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BUS 1043











1.Define computer viruses, spyware, and malware. List two specific examples of each

showing how each can harm personal computing devices.

Computer virus: A computer virus is a malicious software program loaded onto a user’s

computer without the user’s knowledge and performs malicious actions. The term 'computer

virus' was first formally defined by Fred Cohen in 1983[ CITATION tim21 \l 16393 ]. Hackers

usually use these types of programs to steal information from personal computers. Computer

viruses are difficult to find out from devices. If it enters your device, it can self-replicate and

move to other pre-installed programs on your computer. When you use that software, they will

not work smoothly. It will lag and might get closed.

Two examples are:

Code Red: The size of this virus is around 3,500 bytes, and it was first discovered in 2001. This

virus will allow the hackers to get remote access to your computer, and the hacker can use your

laptop, access files, and have no idea of that.

Sasser: this a type of worm virus it replicates itself slowly without any show. The effect of this

virus is it slow downs your entire pc, and after some time, it will crash. The only way to start a

Computer or laptop is by cutting the power and boot up again.

Spyware: Spyware is anything that's collecting—and possibly disseminating—information

about the user without the consumer's consent. Spyware is and will always be a popular method

of collecting private information[CITATION Joh191 \l 16393 ] . Information colled can be used to

monitor your activities on the internet and be sold to someone, and it can be dangerous for you.

Two examples:
CoolWebSearch: this is spyware that has an eye on your browser searches; change the browser

setting and send all that information to the author who has sent this spyware to your pc.

Gator: this also monitors your searches, collects information about your inquiry, and uses it to

display ads. When you click on the ad, it will direct you to another website that might

have dangerous viruses.


Malware, short for malicious software, is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojans and other

harmful computer programs hackers use to wreak destruction and gain access to sensitive

information. In other words refer to any software designed to cause damage a single

computer, server, or computer network[ CITATION jos19 \l 16393 ] .

Two examples are:

The author sends emails with a subject that looks essential, but they are all malware like a covid-

19 outbreak. When you click on the link, malware will install on your computer and steal your

personal information.

Cryptojacking: This malware is designed to use the power of a person's computer for mining

cryptocurrencies. Mining requires a lot of energy, and people use cryptojacking for mining

bitcoins, which is a type of cryptocurrency. This leads to extremely slow down of computers

2.Discuss the importance of encryption (2 points) and when it should be used?

Answer: - Importance of encryption: - Encryption is the System of securing or protecting data.

Encryption helps us convert information into code foam so that it stays out of the reach of

unapproved users. In case unproved people access it, they are unable to understand it.

When it should be used: -Encryption is used; when we want only that person to read that

information, we want to provide it.

3. Research the latest news (2 ARTICLES) about computer viruses and reflect on it in your

own words.

ANS: There has been a big network working to infect the computers with ransomware, making it

a big problem.

With the help of many telecommunications providers around the world, the company announced

that they were able to get hold off to cut the infrastructure of the network from the infected

computers and could stop the spread of the ransomware with trick bot botnet.

Microsoft Vice president for security and tom but made a considerable company blog and noted

that ransomware is the biggest threat to the upcoming elections supported by us government.

People can use ransomware to infect the computers which have the voters rolls that could make

the situation worse and can create chaos and distrust if used on the exact time,” Burt.

Protecting the elections from ransomware attack will help us make some more progress in

protecting many other organizations like financial services, government agencies, health care,
business and many more. This is now only possible through the trick bot[ CITATION ByJ20 \l

16393 ].

1) Many scamware aaps were found in google and apple store. These maps created almost

half a million dollars for the developers; this was reported by a big digital security

company that made big news.

This was found when a 12-year-old girl discovered a suspicious ad on tik tok. Avast did some

analysis to figure out the facts and found that the enterprise originated from the Czech Republic.

The app on google and apple store was downloaded almost 2.4 million times and was promoted

on well-known tik to profile and on Instagram, which made them US$500,000[ CITATION ByJ20 \l

16393 ].

Avast explained that the programs pose as entertainment apps, which either aggressively displays

ads or charge from $2 to $10 to purchase the software[ CITATION ByJ20 \l 16393 ].

Many programs have HiddenAds trojans, which disguise themselves as safe apps but have a

terrible virus to come into your device.

There are several scams found on both Google and Apple that breach the policies of both stores

by making false statements for product functionality or by offering advertising outside the

applications and removing the valid symbol of the apps as soon as it is downloaded.

This is a worldwide issue as the scams are rising, making even more victims as most of them are

tiny kids who do not know and fall for the red flags of such scam apps[ CITATION ByJ20 \l 16393 ].
Google and apple from Bothe are working hard to keep this from occurring and allow different

policies to avoid these spam applications[ CITATION ByJ20 \l 16393 ].

Que-4. Cite two examples EACH of Public Key Encryption and Symmetric Key


Answer- Public-key Encryption- It can be described as a two-key system in which one key is

with the public and one with the recipient of the message. Two examples of Public key

encryption are-

1.> Digital Signatures- These can be explained as electronic signatures. It is a mathematical

scheme that includes electronic data and is protected by a tamper-proof seal.

2.> Encryption- It is converting information into a code to protect the information. It can only be

opened with a key—for example – data transferred through mobile phones, networks.

Symmetric key Encryption- It can be described as where only one key is used to encrypt and

decrypt electronic information. The key should be similar for both opening and closing.

Blowfish and AES are two examples of symmetric key encryption.


Fruhlinger, j. (2019, May 17). CSO. Retrieved from CSO online:

Jr, B. J. (2020, SEPTEMBER 23). mobile apps. Retrieved from tech news world:

jr, J. p. (2019, March 28). CSO. Retrieved from CSO online:

times, T. e. (2021, February 03). time economics. Retrieved from the economic times:

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