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1 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
This English module is used for internal purposes only as a supplementary book and additional
information to help students to understand English language well, especially for under graduate
program at Indonesian Business School. The students will learn how to use English in a business,
commercial, or another field generally, especially for those, which English is not a mother

Just remind that in learning English, students should understand four main aspects
including writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills. Hence, this module cover more
grammar compared to conventional English learning system, since grammar has been the most
important part in studying English. By using the correct grammar in writing and speaking will
lead people to give an entirely good impression and avoid people from misunderstanding. So the
vice versa, a poorly written and inadequately conversation skill will give a cruel impression.
Additionally, good grammar ability will help students to understand reading and listening better.
Teacher in class should give any additional information or grammar that is not covered by this
module by using his or her own experience and knowledge. It will develop the student’s
capabilities thus the learning process can be optimized.

Moreover, in order to broaden the students’ horizon and expand their vocabulary, this
module also provides information about any topics associated to technology, the universe, and
economics field in each section/chapter. At the end of each semester, students will ask to write a
paper related to economics and business and must present it, as a part of their final assignment.



2 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

PREFACE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

TABLE OF CONTENT----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

CHAPTER 1 : Adjective and Adverb ----------------------------------------------------------- 3

CHAPTER 2 : Present Simple, Future Simple (will),

Future Simple (to be going to), Past Simple. -------------------------------

CHAPTER 3 : Present Perfect--------------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 4 : Relative Clause--------------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 5 : Past Perfect and Active/Passive Form-----------------------------------------

CHAPTER 6 : Direct and Reported Speech-----------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 7 : Past Perfect Continuous----------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 8 : Used To------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 9 : Possessive Pronouns, Articles and Numbers--------------------------------

CHAPTER 10: Modals Auxiliary Verbs-----------------------------------------------------



3 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


Language focus: The difference between Adverb and Adjective; the difference uses of Adverb
and Adjectives.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Adjective and Adverb
related to the economics field, and express it verbally in order to improve their speaking ability.


ADVERBS--tell us in what way someone does something.

ADJECTIVES -tell us something about a person or a thing

Adjective adverb

Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy drives carefully.

She is very careful.  She does everything carefully

Mandy is a careful driver. This sentence is about Mandy, the driver, so use the  adjective.

Mandy drives carefully. This sentence is about her way of driving, so use the adverb.

Form of ADVERB

Adjective + Infinitive

Many adjectives can be followed by the Infinitive. Other common adjectives that can be used in
this way of expression are: difficult, easy, possible, happy, surprised, important, boring, nice,
interesting, afraid, pleased.

Example :

It is important understand the open market system caused by globalization.

Adjective + -ly

4 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

adjective adverb

dangerous dangerously

careful carefully

nice nicely

horrible horribly

easy easily

electronic electronically

irregular forms

good well

fast fast

If the adjective ends in -y, change -y to -i. Then add -ly.

happy - happily
but: shy - shyly

If the adjective ends in -le, the adverb ends in -ly.

Example: terrible - terribly

If the adjective ends in -e, then add -ly.

Example: safe - safely

Tip: Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs.

5 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

adjectives ending in -ly: friendly, silly, lonely, ugly
nouns, ending in -ly: ally, bully, Italy, melancholy
verbs, ending in -ly: apply, rely, supply

There is no adverb for an adjective ending in -ly.

Use of adverbs
to modify verbs:
The soccer team played badly last Saturday.

to modify adjectives:
It was an extremely bad match.

to modify adverbs:
The soccer team played extremely badly last Wednesday.

to modify quantities:
There are quite a lot of people here.

to modify sentences:
Unfortunately, the flight to Dallas had been cancelled.

Types of adverbs
1) Adverbs of manner 

Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after the main
verb or after the object.


 He swims well, (after the main verb)

 He ran... rapidly,  slowly, quickly..

 She spoke...  softly, loudly, aggressively..

 James coughed loudly to attract her attention.

 He plays the flute beautifully. (after the object)

 He ate the chocolate cake greedily.

6 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

2) Adverbs of degree
almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely.


-The water was extremely cold.

-He was just leaving. She has almost finished.

-They are completely exhausted from the trip.

3) Adverbs of frequency
often,sometimes,always, usually, regularly, normally, often, sometimes, occasionally, rarely,
seldom, never are adverbs of frequency.

The position of these adverbs is: before the main verb;

    Adverb of frequency Verb  

I   always get up at 6.45.

Peter can usually play football on Sundays.

Mandy has sometimes got lots of homework.

after a form of to be am, are, is (was, were)

Adverb of

Susan is never late.

The adverbs often, usually, sometimes and occasionally can go at the beginning of a sentence.

-Sometimes I go swimming.
-Often we surf the internet.

Sometimes these adverbs are put at the end of the sentence.

We read books occasionally.

7 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

4) Adverbs of time 

5) Adverbs of place 

How do know whether to use an adjective or an adverb?

Example 1.

John is a careful driver. -> In this sentences we say how John is – careful (adjective)

If we want to say that the careful John did not drive the usual way yesterday - we have to use the
adverb: --John did not drive carefully yesterday (carefully = adverb)

Example 2:

I am a slow walker. (How am I? -> slow ->  adjective)

I walk slowly. (How do I walk? -> slowly -> adverb)

Adjective or Adverb after special verbs

Both adjectives and adverbs may be used after look, smell and taste. Mind the change in

Here are two examples:

adjective adverb

The pizza tastes good. Jamie Oliver can taste well.

(How is the pizza?) (How can Jamie Oliver taste?)

Peter's feet smell bad. Peter can smell badly.

(How are his feet?) (How can Peter smell?)

Do not get confused with good/well.

8 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Linda looks good.
(What type of person is she?)

Linda looks well.
(How is Linda? -> She may have been ill, but now she is fit again.)

How are you? - I'm well, thank you.

well can be an adjective (meaning fit/healthy), or an adverb of the adjective good.

Use the adjective when you say something about the person itself.
Use the adverb, when you want to say about the action.

The comparison of adverbs in English :

There are three forms to compare adverb :

- positive 
- comparative
- superlative

A - Comparison with -er/-est

hard - harder - (the) hardest

We use -er/-est with the following adverbs:

1) all adverbs with one syllable

Positive comparative superlative

Fast faster (the)fastest

High higher (the)highest

2) The adverb early

9 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Positive comperative superlative

Early earlier earliest

B - Comparison with more - most

adverbs ending on -ly 

(except: early)

Positive comperative superlative

carefully more carefully (the) most carefully

C - Irregular adverbs

Positive comperative superlative

Well better best

Badly worse worst

Much more most

Little less least

farther farthest
further furthest

In informal English some adverbs are used without -ly (e.g. cheap, loud, quick). 
There are two forms of comparison possible, depending on the form of the adverb:
cheaply - more cheaply - most cheaply
cheap - cheaper – (the)cheapest

Student’s Tasks 1:

Write 10 sentences using Adverb and Adjective. Try to express your writing related to
economics field!
10 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
Student’s Tasks 2:

Try to pronounce these words in the boxes properly, and try to look for another words
(use the dictionary if possible!)

Concrete nouns Abstract nouns Adjectives

vegetables development necessary
calculator industry interesting
magazine advantages reliable
certificate career comfortable
machine democracy --------------------
------------ --------------- --------------------
------------ ---------------- --------------------

Student’s Tasks 3:

Fill in the correct form of the adjective. Use these words below!

(best better better cheaper difficult expensive harder longer lower more

more most new right)

Linda: Hello! You work here, don´t you? I would like to buy a ________ blouse.

Brian: Yes! I make money this way, apart from my studies! It is ____ to earn money

on my own! Linda: Yes, and ________! Hahaha! Brian: That’s ________. It is

________ to go shopping! Hahaha. Linda: Yes, but it is ________ to travel around

the world. Brian: Yes, but doing that is the ________ ________way, and the wages

are getting ________. It is getting ________ and ________ ________ all the time.

Linda: That’s why I am looking for a ________ blouse. I have already seen

________ of the blouses here. Do you have a ________ one also?

Fill in “one” or “ones”. Choose from the words below!

(one one one one one one one ones)

11 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Linda: That’s why I am looking for a cheaper blouse. I have already seen most of

the blouses here. Do you have a longer ________ also? Brian: I´ll find the best

________ for you! Linda: That is so nice of you. I will continue to look for the right

________ too! Brian: What about these ________? Linda: Do you have a green

________? I need a new ________! Brian: Yes, look at these! For the price of one!

Linda: They are beautiful! How much are they? Brian: They´ll cost you a kiss as a

special offer on Valentine´s day … just for my loveliest costumer! Linda: Hey! You

are crazy! Hmmmm …. Let´s see …. Ok! I will take these, and that´s for you! (She

blows him a little kiss with her fingers.) Brian: Hahaha! Thank you, would you like to

watch today´s soccer match with me? It is a very exciting ________! Linda: I will

call you. I have your number. Brian: Yes, the ________ from the party! Bye!



12 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


Language focus: Grammar Structure and The difference between Present Simple, Future
Simple (will), Future Simple (To be going to) and Past Simple

Vocabulary: computer and technology, globalization, economics field, weather and climate.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Present Simple, Future
Simple (Will), Future Simple (To be going to) and Past Simple, related to the economics field,
technology, globalization, weather & climate, and able to pronounce it verbally in order to
improve their speaking ability.




S + VERB (I) + s/es in third person + O

Generally, the Present Simple used to express the idea or action is repeated or usual. It can be a
habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens.

Use I : Repeated Action


I play tennis (positive form)

She does not play tennis.(negative form)

Does he play tennis? (Interrogative form)

The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.

The sun always rises in the east every morning.

Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.

Does the Sun circle the Earth?

Use II : Facts or Generalizations

13 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

The Present Simple can also indicate the speaker and audience believe that a fact was true
before, is true now, and also will be true in the future. It is also used to make generalizations
about people or things.


The Sun is a part of the Milky-Way System.

The Universe has many galaxies.

California is not in the United Kingdom.

Windows are made of glass.

Windows are not made of wood.

New York is a small city. (Note: It is not important that this fact is untrue.)

Use III: Scheduled Events in the Near Future

Occasionally Present Simple is used to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This is
most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other
scheduled events as well.


The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.

The aircraft does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.

The American space shuttle Discovery does not reach the Earth this afternoon.

When do we board the plane?

The Indonesian’s submarine does not arrive from Germany today.

When does the winter season in the world begin this year?

Use IV : Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

14 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Sometimes the Present Simple is used to express the idea that an action is happening or is not
happening now.


The poor countries need financial aid.

He does not need help now.

He has his passport in his hand.

Do you have your passport with you?


In English Future Simple has two different forms: "will" and "be going to." Although both of the
forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings.
Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.


S + will + verb (I)

S + to be (am/is/are) + going to + verb (I)

Use I: Will ---- to Express a Voluntary Action or When people decide to do something.

"Will" often suggests that someone will do something voluntarily. A voluntary action is one the
offering to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to someone else's complaint or
request for help. We also use "will" when we request that someone help us to do something for
us. Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse to do something.


I will send you the information when I get it.

I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.

Will you help me move this heavy table?

I will not do your homework for you.

15 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

I won't do all the housework myself!

Look at the examples below, WILL is used when someone decides to do something:

A: I'm really hungry.

B: I'll make some sandwiches.

A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep.

B: I'll get you some coffee.

A: The phone is ringing.

B: I'll get it.

Use II : Will ---- is used to Express a Promise


I will call you minutes after my aircraft landed.

If I am elected President of the Indonesia, I will make sure everyone has access to inexpensive
health insurance.

I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.

Don't worry, I'll be careful.

I won't tell anyone your secret.

Use III : To Be going to ----- is used to Express a Plan

To Be going to ____ expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person
intends to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.


He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii. (it might be realistic , it might be not realistic)

Michelle is going to begin medical school next year.

She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.

Look at the conversation below:

16 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?

B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.

A: Who is going to make John's birthday cake?

B: Sue is going to make John's birthday cake.

Use IV: Will or To Be Going to_ ___is used to Express a Prediction

Both "will" and "to be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about the future.
Predictions are guesses about what might happen in the future.


The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.

What will happen in the next century? People will flight to the Mars.

John Smith will be the next President of The Republic “X”

Conversation Skill:

Dialogue 1:

This is the story about Linda and Brian. Read how they get to know each other
in 10 edutaining lessons. Create a small group and work with your partner!
Brian: Hello, what are you doing here?
Linda: Hello, I am Linda! This is my younger sister, and we are waiting here for our
friend Carla. She is in the department store over there, and we are already tired. Who
are you?
Brian: Oh, I am Brian. Yes, I am also waiting for a friend. He is in the department
store, too. Are you here often?
Linda: We are here every day. Hahaha.
Brian: Yes, the department store is very big! Hahaha.
Linda: Look! There she is.
Brian: My friend is there too! Hey, what are you doing tonight?

17 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Linda: We are going to the cinema! And you?
Brian: First, we are drinking something and then … we do not know yet. My friend is
here since this morning. He is just on vacation here.
Linda: Are you also new here?
Brian: Yes, I am actually from Germany, and my friend is from Sweden. My father,
however, is British.
Linda: Oh, that is interesting. Unfortunately, I have to go. You are very nice.
Brian: Thanks! You are too! Maybe I will see you around


The Past Simple refers to express the idea/an action started and finished at a specific time in the
past. Sometimes, people do not mention the specific time, but they have it in mind.


S + [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs + O


Did you call Debbie?

You did not call Debbie. (Both sentences did not express about the time).

Shandy went to visit his grand-mother yesterday.

The Pope John II visited Indonesia in 1983.

USE 1: Completed Action in the Past

Use the Past Simple to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the


I saw a movie yesterday.

18 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

I didn't see a play yesterday.

Last year, I traveled to Japan.

Did you have dinner last night?

She washed her car two days ago.

USE 2 : A Series of Completed Actions

The Past Simple is used to express a series of completed actions in the past.


I finished work, then walked to the beach, and finally found a nice place to swim.

He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.

Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?

USE 3 : Duration in Past

The Past Simple can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a
longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all
year, etc.


I lived in Brazil for two years.

Shauna studied Japanese for five years.

They sat at the beach all day.

USE 4 : Habits in the Past

19 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

The Past Simple can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the
same meaning as "used to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add
expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc.


I studied French when I was a child.

He played the violin. (He used to play the violin)

He didn't play the piano.

Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?

She worked at the movie theater after school. (She used to work at the movie theater after

USE 5: Past Facts or Generalizations

The Past Simple can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer


She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.

He didn't like tomatoes before. (Now, he likes tomatoes)

People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past. (now, people pay cheaper using cell
phone ).

Students’ Tasks:

Writing Expression:

1. Write 10 sentences using Simple Present, Simple Future (will and to be going to) and
simple past. Try to express your writing related to economics field, technology, weather
and climate, globalization etc.
2. Write 10 sentences about life facts, what you believe it will happen in the next 25 years
from now. Express your writing related to the field have mentioned previously!
20 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
Reading passage:

In the past, you could find a parking space easily in town. But people often parked where they
wanted, so there were a lot of traffic jam. Nowadays,, it is very hard to park in town, because
there are too many cars on the road and not enough car park or parking meters. In the future,
people will have to use public transport much more. They won’t be able to drive into the center
of many towns.

Source: Gairns (1996: 8).

In the past, people wrote many things by hand, but they also used typewriters a lot for more
formal documents. Nowadays, children learn to use computers from an early age and few people
use typewriters. Also, with credit cards, we do not even write as many cheques by hand. In the
future, people will probably depend on technology more and more and some people won’t need
to write anything by hand.

Source: Gairns (1996: 8).

Listening Comprehension :

In this section, the students will listen a simple speech, or a movie, or a song from the audio
system. The student will be asked to recognize the words without looking at the text, and try to
catch the main point of the speech/movie/song.

Enlarge your vocabulary!

Look at the pictures shown below, and make sure you understand all the meaning! Discuss it
with your friends! Try to explain how it occurs!

21 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Green House Effect:

22 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Picture at:

Find the meaning of the words mentioned below!

Blizzard, typhoon, ocean, drizzle, sleet, pond, stream, melt, flood, thunder, lightning, hail,

How could 2014 has been the warmest year ever??

Well, it’s official. 2014 was the warmest year on record. That’s what a group of scientists at
NASA and NOAA concluded after looking at temperature data for the past year from around the

Reading that right now, you might be in shock. January of 2015 has been unbearably cold for
much of the United States. And let’s not forget that the winter of 2014 was the winter of the
dreaded polar vortex!

How could such a year possibly have been the warmest?

You can’t just look at one area and one time and judge what the world is doing as a whole. Yes,
there was the polar vortex. But many areas also broke records for hottest temperatures, too.
When you average everything, it turns out that 2014 was warmer than any other year for which
we have this kind of data.

But the entire year of 2014 is just one tiny piece of data when it comes to climate change.
Climate happens over long periods of time—generally averaged over 30 or more years!

That’s why it is important not to get weather (like a cold January or what is happening right now)
and climate (like an overall trend over a long period of time) mixed up.


23 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Present Perfect.

Vocabulary: market, business, economics field, the universe, technology.

This tense is used widely in formal writing, such as; scientific report, formal letters, formal
business letters, and in more formal conversation.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Present Perfect, related
to the economics field, market, business, the universe and technology, and able to pronounce it
verbally in order to improve their speaking ability.



S + has/have + past participle


You have seen that movie many times.

Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times.
USE 1: Unspecified Time Before Now

Present Perfect is used to say that an action that happened at an unspecified time before now. The
exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time
expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in
Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific
expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.


I have seen that movie twenty times.

I think I have met him once before.

There have been many earthquakes in California.

24 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

People have traveled to the Moon.

People have not traveled to Mars.

Have you read the book yet?

The computer technology has used widely since the first time this machine was invented.

Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.

We have looked through our files, but could not find your letter.

We have enlarged our factory in order to fulfill our marketing target.

I have investigated your complaint regarding our company’s fake product.

A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?

B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

How Do You Actually Use the Present Perfect?

The concept of "unspecified time" can be very confusing to English learners. It is best to
associate Present Perfect with the following topics:

TOPIC 1: Experience

You can use the Present Perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the
experience of...". You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain experience.
The Present Perfect is NOT used to describe a specific event.


I have been to France. (This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in
France. Maybe you have been there once, or several times).

I have been to France three times. (You can add the number of times at the end of the sentence).

•I have never been to France.(This sentence means that you have not had the experience of going
to France.)

•I think I have seen that movie before.

•He has never traveled by train.

•Joan has studied two foreign languages.

A: Have you ever met him?

25 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

B: No, I have not met him.

TOPIC 2 : Change Over Time

We often use the Present Perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time.


•You have grown since the last time I saw you.

•The government has become more interested in arts education.

•Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies
program was established.

•My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.

TOPIC 3: Accomplishments

We often use the Present Perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You
cannot mention a specific time.


•Man has walked on the Moon.

•Our son has learned how to read.

•Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.

•Scientists have split the atom.

TOPIC 4: An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

We often use the Present Perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened.
Using the Present Perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to happen.


•James has not finished his homework yet.

•Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.

•Bill has still not arrived.

•The rain hasn't stopped.

26 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

TOPIC 5 : Multiple Actions at Different Times

We also use the Present Perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in the
past at different times. Present Perfect suggests the process is not complete and more actions are


•The army has attacked that city five times.

•I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.

•We have had many major problems while working on this project.

•She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.

Time Expressions with Present Perfect

When we use the Present Perfect it means that something has happened at some point in our lives
before now. Remember, the exact time the action happened is not important. Sometimes, we
want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience. We can do this with expressions such
as: in the last week, in the last year, this week, this month, so far, up to now, etc.


•Have you been to Mexico in the last year?

•I have seen that movie six times in the last month.

•They have had three tests in the last week.

•She graduated from university less than three years ago. She has worked for three different
companies so far.

•My car has broken down three times this week.


"Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the year
before now, and it is considered a specific time which requires Simple Past. "In the last year"
means from 365 days ago until now. It is not considered a specific time, so it requires Present
27 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

•I went to Mexico last year. (I went to Mexico in the calendar year before this one).

•I have been to Mexico in the last year.(I have been to Mexico at least once at some point
between 365 days ago and now).

USE 2 : Duration From the Past Until Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

With Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Present
Perfect to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five
minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the
Present Perfect.


•I have had a cold for two weeks.

•She has been in England for six months.

•Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.

Although the above use of Present Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and
non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are
sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.

Students’ Taks :

Writing Expression:

1.Write 10 sentences using Present Perfect and try to express your writing related to market,
business, economics field, the universe, technology.

2. Look at the graph below.

28 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Source: IELTS File (2002).

The graph shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in

European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.


- You should spend about 45 minutes for this task

-Write a report using your own words based on the graph and data mentioned above. You can
use Past Simple and Present Perfect Tense.

-You should write at least 100 words.

-You are allowed to use your dictionary if necessary.

Reading Passage:

Part 1. The Shock of the Truth

A. Throughout history, there have been instances in which people have been unwilling to accept
new theories, despite startling evidence. This was certainly the case when Copernicus published
his theory - that the earth was not the center of the universe.

B. Until the early 16th century, western thinkers believed the theory put forward by Ptolemy, an
Egyptian living in Alexandria in about 150 A.D. His theory, which was formulated by gathering
and organizing the thoughts of the earlier thinkers, proposed that the universe was a closed space
bounded by a spherical envelope beyond which there was nothing. The earth, according to
Ptolemy, was a fixed and immobile mass, located at the center of the universe. The sun and the
stars, revolved around it.

29 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

C. The theory appealed to human nature. Someone making casual observations as they looked
into the sky might come to a similar conclusion. It also fed the human ego. Humans could
believe that they were at the center of God's universe, and the sun and stars were created for their

D. Ptolemy's theory was of course, incorrect, but at the time nobody contested it. European
astronomers were more inclined to save face. Instead of proposing new ideas, they attempted to
patch up and refine Ptolemy's flawed model. Students were taught using a book called The
Sphere which had been written two hundred years previously. In short, astronomy failed to

Source: IELTS Academic Reading (1996)


Which paragraph contains the following information?

1. The public's reaction to the new theory?

2. An ancient belief about the position of the earth?

3. Copernicus's legacy to the future of science?

4. How academics built on Copernican ideas?

5. Scientists suffer for their beliefs?

Part 2. “The Struggling Spanish Economy”

Spain's borrowing costs shot up at a bond auction on Thursday, after economic data confirmed
the country is back in recession and reports of an outflow of deposits from nationalized Bankia
hammered its share price.  The Spanish Treasury had to pay around 5 percent to attract buyers of
three- and four-year bonds. The longer-dated paper sold with a yield of 5.106 percent, way above
the 3,374 percent the last time it was auctioned.

"This ... fits the pattern of recent sales, with the Spanish treasury successfully getting its supply
away but at ever-higher yields," said Richard McGuire, rate strategist at Rabobank in London. 

"This unfavorable trend looks set to remain firmly in place ... Ultimately, this ratcheting up of
yield will likely require some form of outside intervention” McGuire said.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Wednesday his government, struggling to reduce
its budget deficit, could soon find it difficult to fund itself affordably on the bond market unless
the pressure eases.  His finance minister, Cristobal Montoro, meets heads of finance of all 17
30 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
regions later to review their budget plans which are a crucial plank of the drive to lower public

The European Commission warned last week that stubbornly high debts in the regions and the
welfare system would prevent Spain meeting its deficit goal of 5.3 percent of GDP this
year. Spain's 10-year yields have spiked back above 6 percent, which investors view as a pivot
point that could accelerate a climb to 7 percent, a cost of borrowing widely seen as unsustainable
even though Madrid has sold well over half its debts needs for the year.

(c) AFP 05/09/2012 

Answer these questions (choose the best answer): 

1. How much higher was this past bond yield compared to the previous one?
   over 1.5% higher
   0.5 % higher
   It wasn't higher. It was lower.

2. What happened to Bankia shares on the market?

   They plunged.
   They rose by about 1.5%.
   They remained steady.

3. According to the article, how high can Spain's 10 year yields go? 

4. Is the Spanish government unable to sell bonds? 

   No, it's the high yields that are the problem.
   Yes, they can't even sell half of the bonds.
   No, the biggest problem is corruption.

5. According to the article, what's the biggest hurdle to Spain meeting its deficit goal this year? 

31 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

   Debts in the regions and the welfare system
   The drop in value of Bankia shares
   The inability of the government to successfully sell bonds

Listening Comprehension :

In this section, the students will listen a speech, or a movie from the audio system. The student
will be asked to recognize the words without looking at the text, and try to catch the main point
of the speech/movie.

Speaking / Conversation:

Read the dialogue below, then make a small group and discuss it with your friend! Pronounce it
well! And fill the blank part of the conversation with your own words.

Part 1.

A : Hi! I haven’t seen you for ages! How are things?

B : Fine. How about you?

A : Not bad. I have finally decided to leave my job. Ten years behind a counter is enough
for anyone. I am working at a trading company in the marketing department at
the moment, but I am looking for another job.

B : …………………………………………………………………………………………..

A : …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Part 2:

Pretend that you are the head of a marketing department who is very busy at the moment. One of
the people in your department asks you about the marketing strategic you have explained in the
last meeting. The person says that the strategic should be focusing on product diversification, not
on product quantity. How do you response this case???

(Make a group and work with your partner! Make sure you understand the situation well!).

32 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Relative Clause.

Vocabulary: market, business, economics field.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Relative Clause, related
to the economics field, market, and business, and able to pronounce it verbally in order to
improve their speaking ability. In spoken English, that is often preferred to which, and
sometimes preferred to who. For defining places we use where.



What is a relative clause?

We can use relative clauses to join two English sentences, or to give more information about
I bought a new car. It is very fast.
→ I bought a new car that is very fast.
She lives in New York. She likes living in New York.
→ She lives in New York, which she likes (living in)
Defining and Non-defining

A defining relative clause tells which noun we are talking about:

I like the woman. The woman lives next door.

 I like the woman who lives next door (If I don't say 'who lives next door', then we don't know
which woman I mean).

Non- Defining Relative Clause

33 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

A non-defining relative clause gives us extra information about something. We don't need this
information to understand the sentence.

I live in London. London has some fantastic parks

-I live in London, which has some fantastic parks. (Everybody knows where London is, so
'which has some fantastic parks' is extra information).

Defining relative clauses:

1: The relative pronoun is the subject:

First, let's consider when the relative pronoun is the subject of a defining relative clause.

We can use 'who', 'which' or 'that'. We use 'who' for people and 'which' for things. We can use
'that' for people or things.

The relative clause can come after the subject or the object of the sentence. We can't drop the
relative pronoun.

For example (clause after the object of the sentence):

• I'm looking for a secretary who / that can use a computer well.

• She has a son who / that is a doctor.

• We bought a house which / that is 200 years old.

• I sent a letter which / that arrived three weeks later.

More examples (clause after the subject of the sentence):

• The people who / that live on the island are very friendly.

• The man who / that phoned is my brother.

• The camera which / that costs £100 is over there.

• The house which / that belongs to Julie is in London.

2: The relative pronoun is the object:

When the relative pronoun is the object of the clause, In this case we can drop the relative
pronoun if we want to. Again, the clause can come after the subject or the object of the sentence.


(Clause after the object) :

34 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

•She loves the chocolate (which / that) I bought.

•We went to the village (which / that) Lucy recommended.

•John met a woman (who / that) I had been to school with.

•The police arrested a man (who / that) Jill worked with.

(Clause after the subject):

•The bike (which / that) I loved was stolen.

•The university (which / that) she likes is famous.

•The woman (who / that) my brother loves is from Mexico.

•The doctor (who / that) my grandmother liked lives in New York.

Non-defining relative clauses:

We do not use 'that' in non-defining relative clauses, so we need to use 'which' if the pronoun
refers to a thing, and 'who' if it refers to a person. We can't drop the relative pronoun in this kind
of clause, even if the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause.

(Clause comes after the subject):

• My boss, who is very nice, lives in Manchester.

• My sister, who I live with, knows a lot about cars.

• My bicycle, which I've had for more than ten years, is falling apart.

• My mother's house, which I grew up in, is very small.

(Clause comes after the object):

• Yesterday I called our friend Julie, who lives in New York.

• The photographer called to the Queen, who looked annoyed.

• Last week I bought a new computer, which I don't like now.

• I really love the new Chinese restaurant, which we went to last night.

Prepositions and relative clauses

If the verb in the relative clause needs a preposition, we put it at the end of the clause:

For example:

35 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

•listen to

The music is good. Julie listens to the music.

→ The music (which / that) Julie listens to is good.

•work with

My brother met a woman. I used to work with the woman.

→ My brother met a woman (who / that) I used to work with.

•go to

The country is very hot. He went to the country.

→ The country (which / that) he went to is very hot.

•come from

I visited the city. John comes from the city.

→ I visited the city (that / which) John comes from.

•apply for

The job is well paid. She applied for the job.

→ The job (which / that) she applied for is well paid.


'Whose' is always the subject of the relative clause and can not be left out. It replaces a
possessive. It can be used for people and things.


The dog is over there. The dog's / its owner lives next door.

→ The dog whose owner lives next door is over there.

The little girl is sad. The little girl's / her doll was lost.

→ The little girl whose doll was lost is sad.

The woman is coming tonight. Her car is a BMW.

→ The woman whose car is a BMW is coming tonight.

36 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

The house belongs to me. Its roof is very old.

→ The house whose roof is old belongs to me.

Where / when / why:

We can sometimes use these question words instead of relative pronouns and prepositions.

I live in a city. I study in the city.

→ I live in the city where I study.

→ I live in the city that / which I study in.

→ I live in the city in which I study.

The bar in Barcelona is still there. I met my wife in that bar.

→ The bar in Barcelona where I met my wife is still there.

→ The bar in Barcelona that / which I met my wife in is still there.

→ The bar in Barcelona in which I met my wife is still there.

The summer was long and hot. I graduated from university in the summer.

→ The summer when I graduated from university was long and hot.

→ The summer that / which I graduated from university in was long and hot.

→ The summer in which I graduated was long and hot.

Reading Comprehension:

Read the simple reading bellow and try to find the new words you have never seen, yet! And try
to write a simple essay related to business with your own knowledge!

An Introduction to Business

What is business?

Fundamentally, business is the creation of wealth through the supply of goods and services. We
will now look at some examples.

37 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

If you go to a big city and walk along the main street you will see many different things for sale.
For example, you might walk past a bank, then a hairdressing salon, then a dentist, an eating
stall, a department store, a cinema, a taxi rank…and so on down the street. All these places are
trying to sell you something and we can separate the things they sell into two kinds, goods and

Goods are things like shirts, or motor cars, or furniture. In other words, they are things you can
see and touch, and usually they are made in factories. Services, on the other hand, are different.
You cannot touch them because they are things that are done for you; like hair-cuts, laundry or
bus ride. Merriam-webster dictionary defines services as an action to provide (someone) with
something that is needed or wanted.

The creation of wealth, in modern society, comes from one source only, the so called profit. A
business creates profit while the prices of the product sold are higher than the production cost.
The production cost is the cost required when a company or business venture produce goods or
services. Therefore, one of the main purposes of a business enterprise is to make profit. The
creation of wealth is possible by growing and expanding the company, and it is directly increase
the wealth benefit for the owners as well as the employee and also society. The more
successfully it does, the more prosperous it will be.

Other purposes of business are to develop new products and services for their costumer. In fact,
many big companies over around the world have spent a great deal of money on developing new
products through research and marketing strategy, as they believed that is the way to keep the
customers satisfaction and maintaining profits. On the other hands, by expanding, developing
and growing their business, the company also provides benefit to the society by employing a
large number of people.

Expand your knowledge!

Look at the pictures below and work in a group and discuss it! What is your opinion according to
the traditional business system compared to the modern business system??

38 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

39 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
40 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
41 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Past Perfect and Active/Passive Form.


After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Past Perfect, related to
the economics field, market, and business, and able to pronounce it verbally in order to improve
their speaking ability.



[Subject + had + past participle]


•You had studied English before you moved to New York.

•Had you studied English before you moved to New York?

•You had not studied English before you moved to New York.

Complete List of Past Perfect Forms

USE 1 Completed Action before Something in the Past

The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the
past. It can also show that something happened “before a specific time in the past.”


•I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.

•I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.

•Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times.

42 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

•Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand?

•She only understood the movie because she had read the book.

•Kristine had never been to an opera before last night.

•We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance.

A: Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 2006?

B: Yes, I had been to the U.S. once before.

USE 2 Duration before Something in the Past (Non-Continuous Verbs)

We use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and continued up until
another action in the past.


We had had that car for ten years before it broke down.

• By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for over eight years.

• They felt bad about selling the house because they had owned it for more than
forty years.

Although the above use of Past Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and
non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are
sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs.

IMPORTANT Specific Times with the Past Perfect

Unlike with the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with
the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary.

43 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


• She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with
them in 1996.


If the Past Perfect action did occur at a specific time, the Simple Past can be used instead
of the Past Perfect when "before" or "after" is used in the sentence. The words "before"
and "after" actually tell you what happens first, so the Past Perfect is optional. For this
reason, both sentences below are correct.


• She had visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with
them in 1996.

• She visited her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in


If the Past Perfect is not referring to an action at a specific time, Past Perfect is not
optional. Compare the examples below. Here Past Perfect is referring to a lack of
experience rather than an action at a specific time. For this reason, Simple Past cannot be


• She never saw a bear before she moved to Alaska. Not Correct

• She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska. Correct


The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only,
never, ever, still, just, etc.


• You had previously studied English before you moved to New York.

• Had you previously studied English before you moved to New York?

44 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



 George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license. Active

 Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's

license. Passive

Active / Passive Overview

 Form Active Passive

Simple Once a week, Once a week, the house is

Present Tom cleans the house. cleaned by Tom.

Present Right now, Sarah is Right now, the letter is

Continuous writing the letter. being written by Sarah.

Simple Past Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by


Past The salesman was The customer was being

Continuous helping the customer helped by the salesman
when the thief came into when the thief came into
the store. the store.

Present Many tourists have That castle has been

Perfect visited that castle. visited by many tourists.

Present Recently, John has been Recently, the work has

Perfect doing the work. been being done by John.

45 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Past George had Many cars had been
Perfect repaired many cars repaired by George
before he received his before he received his
mechanic's license. mechanic's license.

Past Chef Jones had been The restaurant's fantastic

Perfect preparing the dinners had been being
Continuous restaurant's fantastic prepared by Chef Jones
dinners for two years for two years before he
before he moved to Paris. moved to Paris.

Simple Someone will finish the The work will be

Future work by 5:00 PM. finished by 5:00 PM.

Simple Sally is going to make a A beautiful dinner is going

Future beautiful dinner tonight. to be made by Sally
be going to  tonight.

Future At 8:00 PM tonight, At 8:00 PM tonight, the

Continuous John will be washing the dishes will be being
will dishes. washed by John.

Future At 8:00 PM tonight, At 8:00 PM tonight, the

Continuous John is going to be dishes are going to be
be going to washing the dishes. being washed by John.

Future They will have The project will have

Perfect completed the project been completed before
will before the deadline. the deadline.

Future They are going to have The project is going to

Perfect completed the project have been
be going to before the deadline. completed before the

46 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Future The famous artist will The mural will have been
Perfect have been painting the being painted by the
Continuous mural for over six months famous artist for over six
will by the time it is finished. months by the time it is

Future The famous artist is The mural is going to

Perfect going to have been have been being
Continuous painting the mural for painted by the famous
be going to over six months by the artist for over six months
time it is finished. by the time it is finished.

Used to Jerry used to pay the The bills used to be

bills. paid by Jerry.

Would My mother would The pies would always be

Always always make the pies. made by my mother.

Future in I knew John would I knew the work would be

the Past finish the work by 5:00 finished by 5:00 PM.
Would PM.

Future in I thought Sally was going I thought a beautiful

the Past to make a beautiful dinner was going to be
Was Going dinner tonight. made by Sally tonight.

47 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Direct and Reported Speech Form.

Vocabulary :

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Direct and Reported
Speech Form, related to the economics field, market, and business and able to pronounce it
verbally in order to improve their speaking ability.


You can answer the question What did he/she say? in two ways:

 by repeating the words spoken (direct speech)

 by reporting the words spoken (indirect or reported speech).

Direct Speech

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing,
we place the words spoken between inverted commas (“....”) and there is no change in these
words. We may be reporting something that's being said NOW (for example a telephone
conversation), or telling someone later about a previous conversation.


 She says "What time will you be home?"

 She said "What time will you be home?" and I said "I don't know! "

 "There's a fly in my soup!" screamed Simone.

 John said, "There's an elephant outside the window."

Reported Speech

Reported speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the
words spoken. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word'that' to
introduce the reported words. Inverted commas are not used.

48 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


She said, "I saw him."-- She said that she had seen him.

She told him that she was happy.

She told him she was happy.

He said that he was tired.

He told me that he was tired.

Tense Changes When Using Reported Speech

Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech:


She said, "I am tired." - She said that she was tired.

The changes are shown below:

Simple present Simple past

"I always drink  coffee", she said   She said that she always drank coffee.
Present continuous Past continuous
"I am reading a book", he explained.   He explained that he was reading a book
Simple past Past perfect
"Bill  arrived on Saturday", he said.   He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday
Present perfect Past perfect
"I have been to Spain", he told me.   He told me that he had been to Spain
Past perfect Past perfect
"I had just turned out the light," he He explained that he had just turned
explained. out the light.

Present perfect continuous Past perfect

They complained, "We have They complained that they had been
beenwaiting  for hours". waiting for hours.
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
"We were living in Paris", they told me. They told me that they had been living in

49 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Future Present conditional
"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said He said that he would be in Geneva on
Future continuous Conditional continuous
She said, "I'll be using the car next She said that she would be using the car
Friday". next Friday.

1. You do not need to change the tense if the reporting verb is in the present, or if the
original statement was about something that is still true, e.g.
 He says he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one.
 We explained that it is very difficult to find our house.

2. These modal verbs do not change in reported speech:

might, could, would, should, ought to, e.g.


 We explained that it could be difficult to find our house.

 She said that she  might bring a friend to the party.

50 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia


Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Past Perfect Continuous Form.


After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Past Perfect Continuous
Form, related to the economics field, market, and business and able to pronounce it verbally in
order to improve their speaking ability.


Past Perfect Continuous

[had been + present participle]

• You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
• Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
• You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
Complete List of Past Perfect Continuous Forms

USE 1 Duration Before Something in the Past.

We use the Past Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and continued up
until another time in the past. "

For five minutes" and "for two weeks" are both durations which can be used with the Past
Perfect Continuous.

Notice that this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous; however, the duration does not
continue until now, it stops before something else in the past.


• They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.

51 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

• She had been working at that company for three years when it went out of business.

• How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?

• Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work.

• James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia.

• A: How long had you been studying Turkish before you moved to Ankara?

B: I had not been studying Turkish very long.

USE 2 Cause of Something in the Past

Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause
and effect.


• Jason was tired because he had been jogging.

• Sam gained weight because he had been overeating.

• Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class.

Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous

If you do not include a duration such as "for five minutes," "for two weeks" or "since Friday,"
many English speakers choose to use the Past Continuous rather than the Past Perfect
Continuous. Be careful because this can change the meaning of the sentence.

Past Continuous emphasizes interrupted actions, whereas Past Perfect Continuous emphasizes a
duration of time before something in the past. Study the examples below to understand the


• He was tired because he was exercising so hard.

This sentence emphasizes that He was tired because He was exercising at that exact moment.

• He was tired because he had been exercising so hard.

52 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

This sentence emphasizes that He was tired because He had been exercising over a period of
time. It is possible that He was still exercising at that moment or that He had just finished.



[was/were + present participle]


 You were studying when she called.

 Were you studying when she called?

 You were not studying when she called.

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The
interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real
interruption or just an interruption in time.

Complete List of Past Continuous Forms:

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past


 I was watching TV when she called.

 When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
 While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
 What were you doing when the earthquake started?
 I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
 You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
 While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
 Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
 While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
 A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
B: I was snowboarding.

53 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption


 Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.

 At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
 Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.


In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past
Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.


 Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.

 Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.

USE 3 Parallel Actions

When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea
that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.
 I was studying while he was making dinner.
 While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
 Were you listening while he was talking?
 I wasn't paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes.
 What were you doing while you were waiting?

54 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

 Thomas wasn't working, and I wasn't working either.
 They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

USE 4 Atmosphere

In English, we often use a series of parallel actions to describe the atmosphere at a particular
time in the past.


When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the
phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One
customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each
other about the bad service.

USE 5 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

The Past Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that
something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the
expression "used to" but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or
"constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."


 She was always coming to class late.

 He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
 I didn't like them because they were always complaining.

While vs. When

55 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning, but are often not complete sentences. Some
clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when she called" or "when it bit me." Other clauses
begin with "while" such as "while she was sleeping" and "while he was surfing." When you talk
about things in the past, "when" is most often followed by the verb tense Simple Past,
whereas "while" is usually followed by Past Continuous. "While" expresses the idea of
"during that time." Study the examples below. They have similar meanings, but they emphasize
different parts of the sentence.


-I was studying when she called.

-While I was studying, she called.

REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses.
Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in continuous tenses.
Instead of using Past Perfect Continuous or Past Continuous with these verbs, you must use Past
Perfect or Simple Past.


• The motorcycle had been belonging to George for years before Tina bought it. (Not

• The motorcycle had belonged to George for years before Tina bought it. (Correct).

 Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct

 Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct


The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never,
ever, still, just, etc.


• You had only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived.

56 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

• Had you only been waiting there for a few minutes when she arrived?



• Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he
moved to Paris. ACTIVE

• The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years
before he moved to Paris. PASSIVE

NOTE: Passive forms of the Past Perfect Continuous are not common.

57 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Language focus: Grammar Structure and using of the Used To Form.


After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Used To, related to the
economics field, market, and business, and able to pronounce it verbally in order to improve their
speaking ability.


Used To


[used to + VERB]


• I used to go to the beach every day.

It is better not to use "used to" in questions or negative forms; however, this is sometimes done
in informal spoken English. It is better to ask questions and create negative sentences using
Simple Past.

USE 1 Habit in the Past

Used to" expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past. It indicates
that something was often repeated in the past, but it is not usually done now.


• Jerry used to study English.

• Sam and Mary used to go to Mexico in the summer.

58 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

• I used to start work at 9 o'clock.

• Christine used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian.

USE 2 Past Facts and Generalizations

Used to" can also be used to talk about past facts or generalizations which are no longer true.


• I used to live in Paris.

• Sarah used to be fat, but now she is thin.

• George used to be the best student in class, but now Lena is the best.

• Oranges used to cost very little in Florida, but now they are quite expensive.

"Used to" vs. Simple Past

Both Simple Past and "Used to" can be used to describe past habits, past facts and past
generalizations; however, "used to" is preferred when emphasizing these forms of past repetition
in positive sentences. On the other hand, when asking questions or making negative sentences,
Simple Past is preferred.


• You used to play the piano.

• Did you play the piano when you were young?

• You did not play the piano when you were young.



• Jerry used to pay the bills. ACTIVE

59 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

• The bills used to be paid by Jerry. PASSIVE



Language focus: Possessive Pronouns, Articles, Numbers.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Possessive Pronoun,
Articles, related to the economics field, market, and business and able to pronounce it verbally in
order to improve their speaking ability.


Possessive Pronoun with Noun

Singular Plural
my Our
your Your
His, Her Their

Practice the dialogue below!

Linda: Oh, that was great!

Brian: Linda, you are also here? Our performance was not bad, but our bassist,

unfortunately, was sick.

Linda: Your sound is very mad! My sister and I were very much impressed!

Brian: You are so nice! So is your dress...

Linda: Oh, thanks. My sister gave it to me.

Brian: Your sister has very good taste. Your taste in music is also very good!

Hahaha... Are you friends with the Fischers?

Linda: Yes, the Fishers are good friends of mine. My sister and Britney Fisher are

team mates. And the Fishers are our neighbours.

60 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Brian: Super! Pete Fisher is my friend. I also know his parents. My father and his

parents play Bridge together. Our families know each other very well.

Linda: Do your parents live in London?

Brian: My father does. My parents are actually divorced; my Mum lives with my

brother in Germany, and our father lives with his wife here in London. Their
house is beautiful. He is a lawyer and his wife works as a teacher.

Linda: My mother is also a teacher and my father works as an actor. My younger

brother goes to school, but he is at home today. My brother is an actor too. Do

you know an actor by the name of Paul Marifa?

Brian: Let me give you my number. I would like to invite you to my next concert:zero

– five – two – one – three – three – two – zero ….

Possessive Pronoun without Noun

Singular Plural
Mine Ours
Yours Yours
Hers, His, Its Theirs


There are some books on the table. The books are mine.

Friend of mine will visit Botanical Garden Museum next week.

Student’s Task 1:

Make sentences using the Possessive Pronouns!

Student’s Task 2:

Fill in the correct possessive pronoun. Choose from the bracket!

(his his his his mine My My My my my my My My My My My My my

Our our our Our Our Their Your Your your your your)

61 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Linda: Oh, that was great! Brian: Linda, you are also here? ____ performance was

not bad, but ____ bassist, unfortunately, was sick. Linda: ____ sound is very mad!

____ sister and I were very much impressed! Brian: You are so nice! So is ____

dress... Linda: Oh, thanks. ____ sister gave it to me. Brian: ____ sister has very

good taste. ____ taste in music is also very good! Hahaha... Are you friends with

the Fischers? Linda: Yes, the Fishers are good friends of ____. ____ sister and

Britney Fisher are team mates. And the Fishers are ____ neighbours. Brian: Super!

Pete Fisher is ____ friend. I also know ____ parents. ____ father and ____ parents

play Bridge together. ____ families know each other very well. Linda: Do ____

parents live in London? Brian: ____ father does. ____ parents are actually

divorced; ____ Mum lives with ____ brother in Germany, and ____ father lives with

____ wife here in London. ____ house is beautiful. He is a lawyer and ____ wife

works as a teacher. Linda: ____ mother is also a teacher and ____ father works as

an actor. ____ younger brother goes to school, but he is at home today. ____

brother is an actor too. Do you know an actor by the name of Paul Marifa? Brian: Paul Marifa!
Of course.



A / an (indefinite article): depends on the initial sound of the adjective that immediately follows
the article. General use: with countable nouns; nouns indicating nationality, profession, religion,

Example : “a banana, an apple, a book,

Exception : a university; an hour

The (definite article):

General use: plural names of people and places.

62 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

When there is only one of something (e. g. “the last samurai“); The Earth (in fact
there is only one Earth).

Use for specific people and things.

No article with:

Use for uncountable nouns; names of people; names of places; names of meals, days, months and
seasons; persons and things in general (e. g. “Children are not little adults”).


Fill the blank with the correct article, or leave blank if no preposition is needed.

Use the articles in bracket! (A a a a an an an an the the the)

He is ____ lawyer and his wife works as ____ teacher. Linda: My mother is also

____ teacher and my father works as ____ actor. My younger brother goes to

school, but he is at home today. My brother is ____ actor too. Do you know ____

actor by the name of Paul Marifa? Brian: Paul Marifa! Of course.I like - Sundays,

because I can always watch his show then. ____ good series, one hour long

around seven, ____ exciting hour. Linda: Wait until - summer, ____ show always

continues then! Do you play another instrument? Brian: I play ____ piano and ____


Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Other Numeral Decimal Fraction

Numbers Expression (1)
0 (zero) 1st : first 1x (once) 2.5 1/2 : a half
1 (one) 2nd: 2x (twice) (two point five) 1/3 : a third
2 (two) second 3x(three times) 1.25 1/4 : a quarter
3 (three) 3rd : third 4x (four times) (one point 2/3 : two thirds
4 (four) 4th: fourth twenty five) 3/4 : three quarters
5 (five) 5th: fifth 2/5 : two fifths
etc etc 4/10: four tenths
1 1/2 : one and a
half (one and half)

63 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

11 (eleven) 11 : Single
12 (twelve) eleventh Double
13 (thirteen) 12th: Threefold
14 (fourteen) twelfth Quartet (from
15 (fifteen) 13th: Spanish)
20(twenty) 20th:
30 (thirty) twentieth
40 (forty) etc
50 (fifty)

100 ( a hundred)

101 ( a hundred
and one)

(one thousand)

(one million)

(one billion)

64 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia



Language focus: Grammar Structure and The Using of Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Vocabulary: computer and technology, globalization, economics field, weather and climate.

After learning this chapter, the students will ask to write sentences using Modal Auxiliary Verbs,
related to the economics field, technology, globalization, weather & climate, and able to
pronounce it verbally in order to improve their speaking ability.


Modals are special verbs which behave very irregularly in English, and are used to moderate the
main verb, that is to enhance/ improve or restrict the verb to a certain context. Modal verbs are
used to show if we believe something is certain, probable or possible (or not). We also use
modals to do things like talking about ability, asking permission making requests and offers, and
so on.

The most common modal auxiliaries in English are:

- Can, may, might, must.
- Could, should, will, would.
- Have to, ought to, couldn’t, might not,
- Have got to, had better, shall.

Modal Verbs:
can could
may might
shall should
will would

Look at the examples below:

I pay my taxes. General declaration of fact. Paying taxes is something I normally do.
I can pay my taxes. Expresses ability. I have the means (funds) to pay.
I might pay my taxes. Expresses possibility . Maybe I will pay; maybe I won't.
I will pay my taxes. Expresses future intent. I resolve to do it at some later time.

65 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

I should pay my taxes Expresses mild obligation. It is required, and I expect to comply.
I could pay my taxes. Expresses possibility. If I have nothing else to do with the money, I might pay
I would pay my taxes. (In this case), expresses reservation. If I had the money (but I don't). . .
I must pay my taxes Expresses strong obligation. I am required and have to comply.

"Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English. It can be used to express
ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or impossibility.
 I can ride a horse. (ability)
 We can stay with my brother when we are in Paris. (opportunity)
 She cannot stay out after 10 PM. (permission)
 Can you hand me the stapler?( request)
 Any child can grow up to be president. (possibility)

Using ‘Can” in Present, Past and Future:

Modal Present Past Future
CAN I can speak Chinese. I could speak Chinese I will be able to speak
General Ability when I was a kid Chinese by the time I
finish my course.
can With a sudden burst of With a sudden burst With a sudden burst
(ability during a adrenaline, people can of adrenaline, he was of adrenaline, he will
specific event) pick up cars. able to lift the car off be able to lift the car.
the child's leg.
can I have some free time. I I had some free time I'll have some free
(opportunity) can help her now. yesterday. I was able time tomorrow. I can
to help her at that help her then.

Modals are followed by only the base form of the verb and are not used alone unless there
is a clear connection to a main verb:
He must to finish his homework. Wrong
He must finish his homework.  Right
Jack could heard the bell. Wrong
Jack could hear the bell.  Right
66 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia
Penny will going to the movie. Wrong
Penny will goes to the movie.  Right

To show respect and politeness, most people use modal expressions when making requests.
For example:

Will you...? Will you open the door for me?

Would you...? Would you open the door for me?
Would you please...? Would you please open the door (for me)?
Could you (please)...? Could you (please)...? Could you (please) open the door?
Could you possibly...? Could you possibly open the door?
Would you kindly...? Would you kindly open the door?
Would you mind ...? Would you mind opening the door?
Would you be so kind as to...? Would you be so kind as to open the door?

Simple Modals:

Will (in future tense) I will be there.

(in requests) Will you do it for me?
Won't (negative of will) No, I won't.
Can (to indicate ability) I can do it.
(in requests) Can you help me?
(informally to ask permission) Can I use your phone?
Can't (negative form of can) No, you can't.
May (to indicate possibility) I may go to New York.
(to ask permission) May I help you?
Could (to indicate past ability) He could play cards well.
(to indicate possibility) I could give you a ride.
(in requests) Could you open the door please?
(to ask permission) Could I use your restroom?
Couldn't (negative past tense) I couldn't help it.
Should (to express obligation) I should go to the wedding.
(to conjecture) He should be in Miami by now.

67 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

Shouldn't (negative suggestions) You shouldn't do that.

More Examples:

We use the modals could, might  and may to show that something is possible in the future, but
not certain:
-They might come later. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come later.)
-They may come by car. (= Perhaps/Maybe they will come by car.)
-If we don’t hurry we could be late. (= Perhaps/Maybe we will be late)
We use could have, might have and may have  to show that something was possible now or at
some time in the past:
-It’s ten o’clock. They might have arrived now.
-They could have arrived hours ago.
We use the modal can to make general statements about what is possible:
-It can be very cold in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold in winter)
-You can easily lose your way in the dark. (= People often lose their way in the dark)
We use the modal could as the past tense of can:
-It could be very cold in winter. (= Sometimes it was very cold in winter.)
-You could lose your way in the dark. (= People often lost their way in the dark)

We use the negative can’t or cannot to show that something is impossible:
That can’t be true.
You cannot be serious.
We use couldn’t/could not to talk about the past:
We knew it could not be true.
He was obviously joking. He could not be serious.

We use the modal must to show we are sure something to be true and we have reasons for our
It’s getting dark. It must be quite late.
You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry.
We use must have  for the past:
They hadn’t eaten all day. They must have been hungry.
You look happy. You must have heard the good news.
We use the modal should to suggest that something is true or will be true in the future, and to
show you have reasons for your suggestion:
Ask Miranda. She should know.
It's nearly six o'clock. They should arrive soon.

68 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

We use should have to talk about the past:
It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now.


Gairn, Ruth; Redman, Stuart and Collie, Joanne.1996. True To Life. English for Adult
Learners. Intermediate Level. Cambridge University Press. University of Cambridge,
Printed in Great Britain,1996. ISBN 0 521 45632 0 Class Book.

---------------------- True To Life. English for Adult Learners. Intermediate Level. Cambridge
University Press. University of Cambridge, Printed in Great Britain, 1996. ISBN 0 521
45630 4 Teacher Book.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test No.8. 1990. Graduate Record Examination
Educational Testing Service. Princenton, NJ. Copyright: USA 0-446-39197-2; CAN 0-
Hogan, Mary Jane & Todd, Vanesa; Campbell, Brenn & Perret, Gillian. 1991. Prepare for
IELTS. Practice Tests for Module C (Humanity and General Training Module). Insearch
Languange Centre. International Programmes. University of Technology Sydney.
National Library of Australia. ISBN 1-86365-017-2.
Mag. Schaller, Salzburg. 2006. at:
Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. 2008. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978 0 19
439872 5
IELTS Academic Reading (1996).

69 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

70 English Module – STIE Bisnis Indonesia

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