Akuetiemhe Abdulhameed (Eng - 2061960260)

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MAT NO: ENG/2061960260


A.What are the major rivers in Nigeria and evaluate their major water potentials in million
hectate-meter(M ha.m) or Million cubic meters (MCM)

There are mainly two major rivers in Nigeria which are viz;
1.River Niger: which has a capacity of 2117700km² which is approximately 211770000 hectare-

2.River Benue: which has a capacity of 1400km² which is approximately 140000 hectare-meter

Attempt the quiz in page 15 and 16

1.The Hydrogeology cycle

● has beginning but does not end
● has both beginning and end
● occurs continuously in nature
● has three phases-precipitation,evaporation and runoff
2.Hydrology deals with
● Occurance of water and formation of snow
● Movement of water on earth and water vapour in atmosphere
● Occurance of floods and droughts
● Consumptive use of crops and crop planning
● Prevention of droughts
3.Hydrologic studies has made
● To determine MPF
● To determine design flood for spillway and Bridges
● To access the ground water potential of a basin
● For the preparation of land drainage schemes
● To determine the hydro-power potential
● For irrigation and crop planning
● All of the above
4.The hydrolic equation states that
● The inflow into the basin is equal to the outflow from the basin at any instant
● The difference between the inflow and the outflow is the storage
● Subsurface inflow is equal to the subsurface outflow
● The water balance over the basin ∑inflow-∑outflow
5.Match the items in A with items in B
1)Runoff =Important phase of hydrologic cycle

2).Snow, hail=Forms of precipitation

3).Hydrology=Deals with hydrologic cycle

4)..Hydrologic cycle=Water transfer cycle

5).Evaporation, precipitation and runoff=Three phases of hydrologic cycle

6).Hydrologic equation=Law of conservation of matter


2. What are the basic data required for hydrological studies? Name the agencies from
which the datas can be obtained

The basic data required for hydrological studeis are:
a. Climatological data
b. Hydrometeorological data i.e temperature,humidity e.t.c
c. Precipitation records
d. Stream-flow records
e. Seasonal flunctuation of ground water table or piezometric heads
f. Evaporation data
g. Cropping patterns,crops and their consumptive use
h. Water quality. etc
These data can be gotten from the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA)

3.What is the function of hydrology in water resources development? What are the basic
hydrological requirements for a river basin development?

Some of the functions of hydrology in water resources development are as follows;
1) To collect and process hydrology data for current and future water resources development
and management

2) To access hydrology data for water resources and to ensure available information to excute
the development and management plan

3) To prepare hydrology services (flood and drought) for major river basin.

4.Explain the Hydrologic equation


The Hydrologic equation is simply the statement of law of conservation of matter and is given by
I= O+∆s
∆s=change in storage
It simply states that "The total inflow into a given area must equal the total outflow from the area
plus the change in storage at a given period"

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