Innovative HR Practices

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Innovative HR practices build competencies and capabilities for superior and winning
performances today and simultaneously create long term fertility for innovation of business ideas
and strategies for future.

Employees who go the extra mile by performing spontaneous behaviors that go beyond their role
prescriptions are especially valued by the management. This phenomenon is critical for
organizational effectiveness because managers cannot for see all contingencies or fully
anticipates the activities that they may desire or need employees to perform (Katz & Kahn 1978,
Organ 1988). Work behavior that goes beyond the reach of organizational measures of job
performance holds promise for long term organizational success (Van Dyne, Graham &
Dienesch 1994) because these types of action are purported to improve organizational efficiency,
effectiveness and adaptability (Organ 1988). Doing jobs beyond what is required without
expecting to be rewarded is what is referred to in this study as Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB).
Enhancing an organization’s competitive ability is increasingly critical and behaviors, which
may improve individual and organizational efficiency, become more valuable. Although there
have been many studies of OCB in organizations, no known studies have examined the linkage
of individual innovativeness with OCB where the effect of superior–subordinate as a mediator, is


All managers have heard and read countless times how to build teams, empower your workforce
and develop trust. The common place human resource practices prevalent across the entire
business world are just as relevant to this business as any other. The HR policies must be
integrated with business policies. The HR Professionals must have balance in terms of
centralization or decentralization of HR practices are ethnocentric while others management be
geocentric or regiocentric.


 In turn trends like these are changing the way firms are managed organizations today must
grapple with revolutionary trends accelerating product and technological change, globalizes
competition, deregulation, demographic changes and trends towards a service society and the
information. These trends have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually
all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and
technological change. Companies in such an environment either become competitive high
performers or they die.

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”

                                                                             - Charles Dicken

 The challenges facing the organization have never   been greater

    Issues coming on the radar of an HR Manager today are diverse; from micro level
issues where an individual employee needs hand holding to the macro issues pertaining to a
global workforce and virtual teams. HR managers are expected to offer instant solutions for these
issues and strategies.
As an HR Manager there are a number of areas where you might want to bring in an external

  Employee Motivation in work place


         A strong team needs individuals who are dedicated to giving their best at   work.  Highly
self-motivated, committed, ambitious employees give the most to their company and get the
most from their work. But if you are lacking employee motivation in the workplace the effects
can be dramatic. Low team morale, lack of initiative, lack of energy, mistakes and high staff
turnover are just some of the clues that motivation is an issue.

          One of the simplest ways to get motivated is to create a Self-Motivation Action Plan.

By following this simple three-step process you can create an action plan that will get you
motivated again. 
STEP 1: Clarify the goal
The first step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about the end result. Identify a
project that you lack motivation about. Let's use "Make some sales calls" as an example.
Your goals should be SMART. In other words: Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and with
a Timescale.

STEP 2: Identify the Obstacle

The second step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about what is standing in your
way. There are two types of obstacles - practical and emotional. Examples of practical obstacles
are lack of time, resources or information. Examples of emotional obstacles are lack of
confidence or fear of failure or rejection.

Make a list on your Self-Motivation Action Plan of all the obstacles standing in the way of you
achieving your goal.

STEP 3: Handle Each Obstacle

The third step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is the most challenging. Go through each
obstacle and handle it. If the obstacle is lack of time, ask yourself "How can I create time for
this? What do I need to stop doing, start doing or delegate in order to create time?"
If the obstacle is lack of confidence, ask yourself "What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing
that could happen?" Often the worst-case scenario is not as bad as you feared. But if it is serious,
how can you reduce the risk of it occurring? What resources do you have that will help you?

As long as there are obstacles in the way you will lack the motivation to complete your project. 
However, a clear Self-Motivation Action Plan will help you complete projects without adrenalin,
willpower or unhealthy stress.
The inconsistency with which innovativeness is defined in the literature makes it difficult to
grasp the essential attributes (Hurt, Joseph & Cook 1977). According to Midgley and Dowling
(1978), individual innovativeness refers to the individual’s openness to new ideas and decision
making to adopt an innovation free from the influence of the experiences of other employees.
This definition is referred to throughout this study because it intuitively gives a more accurate
interpretation of innovativeness, which is well supported, both directly and indirectly, in the

Organizational change, creativity, and innovation schemes have been installed with individual
‘champions’. The vision is that these changes to the organizational culture will lead to greater
organizational effectiveness and consequently, change agents are used to guide and facilitate the
change process (McDermott & Sexton 1998, Mallon & Kearney 2001.) That is, employees who
are innovative in their work place are, in essence, satisfied with their jobs and this triggers them
to come up with new ways to improve current conditions. One of the ways of how innovative
employees express themselves is through performance of OCB. Individual innovativeness
contributes to an organization’s renewal, survival and growth in today’s turbulent and
competitive business environment through the performance of OCB (Amabile 1988).

To join a dynamic, growing organization that knows where it wants to go. To make a significant
contribution to business results by applying my unique talent for creating strategic focus and
alignment, developing 21st century leaders and culture, and building an organizational
community that shares a common mission, vision, and values.


Need for Organizational Change

New paradigms for Europe are clearly emerging: knowledge for and through the knowledge-
based economy and sustainable development. European enterprises need to adapt and learn from
this evolution and may need to be reorganized. Computer use and knowledge management will
become key innovation and competition factors for
all types of businesses, notably the manufacturing and related service industries. However,
technology innovation will not be enough and careful attention to organizational aspects is
required. Success is related not so much to the current organizational methods, but rather to the
way that firms adapt themselves.
For this to happen, organizations need to assess their performance. Industry has to be convinced
that solid competitive positions are attained through quality and added value and not on cost
aspects alone. This evolutionary trend involves developing

Work environments which support teamwork as well as personal job satisfaction.

European industries have to learn to look at traditional and high-tech production from a more
holistic perspective, e.g. taking into account aspects such as technological innovation, human
motivation and behavior, life-cycle responsibility, logistics

and company organization. New attitudes towards organizational change need to be understood
and supported.

For innovation to succeed, human and technological issues should be considered within an
integrated approach.

 Europe already exploits the knowledge opportunities given by the information society. In

addition adaptability of organizations and speed of adaptation are becoming critical issues. It
should be recognized that Europe needs to promote more integrated RTD programmes, linking
people, research and market dynamics1 within which exploitation plans – as well as socio-
economic aspects - should be included from the start.

Collaboration and co-operation within the value chain have become a new concept of work

Organization, based on individual skills as well as teamwork, even between competitors.

Collaborative commerce is emerging characterized by more fluid, dynamic and complex

relationships. Such multidimensional relationships are often described as “value constellations”.



Present industrial developments involve technology and organization, the performance of both

being highly dependent on human resources. Knowledge will increasingly bring a key
competitive advantage within human resources.

Moreover, production tasks are being automated to an ever greater extent while the demand for a
qualified workforce is growing dramatically. At the same time, when analyzing the workforce,
we see a shortage of skilled people in strategic industrial areas. The available skills do not
always correspond in quality and quantity to the skills required. This contrast will place a
significant strain on our society. The technology trend indicates that unemployment will rise
amongst unskilled Workers. This will entail enormous efforts in the field of education as well as
a tremendous increase in continuous learning, and may require co-ordinate efforts towards the
benchmarking of knowledge management within different countries, regions or organizations,
and the implementation of learning schemes.

 Finally I conclude that in the competitive world the organization should have the innovative
ideas then only it can lead the organization very successful. Human Resource leader should
follow creative practices that practices should help to develop the employer as well as employee.
Then only the organization can run successful.

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