Aleksandrowicz, D. R. (2009) - Mastery, Aggression and Narcissism A Contribution To Psychoanalytic Drive Theory

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Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2009 ; 2 : 13–21


A contribution to psychoanalytic drive theory

Dov R. Aleksandrowicz

The urge to master the environment is a powerful motivational force which presents a challenge to the
psychoanalytical theory of drives. The author reviews critically the various psychoanalytic interpretations
of mastery, beginning with Freud’s concept of “component instincts, sublimation of the libido, expression
of “destructive” and “non destructive” aggression, “neutral” psychic energy and “third instinct” theory. In
the author’s opinion none of these gives a satisfactory description of the nature of mastery.
The author then examines the development of mastery in children (ontogenesis), beginning with an in-
fant’s learning first to exert some control over the infant-caregiver relationship and later to manipulate in-
animate objects, while developing perceptual, motor and cognitive skills.
Following this the author examines the origins of mastery in early living organisms (phylogenesis). Final-
ly, he presents a hypothesis that seems to offer the best description of the nature of the urge to master,
namely, that it is an evolutionary product of the need to exert control over the environment, a precondi-
tion to life rather than a characteristic of living matter. Its aim is to assure the availability of essential re-
sources. It is separated from the two basic drives but served by both: aggression directed at obstacles,
and narcissism in man and perhaps some higher animals.

mastery / aggression / libido / psychoanalytic instinct theory

...the will to power) the primeval tendency of the protoplasm (Nietzsche) [1]
There’s gold, and it’s haunting and haunting;it’s luring me on as of old ;
Yet it isn’t the gold that I am wanting, so much as just finding the gold. (R. Service :
The Spell of the Yukon) [2]

INTRODUCTION ����������������������������������������������
What is the motivational force driving his ef-
forts ? What drive release provides the source
Ori, a toddler of two-and-a-half years tries of his joy ? These seemingly simple questions
very hard to join some pieces of Lego in a man- pose a challenge to the psychoanalytic theory of
ner known only to himself. He is visibly frus- drives. Exploratory behaviour, manipulation of
trated by the difficulty and angrily rejects offers the social as well as physical environment, prac-
of help, saying : “Not that !” Finally he succeeds tising skills for their own sake : all these seem to
in putting together a sort of a landing platform form a life-long continuum of an urge to mas-
which he raises in a triumphal gesture, his face ter one’s own body as well as the environment.
beaming with pleasure, and announces proud-
Like Ori, we all invest occasionally considerable
ly : “My Auntie Ettie ‘teached’ me !”
effort into these activities and derive joy or frus-
tration from success or failure.
Correspondence address: Dov R. Aleksandrowicz, 10 Harel St., Ra- Numerous psychoanalysts, beginning with
mat Gan, 52223 Israel; E-mail: Freud were aware of the issue of mastery but
14 Dov R. Aleksandrowicz

their attempts to integrate it into the theory of but because the fundamental principles of psy-
drives were different and sometimes contradic- choanalytical drive theory laid down formulat-
tory. Freud used the term “instinct for mastery” ed at that time.
on several occasions, but he never formulated
a comprehensive theory as to its relation to the
drive theory. His earlier writings followed the SUBLIMATION OF LIBIDO
accepted biological theory of his day, i.e. the di-
vision between sexuality and self -preservative “Sublimation” was a term coined by Freud
instincts, which he also called Ego-instincts [3]. [8, 9] to describe pleasure-oriented activities in
Mastery of the environment would then become which the aim and often the subject of the sexu-
an expression of the self-preservative instinct. al drive have been modified to comply with the
In his second, or “intermediate” theory he al- demands of reality and/or of the super-ego, i.e.
ready attributed self preservation to narcissism with the parental injunctions and ultimately with
[4] and therefore mastery would be a manifes- the moral standards of the society. Many activ-
tation of the libido. This view was further elabo- ities involving mastery of one’s body or manip-
rated in The Ego and the Id [5]. At the same time ulating objects, particularly in the realm of crea-
the aggressive manifestations of the urge to mas- tivity, seem to fit into that concept. In some, like
ter, such as competitiveness would be tamed ex- the visual arts or ballet dance, the sexual element
pressions of the death instinct turned upon the is barely disguised, if at all. Some sports, like ar-
object. Curiosity, which is the affective aspect of chery, may well express symbolically a sexual
exploratory behaviour, was considered by Freud wish, in many other sports, however, the domi-
to be a derivative of sexual curiosity, primarily nant element is purely the excellence of perform-
directed to the infant’s own body and followed ance. Likewise, symbolic play, which plays a ma-
by the sexual curiosity of the Oedipal stage [6, 7]. jor role in a child’s psychic life, may contain un-
He seems to have disregarded the infant’s man- mistakably sexual elements. Other forms of chil-
ifest intense interest in his surroundings which dren’s play, however, notably many games or
can be observed from the earliest weeks of life constructions, can only be interpreted as sexual
and is followed by life-long striving to explore. symbols by a vast stretch of imagination. Even a
(Consider Sir Hillary’s famous statement that he casual observer will notice that children invest a
climbed Mount Everest: “because it was there”). great deal of time and energy in practising skills
In all his writings Freud implied that the differ- for the skills’ sake [10, 11]. The constant aim of
ent manifestations of the urge to master or ma- the games, played by older infants and young
nipulate the environment to one’s advantage are children, like that of little Ori, is achieving a de-
components of either one of the basic drives: li- sired effect. It is not a particular content of the
bido and the “self preservative instinct” (in his activity that is the source of joy but the fact that
earlier writings) or the death instinct (in his lat- the child has achieved exactly what he or she
er works). It seems, however, that the vigorous intended. Hence, while some games and play-
urge to master one’s body and to exert control ful activities may well involve sublimated sex-
over the environment is such a pervasive and ual drive, it does not appear to be a constant or
peremptory phenomenon as to deserve a place necessary component.
of its own in the theory of drives.
Psychoanalysts following Freud considered
different manifestations of the urge to master the AGGRESSION
environment, such as exploration, manipulating
objects or practising skills, to be expressions of There can be hardly any doubt that the urge
one of the following: the sexual drive, the ag- for mastery is intimately related to aggression.
gressive drive, a “neutral” form of drive energy, The term “mastery” in common language, as in
or a “third”, independent drive. I will consider “master race”, implies social domination and
all those approaches in turn. Much of the work forceful imposition of one’s will on the others.
reviewed dates from the mid-century; it is so not If we extend, however, the meaning of the term
because of any bias against later contributions, to describe the ability or the striving to control
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2009 ; 2 : 13–21
Mastery, Aggression and Narcissism 15

one’s body and mind (within limits of reality) �������������������������������������������

Kohut [13] likewise recognized the link be-
and to induce favourable changes in the envi- tween narcissism and aggression, though he did
ronment, not only social but physical as well, not go so far as to deny the existence of an ag-
then we encounter considerable difficulty in as- gressive drive. He emphasized the role of the
cribing all of them to aggression. Many adap- non-destructive manifestation of aggression,
tive activities do contain an aggressive element, namely assertiveness, and considered that man-
e.g. many social encounters, even affectionate ifestation to be primary, while destructive ag-
encounters, involve some measure of competi- gression (exemplified by rage) to be secondary,
tiveness or envy. Physical work involves often evoked by traumatic, i.e. excessive, frustration.
cutting, breaking or otherwise mutilating inani- H. Parens [14] wrote an exhaustive study of
mate matter. Other challenging tasks, however, the different manifestations of the aggressive
seem to elude any reference to aggression. Can drive, its developmental vicissitudes and its re-
solving a mathematical equation be attributed to lation to adaptive behaviours.
the aggressive drive? Can building a bird’s nest, According to Parens there are four categories
an adaptive act involving highly skilled manip- of aggression:
ulation of inanimate matter be viewed as aggres-
sion? a) “Unpleasure-related destructiveness”,
Several psychoanalysts dealt with the issue which he assumed to be an inherent or innate
of adaptive activities that seem closely related disposition of the infant to tear down a structure
to aggression and yet cannot easily be consid- against resistance. It is, according to Parens, “ac-
ered as manifestations of the aggressive drive. I companied or associated with an affective state
of unpleasure” [15].
will limit the discussion to the views of Rochlin,
b) “Non affective destructiveness”, i.e. an ac-
Kohut and Parens, as the most pertinent to the
tivity which results in destruction of the object
topic under consideration. I will not attempt to
but is devoid of any hostile intention and is not
give an exhaustive overview of their contribu-
related to unpleasure. A typical example would
tion, but present a few salient points, relevant
be feeding. Parens pointed out rightly that such
for our discussion.
destructiveness cannot be assumed to derive
[12] made a distinction between hu-
from self-destructiveness, in fact it serves self-
man aggression and aggression in animals. Hu-
man aggression, according to him is unique be- c) “Non destructive aggression”, by which he
cause its primary source is a defence of narcis- meant manifestations such as “pressured” ma-
sism, a uniquely human quality. According to nipulation and exploration, determination to
him aggression is not a primary drive but it ap- assert oneself, or to control, manifestations of
pears whenever there is a threat of injury to the the “thrust toward mastery of self and environ-
self-esteem. He, like several theoreticians before ment” [16]. He claimed that the “inner-drive-
him, opposed equating aggression with destruc- ness” of such activities and their constant ap-
tiveness and recognized the adaptive, even cre- pearance “gives one the impression of drive ac-
ative manifestations of aggression. tivity and of aggression”.
Today we may have some doubts as to Ro- d) “Pleasure related” manifestations of aggres-
chlin’s assertion that narcissism and narcissis- sion appear later during the development and
tic injury are uniquely human. There may well include various forms of sadistic behaviour, very
be a difference between conscious experience common in children, but not relevant to this dis-
of an injury to self-esteem which appears to be cussion.
uniquely human and an experience of having
failed or having been demoted and humiliated, Parens’ formulation leaves unanswered the
an experience which can be observed in numer- question of what should be the essential attribute
ous higher animals, especially social ones. Nev- of behaviour which qualifies it as an expression
ertheless Rochlin’s valuable contribution is the of “aggression”, a quality which applies to all
recognition of the central role that narcissism three forms (and all four manifestations) of the
plays in generating aggression. aggressive drive. If neither destructiveness nor
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2009 ; 2 : 13–21
16 Dov R. Aleksandrowicz

unpleasure are indispensable characteristics of reproductive opportunities and/or social dom-

the aggressive drive then what is? His criterion inance. In higher animals it may be intense but
of “unpleasure” as the specific affect of aggres- is rarely destructive.
sion is also questionable. Unpleasure resulting In
conclusion, mastery of the social environ-
from frustration certainly arouses aggression but ment is, by its very nature, aggressive, though
need not accompany it. In fact activities aimed not necessarily destructive. Mastering inanimate
at mastery are accompanied by a conspicuous- environment, like digging a burrow or nest-
ly pleasurable affect as long as they are success- building, may or may not be destructive and
ful. The affect most closely related to aggression need not be aggressive. In other words, despite
is anger in its various forms, from mild resent- the close relationship between mastery and ag-
ment to murderous rage. It seems more appro- gression, the two are far from identical.
priate to assume that the essential characteristic Some empirical studies also lead to the con-
of aggression is an antagonistic aim and, in high- clusion that mastery needs to be differentiat-
er animals at least, an angry affect of any shade. ed from aggression. Ethel S. Person [18] studied
That will allow us to exclude those adaptive be- sadistic fantasies in men and came to the con-
haviours which have no apparent relation to ag- clusion that the primary aim of the such fanta-
gression, e.g. exploration or creativity. sies is not aggression in itself, but the wish for
Konrad Lorenz [17] distinguished between power, a defence against the fear of lack of male
“intra-species” and “inter-species” aggression, competence and a fear of being rejected and rid-
i.e. aggression directed at individuals of the iculed. Przybylski and Ryan [19] studied aggres-
same or of another species. It seems to me that sive video games and concluded that the degree
a more applicable distinction would be between of violence contributes little to the enjoyment of
“alimentary” and “competitive” aggression. Al- the game and to the motivation to play it again.
imentary aggression is usually, though not in- Instead, it is the sense of competence that cor-
evitably, directed at organisms of another spe- relates with enjoyment and motivation. In oth-
cies (animals or plants) and is inevitably de- er words, in some seemingly typical manifesta-
structive. It is not easy, however, to draw a line tions of aggression, the underlying motivation
at which point alimentation, which is clearly a is not aggression as such but a sense of power
form of mastering the environment, involves ag- and competence.
gression. Plants obtain their resources from in-
animate elements, some lower organisms feed
on decaying matter. Is munching grass an act of NEUTRALIZED ENERGY
aggression? It certainly does not seem to involve
any hostile affect on part of the cow, though it is Freud [20] assumed that instinctual energy,
destructive as far as the grass is concerned. (In- more precisely libidinal energy, can be displaced
deed, many plants defend themselves by vari- and “neutralized” to serve adaptive ego func-
ous means against such “non affective” destruc- tions. Sublimation, however, refers to an aim-
tiveness). Predation, in contrast to such placid inhibited release of instinctual energy, still un-
destructiveness, does involve manifestation of der the influence of the pleasure principle, al-
aggressive affect. It is particularly dramatic in beit tamed by the reality principle. In contrast,
those predators (like leopards) that attack an an- neutralization would imply a total detachment
imal larger than themselves. In such situations of the psychic energy from the original drive and
we may observe facial and body expression of its diversion into an adaptive function, entirely
intense fury. We may conclude therefore that al- under the control of the Ego and the reality prin-
imentation is a form of mastering the environ- ciple. Freud, however, was not entirely clear as
ment and aggression seems to be directly related to the distinction between the two.
to the resistance to satisfying the need. Hartman [21] pointed out that many adaptive
Competitive aggression, in contrast to alimen- Ego functions could not be explained in terms
tary aggression, is more often than not directed of conflict resolution, which means they could
at individuals of the same species and it is usu- not fit into the accepted dynamic theory and
ally aimed at obtaining resources (i.e. food) or coined the term “conflict-free Ego zone’. He de-
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Mastery, Aggression and Narcissism 17

veloped further the concept of innate “neutral” White presented strong arguments to suggest
psychic energy to account for self-preservative that this urge is neither a tension-reducing urge
(adaptive) Ego functions, serving an individu- (like the sexual drive) nor a response to the envi-
al’s biological and social needs, including mas- ronmental stimuli, though, admittedly, external
tery over the environment. This ingenuous hy- stimuli do play a role in determining its direc-
pothesis helped to expand the horizons of psy- tion. Rather, it seems to be the effect of internal
choanalysis in order to become a general theo- neural processes. It is, metaphorically, “what the
ry of human behaviour, but it also raises serious neuromuscular system wants to do when it is
difficulties. To begin with, the concept of “psy- otherwise unoccupied” (p. 321). White suggest-
chic energy” became more and more problem- ed the term “effectance” to describe this urge
atic with time. Even Freud was aware of the fact and assumed that its ultimate adaptive goal was
that the term “psychic energy” does not refer to to foster competence.
any concrete entity and is, at most, an apt met- Hendrick [24, 25] was the most prominent psy-
aphor that describes the peremptory power of choanalytic exponent of the “third instinct” the-
the drives [22]. Unlike affects, “psychic energy” ory. He presented a detailed account of the mo-
can hardly be experienced subjectively nor is it tivational force and the pleasure derived from
in any way correlated with the intensity of neu- mastery, beginning in infancy and then resulting
ronal stimulation. from work in later life. He derived his conclu-
The second difficulty with the concept of sions from the developmental studies of Myrtle
“neutral” psychic energy is that it can hardly ac- McGraw [23], as well as his own observations of
count for the intensity of pleasure upon achiev- young children and argued that the need to mas-
ing the goal, since pleasure was assumed by ter and the urge to practice skills, when devoid
Freud to express the consummatory release of of any competitive or hostile intention, could
drive tension. hardly be viewed as a derivative of the aggres-
“neutral energy” theory seems also to dis- sive drive. Therefore he suggested the hypothe-
regard a distinction between those adaptive (i.e. sis of a third, independent drive. In his later pa-
Ego) functions, like perception or memory, that per [25] he postulated the existence of a “work
are stimulus bound and those, like explorato- principle”, operating in the service of drive of
ry behaviour, that seem to derive from an inner mastery, as opposed to the “pleasure principle”
urge. The first ones hardly require any assump- related to the sexual drive. He argued that not
tion of “psychic energy”: they are a direct re- all pleasure derived from work can be explained
sponse, “energized” by the stimulus. The others, as reaction formation to forbidden libidinal or
however, require an assumption of a self-activat- aggressive fantasies and claimed that the pleas-
ing internal process, manifested in all drive-re- ure derived from a well accomplished act is ev-
lated behaviours. The concept of “psychic ener- idence of a drive separate from libido and ag-
gy” does not appear to be the best assumption to gression.
explain such self-activating processes and I will Hendrick’s papers were received with consid-
return to this point later. erable scepticism by other leading psychoan-
alysts. Besides the natural reluctance to adopt
such a fundamental revision of the psychoan-
“THIRD DRIVE” THEORIES alytic metapsychology, there are serious draw-
backs to the assumption of three, rather than
R. W. White [23] presented numerous exam- two, basic drives. The model of two opposing
ples from animal studies as well as from infant drives and the balance between them is not only
and adult human behaviour, which demonstrate endowed with a philosophical elegance (yin and
the urge to explore and to manipulate the envi- yang, good and evil), but, more importantly, it
ronment in order to produce stimuli (rather than is consistent with the observation that count-
reacting to them), and the pleasure that many less natural phenomena can best be described
creatures seem to derive solely from the sense of in terms of two opposing forces. Such is the case
success and from “attaining a more differentiat- of the co-ordination of an athlete’s voluntary
ed cognitive map of the environment :” (p. 320). movements, a bird’s flight, the motion of plan-
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2009 ; 2 : 13–21
18 Dov R. Aleksandrowicz

ets, the flow of an electrical current, or the mat- sponse. If the latter fails to respond or responds
ter-antimatter theory ; an admittedly extremely in an unexpected way the infant appears uncom-
broad range of phenomena. Much can be gained fortable or distressed. (Incidentally, the same is
by having a model of psychic functioning based true of the mother: she is invariably distressed if
on the same principle. The most important rea- the infant fails to respond to her advances). Thus
son, however, to preserve the dual drive-conflict the first mastery acquired by the infant is a (rela-
theory is its invaluable contribution to the un- tive) control of his social environment.
derstanding of human behaviour in general and Beginning from the second half of the first year
neurotic symptoms in particular. the infant dedicates himself to practising control
The two basic drives, i.e. libido and aggres- over his inanimate environment. Opportunities
sion are different from the urge to master in an for triumph and frustration abound. Banging ob-
additional aspect. Each one of them is insepara- jects, taking them apart or putting them together,
ble from its specific affects : libido affects range rolling a ball : all these provide endless oppor-
from tenderness to sexual excitement ; aggres- tunity for practising skills. Many of those activ-
sive affects range from assertiveness or irritation ities may result in damage to objects but a care-
to murderous rage. In each case the continuity of ful observer will not fail to see that in most cas-
the affective range, broad as it may be, is unmis- es it is neither intentional nor gratifying. Quite
takable and so is its specific connection with the the opposite: the infant may become visibly dis-
drive. No such specific affect seems to precede tressed if the manipulated object unexpectedly
and drive exploratory or play behaviour, even breaks apart. Neither is such exploratory activ-
though the success of the action does result in ity accompanied by an angry affect, unless the
pleasure. In order to elucidate the elusive nature child is frustrated first. The goal is to achieve the
of “effectance” I propose to review the philogen- desired (and expected) effect, be it a sound or a
esis of the urge to master as well as its ontogen- motion of the object. It is precisely the achieve-
esis, i.e. its development in the infant. ment of a predicted outcome that results in de-
light. Praise and admiration on part of the adult
add greatly to the child’s pleasure but are not
INFANT DEVELOPMENT (ONTOGENESIS) an indispensable element of it. The triumph of
achievement is a goal of its own, pleasure result-
A newborn infant is capable of directing his ing from accomplishing a task. The more chal-
gaze to follow visual and auditory stimuli [27, lenging the task, the longer the toil, the greater
28] He will also spontaneously direct his gaze at the elation following success, like the joy of the
the environment, especially at the people near prospector in Service’s poem.
to him. In that manner he or she can “choose” Papousek and Bernstein [30] studied contin-
what to look at, can exert rudimentary control gent conditioning in four months’ old infants.
over the visual field, i.e. over the visual stimu- The subjects were presented with a series of col-
li he receives. Within the next months he or she oured lights which were lit by the infants turn-
develops the basic social skills to initiate and to ing their heads in a specific way, e.g. two turns
terminate contact with the caregiver [29], i.e. a to the left followed by one turn to the right. The
measure of control over his most vital need, the infants, once they learned the rules, engaged in
primary object relationship. During that time the this “game” with obvious delight and persist-
infant delights in “games” with the caregiver. ence. The authors add an interesting comment:
The content of those “games” is an exchange of “Sometimes we had the impression that success-
stimuli, often imitation by the adult of the in- ful solving of a problem elicited more pleasure
fant’s vocalizations or actions, and later mutual in the subject than did the reward”, i.e. the col-
stimulation by the infant and the caregiver. For oured lights.
instance, most infants delight in the “game” of More
recently Dissanayake [31] wrote an ex-
mother tickling the baby’s belly while he or she haustive study of the urge “to do things with
laughs and they keep repeating this over and one’s hands”, of its importance in child develop-
over. The essential element, however, in those ment and in the culture of pre-industrial socie-
“games” is the expectation of the caregiver’s re- ties. She came to the conclusion that the intense-
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Mastery, Aggression and Narcissism 19

ly pleasurable affect which accompanies success- maintaining internal stability, i.e. homoeosta-
ful completion of a manual task has presumably sis. Both ends are achieved by motor systems
an evolutionary significance and in her opinion and control systems respectively. For most ver-
played a critical role in the evolution of Man as tebrates and many invertebrates, the organs of
a thinking animal. locomotion became the main, though not exclu-
During the second and third year of life the sive, means of controlling the environment. The
children’s urge for mastery finds expression pri- motor system of many animals is also the pri-
marily in the rapidly developing motor compe- mary instrument for expressing aggression but
tence i.e. control over one’s own body. At the there is no reason to assume identity between
same time social skills also become more evolved the two and conclude that every motor activi-
and more complex, and the emerging issues of ty is necessarily an expression of the aggressive
dominance and competition inevitably intro- drive as many analysts seem to assume.
duce an element of aggression. Control of an- It is a far cry from the pseudopodia of the
other human being, no matter how benevolent, amoeba engulfing a food particle, to the tod-
involves inevitably a clash of wills and encroach- dler’s delight in completing a picture-puzzle.
ment on the other’s autonomy and therefore an Nevertheless it is possible to trace the develop-
element of aggression. From then on, the aggres- ment of means to manipulate the environment
sive drive becomes intertwined with the striving to an organism’s advantage all along the evolu-
for social status, dominance and sexual competi- tion.
tion. However, even in adult life there are innu- Higher
organisms have developed more effi-
merable instances of pure joy of competence, de- cient motor systems compared with lower ones,
void of aggressive intent or angry affect, like the but the most dramatic evolutionary achieve-
scenes of delight in NASA’s control room when
ment is the complexity and effectiveness of the
a spacecraft enters its orbit.
control systems of higher organisms, especial-
ly mammals. The toddler’s control system, i.e.
central nervous system, is infinitely more com-
plex than that of any invertebrate, it is capable of
integrating, internal and external sensory input
Freud assumed that the basic drives are char-
acteristics of all living organisms. Therefore, with stored information, of developing an “ac-
to understand the origin of the urge to master tion plan” and evaluating feedback.
we need to trace its roots all the way back into The most striking quality of mastery in hu-
the evolution of living organisms. Nietzsche as- man beings (and seemingly in many mammals)
cribed it to the “will to power” which he consid- seems to be the delight of “effectance”. Some-
ered a primary motivation of all living matter, where along the evolution, essential adaptive
the adaptation being only a secondary derivative behaviours became endowed with affects. We
[32]. Such an idea seems too anthropomorphic to know very little about the antecedents of affects
be useful, but it contains an element of truth. in lower animals but we can see clearly that in
Life arouse on earth when complex molecules, mammals and birds, at least, survival and repro-
probably RNAs acquired the ability to replicate duction “lean” (to use Freud’s term) [35] on the
themselves [33, 34], a process which required ab- affects expressing the two basic drives. What is
sorbing matter and energy. In the course of ev- then the affect concomitant with mastery? The
olution those “protobiotic” systems developed obvious answer is a sense of competence, en-
into more complex organisms, always maintain- hancement of self-value, i.e. narcissistic gratifi-
ing the ability to obtain those two essential re- cation [36]. Here we have to agree with Rochlin
sources from the environment. Hence, this abil- that the effect of achieving one’s desired goal on
ity is not merely a characteristic of living matter the self-regard is a uniquely human quality. In
– it is a precondition to life. man, the “protobiotic” need to obtain resources
During the process of evolution, living organ- from the environment evolved into a conscious
isms developed increasingly complex and effi- urge to exercise skills and explore and to control
cient means of controlling the environment and the environment.
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2009 ; 2 : 13–21
20 Dov R. Aleksandrowicz

NEUROBIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE quality of living matter but rather a precondition

to life. At some point of the evolutionary proc-
Recent advances in neurobiology stimulated re- ess it became imbued with a positive affect. In
newed interest in the psychoanalytical theory of man it is driven by narcissism, i.e. a derivative
drives, as drives are the most “biological” aspect of the libido, and has a critical impact on self-
of analytic metapsychology. Drives, according to regard. It is closely associated with aggression,
Freud, are the psychic representatives of biolog- since any challenge to the urge to master mobi-
ical needs [36]. Panksepp [38] is one of the lead- lizes aggression in one form or another. That, in
ing investigators of the neurobiology of affects turn is a highly adaptive process, as aggression
and motivation, and his studies are relevant for is the most natural means to overcome obstacles
psychoanalytic drive theory. Panskepp conducted to mastery. We should not, however, be mislead
his studies on rats and it is well-known that trans- into equating aggression with the urge to master.
ferring to people conclusions drawn from animal The latter can manifest itself entirely devoid of
observations can be misleading. In the case of af- the antagonistic intent or the angry affect, which
fects, however, animal observations seem to be
are the essential features of aggression.
more applicable to human psychology. Affects are
In conclusion, the urge to master deserves a
generated and controlled primarily by midbrain
place of its own in the theory of drives. It is not
structures, notably the amygdala and the limbic
analogous to the two basic drives but is served
system, although the neocortex, especially the
by both of them. Its roots begin in the dawn of
prefrontal cortex plays also a major role in mod-
life and it is a derivative of a most elementary
ulating affective responses . Midbrain is anatom-
ically and presumably functionally quite similar feature of living matter, more basic than libido
in all mammals; it is the neocortex that is so strik- or aggression, namely the ability to obtain in a
ingly more developed in man. Moreover, drive- most effective way the resources indispensable
related behaviours, such as rage, nurturance of for survival and reproduction.
the newborn or sexual acts are mediated by the
same neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in all
mammals, including man [36]. REFERENCES
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Psychiatria Polska
[polish psychiatry]
Year 2009 May–June, volume XLIII issue 3


Dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA) in the mechanisms of stress and depression

Maria Załuska, Bertrand Janota

Neuropsychological aspects of the manic syndrome in the course of bipolar affective illness
Anna Lewandowska, Janusz Rybakowski

Mood Disorder Questionnaire – characteristic and indications

Marcin Siwek, Dominika Dudek, Janusz Rybakowski, Dorota Łojko, Tomasz Pawłowski, Andrzej Kiejna

Patients’ and doctors’ attitudes towards bipolar disorder – do we share our beliefs?
Grzegorz Mączka, Marcin Siwek, Michał Skalski, Dominika Dudek

Psychiatric rehabilitation in Poland. Polish literature review from 1990–2007

Magdalena Ciałkowska, Tomasz Adamowski, Andrzej Kiejna

The role of psychologist in Clinic of Acute Poisonings

Agnieszka M. Marczyńska-Wdówik

Estimation of cerebral perfusion among patients with eating disorders, neurotic

and depressive disorders
Anna Banaś, Piotr Lass, Bogna Brockhuis

Organization of emotional memories in autobiographical memory

Aleksandra Fijałkowska, Wojciech Gruszczyński

Polymorphic mental disorders in the course of Lyme borreliosis – case study

Bogusław Helon, Tomasz Wojciech Tłuczek, Alina Buczyjan, Anna Adamczyk-Helon,
Małgorzata Wojnarowicz, Roman Mikuła, Piotr Ciciński, Jolanta Bojarska

Full text articles available in Polish on the EBSCO database

Editor: Polish Psychiatric Association Editorial Committee

31-138 Cracow, Lenartowicza 14, Poland

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