the servants rose up
The proud inhabitants of Woij Fê stood up
against the régime. In S.A. 1177, meanwhile the
against the Golden Emperor of Sakal an-Khâr
royal troops besieged Woij Fê, the popular
when they opposed to accept his decrees in S.A.
militia burnt the Lovaw’s palace. Jinvol
3144. Finally, the city was besieged by the
abolished all the land property rights and his
Khanîm for a month, but hunger made the
heirs substituted the rulers of the House Lovaw.
citizens open the doors. As a result, every
They city went on growing and in S.A. 1224 the member of House Jinvol was executed by the
preexisting walls were reinforced and the passing Sapthân men, and their heads were impaled in
gates were enlarged. Omiya, the adoptive son of the citadel’s wall.
Wanfô visited the city in S.A. 1285 and founded a
Then under royal occupation, the Feij rebels
Wanfowoja monastery.
gained control of the city before long, and finally
Natural disasters have been frequent they turned it his main stronghold. Woij Fê is
throughtout the city history. During S.A. 1387- declared capital city of Eastern Codya in S.A.
1388, Codya was in the grips of a great drought, 3321. Later, in S.A. 3385 Woij Fê is stage of
specially. The drought effect were specially felt in fighting against Tolm Feij and his uncle Ovik Feij
Woij Fê, with ruined harvests and many deaths for the rule of their portion of Codya. The city
by famine. In the other hand, heavy rains and caught fire and a large part is fatally destroyed.
floods caused by the monsoons of S.A. 1494, Despite the winner Tolm rebuilt it, it took many
1558 and 1743 devastated extensive areas of the years to regain its former splendor.
city and caused many casualties.
The second time the city had to face a harsh 11.4.2THE CITY AND ITS TERRITORY
attack date in S.A. 2103 when the Chyan hosts
broke through the walls and claimed the lives of Woij Fê lies on the angle formed by the river
a many of the citizens. The tales about Chyans Nualyi and Jonsopo, over a river plain that
that turned into demons at night remained for formerly was heavy forested. Tree felling
years in the spoken traditions of the people, prompted by ship building and the creation of
which moreover the recurring droughts had to rice fields had deforested large part of the city
suffer a severe plague in S.A. 2247. surroundings.
In S.A. 2459, the Avaud armies attacked the city, Despite the main mean of transport is the river
nevertheless Woij Fê resisted, preventing the traffic (following the Nualyi you get Laishô),
Haynvul from progressing to the East. The city’s there are two important roads. The first one
fortress remained in such detrimental conditions heads North to Go Ishac, running along the
that had to be rebuilt few years later. foothills. The second road come from Tsinaw, in
the west coast, and later splits in different
The Gamalac sect begins to gather strength in branches toward different directions.
the city since the proximity of its religious center
of Apolma Quun, built in S.A. 2558. In this way, Woij Fê grew from a small villa that thrived, and
fighting with loyal royalists take place in the city where many new settlers moved to. The city is
in subsequent years, until House Jinvol finally organized around the Lovaw palace, although it
accepted the new doctrine in S.A. 2586. In S.A. was subsequently burnt and left as heap of
2712 Hionvul Makwa provided funds for the rubble as silent witness of the past. This centrally
creation of a monastery within the city. situated area is called the public neighbourhood
and contains most of temples, government
In S.A. 2782, the House Jinvol rose to claim the buildings and wealthy shops.
iron mines of the extinct House Gheerh’s
territories. With no confrontation, the royal

- -

Woij Fê is a modest city, more pleasing, more Following the traditional Vulmaw commercial
orderly and cleaner than the bustling coastal slogan “Friends and guilds are required when
cities. Some of the most important buildings, selling products”, the artisans soon become
generally in the heart of the city, are made of more congregated and specialized. Every guild
stone, while the poorest people have to conform used to lay out specific streets and around small
with wooden houses. sanctuaries. One of the most famous crafts are
the copper utensils, carpets and screens made of
In the rain season, rivers are three times bigger,
tubaak, and cotton clothes.
flooding low-lying areas of the plain where lies
the city. Thus, the huts close to the shores are
built on stilts in a way that the highest water
“Woij Fê streets are places where many cotton
levels during the floods do not reach their floor.
fabric are sold. Some streets were named after
In the outskirts of the city there are important tales or legends, such as Quin Vaw (clam soup),
crops. Rice growing requires a plentiful water as that was the street where the clam soup
supply and so there are large irrigation systems, where sold to the monks candidates that
supplied by the near rivers. Fields are reached Woij Fê to be accepted in the monastery
delimitated by mud parapets to collect water founded by Omiya, son of Wanfô”
inside, being their levels carefully controlled.
Notes from my travels in Codya. Dirj
These areas also provide the suitable
environment to growing fish and other aquatic
animals as freshwater shrimps, crabs, turtles,
frogs and bivalve mollusks, meaning a
Beside the official noble family (Lovaw or
fundamental complement for the local
Jinvol), the city elite is set by a merchant high
agricultural economy.
class that owns workshops and trade goods with
other cities. The families used to be very closed
11.4.3POPULATION to the Shû, and flatter him to get trading favours.
They tend to carry a reclusive lifestyle in the
luxury of their villas, however, they also attend
public establishments as theaters, baths and
even executions, indeed public shows.
The citizens of Woij Fê boast to be a pride folk,
that have overthrown tyrants and resisted
foreign invaders. However, House Jinvol also got
lost in corruptions and luxuries, forgetting the
common people who works from dusk to dawn.
Despite the city doesn’t hold bad reputation
about crime, bribes and thugs stalk in crowding
Although the Vulmaw account the large majority settings (merchants, shows, etc.) looking for
(70%), there is a considerable population of Jôpi victims. There aren’t complex crime
(20%) that works in the croplands or as servants organizations as gangs, except for the skilled
in the hardest jobs. They have lost their swindlers and fraudsters that group together in a
traditional lyfestile and have assimilated the un-official guild.
Vulmaw customs. Although the Buffalo Fighting Festival is
officially held on Narac, preparations start
several months before, when selection of the
fighting buffaloes start. The festival begins with a
The city activity is balance between trade and procession to the temples where offerings are
craft. Moreover the agricultural goods grown in presented to the gods. Buffaloes are covered with
the surroundings, many products come to Woij orange cloth, such as their owners. After
Fê from the jungle, where they are bought by performing an opening match dance, the
wholesalers that, in turn, will bring them to other buffaloes are led into the pit to fight until the
cities. defeated gives up and run away. The winner then

- -

goes on to fight another buffalo until a final river. The walls stands more than 6m high, and
winner is determined. are protected by deep flooded moats.
Other characteristic festival is the song singing, 2. Gates, bridges and towers.- There are
in Onhân. The tradition is trace back to the four gates with four drawbriges, and within each
victory of Jinvol. Coming in groups of young men gate there is a gate yard. They are: River Gate
or women, they are dressed in their best clothes. (2.1), Old Gate (2.2.), Temple Gate (2.3) and
They meet on the river bank or in the yard’s Dawn Gate (2.4). The gates are made of wood
village communal house and they sing in the reinforced with bronze, about 4m high and 4m
form of dialogues. wide. Two towers of 10m high stand each side of
the gate, and between them there is a strong
11.4.5 ORGANIZATION AND POWER parapet overlooking the ground below. From this
parapet fire, rocks, boiling oil or arrows can be
At early stage, the city was under total control of poured upon the enemies. Gates are closed at
House Lovaw. Its overthrown by hands of Jinvol dusk and opened at dawn, however there are
permitted wealth was distributed, so that a new postern gates at each gate, which are used at
non-noble high class formed. House Jinvol night to allow legitimate visitors to enter after
created a governance body in the shape of a 17 the main gate is closed. Only people with access
member Council, acting the Shû as chairman. To credentials could convince te guards to allow him
enter into the Council, it’s needed invitation pass.
from the Shû, so that only relevant personalities
attend it. The Council takes decision in 3. Lovaw Palace.- Once the palace of the
important matters such as defense, trading, Lovaw were sample of the elegant noble Vulmaw
religion and public works. homes. The building consisted of two lateral
wings —that enclosed a gardened yard—, and a
Despite monks do not interfere in political central building, five stories high. The lower
issued, the Shûr and high classes are careful to store was formed by the crossing of two nave,
look like upright men in their eyes, resulting resulting a four-pitched roof.
many decisions are subjected to the monk’s bill
of health. After the fire, the palace still sport its red brick
walls, however their wooden frame that hold
After the rich families, the economic branches of their upper stories doesn’t exist, and many visitir
Woij Fê are controlled by the Guilds. Every couldn’t see it was much bigger and taller. In
guilded member must pay a fee that support order to prevent the ruins were used as home for
monasteries and social insurance, such as the thieves, rats and beggars, the Jinvol authorities
payment for artisan’ widows. ordered to clean much of the vegetation and
The military forces are composed of two different rubble, and to reconvert it into the local stadium
corps. First, there are the troops of the ruling to play sports, specially the laikani.
House, responsible of gates and walls 4. Granaries.- Storage for the public rice.
surveillance, such as protection of the There are also mills and a winery to make rice
surrounding city territories. They are used to be wine.
devout men, and don’t have a bad reputation.
5. Temple of Chasca.- Built in S.A. 1285
Secondly, there are the Garrison of the city, in after the visit of Omiya the brother of Menk
task of upholding order and security on the Wanfô. The temple is squared-base with several
streets. There are known by their rough stories that are gradualy tapering, forming some
manners, and not only beggars and defenseless type of pyramidal building. Atop the roof is an
people try to keep away from them. Their inmense dome sheathed with copper. Before the
frictions with the noble troops are very common. Gamalac arrival, the temple was prominent and
heavily made on pilgrimage, specially by sick
people. The monks perform ablutions in on open
11.4.6PLACES OF NOTE yard every day at dawn and then they confined to
1. Walls.- Woij Fê is surrounded by stone their rooms for studying. At midday, the go out
walls constructed by the Lovaw family, quarried of the temple and perform a musical ceremony.
from the Jopî Kneel stone quarries up Nualyi

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6. City Administration Offices.- The 12. Temple of Lo-Shû Throne.- It consisted

building includes registry offices, city council in three naves, in the shape of Y, the central one
room and central watch station. with two stories and high pitched-roof. The
worshipers could come inside the Chamber of
7. Market.- The tents of the farmers and
Ivory to sit at the Throne of the Sky Adviser to
merchants extend from the entrance hall of the
better understand Arda and its energy. The
city to the narrow and dark alleys of the
throne is a potent magical artifact that, if
neighbourhoods around. Together with spices,
controlled by a trained person, allow to see
vegetables and rice balls, can be found fish, roast
through hearts and clear up the clouds of
ducks and even bat meat. The market has an
administration building beside the Old Gate.
The temple is also famous because of its
8. Jinvol Palace.- The palace-fortress is
collection of books. While the monks are
surrounded by a 3m high dry stone wall. The
dedicated to the collection of knowledge, they
palace itself is 12m high (three 4m stories) with a
haven’t developed an effective system to
tower rising from the center, forming the main
classificate the texts, so that the temple’s library
fortified building of Woij Fê. While the lower
is a odd and motley jumble of writings and
story is made on stone, the upper ones are built
on adobe and bricks, showing a soberer
appearance than other sumptuous Vulmaw 13. Street of Copper.- The patient craftsmen
mansions. make pots, mirrors, plates, tubs, saucepans,
greaves, earrings and hundred of works of art.
There is only one entrance is a double door of
heavy wood and iron studs that give access to a 14. Street of Cotton.- The visitor could buy
open courtyard paved with flagstones. The clothes made of the best cotton in Codya. Due to
military facilities are represented by a smithy, a the clothes fabrication process is complex there
barrack with lodging for half thousand men, are large inner yards where the cotton is treated,
stables for horses and elephants, practice halls woven and dyed.
and other accomodations. The tower houses
15. Street of Tubaak.- Busy street where
several siege and anti-siege artifacts, armories,
men with wrinckly hands pound, curl, shape and
granaries and the treasure chambers.
bind pieces of tubaak (bamboo) to create crafts
The Jinvol rooms are organized around inner of inmense practical uses: bowls, fences, carpets,
hall with a well surrounded by huge carved fishing baskets, rods, musical instruments,
wooden pillars. The palace consists of different chairs, craddles, adornments, et cetera.
storages, kitchens, rooms, baths, libraries and
16. Volong Inn.- Fair food and drink, and
halls with a beatiful and harmonic layout. The
standard accomodattions. The main value of the
Shû keeps for their administrative tasks the
inn is the dially perfomances (dancing, theatre,
upper story.
musicians, and even fightings).
9. Hall of Justice.- The courtroom is in the
17. Buffalos Pit.- Whenever it’s not used for
City Meeting Hall. It’s usually empty except from
buffalos fights, it’s also used for market and
judges, their staff and the defendants. The staff
sit on a wooden bench, while the prisioners and
their guards stand on an empty piece of floor 18. Hospice of Erhawah.- Held by monks,
surrounded by rails about 6m from the bench. and defrayed by charity, the hospice is reffugee
to house wanderings and poors.
10. Garrison’s Headquarters.- Two storied
building that includes several jails in their 19. Yedaw Fighting School.- Founded by an
underground floor. former soldier, and run by his descendets. The
masters chose carefully his apprentices, who are
11. One Pillar Sanctuary.- Its wooden
taught wrestling, two-handed spear, axe and
structure was designed to seem a tree, symbol of
shield, scimitar and even archery.
the trascendence for the Gamalac. The sanctuary
emerge from a water pond with a only stone 20. Hampi Stables.- The Hampi family have
pillar simulating the trunk. traditionally been dedicated to the training and
using of elephants as working beast. The

- -

elephants could be rent for hour or days, with or

without chenqui (V. “Elephant driver”).

- -

12 SHADOW Tûn Monkey 21 May – 20 June (31
HOLDS Urg Tiger 21 June – 20 July (30
Narac Deer 21 July – 20 August (31
13 ADVENTURE Xâm Bear 21 August – 19 September
(30 days)
BACKGROUNDS Aiyn Dog 20 September – 20
October (31 days)
Vusag Ox 21 October – 20
November (31 days)
14 ADVENTURES Kódu Dragon 21 November – 20
December (31 days)


NOT SPEAK OF Vulman is a language derived from Womawin,
The legend of a lost objecte come from Zurghôr evolved by the influences of Lakehab, Ixtcalin,
that corrupted Sorkûr Mûl and other natives languages of Southeastern
Middle Earth. Through the years, the Vulman
spoken in Codya turned into a more straight
15 TABLES forward language, the Codyani, leaving the
Vulman as a cult language, used in writing,
ceremonies or official events (nevertheless the
more purist Vulmaw may still use it).
Vulman is pronounced like English, with the
16.1 ABBREVIATIONS following specificities:
"a" is pronounced like the "a" in "dark"
BS = Black Speech Na = Nârn
Ch = Chyan Pe = Pêdu “e” is pronounced like the "e" in "were"
Ku = Kuorith Vu = Vulman
L = Lakehab W = Womawin “i” is pronounced like the "i" in "pity"
"o" is pronounced like the "o" in "obey"
"u" is pronounced like the "u" in “ruse”
16.2 MONTHS OF THE SOLAR “á” is pronounced like the “a” in “camp”.
CALENDAR “é” is pronounced like the “e” in “butter”

Month Meaning Calendar equivalences “ó” is pronounced like the “a” in “call”
Havd Eagle 21 December – 20
January (31 days)
Jin Hare 21 January – February “^” indicates a long vowel.
(29 days)
Onhân Horse 20 February – 21 March
(30 days) "c", “k” and “kh” are pronounced like the "c" in
Eren Falcon 22 March – 21 April (31 "cat"
“ch” is pronounced like the “ch” in “church”
Tset Snake 22 April – 20 May (29

- -

“d” is pronounced like the “d” in “desert” Dil – Light Rya - Conquer
Draic – Haven Shenn – Crossing
“h” is pronounced like the “h” in “house” Dran – Fair Shi – Coast
“g” is pronounced like the “g” in “gift” Drej – West Shô – Stone
Duy – To climb Shryac – Home
"j" is pronounced like the "j" in "jail" Eren – Falcon Shû – Lord
“r” is pronounced like in Spanish (strongly trilled Esh – Almond tree Sit - Stronghold,
at the beginning of a word and after “m”, “n”, “l”, Etz – Great castle
Fê – Spear Siu – Green
Fhed – Team Sriwa - Master
“s” is pronounced like the “s” in “salt” Fiojin – Dusk Suj – Shinning
Gen - Sea Suw - Wood
“sh” is pronounced like the “sh” in “shame” Go - Town Tai – Bell
“th” is pronunced like the “th” in “these” Hal – Lizard Tak - Dark
Han – Wall Tari – Seed
“v” is pronounced like the “b” in “bee” (There is Havd - Eagle Tay - Run
no “b” in Vulman) Hayn – Queen Tha – Lighting
Haz – To fly Tset – Snake
“w” is pronounced like the “w” in “water”. At the
Hij – Quick, fast Tsin – To bless
end of a word is like the “w” in “sew”.
Hîl - Sword Tûn – Monkey
“x” is pronounced like the “x” in “extra” Hion – King Un – Dragonfly
Ho – Fish Urac - City
"y" is pronounced like the "y" in “yes” Iccud – Desert Urg – Tiger
“z” is pronounced like the “th” in “thin” Il – Next to Vann – Mountain,
Ínsi - Student peak
The tonic accent is usually on the penultimate Izai – Herald Vos – Tower
syllable in non-monosyllabic words. Jar – Morning Vrâc– Army
Jelh – Turbid Vuja – Wind, Breath
Ji – River Vulm – To exile
16.3.2 GLOSSARY Jin - Hare Vusag – Ox
Ach – Surprise Naijin – Proud Jú – Herb Wa – High
Ais - Circle Naik – Navy Jura – Plant Wan – Road
Aiyn – Dog Naish - Warrior Kash - Valley Wern - Pearl
Akyul - Mountain Nak – Ship, vessel Kódu - Dragon Woij - Victory
Ampâz - Door Narac – Deer Lai – Wet, humid Woj – Follower,
Anyî – House Niz - Iron Laize - Cupper supporter
Ar – Thunder Nos – Blue-green Laukur – Emerald Wûm - Hum
Awla - Brother Nual - Wave Lawo - Infant Wun – Dock
Aya – Lady Oario – Salt lake Lay – Sand Beach Wur – Night
Ayl – Level, step Och – Square Liw-ka – Forever, Xâm – Bear
Ca – Youth Oloa – Wealth, eternity Xed - Devoted
Caic – Princess prosperity Lo – Sky Yac – Water
Canza – Gift Onhân – Horse Lôc – Dry Yai – Always
Cauai - Monastery Ora – Moon Long - Friend Yamna – Rain
Cevrok – Bay Owja - Forest Low – Battle Yan – Tree
Chas – Flower Parâ – Golden Lu – Shell Yú – Jewel
Co – North, Silver Pasfa – Eye Manûl – Legion Yuan – Land
Coic – Prince Pazac – Spring, Malya – Monk Za – New
Cud - To rise, to lift fountain Maylya - Nun Zad – Life
Cul - Punish Ra – Strength Meln – Shield
Culuch - Raf – Group of hills Menk - Wise
Punishment Raga – Fire Mok – To hide
Dadya – Silo (harvest Raj – Temple Myrn – Beautiful
store) Rapa – Death Nag - Rock
Darta – Lieutenant Ren – Reason
Dergar - Stench Ri – South, cool

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Verb+an – Subject E.g. Haz+an – Flyer

Verb+in – Gerund E.g. Tay+in - Running
Verb+aw– Participle E.g. Vulm+aw – Exiled

16.3.4 PLURALS

The standard form of plural for words that end

in vocal is adding “r”, for example: shû/shûr.
Those works ending in consonant is added “a”
for creating plural, for example: Hion/Hiona.
In some cases, they have irregular plural. For
exemple: vrâc/vyrac, manûl/manyûl


Omna: Long and curved knife, typical Vulmaw
Tubaak: Plant that grows in humind valleys and
the coastal lands, similar to the bamboo.

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