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1. What is the message?

➢ I can see the ants avoiding lollipop that is on the floor that states that it is a sugar
free lollipop. There is also an expression saying, “It’s sugar free” and our wellbeing
does not benefit from excess sugar. Lollipop is known as a type of candy that
typically consists of hard candy that is placed on the stick for licking. So, the
message is that Chupa Chups lollipop is a sugar-free and it is not bad to those who
are not allowed to eat foods with more sugar.

2. What is the purpose of the message?

➢ I can say that the purpose of this ad is to remind people on a sugar-free diet that,
just like in the ad, they can still eat lollipop because it is a sugar-free candy. The
objective is presented in such a way that the ad aims to inspire individuals,
particularly kids, to make this lollipop good for them.

3. How is the message conveyed by the text and/or image?

➢ The message expresses through written and visual means. The sender used texts to
state and advertise the image's value, while the image was used to justify the text's

4. Who is the target audience of the message?

➢ The target audience are those people with diabetes, those people who are on a sugar-
free diet and children as well. As we can see in the image, it leaves a new
perspective that not all lollipops contain sugar, especially if it is a lollipop of Chupa

5. What are other ways of presenting the message?

➢ Instead of using the ants and the lollipop on the floor, I would prefer to replace the
ants with the ingredients of the lollipop and the picture that shows a person who
eats the lollipop. This will prove that it is not the same with the common candy that
we have known. I will also present this using a short video clip because based on
my perception video clip is more attractive and convenient to use to promote
awareness and to advertise product. The video clip will show the images and
information that is best to describe Chupa Chups sugar-free lollipop. It will also
include a person that will discuss its uniqueness.

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