Representing Numbers in NLP: A Survey and A Vision

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Representing Numbers in NLP: a Survey and a Vision

Avijit Thawani and Jay Pujara and Pedro Szekely and Filip Ilievski
University of Southern California
Information Sciences Institute

Abstract Numbers are neglected. In NLP, however,

NLP systems rarely give special consideration numbers are either filtered out explicitly during
to numbers found in text. This starkly con- preprocessing (Graff et al., 2003), or treated the
trasts with the consensus in neuroscience that, same as words, often collapsing them into an UNK
arXiv:2103.13136v1 [cs.CL] 24 Mar 2021

in the brain, numbers are represented differ- token. Subword tokenization approaches like BPE
ently from words. We arrange recent NLP (Sennrich et al., 2016) and WordPiece (Wu et al.,
work on numeracy into a comprehensive taxon- 2016) instead retain numbers, but split them into
omy of tasks and methods. We break down the
arbitrary tokens, for example 1234 might be split
subjective notion of numeracy into 7 subtasks,
arranged along two dimensions: granularity
into two tokens as 12-34 or 123-4 or 1-234.
(exact vs approximate) and units (abstract vs Recent work has shown that these are subopti-
grounded). We analyze the myriad represen- mal number representations (Wallace et al., 2019;
tational choices made by 18 previously pub- Zhang et al., 2020). On the DROP Question An-
lished number encoders and decoders. We syn- swering benchmark, BERT performs five times
thesize best practices for representing numbers worse when the answer is a number instead of a
in text and articulate a vision for holistic nu-
span of text (Dua et al., 2019). Relatively simple
meracy in NLP, comprised of design trade-offs
and a unified evaluation. strategies like switching from subword to char-level
tokenization (Geva et al., 2020), or from decimal
1 Introduction to scientific notation (Zhang et al., 2020) already
Numbers are an integral part of text. To under- boost performance. Such results warrant a deeper
stand a simple sentence like I woke up at 11, we study into the best number representations.
need not just literacy but also numeracy. We must Numbers are important. Given the ubiquity of
decode the string 11 to the quantity 11 and infer numbers and their fundamental differences with
11 to denote a time of the day, probably 11 a.m. words, enabling NLP systems to represent them ef-
We need commonsense to reason that 11 a.m. is fectively is beneficial for domains like scientific ar-
quite late in the morning. This interpretation of ticles (Spithourakis and Riedel, 2018) and financial
11 is strongly contextual, as I earn $11 per month documents (Chen et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2020).
evokes different units and value expectations. Note Number understanding is also useful to detect sar-
how the semantics remains the same for both sen- casm (Dubey et al., 2019) and to model dialogues
tences if 11 was replaced by 10, i.e., the context involving price negotiations (Chawla et al., 2020).
is tolerant to some variability. Recent NLP progress towards numeracy has
Numbers are everywhere. Reasoning with been sporadic but encouraging. In this paper, we
quantities and counts is crucial to understanding survey prior work and highlight the kind of numer-
the world. Evolutionary learning has given numer- acy targeted (e.g., arithmetic, measurement, numer-
ical cognition skills to several animals, including ation) as well as the kind of representation used
human beings (Dehaene, 2011). Our ancient an- (e.g., value embeddings, DigitRNNs). We provide
cestors furthered numeracy by developing multiple the first NLP-centric taxonomy of numeracy tasks
number systems, similar to but independent from (Section 2) and of number representations (Sec-
the evolution of languages. Numeracy is an essen- tion 3) for the reader to succinctly comprehend
tial skill for language understanding, since numbers the challenge posed by numeracy. We synthesize
are often interspersed in text: the 6 million pages in key takeaways (Section 5) and propose a unifying
English Wikipedia have over 150 million numbers. vision for future research (Section 6).
Benchmarking or Probing Tasks Downstream
Abstract Grounded Applications
Exact Simple Arithmetic (2+3=5) AWP (2 balls + 3 balls = 5 balls), Question Answering,
Exact Facts (birds have two legs) Science Problems
Approx Numeration (‘2’ = 2.0), Measurement (dogs weigh 50 lbs), Sarcasm Detection,
Magnitude (‘2’ < ‘5’) Numerical Language Modeling Numeral Categorization

Table 1: Seven numeracy tasks, arranged along the axes of (rows) granularity - exact vs approximate, and (columns)
units - abstract vs grounded. We also list downstream applications requiring a similar granularity of numeracy.

2 Tasks Simple Arithmetic is the task of addition, sub-

traction, etc. over numbers alone. It is convenient
There are several different aspects of numeracy.
to create synthetic datasets involving such math
The DROP dataset alone offers a wide variety of nu-
operations for both masked (Geva et al., 2020) and
meric reasoning questions such as retrieval-based
causal language models (GPT-3 Brown et al. 2020).
(How many yards did Brady run?), count-based
Numeration or Decoding refers to the task of
(How many goals were scored? given a comprehen-
mapping a string form to its numeric value, e.g., 19
sion describing multiple goals), and simple arith-
to 19.0. Within NLP, this task is set up as a lin-
metic (How many years after event 1 did event 2
ear regressor probe over a (frozen) representation
occur? given dates of both events). Besides down-
of the string. Numeration has been probed for in
stream applications, there have also been probing
static word embeddings (Naik et al., 2019), con-
experiments to evaluate whether NLP models can
textualized language models (Wallace et al., 2019),
decode numbers from strings (e.g., 19 to 19.0), or
and multilingual number words, e.g., nineteen or
estimate quantities (e.g., how tall are lions?).
dix-neuf (Johnson et al., 2020).
Such a diverse range of abilities are usually all
referred to collectively as numeracy, which gives Magnitude Comparison is the ability to tell
rise to confusion. We limit this abuse of terminol- which of two (or more) numbers is larger. For lan-
ogy and provide a neat taxonomy for arranging the guage models, this has been probed in an argmax
different tasks proposed under numeracy. setup (choose the largest of five numbers) as well
as a binary classification task, e.g., given 23 and
2.1 Our Taxonomy of Tasks 32, pick the label 1 to indicate that 32 > 23 (Naik
Drawing from work in cognitive science (Feigen- et al., 2019; Wallace et al., 2019).
son et al., 2004), we propose the following two Arithmetic Word Problems (AWP) are the
dimensions to organize tasks within numeracy: grounded version of simple arithmetic that we find
in school textbooks, e.g., Mary had two cookies.
1. Granularity: whether the encoding of the She gave one away. How many does she have left?
number is (1) exact, e.g., birds have two legs, or There exist several NLP datasets on math word
(2) approximate, e.g., Jon is about 180 cms tall. problems (Amini et al., 2019; Saxton et al., 2019;
2. Units: whether the numbers are (1) abstract, Roy and Roth, 2015; Hendrycks et al., 2021).
e.g., 2+3=5, or (2) grounded, e.g., 2 apples + 3 ap- Exact Facts in the context of numeracy involves
ples = 5 apples. While abstract mathematical tasks commonsense knowledge such as dice have 6 faces
are easy to probe and create artificial datasets for, or birds have two legs. An approximate sense of
numbers grounded in units are challenging since quantity would be of little help here since assertions
they need to be understood in the context of words. like dice have 5 faces or birds have three legs are
factually incorrect. Two recent datasets for numeric
2.2 Survey of Existing Tasks commonsense facts are Numbergame (Mishra et al.,
We now describe 7 standard numeracy tasks, ar- 2020) and NumerSense (Lin et al., 2020).
ranged according to our taxonomy in Table 1. Measurement Estimation is a task in psychol-
We defer discussion on downstream tasks (right- ogy in which subjects are asked to approximately
most column in the table) as well as miscellaneous guess measures of objects along certain dimensions,
numeracy-related tasks (such as counting) to A. e.g., number of seeds in a watermelon or weight
of a telephone (Bullard et al., 2004). VerbPhysics modern NLP. We assume that there exists an inde-
(Forbes and Choi, 2017) is a benchmark of binary pendent parallel process of mapping words into em-
comparisons between physical attributes of various beddings, such as subword tokenization followed
objects, e.g., ball <size tiger. DoQ (Elazar et al., by lookup embeddings in BERT.
2019) is a web-extracted dataset of Distributions
over Quantities, which can be used as a benchmark 3.1 Our Taxonomy
for language models’ measurement estimation abil- We look at two kinds of representations: string-
ities (Zhang et al., 2020). Lastly, MC-TACO (Zhou based and real-based. Real-based representations
et al., 2020) is a collection of temporal-specific perform some computation involving the numerical
measurement estimates, e.g., going for a vacation value of the number. The string-based representa-
spans a few days/weeks. tions instead see numbers in their surface forms;
Numerical Language Modeling in its literal they must assign arbitrary token IDs and look up
sense is not a task but a setup, analogous to their embeddings to feed into the architecture.
masked/causal language modeling for words. Other
tasks could be modeled as numeric language mod- 3.1.1 String Based
eling, e.g., arithmetic (2+3=[MASK]) and measure-
By default, language models treat numbers as
ment estimation (lions weigh [MASK] pounds). In
strings, the same as words. However, within string
practice, numerical language modeling refers to the
representations, one could tweak simple changes:
task of making numeric predictions for completing
Notation: The number 80 could be written in
unlabelled, naturally occurring text.
Hindu-Arabic numerals (80), Roman numerals
Word predictions in language modeling are typi-
(LXXX), scientific notation (8e1), English words
cally evaluated with classification metrics such as
(eighty), or with base 20 as in French (quatre-
Accuracy at K or perplexity. Numeric predictions,
vingts). Nogueira et al. (2021) exclusively study
on the other hand, are evaluated with regression
the effect of many such notation choices in lan-
metrics such as mean absolute error, root mean
guage models, on the task of simple arithmetic.
squared error, or their log-scaled and percentage
Tokenization: Word level tokenizations are in-
effective for numbers, since they are likely to map
Downstream Applications for numeracy are
most numbers to an UNK token, except for a few
abound. Dubey et al. (2019) detect sarcasm in
commonly occuring ones (e.g., 1, 2, 5, 10, 100).
tweets based on numbers. Chen et al. (2020) iden-
Other possibilities are subword tokenizations like
tify claims in financial documents using alternative
BPE and WordPiece, as well as character (or digit)
number representations and the auxiliary task of nu-
level tokenizations.
meral understanding or categorization (Chen et al.,
Pooling: The pooling dimension of variation
2018). Similarly, simple arithmetic and math word
springs up after analyzing the effect of tokenization.
problems serve as auxiliary tasks for GenBERT
With subword and character level tokenizations, a
(Geva et al., 2020) towards improving its score on
single number may now correspond to multiple to-
the DROP QA benchmark.
kens, e.g., 100 segmented into 10-0 or 1-0-0.
3 Methods Prior work (Spithourakis and Riedel, 2018) has ar-
gued for using RNNs or CNNs to instead pool the
Analogous to our taxonomy of subtasks in the pre- embeddings of these tokens into a single embed-
vious section, here we attempt to arrange the wide ding before feeding to the language model. The
variety of alternative number representations pro- default way that language models see numbers are
posed in recent literature. We limit our analysis the same as words, hence no pooling is applied.
to methods of encoding (numbers → embeddings)
and/or decoding (embeddings → numbers) num- 3.1.2 Real Based
bers. We do not discuss, for example, methods Real-based number encoders can be expressed as
that use symbolic reasoning (Andor et al., 2019) or f : R → Rd whereas decoders can be expressed
modify activation functions to enhance numeracy as g : Rd → R. Real-based methods proposed in
(Trask et al., 2018). literature can vary on account of direction (whether
A typical example of the base architecture could they encode, decode or both), scale (linear vs log),
be BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), the workhorse of and discretization (binning vs continuous valued).
Direction: Some proposed methods are encoder- tion, i.e., 314.1 is expressed as 3141[EXP]2). Num-
only, e.g., DICE (Sundararaman et al., 2020), while BERT hence follows a scientific notation, subword
some can be decoder-only, e.g., those requiring tokenization, and no pooling.1
sampling from a parameterized distribution (Berg- DigitRNN, DigitCNN Spithourakis and Riedel
Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, 2020). (2018) and Wallace et al. (2019) experimented with
Scale: Inspired by cognitive science literature poolingof digit embeddings into a single embed-
(Dehaene, 2011), several methods have attempted ding representing the full number. Both used RNNs
to model numbers in the log (instead of linear) as well as CNNs for pooling.
scale, i.e., to perform mathematical operations on DigitRNN-sci & Exponent (Embedding)
the logarithm of the number to be represented. The Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020) used a
first operation in a log-scaled f is log(·) and the scientific notation variant of DigitRNNs (which
last operation in a log-scaled g is exp(·). We we refer to as DigitRNN-sci in Table 2), as well as
discuss more scales in the following subsection, a simpler alternative: exponent embedding. The
such as the stabilized log scale (Jiang et al., 2020) latter merely learns a lookup embedding for the
and the learned scale/flow (Berg-Kirkpatrick and exponent, completely ignoring the mantissa.
Spokoyny, 2020).
Discretization: Training continuous value func- 3.2.2 Real-based methods
tions for a large range of numbers turns out to be DICE Determinisitic Independent-of-Corpus Em-
practically infeasible (Wallace et al., 2019). Some beddings (Sundararaman et al., 2020) is an attempt
real-based methods first bin numbers before learn- to handcraft number encoder 2 f so as to preserve
ing embeddings for each bin. These bins could the relative magnitude between two numerals and
be on the linear scale (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, . . . ) or their embeddings. Given two scalars i and j, and
the log scale (0.01-0.1, 0.1-1, 1-10, . . . ), and the their embeddings f (i) and f (j), the cosine dis-
lookup embeddings can be learnt by the regular tance between f (i) and f (j) is intended to mono-
cross entropy (Chen et al., 2020) or dense cross tonically increase/decrease with the Euclidean dis-
entropy (Zhang et al., 2020). tance between i and j. DICE is offered as not only a
deterministic encoding but also as an auxiliary loss
3.2 Survey of Existing Methods
function for softly training number embeddings
Having established dimensions of variance of num- alongside, say, SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016)
ber representations, we describe some key string- Value Embedding The most intuitive parame-
based and real-based methods used in prior work. terized encoder for real numbers is one that feeds
Table 2 depicts these methods as individual rows, the scalar magnitude of the number through a shal-
with the first three columns showing their position low neural network. The converse of value embed-
in our taxonomy (§ 3.1). The last seven columns ding is to learn a shallow neural network mapping
correspond to the seven tasks (§ 2.2), with each cell g : Rd → R. This decoder is simply the probe
denoting a representative work that introduce it. used for decoding/numeration task.
3.2.1 String-based methods The idea of projecting number magnitudes into
an NLP model that otherwise inputs only lookup
Word Vectors & Contextualized Embeddings
embeddings may appear flawed. But Vaswani et al.
Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013), GloVe (Penning-
(2017) have (rather successfully) encoded posi-
ton et al., 2014), ELMo (Peters et al., 2018), and
tional information into transformers using both
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) have been probed as
learned embeddings (similar to Value) and fixed
baselines against several contending methods.
ones (similar to DICE).
GenBERT Geva et al. (2020) presented Gen-
Log Value Wallace et al. (2019) also experiment
BERT, a question answering model with pretrained
with a log-scaled value encoder in addition to the
BERT serving as both its encoder and decoder.
one on a linear scale. Zhang et al. (2020) experi-
GenBERT tokenizes numbers at the digit level, and
ment with a log value decoder for measurement esti-
is finetuned on auxiliary tasks of arithmetic word
mation, which they call the RGR (regress) method.
problems and simple arithmetic.
Log scaling has a neuroscientific inspiration since
NumBERT Zhang et al. (2020) pretrain BERT
from scratch over a modified dataset such that all 1
Pooling as described in § 3.1.1.
numbers have been converted into scientific nota- Number encoder-decoder as defined in § 3.1.2.
Exact Approximate
Arith Facts AWP Num Mag Meas LMN
String-Based Notation Tokenization Pooling
Word Vectors Decimal Word NA W+19 W+19 W+19 G+19 J+20
Contextualized Decimal Subword No W+19 L+20 G+20 W+19 W+19 Z+20 SR18
GenBERT Decimal Char No G+20 G+20
NumBERT Scientific Char No Z+20 Z+20
DigitRNN/CNN Decimal Char Yes W+19 W+19 W+19 SR18
DigitRNN-sci Scientific Char RNN BS20
Exponent Scientific Word NA BS20
Real-Based Scale Direction Binning
DICE Linear Enc-only No S+20 S+20 S+20
Value Linear Both No W+19 W+19 W+19
Log Value Log Both No W+19 W+19 W+19 Z+20
MCC Log Dec-only Yes Z+20
Log Laplace Log Dec-only No BS20
Flow Laplace Learn Dec-only No BS20
DExp Log Dec-only No BS20
GMM Linear Dec-only Both** SR18
GMM-proto Linear Enc-only* No J+20 J+20 J+20 J+20
SOM-proto Log Enc-only* No J+20 J+20 J+20 J+20

Table 2: An overview of numeracy in NLP: Each row is a method (§3.2), arranged as per our taxonomy (§3.1)
split by string and real, further branching into three dimensions each. The last seven columns correspond to
the seven subtasks of numeracy (§2.2), split by Exact and Approximate granularity (§2.1). The cells point to
representative (not exhaustive) works that have experimented with a given method (row) on a given task (column).
Notes: Prototype* is encoder-only but reuses embeddings for the decoder (Jiang et al., 2020). GMM** has been
discretized (Spithourakis and Riedel, 2018) as well as continuous valued (Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, 2020).

observations of human (and animal) understand- MCC or multi-class classification is another

ing of numbers is better modelled by a log-scale number decoder which outputs a distribution, but
representation (Dehaene, 2011). a discrete one: over log-scaled bins of numbers,
Log Laplace In contrast to the point estimate e.g., 1-10, 10-100, and so on (Zhang et al., 2020).
output of the RGR decoder, models can also be Previously described decoders either output a point
used to parameterize a distribution over numbers. estimate or a unimodal distribution, thus failing
Such a formulation is helpful when estimating ap- to hedge its predictions for a multimodal ground
proximate quantities. Vectors representing some truth. Given a masked number prediction problem
context can be used to parameterize, say, the mean We went to the restaurant at [MASK] p.m., MCC is
and variance of a Gaussian or Laplace distribu- better equipped to estimate two peaks: one around
tion. Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020) in- lunch time (say, 1-2 p.m.) and another around din-
stead transform the space being modeled by param- ner (say, 7-9 p.m.).
eterizing the location parameter of a Log-Laplace Discrete Latent Exponent (DExp) is an-
distribution L(X, 1) where X is the context repre- other potentially multimodal distribution (Berg-
sentation of unmasked tokens, in a masked (numer- Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, 2020) where the model
ical) language modelling setup. When inferring or parameterizes a multinomial distribution for the
decoding a number, they sample a point z ~L(X, 1) exponent (similar to MCC) and uses it to sample
and exponentiate it, such that the output is exp(z). an exponent e, which then acts as a latent variable
Flow Laplace The expressivity of number de- for emitting the mean µ of a Gaussian (standard
coders can be expanded or contracted by merely deviation fixed at 0.05). This Gaussian is finally
parameterizing a different distribution. Berg- used to sample the output number z ~N (µ, 0.05).
Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020) propose a more GMM Another attempt to circumvent the uni-
expressive decoder where instead of the log scale, modal Gaussians or point estimates is to learn a
the model learns its own density mapping. After Gaussian mixture model. Spithourakis and Riedel
sampling z ~L(X, 1), the output is transformed to (2018) learn a mixture of K Gaussians by pre-
exp( z−a )
where a, b, and c, are also parameters
, training their means (µi ) and variances (σi 2 ) over
emitted by the same model. the training corpus with Expectation Maximization
algorithms, while the mixing weights πi are de- 4 Results
rived from the model. Next, to sample a single
number P from the GMM probability mass function Having organized the landscape of numeracy tasks
q(u) = K and methods, we now present come key results for
i=1 πi N (u; µi ; σi ), the authors first sam-
ple the precision (number of decimal places) from each numeracy task in NLP from previously pub-
yet another Gaussian and use that to discretize the lished experiments over a subset of the described
probability mass function into equal sized bins, number representations:
over which the probabilities are summed. If the Abstract Probes Word Embeddings vastly out-
sampled precision is, say 2, then theRprobability of perform random embedding baselines on abstract
emitting a number 3.14 is given by 3.135 q(u)du. probes such as numeration, magnitude comparison,
This likelihood estimate is used to train a causal and sorting (Wallace et al., 2019; Naik et al., 2019).
language model. DICE, Value and Log Value embeddings excel at
Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020)’s GMM these probes, which makes intuitive sense given
implementation is slightly different: it alters the that they explicitly encode the numbers’ magnitude
last inference step by sampling directly from the - although Value embeddings do not easily extrapo-
mixture of Gaussians, as they did with Log Laplace, late to larger numbers, possibly due to instability
Flow Laplace, and DExp. in training. The best number encoders with respect
GMM-prototype by Jiang et al. (2020) simi- to these probes were found to be DigitCNNs, and
larly pretrains (with EM/hard-EM) the mean, the character-tokenized models, e.g., ELMo, in general
variances, but also the mixture weights πi s of a outperform subword ones, e.g., BERT (Wallace
GMM over the training corpus. They then learn et al., 2019).
K prototype embeddings ei s corresponding to the Arithmetic GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) per-
K Gaussians. When encoding a new numeral n, forms extremely well at zero shot simple arithmetic,
as long as the number of digits in the operands are
PK(input) embedding is calculated as: E(n) =
low. The tokenization scheme could be the cause
i=1 wi .ei , where the weights are induced from
the GMM: for limited extrapolation, since language models
get better at arithmetic when numbers are tokenized
πi N (n; µi ; σi ) at the digit/character level (Nogueira et al., 2021;
wi = P (Z = i|U = n) = PK
j=1 πj N (n; µj ; σj )
Wallace et al., 2019). For arithmetic word prob-
lems, state of the art solvers rely on predicting an
Thus the difference between GMM and GMM- equation, which is then filled in with specific nu-
prototypes is that after fixing mean and standard meric values from the question (Patel et al., 2021),
deviations of the Gaussian mixtures, in GMM the altogether bypassing the need for encoding num-
model learns to predict the mixture weights πi bers into embeddings.
for each individual number prediction, whereas Masked Language Modelling Zhang et al.
in GMM-prototype, πi ’s are frozen and the model (2020) show that BERT pretrained over datasets
learns prototype embeddings ei ’s. Note that proto- where numbers are in scientific notation (Num-
type embeddings are encoder-only.To decode num- BERT) converges to the same loss as BERT on
bers, the authors implement weight-sharing across masked language modelling objective, and scores
input and output embeddings, similar to how word nearly the same on GLUE language understanding
vectors are trained (Mikolov et al., 2013), i.e., find- benchmarks. For (causal) numeric language mod-
ing out which of the numerals in the corpus has the elling, Spithourakis and Riedel (2018) show that
closest embedding. Gaussian Mixture Models are the best decoders.
SOM-prototype GMM-prototype, in effect, For (masked) numeric language modelling, Berg-
merely use the mixture of Gaussians to infer pro- Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020) show that mod-
totypes and to get the weights wi ’s. Jiang et al. elling the mantissa in scientific notation may be an
(2020) tried another variant by identifying proto- overkill, since exponent embeddings alone outper-
type numerals with Self Organizing Maps (Koho- form DigitRNN-sci over financial news and scien-
nen, 1990) and by defining the weights as: wi = tific articles.
|g(xi ) − g(n)|−1 where xi is the ith prototype, n Measurement Estimation Zhang et al. (2020)
is the number to be encoded, and g is a log-based train a regression probe to predict measure-
squashing function. ments of objects over the CLS embeddings of
BERT/NumBERT. Given a template-lexicalized with unpooled ones (NumBERT, GenBERT) which
sentence such as “the dog is heavy,” the model must makes it hard to proclaim a winner among the two.
predict the weight of a typical dog, against ground Rule of thumb for real-based methods? Log
truth from the Distribution over Quantities dataset scale is preferred over linear scale (Zhang et al.,
(Elazar et al., 2019). They find that NumBERT is 2020; Jiang et al., 2020; Wallace et al., 2019; Berg-
a better text encoder than BERT for measurement Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, 2020), which makes
estimation, the only difference between them be- intuitive sense but lacks as rigorous a study as has
ing the notation used by the respective pretraining been undertaken in the cognitive science commu-
corpora. They also experiment with two number de- nity (Feigenson et al., 2004). Regarding discretiza-
coders: MCC (multi-class classification) and RGR tion, Zhang et al. (2020) show that binning (dense
(regression / Log Value embedding). MCC per- cross entropy loss) works better than continuous
forms better when trying to predict Distributions value prediction (MAE loss) on datasets where
over Quantities - perhaps due to the ground truth ground truth distributions are available. Lastly,
resembling the predicted gaussians - but not on modeling continuous predictions is notoriously
VerbPhysics - where the ground truth is less noisy. hard for large ranges (Wallace et al., 2019) but Sp-
Lastly, even static word embeddings like GloVe ithourakis and Riedel (2018) offer a way of binning
have been shown to contain enough knowledge of such distributions by picking a precision level.
measurement estimates to contrast two objects, e.g.,
Encoding vs Decoding numbers? In our sim-
classifying whether a car is bigger/heavier/fasster
plified discussions above, we avoid differentiat-
than a ball (Goel et al., 2019).
ing between methods for encoding and decoding
Exact Facts BERT and RoBERTa capture lim- numbers. Value Embedding, for instance, can be
ited numerical commonsense, evident over Nu- used to encode numbers (projecting scalars onto
merSense (Lin et al., 2020) sentences such as ‘a vector space) as well as to decode numbers (col-
tricycle has [MASK] wheels,’ with the answer lapsing a vector into a scalar). On the other hand,
choices limited to the numbers 0-10. Results can be manually-designed encoders like DICE are not eas-
further improved by finetuning over a Wikipedia- ily reversible into decoding methods. Even with re-
extracted dataset of numeric information. Mishra versible methods, the encoders and decoders must
et al. (2020) find the commonsense question an- usually be independently parameterized, unlike the
swering to be one of the hardest among their Num- input and output word embeddings which often
bergame challenge, using the NumNetv2 model share weights (Press and Wolf, 2016). Prototype
(Ran et al., 2019) which is commonly used for embeddings by Jiang et al. (2020) are an exception,
DROP question answering. Both of these experi- which share input/output embeddings for a fixed
ments evaluate on exact match metrics, hence it vocabulary of numbers.
remains to be seen if representing approximate
Can we mix-and-match multiple methods?
magnitudes yields benefit in modelling numeric
Given the wide range of number representations,
an obvious next step is to try an ensemble of em-
beddings. Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny (2020)
5 Recommendations
show that for encoding numbers, exponent embed-
Based on the above results, we now synthesize cer- dings added to DigitRNN (scientific notation) em-
tain key insights into a set of directed takeaways to beddings barely outperforms the exponent embed-
guide practitioners’ design of number representa- dings alone. Similar experiments with a mix of real
tions for their task: and string methods are yet to be seen.
Rule of thumb for string-based methods? Sci- Which methods for which tasks? Based on
entific notation is superior to decimal notation our taxonomy of tasks in Table 1, abstract tasks
(Zhang et al., 2020) since models can learn to are good early probes for the grounded ones, e.g.,
attend mostly to the exponent embedding rather finetuning GenBERT (Geva et al., 2020) on simple
than the mantissa (Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, arithmetic helps it do well on downstream ques-
2020). Character level tokenization outperforms tion answering, and the high scores of DICE (Sun-
subword level (Nogueira et al., 2021; Wallace et al., dararaman et al., 2020) on numeration and magni-
2019; Geva et al., 2020). Pooled representations tude comparison are an indicator of similar boosts
(DigitRNN, DigitCNN) lack a controlled study on (numeric) language modelling. With respect
to granularity, real-based methods work well for arithmetic problems, is found to score higher on
approximate tasks such as measurement estima- DROP QA. Similarly, DICE (Sundararaman et al.,
tion and language modeling (Zhang et al., 2020; 2020), optimized for numeration, improves score
Berg-Kirkpatrick and Spokoyny, 2020) but not for on Numeracy600K order-of-magnitude prediction
exact tasks like arithmetic word problems or com- task. Going forward, we need several such studies,
monsense. DigitRNNs are broad-purpose number ideally for each pair of tasks to see whether some
encoders, whereas distribution modeling methods numeracy skills help models generalize to others.
like DExp are effective at decoding numbers. Design Principles. Number representations
vary based on design trade-offs between inductive
6 Vision for Unified Numeracy in NLP biases and data-driven variance. The default BERT
setup, with subword tokenization and lookup em-
Numeracy is a core system of human intelligence
beddings, occupies the variance end of the spec-
(Kinzler and Spelke, 2007). Teaching numeracy to
trum, allowing freedom in representing numbers.
students works best when taught holistically, while
Value embeddings and DICE encodings, on the
less effective teachers deal with areas of mathemat-
other hand, are closer to the bias end of the spec-
ics discretely (Askew and Askew, 1997). While
trum, since the inductive bias of continuity on the
the NLP community has genuinely strived to im-
number line constrains the learning space. It is im-
prove language models’ numeric skills, not all as-
portant to identify where on the bias-variance scale
pects of numeracy have been sufficiently targeted.
any representation stands, for a fair comparison.
It is evident from the sparsity in Table 2 that the
community is far from achieving, or attempting, a Following parallel work in cognitive science, the
holistic solution to numeracy. In this section, we community could explore whether exact and ap-
outline our vision for such a unified solution, as proximate numeracy require two specialized mod-
three prerequisites necessary to consider for numer- ules (Feigenson et al., 2004) or could be handled
ical NLU: with a single representation (Cordes et al., 2001).
Evaluation. The first step towards a holistic Model designers must also make a choice on cov-
solution to numeracy requires a benchmark cover- erage: whether to target a broad or a narrow range
ing its different subtasks. Aggregated leaderboards of numbers to be represented. Multi-class classifi-
in NLP like GLUE (Wang et al., 2018) and Su- cation (Zhang et al., 2020) over a fixed number of
perGLUE (Wang et al., 2019) have incentivized bins, restricts the range of numbers expressed, as
research on natural langauge understanding, with do DICE embeddings (Sundararaman et al., 2020).
scores categorized into semantic, syntactic, logical, Value embeddings are continuous and theoretically
and background knowledge. unrestricted, but must practically be capped for bug-
An analogous leaderboard could be constructed free training. On the other hand, string-based repre-
to evaluate models on numeric reasoning tasks, sentations could always fall back to subword/char-
again categorized according to the skills evaluated, level token embeddings
√ to represent not only floats
e.g., exact vs approximate granularity, or abstract but also irrational ( 2) and complex (1 + 2ι) num-
vs grounded numeracy. Numbergame (Mishra bers. Roy et al. (2015) introduced the Quantity-
et al., 2020) is one such aggregation focusing on Value Representation format to allow closed and
exact numeracy benchmarks, as evaluated by F1 open ranges alongside scalar point numbers.
and exact match scores in a reading comprehen- Broader Impact. Numbers are ubiquitous in
sion setup. Both Numbergame and our own list natural language and are easily identified, at least
of tasks (Section 2.2) are preliminary attempts at in numeral forms. But they are by no means the
teasing apart the different aspects of numeracy. We only class of ordered concepts required for natural
encourage researchers to extend and refine such language understanding. Successful number repre-
taxonomies. sentations can inspire work on incorporating more
A suite of numeracy tasks, matched with evalua- continuous domains into natural language process-
tions of their respective numerical skills, can enable ing systems. For instance, gradable adjectives like
testing model generalization from one skill to an- good, great, amazing, etc. are arguably on some
other. Some progress has already been made in cardinal scale, which can be mapped using value
this transfer learning setup, e.g., GenBERT (Geva embeddings or Gaussian mixture models (Sharp
et al., 2020), finetuned on a synthetic dataset of et al., 2018; de Marneffe et al., 2010). Days of the
week (Mon-Sun) and months of an year (Jan-Dec) which we have tried our best to rectify.
form periodic patterns which can be modeled with
sinusoidal functions (Martinez et al., 2020). Ethical Considerations
Lastly, numeracy is essential for natural lan- This work revolves around the Hindu-Arabic Nu-
guage understanding. Consider the sentence: “Pro- meral system and English number words, which
grammers earn $200,000 versus $100,000 for re- are not the only number systems still in use today.
searchers." An intelligent agent with numeracy We encourage follow-up work to take these sys-
skills would identify that $100k is half of $200k, tems into consideration, on the lines of Johnson
that $100k possibly denotes annual salary, and infer et al. (2020) and Nefedov (2020).
that higher salaries lead to higher standards of liv-
ing. In short, it was able to learn something about
the two concepts programmers and researchers, by References
crossing the continuous semantic space of num- Aida Amini, Saadia Gabriel, Shanchuan Lin, Rik
bers! The agent could now make use of this knowl- Koncel-Kedziorski, Yejin Choi, and Hannaneh Ha-
edge in a number-free situation, e.g., the mask in jishirzi. 2019. MathQA: Towards interpretable
math word problem solving with operation-based
“He could not afford a car for several years after
formalisms. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference
earning a CS degree because she took a job as a of the North American Chapter of the Association
[MASK]” might better be filled with the word re- for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
searcher, than with programmer. A key goal of Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers),
imparting numeracy to NLP models is to help them pages 2357–2367, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Associ-
ation for Computational Linguistics.
understand more about the world, using numbers.
Daniel Andor, Luheng He, Kenton Lee, and Emily
7 Conclusion Pitler. 2019. Giving BERT a calculator: Finding op-
erations and arguments with reading comprehension.
This paper summarizes and contextualizes recent In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical
work on numeracy in NLP. We propose the first Methods in Natural Language Processing and the
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of a holistic solution to numeracy in NLP, and put
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick and Daniel Spokoyny. 2020.
forward a set of aspects to consider when working An empirical investigation of contextualized number
towards one. We draw the following two major con- prediction. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference
clusions from our study: (1) the default subword on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Process-
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needed to holistically solve numeracy. and its implications in sequence modeling. In Pro-
ceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational
Natural Language Learning, pages 455–475, Online.
8 Acknowledgements Association for Computational Linguistics.
This work was funded by the Defense Ad- Tom B. Brown, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie
vanced Research Projects Agency with award Subbiah, Jared Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal, Arvind
N660011924033. We would like to thank the count- Neelakantan, Pranav Shyam, Girish Sastry, Amanda
Askell, Sandhini Agarwal, Ariel Herbert-Voss,
less suggestions we accumulated during prelimi- Gretchen Krueger, Tom Henighan, Rewon Child,
nary presentations at MLSS 2020, WeCNLP 2020, Aditya Ramesh, Daniel M. Ziegler, Jeffrey Wu,
and GSS 2020, as well as over email correspon- Clemens Winter, Christopher Hesse, Mark Chen,
dences with Biplav Srivastava, Antoine Bosselut, Eric Sigler, Mateusz Litwin, Scott Gray, Benjamin
Chess, Jack Clark, Christopher Berner, Sam Mc-
and Harsh Agarwal. We would like to thank the Candlish, Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, and Dario
anonymous NAACL 2021 reviewers (particularly Amodei. 2020. Language models are few-shot learn-
#3) for pointing out blind spots in our submission, ers.
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A Other Numeracy Tasks answer counting questions, they must also learn
to map the counts to number words or numerals.
Here, we describe certain related tasks that fall Counting tasks have been proposed in computer
outside our taxonomy: vision (Testolin et al., 2020) as well as in NLP
(Numeric) Paraphrasing is what we call the (Postma et al., 2018; Talmor et al., 2020).
task of identifying one-to-one correspondences be- Domain-specific tasks require background
tween different surface forms of the same number. knowledge in addition to mathematical skills. Num-
Twelve is the same as ‘12’, also referred to as a bergame (Mishra et al., 2020) includes questions
dozen. This task cuts across all the tasks we dis- on Physics (find the distance travelled in 2 hrs by
cussed, since the same number, expressed in several a train moving at 50 mph) and Chemistry (find the
different ways, should be nevertheless identified by mass percentage of H in C6H6). Project Aristo
an NLP model before any subsequent reasoning. (Clark et al., 2019) solves elementary and high
Similar to how WordNet (Miller, 1995) provides school science problems, which often involve nu-
a huge list of synonyms, numeric paraphrases can meric reasoning.
be obtained by libraries3 which convert numerals
to words, words to numerals, etc. One could also
envision this as a learning task given a large enough
corpus, such as the NumGen dataset (Williams and
Power, 2010) containing 2000 fact-aligned numeric
expressions over 110 articles.
Quantity Entailment tasks (Ravichander et al.,
2019; Roy et al., 2015) are analogous to Natural
Language Inference, which requires understanding
of not only equivalence (as in paraphrasing) but
also deeper relations like entailment and contradic-
tion, e.g., the premise ‘he was 16 yrs old’ entails the
hypothesis ‘he was a teenager’. On similar lines,
Mishra et al. (2020) modified the existing QuaRel
dataset (Tafjord et al., 2019) to force models to per-
form quantity entailment, e.g., dog1 is light, dog2
is heavy is replaced with dog1 weighs 70 lbs, dog2
weighs 90 lbs.
Numeral Understanding is the task of cate-
gorizing numbers into percentages, prices, dates,
times, quantities, etc. and their respective subcate-
gories (Chen et al., 2018).
Fused-Head Resolution for numbers is essen-
tial to ground them when the context is implicit.
For example, the sentence “I woke up at 11" has
‘a.m.’ or ‘o’clock’ as the fused head to be resolved
(Elazar and Goldberg, 2019).
Counting is the task of keeping track of discrete
instances of some object. When kids count a set
of objects, they quickly learn to keep a track, say

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