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Submitted by:

Batang, Gienalene-Ann

Caban, Maynard

Narag, Jacobean

Rabe, Bryan

Rafael, Rheiner

Siggayo, Alondra

Submitted to:

Mrs. Emmalyn Rodriguez

October 2019
Description of the product

The Yema Con filling is made out of condensed milk, Egg yolk, Butter and filled with

The product is based from the original concept of regular yema.The product is innovative
because from the usual yema that contains only condensed milk and egg yolk. The product will
be added some twist to make it differ from the usual yema especially the taste. The innovation
that integrated to the product is the injection of cheese filling inside the yema to make it more
interesting that will surely encourage the customers to buy the product in affordable price. We
the entrepreneurs know that our product will be love by the students, teachers and other vendors
of regular yema to. Our product will not just filled with cheese but it is also filled with love,
because while we are doing this we are happy and glad because we produce an innovation of
regular yema that we used to buy in our neighbors. Our yema con filling will satisfy you if you
are going to try it, because this is not just an ordinary yema.

“Food is our most basic need, the very stuff of life”. – Vandana Shiva

Food is a basic human need and right. Filipinos are fond of eating.

Since, Filipinos are naturally hospitable and gregarious, food is the basis of their social life.
They tend to explore different kind of food to satisfy and fulfill their cravings. One of the famous
and delicious delicacy of the Philippine is the Yema.

Basically, Yema is Spanish for “egg yolk,” and is most likely a reference either to its
golden-yellow appearance or to its composition (traditionally a batter of egg yolks, lime peel,
and sugar). Intensely rich and similar in texture to the French crème brûlée, it is sometimes made
more decadent by the addition of a thin, crisp coating of caramelized sugar. Wrapped in squares
of colorful cellophane, yema can be purchased everywhere, from sari-sari stores, roadside stalls,
to street vendors outside churches, as well as a few select groceries and bakeries.

That's why we entrepreneurs introduce new type and innovated yema that will change your
perceptions of the usual taste of yema.
Name of the product

 Yema con filling

-Yema Con filling because it is not a typical yema that we used to buy, this is the
innovation of classic yema. It filled with cheese inside of it.


 To satisfy the needs of the consumers by producing and offering a good quality product.
 To gain more experience to be able to train in becoming an effective entrepreneurship.


Making the best yema,in the nicest possible way.And to produce quality and affordable
yema to provide the demand of consumers


To introduce an innovative quality product at competitive price to provide the best

insurance value for the satisfaction of consumers. And to provide good quality of yema that suits
to the taste of consumers at the best services offered.


 To promote a new taste of yema to the market

 For our yema to be patronize

Nature of the Business

Form of ownership

The form of ownership of our business is a partnership because it composed of six (6)
members which is Gienalene -Ann Batang, Maynard Caban, Jacobean Narag, Bryan Rabe,
Rheinier Rafael and Alondra Siggayo. The owner of the business are the one who will run and
manage the business through their individual contribution.
SWOT Analysis

The following are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of our product Yema

 UNIQUENESS- we stand out as a  NOT TECH-SAVVY- Establishing a
unique alternative dessert food and we reputation on the internet will be
we offer consistently High-quality challenging
tate.  LOCK REPUTATION- We haven’t
 STRONG MANAGEMENT- We established ourselves a reputable
have assembled as a team that Yema-Product provider yet.
embraces different disciples with
expertise to provide a good outcome
of this business
 MARKETING- Aggressive and
focused marketing campaign with
clear goals and strategies

 PART TIME JOB- This small  COMPETITION- One competitors
business can encourage every srudents might sell similar product and has
to supply our products to their friends, loyal customers as well as a
families, or neighborhood that have a relationship with businesses that
sari-sari store, this can be their part- regularly buy from them.
time job.  Being unprepared for opening the
product to the public.

Market Trends

Most of the people nowadays especially kids eat sweet foods, candy’s chocolates and
others. Yema is known for being sweet so we come up with the idea of making a product that is
knew and our product is Yema with filling inside it to satisfy the costumers.

Target Market

Our target market are the students and teachers of Cagayan State University and other
people outside.


Our competitors are those businesses who offered the same product.


Table 1. Number of students eating yema

Do you eat yema?

97% 3%

The table above shows the number of students eating yema. Out of 100
respondents, most of them, 97%, eat yema while few of 3% do not eat yema.
Table 2.

When do you often eat yema?

Morning Afternoon Evening
22% 68% 12%

The table below shows that 60% of the students often eat yema in the afternoon.
Meanwhile, some of the 22% prefer to eat in the morning and a few of 12% in the

Table 3. Number of students who are willing to buy our product.

If we will introduce yema with filling are you willing to buy?
97% 3%
The table 3
shows that most of the respondents, 97% are willing to buy our product with filling. While 3% of

Table 4. Number of students who prefer different flavours.

Which flavour do you prefer?

31% 18% 30% 46%

The table above shows the result which flavor the students preferred most. Out of 100
respondents, 46% of them chose choco as their preferred flavor. Meanwhile, 31% of the
respondents prefer cheese flavor. Few of them also want to have a coffee and strawberry flavored

How much do you spend in buying yema?

1-5 5-10 10-above
57% 32% 11%
Table 5. Suggested Price in buying our product

The table 5 shows on how much the students spend in buying yema. Wherein, 57% stated
that they buy yema in 1-5 pesos. While 32% buy yema worth of 5-1o pesos. Least of 11% afford
to buy yema in worth 10 pesos and above.

Table 6. Number of students where they often buy or order yema

Where do you often buy or order yema?

Neighbor’s store 90%
Online selling 4%
Teacher 1%
Student 10%

The above table shows where the students often buy yema. In 100 respondents, there
were 90% of them usually buy yema in their neighborhood’s store; 10% on students, 4% on
online selling and 1% on teachers.

Table 7. Percentage on chosen strategies

What strategy encourages you to buy our product?

Promo Online Advertisement Sales talk
67% 7% 30%

The Table 7 shows the percentage of the chosen strategies from the respondents. Out
of 3 strategies stated above, the most favourable is the promo strategy for having 67%, second is
the sales talk who got 30% while the online advertisement got the lowest for having 7% only.

Table 8. Factors in buying a product

What factor/s do you consider in buying a product?

Quality 45%
Price 34%
Nutritive Value 37%
Aesthetic Appeal 14%
Taste 57%
The table 8 shows the factors and percentage in buying our product. The most factor
that they consider in buying our product is the taste (57%), quality (45%) and other factors
gain(34%)which is the Price, (37%) is the Nutritive Value and lastly, the Aesthetic Appeal


As a newbie or a beginner from conducting/implementing a business, we need to consider

the different things that would affect our business like the quality of our product. We conducted
an evaluation in free tasting just to make sure that our product is acceptable and highly
recommended to our target consumers. Based from our market survey, most of our respondents
prefer to eat classic yema that’s why we come up with an innovation of Yema filled with cheese.


Yema is a type of custard candy made from egg yolks and condensed milk. This is
common Filipino dessert and one of the easiest to make. The ingredients needed are readily
available and this does not require a lot of cooking and preparation time. Our new innovation of
Yema is perfect for dessert.

These are several ways to present this dessert the most common is the use of colored
cellophane. The mixture is scooped and placed inside individually cut cellophane then manually
molded until the shapes becomes like pyramid.

Time of Cooking:

 Prep Time 10 mins.

 Cook time 30 mins.
 Total Time 40 mins.


(60 pcs.y ema) (30 pcs.yema)
Egg yolk (4) Egg yolk (2)
Margarine(1) Buttered Milk (1/4)
Condensed milk (2) Condensed milk (1)
Cheese (1/4)

 Buttered Milk
 Condensed Milk
 Egg yolk
 Cheese

Score Sheet




Year (For Student)

Direction: Kindly rate our product by putting a check on the responding Column. Refer to the
Legend below.

9- Like Extremely 4- Dislike Slightly

8- Like Very Much 3- Dislike Moderately

7- Like Moderately 2- Dislike Very Much

6- Like Slightly 1- Dislike Extremely

5- Neither Like Nor DisLike

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Ratings 5 4 3 2 1
Highly Very Moderately Fairly Poorly
Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable


1.89 – 2.77 – Dislike very much 5.48 – 6.36 – Like slightly

2.78 – 3.66 – Dislike moderately 6.37 – 7.25 – Like moderately

3.67 – 4.55 – Dislike slightly 7.26 – 8.14 – Like very much

4.56 – 5.44 – Neither like nor dislike 8.15 – 9.00 – Like extremely

CRITERIA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Descriptive Value Mean


Taste 1 11 Like Extremely 8.63

Aesthetic 1 13 4 Like very much 8.3
Appeal 3
Aroma 1 12 1 Like Extremely 8.53
Quality 1 10 1 Like very much 8.6
Color 2 9 1 Like Extremely 8.63

The Table I shows that some of our respondents Like extremely the taste,color and aroma of our
product. However, some of them like very much the quality and aesthetic appeal.

3.41 – 4.2 – Very Acceptable

2.61 – 3.4 – Moderately Acceptable

1.61 – 2.60 – Fairly Acceptable

1 – 1.50 – Not Acceptable


CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1 Descriptive Value Mean


Aroma 17 1 Highly Acceptable 4.57

Taste 20 1 Highly Acceptable 4.67
Texture 17 1 Highly Acceptable 4.53
Appearance 18 1 Highly Acceptable 4.6
The table II shows that all our respondents or evaluators highly accept our product.


From the data we gathered most of the students and teachers of CSU Andrews eat yema
and 97% of them are willing to try our product “Yema Con Filling”. Considering all this data
that we gathered, we can say that if we will be going to introduce a new flavor of Yema the
students as well as the teachers will surely buy it. Considering the different factors, in
Appearance we should make our product more presentable to the eyes of the consumers; in terms
of texture we should make our product little bigger than what we have do last time so that we can
give justice to the price of the product; in terms of Aroma we need to make our product more
attractive in smell so that the consumer will encourage to buy our product and lastly considering
the taste of Yema Con Filling we should make it more delicious to satisfied our consumers. From
all the data we gathered, we can say that we will be gain profit and it will be successful.

1. Place the butter in a heated frying pan and allow to melt.
2. Stir-in the condensed milk and allow to cook for 3 minutes.
3. And the egg yolk then continue stirring for 2 minutes.
4. Set the heat to medium and then stir (15-20 mins.) until the mixture become thick.
Adjust the heat to low when the texture is about to achieved.
5. Turn-off the heat and allow the mixture to cool down.
6. When the temperature of the mixture is tolerable, scoop a spoonful then roll it with
your clean hands to form a triangular shape.
7. Cut the cheese to small pieces and put it inside the yema.
8. Get the cut wrapper and put the yema to have good packaging.
9. Serve, share and enjoy.



Tools/Supplies or Equipment’s

Ingredients Quantity Ingredients Unit Cost Total Cost

Unsalted Butter 1 ¼ 34 pesos 8.5 pesos
Condensed 2 1 66 pesos 33 pesos
Egg (Yolk) 4 3 pieces 7pesos/piece 21 pesos
Cheese 1 ¼ 13.50 3.38 pesos
pesos/sulit pack
Yema Wrapper 1 Yard ½ yard 8pesos 4 pesos

69.875/40 =1.746875

Php.1.746875 x.40= 0.69875

Php.1.746875+069875=Php. 2.445625
Or 3 pesos per piece/ 5 pesos in 2 pieces and 10 pesos in 5 pieces
The price of our yema con filling per piece is 3 pesos.
40pieces x3 pesos=120
Php120-69.88=Php.50 is our profit in 40 pieces yema.

The following are the tools that are used during the production;
 Frying pan
 Mixing bowl
 Knife

The following are the utensils used during the production;

 Spoons
 Plates
B. Distribution
We distribute our product through our hands or personally. We sell our product
through per pack and by piece, because we all know that some of the consumers did not
afford to buy per pack, that’s why we offer them per piece for them to buy our product. In
distributing our product to the student consumers we consider their allowances, for us to
know if they afford to buy our product.

C. Promotion
The promotion we can do to sell our product is that, by selling it at a price of 5 pesos
and they can get 2 pieces of yema con filling and if they buy one pack of yema with the
price of 10pesos they can get 1 free because one pack contain 5 pieces of it, because the
original price of our product is 3 pesos per piece. And we encourage them to buy our
product so that we will satisfy their needs in sweet foods, because it can help their body
alive especially in the afternoon classes.

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