Heroic Edition: Superpowered Roleplaying

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Superpowered roleplaying
Choose three words that describe your
CREATE hero. give us your motto, or favourite
YOUR write a couple of sentences about your
hero character. Start with your primary

Give a short example of an amazing

stunt you once performed.

Tell us something about your human


Tell us your weakness, or


Choose a Number When you do something Each hero also

between 2 and 9. risky, roll 1d10 to see starts with one die
the result. in their conflict
A high Number means pool.
you prefer to solve Add 1d10 if you’re using
problems using Brawn any of the words that When your hero
(violence, shooting, describe you, or wishes to push
action). anything that fits your themselves, they
story. may spend any dice in
A low Number means their conflict pool
you prefer to use your and add them to a
Brains (debate, roll...
planning, intellect).

How we roll



No success, you fail, Two successes, you

possibly with a win! (Power level:
consequence. You lose impressive.)
something, get hurt,
or find yourself at a Three successes,
disadvantage. critical hit! (Power
level: epic!)
One success, you
scrape a victory, If your first die is
possibly at a cost. equal to your Number,
(Power level: normal.) it counts as a success.
Also, something
special happens.
Johnny velocity
( Athletic. Quick Witted. Computer Whizz. )
“Jeepers!... just in the nick of time!”

I’m the world’s fastest teenager.

I once ran from San Francisco to Las

Vegas in 15 minutes to get pizza!

I won a scholarship to M.I.T., but I put it

on hold to fight crime.

Extreme cold blocks my Speedster

Professor zed
( Curious. Headstrong. Connected. )
“The mind is a delicate instrument...”

I am a powerful telepath that can read and

control the minds of others.

I stopped the Cosmic Shambler by

projecting memories of his human son.

My father was a cruel man. I cannot

forgive what happened to my sister.

My anger is terrible. If I lose control, I

fear what I might become.

The Incredible Crusty Thing
( Strong. Angry. Sentimental.. )
“Looks like someone needs a lesson from
a crusty fist.”

I’m super strong, and super crusty.

I kicked The Sulk in the spuds so hard his

voice went up three octaves.

I used to be a successful lounge singer. I

still got the pipes, but the dames don’t dig
the looks so much.
Poor Betty thinks I’m dead. I guess I want
it to stay that way.

When the first die you roll is equal to #2 A-Ha! ~ Reveal a gadget
your number... you’ve been saving for a
special occasion like this.

something ...Add
one die
to your
#3 Now I see! ~ Ask the GM
one question about the
game. They will tell you the

special pool...
#4 I had anticipated this! ~
Reveal something you
stashed, or otherwise

happens arranged to help you.

#5 Go team! ~ Everyone adds

a dice to their conflict pool.
You add two!

#6 Sidekick! ~ Your sidekick

arrives, just in the nick of

#7 This may tip the scales! ~

Trigger your enemy’s

#8 Invulnerable! ~
Bullets ricochet from
your skin as you charge

#9 Incredible! ~
you deal epic damage to
your foe.

Words to build heroes by...

Playful. Perceptive. Stoic. Tough.
Loyal. Lucky. Grim. Imaginative.
Articulate. Empathetic. Inspiring.
Courteous. Smart. Intimidating.
Secretive. Unassuming. Athletic.
Subtle. Disciplined. Connected.
Tactless. Logical. Well Known.
Humorous. Industrious. Daring.
Domineering. Trusting. Tricky.
Amiable. Trusted. Observant.
Grave. Fearless. Educated.
Resolute. Reckless. Wealthy.Fast.
Austere. Ruthless. Charming.
Innocent. Cold. Quick Witted.
Shrewd. Honourable. Commanding.
Deceptive. Curious. Hard.
Selfless. Headstrong. Insightful.
Manipulative. Dexterous. Volatile.
The devil’s bargain..
If you have no dice in your conflict
pool and you can agree a Devil’s
Bargain, you may add once die to
your roll.

The player or gm suggests a cost for

the extra dice. Perhaps you take harm,
or lose something valuable. Whatever
you agree, the bargain always

Grok A dozen thugs, equipped with Dr

Optimo’s concussive rifle ammo, are
chasing Grok through a warehouse. He
swings up into the rafters and decides
( Strong. Dextrous. Intimidating. ) #8 he is going to strafe them with his twin
machine guns.
“No get in Grok way. Grok
get angry!” His target number is #8.
A gigantic silverback gorilla, He is using Brawn (his action is
who likes to dual wield violent) so he needs to roll under 8.
machine guns.
On top of his standard d10, he gets to
Grok learn all from add a dice because he’s doing something
professor! Professor that fits his story.
Grok’s player wants to make sure he
Grok no like fire! takes out all these mooks at once.

...Grok no like concussive ammo!

Grok has no dice left in his conflict

pool, so the GM suggests a Devil’s
Bargain, Grok’s machine guns will jam
after the attack.

Grok accepts, and rolls 3d10.

Results: { 5, 6, 1 }

Three successes, a critical hit!

The warehouse is a storm of shattering

glass, ricocheting bullets and
splintering wood as Grok DISPENSES
WITH his pursuers.

Grok’s ululating victory roar echoes

through the warehouse. He throws away
his now useless guns and knuckles his
way into the streets of London’s
A supplement for the morally ambiguous super
Create your villain as you would a
CREATE hero. Instead of a weakness, give
your villain a vice they indulge which
YOUR gets them into trouble.

The first time you indulge your vice

villain each session, add one die to your
conflict pool.

Some vices you may enjoy...

Anger. Cowardice. Treachery. Envy.
Greed. Capriciousness. Impatience.
Recklessness. Addiction. Vanity.
Cruelty. Arrogance. Pride. Violence.
Indolence. Gambling. Antagonism.
Chauvinism. Decadence. Deceitfulness.
Fanaticism. Stubbornness. fickleness.
manipulation. Impulsiveness.

Dr downfall #3
( Charming. Ruthless. Tricky. )
“Cease this foolish meddling!”
I am the master of sorcery... and
science! I call it... Scicery!
I captured Johnny Velocity and
harnessed his powers to build a time
I was a researcher at AZ Tech Labs... until
the accident.
I have no weaknesses! Take a seat while I
explain, at length… (weakness: Vanity.)

Lady umbra #4
( Commanding. Cunning. Vengeful. )
“Travelling through the Shadow
Dimension isn’t so bad... once you get
used to the screaming.”
Mistress of Shadows. (Phasing.)
I escaped Hell. That was definitely a
My husband cast me into Hell to become
immortal. I struck a deal with the boss
down there. Now I’m back. Marriage
guidance isn’t on the cards.
“You’re right, if I shoot you I might alert
the other guards.” [Draws sword…]
(weakness: Cruelty.)

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