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In the growing world politics and a climate change has been looked into through many

perspectives in Unites States and the whole world at large. To explore on their relationships, you

must understand the politicization of climate changes in American context. This relationship also

tries to explain, to what extent politics affect climate changes. This will be therefore be a chief

aspect to be analyzed so as to have a deep understanding of opportunities and challenges that

have been affecting the development of climate agendas in a particular political system . After

having a clear understanding about the relationship of the two, it will be easy to understand the

policies that have been put in place politically to regulate the climatic changes.

In America, the political system tries to analyze and address the factors that influence the

level at which climatic agendas can be politicized. Over the last decade the issue of climate

change has been among the top international agenda. Whereby, combining it with other political

challenges has put great pressures on the world’s scholars who have been trying to understand

and explain how different parameters and influencing factors affect the climate change. These

factors have also impacted some pressure on the political system in US and the whole globe at

large to implement on effective policies that have used to tackle climatic changes.

To have a clear picture in mind of how different political stakeholders join hands in the

interaction with climate changes, you have to argue from political economy perspective. These

interactions will enhance great opportunities under which climatic change policies have been

implemented. There have been many policies that have been put in place to try to address the

issue of climatic changes. Over the past years United States has been known and identified as a

global analyst on policy making strategy regarding the climate change and their implementation.
Climate change policies in US

Bearing in mind that US government was among the first states to address the issue of

climate change in earlier 1960s, we can outline various strategic policies that were used and what

they were intended to control. Climate change takes place when there are variations in elements

like wind patterns, humidity, precipitation and temperature in a long period of time. In an effort

to control climate changes, the US government initiated the Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA). Though EPA is not considered a cabinet department, its administrator is given a cabinet

rank. Under EPA, the US government has been able to form policies that have been put in place

to help in control of climate changes. Just to mention a few, these policies include; the Energy

policy, Environmental policy, the Clean Air Act policy and Global Warming Pollution Reduction

Act 2007.

The Energy policy has been of significance in resolving issues relating to energy in terms

how it is generated, supplied and used. Limits and regulations in this policy are set by the US

federal government, state and local organizations. When fossil fuel resources are harnessed to

produce energy, processes result in changes in climate and global warming. Carbon emissions

occur that pose a threat to the environment and its climate. They result in extremely high

temperatures on earth whose consequences are; reduced distribution of water, increase in sea

levels and unpredictable weather patterns. The energy policy has been helpful in encouraging use

of renewable energy sources which are sustainable instead of fossil fuels. This has resulted in

reduced carbon emissions, a step towards climate change control. The US government has also

been offering financial support in this policy and largely investing in energy regulation

The Environmental policy is another strategy that has been adopted in the US to control

climate changes. This policy aims at conservation of the environment to make it better place to

harbor the genealogies to come. It also ensures that there is balancing in the environmental costs

burden. It was an initiation of the federal government of the US to control human acts that affect

its environment. The different human activities that affect the environment include;

industrialization, farming using chemicals and use of nuclear weapons .There are standards that

have been set by the government that have to be met in control of activities that result in harmful

emissions into the environment. Through these standards, the government is able to influence

citizens on emission controls by meeting the set limits. Through this, the effects of harmful

emissions on the environment and climate are minimized.

The US government has also been checking climate change by use of the Clean Air Act

(CAA) under EPA. This act has been of significance since it has been used to set standards on

regulation pollution of the air nationally. Pollution results in a poor quality of the air resulting

from increase in poisonous substances such as greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These

lenders the environments unsafe for its inhabitants as these poisonous substances are fatal to both

natural and manmade environments. Concentrations of greenhouse emissions in the air result in

severe climate changes like increased temperature levels which are harmful to bio life. Green

house emissions result from both mobile and stationary sources. Examples of stationary sources

are industries and mobile sources include motor vehicles. The CAA works in ensuring clean and

conducive air is maintained. Section 202 of the CAA contains regulations for greenhouse gases

from mobile sources while those from stationary sources are regulated under Part C of Title 1 of

the CAA.
The Global Warming pollution reduction Act was initiated in 2007 with the aim

controlling impacts of global warming on the environment. The threat of global warming was to

be dealt with effectively in this act. The Act had regulations on carbon sequestration funding

which aids in the reduction of greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere emitted through

fossil fuel combustion. There have been projects initiated with the effort to minimize the amount

of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that could lead to global warming, if accumulated in large

amounts. These processes involve controlling carbon dioxide level and accumulating it in

reservoirs artificially the same way natural mediums operate. This act also set regulations on the

emissions from new vehicles and energy efficiency standards.


Governments in different states around the globe for instance the USA, ensure that there

are set policies to deal with climate change. These policies influence the way the citizens carry

out their day to day operations that in turn have an impact on the climate. With the

environmental, energy and CAA policies, the US government is able to control the changes in

climate. They involve laws and standards set to ensure that human activities do not impact

negatively on the environment hence controlling climate change. Global warming has been a

great threat to many nations and the world at large. Its impacts of extreme temperatures result

into many effects on the earth for instance, rise in the sea level. The consequence of rise in sea

level is suffered by the people residing by the shore line. The policies that have been formulated

have aided a great deal in dealing with causes of climate change.

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