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Angaraka Dosha

The detection of Angaraka Dosha in the horoscope of a would-be bridegroom or bride, is

enough nowadays, to put off his/her marriage by several years; in some cases, the horoscope
with this evil is not even considered by others, but thrown off as a hopeless case. In such cases,
to short-circuit spinsterhood for the girl, the parents sometimes, out of sheer disgust, declare
that no horoscope exists and arrange marriage without consideration of horoscope. Even for
boys with this or similar evil, the same process is followed. Many such marriages have taken
place and there are cases of such couples carrying on normally, thus establishing, in some cases
at least, that the seriousness attached to Kuja Dosha is unwarranted.

It is not uncommon to come across advertisements seeking horoscopes of boys/girls with Kuja
Dosha in 7th, 8th etc. with a view to pick-up a match with equally strong Kuja Dosha. Some
have even searched thousands of horoscopes, extending over years, to find a suitable match
with Kuja Dosha. From our personal contacts with astrologers and students in the field, we have
been able to measure the importance attached by the public. to this evil and have also been
witnessing cases of boys and girls remaining unmarried until well past their youth because of
non-availability of suitable horoscope with this evil. We have therefore, come to the conclusion,
that there is no correct appraisal of what constitutes Kuja Dosha and that unnecessary and
unwarranted importance is being attached to it in a large number of cases, resulting in youth
being wasted. Whilst everyone is conscious of this evil, it appears that the majority do not know
precisely the extent of the Yoga, how the evil works and how it ultimately leads to premature
death of the native or his partner. We have brooded over the question whether it is in God's
purpose of creation to let some bachelors remain unmarried and thus deny the greatest
enjoyment in life.

How does Angaraka Dosha arise ?

In practice, the presence of Mars in 7th/8th from Ascendant, in some cases, from Moon also, is
all that is wanted to condemn a horoscope with Kuja Dosha but the sloka #s 108-109 above say
that Kuja Dosha arises if Mars is found in Asdt/2/4/7/8/12 for boys and in 1/2/4/7/8/12 from
Moon/Venus in a girl's horoscope,

We personally do not subscribe to this view in full that the dosha arises from Asdt for boys and
from Moon/Venus for girls, but we support the view of those Sages who say that this evil
operates with full force from Asdt, 50% force from Moon and with 25% force from Venus
without distinction of sex.
Quantum of Angaraka Dosha

The slokas referred to above merely say that the evil arises by virtue of stay of Mars in certain
houses but not the quantum of evil in the different houses.

Similarly, the quantum of evil which arises by reason of Mars staying in different signs of zodiac
is also not given. The following Table in use in the Malayalam speaking areas of South gives
clear-cut idea of the quantum of this evil in different houses and signs and with what force, it
operates from Asdt, Moon and Venus.

TABULATION -----> indicating the quantum of evil contributed by planets SUN, MARS, SATURN,
RAHU & KETU occupying

specified positions from ASCENDANT.

Planets standing in Ascendant, 7th & 8th houses

Planet Debilitation "Bitter

Sign" Enemy Sign Exaltation "Moola
Trikona" "Own
Sign" "Intimate

Ketu" 128 120 112 96 72 64 32 24

Mars 192 180 168 144 108 96 48 36

Sun 64 60 56 48 36 32 16 12

Planets standing in 2nd, 4th and 12th houses

Planet Debilitation "Bitter
Sign" "Enemy
Sign" Exaltation "Moola
Trikona" "Own
House" "Friend's
Sign" "Intimate

Ketu" 32 30 28 24 18 16 8 6

Mars 48 45 42 36 27 24 12 9

Sun 16 15 14 12 9 8 4 3

The above table is designed primarily to ascertain the Dosha Saamya or the evil contributed by
malefics standing in 1/2/4/7/8/12.

Mars standing in 1/2/4/7/8/12 constitutes what is called Kuja Dosha.

Thus, the table is usable for both purposes.

The values given above are for calculation of the evil from Ascendant only.

While calculating with reference to Moon, the above values should be reduced to 50%.

While calculating with reference to Venus, the above values should be reduced to 25%.

How to assess Dosha Saamya

From the Ascendant, find out the values for all the malefics standing in the stated signs & total
them-up A
From Moon, find out the values for all the malefics standing in the stated signs & total them
up B reduced to 50%

From Venus, find out the values for all the malefics standing in the stated signs & total them up
C reduced to 25%

Now, A+B+C = P

P divided by 128 would give the exact quantum of dosha.

Angaraka Dosha is also like-wise calculated from Asdt/Moon/Venus.

How does Angaraka Dosha Operate ?

Beyond stating that the Angaraka Dosha causes death (or premature death) of wife/husband or
alternatively estrangement or

or divorce, nothing is mentioned in the standard texts as to what will be the behaviour of a
native with this evil or the manner in which the Yoga operates and leads him/her to premature
death. To be conscious of one's own defects, which may prove fatal in the end, is to let one arm
oneself up against it.

If there is no shanti/remedy, either clinically or through religious ceremonies, one will at least
have the satisfaction of knowing that it was all due to one's past Karma.

From our extensive studies in this connection, we have concluded that a person with this evil
(as a result of having Mars in 7th), would have, as life passes, a greater thirst for sex or fond of
women, as some modern men would put it with a sense of pride.The thirst grows with the
age.and the man suffering from this evil, failing to get full satisfaction, goes in for sexual
The craze for perverted sexual acts sets in, under the guise of new methods of approach or
innovation and because one is shy to try this nonsense at home, tries it outside. The craze goes
on increasing quickly and a sort of degeneration sets in - mental as well as physical. Excessive
indulgence in sex is definitely harmful. No wonder one's life gets shortened.

Natives suffering from this evil, would be well-advised to exercise control of mind, either
through Yogic Kriyas and Asanas or through prayers.

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