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We have been
focused on the power
of the Master Mind
over the last few
weeks.  In his best-
selling book Think and
Grow Rich, Napoleon
Hill encouraged
everyone to use the
“Power of the Master
Mind” through
“coordination of knowledge and e ort, in a spirit of harmony,
between two or more people, for the attainment of a de nite
purpose.”  Hill took this principle from Matthew 18:12, when
Jesus said “where two or more are gathered in my name, there
I am in the midst of them.”

The late Jack Boland, who was the spiritual leader of the
Church of Today in Warren, Michigan, taught even more about
the Master Mind concept and created the following Eight
Master Minds Steps.

Master Mind Principle One:  “I Surrender.”  In John 5:30,

Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge:
and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the
will of the Father which hath sent

I surrender — not by resisting

change but by accepting all of the
good that the universe has in store for me.

I surrender  — not by drowning in the self-pity of doubt but by

being patient, by trusting that all things are working together
for my good in perfect, divine order.

I surrender — not by holding onto what once was but by

releasing old habits and patterns, by letting go of any criticism
that I have of myself, by stepping out of the shackles of the

Master Mind Principle Two: “I Believe.”  In Mark 9:23, Jesus

says “All things are possible to him that believeth.”  But the
question is what do you believe in?  Do you believe that you
are a spiritual being, living in a limitless Spiritual Universe,
endowed with the whole potential energy ow of the
Universe?  Do you believe that you are not only human but
divine?  Do you believe that you
are not too old, not too
technologically illiterate, not too
busy, not too be the change that
you want to see take place in the
world?  When you believe, you
know that even before you
formulate a desire, it is the
universe in you desiring.  When
you believe, you know that when
you have a need, the answer is already moving towards you. 
When you believe, you know that before you call, Spirit, God,
Buddha, Jesus, Source, Abundance — whatever you call the
Divine — will answer.

Master Mind Principle Three: “I Am Ready.”  Readiness is an

active state of consciousness.  I have talked the talk, and now I
am ready to move beyond what I
used to be into what I long to
become.  I have had the
experience of living in the
wilderness of doubt; the
wilderness of fear; the wilderness
of shame; the wilderness of
revenge; the wilderness of lack.
But I am ready now.  The beauty of
life in the wilderness is that it
taught us to appreciate the Promised Land.  It shows us where
we don’t want to be — so that we can be in the consciousness
that pulls us towards change.

Master Mind Principle Four: “I Decide To Change My Life.” 

“I make a decision to surrender my will and my life to the
master mind.  I ask to be changed at depth.”  I choose to
realize my divine connection to the inexhaustible source of the
universe. I choose to relax and let go.  I don’t worry about what
I used to do or who I use to be.  I expand in the unlimited
consciousness of who I AM.

Master Mind
Principle Five: “I
Forgive.”  Someone
once described anger
directed towards
someone else as
swallowing a bottle of
poison – and waiting
for the other person
to die.  When we
condemn someone,
we don’t punish them;
we punish ourselves.

When we don’t
forgive, we put up a
barrier in our
consciousness that
cuts o the ow of
our connection to
 Source.  But when we
forgive, release and
let go of the past — we push past our self-imposed boundaries
and start evolving from Spirit’s unlimited source of divine

Master Mind Principle  Six: “I Ask.”  I ask – because I could

never accomplish what Spirit can do for me.  I ask – knowing
that Spirit will bless me beyond my wildest dreams.
I ask for the unborn to manifest in
this existence.  I ask to give birth to
those possibilities that I have not
yet embraced.  I ask for the
unseen to reveal itself to me.  I ask

request itself becomes the catalyst

of my change.

I ask, and I receive.

Master Mind Principle Seven is “I give thanks that the

Master Mind is responding to my needs, and I assume the
same feelings as if my requests were ful lled.”  “I assume
the same feelings as if my requests were ful lled.”

I am grateful — or great- lled — because I know that I have

been blessed.

I am great- lled because I know that whatever I ask for, I will

receive.  I am great- lled because I know that I don’t have to
beg God; I don’t have to cajole; I don’t have to plead – because
nothing and no one can keep my good from me.

Master Mind Principle Eight: “I Dedicate My Life.”  I

recognize my covenant with Spirit as the Master Mind: the
creative process that gives us the
strength, the power, the
intelligence to manifest a
successful and happy life — but
not just for my individual goals.

What I desire means nothing if I

don’t serve others.

I dedicate my life to giving, and I go forth with a new energy of

enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.

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