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Who Am I? BibleQuizzes.org.


1: I came to worship in Shiloh with my husband every year. I was barren but when I prayed to God he blessed me with a

2: I was a prophet of Israel. I have the cloak which belonged to my predecessor, who left me quite suddenly. At Bethel
some small boys came and made fun of me.

3: My husband and I lied to the apostles about the proceeds on a piece of land we sold. Unfortunately I did not live to tell
the tale.

4: I was the first Gentile to be baptised. The apostle Peter came and preached the gospel to me.

5: I was asked to curse the children of Israel but I couldn't do it. My donkey was given the power of speech for a short

6: I was sent to take a letter to the apostle Paul. He chose me to accompany him through Syria and Cilicia on his
missionary work. In Philippi I was thrown in prison. Paul left me in Thessalonica when he was in fear of his life and later I
joined him in Corinth.

7: I was a prophetess. My baby brother was adopted by a foreign lady but we met again in later life. I didn't approve of his
Cushite wife. God gave me leprosy for seven days because I spoke against my brother.

8: I was a Nazarite from the womb. I set fire to a grain harvest using foxes with torches tied to their tales. I carried the city
gates of Gaza up to the top of a hill. My girlfriend betrayed me.

9: I was a Pharisee. I came to ask Jesus questions at night but I found his answers difficult to understand. When Jesus
died, I brought 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes to anoint his body.

10: I wasn't a very popular person because of my occupation. A man came past while I was working and asked me to
follow him. I got up, left everything and made this man a great feast.

Answers are available by completing the online version of the Bible Quiz and then requesting to have the answers
e-mailed to you.


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as http://www.biblequizzes.org.uk is credited as the source. Any other use including commercial use or online
publication requires written permission.

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