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New Talent: Empath

Your time on Hercynia has always been marked by a kind of… searching. A connection to the
planet, to something alive there. At night, when it is quiet, you think you can hear it best: your
name, or a whisper that speaks something deeper, in the voice of another.

You don’t feel any fear when you hear it; you feel complete.

Time to find the distant speaker.

Whether your character is born offworld and comes to Hercynia without knowledge of the
Egregorians, Witness, or any of the planet’s history, or if you were born in Evergreen or one of
the United Cities, your character can be an empath. An empath is a human that can not only
register when Witness is being shared, but begin to understand it and, with some training, be
able to add their own subjectivity to it.

Mere exposure to Hercynia is enough for a character to become an empath. Nobody is ‘born’
an empath - it is a learned process, not an inherited one. Though, like all skills, some people
find it easier than others, anyone can potentially become one. Normally empaths bond with
Egregorians - there are many examples of such in the United Cities. Rarely, empaths can form
bonds with other humans - a process that is as rare and wondrous to Egregorians as it is to the
humans undergoing it, and one that also suggests that a human extension of Witness may be
possible or nascent.


Rank I - Aegis of Awareness - Gain 2 d6s and set them aside as your aegis of awareness
pool. This pool refreshes to full when you take a full repair. 1/scene as a quick action, you can
push out an aura of shared perception and Witness around your mech, creating an aegis of
awareness, a burst 2 area that moves with it. The aegis lasts until the end of the scene, and
while it's active gain the following reaction:

Sympathetic Warning

1/round, reaction

Triggers: An allied character is damaged in your aegis of awareness,

Effect: You may spend and roll a d6 from your pool, reducing the damage suffered by the
amount on the die, then consuming the die.

Rank III - Force of Will - Gain two more dice for your pool. When a friendly character in your
aura makes a structure damage or overheating check, after you see their roll, you can spend a
die from your aegis of awareness pool to allow them to re-roll the check. They must use the
new result, even if it’s worse.

Rank II - Dispersal - Gain two more dice for your pool. If your Sympathetic Warning reaction
reduces damage to 0, as part of the same reaction, you may deal automatic energy damage to
all hostile characters within your aegis of awareness equal to the number on the die.
IPS-N Kidd

Sidegraded from IPS-N’s Lancaster support frame, the Kidd was produced under a joint development
contract by IPS-N’s Titan-Enceladus Field Project and Northstar Branch Robotics. The original frame
pattern was bought off a mining commune that had rigged their support drones in a slapdash but
ingenious neural mesh that both hardened them against tech intrusion and increased their operational
efficiency many times over. Urban legend was that the original rig builder had used his drone team to bury
caches of black market volador tech in several wandering asteroids, and out of extreme paranoia made
his systems almost impossible to crack. To this day Northstar Robotics tries valiantly to squash down
persistent rumors that clues to the location of the caches are hidden in the Kidd’s code base.

Designed to provide an aggressive, all-theater support solution to rugged field teams in hostile
environments, the Kidd mounts a trio of powerful systems to ensure a broad operational envelope. The
Jolly Roger semi-autonomous personal orbital platform, bundled with all proven-license Kidd platforms
establishes theater control in any open or near-surface environment. A squadron of bundled WARCHILD
subalterns (and onboard maintenance suite) guarantee friendly support in any environment, and provide
a broad suite of tactical possibility. Finally, Titan-Enceladus’ SMOKESTACK heat sink pylon represents
the cutting edge of IPS-N’s thermodynamic axiomatics, allowing users to offset an amount of heat via the
creation of a pinhole-window into an Omega State of absolute zero.

The Kidd is in high use in Evergreen as a subaltern command platform, mostly as a civilian and
engineering mech. Its familiar bulk is also commonly seen accompanying traders that do business with
the gray towns.
I. Blackspot Laser, PEBCAC
II. Omnibus Plate, FABI Modifications

III. FORGE Subalterns, SMOKESTACK Heatsink


HP: 6 Evasion: 6 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 4 Sensors: 8

Armor: 2 E-Defense: 12 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +1

Save Target: 11


Rapid Deploy: On its first turn in any combat scene, the Kidd can deploy or activate any one system
with the drone or deployable tag as a free action.

Re-Route Power As a quick action 1/round, the Kidd can destroy one of its deployables or drones to
either grant 1d6+3 overshield to an adjacent ally to that drone or system or deal 1d6+3 ap energy
damage to an adjacent enemy to that drone or system. It can’t do this to a drone or deployable that
was deployed or created in the same round. Systems without the limited tag destroyed this way must
be repaired before becoming usable again.

Recycle: If the Kidd used Re-Route power in any scene, it gets +1 limited charge back to a system of
its choice with the drone or deployable tag.




CORE system
Jolly Roger Semi-Autonomous Personal Orbital Platform

Passive: At the start of any combat scene, the Kidd activates an uplink to a paired Jolly Roger, a
orbital satellite weapon. The Roger needs to maintain calibration with the Kidd, which you can track
with the Jolly Roger die (d6, starting at 1). When one of the following occurs, tick the die up by 1:

- The Kidd deploys a drone or deployable system

- The Kidd takes a tech action targeting at least one ally

Each of these effects can trigger only 1/round independently. However, the die also ticks up by 1 each
time a hostile character takes a tech action against an allied character in the Kidd’s sensor range, with
no limit.

As a quick action 1/round, the Kidd can activate a function of the Roger, resetting the die to 1. It can
take one of the following actions, depending on the value of the die:

3+: Scan every enemy in a blast 1 area and apply Lock On.

5+: Every enemy in a blast 1 area must pass a systems save or become Impaired, Jammed, and
Slowed until the end of their next turn.

6: The Roger fires its beam weapon, piercing a narrow hole through walls and obstructions. One
enemy on the battlefield must pass an agility save or take 3d6+3 AP energy damage, or half on a
successful save.

The Roger does not need line of sight to activate these effects and it will easily pierce through objects
and terrain, though if there are other more potent barriers (such as energy shields that block effects
from crossing due to LoS) they will block them normally.

Active (requires 1 CP): Skull and Bones

For the rest of the scene the Kidd, the Roger’s first two effects become blast 2 and its beam weapon
affects all characters in a line 15 area.

Blackspot Targeting Laser

“Who tipped me the black spot the day we landed and began this dance?”

Main Rifle

1 SP, Unique

Range 15

1d3+1 energy damage

On hit, weapons and systems with the Drone, Seeking, and Nexus tags gain +1 accuracy to
attack the target until the end of its next turn. On critical hit, the target also gains lock on.

When the problem exists between chair and chassis, aggressive solutions are needed. This rather quick
solution is an old system level reboot program, often used by asteroid miners dealing with aging

2 SP, Quick Tech, System, Unique

An allied mech character in sensor range and line of sight quickly flash reboots from the
system level. This ends all effects caused by tech actions, stops NHP cascade, and the
affected character becomes immune to all tech actions other than this one (hostile or allied)
until the end of their next turn. Roll 1d6 for side effects. These effects take place immediately,
don’t take an action or reaction, and any movement taken is involuntary.

1d6 Effect

1 Character becomes jammed until the end of their next turn

2 Character moves up to its speed in a direction of the GM’s choice

3 Character immediately moves up to 3 spaces towards the nearest character (allied or

hostile) and takes the improvised attack action against that character. If no characters
are in range, it only moves.
4 Character falls prone and takes 2 kinetic damage

5 Character vents 1d6 heat and deals the amount cooled as energy damage to all
adjacent characters
6 Character immediately takes the stabilize action and can choose what to do.

Omnibus Plate
Northstar Branch Robotics returned to their roots with the Omnibus Plate, creating a simple, deployable
catalytic for frontline nexus users. Designed with adaptation in mind, Omnibus Plates can attach securely
to any drone or deployable system, increasing that drone or deployable’s efficacy in all aspects of

1 SP, System, Limited 2, quick action, deployable (10 HP, size 1), Unique

On activation, creates a size 1 Omnibus Plate in range 5. The plate cannot be moved, is flat,
and does not block movement. The plate can fit a single size 1 or smaller drone or deployable
at a time. Drones or deployables placed inside gain resistance to all damage and increase the
size of any burst or blast effects they generate by +1. Any of the drone or deployable’s effects
that require adjacency can now be activated from within range 2.

Field-Approved, Brass-Ignorant Modifications

FABI modifications are, as implied by the name, battlefield modifications made on any weapon system by
engineers that, while technically falling well outside the approved envelope of functionality and safety, are
nonetheless popular among veteran pilots. FABI mods tend to be temporary in nature: removal of joule
governors via quick-patched code, field-cooked “hot” kinetic rounds, and so on.

2 SP, Quick tech, Unique

Choose an allied mech character in sensor range and line of sight. That ally’s weapons become
powered up. When that ally makes an attack roll, the attack’s damage cannot be reduced in
any way, the kick from firing the weapon knocks the ally back in 1 direction after attacking, and
on hit the target must additionally pass a hull save or be knocked prone. This effect ends when
the targeted ally hits with an attack roll or at the end of the scene.

FORGE-2 Subaltern Squad

The FORGE line of subalterns are IPS-N’s premier frontline autonomous robotic humanoids. Produced by
their robotics division, Northstar Branch Robotics, FORGE-2 subalterns are the newest of NBR’s combat
engineering models, built to user scale and function.

4 SP, system, quick action, drone, deployable, Limited 6


As a quick action 1/round, you can spend a charge to deploy your team of Forge-2 subalterns
to start work on a project in a free space in range 5 and line of sight. The team is untargetable
and not treated as a separate entity, but the project is an immovable single size 1 deployable
object with 5 HP. The project takes until the start of your next turn to complete, and is canceled
if it’s destroyed. When finished it gains +10 max and current hp. The team returns to you if the
project is destroyed, canceled, or finished, no matter where you are.

Overcharging to use this system again ignores the 1/round limit, but the second project must
be placed adjacent to the first. The team will finish both if given the chance.

• Emplacement: The team creates an elevated emplacement. The emplacement is size 1 and
3 spaces high and can fit characters up to a combined size of 1. Only the top space can be
occupied by characters (the other two are a solid platform) but it can be entered through any
space. Characters must spend a quick action to enter or exit from any adjacent space. Once
a character enters, they are moved to inside the top space, which has firing slits that grant
mutual line of sight but also grants characters inside hard cover from all directions.
Characters and deployables can freely stand on the roof of the structure, which is flat, but
don’t gain cover.

• Snare Foam: Once finished, this project creates a burst 2 area of difficult terrain. Destroying
this project removes the difficult terrain.

• Damping Station: The team creates a repair station. Once built, the station creates a burst 1
area around it, granting immunity to burn to any allied characters within, and clearing any
burn currently affecting those characters.

• Armor Pack: This pack latches on and fuses to the next allied character to move adjacent to
its space, destroying this project but giving them 1 armor for the rest of the scene.

The IPS-N Kidd’s SMOKESTACK Heatsink represent the latest in IPS-N’s heat dispersion systems for
chassis and other CORE-powered vehicles and vessels. Utilizing proprietary axiomatics, the
SMOKESTACK system establishes (via deployable pylon) a localized, minor, and stable pinhole into an
Omega state, allowing users to — for a certain value of thermodynamic exchange — cool excess heat
debt via depositing it into that Omega State. Once the SMOKESTACK reaches capacity — a hard-coded
feature — it detonates, making the system just as effective a weapon as it is a heat sink.

3 SP, System, Deployable (size 1/2, 5 HP, 10 ev/e-def), Limited 2, Unique

When deployed as a quick action, this deployable creates a burst 2 zone around itself,
absorbing any heat added to any characters at least partially in the area from any source
(before reduction, such as resistance). Once the pylon hits 6 heat, it explodes. Characters
caught in the zone must pass an agility save or take 1d6+3 ap energy damage, or half on a
successful save. Objects and deployables are hit automatically. Any excess heat absorbed by
the pylon as part of the same action or effect that caused it to explode disperses and has no

These Frames are offered as exotic gear through Wallflower’s campaign. If players want their
characters to acquire these alternates outside this campaign, they can be taken as alternate
frames for their respective license levels, with slightly different abilities and core powers.

When a character gains LL2 in the respective license, they can choose either the base frame
or an alternate frame. The two are mutually exclusive, so for example a character that takes
the Ranger Swallowtail variant cannot use the base Swallowtail. Only the frame itself swaps, all
other gear for the license remains the same, including the gear for License level 2.

When a character gains a license level, they can swap out one alternate frame for the base
frame, or vice versa. Characters can do this multiple times for the same license if they keep
gaining license levels.

A character who gains these frames as exotic gear rewards, such as through this campaign,
has normal access to them and the base LL2 frame as well.

Frame Alternates:

HA Enkidu (Tokugawa)

HA Genghis Mk I (Genghis)

SSC Swallowtail, Ranger variant (Swallowtail)

GMS Sagarmartha (Everest)
The Sagarmartha is a size 2 legacy GMS mech that can be chosen by any character from LL0
onwards. Taking the Sagarmartha is not exclusive with the Everest, and all characters have
access to it from LL0.

The Sagarmartha is an older pattern mech than the Everest, sturdy and bulkier by necessity
more than design. It seen as somewhat antiquated by modern manufacturing standards.
Nevertheless, it sees some use in border colonies, in the Baronies, and with the Albatross.


HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 8 Size: 2 Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: +0

Save Target: 10


Guardian: Adjacent allied characters can use the Sagarmartha as hard cover

Heroism: 1/scene the Sagarmartha can brace without sacrificing any actions or movement on its
following turn
Replaceable Parts: While resting, the Sagarmartha can be repaired at a rate of 1 repair per structure
damage instead of 2.



Main Mount Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

CORE SYSTEM: Rallying Cry

Active (requires 1 CP): Raise the Banner

Quick Action

You raise a rallying banner. All characters in line of sight of your mech when it’s raised gain resistance
to all damage and +1 accuracy on attacks, checks, and saves until the start of your next turn.
The Enkidu can be taken at Tokugawa License level 2 instead of the base frame, or retrofitted
as part of the campaign.

This experimental frame was a TBK chassis built as a black site project for late-action combat in
the Hercynian Crisis. Deployed in limited numbers against the remaining Egregorian hives in the
brutal last stages of the war, the Enkidu’s neurological interfacing was dangerous: raw and
unshielded. The power and aggression flowing through the subroutines that govern the mech
bled into a pilot’s subjectivity, making them lose themselves in a storm of violence, pushing
themselves to greater acts of savagery. The result was incredibly hard for pilots to handle, the
fallout rate from the program was extremely high, and the survivors required extensive
conditioning, implants, and a cocktail of neurological suppressants to continue piloting.

The aim of the project was not to fight Egregorians, but which were in the final stages of
practical extinction, but to use the battlefield as a testing ground for the Enkidu’s eventual
deployment against ThirdComm revolutionaries and dissidents. Though the codebase for the
Enkidu was eventually discontinued and molded into what is now the Tokugawa, the desperate
project never got off the ground before the revolution took hold, and the remaining prototypes
were buried with the rest of Hercynia’s history.

H.A. Enkidu

HP: 10 Evasion: 10 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 8 Sensors: 5

Armor: 0 E-Defense: 6 Size: 2 Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack: -2

Save Target: 10


Demon Grasp: The Enkidu can used the Improvised Attack action for Overwatch instead of Skirmish.
Hellhammer: If a prone character adjacent to the Enkidu clears the prone condition by standing up,
the Enkidu may immediately take the Improvised Attack action against that character as a reaction.
The Enkidu can take this reaction any number of times a round.

Brute Strength: The Enkidu gets +1 accuracy on hull checks and saves



Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system:
Limit Restriction Zero
“I argue that it is Man who is shapeless; far from immutable, he is given form by the
environment around him. In civilization, man is as divine as old God, who judges and creates;
he is clothed in finery, and enjoys literature, art, company, and purpose.

When left alone in the savage wilderness of nature, Man comports himself accordingly.”

— Harrison II, “Mandate, Vol II: On Nature, On Savagery, On Reason”

Passive: Heartrend
While in the danger zone:

- The Enkidu’s improvised attacks deal energy damage, gain +1 threat, and count as a heavy melee
weapon attack for the purposes of systems and talents, etc.

- On critical hit: The Enkidu’s Improvised Attack actions deal +1d6 bonus damage and knock their
target prone.

Active (special): Bifurcate

Full Action
To use this action, the Enkidu must be in the danger zone and it must have core power.

The Enkidu engages its monstrous strength, targets an adjacent character and attempts to tear it in
half. If the character has 7 HP or less, only 1 structure remaining, and isn’t immune to damage, it is
immediately destroyed, the action cost of this ability is refunded, and the enkidu can take the boost
action as a free action.

If this ability fails to destroy the target, the target takes 1 kinetic damage.

Activating this ability does not spend CP, but at the end of any scene in which the Enkidu destroyed at
least one character with this ability, it loses any CP it has.
Harrison Armory GENGHIS MkI
This alternate Genghis can be taken at Genghis LL2 instead of the base frame or dug up and
repaired as part of the campaign.

These old pattern Genghis mechs are buried all over Hercynia, in various states of disrepair and
carnage. They are a grim reminder of the carnage that once took place here. Unlike the sleeker,
slimmer framed Mk2, the Mk1 is much more brutal in its simplicity - mass produced, a crude


HP: 6 Evasion: 6 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 8 Sensors: 5

Armor: 3 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: -2

Save Target: 10


Insulated: The Genghis has immunity to burn

TBK munitions: The Genghis’s attacks ignore resistance to Burn and Heat



Main Mount Main Mount Heavy Mount


Inside his great suit the fireman smiles. He is a salamander upon the world, belching flame, cleaning
away history, and leaving a new land for the living.

Passive: While the Genghis is in the Danger Zone, it is surrounded in shimmering heat that interferes
with targeting. All characters within a burst 2 area around it other than the Genghis cannot take
reactions and characters within have soft cover.

Active (requires 1 CP): A PLEASURE TO BURN


For the rest of the scene, the Genghis is wreathed in coruscating heat. In addition to the passive
effects above, the Genghis has resistance to kinetic damage while it’s active as munitions vaporize.

When the Genghis overheats while this effect is active, it releases a blast of heat in the area, melting
the ground beneath it. Characters caught within must pass a hull save or take 2d6 energy damage and
become immobilized until the end of their next turn. The area then becomes difficult terrain for the rest
of the scene.
SSC SWALLOWTAIL (Ranger Variant)
This swallowtail variant is common among HUC ranger forces. It was adopted and reverse
engineered from abandoned early SSC expeditions to survey the planet, back when the
company learned of Hercynia almost two centuries ago. With no ability to print-replicate the
mech, the rangers have painstakingly manfuctured and assembled each one, to high
specifications. Unlike the sleek luxury of other SSC frames, this Swallowtail is a highly rugged
affair. Each one has a suite of the marks of its previous owners - livery, battle paint, custom
gear, camouflage, and weathering. They have been repaired and maintained for two generations
and each one is precious to the United Cities.

This mech can be taken at Swallowtail LL2 instead of the base frame, or gained by aiding
Dthall Ordo during the campaign.


HP: 6 Evasion: 10 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 4 Sensors: 20

Armor: 0 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +1

Save Target: 10


Scout Battlefield: At the start of any combat, before the first round begins and before any characters
or NPCs are placed on the battlefield, place up to 2 of the following on the battlefield in free spaces.
Options can be chosen more than once. All placed objects or zones are naturally occuring terrain
features for the battlefield, and you can work with the GM to decide what they represent. None can be
placed within 4 spaces of each other:

- A 2x2 zone that grant soft cover to characters at least partly inside and can be freely moved

- A 2x2 zone that is difficult terrain

- A size 1 piece of hard cover

Invigorating Scanners: 1/round when the Swallowtail inflicts Lock On, an allied character in its sensor
range and line of sight can move up to its speed as a reaction.

Weathering: The Swallowtail ignores difficult terrain



Flex Mount Main Mount

CORE system
CORE SYSTEM: Gaia Inheritance
Without the ability to mass produce mechs, outnumbered, and outgunned, the rangers have had to rely
on the legacy of Hercynia itself to protect them. Each swallowtail is an ingenious, fast moving suite of
meshed software and gear, custom tweaked by hardened warriors over several generations - imperfect
in a way that would make an SSC smith shiver. Each wear their own unique name, have their own
unique ballad, and are recorded in the osteomemetics of the city.

Passive: Grounded
When the swallowtail ends its turn inside a zone or area of terrain that grants soft cover, it becomes
invisible until it exists that zone or area, makes an attack roll, forces a save, or takes any other hostile
action that affects another character.

Active (requires 1 CP): Guerrilla Warfare


When this protocol is activated, the swallowtail shoots 3 burst 1 zones of smoke in range 5 and line of
sight that grant soft cover to characters at least partly inside. The zones last until the rest of the scene.

For the rest of the scene, when the swallowtail or any of its allies in its sensor range end their turn in a
zone that grants soft cover, they become invisible. This invisibility breaks if they leave the zone, take
damage, make an attack roll, force a save, take a reaction, or take any other hostile action that affects
another character.
These NPCs are brand new to Wallflower but can be used in any campaign. When they first
appear in the narrative, they’re given unique, flavorful versions to introduce characters to their
mechanics. Template versions are provided here for your use. You can also download the files
for these NPCs with the comp/con file attached to a copy of this book.

The spite is an aggressive tech defender chassis, commonly used by Horus techno cults,
pirates, and insurgent factions. By using a reactor-override liturgicode, these mechs are able to
pry a mech’s reactor cores open and keep them that way, spiking them with feedback each time
a weapon is fired. Unaware or reckless pilots taking the field against an experienced Spite pilot
will often find themselves cooking themselves to death.

Tactics: The Spite punishes characters who rely on heat management or careful heat
generation to maximize damage output. Use its imprison ability to put the lockdown on
dangerous damage dealers and enthrone it somewhere where it can guard its allies - but be
careful, as it is relatively immobile and can’t do much on its own.

Mech, Defender

Tier 1:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

15 6 10 5 0 -2 2 2 2 2 20 13 2

Tier II:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

17 6 12 6 0 -2 3 3 3 2 20 15 2

Tier III:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

20 6 14 7 0 -2 4 4 4 2 20 17 2

Base systems:

System, quick tech

A character of the Spite’s choice in sensor range and line of sight must pass a systems save or
take 4 energy damage and become implanted with a catalyzing virus. While affected by this
virus they cannot cool heat by any means save overheating. The effect ends immediately if an
affected character moves adjacent to the Spite or the Spite is destroyed, otherwise it lasts until
the end of the scene. While at least one character is affected by this virus, the Spite is

System, quick tech, recharge (5+)

All hostile characters in a burst 3 area around the Spite must pass a systems save or take 4
energy damage and become immobilized until the end of their next turn. Even on a successful
save, they are slowed until the end of their next turn.

System, Shield, Quick Action, recharge (5+)

The Spite becomes immobilized, and any characters that attack the spite or any of its adjacent
allies with a ranged or melee attack take 3/4/5 AP energy damage before the attack roll is
made. This system’s effects immediately end if the Spite moves for any reason, overheats, or is
stunned. The spite can also end this effect as a quick action.


Adjacent allied characters can use the Spite for hard cover.

Optional systems:
Trait, full tech, recharge (6+)

The Spite uses Imprison on all characters of its choice in sensor range and line of sight.

Insidious Prison

Characters who are affected by Imprison take 5/7/9 AP energy damage immediately after they
overcharge. Characters are aware of this effect, and this damage cannot be prevented or
reduced in any way.

Feedback Shield
System, Shield, Quick Tech, recharge (4+)
The Spite chooses an allied character in range 5 and line of sight. Any character that
successfully damages the chosen allied character then immediately becomes jammed until the
end of their next turn. This effect lasts until the rest of the scene or until triggered.

Crush Targeting
Trait, Quick Tech, recharge (4+)

A character in line of sight and sensor range gains +3 difficulty to attack any character other
than the Spite until the start of the Spite’s next turn.

Siege Armor

The Spite has resistance to all damage originating from outside range 3.

Avenger class mechs are typically piloted by zealots, career warriors, and in cultures where
blood oaths and close kin are valued. In battle they act as force multipliers and squad leaders,
but are typically more notable for their pilots than their machines. Avenger pilots have a tight
bond to their allies - strong enough that the intense emotions of battle, loss, and struggle can
push them to incredible feats of heroism when the tide turns against them.

Tactics: While not particularly dangerous in normal circumstances, the Avenger becomes much
more dangerous when its allies start falling around it. Place it near other high priority targets in
order to take advantage of its revenge ability, forcing characters to choose between taking it out
first or suffering more for destroying its allies.

Mech, Striker, Defender

Tier 1:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

15 10 8 6 1 1 0 0 0 5 10 10 1

Tier II:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

18 12 10 6 2 3 0 0 0 5 10 10 1

Tier III:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

21 15 12 8 3 5 0 0 0 5 10 10 1

Base systems:

Slug Pistol
Auxiliary CQB


Range 8, Threat 3

+2/3/4 vs evasion

4/5/6 kinetic damage

Clinging Shrapnel

1/round when a character is damaged by the Avenger, the Avenger can force them to pass an
engineering save or be covered in explosive shrapnel until the end of their next turn. While
covered in shrapnel, they take 3/4/5 AP explosive damage each time they make a melee or
ranged attack, after the attack roll is made. Affected characters are aware of this effect.

Shock Armor

The Avenger has resistance to all damage originating from within range 3

Trait, 1/combat

When a non-grunt ally within range 5 of the Avenger is destroyed, it gains overshield 8/12/16,
gains +1 accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves, and deals +5 damage with its attacks for
the rest of combat.

Optional systems:
Mimic Mesh
System, Reaction

When an allied character within range 5 of the avenger fails a save or is hit by an attack from a
hostile character the avenger has line of sight to, the avenger can move 3 spaces directly
towards the attacker as a reaction. It can take this reaction any number of times a round.

Endless Revenge

The Avenger’s revenge trait can occur any number of times, but only grants overshield 4/6/8
and a maximum permanent accuracy bonus of +2

Judgement shotgun
Main CQB
Range 3, Threat 3


+0 vs evasion with +1 difficulty

10/12/14 energy damage

Characters struck by this weapon must pass an agility save or become knocked prone.

This weapon reloads automatically when an allied character in range 3 is destroyed.

The Avenger deals +1d6 kinetic damage on critical hits.

Infectious Revenge

When the Avenger’s revenge trait triggers, all allied characters in range 5 other than the
avenger gain overshield 4/6/8

Striders are piloted by scouts, lone wolves, and mavericks - usually the kind of pilots who are
accustomed to spending a lot of time behind enemy lines. The massive amount of gear these
elite pilots bring with them gives them the ability to adapt to almost any circumstance.

Tactics: The strider is very flexible, but is only effective at certain range bands. Use its abilities
to reposition it so that it can make the most use out of its various kits. Characters will find that
movement is valuable against the strider, as being too close or too far for it to attack effectively
can render it ineffective.

Mech, Artillery, Striker

Tier 1:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

10 10 8 5 -2 2 -1 1 0 4 20 10 1/2 or

Tier II:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

10 13 8 5 0 4 0 2 0 4 20 12 1/2 or

Tier III:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

10 16 8 5 0 4 2 3 0 4 20 14 1/2 or

Base systems:

Swap Kit

Trait, quick action

The Strider swaps to one of its available kits, giving it new attack options. Base, it has two kits:
the marksman kit and the skirmisher kit, and can pick up more with optional systems. When it
swaps to a new kit, it gets a bonus effect for this round only. It can only use weapons or
systems from one kit in the same turn. When a strider gets a weapon or system destroyed
result from structure damage, it chooses from its active kit.

The Strider can start any combat with any of its kits, but does not get the swap bonus.

Swap bonus: This turn only, damage from the Ranger Long Rifle cannot be reduced in any way
and it ignores the ordnance tag.

Ranger Long Rifle

Heavy Rifle


Range 20

+0 vs evasion with +1 accuracy

3/4/5 Kinetic damage

This weapon deals 9/10/11 base damage instead if its target is more than range 8 away

Trait, Reaction, Recharge (4+)

When the Ranger is hit by an attack from a source that is further away than range 10, it can
cause that attack to turn into a miss and additionally gain resistance to all damage until the end
of the current turn.

Swap bonus: The Strider is invisible until the end of its current turn and its movement ignores
difficult terrain, engagement, and does not provoke reactions for the same duration.

Explosive Rifle
Heavy CQB

Range 3, Threat 3

Knockback 2

+0 vs evasion with +1 accuracy

6/7/8 explosive damage

Trait, reaction, 1/round
At the start of any turn, the Strider may move its speed as a reaction.

Optional systems:



When the strider swaps kits, it can move its speed as a free action.

CQB training

The strider is immune to the slowed condition and can spend 1 space of movement to
automatically escape from any grapple.

Offensive weapon swap


When the strider swaps kits, it may cause an adjacent hostile character to take 2 kinetic
damage. That character must also pass an agility save or be knocked back 3 spaces and
knocked prone on a failed save.

The following kits are available as optional system choices:

Swap bonus: The Strider’ deploys caltrops in a blast 1 zone within range 5, causing that area to
turn into difficult terrain for the rest of the scene. It then deploys a size 1 piece of heavy cover
in any free adjacent space that remains for the rest of the scene.

Shoulder mortar

Range 10, arcing

Blast 2

+0 vs evasion with +1 accuracy

4/5/6 kinetic damage

Blast Shield

The Strider is resistant to all damage and heat from line, cone, blast, and burst effects, and
gains +1 accuracy on all saves to avoid effects that use these areas.

Swap bonus: The strider launches a flash grenade at a character in range 5 and line of sight.
That character must pass an agility save or become jammed until the end of their next turn.

Mag Shotgun
Main CQB


+0 vs evasion with +1 accuracy

Range 5, Threat 3

5/6/8 kinetic damage

Smoke grenade

System, quick action, limited (2)

The strider launches a smoke grenade to a blast 1 area in range 5 and line of sight. The area
provides soft cover until the end of the scene.

Jamming pylon
System, Deployable (size 1, 5/6/8 HP), limited (2)

Once placed, this pylon creates a burst 2 zone around it. Hostile characters inside of the zone
are jammed until they leave the zone. The pylon remains even if the Strider swaps kits.

Lurker-class foes are rare but terrifying sights on the battlefield. Usually utilizing greywash-
analogue nanite clouds and matter compressors, they move from swarm to swarm, lashing out
with nanite whips and using the swarms to deflect blows as easily as water.

Tactics: The Lurker is a slow but powerful foe that is very scary inside of its shroud zones.
Canny players will use hacking or smart weapons to disperse the zones and make the Lurkers
more vulnerable. Lurkers can use each other’s zones, so having multiple Lurkers on a battlefield
can greatly multiply their power.

Mech, Striker

Tier 1:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

10 10 6 4 2 2 0 -1 1 3 5 12 1

Tier 2:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

12 12 6 4 3 3 0 -1 1 3 5 12 1

Tier III:

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

14 14 6 4 4 4 0 -1 1 4 5 12 1

Base Systems:

Umbral Shroud
Trait, quick action

At the start of any combat, when it enters the battlefield as reserves, or as a quick action on its
turn, the Lurker can create a burst 1 shroud zone, a rippling storm of nanites, in free valid
space within range 5 of its location.

Shroud zones have the following effects:

- While inside a shroud zone, Lurkers are invisible and resistant to all damage

- The zone grants soft cover

- While inside a shroud zone, hostile characters are shredded and impaired

Shroud zones are targetable by tech attacks and weapons that target e-defense (such as smart
weapons). They have e-defense 10/13/16 and disperse upon any successful attack.

A single lurker can have no more than three shroud zones active at the same time.

Scouring Whip
Heavy Melee

Threat 1

+0 vs evasion

8/10/12 kinetic damage

This weapon gains threat 3 and +1 accuracy if used from within a shroud zone. On hit, a target
is pulled adjacent to the Lurker, or as close as possible. On critical hit, they are also
immediately grappled.

Umbral shift
Trait, quick action

The lurker teleports to a shroud zone in line of sight.

Optional Systems:

Defensive Shroud
Trait, 1/round, reaction
1/round, when the Lurker takes damage or heat, it can release a shroud zone centered on itself
as a reaction, even if it already has 3 active.

Consume Shroud
Trait, quick action, recharge (4+)

The Lurker consumes a shroud zone, ending all conditions on itself, gaining overshield 4/6/8,
and moving its speed afterwards. It cannot consume a shroud it created in the same round,
and can only consume a shroud zone if it is inside one or adjacent to one.

Empower shroud
Trait, quick action, recharge (4+)

The lurker increases the size of a shroud it currently occupies to burst 2. This could cause it to
envelop other characters. In addition, the shroud now takes two attacks to disperse instead of

Devouring Shroud

Quick Action

While inside a shroud, the Lurker can also spew out a cone 3 area of razor sharp nanites as a
quick action. Characters caught the area within must pass an engineering save or take 4/5/6
AP energy damage, or half on a successful save.

Ripping Claws
Heavy Melee

Threat 1


+0 vs evasion

4/6/8 kinetic damage

This weapon deals double damage inside a shroud zone.

“Eidolon” is the working name for the simplified realspace/lamellar manifold entities
encountered inside metavaults DHIYED, XOLOTL, and EHECATL. The threat presented to
humanity by Eidolon entities cannot be understated. To address the recent reappearance of
Eidolon-apparent entities, the joint UIB/USB KLEOS Project has resumed. Its initial findings are
presented in abstract below.

Each Eidolon encountered so far is best understood as a realspace, Accepted Timeline

representation of a being understandable only in the higher dimensions of manifold space.
Eidolons appear to have no specific categorization inside of their coherent physical limits:
observed manifestations so far include parallel temporal excerpts of a single personality,
aberrant or intrusive thoughts of their observer manifested in coherent form, specific memories
of their observer, and qualic translations of an NHP’s subjectivity (fear of failure, the experience
of pain, heartbreaking depression, and so on). Whether Eidolons are generated through the
epiphenomenalistic relationship between an NHP and its shackles, an NHP and its metafold
containment system, or an NHP and some as-yet unidentified factor is unknown. Furthermore,
contradictory reports of Eidolonic expression suggest a plusquamperfect relationship between
the Eidolon and its observers. Indeed — as with many phenomena associated with NHP —
Eidolons are firmly paracausal beings.

The most powerful Eidolons are formed from Prime NHPs and found at the core of a metavault.
These are understandably rare, and determined to be a non-critical threat of high order.
Following recent events in the Atlas Line (Ring 4), we now understand Eidolons not as unique
projections, but entities that can exist in proximity and simultaneity to a primary Eidolon —
hence the development of the Eidolon Class system. We do not know if this represents the
illumination of gaps in our record of understood phenomena associated with these entities, or
the unique result of a specific case. Worryingly, this could also represent a growth in universal
ability after repeated iterations, representing the progress of an ongoing, cohesive project not
constrained to a single NHP.

An Eidolon’s physical structure is unknown, but core lamellae appear crystalline and solid in the
visible light spectrum. Higher lamellae vary, and while encountered Eidolon instances to date
have largely confirmed to a crystalline physical structure at their core, their appearances, mass,
and physical impact on realspace has differed due to myriad metaphysical, paracausal, and or
realspace lamellae. These layers are often confusing, distressing, or otherwise uncanny; it is not
uncommon for the images present in a discrete layer to appear as if they are contained within a
planar facet or prism on account of the strict “borders” placed around the Eidolon’s occupied
space. Lamellae multiply the threat posed by a single Eidolon beyond simple physical danger.

It is imperative that any units who encounter an Eidolon entity capture as much data as possible
for relay to UIB/USB KLEOS. Any instances of Eidolon manifestation should be expected and
prevented at all costs outside of secure containment facilities: their creation is never
spontaneous or accidental, as — barring evidence to the contrary — it is always the result of
neglecting proper cycling schedules.

Enclosed with this report are summary explanations of observed Eidolon lamellae to date, along
with relevant debrief transcripts where available.

AUTHOR: Aduacibus annue cœptis

Eidolons are complex and otherworldly enemies meant to provide a unique, puzzle-like combat
experience. They are powerful foes that, at their most powerful, are more than the match of a
whole group of lancers.

Each Eidolon is an NPC made up of Layers, placed on top of a core layer. Eidolons are
classified by how many layers they have:

Class 1 Eidolons have 4 layers.

Class 2 Eidolons have 6 layers.

Class 3 Eidolons have 8 layers.

Layers have unique traits, systems, and weapons that they give an Eidolon. They can be
destroyed and ‘stripped’, causing a brand new Layer to appear, and causing the entire fight to

Once all layers have been destroyed, the vulnerable core layer is exposed and can be
destroyed, defeating the Eidolon for good.

Due to the unique way Eidolons affect the battlefield, they are designed as solo fights (for an
entire group). Higher Class Eidolons will present longer and potentially more challenging fights.
Due to their existing complexity, Eidolons cannot take templates (such as grunt, ultra, etc) or
be modified in any way. Eidolons rank up in tier like all other enemies.

Each Eidolon layer comes with a number of shards that represent either smaller foes or
elements of its layer. When an Eidolon appears or one of its layers is revealed, place the
number of shards specified on its newest layer within free visible and valid space within range
5 of it.

Each layer has a unique number of shards, but unless destroyed, shards carry over from layer
to layer, so characters that do not destroy them can quickly become overwhelmed. Shards act
on the same turn as the Eidolon but are otherwise considered separate characters.

Each Eidolon layer and shard have the exact same stats, but layers may modify these in certain
ways specified in each layer profile, such as giving it armor or more hit points.

Eidolon Layer
Eidolon Layer HASE +1 All/tier

HP 20/25/30 Size 2 Armor 0

Heat Cap 10 Evasion 10 E-Defense 10

Save Target Speed 5 Sensors 20


Shard HASE +1 All/tier

HP 5/7/9 Size 1/2 Armor 0

Heat Cap 5 Evasion 10 E-Defense 10

Save Target Speed 5 Sensors 20


Default Traits
Strip Layer: Once a layer is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and evaporates. All statuses and
effects on that destroyed layer immediately end (including grapples, etc) and then a new layer
appears, occupying the exact same space as the old one. Each layer is effectively treated like a
regular NPC with 1 structure, so Eidolons never roll for structure, overheating, etc. Overheating
a layer will cause it to become exposed as normal.

Predictable: Eidolons are able to take actions available to any NPCs (tech attack, hide, etc)
but must always take the actions available to them in their profile first if possible. The
order presented in their profile is suggested, but not necessary. Shards can only move, boost,
and take any listed actions in their profile.

Layer Order: Only the active (“current”) layer of an Eidolon is a valid target and can take

Memetic weapons: The eidolon’s weapons have a new class (Memetic). Memetic weapons do
not affect allies, even if they are caught in the weapon’s area of effect, and ignore engagement

Bonus Activations: An Eidolon takes one turn for every two players it’s fighting per round,
rounded down, up to a maximum of 4 turns. Reactions refresh at the start of each of its turns,
though 1/round effects only refresh on its first turn each round.

Ominous Hovering: An Eidolon and its shards can fly its speed and hover, but never move
more than 1 space above the ground or any other surface willingly. It never falls; if forced to
land, it will always descend safely to the ground.

Incomprehensible: Scanning the Eidolon or using other abilities that would reveal its statistics
will reveal no information You can give any player that scans an Eidolon or tries to reveal its
stats hints about its capabilities instead (in the ‘hints’ tab of each layer).

Core Layer
Each layer has different rules along with their own systems, traits, and weapons, but an
Eidolon’s ‘true’ form is the Core Layer, which always has the following trait and weapon:

Pulsing Core

The Core Layer is size 1/2 and has 1 HP.

Anti-Causal Thought
Superheavy Memetic

AP, Line 10

+2/4/6 with +2 Accuracy

15/20/25 energy damage

An Eidolon core layer has no shards.

Once the core layer is destroyed, the Eidolon is defeated.

Class 1: Choose 4 from the table below.

Class 2: Choose 6 from the table below.

Class 3: Choose 8 from the table below.

Make clear notes about the order of the layers on the Eidolon. The Core layer will be the final
layer the players face; and all others layers follow sequentially on top. You may choose your
layers, or roll to randomly determine which layers cover the Eidolon. Duplicate layers are

D20 Layer D20 Layer

1 Adamant 11 Purity

2 Blurred 12 Reflective

3 Fundamental 13 Canopy

4 Marine 14 Sacrificial

5 Enceladian 15 Screaming

6 Gaze 16 Energy

7 Rancor 17 Order

8 Labyrinthine 18 Tempest

9 Agony 19 Synchronous

10 Punishment 20 Abyssal
Layer Adamant

Reported An infinite metallic lattice; a rigid bulwark of oily darkness; a confusion

Appearances of needles suspended in space; a loved one, furious.

Hints The Eidolon bristles with kinetic energy. Its armor looks like it can be
stripped through repeated attacks, but doing so might be dangerous.

Rules This layer has 10/15/20 Armor.

- Each time this layer takes damage, reduce this layer’s armor by 2.

- When the layer’s armor is reduced by any means, including its

weapon, it releases a Burst 2 explosion of debris around it, dealing
2/2/3 Kinetic Damage to any object or character inside the Burst.

Systems Exhort
Heavy Memetic

+2 vs evasion with +1 Accuracy


One or two targets in Range 15

2/3/4 kinetic damage

On attack, reduce the layer’s armor by 1. On hit, the target is Shredded

until the layer is destroyed, and this condition cannot be removed in
any other way.

If a character is already shredded, this attack deals double damage on


Metallic Shriek
Trait, Quick action

The Eidolon produces a new shard in a free space within range 5 of it

Shards 2 Shards
At the end of the Eidolon’s turn, all shards move up to their speed
towards the nearest hostile character but take no other action or

Whenever the Eidolon’s armor is reduced, each shard produces a

burst 1 explosion around it, dealing 2/2/3 kinetic damage to any object
or character inside the burst.
Layer Blurred

Reported A coherent pocket of rapid movement; a shimmering blindness; a

Appearances person rapidly aging, though never decaying.

Hints If the Eidolon is slowed or immobilized, (or someone else is sped up) it
will be easier to hit.

Rules This layer is moving rapidly, and has Evasion 20, Speed 10,
resistance to all damage, immunity to grapples, and turns all critical
hits into normal hits.

If slowed or immobilized, these effects end, its speed becomes 5, and

its evasion is reduced to 10.

At the end of each other character’s turn, this layer can take a quick
action. This is not a reaction. It can use this special quick action to use
either of its below systems or take the boost action.

System Dream-Logic Chronology

Main Memetic

Automatically hits

Range 5

1 energy damage

A character struck by this weapon must pass an agility save or

become slowed until the end of its next turn. Characters that are
slowed or stunned instead take 6/8/10 damage .

Infinite blur
Trait, quick action

A character in range 5 and line of sight takes 4 AP energy damage but

becomes supercharged with chronal energy. On that character’s next
turn, they are immune to the slowed and stunned condition, their
speed becomes 10 if it’s slower, they can dash 1/turn as a free action,
and they treat the layer as if it wasn’t moving rapidly. At the end of
that turn, they are stunned until the end of their following turn as the
effect wears off.
Shards 2 Shards

At the start of the layers turns, shards can move up to 2 spaces in any
direction, but can take no other actions. If the layer moves through the
space of any of its shards, they are destroyed and release a burst 2
explosion around them. Characters other than the layer of any of its
shards take 2 energy damage and are slowed until the start of their
next turn.
Layer Fundamental

Reported A white, polished marble statue; a bruised and battered person

Appearances dripping with corrosive oils; one’s father or mentor, terrified and

Hints The shards must be re-united to have any chance of harming this layer.
Staying close together might be advisable.

Rules This layer is immune to all damage and effects.

When this layer appears, teleport all shards on the battlefield so that
none are touching each other, and they must all be placed within range
5 of the layer. The shards must be pushed together to be able to
damage this layer (see below).

System Core Assumption

Trait, quick action

This action targets up to 3 characters in range 10 and line of sight.

Affected characters must pass a hull save or take 4/5/7 kinetic

damage and be knocked back 3 spaces.

Trait, quick action

Two characters in range 15 and line of sight are pushed as far in a

straight line as possible towards each other. If this action causes them
to collide with a shard or an obstacle, then they stop, otherwise they
slam into each other must each pass a hull save. On a failed save, they
take kinetic damage equal to the distance between them when this
action was taken, with a maximum of 10/14/18 damage and are
knocked prone, or half as much damage and not knocked prone on a
Shards 4/5/6 shards
These shards cannot move or take any actions on their own. They are
immune to all damage but can be pushed in a straight line up to 3
spaces in any direction as a quick action. If they are hit by a ranged or
melee attack, the attacker can also push them 1 space in any direction
They can also be moved by knocked back or being grappled.

The moment all shards are formed into one contiguous shape, this
layer is stunned until the end of its next turn. Additionally, it loses its
immunity permanently.

Once this layer is destroyed, all shards on the battlefield melt into
puddles of water and are destroyed.
Layer Marine

Reported A deep depth lit from even deeper space; the white of an endless
Appearances crashing wave; a water-bloated body, unidentifiable.

Hint Superheating the layer will easily destroy it.

Rules This layer is size 3, has E-Defense 5, Hull +6, and resistance to all
damage. Any melee weapon that successfully damages the layer has a
50% chance to become stuck, rendering it unusable until the character
moves adjacent to the layer and wins a contested hull check as a
quick action to retrieve it.

If this layer overheats, it loses its resistance to all damage permanently

and is slowed until destroyed.

System Drag Under

Trait, quick action

The layer deals 4/4/5 AP kinetic damage to any character it has

grappled. It then targets an adjacent character and immediately
grapples it. It may grapple any number of characters and can move
and take reactions normally while grappling, no matter how many
characters it has grappled.

Spit Out
Trait, quick action

The layer targets a character is grappling and violently ejects them.

The grapple ends and they are knocked back back 5 spaces. If they
would hit a shard during this movement, the shard explodes,
destroying it and causing the character to pass a hull save or take
8/10/12 kinetic damage and become immobilized until the end of their
next turn, or half damage and no immobilization on a successful save.

Heavy Memetic

+1 vs evasion/tier

Range 15

3/4/5 kinetic damage

On hit, the character must pass an agility save or be pulled 5 spaces

directly towards the layer, or as far as possible while obeying

Shards 4 shards
Shards can be placed up to range 8 away from the layer. All shards are
immobile, cannot take any actions, and produce a burst 2 area of
difficult terrain around them, a watery expanse of shifting gravity.
Layer Enceladian

Reported Pure white sea ice from which deep cracks sound; a grey haze through
Appearances which blue light can be seen; a pane of steaming black glass marbled
with frost

Hints Staying hot will allow you avoid the worst of this layer’s effects.

Rules This layer has 2 armor and resistance to damage from all characters
not in the danger zone.

System Creeping Rime


Characters on the battlefield not in the danger zone at the start of their
turns take 2/3/4 energy damage. This damage cannot be prevented or
reduced in any way. Double this damage if the character is

Any other character in this aura that has 0 heat at the end of the round
becomes immobilized and covered in a layer of frost. That character or
an adjacent character may attempt a hull check as a quick action to
break out, ending this effect.

Ice Spear
Main Memetic

Line 10

+1/2/3 vs evasion

3/5/6 kinetic damage

Does double damage against immobilized targets

Trait, quick action

All characters other than the layer or its shards in a blast 2 area in
range 15 and line of sight must pass a hull save or take 3 kinetic
damage as they are battered by ice and reduce their heat by 4. The
area becomes covered in a swirling blizzard, becoming difficult terrain
and provides soft cover until the layer is destroyed. The layer ignores
this soft cover.
Shard 4 shards
Shards gain the following attack. They are immobile and on their turn
can only attack characters in line of sight and range.

Lesser Ice spear

Auxiliary Memetic

Range 10

+1/2/3 vs evasion

3 kinetic damage

Does double damage against immobilized targets

Layer Gaze

Reported A single eye, unblinking; a being made from steady light; one’s mother
Appearances or analogous figure.

Hints The shards can be used to hide or take cover from the layer, but
exposing yourself to the layer’s effects might be necessary to damage

Rules This layer is permanently immobilized and cannot move or be moved,

even by external effects. It has resistance to all damage from
characters not standing in one of its void zones.

System Searing reality


All characters not benefitting from hard or soft cover from the layer at
the start of their turn take 2 energy damage and 2 heat.

Strip matter

At the start of every round, the layer chooses one of its shards, which
explodes into a burst 1 void zone of disintegrating space. Characters
that either enter this space for the first time in a round or start their
turn there take 3 energy damage, which cannot be reduced in any way.

The void zone does not block movement, line of sight, or provide
cover, but characters standing within ignore the layer’s resistance.

Remove functional understanding

Trait, Full action

The layer targets a line 30 area pointed in any direction. Non-shard

characters in the area must pass an agility save or take take 4/5/6
energy damage, or twice as much if they don’t benefit from hard or
soft cover. On a successful save they take half damage.

Shards 4 shards
Shards can be placed within range 8, cannot be placed within 3
spaces of each other, are immobile, can take no actions, and provide
hard cover to any characters (player characters included).
Layer Rancorous

Reported A greasy smear of dark smoke; a tear through which thousands of

Appearances reaching hands attempt to grab you; your lover or object of affection,

Hints Survive. The layer only lasts 1 round, so taking purely defensive
actions is valued.

Rules This layer is immune to all damage and effects. If it is attacked, it

screams loudly in fear and anger.

Regardless of how many activations this layer takes, it only acts during
its final turn in a round and on previous turns merely pulses angrily and
remains in place. On its last turns, it moves, activates each of its
systems exactly once, in order (disgust > fury > grief) ignoring action
limits, then burns itself up in white hot fire, destroying itself.

System Disgust
Superheavy Memetic

Reliable 8

One or two targets in range 20 and line of sight

+6 vs evasion

16 explosive damage

This damage cannot reduce a character past 1 HP, so it cannot deal

structure damage.

Trait, Quick action

All characters in range 5 of the layer must pass a hull test or become
exposed and shredded until they take the stabilize action.

All objects, drones, and deployables in range 5 take 30 AP explosive


Trait, Quick action

All characters over range 5 from the layer must pass an engineering
test or take 5 heat and become jammed and slowed until they take the
stabilize action.

Shards No new shards

Existing shards scream continuously until the layer is destroyed but

take no other action.
Layer Labyrinthine

Reported Perfect geometry, folding recursive in on itself; crisp paper, features

Appearances defined by a single folded crease; a painted wooden door, visible from
only one side.

Hint The layer and its shards looks like they can be interacted with

Rules This layer is immune to all damage, immobile, and effects and has
Systems +2/4/6.

When this layer appears, draw a 3x3 grid on a piece of paper. The GM
secretly places marks in two of the nine spaces on this grid. Mark the
rows as A/B/C and the columns as 1/2/3, sequentially.

A character can move adjacent to the layer or one of its shards and
use a quick action to pass a contested systems check. If they win,
they can make two guesses as to which space (A1, B3, etc) contain a
mark. The GM tells that character if their guess was correct or not. A
layer or one of its shards cannot be used to guess more than once in
the same round.

If they lose, they can still make a single guess, but the layer can use its
INCORRECT memetic against them as a reaction

Once a character guess both marks correctly on the same turn, this
layer is destroyed.
Quick tech, memetic

+2/4/6 vs e-defense

Knockback 4

One or two characters in Sensor range (20), or a character that lost a

contested check.

3/4/5 heat.

Superheated Logic

At the start of each round in which this layer is active, all characters on
the battlefield other than the layer or its shards take 1 heat. This effect
increases by 2 heat for each successive round it has been active (3,5,7
etc), to a maximum of 10.

Quick tech, memetic

Sensor range (20)

Play rock paper scissors with the GM (if you’re not playing in person,
roll a d6, highest roll wins, re-roll ties). If you win, you get a free guess.
If you lose, your character is stunned until another character moves
adjacent to your character and uses a quick action to end this effect.

Shards 4 shards

Characters can move adjacent to the shards to try and figure out the

On each turn, shards move as far away from characters as possible,

but must still remain within range 8 of the layer. They can take no other
Layer Agony

Reported Polychromatic flashing lights; a shattered mirrored surface; a thin,

Appearances robed figure, silent and shivering.

Hints Using cover or the layer’s own shards will block this layer’s powerful

Rules The layer is immune to the slowed and immobilized condition, and
cannot be grappled. It teleports when it moves. It has resistance to all
damage unless one of its shards was recently destroyed.

Each turn, the layer teleports 5 spaces then uses BEGONE. It takes no
other actions.

System Torment
Trait, Reaction

When the layer takes damage, it may teleport up to 5 spaces to a

space it can see. The character that damaged it must pass a systems
save or only be able to draw line of sight to adjacent spaces until the
end of its next turn. It can take this reaction any number of times a

Trait, Full action

The layer chooses a character it can see within its line of sight. A thin
polychromatic beam connects the layer and that character, drawn as a
line between them. The beam tracks that character with unerring
accuracy, but is broken by obstacles and other characters.

At the end of a connected character’s turn, they take 18/24/30 AP

energy damage and this effect ends. They may attempt an agility save
to halve this damage.

However, if the beam is interrupted by another character or obstacle,

the beam hits the closest character or obstacle that intersects the
beam instead. If the beam hits a character with a shard attached to
them, the shard is destroyed instead. The layer shrieks, and loses its
resistance until the end of the next round.

The beam annihilates a size 1 section of any object it hits, regardless

of HP, blasting it into dust. The layer can have multiple beams active at
the same time.
Shards 6 shards

A shard attempts to move as close to a character as possible, then

attaches to them, sharing their space and mirroring their movement.
While a shard is attached, a character is shredded and impaired and
takes 2 energy damage at the start of their turn per shard attached. A
character can pass a hull check as a quick action to remove any
number of shards, pushing them off into adjacent spaces. If a
character has a shard attached to them, the BEGONE weapon
annihilates a shard instead of hitting them.
Layer Punishment

Reported Tangled ropes, tightening without end; a whirlwind of chains; a rusted

Appearances steel door, visible only from one side; a stone pillar, splattered with
blood, behind which a figure peers out at you.

Hint Immobilized allies must be freed and move close to the layer or take
heavy damage

Rules This layer has 2 armor, 2 speed, and immunity to damage and effects
from all immobilized characters.

At the start of any round in which this layer is active, all characters on
the battlefield except one of the layer’s choice become immobilized (if
that character was previously immobilized, it’s now freed). This effect
ends immediately only if a character without the immobilized condition
moves next to an affected character.

Immobilized characters cannot be knocked back by the layer.

Systems Release
Heavy Memetic

+2 vs evasion/tier

One or two characters in range 15 and line of sight

3/4/5 kinetic damage, or 6/7/8 damage if a character is immobilized

Characters outside Range 8 from the layer are exposed. This condition
can only be ended if they move within range 8 from the layer.

Scattering lash
Trait, quick action

All characters in range 15 and line of sight take 2 kinetic damage and
are knocked back 2 spaces in a direction of the layer’s choice

Shards 5 shards
Shards are immobile.

A character that moves adjacent to a shard can destroy it as a free

action, dealing 1 explosive damage to that character but allowing them
to immediately take the boost action as a free action or end the
immobilized condition on themselves.
Layer Purity

Reported A blank space, from which a single bell rings; a white void out of which
Appearances issues soft muttering; a perfectly clear prism.

Hint The layer seems to continuously regenerate, it will take a burst of

damage to destroy it. Destroying its shards will weaken it.

Rules The Layer has 1 HP. However, when it first appears, and at at the start
of any of its turns, it gains overshield 5/10/15 + (5x its existing shards)

System How Could You?

Main Memetic


+1/2/3 vs evasion

Burst 2

2 energy damage

Characters struck by this weapon are impaired until the end of their
next turn.


When a character deals damage to the shard, they take 2 energy

damage. This damage cannot be prevented or reduced in any way.

Soft ringing
Trait, quick action

The layer moves its speed, then deals 1 damage in a burst 2 area
around it. For each time it has taken this action previously this combat,
increase the damage by +2, with no upper limit.

Shards 5 shards

The shards have speed 2 and the only action they take on their turns is
to move away from the characters as far as possible, though they
must remain within range 10 of the layer, and attempt to move to
within that range if they are not.

As noted in this layer’s rules, each shard that is not destroyed and
within range 10 of the layer, increases the overshield gain at the start
of each turn for the layer by +5 per shard.
Layer Reflective

Reported A sheet of perfectly reflective glass; a liquid tear in space; You, as you
Appearances want to be; You, as you fear yourself to be; You, as you could have

Hint Dealing energy or burn to this layer seems to be a poor idea

Rules Any attack dealing any amount of energy damage or burn has a 50%
chance to be redirected to the character closest to the layer, which
may include the attacker. This check is made after the attack roll and
all bonuses are applied, but before damage is dealt.

If the attack is reflected, It automatically misses the layer. Instead, if

the attack roll is high enough to hit the new target, it hits that target.

If multiple characters are equidistant to the layer when the attack is

redirected, the GM chooses which character the redirected attack is
applied to.

System Envy
Trait, Quick action

All characters able to see the layer must pass a systems save. On a
failed save, they must use all movement to move as close to the layer
or any of its shards as possible and spend all remaining actions
attacking the layer or its shards, if possible.

Truth Spear
Main Memetic

Line 5

+2/4/6 vs evasion

4 energy damage

If the line of this attack hits a shard, that shard also emits a line 5 area,
increasing the attack area. This can repeat if the shard’s line hits a new

Trait, quick action
The layer creates a new shard for every hostile character within range
5 of its location. The shards are warped images of those characters
and appear adjacent to the new characters.
Shards Shards = number of hostile characters
Shards have the same reflective traits as the Layer.

They move and take the following action:

Painful Light
Auxiliary memetic

+1/2/3 vs e-defense

Range 5

2 energy damage
Layer Canopy

Reported A wall of foliage; the abaxial surface of a leaf, crossed by veins of

Appearances blood; a dirty, scratched crystalline plane, overgrown with moss.

Hints The layer seems to be harmed by the loss of its shards

Rules The layer cannot move and is immune to all damage and effects other
than damage taken from its shard’s Linked trait.

System Overgrowth
Trait, quick action

The layer creates 1d3 shards within free spaces in range 8

Detonate splinter

At the start of the Layer’s turn, one shard of its choice glows with white
hot energy. Unless the shard is destroyed, at the start of the Layer’s
next turn, the shard explodes, causing characters in a burst 2 radius to
pass an agility save or take 5/6/7 explosive damage.

Empower Splinter
Trait, quick action

One splinter of the layer’s choice gains overshield 4/5/6, gains +1

accuracy on all attacks, and deals +5 damage with its splintering
tendrils attack

Shards 4 Shards.

Shards have 1 hp, 1 heat cap, 1 hp and 4 speed. If they overheat they
are destroyed. Shards gain this profile when the layer enters the
battlefield, and all shards are destroyed when this layer is destroyed.

Splintering Tendrils
Auxiliary memetic



Threat 1

2 damage


When a splinter dies, the layer takes 2 damage, which cannot be

reduced or ignored in any way.
Layer Sacrificial

Reported A massive ruby; a dull basalt megalith; an open iron gate revealing a
Appearances carpeted hallway that disappears into darkness.

Hint The linked character must be take damage in order to hurt the lair

Rules The layer is immune to all damage except from its share pain trait

System Share Pain

Trait, quick action

The layer chooses a character in range 10 and line of sight,

highlighting them and the layer in pulsing bright red light. That
character gains resistance to all damage. When this character takes
damage, an equivalent amount of damage is dealt to the layer. This
damage is dealt before reduction, such as armor, or the resistance
from this effect.

The layer must choose a new character at the start of each of its turns
for this action.

Trait, quick action

The layer chooses two characters in range 10 and line of sight and
links them. A linked character takes 5 energy damage and is stunned
at the end of its next turn until the end of its following turn, ending this
effect. A character can also immediately end this effect by making an
attack roll or forcing a save against the other linked character. Linked
characters are aware of this effect.

Shards 4 shards.

Shards attempt to move as close to the linked character as possible

and attack it.

Agony Spine
Auxiliary memetic

+1/2/3 vs evasion

Range 5

3 kinetic damage
Layer Screaming

Reported A dark crystal, smoking shapes rippling beneath its surface; a person,
Appearances trapped behind fogged glass; a wall of skin, something moving
beneath its surface.

Hints The layer’s screaming doesn’t seem to affect those that draw closer to

Rules This layer has speed 2.

It ceaselessly screams in a distorted human voice. At the start of each

round the layer is active, all characters fully outside of range 3 but
within range 50 from the layer take 2 AP energy damage. This damage
increases by 2 for each subsequent round, with no maximum.

System Desperate Shriek

Main Memetic

Knockback 6

+1/2/3 vs evasion

Burst 1

5 energy damage

Paralyzing Fear

Trait, Quick action

A character in range 5 must pass a systems save or take 4/5/6 energy

damage and immediately use its reaction this turn to move its speed
as far away from the layer as possible.

Shards 4 shards

Shards move as close as possible to the nearest hostile character and

then use the following weapon.

Keening Wail

+1/2/3 vs e-defense

Knockback 1

Burst 1

2 energy damage
Layer Siege

Reported A block of dull metal; an enormous wheel; darkness, lit by a distant

Appearances flickering light; a cloud of buzzing insects.

Hints Stopping the layer’s roll by causing it to crash or toppling it over will
stop it.

Rules This layer has 6 speed, has 2 armor, and deals triple damage to
objects. It has resistance to all damage unless it is prone.

This layer can only move in straight lines.

System Potential Energy

Trait, full action

The layer remains in place, building energy. It targets the nearest

hostile character to its location. All characters are aware of this effect.

Kinetic Energy
Trait, full action

This action can only be taken if the layer took Potential Energy on its
previous turn. The layer moves in a straight line up to its maximum
speed twice towards the target of Potential Energy and may freely
pass through characters and objects. Characters in its path must pass
an agility save or take 8/10/12 kinetic damage and be knocked prone,
or half damage and not be knocked prone on success. They are then
pushed out of the path of the layer by the most direct route possible.
Characters can only be hit by this action once.

Objects are automatically hit by Kinetic Energy. If the layer hits one of
its own shards, it immediately stops this action and is knocked prone,
and its turn ends.

Shards 5 Shards

Shards attempt to move towards as many separate characters as

possible and use their binding force action.

Binding force

Trait, quick action

The shard targets an adjacent character. That character must pass a

hull save or become immobilized and unable to draw line of sight to
any spaces but adjacent spaces until the shard is destroyed. The
shard can take no other actions or movement while this effect is active
and it ends of either party is moved out of adjacency.
Layer Stable

Reported A deep blue planar prism; a rectangular marble column; a statue

Appearances carved from granite.

Hints The Layer seems to like consistency, hitting it with a heavy weapon
first might be to your benefit

Rules The Layer has 45/55/65 HP

The Stable layer can only be affected by one condition, and

immediately ends all others as soon as it gains a new one. For
example, if the layer is slowed and then grappled, as it becomes
immobilized as a result of the grapple, it immediately ends the slowed

The first time the layer takes damage in a round, it attunes to that
damage. It becomes immune to all other damage types and deals only
that damage type for the current round.

Once attuned, it takes only that exact amount of damage each time it
takes damage for the rest of the round.

For example, if it was attuned to an attack that deal 3 kinetic damage,

it would become immune to energy, explosive, and burn, deal kinetic
damage with its attacks, and each time it took damage it would take
exactly 3 kinetic damage.

System Ordering Beam

Main Memetic

+6 vs evasion

One or two targets in range 6

6 damage of the type this layer is attuned to.

Trait, quick action

The layer restructures the matter of a character in range 6, turning

parts of it into glossy marble. That character takes 2 damage of the
type the layer is attuned to, clears all conditions, then gains overshield
2. Each subsequent time the layer uses this action in a scene, increase
the damage and overshield by +2, with no upper limit.
Shard Exactly the same number as characters

The shards share the layer’s attunement to damage. They can move
and attack normally.

Petrifying beam
Auxiliary memetic

+3 vs evasion

One target in range 3

3 damage of the type the main layer is attuned to

Layer Storm

Reported A roiling stormcloud, rippling with lightning; a purple-white crystal; a

Appearances lone figure, dripping steaming water

Hints Clumping up against the storm layer may be a terrible idea, however
sparking the layer’s own shield with proximity may be the only way to
damage it.

Rules Characters that start their turn adjacent to another character or object
take 2/3/4 AP energy damage.

This layer has speed 3, immunity to the immobilized condition, and

resistance to all damage.

System Batter and Toss

Trait, Quick Action

A character within range 10 and line of sight of the layer must pass a
Hull save or be pushed 6 spaces in a direction of the layer’s choice, or
3 spaces on a successful save.



If this layer starts or ends its turn with 2 or more characters adjacent to
it, it disrupts its own shielding and loses its resistance to all damage
until the end of the current round.

Photon Diadem
Trait, Quick Action

A character within range 10 and line of sight must pass an Agility save
or take 6/8/10 energy damage. On any result, the effect then repeats
against another character within range 3 of the initial character. Photon
Diadem will continue to chain as long as there are valid characters in
range, but may affect each character only once.

Shards 4 shards

The shards can move and boost but take no other action. They do,
however, count as characters for Photon Diadem and this layer’s Rule,
and take no damage from the layer.
Layer Synchronous

Reported A mirror image of this same space, distorted in a pane of glass; a

Appearances mirror in which you see your reflection from behind; a mirror in which
you can see nothing.

Hints Only the synced character seems to be able to do anything effective to

the layer.

Rules At the start of its turn, the layer picks the closest player character to it
and syncs with them. The layer can only target that character with
attacks and effects. It attempts to move as close to that character as

The layer has resistance to all damage from other characters and is
immune to all other conditions and effects. The synced character
ignores this restriction.

A synched character becomes exposed at the start of their turn if they

are synched for two turns in a row. This condition is only removed if a
new character becomes synched or the Eidolon is destroyed.

When the layer chooses a new character to sync with, any conditions
or effects inflicted by the previous character immediately end.

System Horrible Realization

Main Memetic

+2/3/4 vs evasion

Reliable 5

Threat 5

8/10/12 explosive damage

This weapon doesn’t suffer from engagement penalties. Against

characters other than the synced character, it deals only 1 damage.

On hit, an affected character is slowed until the end of its next turn

Sympathetic Healing
Trait, quick action

The synced character and the layer both gain overshield 4.

The layer must take this action if possible.

Shards 4 shards

Shards attempt to move as close to the synced character as possible.

They can take a standard move but no other actions.

The Synced character gains +1 difficulty on all attacks, checks, and

saves for every shard in range 3 of them.
Layer Abyssal

Reported A voidspace; the accretion disc of a black hole, ringed by dying light; a
Appearances starfield of incredible depth.

Hints This layer uses its shards as decoys. They are fragile and are crushed
easily, unlike the real thing.

Rules The layer is permanently invisible and is size 1/2. It teleports when it

As soon as the layer appears, the entire battlefield becomes pitch

black darkness, and the layer teleports to a point it can see within
range 8. Characters other than the layer cannot draw line of sight to or
target anything further away than range 2. However, characters can
share line of sight between other allied characters, allowing some
characters to ‘spot’ for others.

The precise location of the Abyssal layer or any of its shards on the
map is not revealed unless a character moves within range 2 of them.
Characters that are targeted by APPETITE are aware of the cardinal
direction they are targeted from, but not the precise location.

Heavy Memetic

+2/4/6 vs evasion

Ordnance, Reliable 3

Line 10

2 energy damage

Each time this weapon is fired, increase its damage by +2 this combat,
indefinitely. APPETITE can be used from the layer’s true location or any
of its shards.

Conjure Shade
Trait, quick action

The layer creates a shard in range 5 and line of sight.

Shards 2 shards, which it creates when it appears but after it teleports. The
layer can redeploy any shards currently active to any space within
range 5 of its location.

Shards have 1 hp, are invisible, and are destroyed if they fail a save or
take heat, and cannot move or take any actions, though the layer can
use them to fire its APPETITE memetic

If the original layer is successfully hit by an attack or effect,

immediately destroy all shards (it can still create new ones).

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