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Life Planning of Valdy Dewangga

As we know every single person ought to have a life planning in order to success in life and
we’re not derail too far from our goals.

So my short term life planning are, in the next five years I want to graduate already
from Telkom University and work in a multinational company for 2 or 3 years maximum to
experience how it is to work with somebody else and also to feel the working culture in
Indonesia. In the mean time I want to open a fish farm this fish is kind of unique due to its
looks like an eel but it isn’t plenty of people call it sidat fish or unagi in Japanese food thing.
After my fish farm grow up I keen on to export it to Japan because Japan is struggling with
sidat fish scarcity. In the next five years I also want to buy my own car with my money
because for me it’s an indefinable pleasure. My long term life planning are my fish farm fully
developed already, by that means I can pass it to someone I trust to manage it and make
money for me while I’m sleeping a passive income to be exact. I want to make as many
business as possible in Indonesia my dream are having a gourmet restaurant include with a
pastry store and coffee shop in the same building and make car wash and detailing for
premium car. I also want to have a property in Germany to be specific, a near river or lake
house so I can have a cup of coffee every morning with a view or maybe watching sunset
every time I visit Germany.

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