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Nutrition During Adolescence



Adolescence marks a stage of transition from childhood to adulthood. According to

scientists, adolescence is an age between 10-19 years and thus Becky being 15 years lies there.

This transition stage is usually characterized by emotional, cognitive and psychosocial

development. On cognitive development, it implies on the ability to reason and think about

handling different issues. Psychosocial development engages combination psychological and

social behavior. It tries to relate the interrelation between the social factors, individual thoughts,

and their behavioral differences. Becky is likely to face changes in her psychosocial behavior.

This will be as a result of lack of time to socialize with her pears hence she is not able to share

the physiological problem.

On the assessment of Becky's diet, we can consider two techniques. We can first base

our argument on Becky's weight loss. Considering that Becky has lost 14 pounds over a short of

time, it was as a result of poor dieting. She has been concentrating much on carbohydrates and

vitamins inform of fruits. Bearing in mind that she is undergoing some physiological changes,

bodybuilding foods are essential to add some more weight. Therefore she has to add more on

proteins such as fish, eggs and beef which is considered helpful in building the body. In addition,

at adolescence stage she may be facing the problem of blood loss during her menstruation, has to

be considered as she requires some additional iron-rich food that is going to help her recover the

lost blood. After adopting the new dieting techniques, she will be required to consume at least

2361 calories per day in order to maintain her weights.

There are many factors that affect food choices during adolescence stage. Among the

major factor are preferences and taste. At this stage, some usually have knowledge of what they

are supposed to take for a healthy diet but they tend to go contrast to that. This is because they

tend to consume what they feel tastes good even if it has no value on their bodies. The other

factor is dietary knowledge. In most cases when teenagers buy food on their own they tend to

buy food with low calories quantity. Most of the teenagers do not have enough knowledge

concerning the diet.



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