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Week 10
Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1

Learning Goal; By the end of Week 10, you will be able to express opinions
about good societies and community life using other, another and others.

1) Listening section exercises from your MIR book page 12 exercise 5-6.

2). Mir book page 16 exercise 7-8

3) Answer them and take photos as evidence for your portfolio

Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1

Zoom session

1) Watch the video in the following link
2) Take notes in your notebook in order to understand the use of Other/ Others/
Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1
3) Answer the exercise on MIR book B1.1 page 18 exercise 4.

4) Do the next exercises in your notebook.

5) Take photos from your exercises as evidence.
Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1

Self-learning activity


Learning product
1) Write about a new Mexican NGO. Include the NGO´s name, mission, activities, and
information about the people and communities benefited.
Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1
Por un hogar
The organization is dedicated to visiting public
hospitals in Mexico City providing thanatological
support. The organization offers help with
shelter and food to foreign patients and their
relatives who travel to the capital of the Mexican
Republic in order to receive medical treatment.
They are a non-profit organization that visits
public hospitals bed by bed providing emotional
support to the patient and his family to bring
them to emotional and physical stability in the
face of illness and death.
Improve the emotional and physical quality of
sick people during their treatment in public
hospitals in Mexico City.

2) Look for another NGO in Europe and describe it (use other/others/another as much
as possible)

Canarian Association No To School Harassment

ACANAE (Asociación Canaria No Al Acoso Escolar) is a non-
profit association, founded on 2014 in Spain, aimed at the
fight against bullying and cyberbullying.

Its main objective is the prevention of this problem, in all its

variants, and its correct action. Another offer conferences,
workshops and activities, with the aim of raising awareness
among the population about an issue of special importance
that poses a threat in educational centers and, of which
there is little knowledge. Other offer help to children and
adolescents who are victims of this type of abuse and also
advise their parents on how to act.
Garcia Acosta Iram Leopoldo
Telecom 6°1
3) Take a photo as evidence. (100 words)

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