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Master Of Ceremonies Welcome


I. Arrival and Receiving of Guests

(any favorite song/s of the groom and/or the bride)

II. Introduction of the Wedding Party

(Seat Parents and Principal Sponsors at the Presidential Table)

o Grandparents of the Bride

Please be on your feet as we welcome the bridal party. Put your hands together for our host, the FATHER and the
GRANDPARENTS of the bride.  As you all know, the day a woman gets married is the happiest day of the century for
every loving parents and/or grandparents, and don’t they look radiant? Thank you TITA ANNARIZA (in heaven), Tito
HARRY BELTRAN, Lolo ARISTON and Lola MILAGROS EWAY, we can see where the LIEZYL got her good looks from. You
look wonderful this afternoon! (wide applause)

o Parents of the Groom

And now, here comes the father of the groom, looking happy and proud. Please welcome Mr. BALDOMERO MARTINEZ
AND MRS. MILA MARTINEZ. A big hand for Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, the parents of the Groom!

o Principal Sponsors
Mr. Richard Janda Mrs. May Janda
Mr. Rufino Nalzaro Mrs. Janieta Nalzaro
Mr. Randy Caringal Mrs. Lorna Caringal
Mr. Ponciano Bautista Mrs. Marietta Baustista
Mr. Henry Jaserenno Dr. Gloria Jasareno
Mr. Oscar Nieva Mrs. Mila Nieva
Mr. Emerson Cervantes Mrs. Lovel Cervantes
Mr. Simoun Olba Mrs. Jeane Olba
Mr. Luisito Reyes Mrs. Paz Reyez
Mr. Roberto Agustin Mrs. Naidita Muñoz

o Maid of Honor
And now we come to the Maid of Honor, ARELENE MAE ESPINOZA. It’s been said that ARLENE MAE or MAE has been
chosen for her ability to outthink, outrun and generally outwrestle anything with up to eight legs that stands in the way
of a smooth-running wedding. In Mae’s case, she’s also the bride’s cousin who helped her out in choosing her gown
design, invitation, meal choices, etc just to make this wedding a success. A tremendous grip on the woman as well!   Let’s
give it for MAE ESPINOZA! (wide applause)

o Best Men

Now we come to our Best Men, Ladies and Gentlemen, MART JOHN MARTINEZ. The Best Man isn’t just there to pass the
ring to the groom. They are also there to put his body on the line for his best friend. Greater love hath no man, they say.
He also assures us, he really is the best man. We can’t wait for their speeches, wise counsel and secrets to tell. Let’s give
a hand for KUYA MART JOHN MARTINEZ! (wide applause)

III. The Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Jony Mart and Mary Leizyl’s Wedding Reception Script

Now we come to the Bridesmaids and Groomsmen. They are the understudies for the Bride and Groom. If the Bride and
Groom chickened out, it’d be two of you tying the knot in their place! There’s a sobering thought.

o Bridesmaids

Ivy Mahinay Janen Mae Perez Harriza Beltran

Carmina Macaventa Allyana Rae Casicas Krisxan Alcazar
Guia Joy Mondejar

o Groomsmen

Earnest Louie Alcazar Tyrone Godwynn John Davalos Aubrrey Bukid

Kent Rosales Melvin Fortin Jonrel Mon
Al Benedic Caringal

o Secondary Sponsor

Veil: Jefferson Magpantay and Martah Jayne Martinez

Cord: Jhon Henry ABajon and Mary Rose Mangohon
Candle: Jomari Martinez and Maila Pajalla

o Flower Girls
Lara Carnigal Musika Erin De Leon Marchela Janda
Aira Veneziia Macalino Anastacia Yohanna Manimtim

o Bearers

Ring – Hanrey Ariston Beltran Coin - Matteo Ezequiel Alcala Bible - Kenrich Guiano

o Little Bride and Little Groom

John Leimart Martinez Stephanie Danielle Castañeda

IV. Presentation of the Couples’ Old Photos/ Presentation of Pre-Nuptial Pictures

V. Entrance of the Bride and Groom

And now the big moment, Ladies and Gentleman, our bride and groom Jony Mart and Mary Liezyl! Doesn’t she look
beautiful? She’s been practicing her bouquet-throwing and hopes to give a good account of herself when the moment
comes. As for the groom, look at him! He scrubs well for a guy who gets into daily work, doesn’t he? Ladies and
Gentleman, a big hand for Jony Mart and Mary Liezyl! (wide applause)

Ladies and gentleman, friends and loved ones, welcome to Jony Mart and Mary Liezyl's Nuptial Lunch Reception. My
name is Lei and I have been asked by our lovely bride, the former Miss Beltran to be your emcee this afternoon and they
would like to extend their thanks for attending their nuptial celebrations today.

Lunch will commence very soon, so we ask that everyone make their way to their seats and make your selves
comfortable as we begin our celebration with a wedding prayer.

Jony Mart and Mary Leizyl’s Wedding Reception Script


Lord, behold our family here assembled. We thank you for this place in which we dwell, for the love that unites us, for the
peace accorded us this day, for the hope with which we expect the morrow, for the health, the work, the food, and the
bright skies that make our lives delightful; for our friends in all parts of the earth.


VI. Cutting of the Wedding Cake

Gentlemen and gentlewomen! Could we have your attention for a moment for the cutting of the cake? For those unfortunate
souls who are on a diet, today’s not your day. Friends please be up and standing for the cutting of the cake.

Now all of those taking pictures be sure you’re ready for the photo-opportunity. Jony Mart, make sure you have a firm hand
on the cake with your beloved bride. (the cake is cut)

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.

VII. Best Man's Toast to the Bride and the Groom

Ladies and Gentlemen, a moment’s pause for the best men Mart John Martinez. As you all know, it is customary for the
best man to reveal rare insights into the make-up of the groom, to share with us, the inklings and foibles that make our
beloved groom Jony, the man he is. In other words, an exposé! Ladies and Gentlemen, the best men, Mart John

VIII. Lunch

(Lunch will be served in the buffet after the picture-taking with the couples. This will be done per table; they will proceed to
the buffet table once finished with the photo-ops)

Music: (Instrumental List of Songs c/o DJ)

Audio Visual Presentation: Old Photos and Pre-Nup Slides
Guest Performance: Maila Pajalla

IX. Presentation of Same-Day Edit Photos: Audio Visual Presentation - Same Day Edit (Wedding Ceremonies

X. Mother of the Bride’s Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats as we hear a few words and prayer of thanks for God’s grace from the

Speeches from the Mother of the Groom – Ladies and Gentlemen, please lend your ears as we hear some words of
wisdom and family advices from the Mother of the Groom: MRS. MILA MARTINEZ!

Speeches from the Maid of Honor, Principal Sponsors and other friends and relatives

XI. Bridal Waltz or First Dance (SONG CHOICE OF THE COUPLE – BABY SHARK) - Ladies and Gentlemen, we now come to
that very special part of every wedding party, steeped in symbolism. The Bridal Waltz. This is the moment when the
groom walks his bride to the dance floor and they begin a dance that will last the rest of their lives. Put your hands
together for Liezyl and Jony as they begin their special dance as husband and wife with their first-born child!

Jony Mart and Mary Leizyl’s Wedding Reception Script

XII. Bouquet Throw
Ok now it’s time for a little fun, because it’s time for the traditional throwing of the
Bouquet.  As you know, traditionally the young lady who successfully catches the
bouquet in mid-flight is a certainty to make her own way down the aisle. But for this
day, we will give it a twist! (prepare at least 10 roses with different stem sizes)

We’d like to request all the single ladies to step forward for the bouquet throw. The
married ladies who’ve sneaked on, don’t be greedy. This is for single women only.  (to
the bride) Winona, if you’d be so kind…

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee bravely motions all the single ladies forward to get each a piece
of the rose)

We have a winner! We’ll have the Best Man cleaned and brought to your table later.

XIII. Garter Toss

Ladies and Gentlemen, here’s where things get serious. It’s time for the Garter toss. I
understand some of the guys jumping for the garter have been in training for months.
Underneath those tuxedos and barongs, we’re talking washboard abs, bulging biceps,
nerves of steel. WE have here some sports players, high-jumpers and dancers. These guys
are ripped and ready to rumble! Remember gentlemen this is serious business. The guy
who catches the garter is destined for the altar next!

Now while the groom retrieves the garter, don’t let any of those garter jumpers melt into the crowd.

We have the garter. Get ready gentlemen. (Trip to Jerusalem)

We have another winner! We have the next groom. Let’s hear it for our winners. (wide applause)
(Newly-weds and winner to gather at the center for some photo-ops)

XIV. Prosperity Dance (“How Long Will I love You” Instrumental)

XV. Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds – Groom

Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand by for a few words of thanks from our new Groom, Jenkins Bucao.

XVI. Closing Remarks from the FATHER OF THE GROOM

Well I guess that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen we have finally come to the end of our program. It has been a
great day and a wonderful afternoon with you all. Again thank you all for your presence. God bless to each and every

Jony Mart and Mary Leizyl’s Wedding Reception Script

Jony Mart and Mary Leizyl’s Wedding Reception Script

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