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The Unofficial and Unwritten (but you better follow them if you want to if you

don't want to make a fool of yourself) Rules of being a Sister

1. You are the only one that can make fun of her, if other people do it it's
considered bullying and in that case you have to stand up for her or else it's
basically she's getting bullied and your family will be mad.
2. Don't take her stuff unless you are prepared to fight, scream and argue. This
rule can apply to everyone or anyone but taking your sister's stuff is a lot worse
since they tend to over dramatize the situation.
3. Don't ask questions if she's crying, she will either cry even more which will now
cause you to be involved, or she will scream at you and blame you for
4. Do NOT say sorry, she will not say sorry either. Save yourself some pride and do
not apologize, that's like admitting you're in the wrong. “Sorrys'' are basically
invisible, you guys just start talking and getting along; when that happens the
fight/argument is over.
5. Do not ask to go somewhere with her, if she is going to the park with her
friends, don't ask to go. If she is going on a hike, don't ask to go, once you start
wanting to go, she’ll start wanting to go with YOU when you go places. (this
rule mostly applies to younger sisters/siblings).
6. Lock the door. Always lock the door because we both know they never knock.
7. Help with their homework, even though you might not even want to do your
own homework. It might seem small but they'll remember your help which can
come in handy in the future.
8. Don't snitch. The only time you are allowed to snitch is if they snitch first, then
you won't be considered the untrustworthy one or the backstabbing. It's better
to collect information and use it against them when you want something.
9. Know when to be on their good side, especially older siblings. If you're dealing
with someone you have perks that you don't have access to, like a drivers
license or a monthly income, if you're on their good side you can use it to your
10. Whatever you decide to do always keep in mind that your siblings follow what
you do, try and set a good example.

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