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Humzah- Fat Mouse:Pawel Kuczynski

S: Pawel Kuczynski
P: The purpose of the speech is to demonstrate how the rich uses the poor to lead problems away
from themselves and even control the problems for their benefit.
A: This piece is directed toward the people who are being manipulated so that they will
eventually realize what is happening to them.
C: This piece can relate to today in the context of the stock market. The rich are able to
manipulate the market in order to get self gain whereas the average american has to guess what
stocks will become popular based on trends.
E: The spark for this piece has to be people in power taking advantage of the average people. In
many countries governments suppress their citizens and even go as far atd to control their every guess would have to be that his inspiration was 19402 germany.
C: Hechooses to use the analogy of cat and mouse. But in this case the cat is being controlled by
the mouse. He uses this to demonstrate that even if there is a predator to a whole species, iti is
our instinct to rise to the top.
A: This is a very pathos driven art piece. He is “sacrificing” the other mouse in order to control
the cat for his gain. It makes us feel bad for the white mouse and it makes us hate the rich mouse.
T: He uses the background to set the tone of these pieces. The white mouse is in a lighter, more
vibrant background almost as if he is trying to draw attention to the mouse. Whereas the rich
mouse is in a darker, more sinister background.

- By Using color tones, as well as known analogess suchs as cat and mouse, and
demonstrating large amounts of pathos Pawel Kuczynski and his art piece Fat
Mouse are able pull the viewers attention and make them ponder what the purpose
of the piece is and where his inspiration came from. In such a simple yet elegant
painting he is able to demonstrate the wage disparities in the modern day. He
shows how the rich can manipulate the poor and create issues for them to benefit
them selves.

Mary - Wireless

Rhetorical Situation:

S- Artist is Pawel Kucxynski who does political and satirical commentary through art
P- I think the purpose of this is to bring to light the current social issue with technology and
especially how we raise our kids on it.
A- The audience is probably parents because i think the purpose is to stop what is happening in
the picture and the poel who can change this is parents
C- The time period is current and I know this because it shows a modern day phone. The setting
specifically is a child’s crib.
E- I don’t know the story behind this picture but I can assume the reason for wanting to send a
message like this is seeing the negative effects technology has on children when they are raised
on it.
C- He uses dark and light to show the focus of the picture. There are also uses of symbols like
the representation of wifi and he also uses this as part of the child's crib to show that maybe the
baby is now dependent on technology.
A- I think the biggest appeal used is pathos and this is done through making the image dark
which is kind of creepy and so creates fear in the viewer.
T- the tone is kind of blunt, he doesn't really seem to be trying to argue anything, he is just kind
of showing that this is how kids are raised now and it's scary.

By creating a mild sense of fear in the audience through the use of dark coloring and familiar
symbols, in his illustration Wireless, Kuczynski brings to light the tendency our society has to
raise children on technology, and also tries to make the audience see this as dangerous.
Politicians Cleaning
Hailee Francom
S: Pawel Kuczynski is an illustrator who attempts to catch their audience’s attention not by
gaining aesthetic credibility, but by unveiling some of society’s problems. Particularly the social,
political or economic stresses that are often universal.
P: The purpose of this illustration is to convey the opinion that the politicians in modern society
seem to be factory manufactured to act the same way. Politicians should be doing what’s best for
their community but often turn corrupt in order to gain their way to the top. Because of that,
speeches are often uniform and their goals aren’t very unique.
A: Most specifically the working class in society, as those are the ones who have to elect these
officials and rely on them to convey their own personal opinions in a way that will benefit the
community most. It could also be directed at politicians themselves as a way to call them out on
their cookie cutter intentions.
C: In America specifically, the development of political parties went against the beliefs of those
officials who were designing the government, as they believed a functional government would be
good enough to not need any pushback. Capitalism most specifically drives these modern
politicians to throw away morals for their own personal gain, which leaves them all to end up
with similar intentions and actions.
E: It is not difficult to recognize the corruption that occurs within most government institutions,
and many people hope for politicians with good intentions and plans to follow their morale.
Exigence for this piece may stem from the author’s dissent from the herd mentality where many
just accept their situation, in this case politically. What can the average man or woman do to
uplift this problem? Only those in power can.
C: The color choices kind of make the picture a bit dreary and loathsome. It seems that either a
trash man or a delivery guy is unloading these uniform politicians at their podium, all talking.
One could imagine that they all sound the same, and may be saying different things but would all
have the same end goals. They are also being unloaded into a desert, does that mean that their
actions are pretty much useless and don’t contribute to anything outside of speaking to the air?
A: The use of a dreary setting through colors and the actual location within the picture, the
author conveys a sense of sorrow and disappointment. The manufactured look of these
politicians drains them of respect and makes the audience look at them in a different setting.
They aren’t so high and mighty now, just all the same.
T: The tone is not happy or empowering. It is not uplifting or respectful. Instead, the tone is
downcast and successfully tries to make the audience lose respect for these figures. Because of
this shady tone, it is hard for the audience to view their own politicians as individuals with
respectful intentions. Instead, one retrospects at the actions of previous politicians, it is easy to
notice the uniform intentions despite different partisan beliefs.
Thesis: In the illustration Politicians Cleaning by political and social illustrator Pawal
Kuczynski, the use of dreary colors, uniform politicians and the unloading of these men by a
garbage truck are used by the illustrator in order to convince the audience that the politicians in
modern society are invariable, ultimately prompting the audience to carefully select their
representatives so that the political scene could one day be less corrupt.
Pawel Kuczynski - Hair
William Lee

Speaker: The speaker is Pawel Kuczynski, a Polish artist focused on illustrating political satire.
Kuczynski is recognized for his artistic work, which highlights the issues presented in modern
Purpose: The purpose of this artwork is to highlight the issue of excessive smartphone usage, and
to convey the message to his audience.
Audience: This piece is generally targeted towards users of technology, specifically users of
mobile devices. We know the audience is smartphone users because a girl using a smartphone is
depicted in this image. The audience is also targeting younger generations: young adults and
Context: This piece of artwork was created during the modern era, where a worldwide surge in
technology is changing society as well as the daily lives of individuals.
Exigence: Kuczynski’s exigence is most likely caused by the apparent issue that excessive
smartphone usage is negatively impacting the mental and physical lives of teenagers and young
Choice: Kuczynski highlights the issue of excessive smartphone usage in this artwork by
illustrating a girl standing with a bad posture, implying the negative impacts on physical health .
Additionally, he illustrates the hair in a specific manner as to isolate the female from the
surrounding environment. The tone created from isolating the girl argues that the use of digital
devices is isolating smartphone users from the real world. Kuczynski purposefully adds in
spiderwebs to support the idea that teenagers are isolated from the world, and through this he
claims that teens who excessively use mobile devices often spend extremely long periods of time
glued to their smartphones.
Appeal: Kuczynski invokes emotional appeal with a melancholy color scheme. The emotional
response he is trying to invoke from the audience is one closer to shock/horror. Kuczynski wants
the audience to realize the detrimental effects of excessive smartphone usage.
Tone: The illustrator includes a dark and haunting color scheme in the image in order to provide
a more serious tone to the message.

Thesis: By providing a dark tone that highlights the issues of excessive technology usage through
the depiction of a girl using a smartphone and the addition of spiderwebs/dark tones, Kuczynski
argues that the audience should start taking steps toward restrictions on the usage of

Pawel Kuczynski
(Asiah’s Picture)

Speaker: A polish artist that focuses on cultural, social, economic, and political issues. Issues.
His art is not to capture beauty, but instead societal problems as they are.
Purpose: The purpose of this picture is to show the racism that affects classism which plagues
our society.
Audience: This easily fits a large audience. I would presume that it is directed towards white
people so that they see their privilege.
Context: This is cool because the message is quite relevant regardless of when it was made.
Racism between blacks and whites is still a large problem that affects people all around the
world. This is used to show that racism.
Exigence: The artist constantly focuses on problems that people face in society, and this cause
for this picture is no different. He felt the need to express the issues people face through his art.

Choice: The color of skin tone is very obvious in this picture, and this is because the purpose
behind the picture is to get the audience to see this racial injustice. You can also see a bunch of
dark dots on the left side of the picture. These almost look like ash. This is to give the impression
that the person of the left is slowly fading away as they are treated so poorly.
Appeal: This appeals to peoples’ emotions in that it is a slap to the face of ignorant people who
do not consider the problems they may be causing.
Tone: The tone of this painting is angry and dreary. Anger is seen in the many orange hues. This
combined with the fact that it is a very deep orange, makes this appear very on edge and angry.
The darker hues present and the fact that the non-orange colors are very faded is what gives this
picture a faded feel.

Thesis: Though dark hues expressed in color choice and a sense of exaggeration invoked by in
the un-named picture of two people eating, Pawel Kuczynski re-enforces anger and dread that
people have for racism that exists in the modern society, and causes people to unite against racial

Body paragraph: From his blatant and intentional use of colors and their hues
Perfect Garden- Pawel Kuczynski
Emily Swain
The maker of the graphic is Pawel Kuczynski. He is a polish graphic artist who has won
over 140 prizes for his art. His art mostly depicts social, economics, and political issues.
The speaker is trying to get people to realize the social problem of phones and act to try
and change the addiction.
The audience is mostly for teenage boys.
The time that the speaker is talking to is for people now and for people in Poland.
The catalyst for this art was the statistics coming out everywhere that people all around
the world consumed most of their day by looking at their phones.
Some rhetorical devices used in this art is the color and the mood that it creates. Every
single boy in the picture is wearing brown and has the same shirt, phone, and hair. It makes them
all seem the same so it makes the audience feel like they have no individuality. It also is using
the individuality to seem bad when it shows the lawn mower that will take off all of the heads
that are not looking down. The picture also creates the mood of the piece by showing all of the
boys looking down sad and all the boys looking up whistling. This shows that it is ironic because
the ones looking down look concentrated but they’re really wasting their time. It then shows the
ones looking up like they don’t know what is happening and aloof when really they are more
practical and smarter than the ones looking at their phones.
The speaker creates a feeling of depression by showing the boys all looking at their
phones mesmerizingly. It creates that feeling because the reader can see themselves in the picture
and then feel bad about themselves. The picture creates credibility because everyone knows that
everyone is always on their phones by just looking around themselves. The picture is not logical
because people who aren’t looking at their phones do not get their heads cut off but feel like
they’re alone, so there is some logic.
The author's attitude towards the subject is that they don’t like people being on their
phones because they are depicting it to be a sad and awful life in their picture.

In the graphic, “Perfect Garden” envisioned and created by polish graphic artist, Pawel
Kuczynski, he uses color and grain to create the plain and sad mood of he piece, he also made
everyone in the picture the same to show how there is no individuality, he finally uses irony to
show how the world depicted in this picture is not a world everyone wants to live in in order to
get the audience to stop being addicted to their phones and change the world’s addiction,
ultimately moving teen boys to stop using their phones and look up to create individuality.
In the graphic “Hair” by Pawel Kuczynski, by providing a dark tone that highlights the issues of
excessive technology usage through the depiction of a girl using a smartphone and the addition
of spiderwebs/dark tones, Kuczynski argues that teenagers should start taking steps toward
restrictions on the usage of smartphones.

By illustrating stereotypes of people closing themselves off from others and substituting
these relationships with technology, the author highlights the issue of technology and argues that
excessive smartphone use can lead to the dysfunctional relationship between smartphone users
and the world around them. In doing so, the illustrator effectively prompts teenagers and other
audiences to break their addictive relationship with their phones. The purpose of this picture is to
highlight the underlying issue that it overall caused by the excessive use of technology. Mental
health issues are most commonly caused by social media and the mass consumption of news and
overwhelming information all at once. Moreover, social and beauty standards all over social
media bring about a vicious cycle of seeking validation, further contributing to the mental health
disaster caused by technology. By surrounding the woman’s head in hair and picturing her
slouching into her phone, Kuczynski subtly states that society is engulfed in their digital world,
disconnected from the real world around them. This message would move teenagers and other
technology consumers to recognize their reliance on technology and the disconnect that it causes,
encouraging viewers to unplug and reconnect with their environment.

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