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American Headway SCOR Sea eS Rea TEACHER RESOURCE CENTER to TEACHER RESOURCE / \. CENTER J \ BETH aesm Ltt) SECOND EDITION PEF ELT led Ue RU} @ oxfordenglishtesting.com N 6 9 9 What is on the Student Practice Multi-ROM? ‘The tude Practice Mlt-ROM in th Back ofeach tut Book has tree pats: 1. meractve grammar, ocular, writing and Video activites 2. Audio material rom the video section 3. One fee oxFordenglshtesting con pace test Reo below to find out how students can access ths est How do students access their online practice test? Student oto oxordenglisttesting com and chose a practice test. They wil eed: * tobe connect the inet o take the ts. ‘+ tohovean e-mail adressto register, Tw access practice test forthe is ime, students cn 1. Puce Mu HOM into thr computers CD deve 2. Cicethe fist option to aces ates. What do students do when they get to the website? 1 When tents see thisscreea, they should flow seps 1-3. the screen does nat appear, ‘they shoul follow step 4 ‘he above pape doesnot appear, students should go to wavxfordenglshtstngcmvnlock. They wil be sk to ik Register now they are new usr. Tey wil fil athe teistation form and enter the volock code printed on ther Mul-ROM, ach coe is unique an lnk ike this: 921966-94719-c779 5143, T.aces the test inthe futur, students should go to oxfordengshtesting con and ag in using ther eal and pasword American Headway THE WORLD'S MOST TRUSTED ENGLISH COURSE Teacher’s Book. SECOND Amanda Maris OXFORD Sse! Sung tsa (Somat ey ay Sn Rise Pate Sep Samore Swtzeund Tundhey Uen Dd ney ein cern nes ‘sn lt Od Unie res ie “Trip tsm nyy y aew Pier pose wing of xiao Pew he ge ‘parapet sn ps Fees Pepin or weno med eae ‘ed hte penis cope ac ation Ear ‘Sung eetcon oui wot tes setnthe ‘ati eprmes tno em te adnan Pracopying ‘Reh gras peminon ne ocping oe pt “Porm neg a gg cc a este ny meh ee and cena ‘praesent be tcp hy wissen ‘Sate ney str ny Ord Une ee ‘iain aos ner ‘Dat seu a ae Ivor ie neat ‘ute resect tes pen We ‘son Bior A e Cmas Himsa vonage nt messing Corse neh Ma [Stinuter tok ctr mo 1947519 i ae tak och component 7801428567 ‘sue Gey esp tea ston see (eilsheamm'sctimouce yay fost Fc pian en nanotech Sie eb nant 1 porn tt " Ieiurol ler gute nol oom es etisalat mf Cas Waren Corie Bare ita ips {remem nue neu tn a a oy ‘Stra Wente apr Se ul ne tee Iron CH OF Repay pment Me nr i Ree weeps ta yan os {erento cerns execs ct Do ‘Say gud eo on Poy ad Bee aegeencmarhe Sp ced iC Cong Cr cn Contents Student Book Scope and Sequence iv introduction vii HEED Awisiore— vyrpourtister~ Countees Everyday objets Numibers—Hello and good-bye. 2 ‘Anvisare ~Quesions and negatives Possessives The family -Oppostes-Inacafe. 7 PEETEEIE esent Simte 1 Hertet— Questions and negatives Jobs What time 5 m4 HUEER Ther ifare- Prepositions ~Somelany ~This/tha/these/ those Paritere— Directions | 33 HEEB ona wastnere= Words that sound the same ~On the phone 2 i Rew Sea: Past Simple : Regular vets ~Lregular verbs ~ Words that go together ~What's the date? 52 Past Simple2: Negatives ago Spelling and silent letters ~ Special occasions 6 Count and noncount nouns —Iike/'d ike Some/any~ Muchvmany- Food ~ Polite requsts71 Present Continuous ~ Whose? ~ Clothes ~ Desribing festings In a clothing store si {Ging to future ~ Comparatives and superlatives Weather~ Making suggestions on Present Perec + ever neve, yet and ust ~ At the airport 101 Units 1-4 ml ‘Stop and Checks 127 Units 5-8 6 Progress Tests 4 Units 9-12 121 Answer Keys 140 Grammar Reference Answer Key M4 Workbook Answer Key 45 E_— Student Book scope and sequence "Bose pk Sar? He den put Spaeth Peck pS risen RON EVERYDAY ENGLISH lal esraeet are cone eae pelo et waa ONE Fatie Spa a aaaasen begs apples p | 7 Wesing poms ew Ti tp aa | a SB oaap 0 Ba nes Sere» omega Sore aoe sole emt te cnt he Tet dace 10 a | ‘worl ‘Present Simple 1 Verbs ‘Wht tine ii 1 3 The word of work Perso | ee escent agate. | cater amet Snaftapapn = 4 Take it easy! Present Simple 2 Verbs ‘Social exaressions { er peeaaa youve ols g us ply p25 ‘tage. nd vests Tee en ae ae ae ‘it on Boob p28 Stop\and clieck 1 Teactier's Book p. 127 i 5 Where do you five? Thee isure Boome Dire ‘hs "iy on, hon 9.32 Tei poof nae C7) “Ting tho eee ac acai wehing We ic re 93 ' Whats inary? | sil pe. es p.28 | nic Fe Bip is 8 thi tho these thse et ‘ ‘iit ide ert 38 © Ganyou spent canine Oe ae Engl? Weanttoe 0 vee Carte nape wee wet irl danke Fle TWrorweeyayorniorne work aman. eviiaaod Tera tow te iid on hf. ws bor ” Sere nl ps 1 Scope and Sequence pvalitces fartints pans TN ‘Setanta Tago 3 Tntodacing yourself, 3 Theale song. 6 Inodacing yur 3 ‘AnemalfomibeUS p12 Talking boat up. ‘Anema fom de US.— ‘Wate about ou asp. Yoorfiniyp ‘Mere Soong? p 2 Sema Mogae man Aang indoreeine Samah de.2 Natural wing ‘ig promtins 9 ‘iy fv son p28 Tages 26 ey orc Informal es Vitor hee ‘Tonge A dtm Doyeu ve ety Hs 0 ‘Th White Howse p36 ‘Watsiayour piu p23 Wha in Yok rife p35 —Deserbing where yo Kine a TToling beater youve 38 Homessrome thewordp. 8 Linking vos osu, nen “iene cme pe ‘aqwaionnieWhatcan Lace cok a Fowmalleter fonder pt "pita job p97 What competes op. $1 akon 9 Scope and Sequence 7 Thon and now pee @ Adate to remember paeee [TANGUAGE NPI mE aLatty Dac Sine egulererbs Sul cog ppl 9 apie fro New ark p50 Tincexpresions " ee he ry gS eis TL ac tye Treg rE Sc 2008p Stop aitdicheck 2 Tearher's Book pi 128) ere vein ‘ wari go ogehir Sentai 54 Te scone. 6 sein Seiten rane sym ‘tt is p38 Ea hens of App $8 Spe eens “hata Hopp iy. Poe ofre and vequese Fonkyeu le! Stato velo ight pee imeem farmer Slee Tibia — glk mtfitper— El eden ‘sand some ‘Gan yer give me the recip Tene ade ne amcmarst ne 70 Looking gad Pra ora Gate imaging Lookin 0 one ian ap SE tag ci AEE Errepty. 7 el aan onthe aca er ies avadionrel pase Tate Tan ats lies tS nmtcrminen SSG any wenn, caeigatsmtitet” awe Senet s "Ry ep eas 2 te enon es ee <= Haw yo meme ee ae NED See Teeter tacit atipe cs Sunes WE Scope and Sequence Shes nvr eo Pat 80 tan jot " Ths yo ona ee dep. 88 rel erat sed at Se ‘lr bon Se Sheet hee rag p07 (nn poe UT ‘Te tama Fs Amel That nd Gag p-32 Theyear as born. When diigo 31 BE Wwe etic peep WRITING Deseibinge ction 9.8 “hs insenton p58 ‘Geng norton = Famous pido know tat ps6 Howe aio vee “ic entos p58 Tow id you mame. ‘Wriigabout fend ng won coe, whe, voy Food aroand te wood. 66 Foodyouiep. 62 My ivorte rational od 8 Filing et founs ° Ralepay shiping 65 . ossngs ote. 109 ‘Mes our oun 6 “yng Wihou Wing” Gong ‘Debinga pononscec p71 Who've wedingp.72 Describing pple. oe Ctiagtaten Ws at— Reong*Fylng About ings” inking ors atau ie hea 92 pe pin ayant gs 75 or ee | Danger Fat plane. 7 Weng poser p. 107 Inserews p8 ‘Weve never eto deep 91 (Ge you ve esa op 67 ‘hig ase done 8. ‘Wht sy done. 88 hones nen 8 Wing amet Soy na op 103 Scape and Sequence vi aco Introduction Welcome to American Headway ~ Second Edition, ‘Aercas Hendy, SecoelEdnion isa mulileel, For ‘Sls seis for adults and young adults who want to wwe ‘American English both accuttely and fluently. The eevised ‘Second Baltion consists of ss levels that ake students including true beginners, up though the imermedinte and advanced levels ‘What's the same? z ‘Amerian Headway, Second Elton combines the best of traditional teaching methods with more recent approaches tommake the learning of English stimulating, motivating, ad effective. The series enable students to analyze the systems of language in conte it exposes them to 8 ‘aiety of challenging and intresting types of text, Students are encouraged to produce accurate and level-approprate language, and to bring their own personal experiences and feelings the Feaening conte Each level of American Headway, Second Baton contsine approximately 80 to 120 hour of claseoom material. ‘Teaching time canbe extended wel beyond thisby using the extra activities in the new Teacher Resource Center, “Teachers Book, Workbook, 2d on the Student Practice Malti-ROM, Unit Organization ach Student Book unit Americen Heady, Second ition consists ofthe following sections Starter ‘The Starters a quick activity that launches the uni and is related to either the topic or the target langage Presentation ‘A Presentation section follows the Starter. It hata personalized heading (for example, What can you do?) {ollowed by a definition ofthe language item being staid {ea canfcan'). Within each Presentation section, 8 Granta Spot guides students to an understanding ofthe target language with questions charts, and mini-tasks "Thoteis usually a referral to tke Grammar Refrence at theback ofthe Student Book. (The Grarsmar References intended for selFstudy although teachers might choose to have students rete oi bre; during class.) vill ntreduction Practice “The Pratcesetion provides a wide variety of engaging exercise ypes, such a matching l-in-the blank, survey, soe-plays and information-gup activities. Students attention fs focused directly on the target language and related Tanguage ares in exercises labeled Check i America Hendy, Second Edition fests mix of orctcestiviies, both controlled and fie, personal and impersonal. Skills Reading and listening ae always taught together ith speaking. Reading and listening texts feature pre-activiis to arouse students interest and curiosity, and to get them thinking and talking about what they might read oisten to. A variety of comprohension actvitica ye stdcts lear reading or listening ass. Follow-up activities invite ‘students personalize the topic and can be anything from short discussion to project work Vocabulary 7 Vocabulary cher relates to the topic of thetext, ors utilized inthe text A variety of vocabulary exercise types provide lexical input, encourage good letting habits, and ‘work onthe systems of vocabulary, such ascolfoations, retxes, and sulixes, Everyday English ‘An Everylay English section iishes off theunit and cases on high-wsage functional, situational or social language What's new to the Second Edition? Reading and listening texts ‘The vast majority ofthe texts are new. Teachers can get tired of using the same texts yea after yeas so the topics in this edition ba been updated, Sometimesa parallel ext on ‘the same topic was found, and sometimes «new topic and rw text ere selected Speaking Paems of sounds and yh in speech ary pending on accent, eiter, the mesa, setence netic [Nevertheless this edition offers stadens mare guidance in thisaen of ther English pronunciation. Tris hasbeen done by introducing anew festre called Msi cf Elis usc of Eshfocuseson vod an semence ses, word Finking and intenatsn pattems in high-frequency everyday expression, 1 reminds teachers and students a listen for and practice all the elements of spoken English. The accompanying ecordingsexegerate intonation, srs ‘wors-inking to help students hear and fellow the patterns. Students in turn, should aloaim to exaggerate the patterns ‘in practice exercises, Some stents wl struggle wore than others with pronunciation and Music af Els. However, with plenty ‘of encouragement, and the higher incidence of practice given to these elements of spoken Eaglsh in American Heady. Seeond Eaton, student? awareness and subsequent delivery ‘of spoken English should gradually improve Witing ‘The Writing section now appears separately atthe bck. ofthe Student Book, Ths secon provides models for ‘students to complet, adap, and fellow inorder to produce ‘sting piece of writing Each writing Lesson is eed fom {he uni, and can Be used a the teachers discretion Grammar Reference practice exercises “The Grammar Reference hasbeen extended to include short practice exercises which est students’ understanding of the language areas sing stacie. These canbe used atthe teachers discretion—for homework, or in addition othe Practice section inthe unit Design “The design is completely new It is cleaner, resher, and ‘more modern. Photographs and illustrations have been carefully chosen not only to enhance and clarify activites, but also to inform and simulate students ‘American Headway 1 Anercan Monday 1 for shadents who have litle Kowedge of English, and fr beginningleyel students wing have sted some English inthe past. True beginners Can also ure American Headoay although it might be ‘ore useful for them to egin with American Headway Starter, Student Book “The Stadent Book contains hehe units Each unit conteins Tanguage input (Grammar, Vocabslary, and Everyday English) plus skils development (Reading, Speaking. Listening, and Writing) In zddition, a complete Audio Script, point-by-point Granmar Reference, and Word List are atthe back ofthe Student Book. tine aio program for Student ook 2 is cuntained on ast “ofthree CDs. Much ofthe program is also available on she Student Audie Download Cener Exercise that have beer recorded ate clearly labeled Student Practice Multi-ROM ‘An interactive Mult-ROM sincladed wits the Student Book. The Multi-ROM reinforces the material in ‘the Student Book and contains interactive gramm ocabulary and writing activites, as wells video interviews ‘with comprehension activities. Is designed for students to tie outside cass and the activities ean be ased for self-study lr ossgned as homework. Workbook “The Workbook is mainly for home study although the ‘exerises can also be used in clas to provide extra review and consoldation, The Workbook contaas further practice fall the grammar and vocabulary presen in the Student Book. The Workbook als includes new Spotight on Testing lessons that help studens prepare for stadardized exams, “The sui program forthe Workbook is antained on ‘Workbook CD, which is designed for use2y studens on their own, WorkDook exercises that have ben recorded are labeled The Andio Script atthe back of the Workbook can lio be used fo complete most tasks. The program is aso avalable on the Student Audio Download Center. ‘Teacher Resource Center “The new Teacher Resource Cente brings together ll ‘lassoom presentation, practice, and 2sesment materials ‘one curtomizable online ibrar. Powerpoint? presentations, ‘reproducible masters, and a variety of PDF, aio, video, snd other media es can be accessed anytime, anywhere Teacher's Book “The Teachers Book detail the ams of exch unit and provide step-by-step guidance on how te exploit the Activities in each section ofthe unit. The “echer’s Book tko contains notes on the language input including areas of potential confusion), answers toa Student Book ‘exercises, and cultural notes, The Workbuok Answer Key snd extra photocopiable material, including songs, are at the back ofthe book. The Teaches Bookalso contains Progress Tests and Stop and Check quizzes, American Helvay, Second Edition alo includes: *ATest Generator CD-ROM, contsining customizable {esis foreach level + AProgram Tour ofthe course + AStudent Audio Download Center wth suo files from the Class Audio CDs, Workbook CD, and Spotlight on “esting lessons Introduction x Key features of American Headway ‘Balanced Approach Ameri Hubs, Second Elton adopt abslonced Approach to teaching English y combining the best of testinal methnds with crn approaches, ‘ATraditional Approach + Grammars given a high prfile. tis not diguised, The grammatical stems of English are presented, practiced, tested, and explained. + Vocabulary acquis is an important element of every + There are pre-communicatve exercises to provide controlled practice. These hoost students confidence, especially at low level ‘ACurrent Approach + Students are guided to workout rules for themselves, ‘They are encouraged to adopt x certain responsibility for their own learing ‘+ Reale situations ae rehearsed inthe eas, with role plays situational activites, authentic material, esxtacts from newspapers and magazines and interviews with real people + The languages seen asa wtole. Learners acquire new language items by seeing hem and using thems in communicative activities, Effective Teaching “Teachers will appreciate the comprehensiveness and efietiveness of American Heatny, Second Edition. 1 bas been designed to meet the praca sson-to-leson needs ofthe teacher. The units prove a balanced, cohesive timetable fr the presentation, practice and personalization of target language ina variety of exercise types, relevant vocabulary work, extensive sills work, and practical everyday stuational English, Effective Leaning Students will appeciat the accessibility and etveness of American Honda, Send ton. Te ut speak ize tthe students. The etents pags uni openers, headings instructions explanation, ad rosselerences are designed guide student trough the bok with ‘maximum understanding and involvement The Syllabus “The sjllabus of American Heavy, Second Eton combines language input (Grammar, Vocabulary, and Everyday English) with els work (Reading, Speaking, Listening, and Weitng), 1 Introduction Grammar ly even ay, Sexo Eliton the ange that stents ae exposed to and the language that they ate invite to produce is very carefully graded. Over the sere, the depth of langage analysis gradually increases. Students 3nowledge is confirmed and extended, and the range of ‘helt Hingis abies widens acondingly Itsour belief that an understanding ofthe grammar ‘of English is onc ofthe key enabling sls fa language deaeners, In American Heway, Second Elin strstares hat are simpler in form and meaning ae taught befre approaching sore complex ones. An understanding ofthe basis will Frelp winen more diffu items are encoumered, This s cxempliied by the sequence of presentations of tense forms sin Ameren Headway I through Americas Headway 3. ‘American Headway + tbe + Present Simple + Past Simple + Present Continous * going to fate + Present Perfect Simple “American Headway 2 + verb tense review «+ extension of Present Simple and Present Continuous + presentation of Past Continuous + wltand going «+ extension of Present Perfect Simple + presentation ofthe Present Perfect Continuous «+ presentation ofthe Past Perfect ‘American Headway3 + verb tense review + extension of Present Simple nd Present Continuo with state an event verbs ‘+ comparison endl contrast ofthe Past Simple, Past Continuous, and Past Pestect, + comparison and contrast f wil, going tan the Present Continous for fire mesg «+ comparison and contrast ofthe Present Pesfot Simple ain the Present Perfect Continuous "Teachers are constantly consolidating and extending their student’ knowledge Every classroom activity can beseen 382 tes ofthe stat of the individual studer' language ‘bles. It oe view that earners learn inthe context oF ‘good tetching, but not neces asa direct result of, A ‘grammatical slabus enables students oDulda view ofthe structoreof English, Over tin, cengition ofan item rases aveareness hat the ond eh semi prt, Vocabulary In American Headhoay Seco dino, vocabulary is developed in its own section. Theve ae several important features about the way vocabalary is handled + Newwords are tanght in lexcal set and learned in conte + Vocabulary leering strategies shave students how to begin to assume more responsibilty for their own vocabulary acquisition + systems of vocabulary (suchas synonyms, antonyms, and ‘compound nouns) help stwlents perceive patterns in the langsage. + Collocations (or example fly +a plane or tll a story) ppt new vocabulary context and make it immediatly ‘sable Everyday English “The Everyday English sectionat the end ofeach unit covers tree main areas + survival sil (eg a the stport) + functions (eg, greetings) + Tanguage Fr special occasions (eg. lida greetings) Shills work ‘The sills workin America Heeay, Second Eton is carefully selected according tothe level ofthe students, The ‘deal task shouldbe realistic within the students linguistic abilities and should challenge and interest them. Tasks should build confidence in the sil and lave stents with ‘fens of satisfaction an achieverent. Reading and Listening ems come from wide variety of sources such as ‘newspapers magazines, shor stories, biographies, reference ‘books eal interviews, radio broadcast, and songs. They areal utenti, but at lover levels we have adapted the Tenguage to sit the level Speaking ‘American Headway, Second Bition aims to enable students to speak, make conversation, be sociable, and function in the target language. Speaking activites range from totally controlled to totally fe, There are many repetition, exercises, especially atthe lover levels, ware students ae Jnvited to repent items ssl 1 show that they ean get ‘heir mouths around the sounds, ORen ties for “aipley” purposes, so stants can have the satisfaction of thee teacher’ praise when they suceed. Many speaking sstivtes are persnlized Sent ve intel o reat the material the Stwlen Book 1 thence, thet ves, tei fais and ex erence There isalot of paral group work to masimize tudes ontibution tothe leon, Wing Inthe Writing sections, sens completea number of prctial as such as ting informal eter, in which Srctursand linking words ate practiod Ii probably the best use of cas time to setup the writing exercises in class and then assign the actual writing tsk as homework ‘Anote from the authors ‘The concept of combining the best of tational and moe reeent approaches has always been athe core of our ‘stting We vite a teachers forthe classroom. We have learned thatthe most important things te stay ficmly ‘rooted inthe day-to-day teaching situation and not to sliscard approaches that are tied and este ust because they aren trendy. We uy to Keep ourselves flly informed ‘ofthe atest developments in the profesio, but we draw ‘only on what we believe is practically usefl and usable in the classroom. Weave writen Amecan Headway, Secped Edition to be ‘complete and balanced package that ingles work with ‘grammar, vocabulary, functions, situations, pronunciation, speaking listening, reading, and writin. is our hope tha hen stent nish each wnt they il feel shat hey have been challenged and that che have really learned something ‘Weave leo writen American Henny ero Editon tobe flexible, so that you can adapt the sees for yourselh your students and your teaching stati. You can fellow the Student Book exactly as itis, using the notes inthis ‘Teachers Book or you can supplement th Student Book rateril with exercises From the Workbod and activities in the Teacher Resource Center, You can alo change the order ‘of activities and use the content asa springboard fr your ‘own idea, Remeber, you ae in control 3f the book, not ‘heather way around, ‘Wehope that you and your students enjoy using American Headway, Secon Eton and have sucess withthe books. Ly SH pl Sa Liz and John Soars Introduction xi £9 Gran: Anis/e +My you ser © Vcablay Counts Evy ojcts+ vryay Engl Helo an good ye ee Introduction Language aims to the unit (Grammar~am/is/are ‘The ver bes ntcoduced in al singular and a ee ral forms. The feus son affirmative statements and ques ons with + rou begin American eaony by uetion words (where, we and how), Negative forms snd YeNo questions youareprobsh surge nels deh tin Oa a a With new group of siden Tet OT Unit is Helo everybody? and Possssve adjectives My, ou his and he are troduced inthe unit. The other gue inporintgoueter teas osesve adjectives are hen in Grammar Reference L.2 on Stunt Book p 113. gettolnoweichtherané yeu, and Vocabulary Names of counties te introduced as part of the work on Yyougetto know them Studertsmay introductions, In the Vocabudary and pronunciation section th sipbets have relatively lie English ceuseat introduced and practiced. Stents look atthe organization oa bngsl this stage However, you en begin dietionary entry, and everyday objects such asa fcket and key. possible, bring tocreate an exsygoing and feendly enough biingal dictionaries or tudens to share at less one between 0 GED neu ivogh he seo at bocao ee iiierteslomn hehe Atul 10 imp bcimponamt vor vethe wor yng ‘hemo crig OX so be) Pa Te nlng Sdn ne nd eps eaeatng eare and itnatonntbetme on soe mond {5 Students practice the conversations inopea and then . 1M as das, or asign for ‘homework, The answers are on TB p. 144. Word List Remind your students of the Word List for ths unit on SBp. 127. They cold tranalate the words, lear them at hhome, or transfer some of the words to their vocabulary notebook 4 Unit2 + Meeting people ) Grammar es Spee Cues an erie easly tts fey ng What Ue Introduction Language aims | tothe unit Grammar Pres ple Te rs Sipe he en we ; oa lsh gongs therefore impotent ontrodece tee na Beginning ‘Workand jobs are he seme: of this ye clas. In mercer Heda’ the intotacton is staged ve vo uns. unis the end themseves Othe ch In this unit only the third person singular with its questions and negatives i pre of tbe grmmitalsitwhich pst and paced Ath ehe eros ae inoducedin Unt Sing ofthe Present Simpl. The POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Sk wos inlades a eaing et + TheEngl language dos not have many nections. Unfortunatly, about aman wo lives on remote thismens the ew tat do exist ease» disproporionss amount of Scots and and has wel jobs Aiicalyfor frig ares, The son the third peso singular af This was chosen to complement both the reset Simpl sa clase example ofthis Therefor we inode thethemes and grammar of be unt itt in the hope tht wl be mae memorable and stents willbe ‘The text so act aa preven of ber lee ikey 0 mie forms ofthe Present Simple context + Thesean be pronounce in thee ways ‘alcomes ‘kama! ‘atworks Awarks! tl teaches tf? ‘The difference between fs and /2! endings is practiced inthe opening texts on Ist Kis and Pamela Green. + The ose of dcatosytin the question and negative ofen seems strange to students, because ofthe absence ofthe assay inthe affirmative. Note In American Headway I the verb haves introduced al practiced asa full verb with its doves forms. ‘Although have gor fa standard British English form wed wo express posession, it isnt the preferred form in American English and s not Introduced in Americnt Heady 1 1 Asstudents become more fluent speakers of English, they wil beyin to notice when the have go form is used by native speakers ofboth British and American English. Ip American English, iis used mainly in spoken form ta expres posession. Have got dacs et expres 2 habitual ation. ‘+ Itscems advisable to avoid any potentially confusing explanations of hae got for beginning-levelsilens of American Engi, Unit S + The world of work 15, Vocabulary and pronunciatien variety of jes with related activities are induced. Distonay work senenragd an ‘here certain amount of ark onthe phonetic pling of some ofthe words I possible, bring enough bilingual tictonariesforstudentt sar at east one betice to, Everyday English Scudensfacus on hor tol the ime in English, Thies practiced in stort clogues. Wiriting The writing sylbus begins in this wnt, Object. pronouns (ne hi, hem) are iteoduced and practiced Workbook The speling ofthe third person singular is practiced (waices, oe) (Question words sich as Whew? and How much? and YewNo questions are practiced, Verbs of daily routine (get up make breakfast) are Introduced, with pratce of questions and negatives Notes on the unit STARTER (s5p.1) ‘The Starter activity recycles the family vocabulary from Unit 2 and allows students to use some ofthe jabs vocabulary they aleady know. Give some examples ofjobs ofthe people in your own fry and then ge students to continue the activity in pairs. If students ak forthe names tf ndividual jos, give some examples that ae commen to the whole class, but do ot le the Starter activity goon too long or reduce the usefulness ofthe Vacabulary and speaking saction on p. 22 Present Simple he/she/it ‘SUGGESTION Before you sar this unit, sign the vocabulary homer ‘below in preparation forth presentation texts on Istvin ‘and Pamela, This wl save «ot of cassroom time where you would have o check wecabulary, and it wil give you ‘more time to focus onthe gramme. Homework prior to lesson Ask tdent to write the tansation ofthe fllovsing ‘word and lear them forthe lesson, Tey ean uses Dilingval dictionary to lod up words they don’t know. Verbs come fly help lite love play speak work Nouns Canada day four town eck Adjectives Canadian fie tine ordinary Pre-teach msc profesor and ling doctor Focus ettention onthe photos of Istvin and Pamela, ‘Students answer the first questions. Ff'sa music professor. She's flying dacor) “Askstudents Where’ he fon? and Where's she from? ‘and then ak them to look quikly atthe texts o find the answers (Budapest in Hungry, and Canad) Unit 3 + The word of work [Naw ply the recording atk your students to read and olen tothe yestvat the same time Hy think yur cls wll experince some dfculy you san eal with the texts oe st tine deingithe Grane Sporesercises with them for he fis tet ad then asking then erepeat the proves on ther own forthe second GUNN 1 Tal students that hey should only lock fr verbsin the afimative form, Ask the to wou thelr ot to underine the verbs and then checaheir answers ‘witha partner before you review sa dis, Pint out that sand sare irregular verbs. 2 Ask the whole lass wha the last eters (9) and ‘point out that thi i the ening forthe third person sngul —fe, she, it~ of the Preset Simpl tense “ansvore Hee 1s cores lies works spela has ies fles loves Pronunciation 3 GEIB Poy thereconting Tall tudents to listen for ‘the pronunciation ofthe final -s and 9 decide whether itis pronounced st orf. Do verbs works sand isa! asexamples wit the cas Students liten and write the other verbsin the chart. Check anavers as 2 css. Play the recording again. Students fistn and repeat as lass then individaly ‘ansters and audio sept Aad wets, speaks ees 221 1s comes lies bas les loves (GEIB s comes tes wes speaks los Mes loves ‘Working in pairs, student take turns rain the texts ‘Monitor for correct pronunciation. Round off the activity by asking one orto stents read a text ‘loud tothe whole clas, Students write their answers, and then heck witha partner. Make it clear that each blank repreeenta word fd that question 8 requires an affirmative verb in {he second sentence because ofthe negative expressed by never Students sten and check, “Answers and ao Serpe | Satin sausleprofesor. Panel's a decry. 2 He cores ro Manga. she comes from Canada, 5. Heliesin abigltybut he lies ina ell ov, 4 Hewerk fr days a ed. Ste works shows day 5, He peaks thre langage She peas sk people onherrado. 6 Heloves is jb and she loves her jb, 0. 1 Haas daughter. Se eit mated 1 He ikesplayng tons in Ws ee te, She never has fiestime *Note that ike ing ideal with in Ui Aslestudentsin pais to rea the sentences aloud, Monitor for coreet pronunciation ofthe sending. I necessary, play the recording again ard get students to repeat. Talking about people 1 The aim ofthis activiy ist give students the chance not just to produce single sentences, but 0 speak at some length to describe l-jandro. tis both wseful and satisfying fr low-level students to use language for “display” parpoes in this way and not always engage in the more “natural” questien-and-answer activities, Aakethe whole clas to look atthe picture of Alejandro ‘nd the information about him. Check comprehension (of waking his dog Start tobulld a profile of him orally ‘with contributions from efferent students Point out any ‘errors the third person sending and majr problems ‘wth pronunciation, but ao allow students to sl ‘correct and encourage pee correction fram the other ‘students as much a posile. 2 Focasattention on the examples. Then ask one or two students to speak st length aboot Alejandro. Sample snciver ‘Alejandra’ tour guide. He cames from Peruana vesin Lua He words nator oe, He speaks Spanish Eglsh, ada litle Geran He it marie but ha asa roormate, Ins rete he kes wali his dog and playing soccer. {3 Now ask your students to rita short paragreph about a fiend or relative. With ves clases, ive a short ‘description of frend or elative, or elicit an example from s confident student, Students work in pats ad tak bout thei friendlrlatveto their pertner. Go around the class to check and hely them. Bring the whole class togeter again, and ask one or two students otell the ‘others abou thee fiend ce relative. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Workbook Unit3 [Exercises | and 2 These provide father practice of the third person affirmative of the Present Simple [Beercite 3 Thisisa vocabulay atvty in two parts. lshould ‘be done with dictionary. (Its noran opportunity to practice other persons af the Present Simple, only to se the verbs in their infinitive forms! It would be a good ides to assign the first part for homework snd then follow it up in class — the pictures of Ruperts day are particulary suitable fora classroom activity, where the stony is built orally berestudents wit or Hse and check. Questions and negatives [nore Be prepared for some students to make mistakes inthe use of deesfdees'1 form the questionand negative “Tey to review these Forms a often as neesary In the Present and Past Simple tenses, where there is no aula in the aimatve, the use of te ausliary ‘verbs can Seem very strange: Many students feel that it ‘would be mach more logical to sy: “Lives in Paris? Where fives set "Shelves no in London The short answers Yes he dees/No, he doesn't and common mistakes of form lke “he dest’ comesalso ‘cause problems and need tobe pointedout ta students. 1 You need to signal that you ae going tc imtroduce ‘the question forms, You can do this by éavng a large ‘question mark op the bourdandior epating the ‘SEatences yourself with exaggerated intonation, (GEIB Pay the recording and ask your students to read and listen, and complete the answers. ‘wer nd dio ripe 1 Where dee van came om? ulape, in nga. 2 Wat dows do? figsamsie pots 3 Doesbespak German? Yes helo 4 Does he peak Spansk?._No,he oes He does spel Spanish o French Play the recording again and get students 0 repeat ‘oth chorally and individually Then get thenn to ask and answer in open pais acros the clas NOTE Encourage good pronunciation at all times. Highlight the pronunciation of doesand dees, geting students to repeat the weak and strong forms inislation, and as part of the question and short answers. Also fe care withthe intonation falling tthe end in the wi: questions and rising n the YesNo questions. —_ Where does he come from wear de bu kan fren! a ass espoak German? fda bx spk "dgarmant Unies + The word of work 17 1 Make sare students understanel that Whar docs hese | | datmeans the same as Whats she ob, but tat. | Whar des hee dois te more common question, 2 Aske students to comple the sen eth come Ananers Affirmative He comes fem Honey Negative: He doesn't come fom Foland ‘Question Where does bacon fer? Point out thatthe ist used inthe main verb in the negative and questcn, bat appears in does. Pronunciation (GAIED this exercise serves to further reinforce the weak and strong forms of does Students will see from the stres highlighting that when wastressed, ice in affirmative senterees, the form is weak: /832 However, when steese, ie in short answer or the negative, ison. /dads, azn. Play the recording. Students listen forthe weak and strong forms of desdes, then listen again and practic saying them Drill the form ae neces. ead Grammar Reference jon ps together in aes andor ask students to reedit at home. Encourage them task you questions about. 2 GED stedents comple the entencesthen check ‘witha partner. Pay the recording ad gel them to ten nd check. Finally ek individuals to read their enewers tothe das paying carefalatention to srese and pronunciation ‘Angers nd audio erp 1. Where does Pamela come from? Canada 1 What does she da? she's doctor, 5, Does she lve i Canada Ho she dosnt. 4. Dove se ike hero? ey, she does 3. Focus ttention onthe example question and answer. ‘Scents write similar questions about Alsiandro and then snd ansiver i pis. ‘Sample questions and answers ‘What doeshe do? He's a tow side Doeshe workin Ceurst ofa? Yes he does. Does he speak tla? No, he oes. 18 Unit3 + The world of work Asking about people 1 Divide the elas ina pats. Get the stents rea bout Iman of Ging. Check comprevension and dill the pronunciation of Brsiresionien znosworany Someta oma, veezaria vedo eatin’ chef Sell rlaing eck 2 Get students to saya sentence about eah person as an «example, Students describe Iman/Giongo toa partner, Go around the css to check and help ‘hem. Finish off the activity by bringing the whole class together agai, and asking one o wo students to tell the others about Iman and Giorgio. 3 Askeach pir to choos ether man or Giorgi. Focas sxtenion onthe example, Students wor ndvidally tnd te the questions, ‘Were este /he come? ‘Where oes shee ine? Wher doer she he work ‘Does she/he spl Fee om may enidien dos rae Dosssherhe havea dog? What does Nelo tet Does shee ie cook Cesk questions quel round thecls geting students 0 ead themt aloud. 4 Askyour students to close their books. Write the names Inn and Giorgoon the board, then wk studentsto ‘work in airs and take tus asking and answeving ‘questions about them. Don't mae theaetvity too laborious by insisting they ask every question about both characters, 2 this would probably taketoo long Let your students choose thelr questions and wich character they talkabout. Finish off the activity by asking fora few questions and answers in open pairs. Check fer accunte pronunciation. ‘5 This isa personalized activity. Tell stucens they can answer questions about any fend or lative, Provide any necesary vocabulary, eg cousin sisted if ‘students request this, Go around and eck es they do the aetvty, focusing on the formationof questions. Ask ‘one orto students to el the whole css about thelr oF their partners eatve. Listening and pronunciation {Do this exercise as briskly as possible with the whole ‘ns. Demonstrate the aetity by going through the rapes with the clas and practicing the easponses Yes, 1 No, heeds, No, he is EB) Pay the econdirg or read the sentences (3-10 below yourself and nominate individual nthe class to respond, Allow stdents eorect each other ifa wrong, siswer given. Ht shouldbe quick and fun todo, so ‘on insist on the fll correct answer ift ows down the activity — No, hele ees, ee is enough ‘Ansior and audio stipe man i Shes sto ds Noe sada sess woman) 4: She pees five languages Yes, thats ight 5. Shel plying tenis oes rete, No, she doesn’t (she likes coking vegesran food in er fee re) {6 She stare Ves, se. (Shes marie to David Bowie) Glorglo 7 Giorgio works an ofcein London. No he doesn, ‘We works ina restauare) : 8 Het tal Yee s the Sens. Ho te docsn't (He has asonand2 age 10, He ies lacing with fry ins ee tine, Yes that right 7 GUD tis shouts iamediatety follow the previous ‘rere. Play the recording andl ask dents to cheek the sentence they hear. This exercise tests receptive ‘comprehension, but you ean make it productive by asking students to sy thesentences with» partner. Check for accurate pronunciation, ‘Answers and audio serpt 4, Shelkes her ob, 2 Se loves yalking 3. He at marie 4 Does ave tre chien? 5. What doer he do? Check it 8 Askestudents to workin pets or small groups and check the corect sentence, khem to work quickly, then review ab a lass, Get stucents to corect exch atherand toexplain any mistakes they hese Answers 1. She comes fem Somalis 2. hat dos edo i sre tine? 4, Whete does she ive? 4 He nt maried 5, Does she have two sons? 6, He deen play socet. 1. She does’ love ele. 8. Whats hades [ADDITIONAL MATERIAL ‘Workbook Unit 3 [Exercises 4-9. Questions and negatives ie Present Simple third person singular Natural writing eae ere ra sskcporconad resins are cane a Ue Se lie ten nen asger io te renee ah rce ere ce Answers Subject pronouns. Object pronouns, Pssesive adjectives t me ™ you you your he. fim te she het be fe it its ‘hey them ‘hie Unit3 + The world of work 19 23. With weaker clases, facsatention on dhe Caton Box and ask students (read tis befor starting the exerci. ‘More able classes can do Exercise 3 immediatly and facts on the Cincion Bos se consolidation Focus attention onthe example and get students to say ‘what seand itrefer back 1 {sser and ca). Get students ‘compete he sentences working individually and then check the ansers with the whole clas Aer 2 He then S Wee 8 Hee Se 6x me A Shehim/tesher 7. er/then 10. Shesthem cus attention an the Carton Boxifstudents didn't read ithefoe doing Exercise 3. 44 Askthe general questions toremind students who tstvn is (He's the musi professor fiom p 16) Ask students to guess whois inthe phot and elit is wife and his daughter. 5 Read the fis sentence ofthe text aloud and get students to sy what is wrong with (the repetition of tin ‘makes i¢ sound unnatural). Get students to read the ist ‘sentence ofthe text and eit the nouns tat can be replaced (see Answers), Students read to the end ofthe text and underline the relerant nouns, Check the answers wih he cles. svn ives nthe US. because [iran ied to an rer tran ss mesic profeor sa les is job because abi iret and tan loves playing in concerts, van vavl ound te novi iy, bu iin’ fe, Stacey does go nth stan because Sc co the avrg in nerve ane: year-old date van and tace' daughter's names ‘ici Alia gest school, and Alicia sk plays the plano ‘very dy. Aca wants fo be plans to, and ave wth ‘Ala’ father, stacey does watt 0 i svn and Aicatravel round the wos Stacey _ sapsshewansa ds! {6 Focusattenton on the example rewrit and then get stadents to continue the task, With weaker ‘lasses, cia longer aecton ofthe tet ata whole ‘lass activity and write the answers a the board before students complete the takindividually ‘Check the answers either orally or by collecting the students writen task 20 Unit3 + The world of work nner vin Horn Bt ies inthe Bea es ‘arid tan Arperian,Hei 3m profesor Heike: Ns fob because estore and he loves pling coneert. He vas oust ward to play but see, Stacey, ow go. it im ecu se cos cael They havea ne eared dorks Tarde’ rae Ala She yes escola het lyst pao evry 5 yans cobs pans oo on rye aber ate Stacy dou vans to Seamus MeSporran ~ the man with twelve jobs! NOTE ‘This san important activity because i brings together, ‘none text, much ofthe grammar your students Ihave been studying so ft I shoul give them great satisfaction to fel that they can alteady master apiece ‘of eontiqous prose ofthis eng Ttalso act asa preview ofthe daily cou Seamus MeSporran isa eal person (anca eal name), and the text is based on a newspaper atl, has been carefly simplified and graded for students ofthis evel. SUGGESTION You could begin the eson by asking sidents How may jabs de outmost peopl have? Whet time you! ‘most people tart aed finish wot 1 Asketudents to look quikly at the photeraphs on the page and tell you ite about what and whe they can see. Do rot insist on accuracy at this sage — use tis ‘san opportunity for stadentsto ge int the topic and predict what they might ea i the text. 2 Askstudents to work in pars and match the sentences withthe photographs. Tell them not to worry about new ‘ocabulity but 1o use the word that they recognize and ‘the information in the photographs to help them. ‘Check the answers Seige hate: ‘Check the hey vocabulary by ivng shot definitions ‘ecompanied by ations and getting students to ll you the word Yow eat this inthe morning — breast, the people who stay a hotel — gust; you need his in your eae to dive it — gas, et 3. Pre-teschicheck some ofthe key vocabulary before the student star 0 ead, so that they do net stop at every new word and ask for an explanation, You van teaches the folowing vosabulry by ating stout by giving short defmtions, o By refering to the photographs jobs — ma cwcer, pli office, re fighter, scholbns diver, bene (aman you pay to ake you out in boat or for thense ofa boat), aabulaace ‘tives, accountant us sain tenant, undertakers ‘verb — get np ake Beals, ge, dlver, watch TV, ake supper 010 bed Askstudents to work in pas or small groups to find the nswels, Tel them not to worry about words they da not recognize and sto focuson the key information. They ‘can consul the text whenever necessary. ‘Check the answers. Decideaccordingto the speed and sblity of your stadens whether you want quik, short answers a ulleransers (ce parentheses). “answers 1: Onthetland of Gigha(pencunced ja He iveson “the land of igh In the rrth of Scotland] 60, He 60 ees od) Twelve (Hehas wel jos) Margatt (Hs wif’ names Margaret) She wake othe sp, 120,20 people ive on iba) 15 vey (50 ott pa ee ey _ Harmless creo school ets the ‘mal fom the bat and deliver thera tothe houses. 9, Mararet males supper. al Seams pays the bil They ‘havea mug ofeaand the go tobe, fapproprat, ask students for thei eaction tothe text. Aste hey know anyone who has lof jobs ‘skstudens o look atthe photos. Briefly review the times that go with each photograph by introducing ‘eck Do not spend toa lng on tie a tudents wil review telling time more flly inthe Everyday English ‘ection at the end of thie unit. Demonstrate the atviy by getting eo stadens to ask and answer using the ‘example nthe Student Book, Studenis continue task tnd snawer questions, Go rod the clas fo check. Provide feedback on any common ero GIBB Ask students to cover the conversations in Exercise 6 Focus attention an the thee questions and demonstrate the atvty by playing Conversation | and checking the answers (st below). Play the remaining three conversations, stopping afer teach ane tallow stadentsto complete their answers, (Cock the ansvers withthe whole ass. Answers and aud sexipt Conversation | 1 Afternoon 2, Searls and a customer in Seamus store 3. Sales asitane 2 Seamusanda voran vo ves onthe be cartier Conversation 3 1 Being 2, Seats and Margaret 3, No ob ~ Seamus in working Converstion 4 1 Mornin 1 Ses and schoolelden 5, Schools diver oD 1. A Goodafteoon, Cathay two ee cream cones plese? B chocolate or vn 1 One chocolate, one anil please 1 Thc one eighty. Anything elie? A No,than you 2 Only ive letters fer you this morning Mes. Cal “B-Thak yo vr mich MeSprran And hows Mrs Nesporan this mocnng? Of es ey wal ako She by mines 4. Atrugof ta before bed Dearie? 1B Oh yes plese ‘a Here you ae, B Thankyou Dearie. rm very ted ths ving. 4.2 tel Me NeSporcan, B Good morning boys and gels Hurry op, we're te 1A Gan ster, Me Mesperan? {© Noro. want sithete B Be uit al of you, and sIrDOWnd Students complete the conversations asfa af they can, ‘sing what they remember from the eafing, and the {information from Exercises 3 and 4, Stdents can then exchange and pool information witha yartne. Play the conversations again t¢ allow students to complete their snswers, Check the arsviers ‘answers 1 affertoon have $180. else 2 two. moming how morning. buss ten Here ted evening 4. moming want all Put students nto pats to pratice the eonversations. 3+ The world of work 21 /suceesTiON Amauditonal dea fst ak pairs of tudentste kon | heir conversation by heat act out for thes. | ‘More confident students could imprise some farther ialogues. (Asking students osc relly seems to Iulp thir pronunciation particularly with sees and intonation.) Jobs 1 Focus attention on the photos and elicit the names ofthe jobs tha students already know In pits, students match ‘photograph with a job ia column A, checking any ‘wards that are still unknow in ther dictionaries, You ean also ask thes to marl the tes Review asa cass the correct answers and drill the words both choraly and indvidlly as you go, taking are withthe stress (see below). Keep reviewing by asking, ‘Tall me gain! What's “1? Whats "Pete “hosts 5 Vednior 4 Sonat Jasistant Sa plot ab Achel Behmidel —— G.dAlahyer 9h Anarthtec 2. Askstudents to work in gars or small groups and match ‘aj in coloma A with aline in column B. They will ‘probably need to continue to us ther dictionaries, oF ityou havea monalingul clas, you could give quick trandations of any wordsthey ask about, GIBB Listen and check. ‘nerd and aude sept 2 Apilt flies planes. Ache cooks ina restaurant, : £ ‘Anuse takes care of perpen the hosp 4. Alanyer als peopl incour. As actor makes movies 4 Ajurnalst yes for 3 nespape 4, Amedel wears beautifulthes 1 anarctect desir bling: 1 sales astane el thigs Te Anue 3 Make this exercise far ikea game, and doit as quickly as possible. Ask studentsto learn the sentencesby heart, then to close thet hooks Cal out the name ofa job and tell your stents to call ot the complete sentences ‘Teacher Students) Ajournait.. writes fer a newspaper! ‘pile. ies pases! ot 2 Unit3 + The world of work Foo attention on the example question and ames in the Stem Gon, Llc nother question and are cichange eg, What dos achitet oe? He/She de buns Finally ask stents wo workin pars fra fee rningtes wit thei books sill eked and ask and anser questions about the jabs, JONAL MATERIAL ‘Workbook Unit 3 Exercise 11 Verbs and nouns that go cogaher,e. take a slower Exercise 12 This eviews vocabulsy fom: Units 13. What time is it? Introduce the subject of elling the ine by asking What tine eit now? ane What tne does the clas: en? Initally you can accept answers in the houe-+ minutes forme, vethiny,botexplan that he stern use in American Headey 1 uses fer and Note ‘The first eight clocks om this page ae positioned in sach way tat thse with lank are ret fo clocks ‘with similar times, which students cn use to help chem ‘wit in the correct answers. 1 Aséstudents to wor in pits look carly atthe clocks land the examples prods. andrea the times. lay the recording foe tadens 0 check thelr answers. Answersand audio script Tes ve cok I's ight Fes fvetiny Wes eleventh ‘es aque after ta quarter after two, Ws aquare fos Wea quarter tonne Ivf aftr ie es ten ater he. Tes any a fie Ke env af fe es oe fie ss twenty tsi Inston tone Wee si Ifpossible ring 3 toy clock with movesble hands tothe lesson aan easy of giving farther practice First, you can change the times on the cock and then your Sdents can also have turns, coming the font ofthe {lass moving the hands nd asking Whar est? 2 Thisexeebe intmdases ust expressions for ies jas before o alter an exact division ofthe clock. Read through the exampeswi heels and practice swith the toy clock (ify hive one! or by drawing further esamples on the bear Read the Music of Selihbox asa class. Play the recording. Focus ster attention on the tess and intonation arows. Ply the recording aan. Students follow the ighlied stress pattern and ‘intonation Really encourage a good imitation ofthe ecoring — this shoul hep them sound very polite Practice the dialogues aros the class. Keep th activiey light-hearted and fun. ‘Ack students to daw three or more clocks on apiece of paper and practice the conersation again in pairs. ASK ‘one or two pairs to at outthe conversations in front ofthe cls, Tell them (inthe stents ist language if possible) ta imagine tat they are stopping a stranger in the street and that they mist use the corset intonation If they want to sound palit. ‘SUGGESTION You can consolidate the language inthis unit, and also view Unit 2, wi the phetocopable atvty on Bp. 112 Photocopy enough pages fr students to work in groupe ofthre or four. Yor will ned dice and counters for each group. Studenis pt thelr counters on “Start” snd take turns coving the dice and moving around theboard. They make asertence with the eves onthe “square” whete they land thelr semtenceis correct, they stay on that "square" Fnot they move back one “The first student to reach "ineh” isthe winner. Don't forget Workbook Unit 3 [Exercise 13. This gives more practice of elling the time Exercise 10 Translation Spoilighton Testing Regular activities Grammar Reference ‘Look stthe exercises on $I p, 115 ofthe Student Book as class, or assign for homework. The answersare on TE p. M4. Word List Remind your students ofthe Word List forthis unit on ‘5B p. 128. They can translate the words earn ther at home, ‘or transfer some ofthe words to their vocabulary notebook. Unit3 + The world of work 23 u 4 iacit sy —- Introduction to the unit “The theme ofthis wits ffeetime sand eine eciviies, This lends itself to much practic, personalized and ‘otherwise ofthe main grammatical tim, wich ithe introduction of other persons (those without he!) ofthe Present Simple tense Te sills work includes reading and listening tasks where people from thre diferent countries tall about thei favorite Season and what they do, Ths provides the opportunity to bring together and reviewall persons ofthe Present Simple Unita + Take easy! © Gearmar hese Sipe? ou e/they ©) Vocsudary ese ais Language aims Graramar~ Present Simple 2 “This eviews the third person in Unit 3 and introducer all other persons ofthe Present Sle you, we ey and te ‘question and egative The ver forms with thes ral the ume, without the Selection = and end to cause ess fealty aya ces. The hid person is constantly reviewed longi the other persons so that stadt an perceive thedfferenees in Form Vocabulary A variety of leisure acts ports and hobdie) are introduce ‘nd these are practices ina personalized actty with the ve) i Everyday English Some common and useful social expresiosare introduced and practiced in shot elas. Weitng informal letter-writing is introdced via etter to & penal. Workbook Adverbs of frequency galway sansctines ne-erate practiced, Notes on the unit ‘SUGGESTION Assigning some vocabulary for homework before you stat this wnt wil five you more ine to focs on the ransmar.It is worthwhile (o get Stadents used to taking some responsibil for the leaning of vocabulary. [Encourage them to enter the new words in thee Woeabulery notebooks. Homework prior tothe lesson 1 Ask students to lean the days ofthe week in English. You could give them a handout with phonetic seript such a this: Monday Pmandeif Thursday "Oszdei) Sunday /sandeif ‘Tuesday Myuzdel? Friday Trade Wednesday "wenzdei! Saturday /setardeit 2 Give students these new verbs to look up in a bilingual dictionary. Ask them to lean them and write dowa the translations train gonanming relax cook win visi STARTER (539.24) 1 Usea calendar that shows the yet; months, and days 5 visual ad. (Alternatively wit the day, month, and year on the board in abbreviated forme. Tus Sept 2005) Focus attention on the yea elicit how we ‘say this in English, Bo the stn for the month. (Do net pend too long on this as students wil focus on months more fully before te Reading ard listening ection.) POSSIBLE PROBLEMS | ‘Stuelents ofiem iry to say years in English in the same | ‘vay asin their on langage 1999 i tea ay “one saa vi hued and inet instead oF ccc incy-nine nese, highlight onthe ‘board how we divide datesbeginaing 1319 ino Wwe Patt of euribees andl give practice of similar dates. Use the calendar and get stadentsto go through the days ofthe week. Say the days yourself and ask them to repeat each one both cherally and individually. This wil take les time if you hve assigned the above fr harnework. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS ‘Take particalar care with the pronunciation of Tuesday ‘Guzdel and Thursdoy "pred! which students can cexsly confuse because they sound quite similar. Also the pronunciation of Wedneulay wenzdei! can bea problem becaute of the spling, and the consonant ‘luster Ind that els fom it being pronounced as to sabes, not thee ‘Nak What day it tday? Kae the whole clase cay the days ofthe week chorlly and then make the individual practice fan by geting one student aftr another to give onsecutive days very quigdy around the cass until they axe firmly fixed. ([ftime allows, you can then ask one or ‘wo students ogo though the hole week and also ask ‘hem to spell some f the dis to review the slphabet) Ask Which days are the weekend? Check that students ‘understand the word ween ‘Aslestudens to ask and arser the Starter questions in ‘airs. Go around and check stodents' pronunciation and provide feedback on any common eror [EXTRA SUGGESTIONS yo feel your students nied more practice on day ‘months, and yeas, try the following activities: + rearranging te jumbled spelling f days and months + matching phonstic script t days and’ months + conducting favorite day or birthday survey + aword association activi for differen daysimonths * doing an “important yest" quiz with simple healine- style sentences (to avoidthe us of the Past Simple), ‘ega the Olympics in Athens and students supply the corect yar, eg, 2004 + Tinking days and months to horoscope signs. This ean bbedone aa il-n-the-lanks activity where students have some ofthe namesof the signs and some ofthe dates missing Present Simple !/you/we/they As homework prior to the lesson sidents cull check tbe ‘caning ofthe following verbs rom the presentation texts in thes dietionaries. This wil help maintain a ively ce ingen clean, ola love et up wk en. cok vc, wat 1 “The test remind students ofthe thir person lof the Present Simple before they are nizodueed 0 the other persons, Focus attention on the photograph and fon the hesdlin, and elicit basic information: Whar’ er ‘nnn (Lisa) Wheres she inthe photos?(at a bookstore and on the street). Phy the recording aud get students to Snswer the questions Answers 1 Shes asingerandshe waist a bookstore. 2 She sings 2 Students complete the txt with the verbs. paar aisraie Upon thy to yer nd tive oan Fromblons oy se wars st = booktoreintew ok Someta se stay worn 0: 8 Sut Lin dost relaxonneetends On wen sha snoternb ste a ig On Sty aemoon he Fractics wher ta anon satay td Sunday nahi {Fo goer tone aa sng Sh as rere bt ice 3 GED elt scudenss dha isn snow tng abou her Iie, Check or preteach the following vocabulary from the ext: bay, cht, dele, tre nervous. ASK student o close their Books and ltr othe text ‘Ak Docs se have ay ie? Stent answer, firing examples. Possible answers ‘Yes sh does She works ina bookstore se ngson weston, she practices with er band she goes tothe gmt 4 Students read and complete the text wih the vers rom thebor in the coreet form. GIBB Pry the recording agin so thet students can check their answers. Unit 4 + Take teasy! 25 6 Ansivers and audio ave singe and ove boos, soi vely happy. My ‘weskend are vec eveiting bu enjy my eokday, te0,m lily. livenen he bokstore aed don't start ‘wo wth 100 very morn getup at 600, make sift nd wate the es on TY Thon | alle to work {ivory busy al day. thelp eople find the boks they want. _Atlunctie gta sande ome dl and often go ‘to the gy uly fish wok 35301, bu on Tuesday rd Thuteday evening work very te, ul 1030. never ook afer Work 00 ted sometimes ike going othe Ine restaurant ner my apartment. Saturday morings, 0 shopping ard clean my asoiment | dont et inner on Saturday nd Sunday evenings because too excited he sini br my always neva before hes. Questions and negatives 5 GUE elicit the answerto the fist question as an ceraimple, Ack students to zomplete Lisa's answers and ply the recording to check their anovers ‘answer’ and audio etpt 1® Wier do you nork? InNew Yor keyoucjobt——«B Yes do. ‘A Doyourelaen weekends) 3. No,l dont “A Why dont you relax on weekends? Because! sein igs, Play the recording again oF model the questions and answers youre Practice the questions and answers in ‘pen pais actos the clas to correct any mistakes Take particule care with thee aspects of pronunciation: Sounds “The weak vowel sound iin the question, and the strong vowel sound du:/in the short answer, Doyowlie your work? Ye Te yo lak yor work! (yes a1 du ‘Stress and intonation ‘The intonation rises atthe end of YesINo questions and fills tthe end of short answers and wi questions, — Do you ike your work? Ys, 1a. Where do yo wank? Role play 6 Tell tudensto read the tuts on pp. 24-25 again ist but then to cover them and ty to remember the information bout Lin's life, Ask tents to work in pais and ake turns being isa Parsons. Demonstrate the activity by iting two stadens to ak and answer the Fist to ‘questions across the class Ak tents tocontinge the ‘etivity in prs. Go aroused and check for the correct use ofthe airy do/does and forthe conzc use of strong snd weak Forms inthe pronunciation of do. Unie 4 Takei easy ee 1 Ask stants o complete the char wth the alismative and negative forms Check: the ans ‘Anewers Negative | dent vor you don't work He/She te doesn werk We don't work {Tey dente work Aslestudents to fous on the affrmat ve forms in the chart. Ask them which havea different form (ese? fn)and how they ace dierent (they end in -Askstudens to focus on the negative forms in the chart. Ask them how the Ijou/we/tey forms are shiferent Feom the affirmative forms they use the anlar do’) Ask students 0 focuson the eset forms and ask thera how they are diferent from the other negative forms (they use the auiiary doesn), 2 Ask students to complete the questiens and answers. Check the answers. Anawers : ‘Where do you work? Where does she wort? Doyou workinNew Yor Yes, do. ‘Dost ie work ln New Yori? No, he does ‘Askstudens which auslay verb isused in ‘questions with Iiouheitie (Go) and which with Fefhelit (does). Remind students tht questions can begin witha question word, or haveno question word andthe answer Yeo, Ask stadents to give you examples of each typeof qusten from the table suscesTion Do Exercises 6 and 7 in the Workbook to introduce adverbs of frequency before this acti. 3 Students find the adverbs of Fequeney inthe text about Liss Passos Read Grammar Reference 4.1 and 4.2019. 115 ofthe ‘Student Bool togeter in class andor ek students 0 read it at home, Encourage them to askyou questions about Answers ‘Loften go the gym. sully ish note I never eal ater Work, «fim alway neous before the show ‘eometies lke ging tothe litle restaurant EXTRA IDEAS + Stuck desries thet ratine sf they doa ‘eran ob and the rot ef the eas has o ues what the js Thy ean ask Yes?Ne questions + Stunt A describes het rontne as if they were a famous person (politician, actor, singer, et.) and the rest ofthe cass has to guess who they are pretending tobe, They can ak Yes/No questions. (You could provide roe cards of peeple who ate often inthe ‘ews so that students dan't choose characters who ae too obscure.) Talking about you Focus attention onthe example and then ask students to work on thei own, Students who finish ary can then ‘heck their answers with a partner. [Anawers and sudo script. ‘Le, What time do you go be At 00. 2B, Where do yous on action? To Hava o Foi. 5. What do yu do on Sundays aay relax ‘4c When do you do your hanewort? Ate cme, Sa, Who do you lve wth? Ny mother and sister. {6 Why do you te your ob? Beceuse t's meresing 7g How dayou get to scoot By bus ‘Bh. Do you go out on Fay evenings? Yes, Ido sometimes, Play the recording and et students check their answers. AS preparation forthe next activ, sk students to isten and repeat the questions and answers choral and inidually. Take particular are wth intonation. ‘This activity gives practice ofthe first and second persons only. Ask student to work in pars to ask and answer the questions in EerciseL. Demonstrate the activity by getting a pair students to ask and answer the fis question across te class. Remind students to Ihave the whole question ready before they speak. Go around and cheleas students do the activity Fistening for correct intonation. Stedens who finish early can be ‘encouraged to as similar questions but with diferent days or question words, eg, Do yur go out on Saursay ‘evenings? Where do you de your homework? “Thsactvityprectces the third perion singular alongside ‘heather persons. I also pls the lass together after the painwork. Focus attention an the examples in the Student Book. Then aka fv individual ol the rest of the class about themseves and thet partner. I necessary, remind sens they need to use the third person ~ when talking about thir partner. (Unley have a sal elas, it ‘would ake to long to giveeveryoneaturn.) Listening and pronunciation 4 Pay dhe revonding Ask students ste carey nd heck the sentence they heat. Pay the recording ‘gan Stop after each sentence al ask sen wo discuss the answer with a partner before you esblish the ereet ‘ne, You can make this exercise productive by asking students tread the pair of sentences abu, ‘inawers and audio serge 1 What does she do on Sundays? 2 Do yousty at home on Thustay eres? 4. He ives here. 4. What do you do on Sturday evenings? 5, leead al 6 Why dont you ie your a? Affirmatives and negatives 55 Thisexercise reviews the verb tobe alongside other verbs the Present Simple. The exercise could be assigaceé far homework, but it canbe fun if done orally and ata brisk pace with the whole clas. Focus attention on the ‘examples and then get rudents to complete the exercise ‘orally They could then write their answers afterward, 4 Shespails Spach 4 They dent want lear Eglsh 5, Weare red and don want foo roled. 6 Rott ete acting cen thes playing. 7. dart forkathome bce dont havea computer. 8 Amelia happy because shekas anew cx. Leisure activities 1 Inpars or snl groups, students look t the photos and match as many as they can with the names ofthe activites. Ask them to check the otersin ther bilingual ‘ictionary. Encourage them to enter ary new words in their vocabulary notebooks. Anewere UL paving soccer 9 sang 2p. dance 10} tsening co music Sb. sing 1h sien ‘Ao, watching TV ak reading Sf. going fo the gn au eating restaurants ‘6g fling photographs ——he._girte the movies Ve. cooking 1a, joaing Bd. paying computer games Wém. sunbathing Unité + Take easy! a 2 Focus attention on the Fwm like -mgusing the ‘examples inthe Student Bok. Choose astudent and {ive examples of what you think hehe hikes doing, Then fokestadnts wat the think you ike ding. As thers to continus in groups, chosing five activities from the Stet Book, Students ask you questions o find out they were ‘correct about what you like, sng the examplesin the Student Book. (Studentsa often interested to find out bout their teacher, but keep this fay short to allow {ime forthe personalized stage) Encourage students to fallow the sires pattern and use rising intonation forthe YesINa questions 13 First build a dialogue with wo students, using the ‘example in the Student Beok and the possible follow-up ‘questions Then tll the stidents some tre Uhings about Yyousel, encouraging them t respond to your hikes and ‘isk a inthe example [Now atk students to continue in pars and go around the cass to check ad help ther, Make suze they use the “ing form 4 Ask students to think about athe activites which are not inthe Student Book, “hey can look them upin thelr bilingual dictionary or as you for hep, Encourage students (act out or dese the activities rather than akin thie it Inguge. Finally ask fve students inthe clas to report back on themselves and ‘hele partners (Hhereby practicing diferent persons of the Present Simple. pany My favorite season SUGGESTION Ie ould save tein the lesson i you wuld ask your stunts to learn the names of seasons and months in English for homework before the lessor. You could sive them thi ist co arm and test her in las Seasons spring spre fai Summer 'sxmaet “iter untae Months January Fé5enjuorl fly (dul February ebjuor August 2gost! March mar September Iseptembor! Aprilleaprall Geter fk toobon! Moy me "Novenberinavwembar! June lan) Deceber id's! 1 Askstudents to workin pars and answer te questions in Berets 1, They wil obvi Bid diseases if 708 sasign the seasons and months or homework. Monitor, noting any problem with promancitin andl confusion with the months ofthe year ‘SUGGESTION ‘You can consolidate the Present Simple and leisure sctivties from thi unit and also reve frequency advebs from the Workbeok, with the photocopiable ‘on TBp. 113, Photocopy enough pages foreach “student. Briefly review the expressions of fequency feom Workbook p. 19. Pat stadents into pairs, Hand ‘ut the questionnaires and get students 1 complete the questions, using ther own ides or Questions 9 and 10. Divide the class irto pairs and get students to interview each ther recording their prtoe’s answers. ‘Then put two pairs of student together ard get them to compare answers and eport back to the lass [ADDITIONAL MATERIAL ‘Workbook Unit 4 Exercise 1 This practices ll persons ofthe Present Simple ‘and question formation. Exercise 2 This practices doand des ane the verb tobe ercises 3-5 Present Simple questions, short answers, and negatives Exercises 6and7 Adverbs of frequency 2B Unitd + Take iceasy! POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Students ofen confuse the months Marchand May, and Juneand July: They may also need particular help ‘withthe pronunciation of February Mebjuari Ifyour students bad difficulties withthe questions in Exerct |, now sa good time to present the key language again, Use a calendar asa vista si and 40 through the seasone and month, Say them fist yourself and ak tudents to repeat cach one in order both choral and individually. Repeat the months and seasons ew times, making it fat and fam if you ean. IF necessary, check further by aking: ‘Whats beforeefer September. ‘When’ your birthday (Make sure that students give ‘only the month in thir answers no he actual date) ‘Then ak students the questions in Exercise 1 agin, checking for accurate pronunciation, your students had few difficulties with the questions in Exerc f, briely go through th answers a as, highlighting any specie problems you noted earlier. necessary do further spot checks by asking similar questions those above Askestudens to look at thephotos an ee they can identify the seasons, Don eanfirm the answer at this stage. Ask stunts which ors they can see (blue red pink, yellow, Wit. Ask studemtst ad the testa ten to the recordingat the sare time, Ak therm whch sans ate tentioned andthe speaker's faodte season Pause the recording after ach sper to check You cn Also sk for the nationality the speaker. (Check he Stes patterns ofthe natealles) ‘iio ‘ariel caraullan He fevdte season summer. Smale Tai Her fayoiteseason winter is Canaan Hs feroiteseason png ‘Alestudents ta do thi execs in groups of hee possible, Aakesch one in the group tread about diferent person ‘Then they can hac the infrmation to answer the questions, ‘which wil generate more spakng. Ask someone in ach troup to write dow their newer: Give them 5-10 minutes fd then bring the hole cs together to go over answers. Encourage them to expand never where pplcable one suggestions in parentheses the answer ke). ‘Answers 1 Danial ies sonmer Sumalee ites "winter Alex hes ing 2. Dal kes suing nd ates and lees sing sec sronbourdng, 3, Inching afte nor of hala 4 Nohedoes 5 becouse ts thst tine ogo shin and sowbesring. 6 Now Yar Dy ower Festal 4, scald 4 rank and at Thaler November to Fbry Garads December to Fet.ary Ase students to remain in thee groups to find thes mistakes in the surmmary Point out that students wil need to change the use of and and butin some ofthe sentences Get one or two students to read aloud the ‘corrected version to the resto theca. answers Daniel oes tothe beach aot because she ies [water ‘parts nthe summer he ges sting and waters, Her isin fom the US. vl vst for (2} Caria ‘Smale comes from the (north of Than. The (coo eons het favorite She ees dancing ‘Ale comes om Canada Canadians (5) love the “old winters, Ale ies 6) sting Best. He goes sling and snowboarding. 6 EOI Ask sions a tisten and decide which nec Dail, Surale, al Ales, Pay the eng and stop itafteeach convertion, Ask Who is? Where ere chy? “ow dopo noe? nd let sade cscs thelr answers in pats before checking with the wholeclas, PP seater Conversation I Alex (Heis with 2 fiend ced Nick They re ona sling vacation, We know hs becase they te talking about sing, the mountans, and theble sky) ‘Conversiton 2 Danes Sheth hr Cay. Ty aren ther gaden faving lurch We now this because they are {alling about the weather, and food and dels) Conyereation sale (She with an mean tourist / shor Tey ate at the February Flower Festa We mow his Becta alr abst overscan dag) Nick Arles TN This sgreat Ales, ‘A Lipa, May's a beautiful month here. IN Do you ge snowboarding sing erry May? 1 Yeah, |eame ete ever pring fortwo weeks love Yuen ily. wan come not year oo, “A Geet Hy you lok ol Do you wat C9 stop for Sines Metin Caos Pp met erty “ialesces Cans anyone he it Berenon _Meatos hose dick? eo Neat Aneesh Ds, yout your Suan era 0 Sie hen Daisey cre da 1 Oty nrc pod ‘tout SSimalee J Trl noah et Cn ou spk? Serle T Gye — wt ltt 5 Teo owe eal Weare ey ey 4 Hesnbscfl lve th slp ve owe Shera Tort Tirenshreieé! 5 Daves esa Wee Th dng ns ee “1 Ohyervatose at Youcan fish fhe aii by paying the recording again, refering students vo the audko serps fon $8 pp. 105-0. Units + Takei easy! » What do you think? This isa altemp to generate some persanalized discussion anid give futher les practice a he Present Simple. Doa't ‘wort if at this evel turns et to bea short aetvitys fst le ree speaking itll worth team be hep task students to discuss the topic in small roups, Before you conduct feedback with the whole class Teo sso be ace idea toencourage students to ak yor ‘questions about your favoriteseason, ‘suceesTions * Students intervie each the to find out when the best rmonthseason sor acetan activity in their county: When’ the est month fering, walking, sunbathing, sopping visting your cy et)? + Students writeadescripion ot how their home area “changes fom seaon to season, Get them to ince information onthe weather, the coors they can see, the activities people do,and the number of visitors. Song “The ong “Colors” appears in photocopisbe format on TS 1.115. You wil find the songon the Class Audio CD/on (CDI Track 4, Students listen and choose the correct words fn the song and then do two comprehension exercises. The snswers ae on 140, NCE Informal letters Toapenpal “This writing yu continu withthe fst enre-based section — an informal ter Writings eter os pen pls ‘useful askin that tis somthing that many stadents may wean to dain el fe The it introduces the conventions inverting informa eters and consolidates Base eter layout. The content of he eer als eeyles hey langage from Units 1 1 Introduce he opi of er pls by taking about fiend you have fom another centry— ray he peso ‘here he or se ire, and whether you write, phone ‘rertaleach oe in English on another language 0 Sty in touch. Bt examples om one ot two stadents, Students continu otal abou thie foreign ens pits Have stents sare he rexponses with he clas 2 Focus attention onthe photo of Becky and elicit basic information about her age and possible nationality. Get 30 Unit4 + Take easy students o read the questions in Eserese 2 and then find the anewers in Rocky let. Answers ety sin ew York + Taoist eck wes about er name a. jo df, the “languages she speaks, and her leture activities Askstudents pred the letter again an ansier the ‘questions. Allow students o cheek theiranswersin ‘ais before checking with the whole chs. For the ast, ‘question, elicit how students write addresses in their county, especialy if you havea muliingual cass. Answers ‘begins Dear Tago and ens Best shes 5 Focus attention on the two guidance notes on thelete. Remind students that you cannot use Deo pen pall rend in an informal leer in English. appropriate, Ask students if theycan use similar expzessions to end Aan informal etter in their language and elicit any other ‘imilaritea/iferences Draw up a paragraph plan with the ls forthe students to folow when they write ther owa lever GGrecting Paragraph 1 thanks: personal information, jb, fray Paragraph languages Paragraph 3 leisure actvtesitee ime Paragraph 4 questions to pen pl Ending Give students ime to write their leer n dss or asign ‘tor homework If possible allow students to read and check ech other's eters, both frinterest and for peer comtection. When you check the eter, point oat tors but allo students to correct them themslves and ty to limit correction to major problems to avoid ‘demoralizing studens Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 1 Foes attention on the ile ofthe questionnaire and on the photo, Check compreenson of the wer in the ‘questionnaire to explain tke ides of heathy lies ‘trina lor of sac chink tof water like fost ood, ‘wal 0 shoo work, Staeats answer the questions and complete the Me column about themselves Then get them to calculate their wore and read the Answer Key. 2 Focusattenton on the examples in he Student Book. Encourage rising intonatien for yelno questions. Ask individual students to ask ou the questions so that you Ihelp and correct them before they conte working with partners Akal the clas to stand up and “mingle” 1 do the next Part ofthe activity (i theres enough space to do so) “Tell them to ake tucne with two other students to ask andanswe the questions. 3. Blct a range of cores from the class to establish which “students are alt. With larger canes, ave the students nto groups, and get them to compare their Scores before reporting bark to the class. Writing 4. Thispart ofthe activity i designed to review the thd person singular again alongside the ther persons. (It fan beassigned for homework or done orally.) Focus attention onthe examples inthe Stadent Book and highlight the use ofthe susary doesto avoid repeating the main verb, Point out tat we don't sy 2X Ton’ t have brenkfst vey morning but Sofa dors, or 2 Sofia ex. Ak todens to use the information they have collected to write an compare themselves with nother student. Then askane orto students 10 ‘read what they have written aloud forthe others to Sample anewer ‘Webath like fs food, but we dont have breakfast every ‘morning Ana plays tenis but dn, We bot sty plate onweshends | suecestions | * Youcan “test*how much stents cen remember | about eoch others lives by using the deas in the “Do | You hve shelby liga” qucoaate and | {ting the others to gues who is being een to, | «+ Students imagine they havea veryexravagant and — | Isatiows esl and interview cach ther, | practicing we and Yes!No questions | Were do you work? don work! Whar snd ou get up? Abo 720. Where do you ve? a very ig howe in Pas oy ike cooking? No, never cad Ihave a che Doyo haven by He? Of cour! yp sopping ey ayo 0 pares ery ht! Social expressions “Thee conversations introduce and practic expresions or dayto-dey conversational exchange. 1 Asketudents to work in pts nd complete the conversions wth the expressions given. Then pla the fecording for them tlsten and check lr ances Ack odes where each conversation akesplace and who the speakers ‘naivets ad sao Stipe 1A Fensorey in late. The afi bad ado. 1 That's OK. Come ands down Meteo page. 2. A Graseme. i B Yer ‘k Op youhavea dicvonay? B tmsory, don'ts thane ‘A.Oh, Ok Thanks anyway 2. A iver atin here Can open the window? Real ikind of colt 1 it doesn't matter. 4A Bese me. 1 Oh, good mering Niguel Can hep you? 1A Yes plese Can have ticket forthe: tip? 1 Yes ofcourse. it's eighty dlrs. Do you want pay thenenty dolar deposit now? 1 Sor. What does “deposit mean? 8B Itmans you can pay twenty dlls cow and ity dais te ‘8 A Now understand Yes, plese. ‘ Unit ¢ + Take easy! 31 GEUBD Read through the Music of English box as a class. ‘Audis erp Tiyiey fm Ne. Cantpen th don? hi fay ‘xi hit mater, Tiny. ‘Wht dese ean? Thanks Away understad! 2. Students practice the conversations with a patter then, in pairs, learn one ofthe dlogues by heat to at out for the rest of the cas. Remind students ro attempt to use the appropriate stress and ntonation on the expressions from the Mic of English tox. Acting eu dstogues can iimpoove thee promunciation considerably. “SUGGESTIONS 1 Stole can think f other situations when those ‘expressions would be tseful and write or act out parallel conversations. + Encourage students to se these expressions in class whenever approprite «@, apologizing for being Tate, asking to borrow something, checking what a ‘new word means, ete, You could put ky phrases on adassroom poster. [Exercise 8 Listening comprehension practice Exercise Prepositions oftime Exercise 10 Verbs with opposite meaning, lowrhate “Exercise 1 Traration [Beercge 12 A listening exercise on social situations Spotlight on Testing Favorites Grammar Reference Look at the exercises on SB p>. 115-116 a8 a class or asign for homework. The answers zon TB p. M4. Wordist ‘Remind students ofthe Word Liston SB p. 128. They could ‘translate the words, larn them at home, or transfer some of ‘the words to their vocabulary notebook BL Unit + Take eas! PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIAL: EXTRA IDEAS UNITS 1-4 Reading TB pile The reaing exercise wut a businesswoman and reviews ints (4, Exerc Land 2. Bxacse 3 could be used flap in class or cod be done for honsevork, An activity to explo thereading is provided, anal the answers are on TE p. 10. Introduction to the unit “The theme of this unit i places, Students deseribea living room, 8 Ikichen, thir classroom, and where they live themselves. There ia reading text about an unusual home — the ‘White House! This text consciates the language ofthe unit and Fopefuly "students wl be interested to ind out bout the home There ae lio fou" ‘ery short listenings about homes round the worl, as far apart as the US. end Samoa. | 6 Geammar Therese» Pegostions © see/ aay Tithe ese 9 Vocabulary: Furie ery Enh Dectons | Language aims ‘Grammar ~ There is/are POSSIBLE PROBLEMS Students often confuse Isa... with Theresa... Te diflerence i that [Wsa. defines something and gives ita name. There's expesses what exits This is quitea subile area, and we don’t suggest that you explore it ‘with students Unless sbeolntely necessary, using tnslation as a support. ‘Learners confuse there and seit. For such a shor strueturl item, there are ‘Again, students need tobe encouraged to staet questions “high” and fll, ‘ending with a isin inverted questions. tis worth workinzon these promanciation areas, but na othe point of exhaustion! Prepositions simple prepositions of place, such as om underand next are introduced and practice. some/any In this unit, someand auyare presented daly withcount nouns In Unit 9, they are presented with both count and noncount nouns POSSIBLE PROBLEMS ‘Some also presents problems of pronunciation with its Weck form samy Someasa concept hasa tangible meaning, e, aceain, unspecified ‘umber of (something). The same cannot be id ofan. Ita determines ‘sed often (but not exclusively) in questions and negatives. We suggest you {donot go into the desper areas of any expressing Fundamentally negative ideas Tiss unnecessary, and difficult fr elernentary-levelstudents. Vocabulary Theres quite high vocabulary loa in this uni including furniture and electrical appliances, classroom and business tims, and local amenities. The vocabulary is taght and recycled alongside the main target ‘stretutes and for this reason, there sno self-contained Voesular section eis youth checking fom time to time how students ae progesing with their vocabulary notebooks. Are they sill adding to them? Have they started ‘anew one? Do they try 10 review regularly? ave they thought af new ways of ‘organizing their notebooks? Everyday English This isthe fst activity on directions Writing. ‘The slabs continues withthe ist focus on linking words: and 0, ‘bu, and because. Students write a description of their home. Unit S = Where do you lve? 33 Workbook There i further practice on thee ware sore prepositions, an Bi des owe Thee are alo excises to help studens distinguish Theresa's ft. and thislthotitheethose, Inthe Vocabulary section, reoms and objecstapliances are reviewed through slabelingactivity and there alo an cxerise on verb and non ellestions. ‘Thor va translation exercise to consolidate langunge fom ‘he unit. Further listening practices provided for ditetions. Notes on the unit suesisTion| Homework prior to thelesson Aske students to lookup the following words in their out the singer. AAskeach group to read through their texas quikly as possible to geta general understandingof itand to check It their guesses about the people were correct Get students to read the ext again mor slowly and ind the information i thei text to answer the questions shout Joss or Christopher. Mos of the vocabulary in the texts should be known, but allow students to use dictionaries if they cant gues from the contest. With ‘weaker clases, you can pre-teach/chec the following items the soul singer—sou ues shy, ric, note vmrred the fantasy writer—bessle agi characters, soy. ‘When they have ead the texts, the stdents can ether go ‘through the questions on their own and then check with ‘other from the same group, oF work witha partner from ‘the same group fo answer the questions Each group has ‘the same questions to answer, ‘Check the answers with Group A students and Group B students separately. The main idea ofthese questions isto check understanding, therefore short answers are perfectly acceptable. However, when yeu have fall class Fesponse you might ant to encourage further language production, such asin the parentheses below. (ia Ao Pt Tice vey wel baer 2. ewarbrn Suen aol 1 eles a rune Vl. 4 Mec etver wal S Metitbol as ates when as fests oad 1 ten tee 8 Howain Cau th UX, Spat Gera Fac na Nate de Unité + Canyouspeak English? 47 Answers Group 8 = Joss Stone 1 Shesing sol and the Bus: She vas born n Devon nthe south of England She ves n Ls Angeles, She could sig very wl, Hee fstab, when she was sirce, ws succes Baca noone me aly an sg "he Saul Seon” and Wine Body, Sout” She wasnt ce Yes shedows, 4 TelLeach student to finda parter from the ether group and go through the questons and answers together, ‘eling each other about the teenager in their article, Try (to offer help at thie sige — let students exchange the Information themselves afar as posible SUGGESTION possible, playa short scion ofa song by Jos Stone andlor show studens thecoverof a CD by Joss Stone ‘ra book by Christopher Paolini, This will help to put {he information inthe tents into a bronder content. 55 This stageallows students to summarize the information from both texts and also provide useful consolidation ofthe hese and they forms with various structures Focus attention onthe examples inthe Student Book and ‘hen get students to continu dseusing similarities and ferences in pes “Sos and Chatphr pret vere sped a thr “he's talent They both tratled tye, Joss went to sthoo but chstophers parent aught him at home Js lives inthe city but Chris nes inthe countryside Go over responses with the whole clas. If ppropriate, ask students if they know of ay other very talented young people, or fo comment on foss's and Christopher’ ifestyie. POSSIBLE PROBLEM students become involed in discussion atts, ‘hey often start ak in tei frst language in thei frustration to get their pom across. Don warty too ‘auch f this happens, a att ows that they are inerested! Gently encourige them to try and express something in English as his is such good practic, and don't correct them 100 much. The ain ofthis eit is veney, not acuracy 48 Unit6 + Canyouspeak Engish? Role play SUGGESTION ‘You might find hat ime is shor forthe roleplay o that ‘tmigh be too dificult for your students sit stands 50 an alternativ approach isinclnded here. Photocopy the Jnteriet on TB p17 anlask your students to fil nthe Blas ier in lasso or homework. They ean choose hich person fs being interviewed Aneiers Lash 2 were 3 where 4, where 6 were? what 8. go/travel 5. were 6 Assign roles ofthe journalist and Joss or Christopher, ‘orallow students to choose the oe they want. Focus attention on the examples inthe Student Book and then get students fo prepare the interview, using the questions in Exercise 3 to help them. Allow sulfcent time for students to make notes, but discourage them from ‘writing out the interview word for word. Get students to practice the interview in pars and then act it oat in clans. If time short, use the iterative approach in he Suggestion above.) Words that sound the same “This activity introduees your students to bomophones: swords that have diferent speligs and mesnings, but that sound the sume. Of couse its ot important that your students leara the linguistic teem homophone, But itis {important that they are aware of such words, a5 there are so ‘many in English and they ean be particularly confusing ‘when isting, The use of phonetic script in the activity serves ot ony to continue the process ofgetting to know it ‘but also to highlight the fact tha heres ten no relation Deween soured and spellings in English, 1 Thisisto ustrate what is meant by words hat sound the same. Ask your students to read aloudlthe sentences to ‘themselves and then ask fr suggestiors about the words in bold The should easly notice tht he words sound ‘thesame but are spelled differently and have diferent meanings. Ira! = write and right Jay = eyeard 1 voand bow 2 Asestuents to work in pairs to do this Most ofthe words retaken from previous units and shouldbe fair, but allow them to check new words, Whiletheyare doing the ‘exer, wit the words nA on the beard ina como, Bring the class together go through the exerise and invite stadeats, in tutn, upto the board to write the ‘words that sound the seme ext to each ater. Answers 4 8 hear fiat! © eve ite frat ge fear eee se fe eye sa c Were (Bat! thee by fea) by fe four our jaune oe row joos! 00. on sun teow we 3 Thisexeiputsomeofhe word tat ve the same ‘ound butaerent pling context snd shoul be feno do. Fcusattenton on th example and then sk stants to workin pat complete the take Then heck hrogh with th wl clas, tingid to Spel the comet words BID Pith ecoing rons sen and eps Aine ni ik a eat You, bat can't ee you 1 Thate af thee bedrooms ourhoute 3, dont know where ies. 4 Myson ives ear he 5. Don wes that it. buy snew one 6 No, Lean come to our pts 1 You wer ight Sal can come for rer 8. Thai daughter could write when she waste, 9. now my arsvers re ii 4 You cou begin this by asking the cass to chant hough the phonetic transcriptions together to check their rogres in eading them. Remind students of the phonetic symbole chart on SB '. 134. Ask them to work an their on todo the exercise And then check their ansvers with apatner before you so throug i. ‘news Tinos! leew ne 2 San! son an 3 flu too twa 4, frat) wte ight Shor! hear bere 6 earl wear where [ADDITIONAL MATEE Workbook Unit Exercse7 Words that go together, paint pictures ‘On the phone 1 Explain that this section focuses on the anguage needed to get phone numbers through International Directory Assistance. Foes attention on the cards and expan that they show the names al addreses of people that the sents want 0 phone GUD Focus attention on the first pesson (Lisa Jefferson) and onthe example inthe cowersation, ‘Students listen and answer the operator's questions and {get Lisa's telephone number. Do thisasa class activity, getting student cll oat the answer. ‘Anaier nd audio sept pertor itn Decoy starr hh cum You. 0p. ‘You Operator Can Ihave the ast rame, pease) You Jefferson (Operator And theirs came? You tis (Operator What's the adress? You 89 Franklin street. Recorded message The nanber is 016176 208, ‘Chek students have writen Lia's phone number down correct Role play 2 Disdethe dasinto pats and get Seadens A to rara top. 123 and the Students Bt p 125, Students work {pits to role-play the operator ad semeone wanting Yoakiand Aland’ telephone number Briel check students have exchanged the information correctly. ‘anewere ‘Yoshi Teo: (5} 822208, Alejandro Tel/far (098) 7649832 3 | Nore "This activity includes some ofthe rypical expresions used over the phone in English, Make sue students understand tht each mguage uses different expressions over the phoned if they trandate fom their own language, they may cause ‘confusion or surprise! Poin xt in particular that in Engi you cannot say “I'm (Jo) when saying who ispeaking, Units + Canyou speak English? 49 50 Check comprehension 03 Ghat gr snncone asin “fete, call again, mesa. Focus attention on the Canton Boxon p.A7 andthe use of wilto make offers oF promises. (Do not focuson other uses of le, Future Simple, a this stage, as his may confuse students) Ask student to look at the photor and sy ithe sinations shown ae formal or infermal. Et the correc Fine forthe frst Blank in Conversation I, Stdents wor. individually to completethe conversations and then discuss their answers in pais, (GBD students listen and check. ‘Anewers d audio sexi 5 est arson hen 7 Sie eu iE A ellos ths Erma? Noyiisnt gether Hello tis Emma 1 Mepis Military house on Saturday Cin youcome? © Of sory, Miguel cant ts my ster’ wedg B Oh thats OK Nayberext tine. Bye! C bye 3. A Good morning, Dies Electra How can help you? 1 Good merning. inset the manager plese? 2 Fmataid Nr, Sith iain hice at the moment Can ake a message? B Noth: OK Mall ocklate, A Alig Goodbye B Good bye, (a GUD Bead through the Masic of English boxas a ‘das focusing on the tress highlighting linkin lines, nd intonation arrows. Hay the recording Students listen and repest, producing the tres, word linking and Jntonation ina natural way. Students practice the conversations in pir, then invent sore telephone converstions, based on the ones in the Student Book. They can change the names, times, trrangements etc, but stoula keep the basic format of each conversation 6 + Can you speak Eglih? Formal letters Applying or ajob Unit 6 introduces some of the ey conventions of formal Fetes including layout, gretings and endings, and overall style, Students get the opporunity to analyze « modeller ‘writen in reply toa jb advertisement ard then complete a fuided verting ask. This ithe type offer stodents may well need fo write at some stage in their learning. 1 Give students time to ead the averttement and answer the questions, ‘nce Thejabisaveceptionst Itsat The Chicage international Schoo 2. Pocus attention on the information shout Carol and ask stadentsif they think she is the right person forthe jb, lct reasons (Carol sa god candi becuse se has experience of working with people, she peaks two foreign arguage, she vows Chingo well an she probably wed a computer er last obs) 3. Focus attention on Cato’ letter an eit the answers t0 the ist two blanks as examples. Then give students time to complet the ter, using the information about Carol. Check the answers withthe clas. Anewers 1 street cn 2 Road : 0 laguaees 3 receptionist 7 Tl we oe 8 tke was Briefly review the content of Unit 409 SBp. 95 by cliiting the key pars of aeter: dat, address(es), Dea "ending, signature. Focus atentior onthe model letter and on the guidance notes about formal leters.on $B p.97 again. Give students time to read through each ‘ote and them ak check questions, ow mary ladvses ae there (two), Which one's othe righ? (ihe writer's), Where dows the date go? (under the readers address), How do yu begin the eter? Dear.) Ho do Yow eu ihe etter? (Yours sincere). ‘Aslesoudents why Carol uses Min the greeting (because ‘she does’ know if Anne i arsed er nt) lc the ference between Mi for a single oman) and Mrs, (ors married woman). oct attention onthe paragraph labs. Point out ‘that lok forward to hearing fom yous a standard ‘expression that canbe used in any formal eter 10 request apy.

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