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Reflective piece

‘The gold that glitters in her’

Life is a right

Fair treatment is too

It’s a choice and none should be

Forced into it

She must give in willingly

Oh! Sexual violence!

Your effects are enormous

Psychologically, she feels the pain

Socially she feels the pain

Oh! Sexual Violence!

Many girls are vulnerable

To the wrath of perpetrators

They have no feelings

They have robbers

Stealing the gold that glitters in her

It is right

It’s her Choice

It is for her to decide

Whether or not to give it out

She should not be forced

By John Oyadougha

The reflective piece of this I.A is entitled ‘The gold that glitters’ depicts the emotions behind being
sexually exploited. The writer introduces a combination of Emotive language, descriptive language and
mood to set the atmosphere of the sensitive topic of sexual exploitation. It also illustrates how unfair it
is to be sexual ly exploitation against someone will and the impact it has.

The title itself ‘The gold that glitters in her’ is beautifully expressed as a metaphor and is a depth meaning, the writer wanted illustrate how bright the victims future of sexual
exploitation are. Emotive language is the term used when certain word choice are made to evoke an
emotional response from the reader. In stanza two, the writer expresses the pain the victim feels, the
exclamation mark highlighting the stress behind the act and how she also feels about the situation. The
mood coats how frustrated and desperate he writer is to get the readers alert about the social issue that
is very high happening around the World. The tone is bold as the writer demands justice to the
perpetrators, standing up for a woman who deserves to be treated fairly. Her attitude towards the
behavior is very emotional yet fierce as she desperately reaches out to her audience. Also her
descriptive word ‘Robbers’ that is symbolic, highlighting the way she view the perpetrators for stealing
someone’s future in that heartless act. The dialect variation of this poem is Standard English which is to
be clearly understood by her audience. Descriptive Language used is to emphasize the emotions behind
the issue and to evoke disgust to perpetrators, while the victims are being sympathized with. In
conclusion, this reflective piece addresses a range of language techniques that are chosen to target the
audience based on the setting and purpose.

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