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One Hundred Miscellaneous Encounters

Objects (10)
1 Single gold coin, somewhat worn but otherwise unremarkable coin of the realm.
2 Broken arrow, rough fletchings, missing the arrowhead and part of the shaft.
3 Fragments of a broken green glass bottle.
4 Small campfire, broken bits of bone and gnawed animal skull.
5 Game piece, carved black stone, knight.
6 Sewing needle, somewhat rusty and bent at the tip.
7 Bit of toast with strawberry jam, covered in ants.
8 Leather glove, torn, missing several fingers, bloodstains on the tears.
9 Rusty fishhook with a bit of line attached, hanging from a tree branch.
10 Crystal goblet, half full of rainwater, sitting on a mossy rock.

Sounds (10)
1 Metal on stone tapping, irregular pattern – apparently coming from a small hole in the
2 Distant music, very faint, stringed instruments and flutes, women’s voices singing.
3 Tinkling sound - like a metal wind chime.
4 Chanting, male voices, carried on the wind, rising and falling, the language
5 Wood and rope creaking sound.
6 Sudden splash, then silence.
7 Directionless whispering, words and language indistinct.
8 Distant howl, answered by a closer howl.
9 Whistling that stops suddenly, then starts again.
10 Footsteps, following – stopping when characters stop.
Traders (10)
1 Tokugawa Koshi – sells all sorts of knickknacks, weapons, strange articles, mysterious
elixirs, foreign food and drink, fortune telling, and tall tale telling. 0-100% markup
depending on how much he likes the person he is trading with, and how they treat him. Is
a trained warrior and magician. Presents as a spry old man, if attacked turns into a very
large and intimidating magical horned ogre.
2 Feyed Ramish – buys and sells fine jewelry, gems and some magic items. 10-50%
markup. Will buy stolen goods. A little, inoffensive appearing man. A magician trained
in misdirection and illusions, as well as a trained assassin. Favors a straight razor as a
weapon, goes for the throat.
3 Jimata – Herbalist. 50-100% markup. Sells some illegal materials. Uses nature type
magic and sort of dancing martial arts that emphasizes kicks and headbutts. A medium
sized strong man, dark colored skin, bottom half like a goat, black curled horns. Fights
with fists, hooves and horns. Sports dreadlocks and wears rasta colors.
4 Alano – Healer. No markup – some services are free. Uses natural medicines and some
nature magic – turns into a bear at will or uncontrollably during the dark phase of the
moon. Presents as a large, long haired human. Shy and very quiet.
5 Mother Abshaa - Potion, poison and simple magic item dealer. 100% markup. Uses
witch type magic – there is always a price for her magic, known and unknown. A
horrible, wicked, cruel, crafty old witch of a woman with whitish hair, deep green skin,
and yellowed nails. Pretends to be nice and helpful, at first. Will eat unwary customers…
6 Jebediah Oberlund – Horse tack, and simple weapon dealer. 50% markup. A scout and
bounty hunter when he is not trading merchandise from his latest ‘capture’. Expert at
setting traps and ambushes. Western feel. Fights with his fists, a large knife, pistols or
lever-action rifle. No one to be trifled with.
7 Groat – Cheap food and drink dealer. Specializes in beer and hot sausage. No markup.
One price for everything. Knows one word – ‘groat’. A bare-knuckle braweler.
Absolutely deadly with thrown knives. Cannot walk a straight line…
8 Leach – Buys and sells ‘previously owned’ merchandise. Also all sorts of thief type
weapons and supplies. Some poisons. A somewhat greasy human, smaller size, wiry and
strong. Short haired. Fights with pistol crossbow that has poisoned bolts, or various
knives on his person. Has a small poisonous snake in a pouch in his sleeve ‘Lefty’ that is
trained to strike in close combat.
9 Basil – Writing materials, scrolls, books and maps. Some legend / lore knowledge (5%).
10% markup. A large crow-like being with hand-like appendages at the ends of his
flexible wings. Has a talking cat ‘Sebastian’ as a familiar that translates for him, and
helps with customers.
10 Pennington Trace – Fine items, weapons, and slave trader. 100% to 500% markup.
Deals in all sorts of illicit items, has all sorts of contacts, deals, and blackmail in place to
avoid prosecution. A little, finely dressed, vain main. Fancies himself a duelist, knows
some magic, and started his career as a pick-pocket, con-man, and thief. Fights with a
rapier and main gauche. Cheats at everything.

Weather (10)
1 Sudden, localized wind. Starts and stops suddenly.
2 Distant crack and roll of thunder, clear sky.
3 Ankle high, thick mist, swirling, hard to see through.
4 Icy puddle in the road in the shape of an enormous boot print.
5 Dust devil, springs up quickly, 30’ high, 10’ at base.
6 Single cloud moving quickly through the sky – a ruined tower on top of it?
7 Meteor shower - one falls seemingly nearby?
8 Fox fire – strange glowing jets of gas flare up, and fade.
9 Rolling wall of dust springs up a few miles away, moves toward party – Dust storm.
10 Water in air freezes, snow falls from clear sky.

People (10)
1 Arondfel – Gloomy minstrel, picking at a stringed instrument, singing bits of sad songs.
Partially human, partially some fairy race – longing for a homeland that is denied him.
2 Doni - Child traveling alone. Small tow-headed, thin girl. Expert thief, pick-pocket, and
con artist. A killer with a sharp knife.
3 Keld – Ancient, wandering mystic. Cheerful, forgetful, piercing observations. A very
powerful wizard, and wanderer. His purpose is unknown, possibly even to himself.
4 Sekesh Sa’Niven – Lone mage dressed in red and black, walking purposefully. A tall,
thin, dark skinned man of a fairy race. A skilled manipulator and politician, not afraid to
get his hands dirty with the deaths of others to achieve his means.
5 Group of injured soldiers, silently marching, led by a girl holding a white flower. All
Human peasant warriors. Girl is named Donna.
6 Sven – muttering little man of a fairy race, dressed like a ninja, continually grumbling
and cursing someone called Master Carrick. Powerfully built, but lean and quick. Fights
with two sai of a cheap marketplace sort, their hilts wrapped with what appears to be
green bicycle tape.
7 Bret – Tall man with a huge daikyu (Japanese bow). Mustache and goatee, Texas accent.
A lean, lanky human with a quick smile and a sharp eye. Scout, tracker, and guide.
8 Devon – Fearful knight on a bony horse that is determined to leave him at any moment.
Rusted, soiled armor. Failed holy warrior that fled from a battle, trying to find his
courage and honor while wandering the wilds.
9 Baker and Corinne – Male mage that specializes in fire magic that has a bad habit of
setting people and things (unintentionally) on fire, and a female knight in mail armor with
a metal breastplate that specializes in grappling and hand to hand fighting. Rarely fights
with her sword – tends to leap on opponents and pummel them. The two are pretty
dangerous to each other and everyone else, and are very much in love.
10 G’rail – Monstrous holy warrior, on mission to get his people’s tribes to leave their pagan
deities and fight for more honorable and just causes. Presents as a brutish, immensely
strong creature with curling tusks in his face, that speaks slowly and carefully in a deep
voice. He fights with his fists, or in battle with a huge smith’s hammer head attached to a
long, thick, knotted tree branch.

Conflicts (10)
1 Two wagon wreck – drivers arguing. (Madhu and Karla)
2 Woman arguing with ‘cheating’ merchant. (Mari and Kristi with Hagano)
3 Man demanding money back from roadside gambler. (Artur and Shel)
4 Two men arguing over the last drink from a bottle. (Nil and Rodolf)
5 Two girls fighting over necklace made from cord and an iron ring. (Juliana and Katrin)
6 Small woman chasing a larger man with a knife – the woman shouting something about
Jeanette, the fat man running for his life… (Delfina and Frans)
7 Man trying to get bony horse to move. (Juuso and Pooja)
8 Man being chased by angry dog. (Josiah and Barker)
9 Old woman picking up sticks from bundle, two boys laughing at her. (Selah, Justice and
10 Blind man arguing with an unseen, unheard person. (Jakob and Leon)
Animals (10)
1 Cat yowling pitifully as it tries to escape a river.
2 Raven following party, jumping from tree to tree, cawing.
3 Two squirrels chitter and chasing each other from tree to tree.
4 Rabbit peering up from grass.
5 Donkey dragging bits of a harness behind it.
6 A cat, dog, bird and a mouse travelling together. They will nod to friendly travelers
cordially, but do not speak – other than a meow, woof, chirp and squeak.
7 Pair of mice playing in a field of flowers.
8 Sad-looking toad hiding in a stump, croaking every so often.
9 Flock of small birds flying in a huge, swarming mass formation over a field. Back and
10 Angry wolf caught in a jaw trap.

Insects (10)
1 Line of red ants marching across road to attack a black ant hill.
2 Bumblebee buzzing fitfully in a water puddle, unable to escape.
3 Praying mantis eating a butterfly.
4 Fat orb spider (about coin size) spinning a web between two trees.
5 Small group of bees working over a field of wildflowers.
6 A large group of butterflies of various types swarming over a rotting log near a pool of
7 Group of large, emerald colored beetles buzzing and swarming around a fruit tree, mostly
after the rotting fruit.
8 Caterpillars hanging from silk lines attached to tree branches, spinning cocoons.
9 A large, mostly dead tree, swarming with bees and visibly dripping honey.
10 A ladybug buzzes by and lands, walking on the weapon hilt of the person in front of you.
Plants (10)
1 Remains of a wheat field with a ruined farmhouse nearby.
2 Wild roses growing up through trees nearby.
3 Ring of red capped mushrooms.
4 Huge thickets of blackberries.
5 Several large, thick trees pushed over and snapped at the base.
6 Old apple orchard, overgrown with weeds and brambles.
7 Large tree in an open field with a wooden platform built on it about halfway up – 40’ or
so. The platform is old and weathered, and might have been part of a building at one
8 Fragrant field of various herbs.
9 Stub of a ruined tower with thorny, flowered vines growing on its sides.
10 Stream with white flowered trees hanging over it. Flower petals floating in the air and on
the water of the stream.

The Road (10)

1 Signs of a fight on the road – broken weapons, bloodstains, drag marks, and horse
2 Dirt road gives way to an ancient highway made of worn stones fitted together expertly.
3 Deep wagon grooves in the road, leading out of a boggy section of the road.
4 Corpse hanging by the neck near the edge of the road. Rough sign hanging from its chest
has the word ‘thief’ on it in a common tongue.
5 Old well and campsite – all made of old stones worn smooth. Wood for campfires has
been set aside and the well shows sign of recent use.
6 Ancient wall along the side of the road. The stones have been stolen for use in other
buildings. The remains of the wall are about knee high – it appears to extend in both
directions to the horizon.
7 A small herd of game animals can be seen in a field near the road.
8 The remains of a campfire is at the side of the road. Bones near and in the campfire have
strange runes cut into them.
9 A stone sign post marker shows the distance to the nearest town or city, and its direction
with an arrow. The sign is in an old form of a common language.
10 An old covered wooden bridge crosses a river. The graceful curve of the bridge make the
architecture appear to be of a fairy construction.

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