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Easy High School Tips

By: Stephanie Hernandez

Congrats newly minted high school student!

You've just entered high school and everyone knows how difficult handling 7 classes can be.
Why not cheat your way up to senior year, it sure is a lot easier than actually doing the work. It
will ensure that you'll never have to go to school again! College is overrated anyways.

We can't guarantee straight A’s, nor can we assure that these steps can even get you straight
C’s but you might graduate.

Here is how to breeze right through high school without working for it in 7 easy steps.

1. Work smarter not harder. Nowadays there's answers for everything and it's pretty
much everywhere, use it to your advantage and you'll breeze right through high school.
Consider cheating, even though cheating can get you into serious trouble, you can't get
into trouble if you don't get caught, plus it can save a huge amount of time. If it makes it
any easier, don't think of it as cheating, think of it as using all the tools that the world has
provided. If you got an extra bit of cash, consider having someone do your work for you.

2. Be late. Being late will just ensure that you miss out in the boring stuff, like
announcements and instructions. Don't waste your time, get straight to work, even if
you're not sure what you're doing. Have you ever heard of being fashionably late, the
oxford dictionary defines being fashionably late as “deliberately arriving after an event
has started, especially in order to prove one's social status”. You want a high social
status, especially in high school. Be late

3. Do NOT ask for help. Even though help can be really useful, remind yourself that you
have a reputation to attain. Asking for help will make you look clueless and the last thing
you want to be seen as. As stated in step 2, you want a high social status, save yourself
the pride and the damage to your ego and just don't ask for help.

4. Speak when the teacher/student is talking. There's a chance you might get in trouble
for interrupting but if you think about it, aren't they interrupting you? Following rules is
overrated, If you do get in trouble then at least you get out of doing work.

5. Don't study. Studying won't help you during a test or exam, by the time you take the test
or exam, chances are you already forgot everything. It's better to make an educated
guess with the chance of being right then wasting your time studying while you can be
doing something else; like watching tv or being on your phone.
6. Bad influences. Your friends are a reflection of who you are as a person, you don't want
to make yourself look but if they want to skip school just go. This will make you look cool,
along with smoking and drinking, just don't get caught. That'll be embarrassing.

7. Extracurriculars. Even though things like sports and clubs will look good on
applications and make you super popular, just don't do it. You don't want to come off as
someone who tries too hard and they are EXTRAcurriculars, don't be extra.

NOTE: STEPHANIE INC. is not responsible for the trouble students/buyers will cause.

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